TeXhax Digest Wednesday, September 2, 1987 Volume 87 : Issue 72 [SCORE.STANFORD.EDU]TEXHAX72.87 Editor: Malcolm Brown Today's Topics: Query : Breaking Math formulas Errata listing problems with framebox and equivalents chemical formulas TeX->troff,troff->DVI \expandafter and \write with token lists Preview for Tektronix 4010/4014 setting quotations help with \halign spread to \hsize Newcommand with optional arguments Talaris (QMS) driver for TeX under TOPS-20 Formatting program comments Change bars?? ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: Tue, 25 Aug 87 17:35:07 MEZ To: texhax@score.stanford.EDU From: UNM406%DBNRHRZ1.BITNET@wiscvm.wisc.edu Subject: Query : Breaking Math formulas From: Thomas Miller 0228 73 3158 UNM406 at DBNRHRZ1 Math.Inst. Universitaet Bonn Wegelerstr.10 D - 5300 Bonn 1 (internal use only: Be3,13) Usually TEX breaks Math formulas *after* = or +,- signs. Writing down rather long polynomials, I would prefer to break lines such that the +,- becomes the first symbol on the new line. Is there a general way to say TEX to handle formulas that way , without entering ;allowbreak in front of every +,- sign (and ;binoppenalty=10000 ) ? Thomas Miller ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 25 Aug 87 17:51:35 BST From: CET1%phoenix.cambridge.ac.uk@Cs.Ucl.AC.UK To: texhax <@Cs.Ucl.AC.UK:texhax@score.stanford.edu> Subject: Errata listing The errata listing that was distributed with the recent TUGboat is very useful, especially the "Changes to the Programs and Fonts" section. Thank you very much. But... It isn't terribly helpful to be told that the changes to the fonts are "subsequent to Version 2 as published in C&T Volume E". I would rather know what the base level was in terms of distribution tapes. For example, my local copies, extracted from various distribution tapes, are said to correspond the "May 1986 generic tape". Would that be the same as the above, or not? Also, can we have a list of the changes to plain.tex and plain.mf? Or maybe there aren't any? I have noticed that there are no history files for these on the distribution tapes, while there are for the programs themselves. This is a pity: they would be useful. Chris Thompson CET1@UK.AC.CAM.PHX ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 26 Aug 87 15:55:44 -0200 From: mcvax!dutesta!mol@seismo.CSS.GOV ( ) To: texhax@score.stanford.edu Subject: problems with framebox and equivalents I want to put frames around a piece of text, but I cannot seem to find a way to do this. What I want is something like this: \somebox[\textwidth]{ bla bla bla \begin{verbatim} Some text in that beautiful typewriter font... \end{verbatim} \begin{itemize} \item ...... \item ++++++ \end{itemize} } which should produce something like this: _______________________________________________________________ | | | bla bla bla | | | | Some text in that beautiful typewriter font... | | | | * ...... | | | | * ++++++ | |_______________________________________________________________| Does anyone know a way to do it? Any help is appreciated - Marcel ########################################################################## Marcel Mol | UUCP: ..!seismo!mcvax!dutrun!dutesta!mol Delft Univ. of Tech. | BITNET: ETSTMOL@HDETUD1 Fac. of Elec. Eng. The Netherlands ------------------------------ Date: 27 Aug 87 09:29:00 CST From: "WARREN STEWART" Subject: chemical formulas To: "texhax" Reply-To: "WARREN STEWART" Does anyone have a way of setting up molecular formulas, showing the interatomic bonds and the geometrical arrangement of the atoms in the molecule? I could not find anything on this in the TeXbook. Hopefully some other users doing organic chemistry have found a way to do this by means of macros and/or special fonts, so that one can avoid the messy alternative of drawing or photocopying the formulas and pasting them in. ARPA:stewart@chewi.che.wisc.edu ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 27 Aug 87 10:53 EDT From: "guthery%asc@sdr.slb.com" Subject: TeX->troff,troff->DVI To: texhax@SCORE.STANFORD.EDU Anybody know of any TeX->troff or troff->DVI hamsters? Send direct and I'll summarize for TeXhax. Thx. ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 27 Aug 87 12:35:58 EDT From: oravax!norman@cu-arpa.cs.cornell.edu (Norman Ramsey) To: cornell!TeXhax@score.stanford.edu Subject: \expandafter and \write with token lists I've been trying to set things up so I can \write tokens to a file *without* expansion. The best thing I've been able to come up with is to put them in a token list: \newtoks\writenowtoks \def\writetokensnow#1{\def\writenowfile{#1}\afterassignment\dowritenow \writenowtoks=} \def\dowritenow{\writenowtoks=\expandafter{\expandafter{\the\writenowtoks}}% \immediate\write\writenowfile{\the\writenowtoks}} \writetokensnow{16}{\outside \middle \inside} This uses the trick on page 374 of the TeXbook. Now, one thing I don't understand is why I can get away with only two \expandafter tokens, since to expand \c then \b then \a I need \expandafter\expandafter\expandafter\a\expandafter\b\c I don't understand this example, even after running it with \tracingmacros=2 and \tracingcommands=2. OK, so anyway I want to manipulate token lists. Suppose I have token lists \t and \s, and I want to concatenate them and put the results in token list \r. None of the following work: \let\e\expandafter \newtoks\r \newtoks\s \newtoks\t \s={\one} \t={\two} \r=\e{\the\s} % expands \the\s \message{\the\r} \r=\e{\e\the\s\the\t} % expands nothing (why not \the\t????) \message{\the\r} \r=\e\e\e{\e\the\s\the\t} % expands \the\s but not \the\t \message{\the\r} \r=\e\e\e\e\e\e\e{\e\e\e\the\s\e\the\t} % expands \the\s but not \e\the\t \message{\the\r} \end I'm at my wits' end. By the way, how would people feel about an extension to TeX provided the same functionality as \write but without expanding the associated token list? Norman Ramsey oravax!norman@cu-arpa.cs.cornell.edu ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 27 Aug 87 20:44 CDT From: SMiller@HI-MULTICS.ARPA Subject: Preview for Tektronix 4010/4014 To: texhax@SCORE.STANFORD.EDU I'm looking for a Vax/VMS hosted TeX previewer that makes Tektronix 4010/4014 output. Does anyone have a likely source for such a beast? Thanks. Scott Miller SMiller@HI-Multics ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 28 Aug 87 00:05:33 EDT From: James Alexander To: texhax@su-score Subject: setting quotations Several issues ago there was a request for a macro that set quotations and attributions with different justifications. If I recall correctly, there were several solutions, mostly using \halign, and requiring the width of the text to be explicitly specified (LaTeX's \parbox and minipage require an explicit width also). Thinking about it one idle evening, I decided the right macro would set the width automatically and allow left, right or center justification for both the quote and the attribution. My solution is a such a macro. It uses a different strategy than \halign. It is a tad long to list here, with its documentation and test driver. So I include only some of the comments. Anybody who is interested can mail me a request. I will mail it out, or (if I get a lot) mail it to texhax after all. % quotebox#1#2#3#4#5 % macro to align and set quotations % automatically sizes and sets lines % output is \vbox\quote of width the largest line in the quotation, % to be used as desired, e.g. \rightline{\box\quote} % usage: \quotebox {quotation} % {attribution} % where % quote alignment and attribution alignment are L,R,C (or lower case) % to indicate whether quotation and attribution are to be left justified, % right justified, or centered within the quote box, % is vertical material between quotation and attribution, % and % the quotation and attribution have form % {line1\\line2\\ % .... % penultimateline\\ % ultimateline} % any special spacing in lines (e.g. indentation) must be made explicit % attribution lines do not affect box width % width of box is printed in .log % if \showlinewidths is set true, width of each line is shown in .log % tokens \everyquote are expanded at the beginning of each quotebox e ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 28 Aug 87 10:37 N From: (Helmut Feldweg) Subject: help with \halign spread to \hsize To: texhax@score.stanford.edu We have to typeset transcripts with interlinear translations which should look like the following Dies ist ein Beispiel This is an example This is easily done using \halign. But in some cases we need an extra column right justified to the right margin (\hsize), e.g.: Dies ist ein Beispiel Example I This is an example \halign to \hsize{# &# &# &# &\hfill#\cr Dies&ist&ein&Beispiel&Example I\cr This&is &ab &example\cr} doesn't do the job. Does anybody know how to get a column spread to \hsize. This seems to be simple but I couldn't figure out how to get it. Thanks for any help in advance. Helmut Feldweg Bitnet: helmut@hnympi51 Max-Planck-Institut f\"ur Psycholinguistik NL-6500 AH Nijmegen The Netherlands ------------------------------ Date: 28-AUG-1987 12:19:59 From: ABBOTTP%mail.aston.ac.uk@Cs.Ucl.AC.UK To: TEXHAX <@Cs.Ucl.AC.UK:TEXHAX@score.stanford.edu> Aston University - Electronic Mail From: Peter Abbott ABBOTTP@UK.AC.ASTON.MAIL Dept: Computing Service Tel No: 021 359 5492 -direct Subject: PUBLIC account update (TeX DVI Family version 2.08) PUBLIC account at Aston University UK August 28 1987 Following suggestions and submissions from other sites the PUBLIC account at Aston now comprises:- TeX DVI Driver Family - Release 2.08 ===================================== This is the updated set of files from UTAH. The older set described below will be removed at the end of September 1987. Local information relating to the directory structure is in 000aston.readme and the index of files in 000index.list. I leave it to the user to edit 000index.list to `suck' the files needed. Information kirk::[public.texdvi208]000aston.readme Index file kirk::[public.texdvi208]000index.list ID and password both PUBLIC DVI Family (from Nelson Beebe Utah see TugBoat Vol 8 No1 page 41) ========== PSPRINT DVITOVDU (both from Andrew Trevorrow see TugBoat Vol 8 No 1 page 42) ======== The files for DVI Family, PSPRINT and DVITOVDU are accessible to sites using the VAX VMS transfer command (or equivalent).The files containing the lists of files to be `sucked' are called 000fetch.list Here is a sample of part of one of the files. ! 10 files 559 blocks of 512 bytes @fetch 00DIR.LST;1 @fetch 00TDIR.LST;1 ... etc Sites should write there own FETCH command procedure obeying any local rules about queue lengths etc. A possible FETCH procedure is attached below. The 000fetch.list files addresses are (I am using KIRK but SPOCK is also valid) The ID and password are PUBLIC Nelson Beebe files aston.kirk::[public.beebe]000fetch.list aston.kirk::[public.beebedoc]000fetch.list PSPRINT files aston.kirk::[public.psprint]000fetch.list DVITOVDU files aston.kirk::[public.dvitovdu]000fetch.list TEXHAX Contains back numbers of the TeXhax digests. The files are named ====== TEX87.nn where nn is the issue number Digest files aston.kirk::[public.texhax]tex87.nn Please note that there is NO 000fetch.list as I feel this is irrelevant. PSFIGTEX ======== PSfigTeX is a set of TeX macros to make it easy to include PostScript (and Macintosh) figures inside a TeX document. It was written by Trevor Darrell at the University of Pennsylvania, who retains copyright. See the file COPYRIGHT for details. It arrived as a set of SHAR files, and again, the structure here is the same as that to be found in the SHAR files. Features: Simple, clean interface Psfig automatically positions the figure at the current pen position Figures can be scaled easily Implemented as a TeX macro package; has been brought up under unix, VMS and OS4000. (Please contact HINES@UK.AC.DARESBURY.MAIL for the OS4000 version) PSFIGTEX files aston.kirk::[public.psfigtex]000index.list This file contains a directory listing (including subdirectories) with each file listed and its size. The user need not adhere to the directory structure, it has been used to make maintenance easier. LATEXSTYLE ========== This group is the LaTeX Style collection based on TuGboat Volume 8 No 2. The `shar' files are included in the directory and will eventually be also provided in subdirectories once I can overcome the problem of the limitation of VAX/VMS and files which have a non numeric third part to the name. The file which holds the keys to accessing the collection is 000index.list (Directory and subdirectory listing) The subdirectories DO NOT YET contain useful material LATEXSTYLE files aston.kirk::[public.latexstyle]000index.list Please contact me if you have any problems accessing the files. -------------- For convenience this note is also stored and will be updated as more material is added. It can be `sucked' in the same way This Note aston.kirk::[public]000aston.readme The following command procedures have been sent to me to enable VMS users to 'suck' the files and may be useful to others. (Thanks to Phil Taylor of RHBNC) ============================== F E T C H . C O M ============================== $ @sys$utilities:pull uk.ac.aston.kirk [public.beebe]'p1' 'p1' public public =============================== P U L L . C O M =============================== $ set noon $ loop_1: $ delete temp.tmp;* $ assign/user temp.tmp sys$Output $ list $ count = 0 $ open/read/error=20$ input temp.tmp $ loop_2: $ read/error=20$ /end=10$ input buffer $ count = count + 1 $ goto loop_2 $ 10$: $ close input $ if count .le. 4 then goto 20$ $ wait 00:00:30.00 $ goto loop_1 $ 20$: $ remote_site = p1 $ remote_file = p2 $ local_file = p3 $ remote_user = p4 $ remote_pswd = p5 $ transfer - 'remote_site'::'remote_file' - 'local_file' - /user='remote_user','remote_pswd' ============================= End of Information ============================== Please send me your JANET name and address to be added to the circulation list if you want to receive details of updates. Peter ______________________ Computing Service JANET abbottp@uk.ac.aston.mail Aston University ARPA abbottp%uk.ac.aston.mail@cs.ucl.ac.uk Aston Triangle or pabbott@cs.ucl.ac.uk Birmingham B4 7ET UUCP ...!ukc!aston!abbottp U.K. BITNET abbottp%uk.ac.aston.mail@ac.uk Tel (+44) 21 359 5492 ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 28 Aug 87 16:12:14 +0200 From: G|ran Uddeborg To: texhax@SCORE.STANFORD.EDU Subject: Newcommand with optional arguments The LaTeX "\newcommand" has an option to let the new command have normal arguments. But, as far as I can see in the manual, there is no way to let it have optional arguments. Is there any way to do this, without being proficient in raw TeX? G|ran Uddeborg uddeborg@{cs.chalmers.SE,chalmers.CSNET} ------------------------------ Date: Fri 28 Aug 87 09:47:41-CDT From: Mic Kaczmarczik Subject: Talaris (QMS) driver for TeX under TOPS-20 To: texhax@SCORE.STANFORD.EDU, tops-20@SCORE.STANFORD.EDU Does anyone know of a TeX DVI driver for a Talaris 2400 laser printer (QMS engine, Talaris ROM fonts) that runs under TOPS-20? We would like to install TeX on the Academic DEC-20 here, and the only high-quality output device we have is a Talaris 2400. It was rumored that Talaris had one in the past, but our local Talaris rep was not able to find any information. I also know that the DVI family from Utah does not have a QMS driver, although if we had enough time and resources we could modify DVIALW to do the job. Thanks in advance, Mic Kaczmarczik User Services Digital Support Group UT Austin Computation Center cc.kaczmarczik@a20.cc.utexas.edu CCEP001@UTADNX.BITNET ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 28 Aug 87 17:28:25 +0200 From: G|ran Uddeborg To: texhax@SCORE.STANFORD.EDU Subject: Formatting program comments In some prgramming languages, like sh and Ada, comments begin with some special string, like `#' and `--', and end with end of line. A comment spanning over several lines will then have this special string at the beginning of each line. Now, I want to have a piece of code from such a language in a LaTeX document. I want to have a comment in this text that will be several lines long. Furthermore, I want to have this comment formatted by LaTeX/TeX in the normal way. So, how do I convince LaTeX to put a special string in the beginning of each line? I do not know where the linebreaks will come. I do not know how many lines it will be all in all. Any suggestions? G|ran Uddeborg uddeborg@{cs.chalmers.SE,chalmers.CSNET} ------------------------------ Date: 26 Aug 87 15:18:00 EST From: Subject: Change bars?? To: "texhax-request" Reply-To: I am _very_ much a novice TeXer, and I am interested in having a macro that does "change bars" for a TeXed document, something along the lines of: \beginbar ... . .lines of altered text .. \endbar Does anyone know of such a thing, or have suggestions about how to write something like that??? ------------------------------ %%% %%% subscriptions, address changes to: texhax-request@score.stanford.edu %%% %%% submissions to: texhax@score.stanford.edu %%% %%% BITNET redistribution: TEX-L@TAMVM1.BITNET (list server) %%% %%%\bye %%% ------------------------------ End of TeXhax Digest ************************** -------