% % % test citations following APA manual % % author: Erik Meijer (Meijer@rulfsw.LeidenUniv.nl) % date: December 22, 1994. % % to be used with testAPA.tex and the apacite.sty package % and the apacite.bst bibstyle. The file apacite.tex % describes the package and bibstyle. % % see also readme.apa % @preamble{ {\newcommand{\Speaker}{(Speaker)}} # {\newcommand{\Director}{(Director)}} # {\newcommand{\Producer}{(Producer)}} } @article{1, author = {Paivio, A.}, year = {1975}, title = {Perceptual Comparisons Through the Mind's Eye}, journal = {Memory \& Cognition}, volume = {3}, pages = {635--647} } @article{2, author = {Becker, L. J. and Seligman, C.}, year = {1981}, title = {Welcome to the Energy Crisis}, journal = {Journal of Social Issues}, volume = {37}, number = {2}, pages = {1--7} } @article{3, author = {Horowitz, L. M. and Post, D. L. and French, R. S. and Wallis, K. D. and Siegelman, E. Y.}, year = {1981}, title = {The Prototype as a Construct in Abnormal Psychology: 2. {C}larifying Disagreement in Psychiatric Judgments}, journal = {Journal of Abnormal Psychology}, volume = {90}, pages = {575--585} } @article{4, author = {Winston, B. L. and Reinhart, M. L. and Sacker, J. R. and Gottlieb, W. and Oscar, B. B. and Harris, D. P.}, year = {1983}, title = {Effect of Intertrial Delays on Retardation of Learning}, journal = {Journal of Experimental Psychology: Animal Behavior Processes}, volume = {9}, pages = {581--593} } @article{5, author = {Corcoran, D. L. and Williamson, E. M.}, year = {in press}, title = {Unlearning Learned Helplessness}, journal = {Journal of Personality and Social Psychology} } @magazine{6, author = {Gardner, H.}, year = {1981}, month = dec, title = {Do Babies Sing a Universal Song?}, journal = {Psychology Today}, pages = {70--76} } @magazine{7, author = {Staff}, year = {1980}, month = sep, day = {1}, title = {Professionals Face Tax Rises as {IRS} Targets Personal-Service Corporations}, journal = {Behavior Today}, pages = {5} } @magazine{8, key = {``Study Finds''}, title = {Study Finds Free Care Used More}, year = {1982}, month = apr, journal = {{APA} Monitor}, pages = {14} } @magazine{9, author = {Lublin, J. S.}, year = {1980}, month = dec, day = {5}, title = {On Idle: The Unemployed Shun Much Mundane Work, At Least for a While}, journal = {The Wall Street Journal}, pages = {1, 25} } @magazine{10, author = {O'Neill, G. W.}, year = {1982}, month = jan, title = {In Support of {DSM-III}}, type = {Letter to the editor}, journal = {{APA} Monitor}, pages = {4} } @article{11, editor = {Glaser, R. and Bond, L.}, year = {1981}, title = {Testing: Concepts, Policy, Practice, and Research}, type = {Special issue}, journal = {American Psychologist}, volume = {36}, number = {10} } @article{12, author = {Hood, L. and Bloom, L.}, year = {1979}, title = {What, When, and How About Why: A Longitudinal Study of Early Expressions of Causality}, journal = {Monographs of the Society for Research in Child Development}, volume = {44}, number = {6, Serial No. 181} } @article{13, author = {Battig, W. F. and Montague, W. E.}, year = {1969}, title = {Category Norms of Verbal Items in 56 Categories: A Replication and Extension of the {C}onnecticut Category Norms}, journal = {Journal of Experimental Psychology Monographs}, volume = {80}, number = {3, Pt. 2} } @article{14, author = {Corrigan, J. D. and Dell, D. M. and Lewis, K. N. and Schmidt, L. D.}, year = {1980}, title = {Counseling as a Social Influence Process: A Review}, type = {Monograph}, journal = {Journal of Counseling Psychology}, volume = {27}, pages = {395--441} } @article{15, author = {Misumi, J. and Fujita, M.}, year = {1982}, title = {Effects of {PM} Organizational Development in Supermarket Organization}, journal = {Japanese Journal of Experimental Social Psychology}, volume = {21}, pages = {93--111}, note = {From \emph{Psychological Abstracts}, 1982, \emph{68}, Abstract No. 11474} } @article{16, author = {Koczkas, S. and Holmberg, G. and Wedin, L.}, year = {1981}, title = {A Pilot Study of the Effect of the 5-{HT} Uptake Inhibitor, Zimelidine, on Phobic Anxiety}, journal = {Acta Psychiatrica Scandinavica}, volume = {63}, number = {Suppl. 290}, pages = {328--341} } @article{17, author = {Cialdini, R. B. and Petty, R. E. and Cacioppo, J. T.}, year = {1981}, title = {Attitude and Attitude Change}, journal = {Annual Review of Psychology}, volume = {32}, pages = {357--404} } @article{18, author = {Assink, E. M. H. and Verloop, N.}, year = {1977}, title = {Het Aanleren van Deel-Geheel Relaties in het Aanvankelijk Rekenonderwijs}, englishtitle = {Teaching Part-Whole Relations in Elementary Mathematics Instruction}, journal = {Pedagogische Studi{\"e}n}, volume = {54}, pages = {130--142} } @article{19, author = {Stutte, H.}, year = {1972}, title = {Transcultural Child Psychiatry}, journal = {Acta Paedopsychiatrica}, volume = {38}, number = {9}, pages = {229--231} } @article{20, author = {Beatty, J.}, year = {1982}, title = {Task-Evoked Pupillary Responses, Processing Load, and the Structure of Processing Resources}, journal = {Psychological Bulletin}, volume = {91}, pages = {276--292} } @article{21, author = {Ree, M. J. and Mullins, C. J. and Mathews, J. J. and Massey, R. H.}, year = {1983}, title = {Vocational Aptitude Battery: Item and Factor Analyses}, journal = {Psychological Documents}, volume = {13}, pages = {3}, note = {Ms. No. 2469} } @book{22, author = {Strunk, Jr., W. and White, E. B.}, year = {1979}, title = {The Elements of Style}, edition = {3rd}, address = {New York}, publisher = {Macmillan} } @book{23, author = {{American Psychiatric Association}}, year = {1980}, title = {Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders}, edition = {3rd}, address = {Washington, DC}, publisher = {Author} } @book{24, editor = {Letheridge, S. and Cannon, C. R.}, year = {1980}, title = {Bilingual Education: Teaching {E}nglish as a Second Language}, address = {New York}, publisher = {Praeger} } @book{25, year = {1979}, title = {College Bound Seniors}, key = {``College Bound Seniors''}, address = {Princeton, NJ}, publisher = {College Board Publications} } @book{26, author = {Cohen, J.}, year = {1977}, title = {Statistical Power Analysis for the Behavioral Sciences}, edition = {rev.}, address = {New York}, publisher = {Academic Press} } @book{27, editor = {Wilson, J. G. and Fraser, F. C.}, year = {1977--1978}, title = {Handbook of Teratology}, volume = {1--4}, address = {New York}, publisher = {Plenum Press} } @book{28, author = {Piaget, J. and Inhelder, B.}, year = {1951}, title = {La Gen{\`e}se de l'Id{\'e}e de Hasard chez l'Enfant}, englishtitle = {The Origin of the Idea of Danger in the Child}, address = {Paris}, publisher = {Presses Universitaires de France} } @book{29, author = {Luria, A. R.}, year = {1969}, title = {The Mind of a Mnemonist}, translator = {Solotaroff, L.}, address = {New York}, publisher = {Avon Books}, originalyear = {1965} } @incollection{30, author = {Gurman, A. S. and Kniskern, D. P.}, year = {1981}, title = {Family Therapy Outcome Research: Knowns and Unknowns}, editor = {Gurman, A. S. and Kniskern, D. P.}, booktitle = {Handbook of Family Therapy}, pages = {742--775}, address = {New York}, publisher = {Brunner/Mazel} } @incollection{31, author = {Woodward, J. T.}, year = {in press}, title = {Children's Learning Systems}, editor = {Woodward, J. T. and Pimm, A. and Keenan, S. S. and Blum, M. N. and Hamner, H. A. and Sellzner, P.}, booktitle = {Research in Cognitive Development: Vol.~1. {L}ocal Cognition in Children}, address = {New York}, publisher = {Springer} } @incollection{32, author = {Epstein, A. N.}, year = {1967}, title = {Oropharyngeal Factors in Feeding and Drinking}, editor = {Code, C. F.}, booktitle = {Handbook of Physiology: Sec.~6. {A}limentary Canal: Vol.~1. {C}ontrol of Food and Water Intake}, pages = {197--218}, address = {Bethesda, MD}, publisher = {American Physiological Society} } @incollection{33, author = {Davydov, V. V.}, year = {1972}, title = {De Introductie vam het Begrip Grootheid in de Eerste Klas van de Basisschool: Een Experimenteel Onderzoek}, englishtitle = {The Introduction of the Concept of Quantity in the First Grade of the Primary School: An Experimental Study}, editor = {Van Parreren, C. F. and Carpay, J. A. M.}, booktitle = {Sovjetpsychologen aan het Woord}, pages = {227--289}, address = {Groningen, The Netherlands}, publisher = {Wolters-Noordhoff} } @incollection{34, author = {Freud, Sigmund}, year = {1961}, title = {The Ego and the Id}, editor = {Strachey, J.}, translator = {Strachey, J.}, booktitle = {The Standard Edition of the Complete Psychological Works of {S}igmund {F}reud}, volume = {19}, pages = {3--66}, address = {London}, publisher = {Hogarth Press}, originalyear = {1923} } @incollection{35, author = {Sluzki, C. E. and Beavin, J.}, year = {1977}, title = {Symmetry and Complementarity: An Operational Definition and a Typology of Dyads}, editor = {Watzlawick, P. and Weakland, J. H.}, translator = {Watzlawick, P. and Weakland, J. H.}, booktitle = {The Interactional View}, pages = {71--87}, address = {New York}, publisher = {Norton}, originaljournal = {Acta Psiqui{\'a}trica y Psicol{\'o}gica de America Latina}, originalyear = {1965}, originalvolume = {11}, originalpages = {321--330} } @techreport{36, author = {{National Institute of Mental Health}}, firstkey = {{National Institute of Mental Health [NIMH]}}, key = {{NIMH}}, year = {1982}, title = {Television and Behavior: Ten Years of Scientific Progress and Implications for the Eighties}, type = {{DHHS} Publication}, number = {ADM 82-1195}, address = {Washington, DC}, institution = {U.S. Government Printing Office} } @techreport{37, author = {Tandy, S.}, year = {1980}, title = {Development of Behavioral Techniques to Control Hyperaggressiveness in Young Children}, type = {{CYC} Report}, number = {80-3562}, address = {Washington, DC}, institution = {Council on Young Children}, note = {NTIS No. P880-143282} } @techreport{38, author = {Gottfredson, L. S.}, year = {1980}, title = {How Valid are Occupational Reinforcer Pattern Scores?}, type = {Report}, number = {CSOS-R-292}, address = {Baltimore, MD}, institution = {Johns Hopkins University, Center for Social Organization of Schools}, note = {ERIC Document Reproduction Service No. ED 182 465} } @techreport{39, author = {Brush, L.}, year = {1979}, title = {Why Women Avoid the Study of Mathematics: A Longitudinal Study}, type = {Contract}, number = {400-77-0099}, address = {Washington, DC}, institution = {National Institute of Education} } @intechreport{40, author = {Kandel, D.}, year = {1976}, title = {Study of High School Students: Student Questionnaire, {W}ave~1, {F}all~1971}, editor = {Nehemkis, A. and Macari, M. A. and Lettieri, D. J.}, booktitle = {Drug Abuse Instrument Handbook}, type = {Research Issues}, number = {12}, pages = {259--260}, address = {Rockville, MD}, institution = {National Institute of Education} } @techreport{41, author = {Newport, E. L.}, year = {1975}, title = {Motherese: The Speech of Mothers to Young Children}, number = {52}, address = {San Diego}, institution = {University of California, Center for Human Information Processing} } @techreport{42, editor = {Ben-Yishay, Y.}, year = {1981}, title = {Working Approaches to Remediation of Cognitive Deficits in Brain Damaged Persons}, type = {Rehabilitation Monograph}, number = {62}, address = {New York}, institution = {New York University Medical Center, Institute of Rehabilitation Medicine} } @techreport{43, author = {{Life Insurance Marketing and Research Association}}, firstkey = {{Life Insurance Marketing and Research Association [LIMRA]}}, key = {{LIMRA}}, year = {1978}, title = {Profits and the {AIB} in {U}nited {S}tates Ordinary Companies}, type = {Research Rep.}, number = {1978-6}, address = {Hartford, CT}, institution = {Author} } @incollection{44, author = {Chaddock, T. E. and Carlson, G. M. and Hamilton, C. L.}, year = {1974}, title = {Gastric Emptying of a Nutritionally Balanced Liquid Diet in the Rhesus Monkey}, editor = {Daniel, E. E.}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the {F}ourth {I}nternational {S}ymposium on {G}astrointestinal {M}otility}, pages = {83--92}, address = {Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada}, publisher = {Mitchell Press} } @article{45, author = {Thumin, F. J. and Craddick, R. A. and Barclay, A. G.}, year = {1973}, title = {Meaning and Compatibility of a Proposed Corporate Name and Symbol}, type = {Summary}, journal = {Proceedings of the 81st Annual Convention of the American Psychological Association}, volume = {8}, pages = {835--836} } @lecture{46, author = {Singh, R.}, year = {1980}, month = feb, title = {Multiplying Versus Differential-Weight Averaging as Integration Rule in Attribution of Gift Size}, chair = {Bhatia, C. M.}, symposium = {Dimensions of Information Processing}, howpublished = {Symposium conducted at the meeting of the {I}ndian {S}cience {C}ongress {A}ssociation, {C}alcutta} } @lecture{47, author = {Brener, J.}, year = {1979}, month = oct, title = {Energy, Information, and the Control of Heart Rate}, howpublished = {Paper presented at the meeting of the Society for Psychophysiological Research, Cincinnati, OH} } @phdthesis{48, author = {Pendar, J. E.}, year = {1982}, title = {Undergraduate Psychology Majors: Factors Influencing Decisions About College, Curriculum and Career}, journal = {Dissertation Abstracts International}, volume = {42}, pages = {4370A--4371A}, note = {University Microfilms No. 82-06, 181} } @phdthesis{49, author = {Foster-Havercamp, M. E.}, year = {1982}, title = {An Analysis of the Relationship Between Preservice Teacher Training and Directed Teaching Performance}, type = {Doctoral Dissertation}, school = {{U}niversity of {C}hicago}, originalyear = {1981}, journal = {Dissertation Abstracts International}, volume = {42}, pages = {4409A} } @phdthesis{50, author = {Devins, G. M.}, year = {1981}, title = {Helplessness, Depression, and Mood in Endstage Renal Disease}, type = {Unpublished Doctoral Dissertation}, school = {McGill University}, address = {Montreal} } @mastersthesis{51, author = {Ryerson, J. F.}, year = {1983}, title = {Effective Management Training: Two Models}, school = {Clarkson College of Technology}, address = {Potsdam, NY} } @unpublished{52, author = {Cameron, S. E.}, year = {1981}, title = {Educational Level as a Predictor of Success}, howpublished = {Unpublished manuscript} } @unpublished{53, author = {Gottfredson, G. D.}, year = {1978}, title = {Why Don't Vocational Interests Predict Job Satisfaction Better Than They Do?}, howpublished = {Unpublished manuscript}, organization = {Johns Hopkins University, Center for Social Organization of Schools}, address = {Baltimore}, } @unpublished{54, author = {Palm, E. J.}, year = {1981}, title = {Associative Learning and Recognition}, howpublished = {Manuscript submitted for publication} } @unpublished{55, author = {Herbert, C. A.}, year = {1983}, type = {Facilitating Learning Efficiency: Assessment Scores}, howpublished = {Unpublished raw data} } @unpublished{56, editor = {Bailey, A. C.}, year = {1980}, month = may, title = {Newsletter of the {C}ommittee on {W}omen in {A}thletics}, note = {Available from [name and address]} } @article{57, author = {Carmody, T. P.}, year = {1982}, title = {A New Look at Medicine from the Social Perspective}, type = {Review of \emph{Social contexts of health, illness, and patient care}}, journal = {Contemporary Psychology}, volume = {27}, pages = {208--209} } @article{58, author = {Bowers, K. S.}, year = {1982}, title = {Deeper into ``{D}eeper into Hypnosis''}, type = {Review of \emph{Deeper into hypnosis}}, journal = {Contemporary Psychology}, volume = {27}, pages = {223--224} } @magazine{59, author = {Newman, P.}, year = {1982}, month = jan, type = {Interview with William Epstein, editor of \emph{JEP: Human Perception and Performance}}, journal = {{APA} Monitor}, pages = {7, 39} } @misc{60, author = {{Maas, J. B. {\Producer}} and Gluck, D. H. {\Director}}, key = {Maas \BBA\ Gluck}, year = {1979}, title = {Deeper into Hypnosis}, type = {Film}, address = {Englewood Cliffs, NJ}, publisher = {Prentice-Hall} } @misc{61, author = {Clark, K. B. {\Speaker}}, year = {1976}, title = {Problems of Freedom and Behavior Modification}, type = {Cassette Recording}, number = {7612}, address = {Washington, DC}, publisher = {American Psychological Association} } @misc{62, author = {Miller, W. and Miller, A. and Kline, G.}, year = {1975}, title = {The {CPS} 1974 {A}merican National Election Study}, type = {Machine-readable data file}, howpublished = {Ann Arbor: University of Michigan, Center for Political Studies (Producer)}, address = {Ann Arbor}, publisher = {Inter-University Consortium for Political and Social Research (Distributor)} } @misc{63, author = {Fernandes, F. D.}, year = {1972}, title = {Theoretical Prediction of Interference Loading on Aircraft Stores: Part 1. {S}ubsonic Speeds}, type = {Computer program}, address = {Pomona, CA}, publisher = {General Dynamics, Electro Dynamics Division}, note = {National Aeronautics and Space Administration Report No. NASA CR-112065-1; Acquisition No. LAR-11249} }