TeXhax Digest Monday, May 11, 1987 Volume 87 : Issue 35 [SCORE.STANFORD.EDU]TEXHAX35.87 Editor: Malcolm Brown Today's Topics: Karney's \insertfigure with ArborText LaTeX style for SPIE proceedings TeX support for Xerox 9700 printers driver for Dataproducts LZR 26xx device Minor bibtex suggestion Smallest TeX how to get new TeX files LaTeX notes Re: TeXhax Digest V87 #33 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: Tue, 5 May 87 17:03:08 PDT From: Bruce Langdon To: TeXhax@score.stanford.edu Subject: Karney's \insertfigure with ArborText Summary: Karney's \insertfigure adapted to dvips spooler. We use both Charles Karney's `texspool', and `dvips' from ArborText. In order to maintain compatibility with Karney's \insertfigure macro, I adapted it to interface with `dvips'. (Rotation is not implemented.) `sidex' and `sidey' are defined by the DLIVU program that translates LLNL's graphics metafile to PostScript. DLIVU.pro interprets polylines, etc. To reduce I/O, the PS for frame 5 of file dlidata is put into file dlidata.5. The rest is described in Arbortext's manual. %%%%%%% % figure.tex Adapted from C. Karney and Textset manual % Bruce Langdon, 2/10/87 % usage: \insertfigure file pagenum scalex scaley \catcode`\@=11 \def\insertfigure#1 #2 {\begingroup \toks@={#1}\count@#2 \afterassignment\insfig@\dimen@} \def\insfig@{\afterassignment\insfi@@\dimen@ii} \def\insfi@@{\count0=\dimen@\count2=\dimen@ii\toks2={ }% \special{ps::[begin,asis] 0 SPB /DLIcheckpoint save def Xpos Ypos translate /temp 65536 72.27 mul def /sidex \the\count0 \the\toks2 temp div def % in inches /sidey \the\count2 \the\toks2 temp div def}% %(postscript from file \toks@.\count@, e.g. d0abcd0x.5) \special{ps: plotfile \the\toks@.\the\count@ \the\toks2 asis}% \special{ps::[end,asis] DLIcheckpoint restore 0 SPE}% \endgroup} \catcode`\@=12 % % Load PostScript procedures into printer. \special{ps: plotfile /usr2/abl/PS/DLIVU.pro global}% \endinput % must avoid letting embedded blanks get through % TeX current point is at 0,0 in the DLI coordinate space. % dimensions are that of entire DLI coordinate space. % plot file from sunvu uses these to set `scale' and `clippath' Bruce Langdon L-472 langdon@lll-lcc.ARPA Physics Department "langdon#bruce%d@lll-mfe.ARPA" Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory Livermore, CA 94550 (415) 422-5444 UUCP: ..{ihnp4,qantel,ucdavis,pyramid,styx,topaz}!lll-lcc!langdon ..{gymble,ll-xn,seismo}!lll-crg!lll-lcc!langdon ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 5 May 87 11:08 EST From: Reid Rowlett To: texhax@SCORE.STANFORD.EDU Subject: LaTeX style for SPIE proceedings X-VMS-To: IN%"texhax@score.stanford.edu" I am submitting a camera-ready paper to an SPIE conference, for which I would like to use LaTeX. I therefore need a .STY file which is appropriate for SPIE's guidelines, which are: use 11-point type, with page size of 9-1/8 x 12 inches (to be reduced to 77%). Either single or double-column formats can be used, although to my eye the two-column format is easier to read. I have access to a VAX VMS implementation of LaTeX with ACM.STY, which claims to follow ACM's proceedings style, and a IBM-PC implementation with PROC.STY, which claims to follow ACM and IEEE proceedings styles. However, both of these assume that the output will be on standard 8-1/2 x 11 paper, not on larger sheets for photoreduction. I could hack around with \textheight and \textwidth, but I would rather not, since I'm not a *real* document designer. My problem is one aspect of what I feel is a real drawback to LaTeX: the lack of document style choices. Leslie Lamport chides users for trying to be document designers, but when BOOK.STY, REPORT.STY and ARTICLE.STY don't produce the output we need, we're forced to try some hacking. I don't believe that ARTICLE.STY is the only way an article can look and still get an A for document design. (I don't know much about art/document design, but I know what I like.) Reid Rowlett Unisys Corporation Reston, VA ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 5 May 87 16:28:08 PDT From: Kent_Wada%UBC.MAILNET@MIT-Multics.ARPA To: texhax@score.stanford.edu Subject: TeX support for Xerox 9700 printers The Computing Centre at the University of British Columbia has recently begun to support TeX fully. Our Math department has had TeX up and running on an Imagen printer for some time now, and the CC itself has offered a service based on a QMS 1200. We have found the QMS inadequate for the increasing TeX loads we are experiencing, and would like to provide a TeX service based on our Xerox 9700 and Xerox 4050 printers; even with the foresight that they will be unlikely to be capable of handling certain types of TeX jobs. We already provide a limited service on the 9700/4050 printers, but would like to see it become less restrictive. In an effort to save ourselves from reinventing the wheel, we would be very interested in hearing from anyone who may be using TeX on a Xerox 9700-class printer. (Both our 9700 and 4050 have CD/IG3 with 8 megabits of font memory.) In particular, does anybody already have: (1) the cm fonts in Xerox 9700-loadable format? (2) a utility to get from Metafont font descriptions (gf files) to Xerox 9700 loadable files? A version in WEB would be preferable, of course, but anything would probably be useful to us. (3) the use of any Mergenthaler fonts through TeX? We already have the full Century Schoolbook fonts from Xerox, and would love to get TFM files for them! (4) their 9700 driven in line-printer mode (as opposed to native/ metacode mode)? What kind of DVI-to-Xerox-9700 drivers do people have? Any help would be greatly appreciated!! Kent Wada Computing Centre, UBC ARPA: kent_wada%ubcmtsg.bitnet%ubc@relay.cs.net BITNET: userwada@ubcmtsg CDNnet: kent_wada@ubcmtsg.bitnet CSNET: kent_wada%ubcmtsg.bitnet@ubc UUCP: ...{ihnp4!alberta,seismo}!ubc-vision!ubcmtsg.bitnet!kent_wada Phone: 604 228 6496 C Post: Computing Centre/The University of British Columbia/6356 Agricultural Road/Vancouver, British Columbia/Canada V6T 1W5 ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 6 May 87 08:04:17 PDT From: To: TEXHAX@score.stanford.edu Subject: driver for Dataproducts LZR 26xx device Date: Wed, 06 May 87 16:02:16 SET To: TEXHAX@SCORE.STANFORD From: KVS@DGAIPP1S Return-Receipt-To: KVS@DGAIPP1S.BITNET Subject: driver for Dataproducts LZR 26xx device Date: 6 May 1987, 15:51:26 SET From: Dr. Kurt v. Sengbusch 089-3299-9904 KVS at DGAIPP1S To: TEXHAX at SCORE We have heard of a device "Dataproducts LZR 26xx", a laser printer with download capability for fonts. We have not got any information from TeX Users Group Membership List or the manufacturer whether a TeX device driver (for IBM's VM/CMS) is available somewhere. Hints would be welcome. Kurt v. Sengbusch (KVS@DGAIPP1S) Max-Planck-Institut fur Plasmaphysik ------------------------------ From: mcvax!ux63.bath.ac.uk!cc_dc@seismo.CSS.GOV Date: 7 May 1987 17:22:27 BST To: TeXhax Subject: Documentation and CYRACC.DEF for Cyrillic My query concerns the Cyrillic fonts. I have the TFM and PK files with the distribution tape from John Crawford, at Ohio State University, but no accompanying documentation or CYRACC.DEF file, as mentioned in Barbara Beeton's article in TUGboat (vol.6, no.3). John Crawford has no knowledge of these extra files, can anyone help?? Please send help/files either to myself on bitnet: booth.cm@uk.ac.exeter (via userid mailer at earn node ukacrl) --- this may not be straightforward (from experience) --- or alternatively to John Crawford who can forward them to me. crawford-j@ohio-state.arpa or ts0135%ohstvma (bitnet) we've 700 pages of cyrillic waiting in the wings.... thanks cathy booth ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 7 May 87 15:23:22 CDT From: David Chase Subject: Minor bibtex suggestion To: texhax@score.stanford.edu When bibtex is run on a .aux file containing no citations, it should produce an EMPTY .bbl file. Right now, it produces a file containing \begin{thebibliography}{} \end{thebibliography} causing latex to ask for interactive assistance and print an empty "References" section. An empty .bbl file avoids both of these. I suppose some people might want to see the empty "References" in their paper, but I have never been in this situation ("This bibliography intentionally left blank"). It is more important to me to be able to work from boilerplate with a fixed set of commands. David ------------------------------ Date: Thu 7 May 87 17:05:42-PDT From: Tomas G. Rokicki Subject: Smallest TeX To: texhax@Score.Stanford.EDU Just for interest, what are the sizes of typical TeX implementations out there? The data chunks are probably close in size; what is the size of your VirTeX executable? AmigaTeX weighs in at 126,752 bytes; that's on a 68000. Just interested . . . -tom ------------------------------ Date: 05/04/87 1547 To: From: Subject: how to get new TeX files I want to ask a question that probably has been asked a hundred times: where do I get the famous ``new'' fonts mentioned in `The Joy of TeX'? Of course I would prefer to have the METAFONT input files, so can someone let me please know if this is possible. Is it possible to obtain the TeX files stored at SCORE without ftp? As far as I know there is no possibility to do this via BITNET. Last but not least: is there anyone in the TeX world who knows of a TeX implementation for the OS9/68000 operating system? Thank you, Rainer Schoepf SCHOEPF@DMZRZU71.BITNET ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 1 May 87 18:55:13 PDT From: To: TeXhax-request@score.stanford.edu Received: by WATCSG (Mailer X1.23b) id 4604; Fri, 01 May 87 21:46:12 LCL Date: Fri, 1 May 1987 21:45 LCL From: (Peter Bumbulis) To: Do you know where I could get a copy of Common TeX (TeX translated to C by Pat Monardo?) Thanks in advance, Peter ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 7 May 87 21:38:02 PDT From: lamport@src.DEC.COM (Leslie Lamport) To: TeXhax@Score.Stanford.edu Subject: LaTeX notes Re: TeXhax Digest V87 #33 In-Reply-To: Your message of Thu 7 May 87 18:17:31 PDT. sebastian rahtz asks: Question 1: I am doing a conference proceedings with LaTeX and want a separate bibliography after each chapter. How can I persuade BibTeX to do that? or is the only solution to have a ^input thischapsbib and run BibTeX on each chapter separately and then edit the input? That is certainly the easiest solution. Generating separate bibliographies would require extensive changes to BibTeX and the \cite command. Question 2: has anyone out there made BibTeX produce footnotes instead of end references? I was thinking of having a go at it, but if someone has already done the work. (and, please, no backlash from typographical purists, please. I, and many other people, LIKE footnotes and find they make the document more readable. This shouldn't be too hard for an experienced BibTeX/LaTeX hacker, so long as each citation is an ordinary footnote containing the complete bibliography entry. It requires a BibTeX style that generates an appropriate definition for each entry, a redefintion of \cite, and putting the \bibliography command at the front of the document. Trying to implement the pedantic `op. cit.' and `loc. cit.' convention would be impractical. --- Steve Buyske asks: In early versions of AmSTeX, there was some comment about it shortly being merged with LaTeX. Is there any hope of this ever happening? I know of no plans. It shouldn't be too hard to implement most of the features of AMSTeX in a LaTeX document style. However, this might cause severe space problems on some machines. --- Frank Reashore asks about a `comment' environment. It would not be too difficult to implement an environment that approximated what he wants; however, it would not allow nested comments and would run TeX out of room on very long comments. (The trick is to define a macro whose argument is delimited by the character string \end{comment}.) Thus, one would have an environment that worked right 97% of the time. Unfortunately, the time spent tracking down the problem with that other 3% would probably exceed the time saved by not having to comment out each line. Leslie Lamport ------------------------------ %%% %%% subscriptions, address changes to: texhax-request@score.stanford.edu %%% %%% submissions to: texhax@score.stanford.edu %%% %%%\bye %%% End of TeXhax Digest **************************