TeXhax Digest Tuesday, March 24, 1987 Volume 87 : Issue 22 TEXHAX22.87@SCORE.STANFORD.EDU Editor: Malcolm Brown Today's Topics: LaTeX Notes Re: dvi format (was "am -> cm .dvi conversion.") Re: TeXhax Digest V87 #21 misc queries re DEC LA50 & LN03 printers bibliography requests scribe->latex translator resume done in TeX TeX previewers Mailing List Handling ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 18-Mar-87 08:47:53-PST,5041;000000000000 Date: Wed, 18 Mar 87 08:51:02 pst From: lamport@decwrl.DEC.COM (Leslie Lamport) To: TeXhax@Score.Stanford.edu Subject: LaTeX Notes Date: Wed, 11 Mar 87 11:39 O From: Subject: misc. LaTeX queries 2) Why is it not possible to print right-justified and typewriter font at the same time. I have seen this on other text processing programs, and the text does not suffer unduly. You can do it, it's just a silly idea. The purpose of \tt is to look like a typewriter; if you're trying to look like a typewriter, why justify? Moreover, if you're not hyphenating, then it's a terrible idea because it leaves widely varying interword space, making the document hard to read. 3) Is it possible to change the numbering font in section and subsection to follow a Roman numbering instead of Arabic? The command could be something like what is used to choose the numbering for paging. I presume that "style" was meant instead of "font". In any event, section 5.3 of the manual seems to answer the question. ("When all else fails, read the directions.") Date: Mon, 16 Mar 87 13:21:46 EST From: Simson L. Garfinkel Subject: BibTeX format request Does anyone know of a BibTeX format to do "standard" sociological style citations? The style is that on first reference in the text there is a footnote containing the full citation. Further references have the people's last name and latin words like "ibid" or "ops ed" I thought that style of citation went out with miniskirts. It's a very stupid style--as you'll realize if you try tracking down an "op cit" on page 34 when the original citation was on page 8. However, it's an amusing exercise in TeX/LaTeX/BibTeX hacking, so I'll outline a solution. First of all, you should realize how things work. A command \cite{foo} is translated by LaTeX into \xxxfoo for some string `xxx' that I forget and also causes some appropriately formatted `foo' to be on the .aux file for BibTeX to find. So, the trick is to get BibTeX to write something in the .bbl file that will cause \xxxfoo to get expanded to the appropriate thing. Unfortunately, I don't know the rules for this kind of nonsensical citation used by standard sociologists, so I'll describe a method for a simple version that I recall from my school days--namely, you use "ibid." if it's a repeat of the preceding citation and "Jones, op. cit." it it's not. Let's suppose that \cite{foo} is supposed to produce a citation to "Jones, `Gnats and Gnus'". The .bbl file might contain the following (spaces, added for readabiity, should be removed): \def\xxxfoo{\footnote{Jones, `Gnats and Gnus'} \gdef\xxxfoo{\yyy{foo}{Jones}} \gdef\zzz{foo} } The command \yyy would be defined something like: \def\yyy#1#2{\def\www{#1} \ifx\www\zzz \footnote{ibid.} \else \footnote{#2, op. cit.} \fi \gdef\zzz{#1} } The next problem is to read in the .bbl file at the beginning of the document. The easy way is just to require the \bibliography command to come at the beginning. The better way is to redefine the \document command (issued by \begin{document}) so it reads in the .bbl file. Things would get to be more complicated if the rules governing the use of "ibib." depend on the page on which the citations fall. This would then require a hairier approach, in which the \xxxfoo command writes info on the .aux file for use next time. However, on second thought, I doubt if anyone does that because it would be hard to do in traditional typesetting. (It's ironic that users of computerized typesetting systems have to bust their buns reproducing formatting conventions that were designed solely for the convenience of manual typesetters.) Of course, the definition of \yyy and the redefinition of \document goes in a style file. It's straightforward to write a BibTeX style file to produce the necessary .bbl file. However, you shouldn't attempt any of this unless you're an experienced TeX hacker. A more socially valuable exercise would be to get the sociologists to enter the 1970s and change their citation style. Leslie Lamport ------------------------------ From: William LeFebvre Subject: Re: dvi format (was "am -> cm .dvi conversion.") To: DHOSEK%HMCVAX.BITNET@wiscvm.wisc.edu >Dan Hosek > Another possible problem. .dvi files are not necessarily compatible between > version and version. I think (I'm not sure on this) that 2.0 and 1.3 dvi > files are NOT interchangable. Ever since version 0.9999 (and perhaps even earlier), TeX82 has produced version 2 .dvi files. To my knowledge, nothing in the dvi format changed between TeX82 version 1 and TeX82 version 2. Now TeX78 (described in the book "TeX and Metafont"), the predecessor to TeX82, produced version 1 .dvi files. But every dvi file that contains the number "2" in its second byte (which is the "dvi format byte") uses the same format and the same operations and op-codes. William LeFebvre Department of Computer Science Rice University ------------------------------ From: harrison@mahogany (Michael Harrison) To: TeXhax@score.stanford.edu Subject: Re: TeXhax Digest V87 #21 There is dvi to interpress program which is part of the VorTeX distribution as well as a family of utilities for generating xerox fonts. Write to vortex-dist@berkeley.edu or ucbvax!vortex-dist. ------------------------------ Date: 18 Mar 87 16:46 +0600 From: Jim Walker To: texhax@SCORE.STANFORD.EDU Subject: misc queries re DEC LA50 & LN03 printers Does anyone i) Know of availability of dvi to la50 support (please don't laugh!) ii) Know how I can integrate DEC sixel graphics into the LATEX figure environment, so I can print them on a LN03. I have Flavio Rose's preliminary LN03 support for TEX. Thanks. Jim Walker - walkerj@wnre.aecl.cdn ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 18 Mar 87 22:57:02 EST From: James Alexander To: texhax@su-score Subject: bibliography requests A couple of issues ago, I advertised a bibliography package for TeX, LaTeX, etc., called Tib, which is available for ftping from my home machine. It has a couple of features which are relevant to two recent inquiries in TeXhax. 1. It will automatically set citations in two styles in the text, one for standard citations (The study showed x to be true (Cochran, 1987).) and one for running citations (Cochran (1987) showed that ...). It will also put an item in the bibliography without citation. 2. It will set references as footnotes using `ibid' and `loc cit'. It is not perfect with this, but it is pretty good. ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 19 Mar 87 02:47:49 EST From: Jean Marie Diaz To: rohlicek@bbn.com Subject: scribe->latex translator Reply-To: ambar@eddie.mit.edu I have one; don't remember where I got it, but you're welcome to grab it via anonymous ftp. The machine is eddie.mit.edu []; the directory is /u/ambar/s2latex. Two warnings: a) it's rather rudimentary; b) it's written for the UNIX utility lex. AMBAR ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 19 Mar 87 02:59:08 EST From: Jean Marie Diaz To: dwu@brahms.berkeley.edu Subject: resume done in TeX Reply-To: ambar@eddie.mit.edu This is not a style, but simply a nicely-formatted document, which is being used as a sample here at MIT for people who are not necessarily familiar with LaTeX (thus the heavy commenting). It reveals what might be a bug in the \marginpar command (see the comment on the first \marginpar). Then again, I may just be missing some subtlety of LaTeX.... Also, I seem to have problems getting \hfill to understand what I want: thus, the \hspace*{\fill}. Whether or not the source is pretty, the result is a nice-looking resume. If someone wants to turn this into a .sty file, be my guest.... AMBAR \documentstyle{article} \pagestyle{empty} % no page numbers, thanks. \addtolength{\topmargin}{-1in} % repairing LaTeX's huge margins... \addtolength{\textwidth}{.5in} % same here.... \setlength{\parindent}{0mm} % indented paragraphs just don't make it % on a resume. (My opinion; if you % disagree, give this whatever value you % want.) \setlength{\textheight}{9in} % more margin hacking. I have a large % resume to fit on one page. \begin{document} \reversemarginpar % this puts the margin notes on the % left-hand side of the resume. \begin{center} \Large{\bf Jean Marie Diaz} % make the name stand out \end{center} % address stuff. The \hspace*{\fill} is % necessary to get things laid out % correctly. The sizes fed to \vspace are % variable, depending on how much % whitespace you want, and how much % stuff you're trying to fit on a page.... \vspace{.25in} {\bf Term Address} \hfill {\bf Home Address} \par 3 Ames Street \hspace*{\fill} 11820 SW 35 Terrace \linebreak Cambridge, MA 02139 \hspace*{\fill} Miami, FL 33175 \par \vspace{.25in} To gain more experience in writing \marginpar{{\bf Summer Objective}} software (whether systems or applications) under UNIX. % if the \marginpar is at the beginning % or the end % of the line, it loses. *sigh*. This % is a typical entry in a resume. (I'm % defining an entry as something % important enough to have a marginal note % setting it off.) Give it some space % with \vspace, use \par to break % between paragraphs, enter your text, % and place the \marginpar at the end. \par \vspace{2\baselineskip} {\bf Massachusetts Institute of Technology} \hspace*{\fill} 1985---1986\marginpar{{\bf Education}} \par \vspace{\baselineskip} Classes taken include Physics I and II, Calculus I, Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programming, Writing and Reading Poetry, and Women and Computers. Am currently enrolled in Artificial Intelligence, Computer Systems Engineering, Linear Algebra, History of Technology in America, and Gender and Science. As MIT freshman are graded on a pass/fail basis, I have no GPA to report. \par \vspace{\baselineskip} Participation in extracurriculars includes membership in the Student Information Processing Board, (an advocacy group for student computing at MIT), and vice-president of Technology Community Association, a community service organization. \par \vspace{\baselineskip} Awarded the Ellen King Prize for Freshman Writing last term. % This is a slightly more complicated % example. \vspace gets a `doublespace' % (2\baselineskip) between entries, and % a `singlespace' between paragraphs of % an entry. % (2\baselineskip means twice the value % of \baselineskip). \vspace{2\baselineskip} \par {\bf MIT Committee On Engineering Undergraduate Education}\marginpar{{\bf Experience}} \par {\em Student Analyst} \hfill September 1986---present \par \vspace{\baselineskip} I am currently working with another student in order to process and analyze a recent survey of freshmen's opinions about Residence/Orientation Week. Duties include analysis of the raw data, production of a codebook, design of forms to be sent to the keypunchers, and analysis of the data, using SPSS. \par \vspace{2\baselineskip} {\bf AT\&T Bell Laboratories} \par {\em Laboratory Assistant} \hfill June 1986---August 1986 \par \vspace{\baselineskip} Worked with W. Richard Stark in Whippany on parallelization of LISP. LISP*, the product, is intended for use on a parallel-processing tree architecture known as DADO. Duties included studying other parallel LISPs and critiquing and refining the language. \par \vspace{2\baselineskip} {\bf AT\&T Bell Laboratories} \par {\em Laboratory Trainee} \hfill June 1985---August 1985 \vspace{\baselineskip} \par Worked with Bob Bonvallet in Indian Hill doing software testing for the International 5ESS. Studied dial tone delay as a function of the call load, and uncovered a bug in the load regulator. % This is pretty much like the % `Education' entry. Employer names are % in boldface, titles in italics. Note % that the scribe resume template does % things in the opposite order -- % employer in italics, and titles in % boldface. Maybe it should depend on % which is more impressive, your titles % or your employers.... \par \vspace{2\baselineskip} My interests include dulcimer playing, horseback riding, reading, writing, and painting.\marginpar{{\bf Background}} % Another simple entry, and it's almost % done.... \end{document} ------------------------------ Date: 20 Mar 87 0:42 +0800 From: "Peter Schumacher (stats)" To: texhax@SCORE.STANFORD.EDU Subject: TeX previewers Does anyone use or know of TeX previewers for Tektronix 4014 compatible terminals (specifically, a Vision 2200+ with graphics card)? ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 19 Mar 87 21:38:26 EST From: Eric Skinner Subject: Mailing List Handling To: TEXHAX@SCORE.STANFORD.EDU Has anyone written a set of macros that assists in the processing of form letters, given a file containing a list of addresses? Eric Skinner University of Ottawa Computing Centre ERS2F@UOTTAWA.BITNET %%% %%% subscriptions, address changes to: texhax-request@score.stanford.edu %%% %%% submissions to: texhax@score.stanford.edu %%% %%% \bye %%% ------------------------------ End of TeXhax Digest **************************