TeXhax Digest Friday, January 23, 1987 Volume 87 : Issue 05 TEXHAX05.87 Editor: Malcolm Brown Today's Topics: BibTeX (non)features including PostScript in TeX IBM Printer Utilities ArborText's software Doublespacing in AmSTeX Metafont vs Linotron 100 Metafont command line on TOPS-20 Incorporating program listings in LaTeX documents? Indexing option for LaTeX? Rochester LaTeX Style repository available in U.K. how do you get of space? ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: 18 Jan 87 12:24:16 EST (Sun) From: Jean-Francois Lamy To: texhax@score.stanford.edu Subject: BibTeX (non)features In-Reply-To: Your message of 18 Jan 87 00:54:41 GMT. This is a request for a capability to retrieve BibTeX database entries by key and be able to use their fields when formatting the current entry (i.e. after all the entries have been hash-coded and sorting has been done) When I saw that BibTeX had both @PROCEEDINGS and @INPROCEEDINGS entries I expected that there would be a way to type the information about a conference only once (in the PROCEEDINGS) entry, and have BibTeX fish out the necessary details for INPROCEEDINGS entry. It is frustrating to have to correct entries for 10 articles because you misspelled the name of the city... This would require a field in INPROCEEDINGS to contain the key of the corresponding PROCEEDINGS entry, and BibTeX's toy language would have to be extended to allow for retrieving it (at present it can only talk about the entry currently being formatted) Another use for the ability to retrieve entries in the Database when constructing the format for the current entry is to handle hard to get seminal articles that appear elsewhere, e.g. Bla Bla Bla, Addison-Wesley, 1916. Reprinted in Foo Bar Baz, 1986. The crucial point here is that Foo Bar Baz has to be formatted according to its entry type, so another extension to the language may be needed (since there is no way to call the formatting routine from the unnamed language) As a final note, does anyone have a .bst file for the "Harvard" Format, e.g. Hayes, P.J. (1984a) The second naive physics manifesto, ... In this format the cite command would produce the year with the appropriate suffix. Jean-Francois Lamy CSNet: lamy@ai.toronto.edu AI Group, Dept of Computer Science ARPA: lamy%ai.toronto.edu@relay.cs.net University of Toronto EAN: lamy@ai.toronto.cdn Toronto, ON, Canada UUCP: lamy@utai.uucp M5S 1A4 BITNET: lamy@ai.utoronto ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 19 Jan 87 03:05:43 EST From: trevor@linc.cis.upenn.edu (Trevor Darrell) Posted-Date: Mon, 19 Jan 87 03:05:43 EST To: laser-lovers@ward.cs.washington.edu, texhax@score.stanford.edu Subject: including PostScript in TeX psfig/TeX -- include PostScript (and Macintosh) figures inside a TeX document. Psfig/TeX is a new macro package for TeX that facilitates the inclusion of arbitrary PostScript figures into TeX documents. Figures are automatically scaled and positioned on the page, and the proper amount of space is reserved. Custom characters may be created and used freely throughout a document. Since the Macintosh drawing applications produce PostScript, they can be used to create figures. \begin{sales pitch} The most appealing feature of psfig/tex is its clean user interface; whenever possible assumptions are made about where the figure should go and what size it should be, so the user need not explicitly specify anything but the name of the figure. Psfig/tex searces the file for it's bounding box comment to find its natural size if the size is not specified, or in order to scale it evenly (if the user only specifies a height or a width but not both). The figure is always placed at the current TeX pen position, and the PostScript enviornemnt is the "standard" (ie non-dvips) one. Of course, all default actions may be overridden in a reasonable way. Lots of options. \end{sales pitch} System Requirements: Right now dvips (from TextSet or ArborText or whatever they are calling themselves this week) is the only supported postprocessor. Porting to dvi2ps hasn't yet been done, but should not be difficult. **> Psfig/TeX is available via anonymous ftp at linc.cis.upenn.edu ( and <** (see below for uucp) The main shar file is pub/psfigtex.shar (~100K); a full PostScript copy of the documentation is in pub/psfigtex.ps (~0.8MB); some expensive figures used in the documentation but not included in the shar file are in pub/figs/fancyimage.ps and pub/figs/psfig.ps.1 (about a half meg combined). If you don't have the expensive figures and run off a copy of the documentation, the figures will come out in draft mode (just a filename, no figure). Since these two figres are roughly 4 times as large as all the other figures, source, and text combined, I kept them separate. The full PostScript copy has the expensive figures. psfigtex.shar is also being posted to mod.sources. If people in uucp land cant wait that long I may be able to mail out some copies; send me your mailbox relative to some arpanet relay. horror stories, comments, suggestions, sucess stories, and other assorted trivia can be sent to trevor@grasp.cis.upenn.edu or linc.cis.upenn.edu. ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 19 Jan 87 14:19 EST From: O'Boyle@MIT-MULTICS.ARPA Subject: IBM Printer Utilities To: texhax@SCORE.STANFORD.EDU Question: Are current versions of the IBM Printer Utilities as distributed on the TeX tapes available for FTP anywhere? ------------------------------ From: bwb%arbortext@umix.cc.umich.edu Date: Mon, 19 Jan 87 16:09:53 EST To: TeXhax@Score.Stanford.EDU Subject: ArborText's software An item was recently posted to TeXhax that contained some incorrect information about the TeX software products distributed by ArborText (formerly Textset). All ArborText products support the most current release of TeX including support for the CMR fonts in GF, PK, or PXL formats. Many of our customers have obtained our products after careful evaluation of public domain and commercial software. Others use some of our products in conjunction with public domain software. Our customers value the support that we offer, and we believe a fairer evaluation of our support services could be made by our customers rather than by individuals who have no direct experience with our organization. Our products are not intended to "compete" with the public domain. In fact, we believe interest in commercial TeX products has grown as a result of the unusually large and active community using public domain implementations of TeX and other related software. We are thus indebted to the fine efforts of many of the active contributors to this mailing list. Bruce Baker, ArborText Disclaimer: I work for ArborText. ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 20 Jan 87 14:13:25 EST From: Steve Buyske To: TEXHAX%SCORE.STANFORD.EDU@WISCVM.ARPA Subject: Doublespacing in AmSTeX Is there a good way to alter the amsppt style (for AmSTeX) to allow double-spacing for copy-editing? While I'm at it, is there a repository of AmSTeX style sheets out there somewhere? Thanks, Steve Buyske ST401266 at BROWNVM.BITNET ------------------------------ Date: 20 Jan 87 21:40:22 EST (Tue) From: Jean-Francois Lamy To: texhax@score.stanford.edu Subject: Metafont vs Linotron 100 Does anybody have a suitable set of Metafont parameters for a Linotron 100 typesetter? I would also be interested to communicate with anyone producing TeX output on very high resolution PostScript devices. Jean-Francois Lamy CSNet: lamy@ai.toronto.edu AI Group, Dept of Computer Science ARPA: lamy%ai.toronto.edu@relay.cs.net University of Toronto EAN: lamy@ai.toronto.cdn Toronto, ON, Canada UUCP: lamy@utai.uucp M5S 1A4 BITNET: lamy@ai.utoronto ------------------------------ Date: Wed 21 Jan 87 08:34:37-CST From: Donald Blais Subject: Metafont command line on TOPS-20 To: texhax@SCORE.STANFORD.EDU METAFONT, Tops-20 Version 1.0 (preloaded base=plain 86.2.4), gives the following results to MF commands depending on whether or not a leading semicolon is included. Is this the expected behavior? @mf \nonstopmode;mode=imagen;mag=1.0;input cmcsc10 CMCSC10.300GF @mf; \nonstopmode;mode=imagen;mag=1.0;input cmcsc10 CMCSC10.300GF @mf ;\nonstopmode;mode=imagen;mag=1.0;input cmcsc10 CMCSC10.2602GF @mf; ;\nonstopmode;mode=imagen;mag=1.0;input cmcsc10 CMCSC10.2602GF @mf\nonstopmode;mode=imagen;mag=1.0;input cmcsc10 ?Unrecognized command - Invalid character in filename - "mf" @mf;\nonstopmode;mode=imagen;mag=1.0;input cmcsc10 ?Unrecognized command - Invalid character in filename - "mf;" ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 22 Jan 87 11:19:31 GMT From: Stephen Page To: TeXHax <@Cs.Ucl.AC.UK:TeXHax@score.stanford.edu> Subject: Incorporating program listings in LaTeX documents? (I asked this ages ago on Unix-TeX with little result, but perhaps someone has found a solution now...) I need to include a lengthy group of program listings as an appendix in a LaTeX document. Has anyone rebuilt the vgrind/tgrind programs so they can be used to format listings which can be incorporated inside a LaTeX environment? The idea would be to retain page styles, numbering and other document style characteristics, but to produce emboldened keywords etc in the listing. Ye Olde \tt font gets a bit wearing after a few dozen pages... - Stephen Page Programming Research Group JANET sdpage@uk.ac.ox.prg University of Oxford ARPA (old) sdpage%prg.oxford@ucl-cs.arpa 11 Keble Road ARPA (new) sdpage%prg.oxford.ac.uk@cs.ucl.ac.uk Oxford OX1 3QD UUCP ...!ukc!ox-prg!sdpage U.K. BITNET sdpage%uk.ac.oxford.prg@AC.UK Tel. (0865) 273856 (direct line) +44-865-273856 ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 22 Jan 87 11:52:48 GMT From: Stephen Page To: TeXHax <@Cs.Ucl.AC.UK:TeXHax@score.stanford.edu> Subject: Indexing option for LaTeX? In TeXHax volume 1, issue 6, Leslie Lamport released the excellent news that There should soon be an index-making facility for LaTeX. There's a preliminary version written as a Unix shell script, and Peehong Chen at Berkeley has volunteered to code it in C. Is there any more recent news about this facility? Is the shell script short enough to post to unix-tex? (Note: some of us in other corners of the world cannot really FTP things from Arpa sites.) Thanks - S. ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 22 Jan 87 14:43:34 GMT From: Stephen Page To: Unix-TeX@ward.cs.washington.edu, TeXhax@score.stanford.edu Subject: Rochester LaTeX Style repository available in U.K. A complete set of the Rochester LaTeX style repository is held on one of our machines at Oxford, to save transatlantic communications costs and hassles for users of JANET. For the moment, people in the UK requiring files from this archive should mail a note to me. We do not have any automatic mechanism to reply to requests, so please be nice. If another site has a better system they are welcome to volunteer! - Stephen Page Programmi