TeXhax Digest Friday, March 13, 1987 Volume 87 : Issue 18 TEXHAX18.87 Editor: Malcolm Brown Today's Topics: am font .dvi to cm font .dvi `undump' command for Sequent BALANCE LaTeX outline environment? WYSIWYG TeX A possible MF/CMR bug? Re: Changes to CMR17 Portuguese hyphenation table *** Announcement *** Font request A BibTeX question Short Macros; TeXMaG looking for VMS FFE.EXE program (Ln01) tr2tex and textools ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: Tue, 3 Mar 87 12:45:52 PST From: Reply-To: CWW0439%TAMVENUS.BITNET@forsythe.stanford.edu To: TeXhax@score.stanford.edu Subject: am font .dvi to cm font .dvi This may seem bizarre, but does anyone know how you could convert a .dvi file created to use the old am fonts to the cm fonts? I do not have the original .tex file. Is there any way to have a dvi driver substitute for the old am fonts? Any suggestions would be appreciated. Cliff Walton CWW0439@TAMVENUS.BITNET ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 2 Mar 87 15:12:59+0900 From: Kazuhiko Kato To: TeXhax@SCORE.STANFORD.EDU Subject: `undump' command for Sequent BALANCE I'm finding `undump' command for Sequent BALANCE (multiprocessor Unix machine based on 4.2BSD) which makes an a.out format file from core file. TeX82 distribution tape includes undump command for VAX, SUN and Pyramid, but not for Sequent BALANCE. Please reply by E-mail if you have the undump command for Sequent BALANCE or know any information about it. -- Kazuhiko KATO kato@gama.is.tsukuba.junet ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 3 Mar 87 19:33:25 PST From: zar@Xhmeia.Caltech.Edu To: texhax@score.stanford.edu X-ST-Vmsmail-To: ST%"texhax@score.stanford.edu" Since it does appear that many people use PLAIN TeX, how many of you would be interested in a 70+ page document on how to get started using TeX w/the PLAIN macro package? This document has been used to teach a TeX course at Caltech and was given high praise from participants (9 out of 10 10=best). How many would be willing to pay for this (if we try to publish the text)? I'd be interested in hearing general comments from the TeX community on this issue. Daniel Zirin (Zar) ZAR @ CITCHEM -- Bitnet ZAR @ XHMEIA.CALTECH.EDU ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 3 Mar 87 11:15:15 CST From: William LeFebvre Subject: LaTeX outline environment? To: TeXhax@score.stanford.edu Does anyone have a LaTeX environment for a standard outline form (or even a not-so-standard form)? I would like to use it in a class syllabus. I can't find anything that claims to do this in the LaTeX-Style repository at Rochester. Has anyone done such a thing as this? I've been thinking about embarking on this task myself, but I don't want to "reinvent the wheel". William LeFebvre Department of Computer Science Rice University ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 4 Mar 87 12:55:19 est From: mroth@afit-ab.arpa (Mark A. Roth) To: texhax@score.stanford.edu Subject: WYSIWYG TeX In the Fall 86/Winter 87 Sun User Group README is a reference to a "WYSIWYG Tex Document Preparation System" from Textset, Inc. Is this a TeX product? Can anyone supply any more details or a phone number for Textset to get some details? Mark Roth ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 4 Mar 87 10:45:52 PST From: cel@CitHex.Caltech.Edu (Chuck Lane) Subject: A possible MF/CMR bug? To: texhax@Score.Stanford.Edu There appears to be a problem with some of the '8's produced by Metafont in certain sizes....there is a gap in the upper right loop. It's generally the smaller (<10pt) sizes where it shows up, but seems to occur at larger magnifications and resolutions as well, although the $ ptsize * magnification \approx constant $ over the range in which the problem occurs. For example, here's the mode_def we use for an imagen printer: mode_def imagen = % imagen mode: for the Imagen 8/300 (Canon engine) proofing:=0; % no, we're not making proofs fontmaking:=1; % yes, we are making a font tracingtitles:=0; % no, don't show titles in the log pixels_per_inch:=300; blacker:=0; % Canon engine is black enough fillin:=.2; % and it tends to fill in diagonals o_correction:=.6; % enddef; and if we run MF (V1.0 VAX/VMS) with it: MF &cmbase \mode=imagen; mag=1.000; input cmr7 then GFtype says that the output in CMR7.300GF is 5170: beginning of char 56: 1<=m<=15 0<=n<=18 (initially n=18) paint (4)6 5178: newrow 10 (n=17) paint 2 5180: newrow 12 (n=16) paint 1 5182: newrow 1 (n=15) paint 1(10)1 5186: newrow 1 (n=14) paint 2(9)1 5190: newrow 1 (n=13) paint 3(8)1 5194: newrow 2 (n=12) paint 4(5)1 5198: newrow 2 (n=11) paint 6(1)2 5202: newrow 4 (n=10) paint 5 5204: newrow 4 (n=9) paint 7 5206: newrow 2 (n=8) paint 2(3)5 5210: newrow 1 (n=7) paint 2(6)4 5214: newrow 0 (n=6) paint 2(9)3 5218: newrow 0 (n=5) paint 2(10)2 5222: newrow 0 (n=4) paint 2(10)2 5226: newrow 0 (n=3) paint 2(10)2 5230: newrow 1 (n=2) paint 2(8)2 5234: newrow 2 (n=1) paint 2(6)2 5238: newrow 4 (n=0) paint 6 5240: eoc .<--This pixel's lower left corner is at (1,19) in METAFONT coordinates ****** ** * * * ** * *** * **** * ****** ** ***** ******* ** ***** ** **** ** *** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ****** .<--This pixel's upper left corner is at (1,0) in METAFONT coordinates as can be seen, there is a gap in the upper loop of the "8". This also shows up at a variety of point sizes and magnifications for \mode=versatec runs at 200dpi. I've dredged through the MF output with tracing turned on, and frankly I'm stumped....it's too subtle for me to figure out where it's going wrong. This seems to be unrelated to the VAX/VMS specific bugs that I reported previously...since the behaviour is the same after fixing them, but I can't rule out the possibility of further VMS Pascal bugs being present. --Chuck Lane cel@cithex.Caltech.Edu @cit-hex.arpa @cithex.bitnet .hepnet .span ------------------------------ Mail-From: BEETON created at 4-Mar-87 12:28:54 Date: Wed 4 Mar 87 12:28:54-PST From: TEX Guests Subject: Re: Changes to CMR17 To: KARNEY%PPC.MFENET@NMFECC.ARPA In-Reply-To: <870302095651.01n@nmfecc.arpa> i've checked with don knuth. the changes cited by charles karney are indeed reversed. cm85.bug will be fixed. (the corresponding changes to volume e, computers & typesetting, pages 12-13, are correct in the file errata.tex.) -- barbara beeton (who found the bug in serif_drop) ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 4 Mar 87 12:37:53 EST From: rezende%corwin.ccs.northeastern.edu@RELAY.CS.NET To: TeXhax@SCORE.STANFORD.EDU Subject: Portuguese hyphenation table I have compiled a table of hyphenation patterns for Portuguese for use with TeX. It turns out to be a much shorter table than the one for English because of the conciseness of the Portuguese rules for hyphenation. I have extensively tested it (with patgen) and have not found any erroneous hyphenation. The percentage of missed hyphenations is very slim and those are mostly consequence of the way TeX's hyphenation algorithm works--it stops hyphenating a word with an embedded macro at the syllable preceding the macro. This table will become part of the TeX distribution tape. Before that happens, those interested should contact me directly. Pedro J. de Rezende rezende@corwin.ccs.northeastern.edu College of Computer Science (617) 437-2078 Northeastern University 360 Huntington Avenue Boston MA 02115 ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 4 Mar 87 17:33:43 PST From: zar@Xhmeia.Caltech.Edu Subject: *** Announcement *** To: texhax@score.stanford.edu X-ST-Vmsmail-To: ST%"texhax@score.stanford.edu" For all arpanet sites: XHMEIA.CALTECH.EDU [] is setup for anonymous ftp. the directory you login to contains a good number of PLAIN TeX macros (currently 22 files). To save some time, read 000README.TXT for a brief description of what each file contains. If anyone wants to submit their own macros, I'd love to add them to this collection. To access the file, use FTP access and login using username "ANONYMOUS" (with any password except a null password). To submit a macro, send me the source via e-mail (ZAR @ CITCHEM for bitnet users or ZAR @ XHMEIA.CALTECH.EDU for arpa users). Please try to put some instructions in the front or back of the macro so I don't have to decipher its use and options. Many thanks to ALEX@ENEEVAX.UMD.EDU, and B. Beeton for helping me start this silly adventure. From The Great Zar a.k.a. Daniel Zirin CIT Chem. Comp. Serv. ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 5 Mar 87 00:26:14 PST From: wetter@tybalt.caltech.edu (Pierce T. Wetter) To: texhax@score.stanford.edu What exactly needs to be specified in a change file for a particular machine? I'm trying to port TeX to a generic pascal environment on the Mac and need to know what I have to change. Pierce Wetter wetter@tybalt.caltech.edu -please respond by mail ------------------------------ Date: Fri 6 Mar 87 08:16:10-PST From: MARK WROTH Subject: Font request To: texhax@SCORE.STANFORD.EDU Has anyone created a set of fonts similar to the CMR fonts, but containing the letters 'edth' and 'thorn'? These are the only two characters in Old Icelandic that are not supported by the vanilla CMR, and I'd rather not get into font design if someone else has already done the work. Please reply to W.WROTH@Hamlet.Stanford.EDU. --Thanks --Mark ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 6 Mar 87 17:17:20 CST From: anita@astro.as.utexas.edu (Anita Cochran) To: texhax@score.stanford.edu Subject: A BibTeX question I have been looking at various bst files but have still not figured out how to do what I want. I would like to create a bst style which gives NO citation in the text. For those of you familiar with Scribe, I want the equivalent of the @citemark command. Thus, I would get the reference in the reference list but no mark in the text. The reason I want this is that the journals I submit to need multiple citation types depending on context. Some examples: Cochran (1987) showed that ... or The study showed x to be true (Cochran, 1987). I would put the references in the text by hand but then have bibtex search the bib file and create the reference section. Any suggestions? Also, what is this local guide I keep hearing about (don't ask me to ask the local TeX guru or implimenter, I am the local implementer and far from a guru. I got my version in binary from another person with similar hardware)? Thanks in advance Anita Cochran uucp: {noao, ut-sally, ut-ngp}!utastro!anita arpa: anita@astro.as.utexas.edu snail: Astronomy Dept., The Univ. of Texas, Austin, TX, 78712 at&t: (512) 471-1471 ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 6 Mar 87 19:30 PST From: DHOSEK%HMCVAX.BITNET@wiscvm.wisc.edu Subject: Short Macros; TeXMaG To: TeXHaX@Su-Score.ARPA X-VMS-To: IN%"TeXHaX@Su-Score.Arpa" Does anybody out there have any interesting macros (useful might be nice, but not necessary) for any of the flavors of TeX that are 24 lines or less? As publisher of TeXMaG (more on this in the next paragraph) I am looking for nice little macros to include in the ``ToolBox'' section which is devoted to neat little macros. About TeXMaG: TeXMaG is a monthly electronic magazine sent out free of charge to _anybody_ accessible by electronic mail. It fills a niche somewhere in between TeXHAX and TUGBoat and contains the above-mentioned ToolBox Department, as well as articles on all flavors on TeX. Contributions are _always_ welcome (send `em to me, ) and I am eternally grateful to people who send things to me. For people on BITNET, you may subscribe by sending the following message to LISTSERV@BYUADMIN: SUBS TEXMAG-L your_full_name for everybody else, you may subscribe by sending me a note (that number again is ). G'day, and remember: ``without the letter `U,' Units would be nits!'' -Don Hosek you got the long version twice already... that's enough. ------------------------------ Date: Sat, 7 Mar 87 03:34:39 PST From: Organization: University of Louisville Subject: looking for VMS FFE.EXE program (Ln01) Reply-To: SYSMSH%ULKYVX.BITNET@forsythe.stanford.edu To: texhax@score.stanford.edu I am looking for a copy of the FFE program. Its for VMS and the LN01 printer. FFE is supposed to convert a PXL format font file to LN01 format. I am on BITNET so I cannot do a directory of the TeX archive on score. I'd really like to get ahold of source or exe for this program. If someone could mail me the source or a hexified copy of the exe I'd appreciate it. I'd also like to get a look at the directory on score. Thanks, Mark Hittinger/systems programmer iv/ocis south center University of Louisville/Louisville, Ky 40292 sysmsh%ulkyvx.bitnet@wiscvm.wisc.edu ------------------------------ Date: Sat, 7 Mar 87 14:59:35 GMT From: CMI011%UK.AC.SOTON.IBM@ac.uk To: TEXHAX@score.stanford.edu There is a lot of discussion of dvi to PostScript converters in TeXhax, but little mention of the problems of using the PostScript fonts from TeX. Does anyone have any great experience at this? We have made modifications to the public-domain dvi2ps that comes on the unix tex tape, and can now use any of the LaserWriter Plus built-in fonts (using mainly a new LaTeX built with a modified lfonts.tex), but maybe we have simply duplicated more thorough work done elsewhere. Anyone willing to confess? If anyone wants our modified dvi2ps source, and changed PS prolog, mail me. We also have .tfm files for all the LW+ fonts, courtesy of Adobe, which I presume we can send on. Are we the only people in the world whose .pxl files produced from running gftopxl on the CMR .gf files produce a perfectly correct CMR font, but with occasional serifs missing from capital letters? Confessions again, please. Thank you to the people who mailed me about BibTeX. Can I use your columns to tell Oren Patashnik that I would like the file he mentions, but cannot get mail through to him? Sebastian Rahtz, Computer Science, University, SOUTHAMPTON UK ..!ukc!sot-cm!spqr cmi011@uk.ac.soton.ibm spqr@uk.ac.soton.cm ------------------------------ Date: Sun, 8 Mar 87 12:05:17 pst From: Kamal Al-Yahya To: TeXhax@score.stanford.edu Subject: tr2tex and textools My mail to the TeXHax moderator was unexpectedly posted in a previous TeXHax issue. I only meant to ask the moderator if he could make those packages (tr2tex and textools) available for ftp from SCORE. %%% %%% sorry 'bout that!! Malcolm %%% I received many inquiries about how to get those packages. We are a small sub-group that is not very well connected to the rest of the world. I am not always able to reply to incoming mail and I am sure some people could not reach me. I would therefore like to point out where these pacakges are availble for the public (as far as I know). - unix-tex site (at ward.cs.washington.edu) has them on the distribution tape. They are not available for ftp yet. (They may become available from the IBM site, too.) - Thanks to Nelson Beebe, tr2tex is available for anonymous ftp from utah-science. It is in APS: (the name may be changed to TR2TEX, so beware). Nelson has also made numerous contributions to tr2tex. He contributed a lot to various parts of the code. Above all, all portability features are due to him. - textools is available through mod.sources. There are many sites that maintain these sources among them is seismo.css.gov. It is available for anonymous ftp. Anybody is welcome to make them available for the public. Kamal Al-Yahya kamal@hanauma.stanford.edu kamal%hanauma@score.stanford.edu ------------------------------ % %\bye % End of TeXhax Digest **************************