TeXhax Digest Wednesday, March 30, 1988 Volume 88 : Issue 31 [SCORE.STANFORD.EDU]TEXHAX31.88 Editor: Malcolm Brown Today's Topics: Chapter # - Page # numbering for book style Left-Justifying Enumeration Labels Paragraphs in horizontal alignments error messages in Tex and Latex United Nations Logo Half-Tone Output using TeX Using TeX on Mac II Re: \immediate \write problem (TeXhax #22) hyphenation exceptions Re: hyphenation exceptions MakeIndex hp driver Urgent \vcenter...\ialign help needed Re: 1. enumerate 2. script fonts tex-to-c on System V MakeIndex distribution Filter from TEX files to WORDPERFECT easter ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: Mon, 21 Mar 88 11:08 EDT From: Ted Nieland - SRL <@WPAFB-AAMRL.ARPA:TNIELAND@FALCON> Subject: Chapter # - Page # numbering for book style Does anyone have a version of the Book style that marks the page number on the page as Chaptyer number - numberof page in the chapter? If you do, can you send me the code that allows you to do this? I have a user's guide for my system that we would like to send out update pages when we get new software. Using a numbering scheme where the page numbers are based on the chapters rather than on the entire book. I use LaTeX quite a bit, but I am not familar enough with plain TeX to know how to make the changes to BK12.STY to change this numbering. Any suggestions? Thanks in advance. Ted M. Edward (Ted) Nieland - Systems Analyst | US Snail: | Arpa Internet: | Systems Research Laboratories, Inc. | TNIELAND@WPAFB-AAMRL.ARPA | 2800 Indian Ripple Road WP 196 | TNIELAND%FALCON@WPAFB-AAMRL.ARPA | Dayton, OH 45440 ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 21 Mar 88 13:40:01 EST From: gil@svax.cs.cornell.edu (Gil Neiger) Subject: Left-Justifying Enumeration Labels I want to enumerate a list using parenthesized roman numerals (lower case). I would like these to be left-justified. I have tried the following redefinitions of "labelenumi": \renewcommand{\labelenumi}{(\roman{enumi})\hfill} \renewcommand{\labelenumi}{(\roman{enumi})\hspace*{\fill}} \renewcommand{\labelenumi}{\raggedright(\roman{enumi})} All of these leave the enumeration labels right-justified. Does any one have any suggestions here? - Gil Neiger gil@svax.cs.cornell.edu ------------------------------ From: oravax!perimedes.UUCP!norman@cu-arpa.cs.cornell.edu Date: Mon, 21 Mar 88 13:23:04 EST Subject: Paragraphs in horizontal alignments I think the answer to this question has appeared in TeXhax before, but I have lost it! Here is the problem in its simplest form: let's suppose I want to list a bunch of things and write paragraphs about them: Animal Genus Species Miscellany cheetah felis speedy runs real fast; in danger of extinction because it has a lousy gene pool. norman homo sapiens sends questions to texhax . . . Now, I know how to do this in a world where I set the width of the paragraph ahead of time: e.g. \halign{#\hfil\tabskip=1em&#\hfil&\tabskip=0pt\hsize=4in\vtop{#\par}\cr...} The question is, does anyone know how to set this up so that the paragraph just fills up the rest of the room available in the alignment? Or fills up the same amount of space as some glue(so I could do \halign to \hsize{... and have the paragraphs be the same width as \hfil under the circumstances). I promise not to lose the answer this time if somebody can help me out! Norman Ramsey norman%oravax@cu-arpa.cs.cornell.edu norman@oravax.uucp ------------------------------ From: U27095%UICVM.BITNET@forsythe.stanford.edu Date: 21 March 1988 13:24:27 CST Subject: error messages in Tex and Latex This might sound like a very stupid question, and probably is, but I have not been able to correct mistakes in either TeX or LateX using the 'I' after a '?' prompt. I was doing a test file, like this .. stuff... ^begin{aray} % misspelled on purpose ...more stuff ... When I LateXed the file I got the error message ! Environment aray undefined. \@latexerr ...for immediate help.}\errmessage {#1} \endgroup l.9 \begin{aray} {l} ? I^begin{array} ***This is what I tried and I don't think it worked***** LaTeX error. See LaTeX manual for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ! Illegal character in array arg. \@latexerr ...for immediate help.}\errmessage {#1} \endgroup \@testpach ...else \if #1p3 \else \z@ \@preamerr 0 \fi \fi \fi \fi \fi \fi \f... \@testpach \@nextchar \ifcase \@chclass \@classz \or \@classi \or... \@tforloop ...\let \@nextwhile =\@fornoop \else #4 \relax \let \@nextwhile =\... \@tfor ...else \@tforloop #2\@nil \@nil \@@ #1{#3} \fi \@mkpream ...@classv \fi \@lastchclass \@chclass } \ifcase \@lastchclass \@ac... \@array ... \dp \strutbox width\z@ }\@mkpream {#2} \edef \@preamble {\halign ... l.9 \begin{aray} {l} ? x No pages of output. I'll appreciate any suggestions. Thanks Cynthia Quinn U27095@UICVM ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 21 Mar 88 12:24 PST From: Don Hosek Subject: United Nations Logo Does anybody have a MF representation of this? -dh ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 21 Mar 88 17:12:17 AST From: "Steven Osborne - Computer Science UNB" Subject: Half-Tone Output using TeX Hi, Just dropping a line, hoping someone can help me. I have TUGboat V8 I3 which has an article on Half-tone output. This article in turn quotes an article in TUGboat V8 I2 which I do not have concerning Knuth's solution to the problem. Now does some warm-hearted person out there have the half-tone fonts, macros and/or preprocessors that either article refers to? And would this person mind e-mailing me the above if possible? My life will be forfeit to various image-processing people if I can't come up with something relatively soon. Thanks. Sincerely Yours Steven Osborne Hardware Systems Specialist School of Computer Science University of New Brunswick P.O. Box 4400 Fredericton, NB Canada E3B 5A3 ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 21 Mar 88 23:45:18 CST From: Deane Yang Subject: Using TeX on Mac II First, I want to thank everyone who replied to my first question. It was all very helpful. Now I want to know what text editor is the best to use for preparing a TeX file on the Mac. Apparently the one within TeXtures just isn't quite good enough. How about QUED/M? Has anyone written macros for using QUED/M with TeX? Are there any other useful utilities or desk accessories I should know about? Also, does having more than 1 megabyte of memory improve the performance of TeX? Please send replies directly to me via arpanet: yang@rice.edu, since I cannot access the bulletin board. Thanks again for the help. Deane Yang Department of Mathematics Rice University ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 22 Mar 88 12:03:08 Greenwich Mean Time From: Subject: Re: \immediate \write problem (TeXhax #22) The problem is that \immediate \write expands its argument immediately. If TeX is at the beginning of a page the previous page has probably not been shipped out yet so that \pageno has still its old value. Do it the way Leslie Lamport implemented it in LaTeX: remove the \immediate but expand the part of the argument list that contains \sectcount, e.g. instead of \immediate \write in \section say \def\section#1{ ... .. \toks0{\the\pageno} \edef\temp{\noexpand\write\noexpand\toc{\string\tocsection{\the \sectcount}{#1}{\the\toks@}}\temp} The \toks0 register is needed because the \edef would otherwise expand \the\page. (\the is expanded exactly once.) So the effect of this \edef is to expand everything except the page counter which is expanded at shipout time---and that's what you want. I'm not totally sure that this works, I didn't try it out. Maybe you want to look at the definitions of \addtocontents and \addcontentsline in LATEX.TEX. Rainer Schoepf Inst. f. Physik Univ. Mainz Staudinger Weg 7 D-6500 Mainz West Germany ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 22 Mar 88 09:18:51 EST From: gpg@arbortext.com Subject: hyphenation exceptions I can envision methods to have TeX produce \showhyphens output for a long list of words, and automatically compare this output with a list of correctly hyphenated words. I have seen a few on-line spelling dictionaries, but not one that indicated hyphenations. Does anyone know of any? Thanks. Gary Grosso ArborText Inc. gpg@arbortext.com uunet!umix!arbortext!gpg %%% Barbara Beeton replies: ------------------------------ Date: Tue 22 Mar 88 07:18:52-PST From: Barbara Beeton Subject: Re: hyphenation exceptions the hyphenation exceptions article is one of the tugboat samples maintained on the standard tex distribution. the latest iteration is kept at score.stanford.edu in tb0hyf.tex. one other article, tb0cyr.tex, is also maintained there as a sample; this is the article from tugboat 6#3 that introduced the math society's cyrillic and extra symbol fonts. to run these two articles through tex, two other files are needed (in addition to the extra fonts) -- tugbot.tex and tugbot.sty; these can be found in the same place. to run them, tex tugbot the hyphenation article incorporates a macro for automatically producing the \showhyphens output, as contributed to texhax sometime last year; although at the moment i've forgotten the contributor, the macro is properly credited in the article file. the font article incorporates a macro for producing a font chart in the style used in the texbook, and was adapted from knuth's manmac.tex. other items from tugboat will be appearing in this location as they are readied for distribution. for the most part, they will consist of macros published in tugboat, not complete articles, and not the entire content of tugboat. the purpose of this collection is to save people the necessity of retyping, as (as was pointed out in gary grosso's inquiry) not everyone is a skilled typist. i will be trying to make arrangements with the keepers of tex-l and other repositories to make these files available there as well, for texhax readers who don't have facilities to ftp. when such arrangements are complete, i will announce them here. re dictionaries that indicate hyphenations, page 450 of the texbook identifies the sources used by frank liang to generate the patterns actually used by tex; however, i've no idea how one can obtain the files mentioned there. -- barbara beeton ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 22 Mar 88 13:40:13 PST From: KARNEY%PPC.MFENET@NMFECC.ARPA Subject: MakeIndex I received the following from Andrea Pappas of the VorTeX project: "... Our policy regarding MakeIndex is the following: We agree to let you and anyone else distribute it freely. However, as a courtesy, we ask that you and they agree to send back any other ports and that we be allowed to distribute those ports freely." UC Berkeley and the VorTeX project are to be congratulated on reaching this decision. MakeIndex is the best indexer for TeX/LaTeX. Its problem up till now has been that licencing restrictions have meant that it wasn't readily available to all TeX users. I hope that will change. Charles Karney Plasma Physics Laboratory Phone: +1 609 243 2607 Princeton University MFEnet: Karney@PPC.MFEnet PO Box 451 ARPAnet: Karney%PPC.MFEnet@NMFECC.ARPA Princeton, NJ 08543-0451 Bitnet: Karney%PPC.MFEnet@ANLVMS.Bitnet ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 23 Mar 88 09:58 N From: Subject: hp driver Our astronomy-department is looking for a HP Laserjet driver for MS-DOS or VMS which allow you to print in landscape, for example tables. Who has a solution? Theo Jurriens TAJ@HGRRUG5.BITNET ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 23 Mar 88 01:20 GMT From: Peter Flynn UCC Subject: Urgent \vcenter...\ialign help needed I am helping a user who is doing a high school math text. As a worked example of how to derive a mean using an assumed mean, he wants the table: x f s = (x-60) fs 45 1 45-60 = -15 -15 } 48 1 48-60 = -12 -12 } = -36 51 1 51-60 = -9 -9 } 63 1 63-60 = +3 +3 } 68 1 68-60 = +8 +8 } = +21 70 1 70-60 = -10 +10 } ---- ------- Zf=6 Zfs=-15 (and many others like it) [I have used Z to represent \sum, and the three curly braces represent a large \right\}] My problem is, I can see how to modify \cases to get the \right\} to span three (or $n$) lines vertically, but (a) how do I get it to do *two* such \vcenters with their attendant \right\}s and subtotals (-36 and +21) *within* the "same" alignment, ie, preserving the overall column widths between what appear to have to be separate \ialigns contained in the \vcenters? (b) having cracked that, how do I further preserve the alignment column widths to accommodate the column headings and \sum lines at the bottom with their \hrules? It doesn't *have* to be a macro, as the examples in his text have differing numbers of columns etc, and he is quite happy to type each one separately. But time and the publisher are pressing...grateful thanks (and a pint or two of Guinness when you next visit Ireland!) to anyone with a solution. Peter Flynn | ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 23 Mar 88 11:53:44 CST From: Doug Tiarks Subject: Re: 1. enumerate 2. script fonts In the previous issue (sorry lost the number) Mark writes >default labels, but the value of \theenumi, when called by name, was >the appropriate one. Second, I noticed a suggestion in texhax Digest, >V88 #22, to try > \renewcommand{\labelitemi}{\Roman{itemi}}. >I tried this with no better effect. What on earth is going on here? There seems to be a little confusion with this suggestion. The suggestion from v88 #22 is for modifying the labels on the itemize environment and NOT the enumerate envionment. The following will give you the same effect with the enumerate environment: \renewcommand{\labelenumi}{\Roman{enumi}} The same applies to labelenumii, labelenumiii etc. Doug Tiarks UW-Milwaukee Computing Services Div. Internet: doug@csd4.milw.wisc.edu UUCP: {uwvax, uwmacc, ihnp4}!uwmcsd1!doug ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 23 Mar 88 17:33:54 EST From: Lou Salkind Subject: tex-to-c on System V I would like to second Pierre MacKay's comments on TeX-to-C. After having spent many hours porting the original web-based TeXware to the System V Pascal compiler, I can unequivocally recommend TeX-to-C as the preferred way of building TeX on a UNIX system. I brought up TeX Version 2.9 on my 3B2 using the TeX-to-C translator. Besides for a few minor OS portability problems with the translator (related to System V vs. Berkeley UNIX), there was absolutely no problem compiling and installing TeX. In particular, not one line of the web change file had to be modified, and there was no machine dependent code of any kind! Besides ease of installation, the TeX-to-C compiled version was much faster than the Pascal version (on the average of 2.5 to 3 times faster). This shows you how bad the System V Pascal compiler is on the 3B2. I also prefer TeX-to-C to Common TeX. Regardless of whether or not Common TeX passes the trip test (TeX-to-C does), TeX-to-C has the obvious advantage that it is an automatic translation system. Therefore, automatic changes in the TeX web code can be quickly installed. Lou Salkind ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 23 Mar 88 16:17:44 PST From: phc@renoir.Berkeley.EDU (Pehong Chen) Subject: MakeIndex distribution We have now decided to let MakeIndex be freely distributed by anybody, provided that any ports and modifications be reported back to us. Currently there are two places to ftp the tar image: the APS: directory on science.utah.edu or the pub directory on ucbarpa.berkeley.edu. I believe in both places the file is a compressed tar file named makeindex.tar.Z. It is also available from the UNIX TeX distribution tape or the Berkeley VorTeX distribution tape. People in charge of other TeX distributions are welcome to include MakeIndex in their tapes (but please notify us if you are actually going to do so). The current version of MakeIndex (v 2.4) is known to compile under UNIX (cc and gcc), VAX/VMS, MS/DOC, Atari ST, and TOPS-20 (kcc-20 and pcc-20). Someone having access to a 370 C compiler is especially welcome to try it out and see if it compiles. This portable version of MakeIndex is due to Nelson Beebe. Pehong Chen Computer Science Division UCB ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 24 Mar 88 09:14:28 CST From: "SANKARAN@UREGINA1" Subject: Filter from TEX files to WORDPERFECT HELP!!! Does anyone out there have a program for converting Latex tex files to WORDPERFECT? If so, can it be mailed to me SANKARAN@UREGINA1, mailing address: FAculty of Administration, University of Regina, Regina, Saskatchewan, Canada S4S 0A2 ? Thanks a lot. ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 24 Mar 88 16:15 N From: Subject: easter % This TeX file creates a three-column Easter calender % formulae from Astronomical Formulae for Calculators % from Jean Meeus % % Theo Jurriens 24 March 1988 (nearly Easter) % \parindent=0.0pt %drie kolommen \footline={\hrulefill} \headline={\hrulefill} \newdimen\fullhsize \newdimen\kolomsize \newdimen\kolomwit \newdimen\bijschriftsize \newskip\fixskipamount \fullhsize=43cc %totale breedte \hsize=13cc %1 kolom \vsize=56cc \kolomsize=13cc \kolomwit=\fullhsize \advance\kolomwit by-3\kolomsize \divide\kolomwit by2 \def\rhead{} \def\fullline{\hbox to\fullhsize} \def\rightfootline{ \baselineskip=10pt \fullline{\the\footline} \baselineskip=10pt \fullline{\jobname \hss{\the\pageno}}} % \def\leftfootline{ \baselineskip=10pt \fullline{\the\footline} \baselineskip=10pt \fullline{{\the\pageno \hss \jobname }}} \def\rightheadline{\vbox to 0pt {\vskip-14pt \fullline{\vbox to 8pt{} \hss\bf\rhead} } \vskip-3pt \hrule\vss} % \def\leftheadline{\vbox to 0pt {\vskip-14pt \fullline{\vbox to 8pt{} \bf\rhead\hss} } \vskip-3pt \hrule\vss} % \def\eindedriekolom{\supereject \if L\lr \else\null\vfill\eject\fi \if L\lr \else\null\vfill\eject\fi \output={\plainoutput} \hsize=41cc \def\makeheadline{\vbox to 0pt{\vskip-14pt \line{\vbox to8.0pt{}\hss\bf\rhead} \vskip-3pt \hrule\vss}} \def\makefootline{ \baselineskip=10pt \line{\the\footline} \baselineskip=10pt \line{\sixrm \hss{\the\pageno}}} } % \let\lr=L \newbox\leftcolumn \newbox\midcolumn \output={\if L\lr \global\setbox\leftcolumn=\columnbox \global\let\lr=M \else\if M\lr \global\setbox\midcolumn=\columnbox \global\let\lr=R \else \tripleformat \global\let\lr=L\fi\fi \ifnum\outputpenalty >-2000 \else\dosupereject\fi} % \def\tripleformat {\shipout\vbox{\ifodd\pageno\rightheadline \else\leftheadline\ fi \fullline{\box\leftcolumn \hfil\box\midcolumn\hfil\columnbox} \ifodd\pageno\rightfootline \else\leftfootline\f i} \advancepageno} % \def\columnbox{\leftline{\pagebody}} \newcount\x \newcount\klad \newcount\a \newcount\b \newcount\c \newcount\d \newcount\e \newcount\f \newcount\g \newcount\h \newcount\i \newcount\j \newcount\k \newcount\l \newcount\m \newcount\n \newcount\o \newcount\p \newcount\start \newcount\einde \def\pasen#1{ \x=#1 \a=\x \divide\a by 19 \klad=\a \multiply\klad by 19 \a=\x \advance\a by -\klad \b=\x \divide\b by 100 \klad=\b \c=\x \multiply\klad by 100 \advance\c by -\klad \d=\b \divide\d by 4 \e=\b \klad=\d \multiply\klad by 4 \advance\e by -\klad \f=\b \advance\f by 8 \divide\f by 25 \g=\b \advance\g by -\f \advance\g by 1 \divide\g by 3 \h=\a \multiply\h by 19 \advance\h by \b \advance\h by -\d \advance\h by -\g \advance\h by 15 \klad=\h \divide\h by 30 \multiply\h by 30 \advance\klad by -\h \h=\klad \i=\c \divide\i by 4 \k=\c \klad=\i \multiply\klad by 4 \advance\k by -\klad \l=32 \klad=\e \multiply\klad by 2 \advance\l by \klad \klad=\i \multiply\klad by 2 \advance\l by \klad \advance\l by -\h \advance\l by -\k \klad=\l \divide\l by 7 \multiply\l by 7 \advance\klad by -\l \l=\klad \m=\a \klad=\h \multiply\klad by 11 \advance\m by \klad \klad=\l \multiply\klad by 22 \advance\m by \klad \divide\m by 451 \n=\h \advance\n by \l \advance\n by 114 \klad=\m \multiply\klad by -7 \advance\n by \klad \klad=\n \divide\n by 31 \p=\n \multiply\p by 31 \advance\klad by -\p \p=\klad \advance\p by 1 % \hbox to 3cm{ \the\x % \ifnum\n=3 % \ \ March % \else % \ \ April % \fi % \hfill \the\p}% \hfill\break } %starting year after 1583} \start=1900 %end year \einde=2000 % % \loop\ifnum\start<\einde \pasen{\start} \advance\start by 1 \message{\the\start} \repeat \bye ------------------------------ %%% %%% Concerning subscriptions, address changes, unsubscribing: %%% BITNET: send a one-line mail message to LISTSERV@TAMVM1.BITNET: %%% SUBSCRIBE TEX-L % to subscribe %%% UNSUBSCRIBE TEX-L % to cancel subscription %%% %%% All others: send mail to %%% texhax-request@score.stanford.edu %%% please send a valid arpanet address!! %%% %%% %%% All submissions to: texhax@score.stanford.edu %%% %%%\bye %%% ------------------------------ End of TeXhax Digest ************************** -------