TeXhax Digest Friday, June 12, 1987 Volume 87 : Issue 46 [SCORE.STANFORD.EDU]TEXHAX46.87 Editor: Malcolm Brown Today's Topics: SV2 version of dvi2ps Announce of a free TeX distribution for Symbolics Lisp Machines Chapter 4, anyone? (Patgen query) Proposed standard for DVI \special's Xwindows previewer TeX Users Group 1987 Course Schedule PLAIN macros for conference proceedings? Upcoming TUG Meeting Program Postscript to QUIC converter??? Re: Chapter 4, anyone? (Patgen query) VMS TEX file formats TeX source availability Bug in SIAM bibliographystyle LSE template for TeX (or something similar)? Previewer for VaxStation/GPX II ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: Wed, 3 Jun 87 09:54:42 EDT From: michael@macbeth.Princeton.EDU (Michael Schneider) To: texhax@score.stanford.edu Subject: SV2 version of dvi2ps I have not used this address before, so I apologize if this is well-known. I have LaTeX running on a 3b2/300 under System V release 2.0.5. (I think that that's the correct version of SV.) My system programmer (Craig Kolb) ported CTeX. Now I would like to hook up an Apple LaserWriter, but we were unable to find a version of dvi2ps that worked. Has anyone done this? Can someone either send me, or tell me where I can get a version of dvi2ps that will work for me. Thanks in advance, Michael H. Schneider ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 3 Jun 87 16:24 EDT From: Chris Lindblad Subject: Announce of a free TeX distribution for Symbolics Lisp Machines To: TeXHaX@Score.Stanford.EDU This is an announcement of a free TeX distribution for Lisp Machines running Symbolics Genera 7.1. The distribution includes: TeX, LaTeX, SliTeX, BibTeX, and YTeX Some TeXware: TANGLE, WEAVE, DVITYPE, POOLTYPE, TFtoPL, and PLtoTF A DVI Previewer for interactively viewing DVI files. A full set of screen resolution CM fonts for the DVI Previewer. A ZMACS major mode for editing TeX files. Integrated hardcopy of DVI files using the hardcopy system, so all you have to do is type "Hardcopy File" and your DVI files are printed. Integrated pre-loading of formats, so all you have to do to get TeX loaded is a single "Load System" command. A full set of CM fonts for the Symbolics LGP2 printer (really a LaserWriter). To use the software you need to be running Genera 7.1, Symbolics Pascal, and the Symbolics LGP2 printer driver software if you want to print out DVI files on your LGP2. This software will not work in Genera 7.0 or any earlier release, nor will it work if you don't have Symbolics Pascal. The distribution takes two cartridge tapes. Arrangements are being made so that the tapes will be distributed through the SLUG (Symbolics Lisp Users Group) library. If everything goes as planned, tapes will be available at the SLUG conference in July. ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 3 Jun 87 16:11:50 +0200 Posted-Date: Wed, 3 Jun 87 16:11:50 +0200 From: Bj|rn Larsen To: Subject: Chapter 4, anyone? (Patgen query) I am trying to generate a hyphenation table for TeX with the PATGEN program found on the Unix distribution tape. In section 3 in PATGEN.WEB it says: 'The proper choice of the parameters to achieve a desired degree of hyphenation is discussed in Chapter 4.' Chapter 4 is nowhere to be found. I have looked at the code somewhat, and have realised that trying to 'dream up' a set of parameters will fail utterly. Can some kind soul tell me what document the missing 'Chapter 4' is located in, or could somebody mail it to me? If anybody has hands-on experience with PATGEN, _please_ send me some hints on how to use it. Desperately, Bjorn Larsen x_larsen_b%use.uio.uninett@tor.nta.no Computing Centre x_larsen_b@inger.arpa University of Oslo blarsen@ifi.uio.no Norway blarsen@norunit.bitnet ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 03 Jun 87 15:37:59 CDT From: "Don Hosek, Editor, TeXMaG" Subject: Proposed standard for DVI \special's To: TEXHAX@score.stanford.edu As TeX develops into its maturity, the need for standardization in other aspects of TeXware is becoming apparent. Perhaps the most important goal for standardization lies in DVI-driver \special's. I have discussed this matter with Thomas Reid (TeXrox), and a few preliminary ideas were given. However, to propose a standard to be submitted to the TeX community at large implies that input from the TeX community was solicited. It is to this end that I am writing this article. There are many aspects of the grammar of \special's that need to be solidified. Some of these are: o Device Dependancy. ArborText has apparently done some work on this to date (my conjecture on this is based on information from the DVIXER User Manual); their suggestion is to begin a device dependant \special with a three letter tag concluded with a colon to indicate that the \special command is for that particular output device only. For example, a \special that is Xerox 9700-specific would begin with XER:. If this convention is to be adopted, then codes will need to be designated for each TeX output device. However, care should be taken to make \special's device-dependant only when necessary. DVI-drivers should be written to ignore unknown \special commands. o \special Naming. This is perhaps the central problem of \special standardization. What should the command to print sideways on the page be called? DVIQMS from Texas A&M uses the command landscape(); Thomas Reid suggests ROTATE=90; I, personally, prefer landscape (without the ()'s). Is it better to have \special's that are easily interpretted by the driver or by the user? There are numerous other commands that also need to be specified: printing on both sides of the output sheet (duplex printing); print color selection; graphics inclusion, &c. This is not an exhaustive list, of course, and I would appreciate receiving suggestions for standard \special commands that do not appear above. o Graphics. The primary use of \special's in current device drivers is graphics file inclusion. Graphics files included should be processed intelligently (for example, extraneous PostScript material in a MacDraw document should be removed), and perhaps, following on the model of DVIQMS, options should be permitted on the graphics include facility to add or remove commands from the graphics file. DVIIMP (which is present in most TeX distributions in WEB source format contains another idea for graphics inclusion: it provides graphics ``primitives'' to draw points, lines, circles, and ellipses. Standardized graphics \special's such as these could be used to enhance LaTeX's picture mode, or be used in new macros to provide convenient device-independant graphics. o \special Scope. It was pointed out in TUGboat v. 7, no. 3. that the random paging of a DVI file implicitly prohibits \special's that are global in nature. DVIXER deals with this problem by permiting a sequentialreading command line option to insure that global \special's are read, DVIQMS makes no such provision, but does contain global \special's. Since it is fairly easy to modify output routines to emit a \special command on each page, it should not be too difficult to make \special's local to the page on which they appear. The suggestions listed here are by no means intended to be all- inclusive there are many aspects of the problem that were not covered in this article. I would like to have a preliminary document outlining the proposed standard for DVI files available for publication in TUGboat for issue 3 of this year, and a final draft for the beginning of 1988. I encourage contributions from the TeX community at large for this project. My E-mail address is: BITNET: DHOSEK@HMCVAX, or ARPA: DHOSEK%HMCVAX.BITNET@WISCVM.WISC.EDU; my postal address is: Don Hosek Platt Campus Center Harvey Mudd College Claremont, CA 91711 This article will also be printed in TUGboat and in TeXMaG (BITNET electronic ``magazine''). ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 4 Jun 87 13:41:01 -0200 From: msh%cool.UUCP%FINGATE.BITNET@wiscvm.wisc.edu To: texhax@score.stanford.edu Subject: Xwindows previewer I'm looking for a TeX previewer for X-windows. Matti Hamalainen Low Temperature Laboratory Helsinki University of Technology Espoo, Finland ------------------------------ Mail-From: BEETON created at 4-Jun-87 08:13:26 Date: Thu 4 Jun 87 08:13:26-PDT From: Barbara Beeton Subject: TeX Users Group 1987 Course Schedule To: texhax@Score.Stanford.EDU TeX Users Group 1987 Meeting and Course Schedule -- Updated May 1987 TUG Meeting (3 days) 001 Seattle, Wash.: University of Washington Aug. 24-26 Beginning TeX (5 days) 102 Nashville, Tenn.: Vanderbilt University June 8-12 103 Boston, Mass.: Northeastern University June 22-26 104 College Sta., Texas: Texas A&M University Aug. 10-14 105 Seattle, Wash.: University of Washington Aug. 17-21 Intermediate TeX (5 days) 125 Chicago, Ill.: University of Illinois, Chicago Sep. 14-18 Intensive Beginning/Intermediate TeX (5 days) 203 Nashville, Tenn.: Vanderbilt University June 8-12 204 Boston, Mass.: Northeastern University June 22-26 205 Exeter, England: University of Exeter July 6-10 206 The Netherlands: Rijksuniversiteit Groningen July 20-24 207 College Sta., Texas: Texas A&M University Aug. 10-14 208 Seattle, Wash.: University of Washington Aug. 17-21 209 Bergen, Norway: Bergen Scientific Centre Sep. 21-25 Advanced TeX/Macro Writing (5 days) 300 Nashville, Tenn.: Vanderbilt University June 15-19 301 Exeter, England: University of Exeter July 13-17 302 Albuquerque, N.M.: University of New Mexico July 13-17 303 The Netherlands: Rijksuniversiteit Groningen July 27-31 304 Chicago, Ill.: University of Illinois, Chicago Sep. 14-18 305 Bergen, Norway: Bergen Scientific Centre Sep. 28-Oct. 2 Macro Writing (2 days) 350 Seattle, Wash.: University of Washington Aug. 27-28 Output Routines (2 days) 375 Seattle, Wash.: University of Washington Aug. 27-28 Beginning LaTeX (5 days) 500 Stanford, Calif.: Stanford University Aug. 24-28 Intensive Course in LaTeX (5 days) 550 Stanford, Calif.: Stanford University Aug. 17-21 NOTES: There are many TeX users who are not TUG members, but have expressed an interest in these courses. Please help them get the word by posting this notice. Intensive courses are designed for programmers and other persons with technical backgrounds; the instruction presumes some knowledge of programming and an ability to adapt readily to an unfamiliar text editor and equipment. For all courses, familiarity with a text editor is essential. Particular courses may have other prerequisites. For more information about these courses, contact the TeX Users Group P.O. Box 9506 Providence, RI 02940, U.S.A. (401) 272-9500, ext. 232 ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 4 Jun 87 10:46:24 pdt From: darrell%beowulf@sdcsvax.ucsd.edu (Darrell Long) To: texhax@score.stanford.edu Subject: PLAIN macros for conference proceedings? Hello. I need to get some plain macros so that I can set a paper for a conference. I need two column format, but the title, author, etc need to be centered at the top of the page. Any help will be greatly appreciated! DL ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 04 Jun 87 13:06:41 PLT From: Dean Guenther Subject: Upcoming TUG Meeting Program To: TeXhax Digest If you are planing on going to the TUG meeting in Seattle this summer and feel you have an interesting TeX application you'd like to talk about, please let me know. I'm in the process of putting together the "normal" annual meeting program and would appreciate your input. Send me suggestions too for presentations you would like to see this year. Thankyou Dean Guenther BITNET: GUENTHER@WSUVM1 phone: 509-335-0411 ------------------------------ Date: 5 Jun 87 10:48:00 EST From: Subject: Postscript to QUIC converter??? To: "texhax" Reply-To: I am using TeXtures on a Macintosh. The only way I have to get decent output is by uploading the .tex files to my local VAX, reTeXing and printing on our QMS printer, which speaks QUIC, not postscript. This works ok for straight TeX, but I cannot put in embedded graphics, as that involves postscript. Does anyone know of a Postscript>QUIC translator?? This would solve all the problems. In fact, it would allow _any_ Mac program to print on a QMS QUIC printer. ------------------------------ Mail-From: BEETON created at 5-Jun-87 12:35:19 Date: Fri 5 Jun 87 12:35:19-PDT From: Barbara Beeton Subject: Re: Chapter 4, anyone? (Patgen query) To: x_larsen_b%use.uio.uninett@tor.NTA.NO i believe the "chapter 4" referred to in patgen.web is chapter 4 of frank liang's dissertation. the chapter title is "pattern generation" and it begins "we now discuss how to choose a suitable set of patterns ... " this document should be available as a report from the department of computer science, stanford university, stanford, CA 94305. the report number is stan-cs-83-977. the full title is "word hy-phen-a-tion by com-put-er" by franklin mark liang. (by the way, it's a good read.) -- barbara beeton ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 5 Jun 87 17:19:15 BST From: Dr R M Damerell (RHBNC) To: texhax@score.stanford.edu Subject: VMS TEX file formats I got an official Stanford software tape with VMS Change files, and every one of these was designed to read & write font files in fixed length 512 byte format. Some people have been distributing font files of the same names but of incompatible formats, and I would be grateful if they could kindly explain why. So far, I have seen: PXL files in Stream-LF format, PXL files with the bytes in a different order, (i.e. different from the order given in D.R.Fuchs' article in TUGBOAT vol.2 no. 3) and fixed-length files where the short block at the end of the file is padded with what looks like random garbage. I suggest that this multiplication of formats is undesirable; please could somebody at Stanford kindly decree what is a proper format for VMS TEX font files? I would very much appreciate this. ------------------------------ Date: Sun, 07 Jun 87 00:47:43 EDT From: Dave Hentschel Subject: TeX source availability To: TEXHAX@score.stanford.edu Is it possible to obtain the Pascal source to TeX? (i.e. via mail) If so, how would I go about doing this. ------------------------------ Date: Sat, 6 Jun 87 16:51:06 +0200 (Central European Summer Time) From: XBR1DA29%DDATHD21.BITNET@forsythe.stanford.edu (Martin Costabel) Subject: Bug in SIAM bibliographystyle To: texhax@score.stanford.edu X-Vms-To: X%"texhax@score.stanford.edu",DA29 There is a little typo in the file SIAM.BST (at least in my copy called "% 1/30/86 (HWT) Original version, by Howard Trickey." ) which prevents the formatting of "PROCEEDINGS" or "INPROCEEDINGS" entries by BIBTEX. Here is the faulty piece of code together with a suggested correction. Apparently only two lines were interchanged. %%%%%%%%%% FUNCTION {format.editors} { editor missing$ { "" } { "{\sc " editor last.authors = { "\raise .5ex \vrule height .4pt width 23pt" } { editor format.names } * % should be: if$ if$ % should be: * editor num.names$ #1 > { "}, eds." * } { "}, ed." * } if$ } if$ } %%%%%%%%%%%% Martin Costabel Math. Institut Technische Hochschule Darmstadt Germany ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 9 Jun 87 17:04 EST From: ("Kevin Cole; Gallaudet U.; Washington; D...) Subject: LSE template for TeX (or something similar)? To: texhax-request@score.stanford.edu Is there a template or whatever for TeX available for LSE? Or how difficult is it to construct new templates? It seemed plausable that such a critter has already been born. In spite of claims that TeX is the best thing since sliced bread, the folks in this office are having one hell of a time figuring it out, and since I'm not writing things for publication, I'd rather not bother reading through the excuse of a manual that comes with it. Has anyone out there ever heard of such a beastie? Kevin Cole KJCOLE@GALLUA.BITNET Center for Assessment and Demographic Studies (CADS) CADS_COLE@GALLUA.BITNET Gallaudet Research Institute (GRI) Gallaudet University Washington, D.C. 20002 (202) 651-5575 ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 10 Jun 87 00:27:18 EDT From: "S.I. Hariharan" Subject: Previewer for VaxStation/GPX II To: TEXHAX-REQUEST@score.stanford.edu Desperately seeking DVI previewer for VaxStation II/GPX running VMS. Source or binaries, public domain preferred. Don't want to re-invent the wheel. ------------------------------ %%% %%% subscriptions, address changes to: texhax-request@score.stanford.edu %%% %%% submissions to: texhax@score.stanford.edu %%% %%% BITNET redistribution: TEX-L@TAMVM1.BITNET (list server) %%% %%%\bye %%% ------------------------------ End of TeXhax Digest **************************