TeXhax Digest Thursday, May 21, 1987 Volume 87 : Issue 38 [SCORE.STANFORD.EDU]TEXHAX38.87 Editor: Malcolm Brown Today's Topics: LaTeX Notes X9700 support "Hyphenation patterns" \begin{comment} \end{comment} Re: LaTeX style for SPIE proceedings MANFNT PXL ID response of sorts to bibliographic queries Help with large LaTex tables... LaTeX Notes II Tagging equation numbers Bug (?) in verbatim for ?` and !` ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: Tue, 12 May 87 08:44:00 PDT From: lamport@src.DEC.COM (Leslie Lamport) To: TeXhax@Score.Stanford.edu Subject: LaTeX Notes (Re: TeXhax Digest V87 #35) In-Reply-To: Your message of Mon 11 May 87 16:46:33 PDT. Reid Rowlett asks for a document style for an SPIE (I don't know what this stands for) conference that wants enlared ouitput for a 9X12" page. This is another example of a problem that confronts many people in producing camera-ready copy for proceedings--most laser printers don't handle pages larger than 8-1/2X11. As I indicated in a previous message, ACM will accept actual-size text; perhaps SPIE will also. It would help in the long run if authors complained about this to their editors instead of just hacking around the problem and keeping quiet. He writes I could hack around with \textheight and \textwidth, but I would rather not, since I'm not a *real* document designer. If you do the hacking so that the reduced version looks the same as the ordinary LaTeX styles, then you're not designing--you're implementing choices made by a "real" designer (the one who designed the LaTeX styles). Despite my warnings about the inherent danger, it's not that hard to change the style parameters. Rowlett continues with [A] real drawback to LaTeX [is] the lack of document style choices. Leslie Lamport chides users for trying to be document designers, but when BOOK.STY, REPORT.STY and ARTICLE.STY don't produce the output we need, we're forced to try some hacking. I don't believe that ARTICLE.STY is the only way an article can look and still get an A for document design. (I don't know much about art/document design, but I know what I like.) ARTICLE.STY isn't the last word in document-style design, and I would like to see more document style choices. I just don't want them designed by people who don't know what they're doing. I'd be happy to help a trained designer create a new style. I do try to be as responsive as I can to people's NEEDS--such as for conforming to reasonable existing standards. I don't try to help naive authors make their documents "look nicer". As I've said many times in the past, I don't care what the author likes; I care about what his readers need. Leslie Lamport ------------------------------ From: Date: Tue, 12 May 87 12:00:43 EDT To: texhax@SCORE.STANFORD.EDU Subject: X9700 support We are also VERY interested in dvi->9700 stuff: we currently have 3000 users using Scribe for high volume stuff that goes to the 9700, and we would REALLY like to move people over to LaTeX without flooding our PostScript printers. We do have the 9700 font files (which seem to be rare) so making the tfm files should be easy... {Scribe is a trademark of UniLogic. LaTeX ISN'T.} Mark Eichin Disclaimer: I do not represent Project Athena; I do represent SIPB as a volunteer member, and one of the group bringing LaTeX to the masses. ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 12 May 87 09:54:49 mdt From: premji@nbires (Carol Premji) To: TeXhax@score.stanford.edu Subject: "Hyphenation patterns" I'm looking for ASCII lists of hyphenation patterns for the following languages: French, German, Spanish, Dutch, Swedish, Danish, Norwegian, Italian, Portugese. Can anyone point me toward a source? Also, how does TeX handle the spelling changes in words when hyphenating in German? ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 12 May 87 09:18:26 MDT From: sxs@LANL.GOV (Steve Sydoriak) To: TeXhax@score.stanford.edu Subject: \begin{comment} \end{comment} To comment out large areas, I use \iffalse ... ... \fi ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 12 May 87 13:08:02 CDT From: William LeFebvre Subject: Re: LaTeX style for SPIE proceedings To: TeXhax@score.stanford.edu >Reid Rowlett says: > I therefore need a .STY file which is appropriate for SPIE's > guidelines, which are: use 11-point type, with page size of 9-1/8 x 12 > inches (to be reduced to 77%)....However, both of these assume that the > output will be on standard 8-1/2 x 11 paper, not on larger sheets for > photoreduction. I could hack around with \textheight and \textwidth, > but I would rather not, since I'm not a *real* document designer. I am assuming that your printer can print pages that large. Our Imagen 2308 (nee 8/300) printers cannot. I have always thought that documents that are to be reduced should be printed with the reduction step in mind. More specifically, design the output to look correct in its final (reduced) size. Then, use a global magnification that is the reciprocal of the amount of reduction (1.299 in this case, or "\magnification=1299"). Now, the photoreduction step will get the document back to the size you designed it for, but the print will be of a higher quality (a higher effective resolution). After all, isn't this precisely the reason Knuth put all that magnification handling stuff in TeX? See page 59 of _The_TeXbook_. I should also add that doing this might require extra pixel fonts (GF or PXL) at oddball sizes to print the document. But I firmly believe that doing it this way is "the correct way". William LeFebvre Department of Computer Science Rice University ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 12 May 87 12:25:26 PDT From: To: texhax@score.stanford.edu Subject: MANFNT From: Dean Guenther 509-335-0411 Subject: MANFNT To: Texhax column Dean Luick in V87 #32 asked about the MANFNT font. I too had a similar question a couple months ago. The answer is yes, it still exists. Apparently it was called MANFNT MF, then changed to MANUAL MF, then back to MANFNT MF. It can be FTP'd from Score. Dean R. Guenther TeX IBM VM/CMS Site Coordinator Washington State University Pullman, Wa. 99164-1220 phone: 509-335-0411 BITnet: GUENTHER@WSUVM1 ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 12 May 87 12:26:34 PDT From: To: texhax@score.stanford.edu Subject: PXL ID From: Dean Guenther 509-335-0411 Subject: PXL ID To: Texhax column What is the PXL standard? ID=1001 or ID=1002? If the standard is ID=1002, does anyone know where it is documented? I scanned the TUGboats but only found the description for 1001. Someone told me that the 1001 files are word aligned and the 1002 files are byte aligned. Also, the 1001 files has the size of a chacracter's bitmap in 4 bytes. For 1002, the character's bitmap size is in 16 bytes. Are there other differences? Dean R. Guenther TeX IBM VM/CMS Site Coordinator Washington State University Pullman, Wa. 99164-1220 phone: 509-335-0411 BITnet: GUENTHER@WSUVM1 ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 12 May 87 21:02:34 EDT From: James Alexander To: texhax@su-score Subject: response of sorts to bibliographic queries From sebastian rahtz: Question 1: I am doing a conference proceedings with LaTeX and want a separate bibliography after each chapter. How can I persuade BibTeX to do that? or is the only solution to have a ^input thischapsbib and run BibTeX on each chapter separately and then edit the input? Question 2: has anyone out there made BibTeX produce footnotes instead of end references? I was thinking of having a go at it, but if someone has already done the work. (and, please, no backlash from typographical purists, please. I, and many other people, LIKE footnotes and find they make the document more readable. As discussed in an earlier texhax, I have a preprocessor called tib available for setting citations and bibliographies which will set each chapter file separately -- no editing needed. It also will produce footnotes (including `ibid.' and `op. cit.' at the user's option). It works with either tex or latex. ------------------------------ Date: 12 MAY 87 23:35-EST From: SYSTEM%CUGSBVAX.BITNET@wiscvm.wisc.edu To: TEXHAX @ SCORE.STANFORD.EDU Subject: Help with large LaTex tables... I've been trying to get LaTex to produce 'large' tabular tables with very 'little' success. Since I've found no way to rotate tables to 'landscape' within a document, I've been resorting to inserting \scriptsize commands before tables that would normally take 132 columns on a lineprinter. This works fine for tables with less than 60 lines or so. The problem is that a \scriptsize table of 132 columns by 60 lines fills about 1/3 of an 8 1/2 by 11 page. Any attempt to increase the number of lines in the table leads to an error message from Tex that memory was exceeded. While 58000 bytes of memory would seem to be more than enough for a full page of \normalsize characters the smaller font requires more. I've investigated this magic number 58000 (or so) and have found that it appears to be a universal Tex constant related to the powers of 2 and the ability of computers/compilers to represent integers. I'm working on a variety of VAX/VMS systems trying very hard to complete the final printed version of my dissertation and so would appreciate any and all comments, suggestions, etc. By the way, here at Columbia University the dissertation secretary and most departments accept the wonderfully readable copies of dissertations produced via LaTex/Tex. Hold the \tt stuff please! ------------------------------ From: lamport@src.DEC.COM (Leslie Lamport) Date: 12 May 1987 2219-PDT (Tuesday) To: TeXhax@Score.Stanford.edu Subject: LaTeX Notes II (Re: TeXhax Digest V87 #36) In-Reply-To: Your message of Tue 12 May 87 19:39:33 PDT. Chris Carruthers asks for the date of the "latest release" of LaTeX. In the last half year or so, new releases have appeared about once a month. These all correct fairly obscure bugs. The best way to decide whether it's worth getting a new release is to examine the file LATEX.BUG. Perhaps Ken Yap would consider putting this file on his style archive so people could get it by net mail. Haim Levkowitz asks how to put an equation number on a formula. Am I missing something, or is he unaware of the `equation' environment? David Chase asks about creating a "proof" environment. He is concerned about finding an appropriate style for the environment. The goal is to make it easy for the reader to tell when he's reading a proof. This requires some consistent typographical convention. The best convention will depend upon the nature of the material--in particular, how much of his document consists of proofs. There are various ways of making proofs stand out. The most dramatic that I know of are by using a different type style and by indenting the margin. Italics are probably a bad idea if the theorems are in italic, since then the typography doesn't distinguish proof from theorem. Indenting will work if the proofs are all short. However, many proofs aren't, and indenting loses its meaning when there's an entire page of indented text. Changing to a small type size will work, but that makes the proofs, which tend to be the hardest part of the text to understand, even harder to read. So, the best approach is usually to just indicate the beginning and end of the proof by the words "Proof" (in \bf or \sc or \it) and the end-of-proof symbol (which has generally replaced "QED" for that purpose) plus some extra vertical space. You might browse through math books for other ideas. The best way to implement the `proof' environment in LaTeX is with a \newenvironment command that uses the `trivlist' environment to provide most of the formatting. It's hard to get the `proof' environment to put in the end-of-proof symbol (unless you forbid blank lines between the last paragraph of the proof and the \end{proof}) command, so it's necessary to define an additional \qed command. Simon Barnes asks how to position things precisely on the paper for use with preprinted letterhead. He has problems making the positioning independent of the type size. First, a couple of observations: * You can give commands different definitions for different type sizes by defining them in the appropriate .sty file. For example, if you define a `companyletter' style, then the `12pt' option can be defined to \include a file `company12' while the default 10pt size \include's the file `company10' instead. You could put different definitions of \open in the two files. * It's not clear that you want to use different type sizes for dates and so on with preprinted letterhead. It might look better to match the size of the date to the printing on the letterhead rather than to the type size of the body. You'd have to try it both ways to decide. Finally, the best way to position something at a fixed position relative to the page is by putting it in the running head or foot. Using either \raisebox and horizontal space or a `picture' environment, you can make an item that is put in the running head print anywhere you want on the page. You'll have to look through the style files to see how to define the running heads in your style, but it's pretty easy once you see how it's done. Leslie Lamport ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 13 May 87 02:01:59 PDT From: To: TEXHAX@score.stanford.edu Subject: Tagging equation numbers From: John Kennedy Subject: Tagging equation numbers To: TEXHAX@SCORE.STANFORD.EDU Page 422 of the TeXbook tells how to produce an exercise number or equation number that is automatically advanced by one everytime it is used. Does anyone have a neat macro which will tag such an equation number so that it can be refered to again in the subsequent text and which is such that if the equation number is altered later because more equations have been put in or removed the reference to it will still be correct? I would like to be able to write something like ^ref a after the equation and have this automatically generate a control sequence ^refa which would print the equation number in any place in which reference was made to it. ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 13 May 87 06:03:01 PDT From: To: texhax@score.stanford.edu Subject: Bug (?) in verbatim for ?` and !` From: Z3000PA@AWITUW01.BITNET (Hubert Partl - Techn. Univ. Wien) Subject: Bug (?) in verbatim for ?` and !` To: texhax@score.stanford.edu I seem to have encountered a bug (or: questionable behaviour) in the verbatim environment and verb command of LaTeX and also in the verbatim macros from the TeXbook. They are intended to print any input text just as it is. However, the two-character sequences ?` (question mark plus grave accent) and !` (exclamation mark plus grave accent) are NOT printed as-is. Instead, the single characters (spanish inverted question mark or exclamation mark, respectively) are printed. The solution is: to catcode ? and ! to become ACTIVE characters and to define them to print the respective character, followed by some kern that inhibits ligatures. \catcode`\?=\active \def?{\char63{\kern0pt}} \catcode`\!=\active \def!{achar33{\kerm0pt}} Another solution might be to disable all ligatures in the \tt fonts, but this would be bad for spanisch users who want to type text in the \tt font. I would suggest that the verbatim and verb macros of LaTeX should be modified accordingly. P.S. [[- This is a technical question only. I do NOT want to infer that any of the authors of TeX and LaTeX were silly persons or that Spanish was a silly language... -]] ------------------------------ %%% %%% subscriptions, address changes to: texhax-request@score.stanford.edu %%% %%% submissions to: texhax@score.stanford.edu %%% %%%\bye %%% End of TeXhax Digest **************************