## family.bib ## Copyright 1999-2000 Christophe Geuzaine # # Last Mod by Christophe on Sun Aug 27 21:22:09 2000 # # This program can be redistributed and/or modified under the terms # of the LaTeX Project Public License distributed from CTAN # archives in directory macros/latex/base/lppl.txt; either # version 1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. # # 'directory' package: sample bib file # # important notes: # * 'birthday' field format: "day month" # * For married couples, be aware that an entry of the form 'Hillary and # Bill Clinton' will produce silly alphabetical sorting, since BibTeX # thinks Hillary is a last name. A better (but not perfect, and a little # bit macho) way to proceed is to introduce 'Bill Clinton and Hillary'. # The best way is of course to introduce 'Bill Clinton and Hillary Rodham'. # (An even better way is to introduce 'Clinton, William Jefferson # Blythe III and Rodham, Hillary' and put 'Bill' in the nickname field.) @Person{c.geuzaine, name = "Christophe Geuzaine", birthday = "06 02", birthyear = "1973", p.email = "Christophe.Geuzaine@advalvas.be", w.title = "Ir., Research Assistant", w.name = "University of Li{\`e}ge, Dept. of Electrical Engineering", w.address = "Institut Montefiore (B28, P32, I21),\\ Sart Tilman Campus, B-4000 Li{\`e}ge, Belgium", w.phone = "+32-(0)4-366.37.10", w.fax = "+32-(0)4-366.29.10", w.email = "Christophe.Geuzaine@ulg.ac.be", w.url = "http://www.geuz.org/", } @Person{d.e.knu, name = "Knudson, Donald Ernest", birthday = "29 01", p.phone = "+01-(0)2-234.56.78", p.email = "duck@novosi.uni.gnu", note = "1952 Permafrost Press Award winner", } @Person{d.d.knu, name = "Knudson, Daffy Duck and Bunny, Bugs and Pluto", nickname = "gnat and gnu and pluto", birthday = "10 02 and 05 11 and 01 01", p.address = "Haight Street 512, 80214 Novosibirsk, Gnuland", p.phone = "+01-(0)2-765.43.21", p.cellular = "+01-(0)5-555.55.55", p.account = "010-1234567-05", r.address = "Manor Lane 2, 80214 Novosibirsk, Gnuland", r.phone = "+01-(0)2-876.54.32", w.name = "University of Novosibirsk, Department of Octopus Parthenogenesis", w.address = "Planck Institut (V1-V2, Park. U-67), Hessenberg Road, 80214 Novosibirsk, Gnuland", } @Person{b.b.knu, name = "Bip B. Knudson", nickname = "road runner", birthday = "27 02", p.email = "bip_bip@free.prov.gnu", }