TeXhax Digest Monday, February 8, 1988 Volume 88 : Issue 12 [SCORE.STANFORD.EDU]TEXHAX12.88 Editor: Malcolm Brown Today's Topics: HELP NEEDED: \dotfill in \halign Availability of latest VMS TeX distribution via BITNET???? Re: Updated BibTeX styles Re: HELP NEEDED: \dotfill in \halign QMS Software Now Available IEEE conference proceedings style Re: IEEE conference proceedings style dvips for VMS Ricoh engine shadowing day field in bibliography? Scribe to TeX conversion program? LaTeX Notes (Re: TeXhax Digest V88 #10) \TeX\ output on DEC LPS-40 inconsistency in score's latex files Getting BibTeX Mixing right-to-left texts with stxet thgir-ot-tfel no indent after section header TeX release Fig, Fig2tex, PicTeX query re downloadable fonts for Linotronic 300 Memorandum on TeX fonts Re: Output from TANGLE ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: Tue, 2 Feb 88 16:51 GMT From: Peter Flynn UCC Subject: HELP NEEDED: \dotfill in \halign We have an application to TeXify the internal phone directory. The required format is (not unreasonably): entry text .................................... extension another entry ................................. extension yet another (yawn) ............................ extension/extension lots more of them ............................. extension I am having problems devising a preamble which will \halign to\hsize for a \dotfilled table where the dots must be used as the filler, not like a white-space \hfil. The difficulty is getting the dots to extend rightwards BEYOND the length of the longest name entry, and at the same time allowing only the small amount of \hfil needed to pad the extension column the little bit needed to accommodate people with two phone numbers. Currently I cannot get the dots to run beyond (eg above) the closing parenthesis of "yawn)" for the other lines, and I get too much filler after the numbers, eg: entry text ....... extension another entry .... extension yet another (yawn) extension/extension lots more of them extension Anyone got any suggestions? Walter's Worksheet just ain't much help here, and it seems an embarrassingly trivial problem. Peter Flynn, University of Cork, Ireland (CBTS8001@IRUCCVAX.BITNET) (cbts8001@vax1.ucc.ie) ------------------------------ From: KHF%JHUIGF.BITNET@forsythe.stanford.edu Date: Tue, 2 Feb 88 18:32 EDT Subject: Availability of latest VMS TeX distribution via BITNET???? The last several issues of TeXhax have each contained at least one note concerning the availability of TeX to BITNET users. Unfortunately, I haven't seen a response yet to *any* of these inquiries. I understand that *some* files will be available on TAMVM1's file server *eventually*, but is there anything we BITNET pariahs can do now? I'm trying to get a hold of the latest LaTeX, DVI2LN3, etc., but the folks I work for won't spring for *another* distribution ordered direct from Stanford (yeah, I know, $100, big deal! But *I* don't have it!). Can anybody help us? Ken Fasman U.S. Mail: Bard Laboratories of Neurophysiology Johns Hopkins School of Medicine 725 N. Wolfe St. Baltimore MD 21205 Telephone: (301) 955-8330 BITNET: KHF@JHUIGF "My opinions, especially the wrong ones, are strictly my own." ------------------------------ Subject: Re: Updated BibTeX styles Date: Tue, 02 Feb 88 23:07:49 -0500 From: Ken Yap > I'm sending the four styles in > separate message. I will send sinx message in all, including this > one, which had a .DOC file for the `apalike' style. Next will come > the corresponding .STY file, and finally the four bibtex styles > themselves: apalike, acm, ieeetr, siam. > > --Oren The new files are apalike.doc, apalike.sty, apalike.bst, acm.bst, ieeetr.bst, and siam.bst. A note on the .bst files says that you need version 0.99a of BibTeX; 0.98i won't do. Thanks Oren. Ken ------------------------------ Date: Tue 2 Feb 88 22:53:10-PST From: Barbara Beeton Subject: Re: HELP NEEDED: \dotfill in \halign there have been several queries recently about making \dotfill extend as far to the right as it's wanted. i've had very good success with using just plain paragraph mode (\halign isn't worth the effort for this application). set the \hsize to the width of the desired \dotfill . set \parfillskip=0pt . let each entry begin a new paragraph. then entry text\dotfill\rlap{\quad extension} should give you just what you want. maybe a simple little macro will make things easier: \def\1 #1\\#2<{\noindent #1 \dotfill\rlap{\quad #2}\endgraf } and \1 entry text\\extension< etc. this has the added advantage that multi-line entry text will break to a new line automatically (ragged right is probably a good idea in this case) and the baselines will be very well behaved -- not the case if you're putting such entries into vboxes. general principle -- if you can figure out a way to have tex stay in paragraph mode, it will do most of the hard work for you automatically, especially w.r.t baselines, and you'll have fewer inconsistencies to clean up later by hand. -- barbara beeton ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 3 Feb 88 07:56:28 PST From: mackay@june.cs.washington.edu (Pierre MacKay) Subject: QMS Software Now Available Scott Simpson's QMS driver is integrated into the distribution, and appears on any tape made after February 1. I will get a compressed file into ~ftp/pub, and leave it there for a while, but I can't promise that it will be a permanent fixture. Look for quicspool.tar.Z Pierre A. MacKay TUG Site Coordinator for Unix-flavored TeX ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 3 Feb 88 17:45:30 GMT From: Paul Karger Subject: IEEE conference proceedings style Does anyone have a 9pt article or report style for LaTeX? IEEE conference proceedings appear to photoreduce their mats to an equivalent of 9pt, and I would like to produce already reduced output on normal sized paper. Perhaps my question is better asked as, "Does anyone have a style to produce IEEE conference proceedings, not as A3 sized paper for photoreduction, but at the proper size for immediate printing?" Avoiding the reduction step should give better quality results in the final proceedings. However, I don't feel well enough qualified as a style designer to get the 9pt parameters correct. Thank you. Paul Karger ------------------------------ Date: Wed 3 Feb 88 11:11:33-PST From: Barbara Beeton Subject: Re: IEEE conference proceedings style i can't offer the ieee style requested, but would like to comment on the subject of "quality". although setting a document at the final size assures the proper dimensions and type sizes, it won't increase the quality unless the output is prepared on a high-resolution device, i.e. a typesetter. if my arithmetic is correct, 9pt on a 300dpi device represents 37.5 dots -- and that's much larger than most 9pt characters. applying one magstep gives you 45 dots to encompass the same amount of detail. if you've got any sort of complicated math in your paper, contemplate what sort of shapes are going to be mashed into the very few dots available for 5pt type, and you'll see that the "quality" is really higher when the output is produced at a larger size and then reduced. of course, if you can get the basic style correct at magstep0, then magnifying the whole document and specifying the proper reduction (or getting the camera work done yourself -- i think that service can be gotten at good quick-print establishments) will yield the proper results. -- barbara beeton ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 3 Feb 88 19:47:02 EST From: Larry Tenny Subject: dvips for VMS HELP!! I need a dvi-->ps converter that runs under VMS. I've got C, pascal, fortran, bliss...all the fun languages...so I'll be able to compile just about anything. Also, I've got ftp access so I can get it if it's available somewhere. [HEPnet : IND::BLACK::TENNY | Larry Tenny ] [ARPA : tenny@iuvax.cs.indiana.edu | 315 N. Grant #4 ] [UUCP : {pur-ee,rutgers,pyramid,ihnp4}!iuvax!tenny | Bloomington, IN ] [BITNET : tenny@iubacs | 47401 ] ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 4 Feb 88 01:19 GMT From: Peter Flynn UCC Subject: Ricoh engine shadowing Ted Shapin (bec.shapin@ecla.usc.edu) mentioned shadowing problems on an AST Turbolaser/PS. We have a similar problem on our LN03, also a Ricoh engine, right? Do other LN03 users have this problem? Or *did* they have when it was new, and has it now disappeared? Peter Flynn (cbts8001@vax1.ucc.ie) ------------------------------ Subject: day field in bibliography? Date: Wed, 03 Feb 88 11:13:05 -0800 From: kelem@aerospace.aero.org Why are there "month" and "year" fields in bibtex, but no "day" field? If you say month="June 2",year=1982, you don't get a comma between the day and the year. ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 3 Feb 88 15:09:10 PST From: trwrb!dwu@trwind.ind.TRW.COM (Daniel Wu) To: score.stanford.edu!texhax-request@trwind.ind.TRW.COM Hello there, I've posted a couple of messages to comp.text on USENET, and have asked around a bit, but I still have not received a satisfactory solution to my problem. I need a dvi to HP Laserjet II filter which will compile on a SUN 3. The only HP filters I've seen bandied about are the HP Laserjet (which someone was kind enough to send me, but still didn't work because we have the Laserjet II) and the HP Laserjet Plus. I've been assuming that the Laserjet Plus filter will work on a Lasrejet II, but I'm not positive, and would like someone to confirm this. Now, would the benevolent souls at TexHax like to mail me the soruce for a easy to compile dvi to Laserjet II filter. It would really be nice if all I would have to do is redirect macros to point to the pk or pxl fonts, and then type make---with no other fuss. I've seen the University of Utah family of dvi filters for about 2 dozen different laserprinters which run on about a dozen operating systems. It would not compile the first time I typed make, and I thought that the amount of work I would have to go through to massage and beat the source code into shape in order to compile it was prohibitive. I'm not looking for a generic work-on-every-system filter, I would much prefer a highly reliable filter, tailor made for the SUN. No fuss, just type make. One other thing I'm not to clear about: Do these filters work by setting the td flag in the /etc/printcap, so all I would have to do is type lpr -d story.dvi, or is there another way to run it? I.e., does the filter read a dvi-file, convert it into printer control sequences in an output file, and then I would follow by printing that outfile? dvi2hp story.dvi outputfile lpr outputfile How would I go about using the filter? It's not very clear to me. I would appreciate any help and suggestions that you may be able to provide. I've been trying to get TeX up in our department for quite some time now. Daniel Wu {ucbvax,decvax}!trwrb!dwu ------------------------------ Subject: Scribe to TeX conversion program? Date: Thu, 04 Feb 88 13:18:08 -0500 From: wlb@ncifcrf.gov I am new to the mailing list and this question may have been asked before so just bear with me. I notice that a number of documents for various type of software packages were written using Scribe (notably Kermit). By default I have become the TeX coordinator at our site and would like to convert these and other Scribe documents into TeX. If anybody knows of such a beast please let me know. It would save considerable amount of time rather than re-inventing the wheel. Thanks. Bill William Boyer @ NCI Supercomputer Facility National Cancer Institute PO Box B, Bldg. 430 Phone: (301) 698-5769 Frederick, MD 21701 Arpanet: wlb@fcs280s.ncifcrf.gov ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 4 Feb 88 10:22:37 pst Subject: LaTeX Notes (Re: TeXhax Digest V88 #10) Gil Neiger writes: Does anyone know how to tell LaTeX to allow linebreaks within citations? I know how to allow it to break multiple citations across lines [Bozo88, Bozo89], but in a bibliography style in which citations have space [Bozo 1988] how can I allow a linebreak anywhere where a space appears? It seems to be time for another lesson in document-style hacking. One first asks: why doesn't TeX break the line at the space? There are two possible reasons: (i) the space is created with a `~' command, or (ii) the citation is produced inside a box. To determine if (i) is the problem we next ask where the citation label comes from. The answer is: the optional argument of the \bibitem command--in this case, in the .bbl file produced by BibTeX. If there's no `~' in the entry, then the problem is (ii). (Another way to distinguish the two possibilties is to use TeX's tracing facilities to look at the actual output produced by the \cite command to see if the label is wrapped in a box.) Let's suppose that we've checked the .bbl file and found no `~', so we are led to checking possibility (ii). We next look for the definition of \cite, and we find the following in latex.tex \def\cite{\@ifnextchar [{\@tempswatrue\@citex}{\@tempswafalse\@citex[]}} It shoudn't be too hard to figure out (even without looking up the definition of \@ifnextchar) that \cite is defined in terms of \@citex. The definition of \@citex several lines below is \def\@citex[#1]#2{\if@filesw\immediate\write\@auxout{\string\citation{#2}}\fi \def\@citea{}\@cite{\@for\@citeb:=#2\do {\@citea\def\@citea{,\penalty\@m\ }\@ifundefined {b@\@citeb}{{\bf ?}\@warning {Citation `\@citeb' on page \thepage \space undefined}}% \hbox{\csname b@\@citeb\endcsname}}}{#1}} Although rather mysterious, the \hbox command is suggestive. We then try changing the definition of \@citex by removing the \hbox, and I believe that this will work. (The modified command should go in a .sty file.) Elementary, my dear Watson. Clare Chu (?) writes: I don't know if this is the right place to ask, but does anyone have on hand a LaTeX .sty file for publications to journals of the ACM? There exist style files for the ACM transactions and for JACM. Please contact me privately to obtain them. Leslie Lamport ------------------------------ From: kaiser%hillst.DEC@decwrl.dec.com (Systems Consultant; DTN 297-4445) Date: 4 Feb 88 15:50 Subject: \TeX\ output on DEC LPS-40 Charles -- > Date: 29-JAN-1988 18:18:49 GMT > From: CHARLES%vax.oxford.ac.uk@NSS.Cs.Ucl.AC.UK > Subject: TeX and DEC's (PostScript) PrintServer40 (LPS40) > > I am about to try and get a DVI driver working on DEC's PrintServer40 > PostSCript-based laserprinter. I would appreciate any help from > anyone who has already done this. You don't specifically say so, but you probably mean a DVI-to-PostScript trans- lator. On the chance that you don't, however, I'll remind you that LN03 output from DVI2LN3 can be printed just fine on your LPS-40; and furthermore, ifyou're running V2.0 of the print server software, you can print multiple properly- scaled images of ASCII and LN03 pages on single physical sheets (see the docu- mentation for "PARAM=NUMBER_UP"). I get excellent results with this. ---Pete Kaiser%hillst.dec@decwrl.dec.com decwrl!hillst.dec.com!kaiser DEC, 3 Results Way (MRO3-3/G20), Marlboro MA 01752 617-467-4445 ------------------------------ Subject: inconsistency in score's latex files Date: Thu, 04 Feb 88 14:15:20 PST From: Richard Roy latex.dif indicates letter.sty should be a 20 Jan 88 file. latex.bug indicates a last change date of 20 Jan 87. letter.sty itself indicates a 22 Dec 87 version!!!! RR ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 4 Feb 88 13:05:21 PST From: unido!ubrinf!mond!bengt@uunet.UU.NET (Bengt Martensson) Subject: Getting BibTeX Where can I get BibTeX? I am interested both in the Unix, PC and the Macintosh version. I do not have access to ftp. Bengt Martensson +49 421 218-2948 Institut fur Dynamische Systeme, Universitat Bremen +49 421 171713 (home) Postfach 330 440, D-2800 Bremen 33 F.R.G. UUCP: ...unido!ubrinf!mond!bengt ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 4 Feb 88 22:27:22 CST From: aslam@p.cs.uiuc.edu (Sohail Aslam) Subject: Mixing right-to-left texts with stxet thgir-ot-tfel Donald Knuth and Pierre MacKay outlined extensions to TeX to allow mixing of left-to-right and right-to-left texts in TUGboat, Volume 8 (1987), No. 1. The extension, termed TeX-XeT, thus has the ability to handle right to left languages like Arabic. Changes are required in the DVI programs to handle the extensions. Are the changes to TeX available online on Score or some other machine? Are the Arabic fonts available? What dvi-filters have implemented the extensions? Please reply back to me; I'll post a summary if there are any responses. Thanks Sohail Aslam Department of Computer Science University of Illinois aslam@a.cs.uiuc.edu {ihnp4,seismo}!uiucdcs!aslam ------------------------------ Subject: no indent after section header Date: Thu, 04 Feb 88 20:51:12 -0800 From: Alastair Milne It appears that in LaTex, indentation of paragraphs, whether on or not in the current scope, is turned off after section heading commands. - why is this? and - how does one keep it turned on? (I tried putting a \indent after the section header: it worked by putting the spacing of an empty paragraph between the header and the first paragraph. That paragraph was indented, alright, but it was also too far below the header.) Thanks for any help, Alastair Milne ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 05 Feb 88 16:58:30 SST From: Choy H. W. Subject: TeX release Hi all, I am running a uVAX II / VM 4.6 with Pascal, Fortran, Ada and C. I have a 1980 release TeX 1.0 and no printer drivers at all. I have a Seikosha BP 5420-FA and Ricoh 4080I laser (same engine as DEC LN03). Can anyone tell me where, (or better still send to me) I can get a release of TeX (or LaTeX,...) and if possible print spooler for the printers. (a well written source for any 300dpi laser will do, I will TRY to do some conversion). I am only on the BITNET and my uVAX is linked to the VM not via JNET but * Kermit * :-) Choy Heng Wah Chartered Electronics Industries 73 Ayer Rajah Crescent #02-18 Ayer Rajah Industrial Estate Singapore 0513. Republic of Singapore BITNET: "Choy H. W." ISSWWH@NUSVM.BITNET ------------------------------ Date: 5 Feb 88 9:21 +0100 From: Igor Metz Subject: Fig, Fig2tex, PicTeX To all those, who have Fig on their Suns: I have written a little program called fig2ps, which translates Fig drawings directly to PostScript and computes the bounding boxs. So if you have Fig, dvi2ps (or similar) and psfig (or similar), you can include drawings into your text. Compared to Fig2tex the drawings look much better: - text is positioned correctly and has the correct size (!) - splines are computed with the same algorithm as in Fig, and they are represented with small straight lines. If you want a copy of this Pascal (not Web, not C, just Pascal) program, send me a message. Ciao Igor Metz X400: metz@iam.unibe.ch or metz@iam.unibe.chunet Institut fuer Informatik ARPA: metz%iam.unibe.ch@relay.cs.net und angewandte Mathematik UUCP: ..!uunet!mcvax!iam.unibe.ch!metz Universitaet Bern Switzerland Phone: (+31) 65 49 02 ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 05 Feb 88 17:07:58 From: Subject: query re downloadable fonts for Linotronic 300 We want to output a PostScript file created with DVIPS (from ArborText) on a Linotronic 300 via a Macintosh-RIP connection. All the preparing steps like lay-out, proofreading etc. are done on a low resolution Apple LaserWriter-Plus. For the plain text we use the built-in LaserWriter fonts (particularly Helvetica) which are also available on the Linotronic. Unfortunately, the symbolic and greek characters used in mathematics do not match the symbolic font provided in the LaserWriter (or Linotronic). Even more, they do not contain all the characters needed. Up to now we have managed to print one example on the Linotronic with the Helvetica fonts (normal, slanted, bold, etc) in high resolution whereas all characters in math mode are with 300 dots/inch resolution only, which looks pretty awful. The easiest solution for us would be to have the mathfonts, like \cmmi10, \cmsy10, and \cmex10 (see TeX-book, pp 430-432) at higher resolution, e.g. 1000 or 2540 dots/inch, then we could proceed as we have done up to now and the pixel information for math is downloaded with the .PS file. Does anybody else out there have similar applications (and problems) or can provide us with an alternative solution. Any ``immediate'' help is appreciated. Many thanks in advance, Robert Vogel (Address: Vogel@EMBL.Bitnet) European Molecular Biology Laboratory Heidelberg, West Germany ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 5 Feb 88 10:13:11 EST From: dow@wjh12.harvard.edu (Dominik Wujastyk) Subject: Memorandum on TeX fonts TEXFONT.MEMO Revision notes I first started compiling this Memorandum late in 1987, as a note to myself and my immediate Indological colleagues. But it seemed little extra work to include more information in it about other fonts I have heard of, and doing this has greatly widened its usefulness to TeX users in general. As this memo has grown beyond its original purpose, and more people are requesting it, I think it is now worth adding notes to this header giving a date for the current revision: February 3, 1988: added information on Austin Code Works, Hebrew, OCR, Elvish, Ramanujan Tamil. --------------------------------------------------------------------- INTRODUCTION Here is a compilation of what I know of Indic fonts and METAfonts for use with TeX. By the term "Indic fonts" I mean to include Devanagari, with variants for Hindi, Marathi and Sanskrit, and fonts for Bengali, Gujarati, Tamil, Telugu, Kannada, Malayalam, Sinhalese, Urdu, Arabic, Persian, Kashmiri (Sharada) and Tibetan. Although I am primarily interested in fonts designed with METAFONT, I would also like to include information about any other Indic fonts that have been successfully used with TeX, i.e., fonts with Font Metric files, and a mechanism for the creation of the appropriate ligatures, be it within the .TFM file, or by means of a preprocessor. I have added an appendix giving some information about additional TeX fonts known to me. %% Although Dominik's submission is a very useful summary, it is far %% too large (over 28K) for digest distribution. For those with %% Internet access, you can FTP the file from machine SCORE.STANFORD.EDU. %% The comlete file name is %% wujastyk.txh %% For those on BITNET, a copy has been forwarded to TEX-L. Malcolm ------------------------------ Subject: Re: Output from TANGLE Date: Fri, 05 Feb 88 13:11:42 -0800 From: Jerry Sweet > Are there CHange files for TANGLE so that it will output human-readable > PASCAL? Alternatively, does anyone have a PASCAL pretty-printer which > will do something reasonable with this TANGLE output? If you have access to a 4.2 BSD UNIX system, the Berkeley Pascal compiler has a pretty-print option somewhere there that may help you. Remember, however, that the Tangle "code brick" is intended for machine consumption only. Nvertheless, if you are trying to bootstrap TeX using a different Pascal compiler, pretty-printing the brick may be the simplest way to get started. Hope this helps. PS Lest I be villified for recommending bad programming practices in bootstrapping TeX, I should say that I recommend pretty-printing the code brick for Tangle itself ONLY to get started. If that recommendation nevertheless offends the Pure of Heart, let me say this: it worked for me. -jns ------------------------------ %%% %%% subscriptions, address changes to: texhax-request@score.stanford.edu %%% please send a valid arpanet address!! %%% %%% BITNET distribution: subscribe by sending the following %%% line to LISTSERV@TAMVM1.BITNET: %%% SUBSCRIBE TEX-L %%% %%% submissions to: texhax@score.stanford.edu %%% %%%\bye %%% ------------------------------ End of TeXhax Digest ************************** -------