TeXhax Digest Monday, April 6, 1987 Volume 87 : Issue 25 TEXHAX25.87 Editor: Malcolm Brown Today's Topics: Editor's note Slight change to LaTeX local guide FontTool LaTeX verbatim mode Submission: TEKTRONIX and TeX/LaTeX Re: undump command for Sequnet BALANE New HP LJ Series 2 + PC-TEX TeX on PC/RT new versions of amstex, tugbot.sty Contents of LaTeX style collection, 2nd April 1987 Form letters with LaTex LETTER.STY Metafont problems in SunOS 3.2 DeTeX and DeLaTeX Re: TeXhax Digest V87 #24 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: April 6, 1987 From: Malcolm Subject: quick note %%% I'll be away at a conference this week. Given my current %%% schedule, the next issue of TeXhax will probably appear %%% sometime late next week. %%% %%% off we go .... ------------------------------ 1-Apr-87 15:20:14-PST,1379;000000000000 Date: Wed, 1 Apr 87 17:06:45 CST From: William LeFebvre Subject: Slight change to LaTeX local guide To: TeXhax@score.stanford.edu I would like to recommend a slight change to the local user's guide, "local.tex" and its counterpart "unixlocal.tex," in the interests of modularity and whatnot. Immediately after the definition of \contact there should be a definition for something I have called "\gender". Actually, there should be two: "\Gender" and "\gender" (the former to be used at the beginning of a sentence. This macro would be defined as either "he" or "she" depending on the gender of the contact. Right now, there is only one place where the pronoun "he" is used: in the first sentence of the second paragraph. But if you are going to make \contact a definition, then this makes sense as well. I'm not doing to pick nits---our local contact IS female. I'm doing the guide because she doesn't really have the time. William LeFebvre Department of Computer Science Rice University ------------------------------ Date: Wed 1 Apr 87 18:15:34-PST From: Brad Rullman Subject: FontTool To: texhax@SU-SCORE.ARPA FontTool, a TeX font editor for pxl files that was announced earlier to this digest, has been upgraded for Sun workstations running Sun UNIX 3.2. FontTool provides features that include: - yer standard scrollable Paint Window that allows a magnified raster to be edited in various ways - an expandable View Window that displays the contents of the Paint Window at "true" size - ability to simulate, in the Paint Window, how a character would look on a write-black or a write- white device (to make editing pxl files for a particular type of output device a LOT easier) The upgraded FontTool can be obtained via anonymous ftp to larry.cs.washington.edu - the pertinent file is pub/fonttool.tar.Z. Please send comments/bugs to ecola@cs.washington.edu. Brad Rullman Department of Computer Science University of Washington ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 31 Mar 87 21:23:56 PST From: Jonathan_Thornburg%UBC.MAILNET@MIT-MULTICS.ARPA To: texhax@score.stanford.edu Subject: LaTeX verbatim mode I'm looking for a LaTeX verbatim mode to use when writing about computer programs. It should: (1) Allow underscores, as in "long_subroutine_name(args)". This rules out just using {\tt ...} . (2) Be usable as an argument to another macro. I need this for chapter/ section titles (eg. "How to use subroutine foo_bar()"), for figure titles/captions (eg. "Example of use of subroutine foo_bar()"), for use as an item label (eg. a description environment giving the argument list to a subroutine), and probably for 1/2 a dozen other things I can't think of at the moment. This rules out \verb|...| . (5) If possible, treat tab characters the way they're treated when typed directly at the terminal. In other words, I'd like a tab character (otherwise known as "control/I") to be turned into as many spaces as are needed to make the column number equal to 1 modulo 8. This would allow me to \input source code files which use tabs (in our environment, almost all of them do) directly. (4) If possible, inhibit hyphenation -- I don't want TeX hyphenating my variable names. Note that I'm not very worried about the rest of the TeX special characters like #$%&~^\{} , because I rarely need to put fragments of code using them into my LaTeX documents. A consequence of this is that all I *really* need is a modified \tt which turns off underscores and sets up tabbing. I have tried various things along this line, but without success. Ditto for our local TeX wizard. - Jonathan Thornburg userbkis@ubcmtsg.bitnet thornburg%ubc@um.cc.umich.edu ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 2 Apr 87 07:15:12 PST From: To: texhax@score.stanford.edu Subject: Submission: TEKTRONIX and TeX/LaTeX Date: Thu, 2 Apr 87 10:07 EST From: Subject: Submission: TEKTRONIX and TeX/LaTeX To: texhax@score.stanford.edu X-Original-To: info-vax@sri-kl.arpa,laser-lovers@brillig.umd.edu, texhax@score.stanford.edu, ECF_EEJK I am interested in combining the output of a graphics program producing TEKTRONIX 4010 codes with text from TeX/LaTeX so as to be able to have graphs, etc. included in the text. Does anyone have any idea how to do this? I;ve heard it's been done before, but whatever I've tried hasn't worked. We are running TeX V.2.0 under VMS (on a VAX 8600) and have a DEC LN03+ (with TEKTRONIX 4010 emulation) laser printer. We also have Flavio Rose's DVI2LN3 converter. I'd appreciate any information and I apologize for the multiple postings. Thanks. Erik Kilgore The Johns Hopkins University Computing Center -- Baltimore, Maryland BITNET: ecf_eejk@jhuvms ARPA: ecf_eejk%jhuvms.BITNET@wiscvm.ARPA or ecf_eejk%jhuvms.BITNET@forsythe.stanford.edu ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 1 Apr 87 13:28:29+0900 From: KazuhikoKato To: TeXhax@SCORE.STANFORD.EDU Subject: Re: undump command for Sequnet BALANE Some weeks ago, I posted an article which ask for undump command for Sequent BALANCE. I have got a mail from who installed TeX to Sequent BALANCE. I forward the mail. Kazuhiko KATO Doctral program of engineering University of Tsukuba E-mail Address: kato@is.tsukuba.junet ..nttlab!gama!kato ..mcvax!kddlab!nttlab!gama!kato Postal Address: Masuda Laboratory Institute of Information Sciences and Electronics University of Tsukuba Sakura-Mura, Niihari-Gun, Ibaraki 305 JAPAN Telephone: 0298-53-5163 ----- Forwarded: From: fletcher%ripple.cs.utexas.edu Date: Mon, 23 Mar 87 17:30:51 CST Posted-Date: Mon, 23 Mar 87 17:30:51 CST To: kato%gama.is.tsukuba.junet%utokyo-relay.csnet@RELAY.CS.NET Subject: Re: About 'undump' program on Sequent BALANCE8000/21000. I ported TeX to DYNIX without using `undump'. I borrowed `unexec' from gnu emacs and incorporated it into virtex, so that when virtex receives an interrupt signal it calls unexec and generates an a.out file. If you are still interested in my approach, let me know and I'll try to package it up and send it to you. (This may take a while, since I haven't looked at TeX in six months and am fairly busy now). ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 2 Apr 87 19:23:46 +0200 To: TeXhax@score.stanford.edu From: Piet van Oostrum The use of \{ and \} in math mode in a caption command gives an errormessage in the \listofigures. This probably means that these are (more or less) fragile. If so, this is not according to the LaTeX book. ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 02 Apr 87 12:30:43 CST From: "Rich Winkel UMC Math Department" To: texhax@su-score.arpa Subject: New HP LJ Series 2 + PC-TEX Does anyone have any good or bad experiences with the above? Does the standard HP LJ driver work with the series 2? Thanks for any info. Rich Winkel ------------------------------ To: TeXhax@score.stanford.edu Subject: TeX on PC/RT Date: Thu, 02 Apr 87 14:22:14 -0500 From: Daniel M. Frank Has anyone successfully installed TeX and LaTeX on the IBM RT? Any hints or suggestions? Reply to dan@db.wisc.edu or ...uwvax!db.wisc.edu!dan. thanks! Dan Frank, University of Wisconsin p.s. Sorry if this was answered in an earlier TeXhax. Just refer me to the issue number if that is the case. ------------------------------ Mail-From: BEETON created at 2-Apr-87 14:55:21 Date: Thu 2 Apr 87 14:55:21-PST From: Barbara Beeton Subject: new versions of amstex, tugbot.sty To: texhax@Score.Stanford.EDU, unix-tex@WARD.CS.WASHINGTON.EDU a new version of amstex.tex has been installed at score in the directory . a new version of tugbot.sty has been put into and is awaiting action by the tex maintainers to transfer it to . details of the changes can be found in the files amstex.chg and amsfil.chg respectively. changes were made to fix some infrequently-encountered bugs in the case of amstex, and to make some formatting instructions more flexible in the case of tugbot. comments and suggestions welcome. -- barbara beeton (bnb@xx.lcs.mit.edu for arpanet bnb@mit-xx for bitnet) ------------------------------ To: texhax@score.stanford.edu Subject: Contents of LaTeX style collection, 2nd April 1987 Date: Thu, 02 Apr 87 19:43:15 -0500 From: Ken Yap The LaTeX style collection now has the files listed below. More submissions are very welcome. 00directory epic.shar2 slem.doc 00index format.sty slem.sty 00readme fullpage.doc spacecites.doc a4.sty fullpage.sty spacecites.sty aaai-instructions.tex geophysics.sty suthesis.doc aaai-named.bst ieeetr.bst suthesis.sty aaai.sty layout.readme texindex.doc acm.bst layout.tex texindex.pas agugrl.sty lfonts_ams.readme texindex.sty agujgr.sty lfonts_ams.tex texnames.doc amssymbols.sty lgraph.shar texnames.sty biihead.sty natsci.bst threepart.sty cyrillic.sty newalpha.bst uct10.doc dayofweek.tex nopagenumbers.doc uct11.doc deproc.sty nopagenumbers.sty uct12.doc deprocldc.tex siam.bib ucthesis.doc docsty.c siam.bst ucthesis.readme docsty.readme siam.doc vdm.doc doublespace.sty siam.sty vdm.sty drafthead.sty siam.tex vdm.tex dvidoc.shar1 siam10.doc ws87.p dvidoc.shar2 siam10.sty wsltex.c dvidoc.sty siam11.sty wsltex.p epic.shar1 siam12.sty 1. For Internet users - how to ftp: Here is an example session. Disclaimer: ftp syntax varies from host to host. Your syntax may be different. The syntax presented here is that of Unix ftp. Comments in parentheses. % ftp cayuga.cs.rochester.edu (a.k.a. rochester.arpa, a.k.a. ... (general blurb) user: anonymous password: ftp> cd public/latex-style (where the files are) ftp> ls (to see what is there) ... (lots of output) ftp> get 00index ... (more blurb) ftp> quit 2. Non-Internet users - how to retrieve by mail: An archive server has been installed. Send a piece of mail to LaTeX-Style (@rochester.arpa, @cs.rochester.edu, via uucp or your favourite gateway) in the following format: Subject line should contain the phrase "@file request". Body of the mail should start with a line having only an @ (at) sign. The next line should be a mail address FROM rochester TO you (the direction is important). Then follow by the names of the files you want, one to each line. The last line should have only an @ sign. Case is not significant. For example, if you are fred at univ.bitnet, this is what you should send: To: latex-style@rochester.arpa Subject: @file request @ fred%univ.bitnet@wiscvm.wisc.edu 00readme 00index @ A word to the wise: it is best to provide full mail path names. Our mailer knows about some gateways but not all. Examples: user%site.bitnet@wiscvm.wisc.edu user%site.csnet@relay.cs.net Do not include any messages in the mail. It will not be seen by human eyes. Be patient as the server is actually a batch program run once a day. Files will be sent in batches, each not exceeding 100kbytes in size. Ken LaTeX-Style@Rochester.Arpa LaTeX-Style@cs.rochester.edu ..!rochester!latex-style ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 3 Apr 87 15:08:34 PST From: zar@Xhmeia.Caltech.Edu (Perfect Tommy) To: texhax@score.stanford.edu The below items are for use with PLAIN TeX. XHMEIA is a site that is offering macros to the internet via anonymous FTP XHMEIA.CALTECH.EDU [] or XHMEIA:: [area 5 node 920] (span) in the directory LOC$FTP:. Bitnet users can send me mail for a full macro set. If you have anything you want to share, send them to me (ZAR @ XHMEIA.CALTECH.EDU or ZAR @ CITCHEM.BITNET). 1) For those interested, Ed Bell's label macros for plain TeX are available from XHMEIA as well. >From: Vincent Gogan >Subject: verbatim environments > I was wondering if anyone had a verbatim environment >for LaTeX that understands tabs. Plain TeX just maps tabs into >spaces but I was wondering if anyone has managed to get >TeX to count characters so the correct tab stops could >be determined. Here, the main use for verbatim is to list >programs inside documents so this would be useful. 2) A macro available from XHMEIA called FORTRAN.TEX will read a FORTRAN file and produce beautiful TeX output (it handles tabs somehow other than making a tab equal a space). From The Great Zar ------------------------------ Date: Sat, 4 Apr 87 12:47:55 PST From: To: texhax@score.stanford.edu Subject: Form letters with LaTex LETTER.STY Date: Sat, 4 Apr 87 10:32 CST From: Subject: Form letters with LaTex LETTER.STY To: texhax@score.stanford.edu X-Original-To: texhax@score.stanford.edu, KRANTZ Is there an easy way to generate a form letter with LaTex's LETTER.STY. If so could someone please send me a short example of how to do this. I do not have easy access to TexHax on the machine I use so I'd appreciate a direct response. Thank You Alan Krantz ------------------------------ To: texhax@score.stanford.edu Subject: Metafont problems in SunOS 3.2 Date: Mon, 06 Apr 87 09:45:25 -0500 From: Ken Yap I would also like to add that it works for me too. I managed to run io.mf (the Metafont book exercise) last night. Haven't made proof sheets yet though. Ken ------- Forwarded Message From: kodak!elmgate!husky!hak (Al Killenbeck) To: kodak!rochester!ken Subject: Sun 3.2 and Metafont Ken, As I still have not been able to figure a mail path to texhax@score that doesn't choke our mailer, could you forward this, if it seems worth forwarding? As regards the recent messages about problems compiling or running Metafont under Sun 3.2. .... I've successfully compiled twice on a Sun-2 machine running the 3.2 OS.(Sun 2/120 with 6MB ram, 2 71MB disks and 1 130MB disk.) I haven't had the time or need to try to build on a Sun-3, so I can't help with that. The second time around was necessary because I missed the correct defines during the first compile. I readily admit to not "playing" with Metafont very much, as time has not allowed, but what little I've done has seemed to work ok. Following is the config file as built when running the configure script: # Configured on Wed Mar 4 16:14:06 EST 1987 OPTIONS="MACHINE BINDIR MFINPUTS MFBASES MFPOOL TEXFONTS TEXSRCDIR WINDOWS WINDEFS WINLIBS " MACHINE="SUN_V2" BINDIR="/usr/local/bin" MFINPUTS=".:MFsrc:/usr/lib/mf84/bases" MFBASES="/usr/lib/mf84/bases" MFPOOL="/usr/lib/mf84" TEXFONTS="/usr/lib/tex/fonts" TEXSRCDIR="../tex82" WINDOWS="SUN " WINDEFS="-DSUNWIN " WINLIBS="-lsuntool -lsunwindow -lpixrect " Don't know if this helps at all, but it worked for me. Al ------- End of Forwarded Message ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 6 Apr 87 08:36:21 PST From: To: TeXHaX@score.stanford.edu Subject: DeTeX and DeLaTeX Received: from CLUTX(WSK) by CLVM (Mailer X1.23a) id 4139; Mon, 06 Apr 87 11:32:08 EDT Date: Mon, 6 Apr 87 11:32:52 EDT From: Bill Kaster Message-Id: <8704061532.AA23949@clutx.clarkson.edu> Received: by clutx.clarkson.edu (5.52/UTX/32 2.0) id AA23949; Mon, 6 Apr 87 11:32:52 EDT To: TeXHaX@score.stanford.edu Subject: DeTeX and DeLaTeX Charles Karney asks about a program to strip out TeX control sequences so that a document may be checked for spelling. Such a program exists (on the Unix tape anyway) on the distribution in =utils/trickey. There is a DeTeX and also a DeLaTeX. The programs are written in lex and produce a single column of words, stripped of control sequences. I have heard of another DeTeX, but have not seen it as of yet. Bill Kaster wsk@clutx ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 3 Apr 87 09:47:06 PST From: To: TeXhax-Request@score.stanford.edu Subject: Re: TeXhax Digest V87 #24 Received: by WSUVM1 (Mailer X1.23) id 8155; Fri, 03 Apr 87 09:44:42 PLT Date: Fri, 03 Apr 87 09:38:26 PLT From: Dean Guenther 509-335-0411 Subject: Re: TeXhax Digest V87 #24 To: "TeXhax Digest" In-Reply-To: Your message of Fri, 3 Apr 87 09:18:37 PST Flavio Sartoretto asked about an IBM3812 driver. On the IBM VM/CMS distribution tape (as of February '87) has a driver program on it which drives the 3812, 3820, 3800-3, and 4250 printers. All you need is IBM's program VM3812 (which you likely already have) and you are ready to go. You can get the distribution tape from Maria Code. You might also consider getting the 3820 font tape, to save you the time of creating the fonts yourself with Metafont. Dean Guenther IBM VM/CMS Site Coordinator Washington State University ------------------------------ %%% %%% subscriptions, address changes to: texhax-request@score.stanford.edu %%% %%% submissions to: texhax@score.stanford.edu %%% %%%\bye %%% End of TeXhax Digest **************************