TeXhax Yr86 Issue#4 texhax04.861108 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% 31-Oct-86 10:42:21-PST,1602;000000000000 Return-Path: Date: Fri, 31 Oct 86 13:33 EST >From: KARNEY%PPC.MFENET@LLL-MFE.ARPA Subject: Parameters for METAFONT on QMS 1200 printers To: TEXHAX@SCORE.ARPA Is anyone collecting METAFONT parameters for various printers? I think this would be useful since the wrong settings can lead to poor characters. I had a problem with QMS 1200 laser printers (which uses a Xerox engine) in that thin lines would disappear. I fixed this by increasing blacker, so that mode_def qms reads: mode_def qms = % qms mode: for the QMS (Xerox engine) proofing:=0; % no, we're not making proofs fontmaking:=1; % yes, we are making a font tracingtitles:=0; % no, don't show titles at all pixels_per_inch:=300; % that's the meaning of lowres blacker:=.8; % make pens a bit blacker fillin:=.2; % compensate for diagonal fillin o_correction:=.4; % but don't overshoot as much enddef; However I haven't fully explored the parameter space. If anyone knows of a better (or "authorized") solution, I'd appreciate hearing about it. What about the settings for the Apple LaserWriter and QMS 800 (both? with Canon engines)? Does anyone have experience with these? All this is with CM fonts version 2 (spring 86). ---Charles Karney Karney%PPC@LLL-MFE.ARPA CC: TEXHAX@SCORE.ARPA KARNEY 31-Oct-86 15:07:28-PST,708;000000000000 Return-Path: Date: 31 Oct 86 15:54:00 MST >From: Subject: DVI-to-Xerox 4045 To: "texhax" Reply-To: Does anyone know where to find a dvi-driver for the Xerox 4045 laser printer? System is a microVax running ULTRIX. The 4045 has the same command set as the Xerox 2700 (in theory) although portrait and landscape modes are reversed (physically in the sense of how the laser scans the page) so font downloads are affected. Any and all information would be appreciated. David Strip (505) 844-3962, Arpanet: DRSTRIP@SANDIA-2 ------ 31-Oct-86 18:56:12-PST,758;000000000000 Return-Path: Date: Fri, 31 Oct 86 18:57:33 PST >From: Reply-To: RAF%NIHCU.BITNET@forsythe.stanford.edu To: TEXHAX@score.stanford.edu Subject: TeX for chemistry and biology To: TeXhax@score.stanford.edu >From: "Roger Fajman" Date: Fri, 31 Oct 86 17:28:28 EST Subject: TeX for chemistry and biology Does anyone have any special TeX macros and/or fonts for application areas such as chemistry, biology, etc. Roger Fajman RAF@NIHCU.BITNET National Institutes of Health 1-Nov-86 05:35:22-PST,2115;000000000000 Return-Path: Date: 31 OCT 86 10:30-PST >From: BEN%YMIR.BITNET@WISCVM.WISC.EDU To: TEXHAX@SCORE.STANFORD.EDU Subject: a larger version of TeX? I have two questions which have been troubling me: 1) I'd like to create a 32 bit version of TeX. I know a bothersome LaTeX user who creates files which use up all of TeX's available memory. Unfortunately, creating a bigger version has proven to be a more complicated process than I had hoped. I tried changing the values of QUARTERWORD and HALFWORD from 2^8-1 and 2^16-1 to 2^16-1 and 2^32-1 respectively. This change makes the Tangling of TeX result in a large number of errors. I've tried various piecemeal type changes to get around the errors (eg. setting the values QUARTER- and HALF- word to lower values, and twiddling various other values as seemed appropriate based on the error messages) but to no avail. The error messages were something like VALUE TOO LARGE, and occurred in both the tangling process and the writing of the file. Has anybody performed this operation before? We are running TeX version 1.3, which we received from TeXas. For what it's worth, we are running VMS 4.4 on an 8600, and trying to use VAX/VMS Pascal V3.4. 2) A different LaTeX user is using \marginpar to put a note in the right or left margin depending on the page number. While this works correctly in most cases, in one case (at the very top of a page) it puts the note in the wrong margin. Is there a fix for this little quirk? Thanks in advance for any suggestions, Ben Staat Math Dept., Harvey Mudd College bitnet=====> ben@ymir edu========> engvax!ymir!ben@csvax.caltech.edu analog=====> (714) 621-8006 1-Nov-86 17:51:51-PST,1000;000000000000 Return-Path: Date: Sat, 1 Nov 86 20:52:41 EST >From: Simson L. Garfinkel Message-Id: <8611020152.AA05116@MEDIA-LAB.MIT.EDU> To: texhax@su-score.arpa Subject: request and message Reply-To: simsong@MEDIA-LAB.MEDIA.MIT.EDU Zippy: Is a tattoo real, like a curb or a battleship? Or are we suffering in Safeway? Please add me to the TexHax mailinglist. Please also submit this query. Thank you. ================================================================ Has anybody succeded in making TeX use the built-in TimesRoman font in the Apple Laserwriter? If not, I'm about to embark on this project. I'm not looking forward to it, but TR looks so much better than CMR... Thanks in advance, Simson L. Garfinkel MIT Media Lab % The DVILASER program from Textset provides TFM files for Times-Roman. % Also, both versions of the TeX on the Mac (MacTeX and TeXtures) support % the use of Times-Roman. % Anyone know of other programs? % Malcolm % 1-Nov-86 20:11:25-PST,1770;000000000000 Return-Path: Date: Sat, 1 Nov 86 20:16:26 pst >From: king@kestrel.ARPA (Dick King) Message-Id: <8611020416.AA14291@kestrel.ARPA> To: PALLAS@Sushi.Stanford.EDU Cc: su-computers@Sushi.Stanford.EDU, unix-tex@WARD.CS.WASHINGTON.EDU, texhax@Score.Stanford.EDU, winslett@Score.Stanford.EDU In-Reply-To: Joseph I. Pallas's message of Thu 30 Oct 86 10:45:25-PST Subject: Treat for TeXxies. Date: Thu 30 Oct 86 10:45:25-PST From: Joseph I. Pallas Resent-Date: Sat 1 Nov 86 14:18:08-PST Resent-From: Richard Furuta Resent-To: ;@Unix-TeX I'm not exactly a TeX wizard, but I can't resist this kind of puzzle, because I generally learn something. This time I learned that there may or may not be a bug in TeX. I can't tell from The TeXbook whether this behavior is correct or not. I'm pretty sure that it's wrong, though. This is the problem---in the following example, mumble gets executed: \def\mumble{\message{Boy, am I confused!}} \let\foo\else \iffalse\let\foo\mumble\fi I'm pretty sure that shouldn't happen, but the manual doesn't seem to go into enough detail about how ifs are processed for me to be certain. Can anyone tell me whether this is a bug? I think \mumble SHOULD have expanded. (I must admit my TeX-hacking is a bit rusty.) after \let\foo\else \iffalse\let\foo\mumble\fi is treated as identical to \iffalse\let\else\mumble\fi, which reduces to \mumble, which expands to \message{...}. joe -dick 2-Nov-86 17:31:06-PST,1041;000000000000 Return-Path: Date: Sun, 2 Nov 86 19:45:35 EST >From: Karl Berry To: texhax%score.stanford.edu@RELAY.CS.NET Subject: Ignoring spaces. Nelson Beebe's comment about times when whitespace is significant, but shouldn't be, is well-taken. When designing a format file, indentation and end-of-lines should be ignored. It should be easy to redefine ^^M to \ignorespaces (which will ignore following spaces) and change % to an active character: \def%#1^^M{\unskip\ignorespaces} which should remove spaces before the % (in case you like your comments aligned) and spaces on the line afterwards. Karl. kbb@browncs.csnet {ihnp4, decvax, ucbvax, ...}!brunix!kbb 3-Nov-86 06:19:59-PST,1688;000000000000 Return-Path: Date: Mon, 3 Nov 86 9:14:01 EST >From: broome@BRL.ARPA Sender: broome@BRL.ARPA To: TeXHAX@su-score.arpa, broome@BRL.ARPA To: TeXHAX@su-score Subject: Re: LaTeX query Newsgroups: net.text In-Reply-To: <2022@eagle.ukc.ac.uk> Organization: Ballistic Research Lab (BRL), APG, MD. Cc: broome Forwarded from USENET: In article <2022@eagle.ukc.ac.uk> trh writes: > >Please will somebody help a confused LaTeX user? > >If I use the following > >\tt >\begin{tabbing} >123456\=7 \=123456789012\= \kill >\>\>CALL E02ADF(M,KPLUS1,NROWS,X,Y,W,WORK1,WORK2 \\ >\>+\>\>,A,S,IFAIL) >\end{tabbing} >\rm >This is not the start of a new paragraph! Lots of text to see whether or > >The effect is what I want i.e., the text following the tabbing is left >justified (does NOT start a new paragraph). > >If I define a newenvironment > >\newenvironment{egcall}{ \tt \begin{tabbing} 123456\=7 \=123456789012\= \kill}{ \end{tabbing} \rm} > >and use > >\begin{egcall} >\>\>CALL E02ADF(M,KPLUS1,NROWS,X,Y,W,WORK1,WORK2 \\ >\>+\>\>,A,S,IFAIL) >\end{egcall} > >then the line follwing the \end{egcall} starts a new paragraph. I've tried >putting \protect's in all conceivable positions without success. Where is >the new paragraph coming from and how do I stop it? > > >Tim Hopkins, >Computing Laboratory, >University of Kent, >Canterbury CT2 7NF >Kent >U.K. > >{ trh@ukc.UUCP > trh%ukc@ucl-cs.ARPA > na.hopkins@su-score.ARPA } Forwarded by Paul Broome broome@brl.arpa broome@brl.uucp % %\bye % -------