TeXhax Digest Thursday, July 9, 1987 Volume 87 : Issue 56 [SCORE.STANFORD.EDU]TEXHAX56.87 Editor: Malcolm Brown Today's Topics: dumb question: how much room do PK fonts need? blank lines in obeylines some useful contributions to LaTeX-Style textyl docs dvi-processor for HP 2686A Laserjet RUNOFF-to-TeX conversion Looks like a LaTeX bug to me spooler for compugraphics IPA character set A definitive reference for document style LaTeX style for Bulletin Geodesique wanted It's font generation time! LaTeXstyle collection for BITNET users in Europe ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: Mon, 29 Jun 87 01:01:38 EDT From: phr@PREP.AI.MIT.EDU (Paul Rubin) To: texhax@score.stanford.edu Subject: dumb question: how much room do PK fonts need? Could somebody please tell me how much disk space a reasonable set of PK fonts needs at 300 dpi? I have in mind all the Plain TeX fonts in the normal range of sizes, but use your own definition of "reasonable" (saying what it is) if you think it should be something different. Thanks. ------------------------------ Mail-From: BEETON created at 28-Jun-87 05:24:13 Date: Sun 28 Jun 87 05:24:13-PDT From: Barbara Beeton Subject: blank lines in obeylines To: jmc%nocmi.bitnet@Forsythe.Stanford.EDU i've actually been using this within verbatim mode (\begintt ... \endtt as described in texbook appendix e, with some modifications), but see no reason why the principle shouldn't also be applicable to \obeylines itself. within the relevant macro, apply the definition \def\par{\leavevmode\null\endgraf} since ^M is active, and \let to be \par, this definition will apply at the end of every line, but won't have any noticeable effect except in blank lines where nothing else is present. ------------------------------ To: texhax@score.stanford.edu Subject: some useful contributions to LaTeX-Style Date: Mon, 29 Jun 87 15:04:53 -0400 From: Ken Yap I decided to announce these now instead at my 1 to 1.5 month updates. | Date: Fri, 26 Jun 87 11:31:22 MEZ | From: Z3000PA%AWITUW01.BITNET@wiscvm.wisc.edu | (Hubert Partl - Techn. Univ. Wien) | Subject: Re: non-english doc sty options | | Thanks for your idea. I have already compiled a document style option | file called GERMAN.STY that containes the definitions for \ddate and | \ddcaptions (plus the english and frech ones, because we sometimes | use those languages, too, perhaps even "mixed" in one document). | It also contains several other commands that are useful for writing | german texts (Umlaute, sharp s, special hyphenation rules...). | | During the past weeks, I have had an intensive discussion (via E-mail) | about this with many german TeX users, who also have had ideas in this | direction, and I just managed to get an "almost consensus" on the | contents of this file. There will be a "final discussion" at a meeting | in Munster (W.Germany) in October, where this file should become | something like a "minimal subset standard" for german TEX- and LATEX- | commands. | | As a separate message, I send you the current version of my file | GERMAN.STY. If at the meeting in Munster the decision should lead | to changes, I will resend you the final file then. | For BITNET users, the file GERMAN.STY is already available in the | COUNTRY FILELIST of the NETSERV server at the Austrian BITNET node | AEARN. Perhaps, you may mention this as a remark in the INDEX file. | (e.g. write: also in COUNTRY FILELIST of NETSERV AT AEARN.BITNET). | | Thanks for your help! | Hubert Partl John Renner's TeXtyl is available from LaTeX-Style. Internet users may ftp from cs.rochester.edu:~ftp/public, in both plain (textyl.tar, ~600k) and compressed (textyl.tar.Z, ~250k) versions. Archive server customers can retrieve textyl.readme and textyl.shar[1-9] (about 700k total). You need uudecode to extract the binary pk and tfm files. It appears to be for BSD type systems at the moment. Ken LaTeX-Style@cs.rochester.edu ------------------------------ To: texhax@score.stanford.edu Subject: textyl docs Date: Mon, 29 Jun 87 19:54:42 -0400 From: Ken Yap You might also want to comment out the \hoffset=1in and \voffset=1in in the docs before printing. Ken ------------------------------ To: texhax@score Subject: dvi-processor for HP 2686A Laserjet Date: Mon, 29 Jun 87 18:44:32 PDT From: Richard Roy Does anyone know of the availability of a dvi driver for the HP 2686A Laserjet, preferably in the public domain. Thanx - RR ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 30 Jun 87 10:31 N From: (Advisory Service/Technical Support) Subject: RUNOFF-to-TeX conversion To: TEXHAX@score.stanford.edu I am trying to put together a routine for TeXifying our old RUNOFF files (yes, RUNOFF, DSR to some, don't laugh). It appeared logical, as both systems use a flag character, and provided you edit your RUNOFF source to keep all dot-commands starting in col 1, you can change . to \ and define some nice macros to do the formatting. Two queries for someone in the know: (a) I can recode ~~M to \catcode 13 so that TeX will pick up the end-of-line as an end-of-command. Presumably I can therefore define ~~M as {\space} so as not to upset anything else? (b) Some RUNOFF commands have optional arguments, eg .hl1 [text] This isn't so bad, as anything between the new \hl1 and will get used as the header title. But in something like .list[n][,"x"] where both arguments are optional, how do I go about testing to see how many arguments are present? I can't say \def\list#1,#2~~M{mumble} because the comma may not always be there, nor will the quotes. Basically I want to define a macro with a variable number of arguments. Of course, if someone has already cracked the TeXifying of RUNOFF, I'd be grateful for a copy if it is possible. Peter Flynn Office: +353 21 276871 x2215..(9am--5pm European) Academic Advisory Manager Home: +353 21 546305..........(7pm--> European) Computer Bureau Fax: +353 21 277194 (G3).............(anytime) University College Telex: 75583 uncc ei........(if all else fails!) Cork, Ireland BITNET: CBTS8001 @ IRUCCVAX ....(preferred route) (=arpa cbts8001%iruccvax.bitnet@wiscvm.wisc.edu) "Beam me up, Scotty!" HEANET: cbts8001@irl.hea.ucc.vax1 (Irish network) "Up where, Pete?" BIX: pflynn@bytecosy....(checked every 2 days) Kom: "Peter Flynn UCC" @ UCD.KOM .....EuroKom) ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 30 Jun 87 10:43:33 CDT From: William LeFebvre Subject: Looks like a LaTeX bug to me To: TeXhax@score.stanford.edu Consider the following LaTeX input file: \documentstyle{article} \begin{document} An equation using \verb|MIN_INT} is $x < \mbox{\verb|MIN_INT|}$. \end{document} If you try to process this, the first \verb works fine (as one would expect), but the one inside the \mbox in the math equation produces the following error: ! Missing $ inserted. $ _ MIN_ INT \@tempa #1|->#1 \endgroup \mbox #1->\leavevmode \hbox {#1 } l.4 ...verb|MIN_INT| is $x < \mbox{\verb|MIN_INT|} $. ? I would have expected it to work in both cases. Why doesn't it. Is it a bug or am I doing something wrong? \protect doesn't seem to do any good (but then, I wouldn't expect it to). William LeFebvre Department of Computer Science Rice University ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 1 Jul 87 08:34:13 PDT From: failor#bruce%b.mfenet@nmfecc.arpa To: texhax@score.stanford.edu.arpa Subject: spooler for compugraphics Subject: spooler for Compugraphic 8000 I do not subscribe to this ML, so please reply to me directly. We have a Compugraphic 8000 (model MCS10) and I was wondering if there was a way to have it print a TeX DVI file (it is a phototypesetter). If there is no way to spool file directly, I understand that there is a code that converts PostScript files to a format digestable by the 8000, so one could also use a DVI to PS converter first and then convert the PS file before printing. Thank you for your time. Bruce Failor KMS Fusion, Inc. POB 1567 Ann Arbor, MI 48106 (313) 769-8500 x405 ------------------------------ Date: Wed 1 Jul 87 15:17:41-CDT From: Michael O'Leary Subject: IPA character set To: texhax@SCORE.STANFORD.EDU I am interested in being able to format documents containing characters from the International Phonetic Alphabet. Some of these are simply standard alphabetic characters with various diacritics applied to them, some are greek letters, and some are characters that (as far as I know) belong to no other alphabet, such as the schwa and eth (well, ok, the Icelandic alphabet for the latter). Does anyone know of a Metafont version of the IPA that already exists, and, if so, how I might be able to access it? Thank you. Michael O'Leary ------------------------------ Date: Thu 2 Jul 87 14:39:02-MDT From: Steve Fullerton Subject: A definitive reference for document style To: texhax@SCORE.STANFORD.EDU There has been alot of discussion on TeXhax lately concerning references for document style, rather than "because Leslie Lamport says so". We have been using "The Chicago Manual of Style" at our site since our local TeXnician noted that the TeXbook contained several quotations from this book. In addition to solving many heated debates about how or why a certain style should be used, the book has proved invaluable as a source for additional references, the bibliography is very complete. For those of you who are interested, it is the 13th edition (1982) published by the University of Chicago Press. ISBN 0-226-10390-0. vi.fullerton@science.utah.edu ------------------------------ From: ucla-an!remsit!stb!thobe%ee.UCLA.EDU@sdcsvax.ucsd.edu To: remsit!ucla-an!texhax%score.stanford.edu@sdcsvax.UCSD.EDU Subject: LaTeX style for Bulletin Geodesique wanted Date: Thu Jul 2 00:22:57 1987 Does someone have a LaTeX style for Bulletin Geodesique they would be willing to send me (and to the LaTeX-style archive at Rochester)? Thanks. -Glenn Thobe ARPA: ucla-an!remsit[!stb]!thobe@ee.ucla.edu UUCP: ..!{ihnp4|randvax|sdcrdcf|ucbvax}!ucla-cs!cepu!ucla-an!remsit[!stb]!thobe ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 3 Jul 87 01:06:31 EDT From: lear@aramis.rutgers.edu (eliot lear) To: TexHax@score.stanford.edu Subject: It's font generation time! Hello Everyone, I am looking for the mode_def for an Apple LaserWriter (mf84). If anyone happens to have one lying around, I would love a copy. Thanks in Advance... Eliot Lear Rutgers University Department of Mathematics [lear@rutgers.edu] ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 3-JUL-1987 21:17:30.48 GMT+1 From: (Christoph D. Gatzka) Subject: LaTeXstyle collection for BITNET users in Europe To: Since I volunteered to distribute the LaTeXstyle collection in Europe, but this took me too much time to do it by hand, I set up an experimental file server: BITNET users in Europe may request the LaTeXstyle collection (a duplicate of the collection maintained at rochester). Here comes the Index: This is the directory of the LaTeX-File server INTERACT@DTUPEV5A. It's contents should be a duplicate of the 'latex-style@rochester.arpa' file server. Allfiles will be sent out in NETDATA format, class N due to records that are longer than 80 characters. The name in <> is the product name that must be specified when requesting the files from INTERACT. There is also a short help available (send the message 'HELP' to INTERACT@DTUPEV5A). Standard VMS wildcards may be used in the product name. For instance would send you all the stylefiles available. Please be very reasonable when requesting files, since this serveris not an official one and is located at a bitnet end node, whose purpose in NOTto act as a file server. Thus please request ONLY THOSE FILES you really can use/need.For instance to request the file siam10.sty, which is in product group send the message 'SOFT LATEXSTYLE.SIAM' to INTERACT@DTUPEV5A. On a VAX/VMS system you would type: $ SEND INTERACT@DTUPEV5A SOFT LATEXSTYLE.SIAM All suggestionsand complaints should be sent to ZRGC002@DTUZDV5A, nowhere else. Please note that the files cannot be sent in any other format. This server is currently restricted to users of BITNET in Europe only. Please respect this restriction. Any abuse may soon lead to the server's removal. Please note that all files had their TABs expanded before sending, thus you will have to take special care of the Unix Makefiles. FormFeeds, however, were not changed, so if you are on an IBM system, the TeX files may require some additional editing. doublespace.sty Double spacing in text drafthead.sty Prints DRAFT in heading siam10.doc SIAM LaTeX style and BibTeX style siam10.sty siam11.sty siam12.sty siam.doc siam.sty siam.bst siam.tex siam.bib ieeetr.bst IEEE Transactions BibTeX style acm.bst ACM BibTeX style vdm.tex Vienna Development Method LaTeX style vdm.doc vdm.sty suthesis.doc Stanford U thesis style suthesis.sty deproc.sty DECUS proceedings style deprocldc.tex Paper that describes the above docsty.c Program to convert .doc to .sty by stripping comments docsty.readme fullpage.doc Get more out of a page fullpage.sty slem.doc Change \sl to \em slem.sty nopagenumbers.doc Remove page numbers nopagenumbers.sty texnames.doc Define a couple more TeX names texnames.sty newalpha.bst Modified alphabetic BibTeX style spacecites.doc Modified to give spacing between citations. spacecites.sty wsltex.p Wordstar to LaTeX filter ws87.p Wordstar 8 bit filter wsltex.c C version layout.tex Prints nice diagram showing page parameters layout.readme ucthesis.readme U of California thesis style ucthesis.doc uct10.doc uct11.doc uct12.doc lfonts_ams.readme Use AMS symbols in LaTeX lfonts_ams.tex a4.sty Set page size to A4 a4wide.sty Adjusts width too to suit A4 biihead.sty Underlined heading epic.sty Extended picture environment misc.sty picman.tex picman-fig1.tex picman-fig2.tex picman-fig3.tex readme.epic sqrt.tex lgraph.doc Data to graph command filter in Pascal lgraph.p lgraph.skel doc.pl DVIDOC, DVI to character device filter for Unix docmac.tex BSD systems dvidoc.1 dvidoc.web dvityext.c dvityext.h makefile readme texpaths.h dvidoc.sty Style file to substitute all fonts with doc font threepart.sty Three part page headers format.sty Print FP numbers in fixed format texindex.doc Style file and processor for index entries. Works texindex.pas under VMS. texindex.sty amssymbols.sty Load AMS font cyrillic.sty Load Cyrillic font agugrl.sty AGU Geophysical Research Letters style agujgr.sty AGU Journal of Geophysical Research style geophysics.sty Geophysics journal style natsci.bst natural sciences generic BibTeX style aaai.sty Style file for AAAI conference 1987 aaai_named.bst BibTeX style to accompany aaai_instructions.tex Instructions to authors dayofweek.tex Macros to compute day of week and phase of moon Examples of how to use TeX arithmetic capabilities ctex.readme Sources to Pat Monardo's Common-TeX in C 00readme. align.c align.h arith.c arith.h box.c box.h boxlists.c boxlists.h char.c char.h cmds.c cmds.h cond.c cond.h copyright. def.c def.h dvi.c dvi.h eq.c eq.h eqstack.c eqstack.h error.c error.h eval.c eval.h evalstack.c evalstack.h expand.c expand.h file.c file.h fix.text fmt.c fmt.h hash.c hash.h heap.c heap.h hyph.c hyph.h io.c io.h makefile. math.c math.h mathlists.c mathlists.h mlist_hlist.c mlist_hlist.h pack.c pack.h page.c page.h par.c par.h print.c print.h read17. scan.c scan.h src. string.c string.h tex.c tex.h texext.c texext.h tfm.c tfm.h token.c token.h tokenlists.c tokenlists.h tokenstack.c tokenstack.h lcustom.tex Useful macros and definitions for LaTeX sfwmac.sty Useful macros for Unix documentation tgrind.sty Tgrind macros for LaTeX instead of TeX trademark.sty Definitions of common trademarks xxxcustom.tex Supplementary macros for xxx-tex, for some xxx xxxslides.sty Supplementary macros for SliTeX, includes slides.sty local.suppl Supplement to local guide that describes last 6 files remark.sty Like newtheorem but no \it Christoph D. Gatzka zrgc002@dtupev5a.bitnet Student of medicine University of Tuebingen Germany