TeXhax Digest Wednesday, April 20, 1988 Volume 88 : Issue 38 [SCORE.STANFORD.EDU]TEXHAX38.88 Editor: Malcolm Brown Today's Topics: ReRe: \immediate\write problem sideways text in LaTeX Plain vs. LaTeX cmss/i/bx at magsteps 6/7/8/9 SUN 4 undump dvi2ps? /magsteps allowed AmSTeX style files available macros for use with LaTeX picture environment. Tex on decnet/span: REMARKS supertabular TeX-to-C on ATARI ST? Re: TeXhax Digest V88 #35 DVI to PS driver for Primos WARNING: Unix TeX in C writes to file descriptors > 2 Problem of representing Oriental Languages TeX Macro package ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: Mon, 11 Apr 88 22:22:57 MSZ From: Rainer Fischbach Subject: ReRe: \immediate\write problem Here's my solution of the 'table-of-contents-write-immediate-noexpand-problem: Step1: DON'T USE \write\immediate ! Step2: Define a macro of the form: \def\chtotacont#1#2{% #1 contains text to be printed in the % table of contents, #2 contains the page % number, % specify how these two arguments shall be % printed in the table of contents. \advance\chcount by1 } Step3: \newwrite\tocont \newcount\chcount\chcount=1 Define some macro like \def\chapter#1#2{% One argument for the title of the chapter, % one for the headline; % specify everything to be done when a new % chapter starts; then \write\tacont{\noexpand\chtotacont{#1}{\the\pageno}} \advance\chcount by1 } Step4: \newread\taboc \openin\taboc=\jobname.toc \ifeof\taboc\write16{no file \jobname.toc!} \else\input \jobname.toc \fi \closein\taboc \openout\tacont=\jobname.toc \chcount=1 Step5: Here goes your text starting maybe starting with something like \chapter{My first gnu}{My first} Everything will be ok: the numbers of the chapter---even if two chapters start on the same page (quite unusual but helpful if applied to \section etc.)---because they are counted while the table of contents file is read (dont't forget \chcount=1 after this has happened), the pagenumbers because you use \write (not \immediate!), and you even solve the too-long-lines-problem terrifying users of big blue mainframes! \closeout\tacont \bye Rainer Fischbach Universit\"at Stuttgart Institut f\"ur Grundlagen der Planung Keplerstra{\ss}e 11 ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 12 Apr 88 13:52:31 BST From: CMI011%IBM.SOUTHAMPTON.AC.UK@forsythe.stanford.edu Subject: sideways text in LaTeX I recently asked about setting text at strange angles within TeX; for those who use LaTeX and a PostScript printer and dvi2ps, here is a first draft of a 'sideways' mode, useful for wide tables: % environment to print text sideways ^newsavebox{^swbox} ^newlength{^spht} ^newlength{^spwd} ^newenvironment{sideways}{^savebox{^swbox}^bgroup}{^egroup% ^spwd=^dp^swbox^advance^spwd by ^ht^swbox^spht=^wd^swbox% ^rule{0pt}{^spht}% ^special{pstext="gsave (^the^ht^swbox) ram"}% ^dp^swbox=0pt^wd^swbox=0pt^ht^swbox=0pt% ^usebox{^swbox}% ^special{pstext="grestore"}% ^rule{^spwd}{0pt}% } Note that we have to store our text to go sideways in a box, make a note of the width and height of the box and put out a couple of invisible rules to brace the sideways text, since we tell TeX that it has zero dimensions. The ^specials obviously depend on your setup locally; these use a 'pstext = xxxxxxx' convention to vomit raw PostScript. They use a PS function 'ram': %% RAM (rotate and move) is for rotated text /ram { dup length 2 sub 0 exch getinterval cvr 72 div Resolution mul currentpoint currentpoint translate -90 rotate 3 -1 roll sub neg exch neg exch translate } def Anyway, this is not very exciting (I assume others have done something similar); but I'd appreciate amendments, though, and suggestions about how to do arbitrary rotations of text in the same fashion. Thanks to Les Carr for the PS hackery.... Sebastian Rahtz, Computer Science, Southampton, UK ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 12 Apr 88 13:13:06 PDT From: zar@XHMEIA.Caltech.Edu (Perfect Tommy) Subject: Plain vs. LaTeX >Date: Thu, 7 Apr 88 16:12:16 PDT >From: unido!ubrinf!mond!bengt@uunet.UU.NET (Bengt Martensson) >To: texhax@score.stanford.edu >Subject: Plain vs. LaTeX (Was: Plain TeX and VMS TeX Installation Problems) > >REAL PROGRAMMERS DON'T USE LaTeX >================================ > >This is kind of a reply on zar@XHMEIA.Caltech.Edu (Daniel M. Zirin) >"Plain TeX and VMS TeX Installation Problems". > >After having used "Plain" TeX for a few years, produced some hundreds >of sides (including my PhD-thesis) and truckloads of macros, I >switched to use LaTeX. Here is a collection of arguments, in >particular geared towards the Plain-LaTeX question for qualified >users. > >Basically, Donald Knuth put his effort on TeX, not the macro package >"plain". He did great stuff on "low level things" such as fonts, >kerning, ligatures, boxes, glue, math, etc. Knuth then (essentially) >left the development there. The macro package plain is less at the >heart of Knuth's effort, essentially just "sufficiently good". Even >more, the "manmac" he used to produce The TeXbook is absolutely not >anything more than something that takes care of the task it was >designed to do, namely The TeXbook, with non-general solutions etc. >(Later, several bugs have been found.) The way I read The TeXbook it >seems fairly obvious to me that TeX, as reported in the book, is a >natural ending of Knuth's RESEARCH PROJECT, rather than a >user-friendly product. I see LaTeX as a higher level "language". I >think it is appropriate to make the comparision Plain-LaTeX with >Assembler-High level languages. Well, I consider PlainTeX and LaTeX to ***BOTH*** be high-level. A true assembly language would be in using INITEX and generating EXTREMELY basic low-level commands to generate a usable interface and TeX format files. The fact that PlainTeX offers \bf, \sl, and \it is a good example of its high level interaction with the user. True TeX assembly language wouldn't understand these. Let's refer to LaTeX and PlainTeX as different high- level languages. >To produce a more elaborate document you will need some kind of macro >package, either you write it yourself or use someone elses (this is >really what the phrase "using Plain TeX" means, except possibly for >VERY simple documents), or you use a more complete and consistent >package. After having written and modified some truckloads of macros, >I decide that it was better to use LaTeX for the following reasons: > >- "Constant" maintenance. What is developped locally always tend to >use less general solutions, while LaTeX is general purpose. There is >no reason to beleive that a local macro package will ever be as >"bugfree" as Latex, not because Lamport is smarter that all local >wizards, but because of the time spent and the effort to make a >consistent, general purpose product. And, of course, because of the >feedback from all of us... Somewhat true but exaggerated a bit. Many small macros are easy to write and not terribly difficult to fix. Once made, they rarely change. For larger macros, such as \output changes and Table Of Contents, the user typically finds a system-wide macro. System-wide macros are always better maintained than user macros and there is always plenty of feedback. There's not too much difference in PlainTeX site-macros and LaTeX macros except site-wide macro differences (a good argument for LaTeX). >- Cooperation with others, documentation. If I am writing something >together with another person, possibly at a very distant place, it is >a great advantadge to have the used macros documented as in the LaTeX >book. LaTeX is more or less developing into a university standard, >and I see a lot of good things in this. These generally involve only the large macros. Remember that LaTeX also has \newcommand and you would have to colaborate with your friend to make sure these small macros match just as you would with PlainTeX. Not much difference. I agree LaTeX is becoming a standard. I'd like to see several standards. On VMS there is more than one compiler. I'd like to see something other than just LaTeX. Not even Mr. Lamport can satisfy everyone all of the time. >- Comparing the TeXbook and the LaTeX book: I find the TeXbook a mess. >It is written more to finish the project from Knuth's side, than to be >a usable software manual. As the latter, I dare to call it BAD. It >is written for EVERYBODY in the bad sense of the word. As a manual, >and to some extent introduction to typesetting, Lamport's book is >superior. A local product will never come close. I strongly disagree here. I agree "The TeXBook" has problems. So does the LaTeX Book. Thank goodness for other supplementary documents! I also feel the TeXBook goes into more depth for the expert. I'm not sure the LaTeX equivalent does. >- LaTeX contains "everything", so you don't have to think about >whether to use that or that in every document you produce. If LaTeX contains "everything", why are there SOOOOO many questions about LaTeX in this discussion list? Either poor documentation or the lack of meeting everyone's needs (perhaps lazy readers too :-) ). This point doesn't hold much water with me. >To customize LaTeX and Plain is--in principle--hard, and requires >knowledge. However, opposed to the general meaning (?), I would argue >that the "straightjacket" LaTeX is no harder to customize than plain. >(The code is beautifully commented.) I disagree. To customize LaTeX, you need to know not only how LaTeX works, but also how it interacts with the low-level TeX. Since there are courses on this, it seems to me the PlainTeX guru has less to worry about when specializing PlainTeX vs LaTeX. >It seems to me like all Zirin's arguments all are variations on the >theme "Real programmers don't write language here> but assembler". Just let me comment on That's not at all what I was saying or implying... > 4) Portability. LaTeX users may have to carry around style files > to make sure it will work the same on another system (this > may have changed recently, but I started with pre-TeX80). Plain > TeX users have *nothing* to worry about with this regard. > >This is--at least in principle--wrong. The standard style files, >article.sty etc, are a part of LaTeX, and should not be locally >changed (but of course brought up to date). Cf. the standard >subroutines in C. You can count on--at least in theory--that >article.sty etc are available everywhere, and identical. The major >problem is "smart" local people who "improve" these... I've since looked at style files a little closer and agree with you. >There are certainly several other points I havn't touched upon (in >particular "user-friendlyness"). That's for the rest of you. User-friendliness is in the eye of the beholder. >Bengt Martensson +49 421 218-2948 >Institut fur Dynamische Systeme, Universitat Bremen +49 421 171713 (home) >Postfach 330 440, D-2800 Bremen 33 >F.R.G. UUCP: ...unido!ubrinf!mond!bengt >------- Dan Zirin ZAR @ CITCHEM, ZAR @ XHMEIA.Caltech.Edu ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 12 Apr 88 23:09 GMT From: Peter Flynn UCC Subject: cmss/i/bx at magsteps 6/7/8/9 Has anyone got/can get/knows how to produce cmss10, cmssbx10 and cmssi10 at magsteps greater than 5? I need them for some simple sign-making. Yes, I know I should have a better design size, but unless someone has got cmss30/48/60 plus bold and italic already designed, the blown-up 10pt will have to do. I have TeX on VAX/VMS (K&S) and PC (Personal TeX) and MetaFont hanging around somewhere. I have never touched MF, just dipped into the MFbook. It looks *dreadful* if all you want to do is gen some odd sizes of existing faces. I hear/see all around that even if you can understand the MF prog, the output still has to glide thru half a dozen standalone progs to massage it into the right kind of pxl/gf/pk/tf or whatever format. All I need is the .pk or .pxl files for 300dpi. Anyone want to volunteer some simple info on how I can get them? Peter Flynn | ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 13 Apr 88 09:33:26 EDT From: weltyc@nisc.nyser.net (Christopher A. Welty) Subject: SUN 4 undump Anyone have a copy of undump that works on a SUN4? ------------------------------ From: Subject: dvi2ps? To: texhax@score.stanford.edu X-Original-To: texhax@score.stanford.edu, MCGUFFEY Does anybody have a dvi2ps filter that will take advantage of PostScript fonts. We have TeX and are currently sending output to a DEC ln03. We would like to start using our LPS40 and get rid of the font files. I looked on l.cc.purdue.edu for Stephen Bechtolsheim's driver but could not find it. If someone can mail me source (almost any of the standard languages) or send a file through BITNET, I would very much appreciate it. Please e-mail before sending anything, however. I will go with the closest and/or nicest implemen- tation. Thanks, --michael mcguffey@muvms1.bitnet ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 13 Apr 88 23:28 GMT From: Peter Flynn UCC Subject: /magsteps allowed Why does TeX complain when I try to use \magnification=\magstep6 or larger? The Sauter fonts for LN03 seem to go up to \magstep6, ideally I would like \magstep7. What is going on? ...Peter Flynn, University of Cork, Ireland ------------------------------ From: "Doug Arnold" Date: April 12, 1988 Subject: AmSTeX style files available Announcing the public distribution of two AmSTeX style files. The first, amstexsiam.sty, is intended to simplify the preparation of articles for publication in the journals of the Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics. It has been used to produce papers which are totally acceptable to the SIAM editorial staff. (SIAM is willing and able to include acceptable TeX output directly in their journals.) The second style file, imappt.sty, is intended for reports and preprints on 8.5 by 11 inch paper. It is presently used by the Institute of Mathematics and its Applications in Minneapolis for their preprint series. The style files are about 500 lines in length each and each comes with documentation on its use and a sample paper. They were written by B. Lucier and myself and derive from the amsppt style of M. Spivak. The style files can be obtained via electronic mail through netlib. To obtain them along with the accompanying documentation mail the message send amstex from typesetting send imappt from typesetting to netlib@anl-mcs.arpa (on Arpanet) or research!netlib (on UUCP). If you can't reach netlib, but can reach me, I will send copies via electronic mail on request. -- Douglas N. Arnold Department of Mathematics University of Maryland College Park, MD 20742 (301) 454-7066 dna@emmy.umd.edu or arnold@eneevax.umd.edu ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 13 Apr 88 21:22:46 PDT From: kwok@iris.ucdavis.edu (Conrad Kwok) Subject: macros for use with LaTeX picture environment. The macros are for use with LaTeX picture environment. They modify \circle and \line to allows you to draw circle of any size and line with any slope and any length. Commands for drawing \ellipse and \arc are provided also. A new command for setting line width \Thicklines is included. The command affects line width for circle, ellipse and line too. Details can be found in the READ.ME file. --Conrad %%% Conrad's submission is too large for distrbution via the digest. It %%% is available for FTP retrieval on the machine SCORE.STANFORD.EDU %%% under the filename %%% KWOK.TXH %%% A copy of the file has been sent to TEX-L for BITNET access. Malcolm ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 14 Apr 88 10:50 N From: Subject: Tex on decnet/span: REMARKS Some remarks about the tex depository for decnet/span: 1) we receive a lot of requests from bitnet users. We are sorry but we cannot help them nor can we send tapes. 2) Not all the software in the depository can be copied, but only what is of public domain. For example, I bought Tex and Lntex from K&S and signed not to redistribute it. On the other hand tex for vax/vms by K&S is only 200 usd including The Texbook, and in the depository we have the Ln03 driver by Beebe and the one by Flavio Rose. 3) American decnet/span users can first get in touch with 7388::bell who also has a lot of tex-software (even if I like the idea of the Tex-lion sailing through the ocean to take software from Italy...). Max Calvani Decnet/span: 39003::fisica ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 14 Apr 88 11:59 N From: Subject: supertabular To interested LaTeX users, I have written a macro for long tables, cq. tables longer then one page. The macro repeats the tablehead and -tail. Contact me for this .sty file and example file. I also have an example-book for LaTeX, it's written in Dutch. It's available for interested users. Theo Jurriens Kapteyn Astronomical Institute P.O Box 800 9700 AV Groningen The Netherlands 050-634073 BITNET: TAJ@HGRRUG5 ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 14 Apr 88 09:19:23 ADT From: Dave Dermott Subject: TeX-to-C on ATARI ST? Tex-to-c on ATARI ST Has anyone had any experiences porting Tex-to-c to the ATARI ST line? I have been fighting with the Megamax C compiler. I don't recommend anyone to try compiling TeX-c with it. It has some nasty bugs . A simple function call of form test((char)0); messes up the stack pointer and causes unpredictable results later. Megamax usually makes compact, fast code (too bad it doesn't work). I'm thinking of getting the new Mark Williams C. Hopefully it will compile and run first time. I ran TANGLE, Tex-to-c ,etc on VAX/VMS and then tested the TEX*.c files on the VAX. I only had to make a few changes to EXTRA.C and TEX.H to fix binary file i/o for VMS. (dvi files must be fixed 512 byte records and padded with 0xDF) It passed the TRIP test first time. It didn't run as fast as PASCAL TeX (from Kellerman& Smith). I guess VMS PASCAL is more efficient than UNIX and the K&S TeX has been optimized for VMS. I have worked around most of the bugs in the Megamax C, there is one section of TRIP that still fails but the DVI output seems good on most of the tests. I shall continue scanning the code (500 k of it) looking for those last bugs and/or get a better compiler. Tex may not be very practical on a single floppy and only 1 meg. of RAM. The exectable (virtex.ttp) is about 220K , PLAIN.FMT is 113k, LPLAIN.FMT is 250k and the TFM's are about 70k. It requires nearly a meg of RAM so there's no room for a RAM disk or to load MicroEmacs from the "e" option on errors. A few more Megabytes of RAM would be ideal- everthing could go on RAM disk and it would be fast. On a hard disk its takes 25 sec to load Tex plus LPLAIN.FMT, on a floppy it takes about 2:23 . I ran a 5 page LaTeX document in 1:15 from hard disk. With a floppy total time was 3:46 ,swapping disks after LPLAIN was read. On a VAX 750 (only 1 user) it took 52 sec cpu time. I also have a Public Domain DVI previewer( DVIST by Avy Moise & Tyler Ivanco,York Univ. Toronto) which works great. It uses PK fonts at 96 pixels/inch which are quite compact. Even from floppy disk it is acceptable speed .I have to run METAFONT on the VAX to generate the fonts- takes hours. Latest news on DVIST -- Avy Moise will be posting vers. 3.2 very shortly. Thanks to Tim Morgan, Tom Rokicki, Avy Moise, Tyler Ivanco and of course Donald Knuth. David Dermott DERMOTT@DREA-XX.ARPA DREA Dartmouth NS ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 14 Apr 88 08:28:39 PDT From: lamport@src.dec.com (Leslie Lamport) Subject: Re: TeXhax Digest V88 #35 Steven H. Gutfreund asks: The LaTeX book details how to use framebox to create boxes that are narrower that the text they enclose. But how does one make one shorter than the text they enclose? One uses the \raisebox command -- e.g., \framebox{\raisebox{0pt}[3mm][0pt]{...}} Leslie Lamport ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 14 Apr 88 09:30:47 PDT From: EETP74C%CALSTATE.BITNET@forsythe.stanford.edu Subject: DVI to PS driver for Primos We of the Instructional Computing Group at Cal State Univ Chico have TeX running on a Prime 9755, and would like to use a QMS-PS810 for output. Does anyone know of a Postscript driver already put together for this environment? Thanks in advance for any replies. Bob Groendyke EETP74C@CALSTATE.BITNET ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 14 Apr 88 11:19:37 CDT From: William LeFebvre Subject: WARNING: Unix TeX in C writes to file descriptors > 2 This message is heavily Unix oriented. Sorry about that. A warning to everyone who uses TeX in C under Unix. There is a very subtle difference in the behavior between standard (Pascal) TeX and Morgan's TeX in C. TeX in C will try to write to file descriptor 3 at some point. Try the following program out: main(argc, argv) int argc; char *argv[]; { int fd; fd = creat("3", 0666); /* fd should be 3 */ printf("opened file '3' on file descriptor %d\n", fd); if (vfork() == 0) { execl("/usr/local/bin/tex", "tex", "null", 0); _exit(100); } wait(0); exit(0); } When I compile and run this program on a Sun running OS 3.2 (with TeX in C also made, compiled, and undumped on a Sun running OS 3.2), the file "3" ends up with the following: This is TeX, C Version 2.9 (preloaded format=plain 88.1.19) 19 JAN 1988 20:31 **&plain *\read0to\blort \blort= (with no newline at the end). This is a copy of the output that was on my screen right before I forced virtex to dump core (to build the undumped/preloaded version of tex). I tried building a new preloaded tex executable without using the \read0to\blort hack and got the following output on descriptor 3: This is TeX, C Version 2.9 (preloaded format=plain 88.4.14) 14 APR 1988 11:30 **&plain * (again, with no newline at the end). How will this burn you? Well, if you have a program that creates a tex file and then forks and execs tex to generate and print the output, your program might still have something open on file descriptor 3. If it does, it will get scribbled on by tex. Since this is a problem with virtex, it is also present in the TeX in C versions of latex and slitex. This is obviously some bad interaction between file descriptors and the dump/undump technique. The tex image is trying to write to file descriptor 3 and ignoring the failure if it cannot. I should also point out that none of the garbage appears until tex actually exits. This (and the absence of an error message in the normal case) makes me strongly suspect that it is happening when "exit" flushes all the stream buffers. Perhaps this should be fixed (if it is even possible). Of course, anyone doing a fork and exec should close all open file descriptors except stdin, stdout, and stderr (with "close" and not "fclose"!) between the fork and exec. William LeFebvre Department of Computer Science Rice University ------------------------------ Subject: Problem of representing Oriental Languages Date: Thu, 14 Apr 88 11:54:27 -0700 From: kelem@aerospace.aero.org Pierre MacKay printed a review of the Japanese Kanji input problem. There is a similar problem with input and means of representing the Chinese hanzi. The latter problem has been solved. There is a standard similar (in purpose) to the ASCII standard: (I know there's no bibtex entry type "standard", but I'm not sure what to use. The same problem occurs in classifying IEEE standards.) @standard{ title = "Code of Chinese Graphic Character Set for Information Interchange Primary Set", organization = "The People's Republic of China", year = 1981, publisher = "State Bureau of Standardization of The People's Republic of China, Beijing", number = "GB 2313-80", type = "National Standard" } This standard assigns binary-coded representations for the Chinese characters. Basically, they use two bytes for each character, with 7 bits per byte. Since this given 16,384 distinct values, and there aren't anywhere near that many hanzi, they've included a lot of other characters. Here's a portion of the standard with my comments in curly braces. 202 General characters: space, punctuation marks, arithmetic signs, and tabulation marks. 60 Ordinal numerals: 20 numbered from "1." to "20.", 20 numbered as "(1)" to "(20)", ten circled numerals "1" -- "10", then ten hanzi for the numbers 1--10 {Yes, "20." is a single character. It's interesting that the standard is missing the 0 in all four styles!} 22 Numerical Characters: "0"--"9" and twelve roman numerals "I"--"XII" (uppercase only). 52 Latin Alphabet: [A-Za-z] 169 Japanese Kana: 83 hiragana (such as you on and sokuon in lower case, dukuon and handukuon) and 86 katakana (such as you on and sukuon in lower case, dukuon and handukuon). 48 Greek Alphabet: \Alpha--\Omega, \alpha--\omega. 66 Russian Alphabet: A--\Ya, a--\ya. 26 Chinese Phonetic Symbols: {the pinyin vowels with the 4 tone marks, e.g. in TeX they would be \={a}, \'{a}, \v{a}, and \`{a}.} 37 Chinese Phonetic-Annoted Letters. {I don't know what these are yet. Some look like hiragana.} 3755 Chinese characters, sorted by the pinyin pronunciation {Latin alphabet sort order---fortunately, for those brought up with Latin alphabets}, and then by stroke order {the order and direction of the brush strokes for characters IS important}. 3008 Chinese characters arranged according to the radicals and then by stroke order. {I don't know what the difference is between these two classes of characters. A cursory inspection didn't show any overlap.} The standard mentions a 3-character escape for invoking the Primary Set, presumably from a string of normal ASCII text, but it's a little puzzling to me. The 3-character escape sequence is "ESC 2, 4 4 1 and shift-in character (SI) respectively". If anyone knows what that means, let me know. Pierre also mentioned the phonetic ambiguity problem for input. There is no "tsi" phoneme, per se, but the pinyin "ci" and "zi" come pretty close. A cursory look through a dictionary shows "shi" as the most phonetically ambiguous. It's got 8 meanings with the 1st tone, 9 for the 2nd, 6 for the 3rd, and 24 for the 4th, for a grand total of 47 different meanings. A method for input that I saw used in Shanghai on PC's was to type the pinyin on the PC keyboard. As you typed, the bottom line would tell how many possibilities there were. E.g. one could type "s" and it would indicate that there are 292 possibilities and show as many of them as will fit on the remainder of the line (about 15). Following this with an "h" would narrow the number to 202. Following this with an "i" would bring the number down to 47. Then you would have to scroll through the list. Perhaps you get to type the tone number too in order to reduce the size again. Then again, most of the hanzi don't map onto the same pinyin, as with "shi", so r\'{o}u has 2 hanzi, and r\`{o}u has only one. th ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 14 Apr 88 16:18:28 edt From: mike@snoopy.tn.cornell.edu (Mike Heisler) Subject: TeX Macro package A few months ago someone asked about having text wrapping around figures. Since then I have purchased a macro package called MacroTex which does this as well as a lot of other things like table of contents, indices, easy flexible tables and more. I have release 0.9. Apparently 1.0 will be available soon. I have found a few minor bugs in it now and then but the author has been willing to fix things and you get the source of the package. It has book, report, documentation and letter formats or styles but runs in plain tex so normal TeX commands also work. It is available for $200 from TeXnology Inc, Amy Hendrickson, 57 Longwood Ave, Brookline MA 02146 617-738-8029 I have no affiliation with this product except as a satisfied customer. Mike Heisler mike@snoopy.tn.cornell.edu mike@crnlmsc.bitnet ------------------------------ %%% %%% Concerning subscriptions, address changes, unsubscribing: %%% BITNET: send a one-line mail message to LISTSERV@TAMVM1.BITNET: %%% SUBSCRIBE TEX-L % to subscribe %%% %%% All others: send mail to %%% texhax-request@score.stanford.edu %%% please send a valid arpanet address!! %%% %%% %%% All submissions to: texhax@score.stanford.edu %%% %%%\bye %%% ------------------------------ End of TeXhax Digest ************************** -------