TeXhax Digest Thursday, May 7, 1987 Volume 87 : Issue 33 [SCORE.STANFORD.EDU]TEXHAX33.87 Editor: Malcolm Brown Today's Topics: Metafont for Macintosh Questions and comments Mathematicians use AmSTeX or LaTeX? A question on font availability LaTeX notes: alignment question LaTeX notes: conference proceedings Intermachine font transfer ? VMS VIRTEX PostScript built-in fonts from UNIX? Contents of LaTeX style collection, 1st May 1987 Latex comment facilities Splitting off headers from tables (once more) TeX version of UNIX man pages (a response) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: Tue, 28 Apr 87 14:16:56 CDT From: ark@ararat.cs.utexas.edu To: texhax@score.stanford.edu Subject: Metafont for Macintosh I received a letter from Victor Ostromoukov, 25 Rue P\'eclet, 75015 Paris, France (Phone +33 1 4839 8167) indicating that this member of the TeX Users Group has implemented Metafont on the Macintosh. He has a full implementation, with a large model (mem_min=-32768; mem_top=32767), with on-line display on separate window basis. MacMETAFONT works in smart Macintosh Programmer's Workshop environment. It needs a Macintosh with at least 512K of memory and two floppies. With this letter, he enclosed printouts of his Macintosh XL screen. He has available MF, INIMF, PLAIN.base, CMBASE.base, MF.pool, PLAIN.mf, CMBASE.mf source code files, all .mf source files for Computer Modern family from Standard Distribution Tape, view printGF with MPW Pascal source code, and some descriptions and installation instructions. He is now working on some non-roman font designs (Cyrillic, Hebrew, and Arabic). He will give a presentation at the Workshop on Font Design Systems, 18-19 May 87 in Sophia-Antipolis, France. He can make copies of this available to members of TUG for a suitable reimbursement of expenses; this is not a commercial distribution. Please send him a letter if you are interested. Arthur ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 28 Apr 87 12:32:51 GMT From: CMI011%UK.AC.SOTON.IBM@ac.uk To: TEXHAX@score.stanford.edu Subject: Questions and comments in TeXhax 87.27, there are three notes about quoting program fragments in TeX documents. May I describe my solution to the problems when using LaTeX? We have three methods of program quote: a) a `proquote' environment that is a `quote' with tabbing set, and 8 predefined tabs, the whole thing to be in sans-serif. You have to do the rest (escaping special characters etc) yourself b) ^program and ^endprogram macros which set up a verbatim environment with everything in ^tt etc. This is for first drafts and when you are in a hurry c) the ^program macro actually has a parameter of language type (Pascal, C, Prolog etc), and you can utilize this by running the LaTeX source through a pre-processor which pipes the program quotes through a modified version of tgrind. If anyone doesnt have the latter, it puts keywords in bold, comments in italic, numbers lines etc etc, reading a file which contains information about the different programming languages (its on the Unix TeX tape) The advantage of this system is that it leaves pure readable code in your LaTeX source, which can be changed, read in from genuine program etc, and lets you have a simple version for when you cannot be bothered with tgrind. I would be interested to hear other people's reactions to the idea of pre-processors for TeX documents (life is too short to do it all in TeX.....) As for the question about a Lisp font, the solution adopted here by the Lisp guru is to use a special program in place of tgrind above, which gets the tabbing exactly right using a proportional font (Palatino is what is used by preference). Its quite pleasing aesthetically. anyone who wants the relevant programs, macros, let me know. they are not very difficult to write from scratch anyway - I recommend the Lisp one though. Comment: personally, I like Leslie Lamport's savage putdowns of peoples requests, and I take his point about making life easier for the reader. However, `readability' is something the experts disagree on a lot, and Lamport's styles are only one way of making a readable document. Presenting a document in England with his default styles simply will not do - the headings are far too large, for instance. Many of us work to publisher's house styles, and so our changes to LaTeX styles are not simply idle fancy that Lamport should savage. We are not all beginners, as LL seems to think. But please keep the nasties coming, I find them interesting and helpful. Question 1: I am doing a conference proceedings with LaTeX and want a separate bibliography after each chapter. How can I persuade BibTeX to do that? or is the only solution to have a ^input thischapsbib and run BibTeX on each chapter separately and then edit the input? Question 2: has anyone out there made BibTeX produce footnotes instead of end references? I was thinking of having a go at it, but if someone has already done the work. (and, please, no backlash from typographical purists, please. I, and many other people, LIKE footnotes and find they make the document more readable. thanks sebastian rahtz computer science, university, southampton, uk cmi011@uk.ac.soton.ibm spqr@uk.ac.soton.cm ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 29 Apr 87 18:08:35 EST From: "S Bechtolsheim" To: dhosek%hmcvax.bitnet@forsythe.Stanford.edu, texhax@score.stanford.edu Subject: Re: TeX Alignment question Don Hosek's solution can be simplified (one column table is enough!) \def\quotation #1#2{{ \tabskip = 0pt plus 1fil \halign to \hsize{ \hfil##\cr % table has one rightflush column #1\cr #2\cr } }} \quotation{This is the quote, which appears centered on the page}{Author} Stephan v. Bechtolsheim ------------------------------ From: ST401266%BROWNVM.BITNET@forsythe.stanford.edu Date: Wed, 29 Apr 87 13:07:06 PDT To: TEXHAX@score.stanford.edu Subject: Mathematicians use AmSTeX or LaTeX? Received: by BROWNVM (Mailer X1.23) id 9592; Wed, 29 Apr 87 14:26:03 EDT Date: Wed, 29 Apr 87 14:23:18 EDT From: Steve Buyske To: TEXHAX@SCORE.STANFORD.EDU Subject: Mathematicians use AmSTeX or LaTeX? I would like to ask the mathematicians in the audience their thoughts on using AmSTeX or LaTeX. AmSTeX has the advantage of being easier to use for some (mathematicians') mathematics and of being supported by the AMS, which includes being used in their journals, while LaTeX has the advantage of "logical structure" and of more widespread use. Which do you use? In early versions of AmSTeX, there was some comment about it shortly being merged with LaTeX. Is there any hope of this ever happening? --Steve Buyske ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 30 Apr 87 10:04:29 CDT From: anita@astro.as.utexas.edu (Anita Cochran) To: TeXhax@score.stanford.edu Subject: A question on font availability A collegue of mine has TeX for his Amiga and this version uses the pk fonts instead of the pxl fonts. His version came with a limited subset of fonts and he came to me to see what we had on our computer. We didn't have what he wanted either. What he wants are cmss (sans serif) fonts in pk format. Do they exist? You can email me a reply. Anita Cochran uucp: {noao, ut-sally, ut-ngp}!utastro!anita arpa: anita@astro.as.utexas.edu snail: Astronomy Dept., The Univ. of Texas, Austin, TX, 78712 at&t: (512) 471-1471 ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 30 Apr 87 08:50:48 PDT From: lamport@src.DEC.COM (Leslie Lamport) To: TeXhax@Score.Stanford.edu Subject: LaTeX notes: alignment question In-Reply-To: Your message of Wed 29 Apr 87 07:22:01 PDT. The query > I have a question about alignment. I want to have a centered line > with a right-justified line below it whose right boundry is that of the > centered line. Make sense? Here's an Example: > > Tout est pour le mieux, dans le meilleur des mondes possibles. > --- Dr. Pangloss (Voltaire) drew such a selection of obscure hackery that I can't resist mentioning the LaTeX solution, which I hope was obvious to all LaTeX users: \begin{center} \begin{tabular}{r} Tout est pour le mieux, dans le meilleur des mondes possibles.\\ --- Dr. Pangloss (Voltaire) \end{tabular} \end{center} Leslie Lamport ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 30 Apr 87 08:59:02 PDT From: lamport@src.DEC.COM (Leslie Lamport) To: TeXhax@Score.Stanford.edu Subject: LaTeX notes: conference proceedings In-Reply-To: Your message of Wed 29 Apr 87 07:22:01 PDT. A number of people have inquired about how to produce camera-ready copy for conference proceedings that provide huge sheets on which the paper is to be typed. I just received the following message from Fred Schneider, editor of the next PODC proceedings, I asked ACM about the "camera-ready" problem. It is a non-problem. If somebody sends me 8.5 x 11 (i.e. already reduced) camera-ready copy, they will accept it and print with it. This resolves the question for PODC and presumably for other conferences as well. LaTeX users can therefore submit copy produced with the `proc' document style. Leslie Lamport ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 29 Apr 87 21:53:19 PDT From: To: texhax@score.stanford.edu Subject: Intermachine font transfer ? Date: Thu, 30 Apr 87 00:53 EST From: Subject: Intermachine font transfer ? To: texhax@score.stanford.edu X-Original-To: texhax@score.stanford.edu, ANK I have become of late interested in the power of TeX and LaTeX, hence want to retain my old documentation on a LispM and use the files on a VAX/VMS having TeX,LaTeX,....My question is two fold... Is is possible to get centuryschoolbook105 on TeX,LaTeX, and if so, is it in P.D. ? and the other is that I have designed a Font style (Yes a font style...) using FONT Editor on the Symbolics, for a CAD application. I wish to interchangably use the Apple-printer on the LispM and an Imagen on VAX/VMS for my TeX,LaTeX files...? I gather not many sites have a Symbolics hooked up to a VAX on DECNET therefore some of these might seem like out of place...However I think it relates to my switching over to TeX on the VAX, and use the LispM's files printed on a VAX.....{Please do not ask me to get a TeX for LispM because people would not *buy* that for any reason.... Temporarily I need centuryschoolbook font for our VAX....so that I could write the Documentation anywhere and not bother going over to a LispM to see it....... Anil Khullar {Ph.D. Prog in Psychology C.U.N.Y. Grad. Center. 33 W 42 St. Box 295, New York NY 10036 } BITNET:ank@cunyvms1 INTERNET:ank%cunyvms1.BITNET@wiscvm.edu ========================================================================== SAID A CHIP TO ANOTHER --" I AM INTO BYTE SWAPPING" ========================================================================== [DISCLAIMER: They say after Boston there is heaven, I agree; I say after LispM there is nirvana, they don't. This and other such opinion are held dearly by me, my employers and the institution I represent do not necessarily hold that view. I am sole culprit of such fantasies. No living being is responsible, however unsolicited support is welcome] ------------------------------ Date: 30 Apr 87 16:03:00 EST From: "Michael J. Porter" Subject: VMS VIRTEX To: texhax Reply-To: "Michael J. Porter" Resent-To: texhax@louie.udel.edu Resent-Date: Thu, 30 Apr 87 16:31:03 -0400 Resent-From: James M Galvin There have been several requests for the ability to create a VIRTEX.EXE from a TeX file under VMS. I have a routine which creates a new copy of the currently executing image with the modified memory copied to the new image file. The TeX change file needs to be modified so that the routine is called when the \dump command is issued. This enables you to create a VIRTEX.EXE file with a format pre-loaded. I will supply the dumping routine and change files for TeX and METAFONT to anyone who sends a request to: mike@vax.oit.udel.edu Please include an explicit return address from the perspective of the arpanet if you are on some other network. (I hate trying to backroute mail). The file is about 5000 lines long. The image dumper is written in BLISS-32, but I have also included the assembly source for those of you that don't have a BLISS compiler. I should note that the image dumper has only been tested on VMS 4.2, but I don't have any reason to suspect that it won't work on a newer version of VMS. Michael Porter Univerisity of Delaware mike@vax.oit.udel.edu ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 30 Apr 87 17:13:42 EDT From: John T Kohl To: texhax@SCORE.STANFORD.EDU Subject: PostScript built-in fonts from UNIX? I am currently a Scribe user, but I would like to learn TeX and LaTeX, since they seem more powerful. BUT, I intensely dislike the CMR fonts that TeX likes to use. I would, however, LOVE to be able to use the builtin PostScript fonts (such as TimesRoman, Helvetica, NewCenturySchoolbook, etc) from TeX. Anybody have a dvi -> ps and a macro package to do this? John Kohl MIT/Project Athena ------------------------------ To: texhax@score.stanford.edu Subject: Contents of LaTeX style collection, 1st May 1987 Date: Thu, 30 Apr 87 23:50:33 -0500 From: Ken Yap The LaTeX style collection now has the files listed below. More submissions are very welcome. 00directory docsty.readme siam10.sty 00index doublespace.sty siam11.sty 00readme drafthead.sty siam12.sty a4.sty dvidoc.shar1 slem.doc aaai-instructions.tex dvidoc.shar2 slem.sty aaai-named.bst dvidoc.sty spacecites.doc aaai.sty epic.shar1 spacecites.sty acm.bst epic.shar2 suthesis.doc agugrl.sty format.sty suthesis.sty agujgr.sty fullpage.doc texindex.doc amssymbols.sty fullpage.sty texindex.pas biihead.sty geophysics.sty texindex.sty ctex.readme ieeetr.bst texnames.doc ctex.shar1 layout.readme texnames.sty ctex.shar10 layout.tex threepart.sty ctex.shar2 lfonts_ams.readme uct10.doc ctex.shar3 lfonts_ams.tex uct11.doc ctex.shar4 lgraph.shar uct12.doc ctex.shar5 natsci.bst ucthesis.doc ctex.shar6 newalpha.bst ucthesis.readme ctex.shar7 nopagenumbers.doc vdm.doc ctex.shar8 nopagenumbers.sty vdm.sty ctex.shar9 siam.bib vdm.tex cyrillic.sty siam.bst ws87.p dayofweek.tex siam.doc wsltex.c deproc.sty siam.sty wsltex.p deprocldc.tex siam.tex docsty.c siam10.doc 1. For Internet users - how to ftp: Here is an example session. Disclaimer: ftp syntax varies from host to host. Your syntax may be different. The syntax presented here is that of Unix ftp. Comments in parentheses. % ftp cayuga.cs.rochester.edu (a.k.a. rochester.arpa, a.k.a. ... (general blurb) user: anonymous password: ftp> cd public/latex-style (where the files are) ftp> ls (to see what is there) ... (lots of output) ftp> get 00index ... (more blurb) ftp> quit 2. Non-Internet users - how to retrieve by mail: An archive server has been installed. Send a piece of mail to LaTeX-Style (@rochester.arpa, @cs.rochester.edu, via uucp or your favourite gateway) in the following format: Subject line should contain the phrase "@file request". Body of the mail should start with a line containing only an @ (at) sign. (Important!) The first line following should be a mail address FROM rochester TO you. Then follow by the names of the files you want, either one to each line, or many to each line, separated by spaces. End with a line containing only an @ sign. Case is not significant. For example, if you are user at site.bitnet, this is what you should send: To: latex-style@rochester.arpa Subject: @file request @ user%site.bitnet@wiscvm.wisc.edu 00readme 00index @ A word to the wise: it is best to fully qualify your mail address. Our mailer knows about some gateways but not all. Examples: user%site.bitnet@wiscvm.wisc.edu user%site.csnet@relay.cs.net Do not include any messages in the mail. It will not be seen by human eyes. Be patient as the server is actually a batch program run once a day. Files will be sent in batches, each not exceeding 100kbytes in size. Ken LaTeX-Style@Rochester.Arpa LaTeX-Style@cs.Rochester.Edu ..!rochester!latex-style ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 1 May 87 13:57 ADT From: Frank Reashore Subject: Latex comment facilities To: TEXHAX@SU-SCORE.ARPA Reply-To: Frank%Wraith@DREA-XX.ARPA One feature which Latex lacks which would be very useful is a scoping comment, that is \begin{comment} ... \end{comment}. This would save the effort of commenting out each line of a region. Would such an environment be difficult to implement? -Frank Reashore ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 1 May 87 12:15:12 EST From: "S Bechtolsheim" To: texhax@score.stanford.edu Subject: Splitting off headers from tables (once more) Concerning splitting of headers from a table---a more elegant solution is to use penalties! Here we go once more \def\strut {\vrule height 8pt depth 4pt width 0pt} \global\setbox 0 = \vbox { \offinterlineskip \tabskip = 10pt \halign { \strut #\hfil& \hfil #\hfil \cr \it This is& \it the header\cr \it Header Line 2& \it more of it\cr \noalign{\penalty -10000} % *** ADDED *** L-1& Line 1 of table\cr L-2& Line 2 \dots\cr L-3& Some more stuff in Line 3\cr L-4& This is Line 4\cr L-5& More stuff\cr L-6& Even more stuff\cr L-7& The last line\cr } } % Split off the header controlled by a built in break point \global\setbox 2 = \vsplit 0 to 1000pt % resuls in underfull \vbox \global\setbox 2 = \vbox{\unvbox 2} % fix box 2 \centerline{\bf Table header} $$ \vbox{\copy 2} $$ \centerline{\bf Rest of table} $$ \vbox{\copy 0} $$ \centerline{\bf Table header and lines reunited} $$ \vbox{ \offinterlineskip \copy 2 \copy 0 } $$ \bye ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 1 May 87 16:38:38 pdt From: Kamal Al-Yahya To: TeXhax@score.stanford.edu Subject: TeX version of UNIX man pages (a response) This is a response to David Chase's message on TeXHax Volume 87 issue# 32, May 1, 1987, regarding UNIX man pages. I have written a troff-to-LaTeX convertor that handles manuals as well. The convertor is not perfect (given the irreconsilibility of the two languages) and I don't intend to go back working on ot before I graduate. I tried it on csh(1) and the result was very good. A REALLY complicated man page (especially if it has if's) will not be converted well. If someone has the intention of massive translation, it should relieve him/her from a lot of typing. Some brushing up is unavoidable. You can get via anonymous ftp from utah-science (thanks to Nelson Beebe). Kamal Al-Yahya kamal%hanauma@score.stanford.edu ------------------------------ %%% %%% subscriptions, address changes to: texhax-request@score.stanford.edu %%% %%% submissions to: texhax@score.stanford.edu %%% %%%\bye %%% End of TeXhax Digest **************************