In the age of globalizationa also TeX should become "worldwide"... This simple shell script gets a latex source file and finds the needed bibtex records in the physics archive at WWW-SPIRES.SLAC.STANFORD.EDU. References must be in standard form: \cite{Witten:1997ep} or \cite{hep-th/9703030}. Spires has provided a unique "two letter label" attached to each paper ("ep" above) following the Author:Year identification. Of course one has to look there once, to know it. However xxx e-print numbers are also supported labels, allowing you to retrieve the full records (for published works, then) from just these. The script uses awk, sed, lynx, bibtex and sometimes latex to generate the aux file. Further details inside the file. ## THIS SHELL SCRIPT RUNS ONLY UNDER UNIX! ## USAGE: "findbib filename[.tex or .aux]" INSTALLATION: After you untar it "tar xvf findbib.tar", just put findbib on your path and render it executable: "chmod +x findbib". (there is also an "example.tex" file). Let me know of suggestions, improvements at . Further versions will probably appear at . And thanks to Hrvoje 'Harv' Galic at SPIRES for collaboration! cheers, Fabrizio Nesti