TeXhax Digest Friday, November 27, 1987 Volume 87 : Issue 96 [SCORE.STANFORD.EDU]TEXHAX96.87 Editor: Malcolm Brown Today's Topics: fleqn option -- indent after display Re: TeXhax Digest V87 #93 TeX, Poscript, Macs and Laserwriters. Linked lists More about chemical structural formulas DOTFILL TeXhax #93 (Greek font) LaTeX Notes (Re: TeXhax Digest V87 #94) Weave and Tangle on MS-DOS Re: DOTFILL Distribution Updates Font files generation for IMAGEN devices. HP LaserJet fonts and TeX Subsampling fonts. PSPRINT source files vbox question QMS Software Needs Beta Testing numbering lines in a page ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: Tue, 17 Nov 87 14:42:51 -0100 From: mcvax!daimi!kaja@uunet.UU.NET (Kaja Christiansen) Subject: fleqn option -- indent after display When using a 'fleqn' style in LaTeX, the text following a displayed formula is indented (which it shouldn't). A test example run with the same displayed text, but with the 'fleqn' option removed, produced the correct result (without the indentation). I looked at the fleqn.sty file to found out that the original definitions: \def\[{\relax\ifmmode\@badmath\else\begingroup\trivlist \item[]...\fi} \def\]{\relax\ifmmode \egroup $\hfil \egroup \endtrivlist\endgroup\else...\fi} will work fine if the following replacements are made: \def\[{\relax\ifmmode\@badmath\else\begin{trivlist} \item[]...\fi} \def\]{\relax\ifmmode \egroup $\hfil \egroup \end{trivlist}\else...\fi} The reason being that the \endtrivlist does not check upon the \@endpe switch (set by \@endparenv), while the \endNAME macro does, so that the proper redefinition of \par end \everypar can take place (\endNAME is called by \end{NAME} - the \end{trivlist} in this case). I am aware of certain anomalous indentation in displayed paragraphs (described in the LaTeX book, p. 165). However, it's unfortunate that an addition of an option style can result in the faulty appearance of an otherwise 'well-behaved' manuscript. Kaja P. Christiansen kaja@daimi.dk Computer Science Department (..uunet!mcvax!diku!daimi!kaja) Aarhus University Ny Munkegade 116, DK-8000 Aarhus C DENMARK ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 17 Nov 87 18:14:02 -0100 From: mcvax!diku!seindal@uunet.UU.NET (Rene' Seindal) Subject: Re: TeXhax Digest V87 #93 Charlie Martin wrote It would be nice if there were an environment that could simply preserve the indentation of an arbitrary text, while going ahead and setting the text itself as requested. The following environment should do exactly that. It preserves linebreaks and indentation, but does not change anything else. I don't know how safe it is, and it has not been tested well since it was written for personal use. There is a least one big drawback in this environment: it is very hard to control the amount of space left above and below the text. I have found no way to gain total control of this spacing, so if somebody is able to corrct it, I'd be glad to hear from them. You should put these definitions in a .sty file, since they use names with @'s in them (and don't change the \def's to a \newenvironment). \def\example{\medskip \parindent=\z@ \advance \leftskip by \exampleindent \def \par {\@@par \leavevmode \null }\obeylines \obeyspaces } \def\endexample{\@@par \nointerlineskip} Rene' Seindal, DIKU, U. of Copenhagen. (seindal@diku.dk) ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 17 Nov 87 13:36:18 PST From: Viral Tolat Subject: TeX, Poscript, Macs and Laserwriters. Does anyone have a current header file for the dvi2ps program to include in ps files created from TeX dvi files. The header file I have and which seems to be on some computers on campus is not current with respect to the version 5.0 of Apple's Laserwriter driver. The main problem has to do with the use of /special command in TeX to include Mac pictures. The header file attempts to reset the laserwriter settings correctly for the Mac pictures but fails. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Please respond to tolat@scotty. Thanks -vip tolat ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 17 Nov 87 16:29 EST From: Rob Malouf Subject: Linked lists Hello, Does anybody know of a way to typeset linked lists in the dreaded "box- and-arrow" notation that computer scientists love? If anybody could give me pointers (no pun intended) to an existing macro package, or a clue as to how to do it manually, I would greatly appreciate it. Thanks in advance! Rob Malouf State University of New York at Buffalo V103PDUZ@UBVMS.BITNET V103PDUZ@UBVMS.CC.BUFFALO.EDU ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 18 Nov 87 08:50:38 CST From: "Linda J. Hutchison" Subject: More about chemical structural formulas For all of you waiting to hear more about the macros for typesetting chemical structural formulas: I have received the macros from Ms. Roswitha Haas. If you missed the beginning of this episode, Ms. Haas wrote her master's thesis at the Univ. of Tennessee on "Typesetting Chemical Structure Formulas With the Text Formatter TeX/LaTeX". We've run into a small snag, however. It appears that we need permission from the Library at U of Tenn to distribute any part of the thesis, which is where the instructions for using the macros 'live'. Roswitha is working on that aspect of the problem. For the moment, you can read about the use of the macros in the periodical "Computers and Chemistry", Vol. 11, No. 4, p. 251-271, 1987. An article appears in that issue which includes the macros. However, in working with Barbara Beeton, we should be able to make the macros available for 'pick-up' so don't be in a rush to enter them yourself. Linda Hutchison ------------------------------ Date: 18-NOV-1987 15:20:01 GMT -01:00 From: THOWARD%graphics.computer-science.manchester.ac.uk@NSS.Cs.Ucl.AC.UK Subject: DOTFILL Here's a simple query. Should the last dots in each of the lines produced by the following code be vertically aligned? I had expected them to be, but they're not. Can I make this happen without going into TeX? \makebox[3in]{Speed\dotfill}\\ \makebox[3in]{Strength\dotfill}\\ \makebox[3in]{Stamina\dotfill}\\ \makebox[3in]{Suppleness\dotfill} Thanks for any advice. Toby Howard Computer Graphics Unit, Department of Computer Science, Manchester University, Oxford Road, Manchester, England, M13 9PL. Phone: +44 61 273 7121 x5429/5406 Janet: thoward@uk.ac.man.cs.cgu ARPA: thoward%cgu.cs.man.ac.uk@nss.cs.ucl.ac.uk ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 18 Nov 87 08:42:39 PLT From: Dean Guenther Subject: TeXhax #93 (Greek font) Erik Kilgore asks, > Does there exist somewhere a Greek font (other than the math Greek) > that includes breathing marks and the various accents? ... At this summer's TUG conference Silvio Levy talked about his Greek font. I don't know if its available for distribution or not, but you could send him a note at LEVY@PRINCETON.EDU. Dean Guenther TeX IBM VM/CMS Site Coordinator Washington State University Pullman, Wa. 99164-1220 phone: 509-335-0411 BITnet: GUENTHER@WSUVM1 ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 18 Nov 87 12:42:25 EST From: dow@wjh12.harvard.edu (Dominik Wujastyk) %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Reply to 87#94 query from n2.yww@isumvs.bitnet Dear Wang, You can get a PC/XT version of TeX/LaTeX from Personal TeX Inc., 12 Madrona Avenue, Mill Valley, CA 94941, USA. Phone (415) 388-8853. They will send you a catalogue of their full product line. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Reply to 87#94 query from jim%vax.runit.unit.uninett@cernvax.bitnet Dear Jim, Metafont has been ported to the Mac by a gentleman in Paris called Victor Ostromoukhouv (25 rue P\'eclet, 75015 Paris, France. Tel: (1) 48 39 81 67). Malcolm Clark (fps%vaxa.cc.imperial.ac.uk@nss.cs.ucl.ac.uk) carried a notice about this in a past issue of TeXline. Ostromoukhov is distributing the Mac MF himself at a low charge ($100 I seem to recall). %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Reply to 87#94 query from BITNET:fma00dcr at unccvm Dear David, You MUST read the LaTeX manual thoroughly. I know it's hard, but not reading manuals is like eating quiche: real men don't do it! (Hmmm, a bit strained, that one.) Anyone interested in using LaTeX for anything more than *very* simple documents should also be reading the ARTICLE/REPORT/BOOK .DOC files, and the associated ART10/11/12 .DOC etc. files. This is where the *real* work is done, and with just a little thought you can create your own .STY files which contain modifications to bits of the code stolen from Lamport's .STY files. The best solution to your top-of-form problem is to set the vertical page offset in your DVI driver. Many DVI drivers allow this, including Beebe's free driver family (which doesn't have an LQ800 driver, unfortunately). Just set the damn thing to start printing an inch sooner, and you'll still have DVI files that are really device independent, and can be sent to other output devices without having to muck about with rewriting bits of the LaTeX code. It will also mean that you can receive documents from other people and print them straight off. If you *must* do it from within LaTeX, for example if you have the PCTeX driver PCDOT which has no way of setting page offsets, then try changing \topmargin using \addtolength{}{} (Manual page 95). It is very easy to get in a muddle about `One inch less than ...'. I always do. All it means is that LaTeX is measuring from an origin one inch in from the top and left edges of the paper. You also need to know what \topmargin has been set to by the .STY in use. E.g., ART10.STY sets it to 27pt. But just say \addtolength{\topmargin}{-1in} and you are dealing with nice, easy relative position commands. So, you could create your own style file, called, say, MY.STY, containing the one-liner: \addtolength{\topmargin}{-1in}. Then you would begin your documents with, say, \documentstyle[my]{article}, and you're laughing (or you should be). Best of luck. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Dominik Wujastyk. Bitnet: dow@harvunxw Arpa/csnet: dow@wjh12.harvard.edu ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 18 Nov 87 09:50:08 pst From: lamport@src.DEC.COM (Leslie Lamport) Subject: LaTeX Notes (Re: TeXhax Digest V87 #94) David C. Royster writes that he cannot adjust the positioning of LaTeX's output by using the TeX primitive \voffset. I have no idea why not, since a \voffset command placed at the beginning of the input file has the effect of repositioning the output when I try it. The file lplain.tex, used to create an executable version of LaTeX, gives each site the opportunity to add a file of customizing commands, such as \voffset and \hoffset to compensate for such local variations as output driver improprieties. Leslie Lamport ------------------------------ Date: 18 Nov 1987 17:11:05-EST (Wednesday) From: "Victor S. Miller" Subject: Weave and Tangle on MS-DOS Has anybody gotten weave and tangle to run on MS-DOS? If there are change files for MS or Turbo Pascal, I'd appreciate receiving them. I realize that they might be somewhat limited because of the unfortunate restriction on the size of data structures in MS-DOS based computers, but would be interested in seeing how far one could go. Victor Miller -- IBM Research ------------------------------ Date: Wed 18 Nov 87 18:24:33-PST From: Barbara Beeton Subject: Re: DOTFILL the problem toby howard is suffering with \dotfill missing final dots in certain circumstances turns out to be a tex bug that is at least partly implementation-specific. it was reported just a couple of weeks ago and its fix has become tex version 2.6. i will be posting more details very soon on the subject, including the relevant portions of knuth's bug file. stay tuned. -- barbara beeton ------------------------------ Mail-From: ROKICKI created at 18-Nov-87 20:21:57 Date: Wed 18 Nov 87 20:21:57-PST From: Tomas Rokicki Subject: Distribution Updates On SCORE.STANFORD.EDU, the following programs have been revised: tex.web (2.7) dvitype.web (2.9) dviimp.web (0.94) gftopk (1.4) pktopx (2.3) pktype (2.2) pxtopk (2.3) The trip test has been updated as well; new files are: trip.tex trip.log tripin.log trip.fot trip.typ Also, in on score, you will find the latest C versions gfread, gftopk, pktopx, pktype, and pxtopk. ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 19 Nov 87 11:34:27 IST From: "Jacques J. Goldberg" Subject: Font files generation for IMAGEN devices. Who can tell me how to create font files for the Imagen devices running under VM/CMS ? I already have the appropriate GF,PXK,TFM files. (note the ZEROES in my address : phr00jg@technion.bitnet) Jacques ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 19 Nov 87 09:29:35 mst From: ihnp4!convex!txsil!stan (Stanley E. Bammel) Subject: HP LaserJet fonts and TeX We would like to use HP LaserJet soft fonts with TeX and wonder if anyone else has had the same need. The simplest way to do it would seem to be 1) write a program to create .tfm files from the information in HP font files, and 2) modify the dvi driver to read HP font files (in addition to the ones it already reads) to get the bitmaps. We would like to know if anyone has done it this way, or any other way. Please reply directly to ...ihnp4!convex!txsil!stan. Stanley E. Bammel ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 19 Nov 87 15:50 PDT From: Don Hosek Subject: Subsampling fonts. Does anybody out there have a program that can generate a lower resolution copy of a font from a high resolution bitmap? Admittedly the results will be less than optimum, but at 78dpi, who can be picky? -dh ------------------------------ Date: 20-NOV-1987 08:58:56 GMT From: ABBOTTP%aston.ac.uk@NSS.Cs.Ucl.AC.UK Subject: PSPRINT source files I have an incomplete set of files in the Aston Archive for PSPRINT (1.5). I am trying to locate the full set. Can anyone tell me a host from which I can ftp what I need. The files I have are listed below. Thanks Peter BUILD.COM;1 CTRLD.DAT;1 EMPTY.PS;1 FTN.TEST;1 HEADER.DOC;1 INSTALL.COM;1 LINES.DAT;1 NASTY.TEX;1 PS.DOC;1 PSDVI.CLD;1 PSDVI.EXE;1 PSDVI.HLP;1 PSDVI.MOD;1 PSLAND.DOC;1 PSPRINT.CLD;1 PSPRINT.COM;1 PSPRINT.DOC;1 PSPRINT.EXE;1 PSPRINT.HLP;1 PSPRINT.MOD;1 RANDOM.PS;1 SYSGUIDE.TEX;1 TEST.TEX;1 TEX.DOC;1 TEXLAND.DOC;1 TEXT.DOC;1 TEXTLAND.DOC;1 TRAILER.DOC;1 USERGUIDE.TEX;1 ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 20 Nov 1987 08:30 EST From: Jim Walker Subject: vbox question The construction \vbox{\hbox{line}\hbox{line 2}} builds a \vbox whose width is the width as the longest line it contains. On the other hand, something like \vbox{\obeylines line 1 line 2 } builds a \vbox of width \hsize. Is there an easy way to make a \vbox just wide enough for its longest line without enclosing each line in an explicit \hbox? ------------------------------ From: trwrb!simpson@trwind.TRW.COM (Scott Simpson) Subject: QMS Software Needs Beta Testing Date: Fri, 20 Nov 87 14:13:29 PST I have recently completed a set of QMS (or Talaris) laser printer drivers for the 4.2 BSD queueing system and I am looking for five sites to beta test this software. Once the software is beta tested, I will distribute it free to interested parties. The software provides full TeX, otroff and ditroff support. It also contains filters for the plot and fortran options of lpr. Printer accounting is supported. It has only been tested on a Pyramid 98x and a Sun on the QMS 800, QMS 1200 and QMS 2400. It does not run on the QMS Postscript line of printers. I wish to test this software on a variety of other computers running BSD. If you are running a Pyramid or a Sun, don't send me mail. You will not get to beta test it. All of the software was written by me. The fonts for TeX are taken from the TeX distribution tape. The fonts for otroff and ditroff are hacked up TeX fonts with additional characters specific to troff. The additional characters were created by me using METAFONT. This set of filters has a number of major improvements over my earlier TeX and troff drivers which many of you have. First of all, this new TeX driver uses the pk format fonts which are much more compact than either the gf or pxl format fonts. Since the troff drivers use pk files also, new fonts can be created for troff using METAFONT. Eight bit download format is used to the QMS printers to get the most raster information to the printer in the least number of characters. If the fonts need to be rotated, then they are rotated as they are unpacked from the pk files rather than unpacked, and then rotated. But most significantly, the new drivers *query* the QMS printer about status information such as ram usage and the currently downloaded fonts. Since state information is not kept on disk or within a program's memory, there is no inconsistency problem in case the printer is powered down or a font is inadvertently downloaded without updating the state information. I have not seen any driver, commercial or otherwise, which takes full advantage of the QMS firmware in this manner. There are a number of criteria beta testers must meet to be selected. First of all, your printer must use a serial connection. The software may run under a printer with a parallel interface but I have not tried it. Two tty ports are needed for each printer since the QMS printers read from one serial line and send status information on another (i.e., their debugger port). Also, the installer must obviously have system administration (root) privileges since you will be editing /etc/printcap and the like. If you have purchased ditroff from AT&T, this is an extra bonus. Users close to Southern California will be the first selected since this is where I reside. Also, I am willing to make tapes at my expense for beta test sites but sites willing to send a tape with return postage will receive first priority. Lastly, people selected will be expected to test the software extensively for installation problems, bugs and design flaws. I want a report of any problems from them also. I have some last minute cleaning up to do so I do not plan on distributing beta test tapes for about a month. This will give me time to peruse the responses also. If this sounds like your cup of tea, send me mail and I will notify you if you are selected. Please state if you have ditroff. Scott Simpson TRW Space and Defense ...{decvax,ihnp4,ucbvax}!trwrb!simpson (UUCP) trwrb!simpson@trwind.trw.com (ARPA) ------------------------------ Subject: numbering lines in a page Date: 21 Nov 87 09:18:50 EDT (Sat) From: munnari!mimir.dmt.oz.au!khl@uunet.UU.NET I am currently using LaTeX to typeset a document. It is required to put a line number for every 5 text lines from the top of a page. For example: aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb ccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccc dddddddddddddddddddddddddddd 5 eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee fffffffffffffffffffffffffff ggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggg hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii 10 kkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk lllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll Line numbering is separate from page to page, i.e. the 5th line from the top of every page is numbered 5. Is it possible to do line numbering using LaTeX or TeX? Thanks in advance for your help. Khoa -- Khoa Ho-Le, CSIRO Division of Manufacturing Technology, Melbourne, Australia. PHONE: +61 (03)487-9257 ACSNET:khl@mimir.dmt.oz ARPA: khl%mimir.dmt.oz@seismo.css.gov CSNET: khl@mimir.dmt.oz UUCP: {seismo,ukc,mcvax}!munnari!mimir.dmt!khl ------------------------------ %%% %%% subscriptions, address changes to: texhax-request@score.stanford.edu %%% please send a valid arpanet address!! %%% %%% submissions to: texhax@score.stanford.edu %%% %%% BITNET redistribution: TEX-L@TAMVM1.BITNET (list server) %%% %%%\bye %%% ------------------------------ End of TeXhax Digest ************************** -------