BibTexMng Version 2.0 BibTexMng is a very easy to use product of bibliographic software for Windows. BibTexMng combines online searching, reference management, bibliography making, and information sharing into a single user-friendly environment. It was written to be used with Latex, using Bibtex. BibTexMng is a program for manipulating BibTeX database files. These files contain all the relevant data, and sometimes additional information such as abstracts and keywords, but do not specify the final format in which this data will be presented. The data is organized into records, in which each record is identified by a unique key or label. BibTexMng requires Windows 95 or NT 3.51, or later editions of MS Windows. BibTexMng can be used for general purposes and is free distributed. There is no necessity to register for using BibTexMng, or moreover, to buy a licence to use it. But you may not change a single bit, you may not exclude any files or add somthing to the package and you may not make another package on this basis. We do not warrant that the software is error free. Installation BibTexMng is distributed as BibTexMng.exe. Run BibTexMng.exe and simply follow the on-screen instructions to install BibTexMng. BibTexMng is copyright (C) 2000-2001, by Petr and Nikolay Vabishchevich. Contact: Home Page: e-mail: