TeXhax Digest Thursday, November 5, 1987 Volume 87 : Issue 89 [SCORE.STANFORD.EDU]TEXHAX89.87 Editor: Malcolm Brown Today's Topics: Archives... driver for Compugraphic 8600 Imagesetter Re: driver for Compugraphic 8600 Imagesetter Does anyone have a bold small caps font? TeX hint: hrules in double-column format algorithms in LaTeX quick & dirty TeX format for meeting notices, etc. Re: driver for Compugraphic 8600 Imagesetter Heshey fonts --> METAFONT Re: UnixTeX (by FTP) Re: Change files for VAX/VMS TeX New Environments and New Paragraphs Changes files for Metafont and BiBTeX for MVS environment bug in LaTeX reporting of labels changing \font\big problem ligs setting in cmr5 LaTeX Notes (Re: TeXhax Digest V87 #87) DVI2LN3, multi-column, 8 Bit characters, AMSTeX ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: Wed, 28 Oct 87 10:01 CDT From: Subject: Archives... It would be nice if, occasionally, any site having TeX related archives or that supports some TeX related program would publish a short blurb and notes on how to get to them and get files from them... Comments? (or blurbs)... BITNET%"RUSOFFMH@VUCTRVAX" "Constants aren't and Variables MARTIN H. RUSOFF won't and Programmers don't..." Dept. of Computer Science VANDERBILT UNIVERSITY P.O. BOX 215, STATION B. COMPUSERVE:(changing) NASHVILLE TENN., 37235 615-321-6150 disclaimer:"I and only I am in any way responsible for what I say and do." --- How else could it be? ------------------------------ Subject: driver for Compugraphic 8600 Imagesetter Date: Wed, 28 Oct 87 11:39:15 EST From: psk@mitre-bedford.ARPA Is there a driver program available to convert the instructions in TeX .dvi files into commands for the Compugraphic 8600 Imagesetter? If so, can you tell me how we can get hold of one? Thank you. Paul S. Kim (psk@MITRE-BEDFORD.ARPA) ------------------------------ Date: Wed 28 Oct 87 08:50:51-PST From: Barbara Beeton Subject: Re: driver for Compugraphic 8600 Imagesetter typically, dvi translators for typesetters are computer-specific. what computer/operating system do you want to run this on? (several are listed in the output device charts in the last issue of tugboat; more recent information might be obtained from don hosek, who collects such information and writes the tugboat column -- his net address is dhosek@hmcvax.bitnet.) -- barbara beeton ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 28 Oct 87 09:35:13 mst From: charles%azsil.UUCP@noao.arizona.edu (Charles Lehardy) Subject: Inverted Fonts We created a schwa from a standard "e" by adding a few simple commands. First, start with the code for "The letter e" from romanl.mf. Next, insert 5 new lines to the code, as follows: OLD --> beginchar("e",7.25u# ... NEW --> picture p; OLD --> italcorr .5[bar_height#, ... OLD --> fill stroke z0e--z1'e; % crossbar NEW --> p:= currentpicture; NEW --> currentpicture:=p reflectedabout ((.5w,0),(.5w,h)); NEW --> p:= currentpicture; NEW --> currentpicture:=p reflectedabout ((0,.5h),(w,.5h)); OLD --> penlabels(0,1, ... Charles Lehardy Summer Institute of Linguistics azsil!charles@noao.arpa ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 28 Oct 87 10:25:40 mst From: charles%azsil.UUCP@noao.arizona.edu (Charles Lehardy) Subject: Typeface control in TeX I often create macros for special characters that are not part of the standard font. In so doing, I often strike a character or two on top of another. This is a typical creation, a lower-case slashed o: % Slashed o \def\so{o\kern-.45em\hbox{\eightrm /}\kern.05em} In this definition, I want to change typeSIZE for the slash because the slash in the textfont is too big. Unfortunately, SIZE and FACE are tied together in TeX. When I change SIZE, I also have to set the FACE (\eightrm). As a result, if someone prints this character in bold, the "o" comes out bold, but the slash prints roman. In TeX, is there any way to know what typeFACE you are using at a particular moment? Can TeX be asked to tell you the face so that a smarter macro could print the slash in the same face as the textfont? Thanks for your help. Charles Lehardy Summer Institute of Linguistics azsil!charles@noao.arpa ------------------------------ Subject: Does anyone have a bold small caps font? From: MIMI%FSU.BITNET@wiscvm.wisc.edu Date: Wed, 28-OCT-1987 13:58 If anyone has a Computer Modern bold small caps font, I would appreciate the .tfm file or instructions regarding creation of the fonts. I have no experience with Metafont personally, but I am `willing' ... Replies may be sent to MIMI@FSU.bitnet if not through Texhax .. Thanks in advance ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 28 Oct 87 10:05:54-1000 From: Bob Cunningham Subject: TeX hint: hrules in double-column format Having had a few problems doing an \hrule within double columns, I found it necessary to construct a \vbox. Here's the definition, should someone else need it: \def\hr{\vbox{\hrule width\hsize}} and thus use \hr instead of \hrule. Of course, this assumes you've got \hsize properly defined... Bob Cunningham bob@loihi.HIG.HAWAII.EDU ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 28 Oct 87 15:50:59 EST From: Charlie Martin Subject: algorithms in LaTeX If anyone has gone to the trouble of defining an algorithm environment for LaTeX I'd like to hear about it before I go reinventing the famous rounded object of locomotion. My ideal environment would: 1. Have the TAB character made active to serve the same purpose as \>. 2. Have \caption and \listofalgorithms available as for tables and figures (probably least important, as I can always have figure foo for algorithm bar.) 3. Come with already-defined Dijkstra calculus symbols, i.e. do..od, if..fi, box, guard. Even more ideal (??) would be a hack to tgrind that would make it easy to include ground algorithms into latex [although the whole beans have better flavor.] Thanks, Charlie Martin (crm@cs.duke.edu,mcnc!duke!crm) ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 28 Oct 87 10:17:51-1000 From: Bob Cunningham Subject: quick & dirty TeX format for meeting notices, etc. The other day I had to quickly run off some meeting notices using large fonts. Others might find this useful, or at least amusing, here's what I did: % notice.tex by Bob Cunningham, 19 Oct 87 \raggedbottom \interlinepenalty=1000 \hsize=6.5truein % leave 1in boarders on page \vsize=9truein \parindent=0pt % don't indent paragraphs \parskip=0pt % don't skip either \nopagenumbers % don't need page numbers \font\bigrm=cmr17 scaled 2986 % your scaling may vary \font\bigss=cmss17 scaled 2986 \font\bigssi=cmssi17 scaled 2986 \font\medrm=cmr12 scaled 2986 \font\medss=cmss12 scaled 2986 \font\medssi=cmssi12 scaled 2986 \font\smrm=cmr8 scaled 2986 \font\smss=cmss8 scaled 2986 \font\smssi=cmssi8 scaled 2986 \def\bigtype{ \let\rm=\bigrm \let\ss=\bigss \let\ssi=\bigssi \baselineskip=52pt minus 1pt \rm} \def\medtype{ \let\rm\medrm \let\ss=\medss \let\ssi=\medssi \baselineskip=36pt minus 1pt \rm} \def\smalltype{ \let\rm=\smrm \let\ss=\smss \let\ssi=\smssi \baselineskip=26pt minus 1pt \rm} \bigtype To use this, I do `\include notice.tex'. Note that every time type size is changed via \bigtype, \medtype, or \smalltype (which isn't really all that small) you get cmr by default; use \ss or \ssi immediately afterwards in order to get sans serif or sans serif italic instead. I usually do notices by using \obeylines, and do the line breaks myself with some trial & error. I also use a lot of \centerline{stuff} with this. Bob Cunningham bob@loihi.HIG.HAWAII.EDU ------------------------------ Subject: Re: driver for Compugraphic 8600 Imagesetter Date: Wed, 28 Oct 87 15:01:02 EST From: psk@mitre-bedford.ARPA >>typically, dvi translators for typesetters are computer-specific. >>what computer/operating system do you want to run this on? We'd like to run the program on Suns/Unix (first choice) or on a Quadex system. However, we're an engineering company with good computer resources ranging from VMS and UNIX to VM, MVS, TSO, and others running on many different systems (and we constantly buy new systems). So the issue of computer-specificity may not be all that critical here. We basically need to find the translator running on some computer/operating system. Thank you for your info. Paul S. Kim psk@MITRE-BEDFORD.ARPA ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 28 Oct 87 20:09:32 EDT From: Dimitri Vulis Subject: Heshey fonts --> METAFONT >Date: Tue, 20 Oct 87 11:42:09 MEZ >From: Peter Schilling > >I have done some tests converting Hershey-fonts to MF-input by using >a program, which was supplied to me by Bernd Schulze some time ago. That's very interesting! Unfortunately, I cannot spend as much time as I would like on METAFONT and TeX fonts; I will sometime (soon) clean up and make generally available MF code that I made out of the (occidental) fonts so far for criticism and improvement BY SOMEONE ELSE. I wish I had the time... Dimitri ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 29 Oct 87 09:43:07 GMT From: Peter Ilieve Subject: Re: UnixTeX (by FTP) Neta Amit says: > It would help a great deal if the Unix-TeX site coordinator posted the > system for anonymous FTP over the Arpanet. and points out that GNU has done this for some time. While this would no doubt be a useful service for Arpanet folk remember that Unix != Arpanet. I can't ftp to anywhere from where I am in Scotland and even if I could it would still be cheaper to buy a tape than to ftp all of TeX/Metafont across the Atlantic, be it ever so well compressed. I would not like to lose the tape service, even if ftp access is arranged. Peter Ilieve peter@memex.co.uk peter@memex.uucp ------------------------------ Date: 29-OCT-1987 09:38:43 GMT From: CCZDAO%VAXA.NOTT.AC.UK@forsythe.stanford.edu Subject: Re: Change files for VAX/VMS TeX Don Hosek wrote in TeXhax #86: > Could somebody please supply me with VAX/VMS change files for the following > programs: > GFtoPK > PXtoPK > PKtype I've got a changefile for GFtoPK written by Chuck Guldenschuh which Chuck sent me after my request in TeXhax a couple of months ago. I've mailed a copy to Don and I'd be pleased to send a copy to anyone else who needs one, but maybe ARPAnet users might like to contact Chuck direct. Dave. ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 29 Oct 87 10:57:58 EST From: gil@svax.cs.cornell.edu (Gil Neiger) Subject: New Environments and New Paragraphs I have a problem regarding the definition of new environments in LaTeX. I have defined a new environment, hangingdesc, to be a type of list, to give me descriptions with hanging tags. It is defined as follows: \newenvironment{hangingdesc}[1]{\begin{list}{}% {\settowidth{\hdlm}{\bf #1}% \addtolength{\hdlm}{\leftmargin}% \setlength{\leftmargin}{\hdlm}% \settowidth{\labelwidth}{{\bf #1}\hspace*{0.1in}}}}% {\end{list}} (hdlm is a length I've defined). I use "hditem" to generate items in the list: \newcommand{\hditem}[1]{\item[{\bf #1}\hfill]} My problem is that when I use this environment in the middle of a paragraph: text % \begin{hangingdesc}{longlabel} ... \end{hangingdesc} % more text LaTeX always starts a new paragraph with "more text". What can I do to avoid this? - Gil ------------------------------ Date: 29 Oct 87 11:19:37 AST From: "Steven Osborne - Computer Science UNB" Subject: Changes files for Metafont and BiBTeX for MVS environment Does anyone out there have change files for Metafont and BiBTeX for use with IBM OS/MVS and IBM PASCALVS? I might even settle for a change file for VM/CMS and convert that. Please send me some help, I am getting desperate. I tried Craig Platt at University of Manitoba but got no response. Sincerely Yours Steven Osborne Hardware Systems Specialist School of Computer Science University of New Brunswick ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 29 Oct 87 12:33 EST From: Jeffrey Mark Siskind Subject: bug in LaTeX reporting of labels changing I have noticed a bug in LaTeX. When I have run it enough times so that labels and references have converged and then I delete a page, the next time I run LaTeX the table of contents (and possibly other references) is off but I don't get the appropriate warning from LaTeX. I don't know if this is repeatable so if you can't duplicate it let me know and I will try again and send you the files. Jeff ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 29 Oct 87 11:29:12 PST From: KARNEY%PPC.MFENET@NMFECC.ARPA Subject: \font\big problem If you look in the index of the TeXbook, you will see that \big is a Plain TeX macro. In fact it is used by \bigl and friends. Hence the error when you redfine \big to point to a font. Charles Karney Plasma Physics Laboratory Phone: +1 609 683 2607 Princeton University MFEnet: Karney@PPC.MFEnet PO Box 451 ARPAnet: Karney%PPC.MFEnet@NMFECC.ARPA Princeton, NJ 08544-0451 Bitnet: Karney%PPC.MFEnet@ANLVMS.Bitnet ------------------------------ Subject: ligs setting in cmr5 Date: Thu, 29 Oct 87 14:32:33 -0500 From: Dan Grim Is there any reason why ligs=1 is used in cmr5.mf when ligs=2 is used in all other cmr*.mf driver files? This seems inconsistent! Dan ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 29 Oct 87 11:28:54 pst From: lamport@src.dec.com (Leslie Lamport) Subject: LaTeX Notes (Re: TeXhax Digest V87 #87) B. Boylan writes: I am using latex for my dissertation, and wrote a number of macros designed to typeset tables. However, I keep getting the message 'Can't use # in restricted horizontal mode', making it impossible to do tables with macros. All the ways I try to work around it suffer the same fate. The minimal code to produce the error is actually \newcommand{\md}{1}{\mbox{#1}} which doesn't involve tables at all. He also writes: In my last message I mentioned that \newcommand{\dd}[1]{\mbox{#1}} produces the error message that # can't appear in internal horizontal model. In these two messages, he includes two different commands: \newcommand{\md}{1}{\mbox{#1}} \newcommand{\dd}[1]{\mbox{#1}} The first will indeed produce the error message he described, while the second is perfectly correct. I trust that placing the two side by side reveals the error. I suppose there's a lesson to be learned here. Leslie Lamport ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 29 Oct 87 14:38:46 MEZ From: Gerhard Raimann Subject: DVI2LN3, multi-column, 8 Bit characters, AMSTeX Dear TeX community, I am a TeX Manager on a VAX using TeX 2.0 with a DVI2LN3 driver version 9. I have subscribed to TeXhax lately, and here are my first problems: (1) consider the following test document: \magnification=\magstep1 \font\title=cmbx10 scaled \magstep4 \title Das ist der test f\"ur den Titel \par \font\stitle=cmbx10 scaled\magstep3 \stitle Das ist der test f\"ur den Titel \par \font\sstitle=cmbx10 scaled\magstep2 \sstitle Das ist der test f\"ur den Titel \par \font\ssstitle=cmbx10 scaled\magstep1 \ssstitle Das ist der test f\"ur den Titel \par \font\sssstitle=cmbx10 \sssstitle Das ist der test f\"ur den Titel \par \font\roman=cmr10 \roman Dies ist eine Test f\"ur cmr10 \par \font\sroman=cmr10 scaled\magstep1 \sroman Dies ist eine Test f\"ur cmr10 \par \font\ssroman=cmr10 scaled\magstep2 \ssroman Dies ist eine Test f\"ur cmr10 \par \font\sssroman=cmr10 scaled\magstep3 \sssroman Dies ist eine Test f\"ur cmr10 \par \font\ssssroman=cmr10 scaled\magstep4 \ssssroman Dies ist eine Test f\"ur cmr10 \par \bye Normally, I use PXL-files for the DVI2LN3 driver. But in this case the driver reports error messages that it does not find the fonts magnified 207% and 249%. The problem seems to be independent of the font name. If I use LN03 font files (those with extension .NFT, .109, ...) additionally, the problem disappears. So I have to offer both file types on my VAX since the DVItoVDU screen driver wants PXLs. Is there a good explanation for this behaviour of the DVI2LN3 driver ?? (2) In TUGboat Vol. 8, No. 9, July 87, p. 185 I found the article by Elizabeth M. Barnhart about multi-column output. I tried hard not to make any mistake typing the macros, but nevertheless they never worked. They only produced lots of overfull hboxes, but with a single character in each line. I am in contact with other local TeX managers in Austria, too, but nobody has proved successful so far. Any hints what we have done wrong?? (3) I am in the german-language area, and one of the latest Kermit versions is able to translate 8 Bit PC-characters into 8 Bit DEC mutlinational characters shown on the screen. This works not only on the command line, but also for editing files; they are printed with the correct multinational character set. So it would be a great thing to make TeX accept 8 bit characters and translate them internally into the proper sequences like \"A for umlaut A, and so on. We made the following approach (after studying the TeXbook for quite a while): \catcode`\d=\active \defd{\"a} \catcode`\D=\active \defD{\"A} \catcode`\v=\active \defv{\"o} \catcode`\V=\active \defV{\"O} \catcode`\|=\active \def|{\"u} \catcode`\\=\active \def\{\"U} \catcode`\_=\active \def_{\ss{}} ae ... d, Ae ... D, oe ... v, Oe ... V, ue ... |, Ue ... \, sz ... _ \bye The character after the \def is the 7 Bit representation of an Umlaut (truncated due to the file transfer). TeX does not report any errors, but only remembers the last definition (in this case the sharp s) and changes each occurence of an 8 Bit character with a sharp s. This already was half a success, but not exactly what we had in mind. Is there any known solution ?? (4) The last problem is a very trivial one. I tried to TeX the AMSTeX Manual, but always got an endless list of errors. How can I manage this ? Solutions and hints are very much appreciated. Please contact me directly. I am A0621DAE@AWIUNI11.BITNET Thanks in advance Gerhard Raimann University of Vienna Austria, Europe ------------------------------ End of TeXhax Digest ************************** -------