TeXhax Digest Sunday, November 4, 1990 Volume 90 : Issue 069 Moderators: Tiina Modisett and Pierre MacKay %%% The TeXhax digest is brought to you as a service of the TeX Users Group %%% %%% in cooperation with the UnixTeX distribution service at the %%% %%% University of Washington %%% Today's Topics: Font tables Margin notes dvi2lj for SUN386i Announcing OzTeX V1.3 (TeX V3.0) Letter re: special AMSTeX ver 2 fonts for LaTeX ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Date: Sat, 13 Oct 90 22:12:11 EDT From: Prof. David F. Rogers (Aerospace) Subjectf: Font tables TeX, font tables G'day, I recall seeing a macro sometime back to print font tables ala Appendix F of the TeXbook. I have looked through all my back texhaxs and can't find it. Anyone know where it is or have a macro to do this. 128 characters is fine. Dave Rogers ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: Sat, 13 Oct 90 22:09:13 EDT From: Prof. David F. Rogers (Aerospace) Subject: Margin notes Keywords: TeX, margin notes G'day, I need a macro for temporary marginal notes ala marginhack in the TeXbook. However, I don't want to modify the output routine. Went looking and couldn't find anything. Probably don't know where to look. It should be possible to do this using \llap and \rlap with zero height boxes so that it does not change the page make-up. \llap or \rlap would be invoked depending whether the folio was even or odd. It seems that the algorithm should go something like this if marginnote true then if folioodd then \rlap{stuff} else \llap{stuff} end if end if Does anyone know of anything like this? Dave Rogers ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: Wed, 24 Oct 90 15:48:56 EDT From: Masoud Salehi Subject: dvi2lj for SUN386i Keywords: dviware, dvc2lj, SUN386i I am looking for a dvi to laserjet program that runs under unix on a SUN386i machine. Any comments or hints is appreciated. Email: salehi@omid.coe.northeastern.edu Masoud ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: Wed, 17 OCT 90 10:04:24 BST From: ABBOTTP@spock.vax.aston.ac.uk Subject: Announcing OzTeX V1.3 (TeX V3.0) Keywords: OzTeX, V1.3 Andrew Trevorrow has sent the disks relating to version 1.3 of OzTeX (TeX V3.0). The files have been installed in the archive and email copies sent to distributors. If necessary 'Real' disks will be posted shortly. If you have already OzTeX v1.2 or v1.1 the PK files are unchanged and need not be collected from the Aston Archive. If you do not have a MPW compiler the sources are not essential. Peter Files matching DISK$TEX:[TEX-ARCHIVE.TEX.MAC.OZTEX]*.* listed in reverse time order (listing updated: 17-Oct-90 03:24). Last change Size Type File specification 16-Oct-90 11:23 3690 TXT [tex-archive.tex.mac.oztex]00readme.v12tov13 16-Oct-90 11:22 2850 TXT [tex-archive.tex.mac.oztex]00readme.txt 16-Oct-90 10:22 651602 TXT [tex-archive.tex.mac.oztex]webtomod.hqx 16-Oct-90 10:21 794958 TXT [tex-archive.tex.mac.oztex]sources.hqx 16-Oct-90 10:20 879776 TXT [tex-archive.tex.mac.oztex]oztex.hqx 16-Oct-90 10:20 117008 TXT [tex-archive.tex.mac.oztex]lifelab.hqx 16-Oct-90 10:19 755620 TXT [tex-archive.tex.mac.oztex]inputs.hqx 16-Oct-90 10:17 839112 TXT [tex-archive.tex.mac.oztex]formats.hqx 29-Oct-89 21:03 58658 TXT [tex-archive.tex.mac.oztex]unstuffit.hqx 12-May-89 10:44 828764 TXT [tex-archive.tex.mac.oztex]pk746.hqx 12-May-89 10:26 675218 TXT [tex-archive.tex.mac.oztex]pk622.hqx 12-May-89 10:00 936486 TXT [tex-archive.tex.mac.oztex]pk518.hqx 12-May-89 09:38 768480 TXT [tex-archive.tex.mac.oztex]pk432.hqx 12-May-89 09:17 722652 TXT [tex-archive.tex.mac.oztex]pk360.hqx 12-May-89 08:59 661758 TXT [tex-archive.tex.mac.oztex]pk329.hqx 12-May-89 08:42 640778 TXT [tex-archive.tex.mac.oztex]pk300.hqx ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: Mon, 22 Oct 90 08:51:08 EDT From: "Teresa A. Ehling" Subject: Letter re: special Keywords: dviware, special %TO: Nelson Beebe Robert McGaffey Don Hosek and the Members of the DVI Driver Standards Committee Barbara Beeton/TUGboat We are writing to ask you, the members of the DVI Driver Standards Committee, to give your thoughtful and immediate attention to the still unresolved issue of a usage standard for special. The committee has made great strides in establishing standards for DVI processing programs and we applaud your efforts--the publication of a draft standard is a major milestone that will help guide the work of implementers. We hope that you will agree with us that a draft standard should soon be published that standardizes the use of special. We strongly recommend that a definite and unequivocal convention be established for writing special commands for simple figure inclusion (this with the understanding that the definition of special may be left open-ended for future extensions). Certainly it would be hard to anticipate all the possible uses for this powerful extension of the TeX language, and it is conceivable that it will take many years before the community is in full agreement on the details of just how such extensions are to be implemented. But, inspite of the obvious difficulty in achieving consensus in the near term, we believe that definitve action on this particular standard is needed now. Publishers, particularly those active in technical areas, are rapidly moving towards the use of author-supplied, machine- readable material, for both journal and book production. In mathematical and scientific areas, text material is often best communicated in the form of DVI files. Figures to be inserted are most commonly provided in Encapsulated PostScript (EPSF) form. A major stumbling block to completion of the transition to seamless electronic publishing is that every DVI processing program supports a different usage convention for the special command. This means that every book or journal project must be customized: instead of a smooth operation involving only the transfer of the authors DVI and EPS files, serious programming effort is often required to deal with the myriad variations in the special syntactical rules. Realistically, all that the author requires is a way of inserting an EPS-defined figure at a given place in the TeX document. Our experience with a large number of author-supplied DVI files indicates that the predominant use of special is for simple figure insertion. In a small number of cases, the figure also needs to be scaled. We have yet to encounter a case where a figure needs to be shifted, rotated, skewed, or clipped. More importantly, no use is ever made of the ability to insert verbatim PostScript commands, to call on PostScript functions native to a particular DVI processing program, or to produce overlays. While these transformations represent interesting and powerful extensions, they apparently are not vital to the production of even the most sophisticated texts. When the discussion of standards for DVI drivers first began, there was little urgency, since the routine need for these capabilities had not yet become apparent outside a small number of research laboratories. Progress in the field has been rapid, however, outpacing the deliberations of the standards committee, as journals rapidly switch to machine-readable formats. Similarly, books are now routinely produced from TeX output. It seems clear: now is the time for publication of a simple, efficient standard for figure insertion in papers and books. We assert that: * A standard for use of special in DVI files is urgently needed now by both authors and publishers. * Most user requirements can be met by a very simple scheme. * Hooks can be left for more sophisticated usage of special to be defined later, but debate over these extensions should not delay announcement of a standard for simple figure insertion. * Dependence on internal details of a particular DVI processing program, or the PostScript prolog it uses, is awkward and debilitating. * Exactly what standard is adopted is not as important as that some standard be adopted soon. * If a standard cannot be soon agreed upon, it is imperative that at least a working draft be circulated that can be used as a model by implementers. * In the absence of guidance from the TUG DVI driver standards committee, ad hoc, de facto "standards" are emerging because the need for a standard is pressing. These "standards" are neither extensible nor elegant. The members of the committee can perform an invaluable service to the community by swiftly moving ahead with the publication of a draft standard for the use of special for simple figure inclusion. The window of opportunity for influencing current and future developments in this area is open now, and we look foward to your bringing the long standing debate to closure. Sincerely, Teresa A. Ehling Acquisition Editor Computer Science and Engineering The MIT Press Cambridge, Massachusetts Berthold K.P. Horn (technical advisor) Professor MIT Artificial Intelligence Laboratory Cambridge, Massachusetts REFERENCES: Hosek, D. (1990) ``The `Level 0' DVI Driver Standard,'' Version 0.04, revised 1990 Oct 6. Reid, T. & D. Hosek (1990) ``Report from the DVI Driver Standards Committee,'' McGaffey, R.W. (1987) ``Developing TeX DVI driver standards,'' In TUG VIII Conference Proceedings, pp. 69--70. TUG User Group. Hosek, D. (1987) ``Proposed DVI \special command standard,'' Guntermann, K. & J. Schrod (1988) ``High Quality DVI drivers,'' Hosek, D (1987) ``Call for standardization of DVI specials,'' TeXMAG, Vol. 1, No. 5. Beebe, N.H.F. (1987) ``A TeX DVI driver family,'' In TUG VIII Conference Proceedings, pp. 71--113. TUG User Group. Beebe, N.H.F. (1989) ``DVIxxx - Display TeX DVI Files on Assorted Output Devices,'' Beebe, N.H.F. (1989) ``TeX DVI Driver Family Status,'' Second Edition. Bechtolsheim, S. v. (1989) ``A .dvi File Processing Program,'' TUGBoat, Vol. 10, No. 3. Roylance, G. (1987) ``Merging Illustrations and Printing on Big Paper,'' Working Paper 299A, MIT AI Laboratory. Spivak, M. (1987) ``PTI Laser/PS Manual,'' Personal TEX Inc. Anonymous (1988) ``DVILASER/PS User Manual,'' ArborText Inc. Anonymous ``DVI2PS - convert a DVI file to PostScript,'' Unix Programmer's Manual. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Date: Wed, 24 Oct 90 15:31 CDT From: HANK@ducvax.auburn.edu Subject: AMSTeX ver 2 fonts for LaTeX Keywords: AMSTeX, fonts. LaTeX Here's a file that I hacked up to provide the new AMS fonts ver 2 to LaTeX, and at the right point size. The ideas come from the old amssymbols.sty. Use it with \documentstyle[...,amssym,...]{...} It sets up the \Bbb command (which seems to have a missing set of braces in the release from AMS--it's fixed here), and the symbols. \widehat, \widetilde also seemed to have a bug in the release from AMS. Of course, you must have the new AMS ver 2 fonts. The \input of amssym.tex at the end of this file adds quite a few defs. You can remove this (or create a dummy amssym.tex file in your current directory) if you don't need the defs. --darrel hankerson (hank@ducvax.auburn.edu) %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% amssym.sty %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % Adapted by Darrel Hankerson (hank@ducvax.auburn.edu) 21-May-90, following % similar pattern as given in amssymbols.sty by Charles Karney % (Karney%PPC.MFENET@NMFECC.ARPA) 1986/07/28. % This style option loads up the AMS symbol fonts and associated symbol % definitions. Only \textfont, \scriptfont, and \scriptscriptfont sizes are % provided. 10pt, 11pt, 12pt styles are supported. % This is the LATEX version of amssym.def (released with AmSTeX v2). % Changes: % 1. Set font sizes according to \@ptsize % 2. \input amssym.tex at end % 3. Add AmSTeX definition of \Bbb (\Bbb in amssym.def appears to be missing % a set of braces) % 4. Add misc defs for \widehat, \widetilde 15-Oct-90 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % AMSSYM.DEF February 1990 % This file contains definitions that perform the same functions as similar % ones in AMS-TeX, so that the file AMSSYM.TEX can be used outside of AMS-TeX. % % American Mathematical Society, Technical Support Group, P. O. Box 6248, % Providence, RI 02940 % 800-321-4AMS or 401-455-4080; Internet: Tech-Support@Math.AMS.com % % Copyright (C) 1990, American Mathematical Society. % All rights reserved. Copying of this file is authorized only if either: % (1) you make absolutely no changes to your copy including name; OR % (2) if you do make changes, you first rename it to some other name. % % Instructions for using this file and the AMS symbol fonts are included in % the AMSFonts 2.0 User's Guide. % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % Store the catcode of the @ in the csname so that it can be restored later. \expandafter\chardef\csname pre amssym.def at\endcsname=\the\catcode`\@ % Set the catcode to 11 for use in private control sequence names. \catcode`\@=11 % Include all definitions related to the fonts msam, msbm and eufm, so that % when this file is used by itself, the results with respect to those fonts % are equivalent to what they would have been using AMS-TeX. % Most symbols in fonts msam and msbm are defined using \newsymbol; % however, a few symbols that replace composites defined in plain must be % defined with \mathchardef. \def\undefine#1{\let#1\undefined} \def\newsymbol#1#2#3#4#5{\let\next@\relax \ifnum#2=\@ne\let\next@\msafam@\else \ifnum#2=\tw@\let\next@\msbfam@\fi\fi \mathchardef#1="#3\next@#4#5} \def\mathhexbox@#1#2#3{\relax \ifmmode\mathpalette{}{\m@th\mathchar"#1#2#3}% \else\leavevmode\hbox{$\m@th\mathchar"#1#2#3$}\fi} \def\hexnumber@#1{\ifcase#1 0\or 1\or 2\or 3\or 4\or 5\or 6\or 7\or 8\or 9\or A\or B\or C\or D\or E\or F\fi} \ifcase\@ptsize \font\tenmsa=msam10 \font\sevenmsa=msam7 \font\fivemsa=msam5 \font\tenmsb=msbm10 \font\sevenmsb=msbm7 \font\fivemsb=msbm5 \font\teneufm=eufm10 \font\seveneufm=eufm7 \font\fiveeufm=eufm5 \or \font\tenmsa=msam10 scaled \magstephalf \font\sevenmsa=msam7 scaled \magstephalf \font\fivemsa=msam5 scaled \magstephalf \font\tenmsb=msbm10 scaled \magstephalf \font\sevenmsb=msbm7 scaled \magstephalf \font\fivemsb=msbm5 scaled \magstephalf \font\teneufm=eufm10 scaled \magstephalf \font\seveneufm=eufm7 scaled \magstephalf \font\fiveeufm=eufm5 scaled \magstephalf \or \font\tenmsa=msam10 scaled \magstep1 \font\sevenmsa=msam7 scaled \magstep1 \font\fivemsa=msam5 scaled \magstep1 \font\tenmsb=msbm10 scaled \magstep1 \font\sevenmsb=msbm7 scaled \magstep1 \font\fivemsb=msbm5 scaled \magstep1 \font\teneufm=eufm10 scaled \magstep1 \font\seveneufm=eufm7 scaled \magstep1 \font\fiveeufm=eufm5 scaled \magstep1 \fi %\font\tenmsa=msam10 %\font\sevenmsa=msam7 %\font\fivemsa=msam5 \newfam\msafam \textfont\msafam=\tenmsa \scriptfont\msafam=\sevenmsa \scriptscriptfont\msafam=\fivemsa \edef\msafam@{\hexnumber@\msafam} \mathchardef\dabar@"0\msafam@39 \def\dashrightarrow{\mathrel{\dabar@\dabar@\mathchar"0\msafam@4B}} \def\dashleftarrow{\mathrel{\mathchar"0\msafam@4C\dabar@\dabar@}} \let\dasharrow\dashrightarrow \def\ulcorner{\delimiter"4\msafam@70\msafam@70 } \def\urcorner{\delimiter"5\msafam@71\msafam@71 } \def\llcorner{\delimiter"4\msafam@78\msafam@78 } \def\lrcorner{\delimiter"5\msafam@79\msafam@79 } \def\yen{{\mathhexbox@\msafam@55 }} \def\checkmark{{\mathhexbox@\msafam@58 }} \def\circledR{{\mathhexbox@\msafam@72 }} \def\maltese{{\mathhexbox@\msafam@7A }} %\font\tenmsb=msbm10 %\font\sevenmsb=msbm7 %\font\fivemsb=msbm5 \newfam\msbfam \textfont\msbfam=\tenmsb \scriptfont\msbfam=\sevenmsb \scriptscriptfont\msbfam=\fivemsb \edef\msbfam@{\hexnumber@\msbfam} \def\Bbb#1{\fam\msbfam\relax#1} \def\widehat#1{\setboxz@h{$\m@th#1$}% \ifdim\wdz@>\tw@ em\mathaccent"0\msbfam@5B{#1}% \else\mathaccent"0362{#1}\fi} \def\widetilde#1{\setboxz@h{$\m@th#1$}% \ifdim\wdz@>\tw@ em\mathaccent"0\msbfam@5D{#1}% \else\mathaccent"0365{#1}\fi} %\font\teneufm=eufm10 %\font\seveneufm=eufm7 %\font\fiveeufm=eufm5 \newfam\eufmfam \textfont\eufmfam=\teneufm \scriptfont\eufmfam=\seveneufm \scriptscriptfont\eufmfam=\fiveeufm \def\frak#1{{\fam\eufmfam\relax#1}} \let\goth\frak \input amssym % AmSTeX source lines \def\RIfM@{\relax\ifmmode} %\def\nonmatherr@#1{\Err@{\string#1\space allowed only in math mode}} \def\nonmatherr@#1{\errmessage{\string#1\space allowed only in math mode}} \def\Bbb{\RIfM@\expandafter\Bbb@\else \expandafter\nonmatherr@\expandafter\Bbb\fi} \def\Bbb@#1{{\Bbb@@{#1}}} %\def\Bbb@@#1{\noaccents@\fam\msbfam\relax#1} \def\Bbb@@#1{\fam\msbfam\relax#1} % It seems the following are needed for \widehat, \widetilde \def\setboxz@h{\setbox\z@\hbox} \def\wdz@{\wd\z@} % Restore the catcode value for @ that was previously saved. \catcode`\@=\csname pre amssym.def at\endcsname \endinput ----------------------------------------------------------------------- %%% Further information about the TeXhax Digest, the TeX %%% Users Group, and the latest software versions is available %%% in every tenth issue of the TeXhax Digest. %%% %%% Concerning subscriptions, address changes, unsubscribing: %%% %%% BITNET: send a one-line mail message to LISTSERV@xxx %%% SUBSCRIBE TEX-L % to subscribe %%% or UNSUBSCRIBE TEX-L %%% %%% Internet: send a similar one line mail message to %%% TeXhax-request@cs.washington.edu %%% JANET users may choose to use %%% texhax-request@uk.ac.nsf %%% All submissions to: TeXhax@cs.washington.edu %%% %%% Back issues available for FTPing as: %%% machine: directory: filename: %%% JUNE.CS.WASHINGTON.EDU TeXhax/TeXhaxyy.nnn %%% yy = last two digits of current year %%% nnn = issue number %%% %%%\bye %%% End of TeXhax Digest ************************** -------