TeXhax Digest Tuesday, March 17, 1987 Volume 87 : Issue 20 TEXHAX20.87 Editor: Malcolm Brown Today's Topics: misc. LaTeX queries defects in crudetype inverse video common tex LaTeX Notes problem with \special{insert plotfile} and IMPRINT am -> cm .dvi conversion. : undump for Sequent BALANCE Re: Fonts and Macros for setting Music Metafont to Postscript BibTeX format request Scribe->LaTeX translator? Port of TeX to System V ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: Wed, 11 Mar 87 11:39 O From: Subject: misc. LaTeX queries To: TEXHAX@SU-SCORE.ARPA 1) To all who answered my questions concerning double-spacing, I thank you. We found that for our articles to be accepted, that a slightly enlarged spacing-set and sans serif style font was the nicest combination, and still retained a bit of aesthetic quality. 2) Why is it not possible to print right-justified and typewriter font at the same time. I have seen this on other text processing programs, and the text does not suffer unduly. 3) Is it possible to change the numbering font in section and subsection to follow a Roman numbering instead of Arabic? The command could be something like what is used to choose the numbering for paging. Thanks much. |Ben Pashkoff xx xxxxxxxx | |System Engineer xx xxxxxx | |Biomedical Engineering xx xx | |Technion, IIT xx xx | |Haifa, Israel 32000 xxxx | |BEN@TECHMAX.BITNET xx | ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 11 Mar 87 15:39:03 WET From: Dr R M Damerell (RHBNC) To: texhax@score.stanford.edu Subject: defects in crudetype 1. Too slow. At present I dont have time to investigate this. I hope eventually to get PROFILE working, then maybe I can find where the time is going. 2. Cannot recognise some coding schemes. When we got our (old) font tape, the fonts had coding schemes like 'TEX TEXT'. More modern fonts have names like 'TeX Text', which Crudetype failed to recognise. I believe this bug is fixed by inserting the statement upcase(TFM_scheme); at the end of the first replacement text of the module R.M.Damerell ------------------------------ Date: Wed 11 Mar 87 19:25:11-MST From: Raul Machuca Subject: invers}ie video To: texhax@SCORE.STANFORD.EDU How can te or latex be set up to write white letters on a black background ? ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 12 Mar 87 20:04:22 +0100 To: TeXhax@score.stanford.edu From: Piet van Oostrum Subject: common tex My previous question on common tex (texhax # 13) had a wrong 'From:' field. This one should have a right one. So if you know about an implementation of tex in C, please give me a note. ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 13 Mar 87 10:19:30 pst From: lamport@decwrl.DEC.COM (Leslie Lamport) To: TeXhax@Score.Stanford.edu Subject: LaTeX Notes From: anita@astro.as.utexas.edu (Anita Cochran) Subject: A BibTeX question I would like to create a bst style which gives NO citation in the text. You probably want the LaTeX \nocite command. If you really want \cite to do this, then create a LaTeX document style option containing the command \let\cite=\nocite Also, what is this local guide I keep hearing about (don't ask me to ask the local TeX guru or implimenter, I am the local implementer and far from a guru. Guru or not, if other people are depending upon you to provide LaTeX, then it is your responsibility to provide them with the Local Guide. The index of the LaTeX manual points to all mentions of the Local Guide; reading them can tell you what LaTewX users expect to find in the Local Guide. The file local.tex on the standard distribution contains the local guide for my site and can be used as a model. Leslie Lamport ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 13 Mar 87 12:16:24 PST From: Reply-To: SYSTEM%UVPHYS.BITNET@forsythe.stanford.edu To: texhax@score.stanford.edu Subject: problem with \special{insert plotfile} and IMPRINT We have an IMAGEN driven by IMPRINT under VAX/VMS. I have been trying (with no success) to incorporate graphics into a LaTeX printout using the \special{insert...} command. The problem is this: although the IMPRINT manual says that IMPRINT/output=name will produce a file written in the imPRESS language (which the \special command is expecting), it does not do this. Instead, it essentially leaves the file untouched (in this case, a TEKTRNIX 4014 graphics file) except for adding a header line that tells the IMAGEN that the file is really NOT an imPRESS file. Does anyone know of a way that I can either: 1. generate a genuine imPRESS file for the printer, or 2. tell the printer to expect a TEK4014 file (or another type for which the printer has an emulator) instead of an imPRESS file. ? Thank you. ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 13 Mar 87 15:31 PST From: DHOSEK%HMCVAX.BITNET@wiscvm.wisc.edu Subject: am -> cm .dvi conversion. To: TeXHAX@SU-SCORE.ARPA X-VMS-To: IN%"TeXHAX@SU-SCORE.ARPA" It is possible, but spacing is not guaranteed to be correct... Also, only certain device drivers permit this. The only one that I know of now, is DVIXER (which isn't the world's greatest driver to begin with.) Another possible problem. .dvi files are not necessarily compatible between version and version. I think (I'm not sure on this) that 2.0 and 1.3 dvi files are NOT interchangable. -Don Hosek ------------------------------ Date: Fri 13 Mar 87 17:52:33-PST From: Pierre MacKay Subject: : undump for Sequent BALANCE To: TeXhax@SU-SCORE.ARPA Kazuhiko Kato asked in a recent TeXhax issue for an undump for the Sequent BALANCE machine. His request implies that the rest of the files on the standard distribution compile ok on the Sequent. If anyone has a public domain undump for the Sequent please forward it also to mackay@cs.washington.edu, so that it can be used to extend the range of the Unix TeX distribution. Many thanks. ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 16 Mar 87 16:49:20 SET To: TeXhax@Score.Stanford.EDU From: SCHMIDT%DBNUAMA1.BITNET@wiscvm.wisc.edu Subject: Re: Fonts and Macros for setting Music From: Alfred Schmidt 0228 - 733427 SCHMIDT at DBNUAMA1 Concerning Fonts and Macros for setting Music, 2 thesises have been written in our institute. They cover Music input, TeX macros, and Fonts. Summaries will be submitted for one of the next TUGboat issues. For further information, please contact the authors: Angelika Schofer (UNM149 at DBNUAMA1.BITNET) Andrea Steinbach (UNM145 at DBNUAMA1.BITNET) both: Institut f\"ur Angewandte Mathematik Universit\"at Bonn Wegeler Str. 6 5300 Bonn West Germany A. Schmidt ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 16 Mar 87 18:17:37 +0100 To: TeXhax@score.stanford.edu From: Piet van Oostrum Subject: Metafont to Postscript Has anyone ever tried to convert (automatically) Metafont fonts to Postscript (and I mean REAL Postscript, not bitmaps)? Piet van Oostrum Dept of Computer Science University of Utrecht Budapestlaan 6 P.O. Box 80.012 3508 TA Utrecht The Netherlands tel: +31-30-531806 UUCP: ...!mcvax!ruuinfvax!piet ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 16 Mar 87 13:21:46 EST From: Simson L. Garfinkel To: texhax@score.stanford.edu Subject: BibTeX format request Does anyone know of a BibTeX format to do "standard" sociological style citations? The style is that on first reference in the text there is a footnote containing the full citation. Further references have the people's last name and latin words like "ibid" or "ops ed" Is this even possible within the current LaTeX/BibTeX system? Thank you. If people send replies to me, I'lll summarize them for the list. If I have to write my own, I'll make it available if it ever works. Simson L. Garfinkel simson@media-lab.mit.edu ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 16 Mar 87 13:35 EST From: ROHLICEK@v1.bbn.com Subject: Scribe->LaTeX translator? To: TEXHAX@SU-SCORE.arpa Has anyone out there seen a SCRIBE --> LaTeX translator (or even something that gets you close). I have seen a Troff --> TeX program mentioned and that seems like a harder problem. Any leads would be appreciated. I am not on the TEXHAX distribution list so please reply directly to me. Thanks, Robin Rohlicek (ROHLICEK@BBN.COM) ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 16 Mar 87 14:50:52 est From: salkind@nyu.arpa (Lou Salkind) To: texhax@score.stanford.edu, unix-tex@washington.arpa Subject: Port of TeX to System V I have ported TeX and Metafont to an AT&T 3B2 computer running System V UNIX. The change files should also work equally well for 3B5, 3B20S, and VAX computers running System V UNIX. I have also written a DVI previewer for the DMD 5620 display. It runs under the System V layers environment. Perhaps we can incorporate these things into the UNIX TeX distribution? Lou Salkind New York University ------------------------------ % %\bye % End of TeXhax Digest **************************