TeXhax Digest Tuesday, October 27, 1987 Volume 87 : Issue 86 [SCORE.STANFORD.EDU]TEXHAX86.87 Editor: Malcolm Brown Today's Topics: immoderate notes: duplications bibtex sorting Change files for VAX/VMS TeX DVI drivers Paragraph/column footnotes mode_def for imagen3320 Bug in TeX release 2.1 for Suns Re: Hershey -> MF myheadings HELP needed!! Generating Font Tables undump for Sun 4, anyone? vt240 and dvitovdu Inverted Fonts Re: TeXhax Digest V87 #84 Re: Large Mac Screens and MaxTeX/TeXtures. UnixTeX Wanted: undump for sun 4 Macros for Euler. DVI on VAXStation 2000 and file archives ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: the present From: Malcolm Subject: immoderate notes: duplications %% a number of people have noted that they were sent duplicate copies %% of digest #85. Alas, the same may happen with this digest. It %% seems that the Score mailer has an unfortunate tendency to reject %% mail queue files when it discovers what it supposes to be bad %% host names. That is what happened when I first attempted to send %% digest 85, and, sadly, again with 86. In the case of digest 86, %% the "bad" address was in fact a perfectly valid one. %% %% When a queue file is rejected, it may well be the case that the %% mailer delivers some issues before rejecting the file. Since the %% mailer resorts the distribution file, it is far too large a task to %% attempt to determine who might of gotten the digest and who did not. %% The only real alternative seems to be to make any corrections to the %% distribution list and then resend the digest. %% %% So my apologies to those afflicted with duplicate copies, but it does %% seem the lesser of the evils. When the Score mailer will be fixed is %% anyone's guess. As the system programmer put it, "I have many other %% duties of much higher priority." %% %% Malcolm %% ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 19 Oct 87 15:59:31 EDT From: mroth@afit-ab.arpa (Mark A. Roth) To: TeXhax@Score.Stanford.EDU Subject: bibtex sorting Does BibTeX do the sorting or is that specified by the bst file? The alpha and newalpha bib styles sort the entries on the cite key. Thus you get wierd orders like: [BB86] G. Bat and H. Bone. ... (the order should be [BF84],[BB86], [BF84] G. Ban and H. Fone. ... [BK85],[Bid81]) [Bid81] C. Bidling. ... [BK85] G. Bat and H. Kone. ... Can the sorting be done by last name of first author, first name of first author, middle name of first author, last name of second author, etc., and then by title or year if all authors agree? Mark Roth (mroth@afit-ab.arpa) ------------------------------ From: DHOSEK%HMCVAX.BITNET@forsythe.stanford.edu Subject: Change files for VAX/VMS TeX Could somebody please supply me with VAX/VMS change files for the following programs: GFtoPK PXtoPK PKtype Thanks, -dh ------------------------------ Date: 14 Oct 87 11:19:28 bst From: mcvax!ed.ac.uk!G.Toal@uunet.UU.NET Subject: DVI drivers To: texhax Here is the most apt answer I have had to my query below for anyone interested. > Is there a recommended way for generating DVI to device X drivers? I have > done one by hacking apart a DVIType - removing all writelns and replacing > calls to give info by calls to an external device driver module, BUT it has > most of DVItype still in there doing nothing (well, all the consistency > checks) except slowing it down. > My question is, is there a skeleton device driver in existence which > does the job properly? I'm a bit worried that my effort will go stiff if > the next version of DVIType changes (for instance). I thought I should ask > now as I intend to convert from PXL files to GF files in the near(ish) future. > > Graham Toal. > P.S. My hacked DVIType was at least hacked by a web change file - not by > editing the Web or the pascal - hence why I'm a bit worried that my changes > may go stiff if DVIType changes underfoot. * From: Dr R M Damerell (RHBNC) * Date: Wed, 14 Oct 87 9:51:45 BST * To: G.Toal@uk.ac.edinburgh * * 1. This is precisely what I wrote Crudetype for (but see forthcoming bug * report -- and I hope, a fix). * * 2. N.Beebe also has a ** FAMILY ** of drivers. I believe that both Crudetype a * and Beebe are archived at Aston * * I believe that Beebe's family covers a far wider range than my C. ever will, * but C. is in Pascal and I belive that C. has the only lineprinter driver * that I know of that actually works (sometimes!) * * 3. I dont think DVITYPE has changed significantly for some years. * * mark ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 19 Oct 87 21:26:58 EDT From: dow@wjh12.harvard.edu (Dominik Wujastyk) To: texhax@score.stanford.edu Subject: Paragraph/column footnotes In appendix D(irty tricks) of the TeXbook, Don Knuth explains how to change the format of footnotes to columns or a single paragraph. I am working on the macros to do this within the LaTeX environment, but because I am not very clever I am finding it hard. Has anyone actually done a macro/sty file to do column or paragraph footnotes? I have the code out of the TeXbook itself, but I have trouble when it comes to modifying the output routine. Help! dow@wjh12.bitnet dow@wjh12.harvard.edu Bye, Dominik Wujastyk ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 20 Oct 87 11:14:13 EDT From: John Bazik To: texhax@SCORE.STANFORD.EDU Subject: mode_def for imagen3320 Does anyone have a reasonable mode_def for this printer (it's a Canon LBP-20) that they are willing to share? We use fonts tuned for the Imagen 8/300, but they are rather dainty. Please mail it to me since I don't always get to read TeXhax. Thanks much. John Bazik Brown University arpa: jsb%cs.brown.edu@relay.cs.net csnet: jsb@cs.brown.edu uucp: {decvax,ihnp4}!brunix!jsb bitnet: jsb@browncs ------------------------------ Date: Tue 20 Oct 87 15:09:10-EDT From: Morris Katz Subject: Bug in TeX release 2.1 for Suns To: TeXhax@SCORE.STANFORD.EDU I believe I have found a bug in the midinsert code for TeX release 2.1 on Suns. Basically, the problem is that under certain conditions midinserts do not appear in the output in the same order in which they were placed in the input. (This contradicts page 116 of the TeXbook.) I have included below a fairly minimal case in which 3 figures included in a text using midinsert come out in the wrong order. Basically, what appears to be happening is that the second figure will not fit on the current page, but the third one will, so their order is getting reversed. Is this a known bug? Is there a workaround? Morry Katz mkatz@a.isi.edu -------------------------------------------------------------------!----------- % \figurecnt is used for keeping track of how many figures have been created \newcount\figurecnt \figurecnt=0% Initialize to figure zero % \buildname {name} % name The name of a given figure % Binds \`name' to the appropriate figure number and stores this % binding out to a file if names from one chapter are to be available % to other chapters. Also, stores the chapter and figure numbers so % they will be available to create the caption when it is time to % actually insert the figure. \def\buildname#1{% \expandafter\xdef\csname#1\endcsname{% Bind \`name' {\the\figurecnt}}% \expandafter\xdef\csname figurenum#1\endcsname{{\the\figurecnt}}}% % \caption {name} {caption} % name The name of the figure % caption A full description ofthe figure % Builds a caption containing the figures number, name, and caption. \def\caption#1#2{% \centerline{{\bf Figure\space% \csname figurenum#1\endcsname.}% \space#2}}% % \figure {size} {name} {caption} % size size of figure, any units (does not include caption) % name control sequence to which figure number will be % assigned % caption full description of illustration % Sets aside `size' vertical space in the text to include a figure and % places the `caption' at the bottom of this space. Also binds % \`name' to the figure number. Finally, an entry is added to the % table of figures for this figure. \def\figure#1#2#3{% \advance\figurecnt by1% Increment figure count \buildname{#2}% Create name macro \goodbreak\midinsert% Insert actual picture on first page on which \vbox to #1{\vfil}% \caption{#2}{#3}% Insert caption \endinsert}% % \deffigure {size} {name} {caption} % size size of figure, any units (does not include caption) % name control sequence to which figure number will be % assigned % caption full description of illustration % Creates a figure of `size' vertical length with a caption of % `caption' in a box. This figure can be inserted in the text with a % \insertfigure{`name'}. Also binds \`name' to the figure number. % Finally, an entry is added to the table of figures for this figure. \def\deffigure #1#2#3{% \advance\figurecnt by1% Increment figure count \buildname{#2}% Create name macro \expandafter\gdef\csname insertfigure@#2\endcsname{% \goodbreak\midinsert% Make figure appear on first page following % insert on which it will fit \medskip \vbox to #1{\vfil} \medskip \caption{#2}{#3}% Insert caption \medskip \endinsert}}% % \insertfigure {name} % name The name of the figure to be insert % Inserts a figure created by \deffigure in the text on the first page % on which there is sufficient space \def\insertfigure#1{\csname insertfigure@#1\endcsname}% \deffigure{5truein}{figone}{Figure 1} \deffigure{5truein}{figtwo}{Figure 2} \deffigure{1truein}{figthree}{Figure 3} Now is the time for all good men to come to the aid of their country. Now is the time for all good men to come to the aid of their country. Now is the time for all good men to come to the aid of their country. \insertfigure{figone} \insertfigure{figtwo} \insertfigure{figthree} \bye ------------------------------ Date: TUE, 20 OCT 87 11:42:09 MEZ From: R02SCH%DHHDESY3.BITNET@wiscvm.wisc.edu To: texhax@score.stanford.EDU Subject: Re: Hershey -> MF I have done some tests converting Hershey-fonts to MF-input by using a program, which was supplied to me by Bernd Schulze some time ago. The beginning of the (some 500 lines) WEB-file reads like this: % This is HERSH2MF.WEB in text format, as of jan 10, 1985. % Dieses Programm konvertiert Character aus den Hershey fonts % ins METAFONT format. % Most of it is written by Bernd Schulze, University of Bonn. % Copyright (C) 1984 by Bernd Schulze. All rights reserved. % The logic af path composition is by me, Horst Stenzel, 1985. The program takes into account sharp bends in the polygons to form reasonable character shapes. It has been presented in a GI-conference in Bremen, FRG. For tests I have been able to prepare a (yet incomplete) font of Gothic characters as well as a number of Kanji fonts of some 500 characters (the data of which I took from the 2nd file of the original Hershey distribution tape). The characters do look quite nice. As far as I know, Bernd Schulze left the University of Bonn some time ago (previous e-mail address: BESCHU@DBNUAMA1), thus it is not clear to me, if HERSH2MF could be distributed further. peter schilling - R02SCH@DHHDESY3.BITNET ------------------------------ From: Jackie Damrau MATH Date: Tue, 20 Oct 87 13:46:58 MDT To: lanl!score.stanford.edu!texhax Subject: myheadings HELP needed!! Has anyone tried to use the myheadings parameter? I am trying to help a friend to get a certain heading on the top of each page. If anyone has an elementary explanation of how this works, please send the documentation to me so I may pass it on. It would also be nice to have a small sample that we could print out to see that it works. Thanks. Jackie Damrau, UNM Math Dept., Albuquerque, NM 87131, 505-277-4623 UUCP: damrau@ariel.unm.EDU BITNET: damrau@unmb.BITNET (actually, the .BITNET can be omitted if you prefer but it does make things very clear) ------------------------------ From: ACSJLD%UBVMS.BITNET@forsythe.stanford.edu Date: Tue, 20 Oct 87 23:57 EDT Subject: Generating Font Tables To: TeXHaX@score.stanford.edu Would someone please send me a TeX program that could generate a font table like those found in Appendix F in Knuth's The TeXbook? Thanks in advance, sincerely, ------ John L Delgado, Academic Computing ------------- --------------- Bitnet: acsjld@ubvms --- -- - -- ---- Internet: acsjld@ubvms.cc.buffalo.edu ------------- ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 21 Oct 87 15:56:21 EDT From: lear@aramis.rutgers.edu (eliot lear) To: texhax@score.stanford.edu, sun-spots@rice.edu Subject: undump for Sun 4, anyone? Has anyone written a program to undump a core (for TeX purposes) for a Sun 4, yet? I know, I know... dream on... Eliot -- [lear@rutgers.edu] ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 21 Oct 87 14:26:11 PDT From: Karen Pendley To: texhax@score.stanford.edu I'm looking for a font substitution file that someone has already created which substitutes the appropriate CM font for each AM font used. I have installed ArborText's DVIXER device driver on a Xerox 9700 along with the 495 CM fonts they provided. I would like for people who have dvi files using AM fonts to be able to print their text on our machine, meaning that we would need a font substitution file to map the AM fonts to the correct CM fonts. Has anyone already done this? Thanks! Karen Pendley Systems Programmer Stanford Univ. ga.kgp@forsythe.stanford.edu ------------------------------ Date: 21 Oct 87 16:37 -0600 From: Jim Walker To: TeXhaX@SCORE.STANFORD.EDU Subject: vt240 and dvitovdu Does anybody out there have a driver for dec vt240 terminals for use with the DVItoVDU program. Thanks in advance. ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 22 Oct 87 08:09:22 EDT From: Charlie Martin To: texhax@score.stanford.edu In-Reply-To: Anthony Aristar's message of Thu 15 Oct 87 14:16:33-CDT Subject: Inverted Fonts I think you'd be best off to build yourself a schwa using metafont; it's really quite easy, although a little too involved to try to explain in a mail note. ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 22 Oct 87 07:56:52 edt From: geac!daveb@uunet.UU.NET (Dave Collier-Brown) To: TeXhax@score.stanford.edu Subject: Re: TeXhax Digest V87 #84 In-Reply-To: <1660@geac.UUCP> In article <1660@geac.UUCP> you write: >Date: Mon, 12 Oct 87 17:05 PDT >From: DON HOSEK >Subject: H. Thimbleby's Cweb >To: TEXHAX@score.stanford.edu >X-Vms-To: IN%"TEXHAX@SCORE.STANFORD.EDU" > >Can anybody supply me with any information on The Troff/C web system >by H. Thimbleby described in Knuth's article on Literate Programming >(submitted to The Computer Journal 1983)? > >-dh > No, but I can supply you with tWEB, a tiny subset of WEB written in C and Web for {n|t}roff.... --dave -- David Collier-Brown. {mnetor|yetti|utgpu}!geac!daveb Geac Computers International Inc., | Computer Science loses its 350 Steelcase Road,Markham, Ontario, | memory (if not its mind) CANADA, L3R 1B3 (416) 475-0525 x3279 | every 6 months. ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 22 Oct 87 08:08:19 edt From: geac!daveb@uunet.UU.NET (Dave Collier-Brown) To: TeXhax@score.stanford.edu Subject: Re: Large Mac Screens and MaxTeX/TeXtures. In-Reply-To: <1660@geac.UUCP> In TeXhax Digest V87 #84 Peter Scott writes: >Does anyone know which large screen displays (Radius, MegaScreen, etc) >DO and DO NOT work with (1) TeXtures, and (2) MacTeX? To the best of my knowlege, all the large screens work usefully with MacTeX. The Radius is proven to work (the ftl people own one) and the others have been tried at various shows and demonstrations. --dave (I'm biased: I do benchmarks) collier-brown -- David Collier-Brown. {mnetor|yetti|utgpu}!geac!daveb Geac Computers International Inc., | Computer Science loses its 350 Steelcase Road,Markham, Ontario, | memory (if not its mind) CANADA, L3R 1B3 (416) 475-0525 x3279 | every 6 months. ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 22 Oct 87 09:38:13 CDT From: amit@umn-cs.cs.umn.edu (Neta Amit) To: texhax@score.stanford.edu Subject: UnixTeX It would help a great deal if the Unix-TeX site coordinator posted the system for anonymous FTP over the Arpanet. The TeX system is evolving continuously, and to keep up one must order the tape every few months. This is impractical. It makes more sense to post a tarred-compressed version, along with diff files. When the diff files grow too large, merge them with the base system to create a new base system, and so on. This is not overly complex. The Gnu project (Emacs, C compiler, debugger, assembler and more) has been following this procedure for years. Stanford has been doing something similar with TOPS-20/VMS/VM/CMS TeX. Why not do the same with Unix? ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 22 Oct 87 13:53:40 EDT From: lear@athos.rutgers.edu (eliot lear) To: TeXHaX@score.stanford.edu Subject: Wanted: undump for sun 4 I know this is wishful thinking, but has anyone developed an undump for the Sun 4 yet? Eliot Lear [lear@rutgers.edu] ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 22 Oct 87 12:23:13 EDT From: "Karl Berry." To: texhax@SCORE.STANFORD.EDU Subject: Macros for Euler. Does the AMS have macros that integrate the Euler fonts with plain.tex? (So that math typesetting will use them when it can, and use Computer Modern for symbols that aren't part of Euler, like summations and integrals. (At least, I don't have summation or integral signs in the set.) ) For that matter, does anyone? It's not hard to do, but it's boring. Karl. karl@typo.umb.edu harvard!umb!karl ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 22 Oct 87 17:44:10 edt From: padwa%harvsc3@harvard.harvard.edu (Danny Padwa) To: "texhax@score.stanford.edu"%hucsc@harvard.harvard.edu, Subject: DVI on VAXStation 2000 and file archives Hi! I have two questions that can probably be best answered by the people on this list: -does anyone have a program that will display DVI files on a VAXStation 2000? This can do Tektronics emulation, as well as display the VaxStation window command files. Any response or leads on this would be appreciated. -how can I read back issues of this mailing and/or the various files mentioned as available by anonymous FTP. I tried FTPing to SCORE.STANFORD.EDU but wasn't able to find them. Thanks in advance, Danny Padwa PADWA@HARVSC3.HARVARD.EDU PADWA@HARVSC3.BITNET ------------------------------ %%% %%% subscriptions, address changes to: texhax-request@score.stanford.edu %%% %%% submissions to: texhax@score.stanford.edu %%% please send a valid arpanet address!! %%% %%% BITNET redistribution: TEX-L@TAMVM1.BITNET (list server) %%% %%%\bye %%% ------------------------------ End of TeXhax Digest ************************** -------