% Webpage with lastchecked and date @webpage{url:weapas, url = {http://www.beadsland.com/NN/ARC/1996/beadsland/ROOT/weapas/html/index/}, title = {Web Extension to {American Psychological Association} Style ({WEAPAS}) (Rev.2.0)}, author = {B Land}, year = 2001, month = jul, lastchecked = {23 October 2002} } @Webpage{apastyle, url = {http://www.apastyle.org/elecref.html}, author = {{American Psychological Association}}, title = {Electronic References}, year = 2001, lastchecked = {23 October 2002}, note = {Excerpted from 5th edition of the APA Publication Manual} } @webpage{url:iso690, author = {{International Standards Organisation}}, title = {{ISO 690-2}}, url = {http://www.nlc-bnc.ca/iso/tc46sc9/standard/690-2e.htm}, lastchecked = {20 August 2001} } @Webpage{gone:classroom96, title = {Citing Internet Addresses: how students should reference online sources in their bibliographies}, year = 1996, month = mar, key = {Classroom}, url = "http://www.classroom.net/classroom/CitingNetResources.html" } @Webpage{emory95, author = "libsf@web.cc.emory.edu", title = "Citation Formats", date = {1997}, lastchecked = {23 October 2002}, url = "http://www.emory.edu/WHSCL/citation.formats.html" } @Book{walker, author = {Janice R. Walker and Todd Taylor}, title = {The Columbia Guide to Online Style}, publisher = {Columbia University Press}, year = 1998, url = {http://www.columbia.edu/cu/cup/cgos/}, lastchecked = {23 October 2002} } @Webpage{walker-orig, title = {{MLA}-Style Citations of Electronic Sources}, author = {Janice R. Walker}, url = {http://www.cas.usf.edu/english/walker/mla.html}, year = 1995, lastchecked = {23 October 2002}, note = {Updated and superceded by \cite{walker}} } @Webpage{texfaq, url = {http://www.tex.ac.uk/cgi-bin/texfaq2html?label=citeURL}, title = {{UK \TeX\ FAQ: URLs in \BibTeX\ bibliographies}}, key = {UK TeX FAQ}, year = 2002, lastchecked = {23 October 2002} } % Following are test entries % Article with URL and lastchecked @article{test:towell, title = {Presence in Text-Based Networked Virtual Environments or `{MUDs}'}, author = {John Towell and Elizabeth Towell}, journal = {Presence}, volume = 6, number = 5, pages = {590-595}, year = 1997, url = {http://www-unix.mcs.anl.gov/~towell/presence.html}, lastchecked = {13 February 2002} } % Book with URL, lastchecked, and note. @Book{test:raymond99, author = {Eric S Raymond}, title = {The Cathedral and the Bazaar}, publisher = {O'Reilly}, year = 1999, url = {http://www.tuxedo.org}, isbn = {1-56592-724-9}, lastchecked = {1 April 2002}, note = {The seminal book on the commercialisation of open-source} } % Plain book, no URLs at all @book{test:laurillard93, author = {Diana Laurillard}, title = {Rethinking University Teaching}, publisher = {Routledge}, year = 1993 } % Webpage with lastchecked but no date @webpage{test:iso690, author = {{International Standards Organisation}}, title = {{ISO 690-2}}, url = {http://www.nlc-bnc.ca/iso/tc46sc9/standard/690-2e.htm}, lastchecked = {20 August 2001} } % Webpage with date but no lastchecked @Webpage{test:classroom96, title = {Citing Internet Addresses: how students should reference online sources in their bibliographies}, year = 1996, month = mar, key = {Classroom}, url = "http://www.classroom.net/classroom/CitingNetResources.html" } % Webpage with neither date nor lastchecked @Webpage{test:emory95, author = "libsf@web.cc.emory.edu", title = "Citation Formats", url = "http://www.emory.edu/WHSCL/citation.formats.html" }