UKTeX V89 #19 Friday 19 May 1989 Re: previewer for a VT340 UKTeX submission (bibtex 0.99c problem?) RE: Previewing on a ReGIS Terminal new additions to archive AAAREADME.TXT missing from [TEX-ARCHIVE.DRIVERS.LN03.RMCS] X11 previewer directory structure of UK TeX archive \everypage, Offeecial macros, OzTeX additions to archive Character Translation errors in UKTeX TeX support for Scheme TeX mail server "Big" TeX for CMS Needed: Program to trace file dependencies in TeX/LaTeX Re: UKTeX characters codes Re: TeX previewer for REGIS DVItoVDU for Visual 600 series PC executables for dvitops TeX for Atari ST TeX/LaTeX Editor Peter Abbott Issue 20 will be posted on Fiday May 26. Issue 21 will be posted during week beginning June 19. We are having problems with one of the nodes on the cluster (aston.tex) and as a result many requests to the TeX archive both via mail and FTP are failing without giving us any chance of correcting the failure. DEC are looking at the problem but at present I can only say if mail (or FTP) does not work please try again. In addition some mail has been lost at the gateways. Latest TeXhax in the Archive is #42 Latest TeXmag in the Archive is V3N2 --------------------------------- Subject: UKTeX submission (bibtex 0.99c problem?) Date: 12 May 1989 08:55:40 GMT From: Message-ID: Can anyone out there help with a bibtex problem? A colleague wishes to submit a paper citing a reference to a journal which uses TeX, and has sent him a bibliographic style file. The editor of the journal tells us that they use bibtex 0.98i successfully. When we use version 0.99c of bibtex, we see an error message. Is this a bug introduced in the more recent version? The bug can be demonstrated with the small LaTeX script, bstbug.tex: \documentstyle[11pt]{article} \begin{document} \cite{Bird86} \bibliographystyle{kluwer} \bibliography{bstbug} \end{document} which is passed through latex. bstbug.bib contains: @article{Bird86, author = "R. S. Bird", year = "1986", journal = "Science of Computer Progamming, North Holland", pages = "159 - 189", title = "Transformational Programming and the Paragraph Problem", volume = "6" } The error output when bibtex is run on bstbug.bib begins: This is BibTeX, C Version 0.99c The top-level auxiliary file: bstbug.aux The style file: kluwer.bst Database file #1: bstbug.bib "R. S. Bird" is a string literal, not a function, for entry Bird86 while executing---line 738 of file kluwer.bst The style file (kluwer.bst) is rather long (I will mail it in full to any kind and interested party). The lines around line 738 are (I've line-numbered them): 716 FUNCTION{presort} 717 { author missing$ 718 { editor missing$ 719 { key field.or.null } 720 { editor sort.format.names } 721 if$ 722 } 723 { author sort.format.names } 724 if$ 725 " " 726 * 727 year field.or.null 728 * 729 " " 730 * 731 title field.or.null 732 sort.format.title 733 * 734 #1 entry.string.max substring$ 735 'sort.key$ swap$ := 736 } 738 ITERATE{presort} 740 SORT 742 STRINGS {longest.label} 744 INTEGERS { number.label longest.label.width } Can anyone help? - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ John A. Murdie UK 0904 432752 Dept. of Comp. Sci. seismo!mcvax!ukc!minster!john University of York England --------------------------------- Date: 12-MAY-1989 16:48:39 GMT From: CA_ROWLEY@UK.AC.OPEN.ACS.VAX Subject: Re: previewer for a VT340 Sender: JANET"CA_ROWLEY@UK.AC.OPEN.ACS.VAX" Andrew Trevorow's DVITOVDU (in the archive) should "work a treat". chris rowley --------------------------------- Date: Fri, 12 MAY 89 17:55:54 BST From: TEX@UK.AC.CRANFIELD.RMCS Subject: RE: Previewing on a ReGIS Terminal Sender: JANET"TEX@UK.AC.CRANFIELD.RMCS" Message-Id: <0000005D_000698A8.00924A6816DEA520$12_2@UK.AC.CRANFIELD.RMCS> Originally-to: EARN%HUCHE1::SEITZ Originally-from:TEX "RMCS TeX Account" Mailer: Janet_Mailshr V3.2 (27-Oct-1988) In UKTeX V89 #18, Michael Seitz (SEITZ@HUCHE1.EARN) asks about previewing DVI files on a DEC VT340 terminal. He'll find Andy Trevorrow's DVItoVDU program will handle this terminal quite happily in ReGIS mode, and (if he's ever used it with a VT240) will discover that it runs about six times faster (DEC have got their interpreter right, at last!) I note that he's also using Flavio Rose's DVI2LN3 program: without wanting to appear too immodest, has he tried DVItoLN03 V3.0, written by yours truly. Both these programs are available from the Aston archive. Brian {Hamilton Kelly} .-------------------------------------------------------------------------. | JANET: | | BITNET: | | INTERNET: | | Smail: School of Electrical Engineering & Science, Royal Military | | College of Science, Shrivenham, SWINDON SN6 8LA, U.K. | | Phone: Swindon (0793) 785252 (UK), +44-793-785252 (International) | `-------------------------------------------------------------------------' --------------------------------- Received: from by; Fri, 12 May 89 18:40:40 BST From: Date: Fri, 12 May 89 18:37:41 BST Message-Id: <> Subject: new additions to archive The following new items may be noted in the archive (all under [TEX-ARCHIVE]) [.fonts.punk] MF sources for Knuth's `punk' font [.fonts.apl] MF sources for an APL font [.langs.italian] Italian hyphenation patterns [.langs.iceland] Icelandic hyphenation patterns [.langs.elvish] MF sources for Tolkienn's Elvish script [.langs.xettex] material for backtofront TeX [.drivers.xdvi] a new version of a previewer running under X11 [.tex-style]trees.tex Macros for drawing trees (compatible with LaTeX) [.tex-style]tugtree.tex Article relating to former These are not really very new, they have just been extracted from other places and installed where they wil be more visible. Sebastian Rahtz, Southampton (pp the archive working party) --------------------------------- Date: Fri, 12 MAY 89 18:16:10 BST From: TEX@UK.AC.CRANFIELD.RMCS Subject: AAAREADME.TXT missing from [TEX-ARCHIVE.DRIVERS.LN03.RMCS] Sender: JANET"TEX@UK.AC.CRANFIELD.RMCS" Message-Id: <00000066_00100388.00924A6AEB87F360$17_1@UK.AC.CRANFIELD.RMCS> Originally-to: UKTEX Originally-from:TEX "RMCS TeX Account" Mailer: Janet_Mailshr V3.2 (27-Oct-1988) DVItoLN03 Version 3.0 21st March 1989 ========= =========== =============== This directory contains the following files: AAAREADME.TXT - the file you are reading DVILN03.HLP - on-line (DCL) help for DVItoLN03 DVILN03.LN3 - file ready to be COPYed to your LN03 DVILN03.TEX - the RMCS ``local guide'' for DVItoLN03 DVITOLN03.CH - a change file for DVItoLN03, currently empty! DVITOLN03.CLD - VMS command language definition for the DVILN03 command DVITOLN03.WEB - the WEB source of DVItoLN03 LOCAL.MF - our local parameters for METAFONTing for LN03 LOCAL_GUIDES.BIB - a BibTeX database used by RMCS --- needs BibTeX V0.99c GRAPHICS.STY - a local LaTeX style file for graphics inserts OPENCLOSE.SIX - a Sixel dump of the screen of a terminal, scaled 2:1 OPENCLOSE.SMALL - the same dump, but scaled 1:1 All the files, apart from this one, DVILN03.HLP, LOCAL.MF, and those named DVITOLN03 are only concerned with producing the local guide, and will need local modification. DVILN03.HLP is a standard (DCL) help file, for inclusion in SYS$HELP:HELPLIB.HLB or your local specialized help library. LOCAL.MF contains the parameters for METAFONT suited to the Ricoh 4080 engine (used by the LN03). These values were taken from Vol8 #3 of TUGboat. You may find this useful if you need to generate the fonts from scratch. You may care to produce a copy of our local guide by simply COPYing the file DVILN03.LN3 to YOUR LN03. Please note that this file includes LOTS of eight- bit characters, so you may need to fetch it again in binary mode if your JANET connection has stripped off the 8th bit. If your LN03 is set up as a printer queue (as the local guide recommends), the safest bet is to PRINT it /PASSALL until you've found out how to set up the queue; one important caveat is that the terminal line MUST be set up /NOWRAP (see the local guide). However, the real meat is in DVITOLN03.WEB; this is a WEB version of a DVI-to... driver for the DEC LN03/LN03-Plus laser printers. This program has now been revised to V3.0 and is now capable or reading EITHER packed or expanded raster files. Packed (.nnnPK) files are used in preference to .PXL files, and are sought in directory given by the /PK_FONT_DIRECTORY qualifier; the .CLD file provided specifies this as TEX$PK:. PXL files are sought in the directory given by the /PXL_FONT_DIRECTORY qualifier, and, at RMCS, are kept in separate subdirectories of TEX$PXL_ROOT:, which is a concealed device and specified as the value for this qualifier. Details are given in the user guide, including rearranging the allocation of font files to different directory structures. This implementation of DVItoLN03 has the following advantages over certain other DVItoLN03 programs: i) It IS written in WEB, as opposed to C and other such kludgy languages ii) It downloads to the LN03's font memory the rasters for only those characters actually used in the document. As such, it does not run out of font memory just because you've used a few characters from each of a large number of different fonts iii) It HAS a capacity for SIMPLE graphics inclusions. These have to be in a format the LN03 understands (DEC sixels), and are copied verbatim into the output file generated. iv) It works with landscape and portrait orientations v) It makes use of the ``proper'' VAX/VMS DCL interface for commands vi) It CAN print glyphs whose rasters are too large to be downloaded to the LN03 as a font file (by performing a sixel graphics dump of the bitmap); obviously this slows things down considerably! vii) It CAN handle the invisible fonts used by SliTeX; each such character is actually downloaded as a one-row high glyph of white pixels (of the appropriate width) viii) The packed and unpacked font files may be provided in either a flat or a rooted directory structure; if logical names are used to specify these locations (as in the .CLD file provided), the files may be spread over a number of different directories or volumes. ix) The error messages are improved over earlier versions of the program, and are now all indexed in the woven (WEAVEd?) WEB. x) The program can now handle fonts with more then 128 characters, up to TeX's limit of 256. Therefore, it can now process documents which use Silvio Levy's Greek fonts. xi) Retention of the log (.TYP) file may now be forced, suppressed, or allowed to be determined by the success of the processing. xii) Minor revisions and corrections have been made, in particular, it now correctly understands the physical limitations to the imaging area. The program makes a number of assumptions: i) The .TFM files will be found in the directory to which the VMS logical name TEX$FONTS points; just where TeX expects to find them! ii) The LN03 has sufficient font memory --- for most meaningful documents you will need at least one RAM cartidge (part number LN03X-CR); the program WILL work with just the RAM in the basic printer, but you will probably have to restrict yourself to printing documents 3--4 pages at a time: very messy! Everything else is explained, I hope, in the local guide. As supplied, DVILN03.TEX does not utilize any of the special facilities provided by DVItoLN03, so it may be LaTeX'ed and DVI...'ed by any existing driver. After you've read the guide, and configured your system to support DVItoLN03, a full version of the guide may be printed by changing the first line of DVILN03.TEX to read: \let\iffulldoc=\iftrue %%% Change to \iftrue when DVItoLN03 is working instead of: \let\iffulldoc=\iffalse %%% Change to \iftrue when DVItoLN03 is working Before doing so, you will need to move LOCAL_GUIDES.BIB and OPENCLOSE.* to a directory pointed to by the logical name TEX$BIB, or define the latter to point to the current directory. This should produce a version of the guide identical to that distributed in .LN3 form, except that it will not include RMCS's shield on the title page. For those without any existing driver, the .LN3 file of OUR guide is also included; details above. The guide may be edited to suit YOUR site; I have attempted to flag all site-specific details in DVILN03.TEX with the string SYSDEP, on, or near to, the relevant line(s). Known deficiencies: none (I hope). However, I'll reproduce details here of a deficiency the program USED to have, so that you can laugh at how the LN03 used to behave! [ The program cannot reproduce ``large'' characters; the LN03 itself has a (somewhat arbitrary) restriction in that the raster of any single character may not violate the following inequality: 2\times\lciel cols/2 \rceil \times \lceil rows/8 \rceil \le 5700 This means that no character from CMINCH (except for the letter ``I'') may be printed. The program blindly downloads all such oversized characters. If such a resulting .LN3 file is downloaded to the printer, the LN03-Plus reports ``Error in downloaded font''; subsequent attempts to print characters from that font (which may well contain characters taken from other TeX fonts also) will just produce blank space. With the ``ordinary'' LN03, things are even worse: it hangs up completely during font download and has to be switched off and on again!) ] Version 2.1 corrects an obscure(?) bug in V2.0: if the \not character (a zero-width slash) was invoked (eg by $\ne$) when the current font was \invisible (so this could only occur with SLiTeX), then a valid character was down-loaded to the LN03 but the latter's firmware images it incorrectly; I have now revised the strategy for downloading invisible characters and it seems to work! Version 3.0 introduces facilities for handling font files in either flat or rooted directory structures, and also handles fonts larger than 188 characters. Possible future work: Suggestions??? Contact ======= If anyone is experiencing difficulty in installing DVItoLN03, you are welcome to contact the author B Hamilton Kelly Royal Military College of Science Shrivenham SWINDON UK SN6 8LA Swindon (++44 793) 785252 [Direct line] or via JANET: Good Luck! Brian HAMILTON KELLY --------------------------------- From: Sebastian Rahtz Date: Sun, 14 May 89 16:10:15 BST Message-Id: <> Subject: X11 previewer Yet another bit of software finally makes it home, Chris Torek's improved version of his texx previewer which runs under X windows. The source lives in [tex-archive.drivers.umddvi.previewers.texx2], and you will not find it obvious to compile, as it needs some other material from the .drivers.umddvi hierarchy, and the distribution is rather unfinished. But persevere, its worth the wait. It may be worth summarizing the previewers in the archive for those with a Sun workstation: a. textool Sunview uses 118dpi .pk files b. texsun Sunview uses 300dpi .pk files c. dvisun Sunview ?? d. xdvi X windows uses .gf files (I think..) e. dvipage Sunview uses 118 dpi .pk files (I think..) f. texx X windows uses 300 dpi .pk files g. texx2 X windows uses X fonts (conversion tool from CMR) Half these programs are rewrites of others, and various people bring out updates at frequent intervals (viz the changes to dvipage to make it work in the 386i). and thats excluding the commercial offerings from Arbortext, as well as their Publisher software. Anyone who is interested in a previewer to run under NeWS may like to contact my colleague Les Carr ( who has the skeleton of such a a beast as part of his hypertext program, Lace, which he may be willing to discuss. Sebastian Rahtz, Southampton. --------------------------------- From: Sebastian Rahtz Date: Sun, 14 May 89 15:11:50 BST Message-Id: <> Subject: directory structure of UK TeX archive In an attempt to explain to users of UK TeX how the directories have been set up, I have put together a document, which resides in [TEX-ARCHIVE.DOC]UKTEX.TEX. This is in LaTeX (sorry, plain punters), and lists all the directories with a sentence or so on their contents if possible. If anyone reads this and finds lies or inconsistences, please shout loudly so that the guide can be expanded. Rest assured that more documentation IS on its way, as well as further additions to the archive. Sebastian Rahtz, Southampton. PS you will need to get the following files: [tex-archive.doc]uktex.tex [tex-archive.doc]archive.tex [tex-archive.doc]maintree.tex [tex-archive.doc]dirtree.tex [tex-archive.latex.contrib]trees.sty --------------------------------- Received: from by; Sat, 13 May 89 13:52:22 BST From: Date: Sat, 13 May 89 13:49:20 BST Message-Id: <> In-Reply-To:'s message of 12-MAY-1989 14:24:01 GMT <> Subject: \everypage, Offeecial macros, OzTeX \everypage - Don Hosek says The most straightforward way to insert something onto every page is to make it part of the page header (or footer). I considered that, but as Don says, its too open to legal changes by the writer. setting an entire document in landscape, some sort of global special will be implemented. I can image a situation where I changed to landscape half-way through a document, eg for the appendices, where a change to the output routine at that point would be an appropriate solution ---- offeeecial macros: %peter, the TeXt of the TUGX meeting at Stanford \def\lbr{\null\hfil\break} \newif\ifxtraspace \xtraspacetrue \def\hdln #1{\par \ifxtraspace \vskip 4.5pt \else \vskip2pt\fi \noindent{\bf#1}\par \ifxtraspace \vskip 2.5pt \else \vskip1.5pt\fi} \def\topic#1{\par \ifxtraspace \vskip 4.5pt \else \vskip2pt\fi \noindent{\bf\hskip100pt#1}\par \ifxtraspace \vskip 2.5pt \else \vskip1.5pt\fi} \newdimen\abx \newdimen\bbx \newdimen\cbx \def \resetlndimens{\global\abx=3.8em \global\bbx=5.0em \global\cbx=11.2em } Now I know why I stick to LaTeX..... and no wonder official TUGBoat forms are so unreadable.... \ln 1:30 - 2:00*Table Generation Techniques used in the Cellular Package am I being fussy, or shouldn't this - be --? \ln 4:45 - 5:00*General wrap-up and closing -- Bart Childs et al.* and this -- be --- ? ----- OzTeX Having just installed OzTeX on a Mac here, I am very happy to endorse the new addition to the archive. Potential punters should perhaps note a) it appears not to work under Multifinder b) the \special support is limited to \special{filename} for inclusion at that point. Trevorrow does explain why in the documentation, but it does mean that users of \psfig will need to muck about a bit with the macros. Sebastian Rahtz --------------------------------- From: Sebastian Rahtz Date: Sun, 14 May 89 15:37:23 BST Message-Id: <> Subject: additions to archive In a fit of generosity, I have just filled the following holes in the Uk TeX Archive. They are all in [tex-archive.latex.contrib]: epic (directory) with epic, macros to extend LaTeX pictures array.tex taken together, these are the macros and documentation for array.sty Frank Mittelbach's rewrite of LaTeX tabular (see recent TUGboat), with German documentation. [ NB as Mittelbach noted in the last TUGboat, his system as it stands is not directly compatible with tabular in one respect (use of p in preamble). Caveat ftpor. ] zed.sty Mike Spivey's macros for typesetting Z notation zmacros.tex documentation for same diagmac.tex John Reynold's macros for category theory diagrams diagtest.tex test for latter May I rot in hell forever if the authors of these macros don't want them redistributed; I have not actually checked, so mea culpa. Sebastian Rahtz, Southampton --------------------------------- Date: Mon, 15 MAY 89 13:15:58 BST From: TEX@UK.AC.CRANFIELD.RMCS Subject: Character Translation errors in UKTeX Sender: JANET"TEX@UK.AC.CRANFIELD.RMCS" Message-Id: <0000019A_00111388.00924C9C7B2CD2A0$10_1@UK.AC.CRANFIELD.RMCS> Originally-to: UKTEX Originally-from:TEX "RMCS TeX Account" Mailer: Janet_Mailshr V3.2 (27-Oct-1988) In UKTeX V89 #18, Jean Schmets of Liege University comments upon the character codes in UKTeX as received by him. As the editor says in his note, this problem seems to happen at the EARN gateway between Janet and Bitnet, and Jean's message exhibits the commonest form of corruption in that `^' (circumflex accent, or hat) has been mis-translated into `~' (tilde), whilst the latter character has itself been mis-translated to `%' (percent). Had the message travelled via some other gateways (eg Bitnet to Internet, at CUNY) it would probably have suffered even more. Braces `{}' come out as comma and minus (I can't remember which way round), whilst some other characters even appear as non-printing ones (eg BACKSPACE, Ctrl-H). I've found that the safest way of sending ANYTHING to a VMS site is to package it up using VMS_SHARE; similar encoding programs, command procedures and scripts exist for other operating systems or combinations thereof. Quite by chance, the same issue of UKTeX contains another example of this same mis-translation --- the notice of the TUG '89 presentation at Stanford contains thirteen occurences of tilde appearing for circumflex, and three of percent for tilde. They're simply changed with any editor, but beware, there are some percents that are meant to be there! Without the changes, the notice won't pass through TeX. Brian {Hamilton Kelly} .-------------------------------------------------------------------------. | JANET: | | BITNET: | | INTERNET: | | Smail: School of Electrical Engineering & Science, Royal Military | | College of Science, Shrivenham, SWINDON SN6 8LA, U.K. | | Phone: Swindon (0793) 785252 (UK), +44-793-785252 (International) | `-------------------------------------------------------------------------' --------------------------------- From: Sebastian Rahtz Date: Sun, 14 May 89 15:52:52 BST Message-Id: <> Subject: TeX support for Scheme Cc: The directory [tex-archive.schemetex] contains material from MIT, in the shape of TeX macros and Scheme functions to assist the Scheme programmer in documenting programs and quoting Scheme in papers. Support in the UK for this from Dave DeRoure Computer Science University Southampton Sebastian Rahtz, Southampton --------------------------------- From: Dave Love Date: Mon, 15 May 89 12:14 GMT Subject: TeX mail server Message-Id: <15 MAY 1989 12:14:06 FX@UK.AC.DARESBURY.NNGA> I noticed another query in UKTeX about character translation on mail server stuff. The problem is at the EARN gateway and I have been trying for some time to get it fixed as I have a recipe for doing so. You might be in a good position to lobby for a fix as the problems are particularly bad with TeX files, if you can pin down a networking rep. on an appropriate committee. I can suggest some workarounds in the meantime, though. The best thing is to recommend people abroad to use nsfnet-relay as their return address if they're connected to arpa-type networks or the UKC gateway if Aston is registered to use it (although someone then has to pick up the bills). I suspect this won't help a lot of Europeans connected only through EARN, though, so it might be worth making the mail server do encoding with RSCSencode, which exists in the Clarkson collection, I think. It's a simple C prog which avoids the sensitive characters (~^{}) at the expense of 25% increase in file size I think. The main problem is that you can't rely on sending the C to a correspondent because the {} in it will probably get mangled! A global exchange to (*,*) would do the trick reversibly, though. I can't remember who maintains the mail server -- perhaps you could pass this on, but I thought you might like the info as the problem must seriously restrict the Archive's usefulness to the rest of Europe, which is a pity. Dave Love, Daresbury Lab. p.s. Sorry if any of this is already in the server. It wasn't when I last looked. --------------------------------- Received: from UKACRL by UK.AC.RL.IB (Mailer X1.25) with BSMTP id 7064; Mon, 15 May 89 20:11:23 BS Received: from UICVM by UKACRL.BITNET (Mailer X1.25) with BSMTP id 4539; Mon, 15 May 89 20:11:23 B Received: by UICVM (Mailer R2.02) id 9753; Mon, 15 May 89 14:11:06 CDT Date: Mon, 15 May 89 14:06:02 CDT From: Don Hosek Subject: "Big" TeX for CMS Has anybody given any thought to creating a "big" TeX for CMS? Because of VM's memory management, it seems that the standard method of increasing array sizes etc. will not work since that will either require ALL TeX users to get VM's with a larger storage area (not necessarily a good thing), or require that a "big" and a "normal" TeX co-exist, which could become somewhat of a pain to maintain. The other alternative, allocating chunks of mem dynamically as they are needed seems like a fairly substantial task and may cause some performance degredation. Comments anyone? -dh ------------------------------------------------------------------ Don Hosek Internet: U33297@UICVM.UIC.EDU 3916 Elmwood Bitnet: U33297@UICVM.BITNET Stickney, IL 60402 DHOSEK@YMIR.BITNET Work: 312-996-2981 UUNet: JANET: U33297%UICVM.UIC.EDU@UK.AC.EARN-RELAY ------------------------------------------------------------------ --------------------------------- Received: from UKACRL by UK.AC.RL.IB (Mailer X1.25) with BSMTP id 3561; Tue, 16 May 89 00:23:50 BS Received: from UICVM by UKACRL.BITNET (Mailer X1.25) with BSMTP id 1116; Tue, 16 May 89 00:10:09 B Received: by UICVM (Mailer R2.02) id 1589; Mon, 15 May 89 18:09:49 CDT Date: Mon, 15 May 89 18:08:03 CDT From: Don Hosek Subject: Needed: Program to trace file dependencies in TeX/LaTeX Does anybody have a program that could, given a root file, trace all \input and \include commands (actually, it should also be possible to extend the list of commands which perform an \input) and list the files that are used for that TeX run? (also nice would be the same thing for MF) -dh ------------------------------------------------------------------ Don Hosek Internet: U33297@UICVM.UIC.EDU 3916 Elmwood Bitnet: U33297@UICVM.BITNET Stickney, IL 60402 DHOSEK@YMIR.BITNET Work: 312-996-2981 UUNet: JANET: U33297%UICVM.UIC.EDU@UK.AC.EARN-RELAY ------------------------------------------------------------------ --------------------------------- Received: from UKACRL by UK.AC.RL.IB (Mailer X1.25) with BSMTP id 4655; Tue, 16 May 89 17:14:42 BS Received: from UICVM by UKACRL.BITNET (Mailer X1.25) with BSMTP id 7681; Tue, 16 May 89 17:14:41 B Received: by UICVM (Mailer R2.02) id 4639; Tue, 16 May 89 10:57:41 CDT Date: Tue, 16 May 89 10:54:14 CDT From: Don Hosek Subject: Re: UKTeX characters codes Here's an XEDIT macroI wrote which fixes up stuff corrupted by the Janet gateway (yes, it's the gateway that's to blame). It shouldn't be too difficult for a Janet VM site to modify it to do the reverse for stuff coming in from the rest of the world. /* UNUK XEDIT (an XEDIT macro for fixing character corruptions by the Janet-Earn gateway) */ 'TOP' 'ALT 8B C0 * *' /* Fix opening brace */ 'ALT 9B D0 * *' /* Fix closing brace */ 'ALT 5F A1 * *' /* Fix tilde */ 'ALT 71 5F * *' /* Fix hat */ ------------------------------------------------------------------ Don Hosek Internet: U33297@UICVM.UIC.EDU 3916 Elmwood Bitnet: U33297@UICVM.BITNET Stickney, IL 60402 DHOSEK@YMIR.BITNET Work: 312-996-2981 UUNet: JANET: U33297%UICVM.UIC.EDU@UK.AC.EARN-RELAY ------------------------------------------------------------------ --------------------------------- Received: from UKACRL by UK.AC.RL.IB (Mailer X1.25) with BSMTP id 0443; Tue, 16 May 89 22:34:24 BS Received: from UICVM by UKACRL.BITNET (Mailer X1.25) with BSMTP id 3042; Tue, 16 May 89 22:34:23 B Received: by UICVM (Mailer R2.02) id 4717; Tue, 16 May 89 11:04:25 CDT Date: Tue, 16 May 89 10:59:40 CDT From: Don Hosek Subject: Re: TeX previewer for REGIS Aston, DECUS TeX Tape,, Kellerman \& Smith DVItoVDU (by Andrew Trevorrow) AED 512, ANSI-compatible, DEC ReGIS, DEC VT100, DEC VT220, Tektronix 4014, Visual 500, 550 Uses PK or PXL files at output device resolution. Written in Modula 2. Source Included Aston, DECUS TeX Tape,, INFN/CNAF TXMAPPER, TXREGIS DEC ReGIS Uses PXL files. Written in FORTRAN. Source Included. Aston Contact: Peter Abbott JANET: Postal Address: Computing Service Aston Triangle Birmingham B4 7ET Notes: A complete copy of the Aston archive is available in VMS BACKUP format on two 2400' tapes at 6250bpi. To receive it send two blank tapes and return postage. The Unix TeX distribution may also be obtained in exchange for one 2400' tape and return postage. DECUS Postal Address: Library Order Processing 219 Boston Post Road, BPO2 Marlboro, MA 01752 Phone: (508) 480-3418 (508) 480-3659 (508) 480-3446 Contact: Peter Abbott JANET: Notes: Accessible to JANET users only. INFN/CNAF Contact: Maria Luisa Luvisetto Postal Address: Via Mazzini 2 40138 Bologna, Italy Phone: 51-498286 Bitnet: MiLtex@Iboinfn DECnet: <39947::luvisetto> Availability: Older versions of the INFN drivers are on the VAX/VMS distribution tape. Current versions may be picked up on DECnet/ Span; for more information on this, send mail to the DECnet address: <39947::luvisetto> Transfers are *only* available for DECnet/Span users. No tape distribution from INFN/CNAF is available. Kellerman & Smith (See NorthLake Software) NorthLake Software Contact: David Kellerman Postal Address: 812 SW Washington Portland, OR 97205 Phone: (503) 228-3383 UUCP: imagen!negami!davek ------------------------------------------------------------------ Don Hosek Internet: U33297@UICVM.UIC.EDU 3916 Elmwood Bitnet: U33297@UICVM.BITNET Stickney, IL 60402 DHOSEK@YMIR.BITNET Work: 312-996-2981 UUNet: JANET: U33297%UICVM.UIC.EDU@UK.AC.EARN-RELAY ------------------------------------------------------------------ --------------------------------- Received: from UKACRL by UK.AC.RL.IB (Mailer X1.25) with BSMTP id 5113; Thu, 18 May 89 09:35:36 BS Received: from WEIZMANN.WEIZMANN.AC.IL by UKACRL.BITNET (Mailer X1.25) with BSMTP id 3803; Thu, 18 May 89 09:35:35 B Received: by WEIZMANN (Mailer R2.03B) id 2349; Thu, 18 May 89 11:33:10 +0300 Date: Thu, 18 May 89 11:21:46 +0300 From: Peter Stern Subject: DVItoVDU for Visual 600 series cc: Peter Abbott Dear Andrew: We have Visual 603 terminals and Visual 630 terminals in our VMS system and would like to be able to preview TEX on them. We tried the Visual 500 & 550 software, but these didn't work properly (one almost worked; it looked as if it was getting an incorrect escape sequence or some such). We would be prepared to try to adapt the Visual 500 software ourselves, if possible, but we don't have a Modula compiler. Do you know if there is any DVITOVDU driver about for the Visual 600 series or what changes have to be made to adapt the Visual 500 driver to these? Is there a copy of the Modula compiler publically available on your TEX archive or elsewhere that we could access? Thanks in advance for your help. Best wishes, Peter Stern Acknowledge-To: --------------------------------- From: Sebastian Rahtz Date: Thu, 18 May 89 11:28:09 BST Message-Id: <> Subject: PC executables for dvitops I have put MSDOS executables for the dvitops PostScript driver in [tex-archive.drivers.dvi2ps.dvitops] This is a .arc file (SEA) in .boo format, containing dvitops.exe aftopl.exe psfont.exe pfbtops.exe dvitops.fnt tex.enc Users will want to also fetch down the documentation etc - this is not supposed to be a self-contained package! The programs were built with Microsoft C 5.1, using a large memory model. They run on my Zenith, and I assume will run on your clones too.. Note that the environment variables are initialised as follows: TEXFONTS c:\tex\fonts TEXPK c:\tex\pk300\%m\ PSFONTS c:\tex\psfonts TEXINPUTS c:\tex\inputs You'll have to SET them if these are not your places for TeX Sebastian Rahtz --------------------------------- Date: 18-MAY-1989 14:44:27 GMT From: FPS@UK.AC.IMPERIAL.CC.VAXA News from GUTenberg: Peter Abbott Honoured! Honorary membership of GUTenberg was conferred on Peter Abbott at the May meeting. The citation pointed to his <>. (At least I think I know what they meant.) He's in good company - the winsome Barbara Beeton was also made an honorary member, <> UKTeX came in for much praise. No doubt a fuller account of the meeting will appear shortly. malcolm clark --------------------------------- Received: from by scaup.Cl.Cam.AC.UK id aa26752; 19 May 89 10:39 BST Date: Fri, 19 May 89 10:34:41 BST From: Michael Stanton Subject: TeX for Atari ST Message-ID: <8905191039.aa26752@scaup.Cl.Cam.AC.UK> Simon Jenkins of Lancaster suggetsed I write to you to discover if there exists any available implementation of TeX (LaTeX, etc) which runs on the Atari ST, and/or dvidrivers for the Hewlett-Packard DeskJet printer. I hope you are the right person to ask. Cheers, Michael Stanton ( --------------------------------- Received: from aivru by kestrel.Ukc.AC.UK with UUCP id aa09983; 19 May 89 10:44 BST Received: by aivru.uucp (3.2/SMI-2.0) id AA09490; Fri, 19 May 89 10:36:16 BST Date: Fri, 19 May 89 10:36:16 BST From: Derek Jones Message-Id: <8905190936.AA09490@aivru.uucp> Subject: TeX/LaTeX Hi, I've received and installed (in part) a freeware distribution of TeX and LaTeX but am having difficulties (!). (I am running SUN OS 3.5) Seems as though I have not got all the fonts I need since it frequently does a font substitution in dvi2ps. amss.. fonts seem to be totally absent. Often get Th e Fo l low in g effect in titles. The manual contains some formatting errors and the index is not at all correct. I've tried to build metafont in order to make up the correct fonts from .mf descriptions, but inimf can't find the appropriate plain file + I don't know whether I have all of the correct .mf descriptions anyway. (help!) Thanks in advance, Derek Jones. A.I. Vision Research Unit, Sheffield University, Western Bank, Sheffield. S10 2TN U.K. Tel: (0742) 768555 X 6557 email: "Well I guess this is freeware!" --------------------------------- !! !! Files of interest !! [tex-archive]000aston.readme [tex-archive]000directory.list !! [tex-archive]000directory_dates.list [tex-archive]000directory.size !! [tex-archive]000last30days.files !! !! Editor - I have a tape labelled TeX 2.95 LaTeX 2.09 Metafont 1.7 !! Unix 4.2/3BSD & System V. Tar 1600 bpi blocked 20 1 file dated !! 30 January 1989 (from !! !! FTP access site !! username public !! password public !! !! I have the facility to copy this tape for anyone who sends the following !! 1 2400 tape with return labels AND RETURN postage. (2.50 pounds sterling !! for UK users, payable to `Aston University') Outside UK please ask me. !! UK users send 4.25 for two tapes or 6.60 for three tapes. !! Send to !! !! P Abbott !! Computing Service !! Aston University !! Aston Triangle !! Birmingham B4 7ET !! !! A VMS backup of the archive requires 2 (two ) 2400' tapes at 6250bpi. !! Remaining details as above. !! !! Exabyte tape drive with Video 8 cassettes. !! !! Same formats available as 1/2in tapes. We use the following tapes !! SONY Video 8 cassette P5 90MP, MAXCELL Video 8 cassette P5-90 !! TDK Video 8 cassette P5-90MPB !! Postage 35p UK (stamp please), 1 pound sterling Europe, other areas 2 pounds !! !! OzTeX - Send 10 UNFORMATTED disks with return postage. !! !! Replies/submissions to please !! distribution changes to please !! !! end of issue