TeXhax Digest Monday, August 17, 1987 Volume 87 : Issue 69 [SCORE.STANFORD.EDU]TEXHAX69.87 Editor: Malcolm Brown Today's Topics: MetaFont specials Tex and IBM 38xx printers WEB detex, delatex, where are they? DVI previewer for VMS Vaxstation LaTeX bug in \multiput TeX and Sixel Graphics. Big and small caps Re: suthesis; detex, delatex Driver for SliTeX Bug in LaTeX caption? DVI previewer for VMS VAXstations Re: WEB I am leaving Tuebingen. IdxTeX Figures and article-style document Commercial sources for aps-5 printing of .dvi files ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: Tue, 11 Aug 87 18:39:31 CDT From: William LeFebvre Subject: MetaFont specials To: TeXhax@score.stanford.edu GFtoDVI uses them, primarily to determine where the control points are when generating proofs, but other specials are used to put nice things on the proof sheet as well. I don't believe they are placed in a GF file if fontmaking:=1 (but I could be wrong). William LeFebvre Department of Computer Science Rice University ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 12 Aug 87 14:29:29 SET From: Richard J Waite Subject: Tex and IBM 38xx printers To: TeX Group Hi, Two questions. We are an IBM VM/SP 4 shop. Could we use TeX here. If so, is there a driver for the IBM 38xx range of printers ??? I have tried to get the archives but with no success, if some kind person could send them over I would be much obliged. Many thanks Dick Waite Acknowledge-To: ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 12 Aug 87 09:42:47 EDT From: agw@lexington.columbia.edu (Art Werschulz) To: robert%perv.decnet@utadnx.cc.utexas.edu Subject: WEB Reply-To: agw@columbia.edu Hi. See Klaus Gunterman and Joachim Schrod, "WEB Adapted to C", TUGboat, Vol. 7 (1986), No. 3, pp. 134--137. The Bitnet address is gunterma at ddadva1 Good luck. Art Werschulz ARPAnet: agw@columbia.edu USEnet: ... seismo!columbia!agw BITnet: agw%columbia.edu@wiscvm CCNET: agw@columbia ATTnet: Columbia University (212) 280-3610 280-2736 Fordham University (212) 841-5323 841-5396 ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 12 Aug 87 09:46:20 EDT From: agw@lexington.columbia.edu (Art Werschulz) To: cel@cithex.caltech.edu Subject: detex, delatex, where are they? Reply-To: agw@columbia.edu Hi. They're on the UNIX TeX distribution tape. They're available as lex programs. If you're not running UNIX, let me know. I have a not-very-good vanilla program "dtex.c" that works fairly well to remove TeX control sequences. A few things escape. Art Werschulz ARPAnet: agw@columbia.edu USEnet: ... seismo!columbia!agw BITnet: agw%columbia.edu@wiscvm CCNET: agw@columbia ATTnet: Columbia University (212) 280-3610 280-2736 Fordham University (212) 841-5323 841-5396 ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 12 Aug 87 10:40:17 edt From: rcb@rti.rti.org (Randy Buckland) To: texhax@score.stanford.edu Subject: DVI previewer for VMS Vaxstation I have written a previewer for VMS vaxstations that will work with either the GPX model, the old black and white model, or the new vaxstation 2000 model. It is written in Vax Ada and was posted to the Usenet news group comp.sources.misc. It should be in the archives for that group (I don't remeber where they are kept at the moment) and I believe that people can ftp from the archives or have it sent by mail. If you can't get it that way, you can contact me at Randy Buckland rcb@rti.rti.org {decvax,seismo,ihnp4}!mcnc!rti!rcb (919)-541-7103 ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 12 Aug 87 09:49:50 cdt From: dvorak@im4u.utexas.edu (Dan Dvorak @ UT-Austin) Posted-Date: Wed, 12 Aug 87 09:49:50 cdt To: texhax@score.stanford.edu Subject: LaTeX bug in \multiput There seems to be a bug with "\multiput" in LaTeX Version 2.09. I'm trying to use "\multiput" to draw a bunch of slanted lines, but I only get output from the \multiput when the lines are NOT slanted (i.e., perfectly vertical or horizontal). Specifically, this works: \multiput(0,130)(10,-2){16}{\line(1,0){7}} whereas this does not: \multiput(0,130)(10,-2){16}{\line(1,1){7}} The non-working \multiput does not generate any error messages; it simply produces no output. ------------------------------ Date: 12 Aug 87 10:59 -0600 From: Jim Walker To: texhax@SCORE.STANFORD.EDU Subject: TeX and Sixel Graphics. Derrick Webber (teXhax V87 #67) writes: Has anyone gotten ln03:plotfile to work? Yes I have got ln03:plotfile to work! The recipe given by Markus Schaad (TEXHAX24.87) is ok, the problem lies in the sixel graphics file. The sixel graphics file must have a header and footer to turn the ln03 in to and out of sixel graphics mode. The incantation is : P2q "100;100 Sixel Graphics \ The first line (P2q) puts the ln03 into sixel mode. The second line ("100:100) tells the ln03 to use 300 dpi sixels (you may want to use something else). The last line (\) puts the ln03 back into text mode. If you send the sixel graphics file alone to the ln03 and it prints ok, the you are probably in business. P.S. The is the escape character (ASCII 27) Jim Walker ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 12 Aug 87 15:03:16 ADT From: hebert%DAL.BITNET@forsythe.stanford.edu Subject: Big and small caps To: texhax@score.stanford.edu In Don Knuth's book, he gives an example where both big and small caps are used in a title (Theorem , in his book). The problem is that he does not give how to do it. One of the journals want this type of format for section headings, does anyone have any ideas how it can be done. ------------------------------ To: TeXhax%score.stanford.edu@RELAY.CS.NET From: trickey%research.att.com@RELAY.CS.NET Date: Wed 12 Aug EDT 1987 08:41 Original-To: research!arpa!score.stanford.edu!TeXhax Subject: Re: suthesis; detex, delatex The suthesis style has no documentation other than a comment at the beginning of suthesis.doc --- that comment is meant to be enough to be able to use it. I wrote the original detex and delatex --- they are tiny lex files and are included in the Unix TeX distribution (under =utils/trickey, last I looked). Others fixed a bug or two, and I think there's are completely different programs floating around. ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 12 Aug 87 18:04:27 EDT From: "David F. Rogers" To: texhax@score.stanford.EDU Subject: Driver for SliTeX Does anyone have a driver for an Ikonas (Adage RDS3000) or Silicon Graphics Iris for dvi files created with SliTeX. The objective is to create nice slides or overhead transparencies for presentation by sending the output to either of these devices and then using a Matrix Color Camera to create the slides. I can presently do this with a crude system using crude fonts or by using the Versatex fonts with troff. However, I would like to use TeX. I driver to create a 'standard' RGB output file at various resolutions would also be useful. Thanks Dave Rogers dfr@usna.arpa ...seismo!usna!dfr ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 13 Aug 87 12:50:16 BST From: mcvax!ukc.ac.uk!trh@seismo.CSS.GOV To: texhax@score.stanford.edu Subject: Bug in LaTeX caption? There appears to be a bug in LaTeX when a \ref is used in the caption to a figure. We are using LaTeX 2.09 <9 Mar 1987>. ---------Repeat by using \documentstyle {book} \begin{document} \tableofcontents \listoffigures \setcounter{chapter}{1} \chapter{Roots of Functions} \section{Systems of nonlinear equations} \label{secrfsys} We now consider the problem of finding an approximate solution to a system of $m$ simultaneous, nonlinear equations in $m$ unknowns.. \begin{eqnarray} \label{secrfsimpsys} x_2 - 6 &=& 0.001x_1 \nonumber \\ && \\ x_1x_2 &=& 72000. \nonumber \end{eqnarray} \begin{figure} \centering \begin{tabular}{|r|r|r|r|}\hline 1 &1 &1575 &21 \\ 4831 &15 &248 &6 \\ 5800 &13 &6 &1 \\ \hline \end{tabular} \caption{Cost of solving (\ref{secrfsimpsys}) for various starting values} \label{secrffigfcnt} \end{figure} \end{document} ---------This produces a .lof file containing \addvspace {10pt} \contentsline {figure}{\numberline {2.1}{\ignorespaces Cost of solving ({\pbf ??}{\let \string \immediate \write \@unused {LaTeX Warning: Reference `secrfsimpsys' on page 5 undefined.}}) for various starting values}}{5} ---------and on rerunning LaTeX to define all the labels we get ! Argument of \@caption has an extra }. \par } \addcontentsline ...\protect \contentsline {#2}{#3 }{\the \@temptokena }}}}\@... \@caption ... the#1\endcsname }{\ignorespaces #2}} \par \begingroup \@parboxr... l.29 values} ----------if you edit the garbage out it puts different garbage in next time round. Tim -- Tim Hopkins, Computing Laboratory, University of Kent, Canterbury CT2 7NF Kent U.K. { trh@ukc.ac.uk trh%ukc@cs.ucl.ac.uk na.hopkins@score.stanford.edu } ------------------------------ Date: 12 Aug 87 17:54:00 CST From: "Michael P. Kaczmarczik" Subject: DVI previewer for VMS VAXstations To: "texhax" Reply-To: "Michael P. Kaczmarczik" In a recent issue of TEXHAX, there were two requests for a DVI previewer that would function on VAXstations running VMS. Randy Buckland of Research Triangle Institute (rcb@rti.rti.org) has written such a program, and posted it to the USENET comp.sources.misc newsgroup last month. Particulars of the program: o Written in ADA, will work on any VAXstation system running VMS Workstation Software (version 3.0 and above) o Uses 78 DPI fonts to create a bitmapped image of the page, then displays it using standard VMS Workstation (UIS) routines. o The /MAGSTEP qualifier allows the DVI page to be drawn at a higher magnification, if the fonts are available at the necessary resolution. o Uses only PK format fonts -- PXL and GF format fonts are not understood. o Uses the VAXstation arrow and editing keypad keys to move from page to page in the DVI file. If the image of the page is too large for the VAXstation screen, the page image may be scrolled. o The sources also include a program to display Metafont font files (in PK format) on the VWS screen. The program compiled and ran as advertised on a VAXstation-II/GPX running VMS 4.5, VAX ADA 1.4, and VWS 3.1. The only ``bug'' I have found has to do with the calculation of DPI values for font files. Sometimes the DPI value calculated for \magstephalf fonts is one less than the one Metafont calculates. This means having two copies of a font file, or using SET FILE/ENTER to create another directory entry for the font file (the second approach is not generally recommended). I am not in a position to offer to distribute this program wholesale; is there a central location I can send it to, or someone who is willing to distribute it? Mic Kaczmarczik User Services Digital Support Group UT Austin Computation Center ccep001@iv1.cc.utexas.edu (Internet) ccep001@utadnx.bitnet (BITNET) ...!seismo!ut-sally!ut-ngp!mic (UUCP) ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 13 Aug 87 11:00:20 edt From: geac!daveb@uunet.UU.NET (Dave Collier-Brown) To: TeXhax@score.stanford.edu Subject: Re: WEB In-Reply-To: <1131@geac.UUCP> In reply to the various messages about WEB, I do have a small web suite (tWEB), which I will donate to anyone who will 1) Amend several commands to match real WEB (about 2) 2) Add change files. 3) Make the results available to anyone. --dave -- David Collier-Brown. | Computer Science Geac Computers International Inc., | loses its memory 350 Steelcase Road,Markham, Ontario, | (if not its mind) CANADA, L3R 1B3 (416) 475-0525 x3279 | every 6 months. ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 13 Aug 1987 18:42:36.73 GMT+1 From: (Christoph D. Gatzka) Subject: I am leaving Tuebingen. To: I will be moving from Tuebingen University to continue my studies at Bonn in the very near future. Therefore I will discontinue any TeX support. Until September, my personal fileserver will still distribute the LaTeX-style and other TeX related files. To retrieve a file you have the following options: 1) You are at a node running Jnet and you have been on Bitnet for at least six to eight months: a) you may send an interactive message to INTERACT@DTUPEV5A: $ send interact@dtupev5a soft netmailer.source or b) you may prepare a file (not named .mail or .note and not class M) that contains as many commands as you wish one to each line, for instance the lines soft netmailer.source All files will be sent directly to you. 2) You are not running Jnet or your node has not been entered in the routing tables at dtuzdv1 or you are not even on BITNET, but reachable through a gateway: Send MAIL (valid RFC822 header and named .Mail and CLASS M) to interact@ dtupev5a.bitnet. Include in the mail body (which is seperated from the header by an empty line) the following lines: @ your-return-address command1 command2 . . . @ Your return address should be as explicit as possible, since it will have to be resolved by the mailer at dearn. All files that are labelled VMSDUMP in the output of DIR will be encoded with MFTU, which currently runs only on VAX/VMS. Be sure to include the line SOFT MFTU in your first mail. Included is a program that will extract your files as sent from the output of a mail> extract/all. All files with lines longer than 80 characters had there lines wrapped to the next line and a note listing the line numbers prepended to the file. The software that comes with mftu will restore the file to their original setting. PLEASE USE THIS ONLY IF YOU ARE NOT REACHABLE DIRECTY (SEE 1 ABOVE), DUE TO THE OVERHEAD CAUSE BY THIRD PARTY MAILING. The following commands are accepted by the fileserver: CMD [cmd] - Executes a single DCL command DIR [name] - Lists the contents of SOFT directory [name] HELP - Prints this info HELP SOFT - Gives information on available software SOFT [name] - Sends software as described in HELP SOFT STAT - Gives information about current INTERACT users The following software is currently available: FILE VAX: modify RMS file attributes, 21k INTERACT VAX/Jnet: BITNET remote login facility (this is the file server software itself with many links into janshr). LATEXSTYLE TeX related files, CTEX..., send a SOFT LATEXSTYLE to get a complete index. MFTU VAX: encode/packing software 101k NETMAILER VAX/Jnet: Internet mailer 182k NETMAILER.V2 VAX/Jnet: Same, but for Jnet version 2.0 NETMAILER.SOURCE Source for Net-Mailer as is. NODE VAX: Program to read BITEARN.NODES, BITNIC's *.NAMES PSEUDOTERM VAX: Pseudo terminal software 94k RSCSCARD VAX/Jnet: Network input symbiont 10k TPU VAX: Advanced EDT emulation 56k VERB VAX: extract CLD's 57k VFE VAX: VirtualFileEditor for binary 174k VTREK VAX: Multi-user StarTrek (binary) 645k X VAX/CMKRNL: Set PCB bits/username... This is the current contents of the LaTeXstyle directories: %% This list is too long to distribute via TeXhax. The original mailing %% in on-line at SCORE under the name %% gatzka.txh %% which replaces the earlier listing under that name. A copy of the %% mailing has been forwarded to TEX-L for those on BITNET %% Malcolm Current total: 4685 kbyte in 483 files as of 1-AUG-1987. Here are some special characters that may have been badly translated: Open brace ({), close brace (}), exclamation mark (!), vertical line (|), open bracket ([), close bracket (]). Yours, Christoph D. Gatzka zrgc002@dtupev5a.bitnet Student of medicine University of Tuebingen Germany ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 13 Aug 87 14:20:54 cdt From: Tom Ekberg To: texhax@SCORE.STANFORD.EDU Subject: IdxTeX Page 201 of Volume 8 (1987), number 2 of TUGboat describes an index generator for LaTeX which looks quite good and is more general than the texindex program available through Rochester. A footnote in that article mentions that it was submitted to the TeX Users Group and to DECUS. (And now for the question.) Does anyone have an Arpa pointer to it, or has someone considered adding it to the Rochester collection? -- tom (aisle C-4L), EKBERG%TI-CSL@CSNET-RELAY ------------------------------ Date: 13 Aug 87 13:13 -0700 From: "Christos C. Zervos" To: lamport@SRC.DEC.COM Subject: Figures and article-style document I have a very interesting question for Leslie Lamport. I found that the article-style document (\documentstyle{article}) can only support up to 18 figures. Why is that limitation for? I find it too restrictive. Is there any way to get more than 18 figures in an article-style document? ================== Regards, Christos Pulp and Paper Centre U. of British Columbia Vancouver, BC, V6T-1W5 ChristosZ@ppc.ubc.CDN ...!ubc-vision!ppc.ubc.cdn!christosz ChristosZ%ppc.ubc.cdn@csnet-relay.ARPA Christos%UBC.Mailnet@MIT-Multics.ARPA ------------------------------ Date: 13 Aug 1987 17:50:57-EDT (Thursday) From: "Victor S. Miller" To: texhax@score.stanford.edu Subject: Commercial sources for aps-5 printing of .dvi files Can anyone tell me where I can find places that will print .dvi files on an aps-5 or comparable quality printer? Victor S. Miller -- IBM Research ------------------------------ %%% %%% subscriptions, address changes to: texhax-request@score.stanford.edu %%% %%% submissions to: texhax@score.stanford.edu %%% %%% BITNET redistribution: TEX-L@TAMVM1.BITNET (list server) %%% %%%\bye %%% ------------------------------ End of TeXhax Digest ************************** -------