UKTeX V89 #31 Friday 1 September 1989 Tentative proposal for TeX Version 3.0 Teaching Aids Workshop DCITTY for a PC Music Typesetting Mail re DVIJEP. AMSTeX query Postscript outlines Apparent bug in art11.sty and art12.sty Announcing DVItoLN03 V3.1-1 Steve Ward and DVIEW LaTeX Workshops, European TeX Conference TUG '89 Meeting at Stanford -- questionnaires, please. Adobe file-server found. Re: Mittelbach's Multicol.sty DCITTY for a PC Info on writing style making TeX produce nice pages Preliminary Program, TeX89 in Karlsruhe Editor Peter Abbott Latest TeXhax in the Archive is #78 Latest TeXmag in the Archive is V3N3 --------------------------------- Subject : Tentative proposal for TeX Version 3.0 The following was distributed by Don Knuth at the Annual meeting in Stanford and is subject to change. Tentative proposal for TeX Version 3.0 0. Upward compatibility: TeX programs that now run without error will still produce identical output, with one exception that nobody cares about (see below). 1. Input of 8-bit characters will be allowed. If TeX needs to output a character whose 8-bit code lies in the range 128-255, but the character is not considered printable (by system- dependent option), the output will be the four-character code - -xy, where xy is a hexadecimal representation of the 8-bit code using a-f instead of A-F for the digits 10-15. Such codes --xy will also be converted to 8-bit characters on input. (Previously a code like --ff, say, would convert to two characters &f; but the -- feature of TeX has never been used for characters that are not 64 positions away from nonprinting characters.) 2. Multiple hyphenation and pattern tables will be supported. The current value of a new integer parameter called \language will designate the hyphenation convention for characters that appear in unrestricted horizontal mode. The \patterns and \hyphenation operations will construct hyphenation and exception tables for the current setting of \language. (This will be implemented by keeping track of the value of \language at the start of a paragraph and by inserting whatsit notes when \language changes within a paragraph. The language value should be between 0 and some implementation- dependent limit. It will be shown for horizontal mode by \showlists only when it's nonzero.) 3. The ligature mechanism will be extended as follows. When processing letter a and seeing that the letter b follows, we insert a new character x between them and then delete either a or b or both or neither. [TeX presently deletes both.] Then we resume scanning at one of the survivors, either a or x or b. (These 3 + 2 + 2 + 1 = 8 operations will be specifiable in METAFONT or in PL file. Notice that infinite looping is sometimes possible; I will try to detect that possibility within TFtoPL if I can. I may have trouble implementing all this together with hyphenation, in which case I'll have to retract part of the plan.) 4. Another extension to ligatures will also be made. If a font has a so-called \boundarychar (this is a new primitive, analogous to \hyphenchar and \skewchar, having a corresponding primitive \defaultboundarychar), then ligatures between the boundary char and the first character of a word will be included at the beginning of the word; ligatures between the last character and the boundary char will be included at the end. (A 'word' is a maximal consecutive sequence of letters from the same font.) This proposal will affect TANGLE, TFtoPL, and PLtoTF, in addition to TeX and METAFONT. I would'nt call it TeX Version 3.0 until it had been tested successfully for a few months at European installations; the next version will be 2.993 while we wait. --------------------------------- Via: UK.CO.LOGITEK.THREEC; Thu, 17 Aug 89 16:17 GMT Received: from mucs-p1 by id aa10629; 17 Aug 89 16:19 BST From: toby Date: Thu, 17 Aug 89 16:19:37 BST Message-Id: <> Subject: Teaching Aids Workshop DO YOU TEACH COMPUTER GRAPHICS? DO YOU NEED HELP? Announcement of Computer Graphics Teaching Aids Meeting and Interactive CD demo. Please read on! A working group is collecting materials to help people teach computer graphics. The aim is to create a common base of high-quality support materials for the use of computer graphics teachers. The types of support materials include o Viewgraphs (OHPs) o 35mm slides o Videos o Films o Printed notes o Software for graphics programming (e.g. mini-GKS) o Interactive courseware and cover such topics as o Graphics algorithms, e.g. Bresenham, area fill, clipping o 3-D transformations and viewing o Hidden surface removal o Illumination models o User interface design o Graphics standards A one-day meeting will be help on Thursday 28 September at Middlesex Polytechnic, Bounds Green, London, at which there will be - demonstrations of materials currently used by CG teachers (NB please bring along examples of your own materials) - a demonstration by PHILIPS of their new CDI (interactive compact disc) system (one of the issues which the group is examining is the feasibility of CDI as a medium for interactive courseware and on-line lecturing aids for CG) PLEASE HELP US TO HELP YOU Thank you. Please fill in the following form and return it by EMAIL or POST by Friday 15 September to Toby Howard Computer Science Department, University of Manchester, Lecturer Oxford Road, Manchester, M13 9PL, U.K. janet: internet: earn/bitnet: uucp: ...!ukc!mup1!toby voice: +44 61-275-6274 --------------------- Name: Address: Email: I use the following teaching aids (please indicate!): ( ) Viewgraphs (OHPs) ( ) 35mm slides ( ) Videos ( ) Films ( ) Printed notes ( ) Software for graphics programming (e.g. mini-GKS) ( ) Interactive courseware ( ) I am prepared to exchange materials with fellow teachers ( ) I wish to attend the workshop on 28 September 1989 ( ) I cannot attend the workshop but wish to help in the collection of materials --------------------------------- Via: UK.AC.RUTHERFORD.MAIL; Thu, 17 Aug 89 16:28 BST Received: from UKACRL by UK.AC.RL.IB (Mailer X1.25) with BSMTP id 4009; Thu, 17 Aug 89 16:28:14 BS Received: from UNCAMULT.BITNET (GROISMAN) by UKACRL.BITNET (Mailer X1.25) with BSMTP id 8493; Thu, 17 Aug 89 16:28:13 Date: Thu, 17 Aug 89 09:16 MDT From: Groisman@EARN.UNCAMULT Subject: DCITTY for a PC Message-ID: <890817151627.303642@UNCAMULT.BITNET> Where can I find a version of Crudetype or DVITTY for a PC runing MS DOS? I should be able to compile C code if it is available. Thank you. Gaston Groisman University of Calgary, Canada uncamult.bitnet --------------------------------- Via: UK.AC.RUTHERFORD.MAIL; Fri, 18 Aug 89 0:48 BST Received: from UKACRL by UK.AC.RL.IB (Mailer X1.25) with BSMTP id 2791; Fri, 18 Aug 89 00:22:45 BS Received: from IRUCCIBM.BITNET by UKACRL.BITNET (Mailer X1.25) with BSMTP id 3021; Fri, 18 Aug 89 00:20:06 B Received: from IRUCCVAX.UCC.IE by IRUCCIBM.BITNET (Mailer R2.03B) with BSMTP id 3603; Thu, 17 Aug 89 23:23:28 I Date: Thu, 17 Aug 89 23:23 GMT From: Peter Flynn UCC Subject: Music Typesetting X-VMS-To: IN%"" Keywords: TeX music typesetting schofer steinbach mtex notensatz musik Over the weekend I downloaded the MTeX fonts for music typesetting from the Aston archive. These were put together by Angelika Schofer & Andrea Steinbach in 1987 for typesetting music in TeX, and submitted (I believe) as part of a thesis. They can also be found on the Clarkson and DHDURZ1 servers (and maybe others). There are seven fonts, a macro file and a demonstration file. Sebastian Rahtz kindly MF'd the fonts for 118, 300 and 1270 dpi, so I took the 300dpi set for my HPLJ (though they were mode_def'd for the ALW they worked fine). The macro file is MTEX.TEX, documented in German, but with control-sequence names mainly in English. The demo file is MTEXDEMO.TEX (there appears to be no separate documentation apart from the comments on the demo output). For some reason my VMS TeX gagged on the TFM files straight off. TFtoPL said there was junk at the end of the files, also that 0 was not an allowed value (several times). Having TFtoPL'd them, I PLtoTF'd them back and they worked fine. Don't know what the matter was (and don't care, since they work OK, but someone may care to dig into it). TeX then processed the demo file fine on the VAX. On the PC (640k AT clone) it ran out of space, so I guess anything more than trivial (single stave, probably only a few bars) is out of the running if you are on a PC. DVI2LN3 of course goes apesh*t any time you feed it anything other than a Stream_LF file (a weirdo VMS file format). There's a routine provided on the K&S VMS tape, NEWFFC.EXE, to convert PXL files from other file formats to the Stream_LF required, but what I had was not PXL files but the downloaded PK fonts, and my DVI2LN3 only takes PXL files [please someone, where do I get a new executable version of DVI2LN3 without having to take dozens of sources to compile?]. For some nasty reason, my PKtoPX refuses to work at all, saying it can't open the PXL file, even though the file is there and PKtoPX even acknowledges that, but won't open it [please, has anyone got a functioning PKTOPX.EXE for VMS?]. So down to the PC the font files went, where DVIHP processed faultlessly and produced two demo pages. VERY impressive. S&S clearly deserve their PhD on this. The quality of the notation is uniformly excellent, and the positioning very good. I have used SCORE (Leland Smith's music typesetting system) in its PC version, and although SCORE has vastly more notational power, the quality of MTeX is as good or better. Our Music Dept (heavy TeX and SCORE users) are going to *love* this one. Each of the two pages (one is the Minuet I from Bach's 2nd Cello Suite, and the other is the well-known chorale `Lobe den Herren'---the hymn `Praise to the Lord, the Almighty') reproduces the input needed to produce the music printed on the page, so you can see what does what (or so it is intended, but more later). Forget the output device for the moment: the design quality of the stuff is about that of the Halstan Stencil---very good. On a scale, say, between a music typewriter (heavily modified IBM Executive) at a score of 20% and real copper engraving (craftsman's work) at 90%, the Halstan scores about 70% and I would put MTeX just above it at 75%. Just for fun, I took the MF files also, and made a set of 180dpi Toshiba 321 fonts (had no mode_def, so used defaults at 180x180---anyone with a proper mode_def for a Tosh 321 [or better for a 301 ExpressWriter], please let me know). The only glitch was in font MUSIC16, using VIO16.MF, my copy of pcMF coughed blood in two particular places: "penpos1(0,180)" (line 33) and "penpos3(0,180)" (line 87) where pcMF seemed not to like the zero, and said `bad penpos' and hung on me. I set the 0s to 1s and it worked. Can some MFer please look at this sometime? Did you hit this, Sebastian? Finally, I PKtoPX'd the fonts on the PC and Kermitted them back to the VAX. There they worked OK, but because of the crappy quality of the LN03 engine, fine lines don't print at all (wrong mode_def, natch). But the principle works. Once that was over, DVITOS (PCDOT) handled the fonts OK and rattled out the demo pages on the Tosh. I will upload the 180dpi files to Aston next week. I'm also making a 96dpi set for DVIEW, so I will try for them the week after. [therefore, anyone who knows the mode_def for DVIEW fonts, please contact me]. Now for the downside. When I examined the MTeXDEMO file, the code used to produce the music ***IS NOT*** the code cited on the printout. Not by what extended calcined writing tool? I am forced to conclude that what we have here is a demonstration of S&S's **intention**: ie, what is printed as the 'code to type in' is what they would **like** to see implemented, but they haven't gone that far. The actual code required is **very** hairy, whereas the quoted example looks pretty reasonable: a fragment shown in the printout as !!\title{Lobe den Herren}\composer{Hugo Distler} \voice{Sporan}\treble\signature{``xf}\text{Schnell}\meter{3/4}\vocal {4g\mezzoforte g ``d | `h. 8a 4g | f e d 2e \slur{4f|\meter{2/4}f} 4g | \meter{4/4} 2a 2g:||} {{Lo-\atop Mei-}{be\atop ne}{den\atop ge-}{Her-\atop lie-}{ren,\atop be-} {den\atop te-}{m\"ach-\atop See-}{ti-\atop le,}{gen\atop das}{K\"o-\atop ist}{nig\atop mein-}{der\atop Be-}{Eh-\atop geh-}{ren!\atop ren.}}!! actually required the input \title{Lobe den Herren} \composer{Hugo Distler} \parindent 40pt \voice{Sopran} \universal \beginsong\vio\G\%r{{\rm Schnell}}{\vrule height 7\nhh width0pt \gluebrule}\meter3/4 \%{\mezzoforte}\_{\@{Lo-}{Mei-}}{\v2} \_{\@{be}{ne}}{\v2} \_{\@{den}{ge - }}{\v6}\| \_{\@{Her-}{lie - }}{\v4\.1}\_{\@{ren, }{be - }}{\a3} \_l{\@{den}{te }}{\v2}\| \_l{\@{m"ach - }{See - }}{\v1}\_{\@{ti - }{le, }}{\v0} \_{\@{gen }{das }}{\v{-1}}\| \_{\@{K"o - }{ist }}{\h0} \group{\\{\_n{\@{nig \lv }{mein \lv }}{\v1}}\\{\|\meter2/4}\\{\v1}} {\\{1}\\{0}\\{1}}\lslur13\go\_{\@{der }{Be- }}{\v2}\|\meter4/4 \_{\@{Eh - }{geh - }}{\h3}\_{\@{ren!}{ren.}}{\h2} Now I expect there is probably a very good reason for this, but while the top version is a useable structure, and comprehensible by a musician, it clearly does not yet work like that, as the lower version is what the demo file actually uses to produce its output. Maybe I have missed something, but I suspect that this is a "yet to be written" as far as smoothness of interface goes. A pity, but nevertheless a very important step, in that it proves beyond all doubt that (M)TeX can produce typeset music approaching the highest quality. With some more work on the interface, S&S have broken some real new ground here. Congratulations to both, where are you, and can we expect more? If not, have S&S any pointers as to their intentions? ...Peter Flynn Cork U Comp Cent, Ireland --------------------------------- Via: UK.AC.HW.VAXB; Mon, 21 Aug 89 10:35 BST Date: 21-AUG-1989 10:36:52 GMT From: CENSWM@UK.AC.HW.VAXB Subject: Mail re DVIJEP. Re my last message, I should have added that I have tried the exe file from the TEX archive [tex-archive...beebe.vms] at got an error message from vms say `BAD HEADER'. Anyone with any ideas. ( I set these files up as a foreign command. Stuart Munn. PS I never received the last issue!!!! still having problems with VMS MAIL ? *************************************************************************** Editor - It has been suggested that my comments would stand out more if I adopted a new surround in place of the three + signs. The mail server problems have been overcome and failure to receive issues is now probably due to problems at the receiving end (I am getting more error messages returned). *************************************************************************** --------------------------------- Via: UK.AC.UMRCC.CMS; Mon, 21 Aug 89 12:06 BST Message-id: <21 Aug 89 12:05:07 BST MCBMSDS@UK.AC.MCC.CMS> Date: Mon, 21 Aug 89 12:05:07 BST From: MCBMSDS@UK.AC.Manchester-Computing-Centre.CMS MyName: David J Silvester (061-236-3311 x2344) Subject: AMSTeX query ======================================================================== Dear Peter, I understand that you organise a UK TeX users club. I have some experience of using plain TeX, and have written a couple of papers using an implementation (PcTeX) on my PC. I have recently submitted a paper to the journal: Mathematics of Computation. The journal insists that final manuscripts should be written in AMSTeX, rather than TeX. Do you have any (free) documentation on AMSTeX? In particular, a list of the differences between plain Tex and AMSTeX would be invaluable. Thank you for your assistance, David Silvester --------------------------------- Via: [000015001006.FTP.MAIL]; Mon, 21 Aug 89 14:34 BST Date: 21 Aug 89 14:37:52 bst From: G.Toal Subject: Postscript outlines Message-ID: <21 Aug 89 14:37:52 bst 050568@EMAS-A> This is a rather hurried notice: I'm about to transfer to another computer and may have some problems mailing for a month or two. Thanks to Neil Raine of Acorn Computers, I have now the means of making postscript fonts from metafont descriptions. I've tested them by hacking beebe's driver output by hand, and the results are... ...well, _acceptable_ would be the best way of phrasing it. The traditional postscript problem of drawing the outlines of a character one pixel too wide is visible: cmr's fine hairlines have disappeared and cmr10 has a blackness which in cmr would be bold, but in postscript matches - say - TimesRoman at 10pt quite closely. I accept any criticism from those who will say that this ruins the cmr fonts. I don't dispute it. However, having postscript outlines is so useful to me I'm willing to live with it. I hope to send the same files to a high-res postscript typesetter, and I expect the results will be much better (as the extra pixel width all round will be much smaller). I'll post a full summary of developments to the net when I get mail access again. Graham. --- Note the absence of wild & wacky signature. This is because I don't know who I am any more :) --------------------------------- Via: UK.AC.DURHAM.EASBY; Mon, 21 Aug 89 15:03 BST From: Martin Ward Date: Mon, 21 Aug 89 14:43:51 BST Message-Id: <> Here's a LaTeX style file I have developed for typesetting programs and algorithms in my favourite style without having to type in endless tabbing commands. Each line is set in math mode so all the indentation and spacing is done automatically. The notation |variable_name| can be used within normal text, maths expressions or programs to indicate a variable name. Use |\ to get a normal | symbol in a program. The commands \A, \B, \R, \T and \Z typeset the corresponding bold letter with the next object as a substript (eg \S1 typesets {\bf S$_1$} etc). The program.sty file can be easily edited to reflect your favoured style. See the demo.tex file for examples. Martin. My ARPANET address is: martin%EASBY.DUR.AC.UK@CUNYVM.CUNY.EDU OR: UUCP:...!mcvax!ukc!easby!martin JANET: BITNET: *************************************************************************** Editor - Martin's code will be made avaialble as soon as possible. *************************************************************************** --------------------------------- Via: UK.AC.DURHAM.EASBY; Tue, 22 Aug 89 14:53 BST From: Martin Ward Date: Tue, 22 Aug 89 14:49:46 BST Message-Id: <> Subject: Apparent bug in art11.sty and art12.sty I have discovered that when typesetting maths in LaTeX using art11 or art12 styles the commands for generating larger delimiters (\bigl, \bigr, \bigm etc.) do not work correctly - they give delimiters which are the same size as a normal parenthesis. The problem is with the definition of \big in plain TeX, which is: \def\big#1{{\hbox{$\left#1\vbox to8.5\p@{}\right.\n@space$}}} The 8.5\p@ (ie 8.5pt) is only correct for 10pt text. I have added the following lines to my art11.sty to increase the hardwired values by 10 percent: \def\big#1{{\hbox{$\left#1\vbox to9.35\p@{}\right.\n@space$}}} \def\Big#1{{\hbox{$\left#1\vbox to12.65\p@{}\right.\n@space$}}} \def\bigg#1{{\hbox{$\left#1\vbox to15.95\p@{}\right.\n@space$}}} \def\Bigg#1{{\hbox{$\left#1\vbox to19.25\p@{}\right.\n@space$}}} For art12.sty the lines are: \def\big#1{{\hbox{$\left#1\vbox to10.20\p@{}\right.\n@space$}}} \def\Big#1{{\hbox{$\left#1\vbox to13.80\p@{}\right.\n@space$}}} \def\bigg#1{{\hbox{$\left#1\vbox to17.40\p@{}\right.\n@space$}}} \def\Bigg#1{{\hbox{$\left#1\vbox to21.00\p@{}\right.\n@space$}}} Martin. My ARPANET address is: martin%EASBY.DUR.AC.UK@CUNYVM.CUNY.EDU OR: UUCP:...!mcvax!ukc!easby!martin JANET: BITNET: --------------------------------- Via: UK.AC.CRANFIELD.RMCS; Tue, 22 Aug 89 15:36 BST Date: Tue, 22 AUG 89 15:35:19 BST From: TEX@UK.AC.CRANFIELD.RMCS Subject: Announcing DVItoLN03 V3.1-1 Sender: JANET"TEX@UK.AC.CRANFIELD.RMCS" Message-Id: <00000296_00111388.00929A7B58D58940$68_1@UK.AC.CRANFIELD.RMCS> Originally-to: UKTEX Originally-from:TEX "RMCS TeX Account " Mailer: Janet_Mailshr V3.4 (23-May-1989) A new version of my DVItoLN03 program (V3.1-1) has been installed on the archive server at Aston. The files may be found in directory [TEX-ARCHIVE.DRIVERS.LN03.RMCS] which contains the following files: AAAREADME.TXT - the file an extract from which you are reading CHANGEBAR.STY - for those without this: style file for marking changes DVILN03.HLP - on-line (DCL) help for DVItoLN03 DVILN03.LN3 - file ready to be COPYed to your LN03 DVILN03.TEX - the RMCS ``local guide'' for DVItoLN03 DVITOLN03.CH - a change file for DVItoLN03, currently V3.0 -> V3.1-1 DVITOLN03.CLD - VMS command language definition for the DVILN03 command DVITOLN03.EXE - a ``load-and-go'' executable, for VMS V5.1 DVITOLN03.WEB - the WEB source of DVItoLN03 V3.0 LOCAL.MF - our local parameters for METAFONTing for LN03 LOCAL_GUIDES.BIB - a BibTeX database used by RMCS --- needs BibTeX V0.99c GRAPHICS.STY - a local LaTeX style file for graphics inserts OPENCLOSE.SIX - a Sixel dump of the screen of a terminal, scaled 2:1 OPENCLOSE.SMALL - the same dump, but scaled 1:1 Version 3.1 introduces the /OUTPUT qualifier, which may be used to direct the .LN3 file directly to the LN03 printer. It also reports the names of all source (.DVI and \special{ln03:plotfile xxx}) files read, and correctly reports the magnifications of fonts on the terminal and in the log file. Version 3.1-1 adds support for the Flavio Rose specials used for changebar drawing, and also therefore supports that syntax for \special graphics inclusions. At some future date, the old-style syntax (\special{SX filename}) may be eliminated. Possible future work: Suggestions??? Getting hold of the files ========================= Sites able to perform anonymous FTP from Aston should use TRANSFER/CODE=FAST to ensure retention of VMS file structures --- therefore, they will be able to make use of the executable image (DVITOLN03.EXE) directly under VMS V5.x As a first step, retrieve AAAREADME.TXT to determine which files are required. For those sites already using DVItoLN03 V3.0, the following files are unchanged since the earlier (V3.0) release, and need not be fetched again: DVITOLN03.WEB - the WEB source of DVItoLN03 LOCAL_GUIDES.BIB - a BibTeX database used by RMCS - needs BibTeX V0.99c OPENCLOSE.SIX - a Sixel dump of the screen of a terminal, scaled 2:1 OPENCLOSE.SMALL - the same dump, but scaled 1:1 All other files have had revisions. Sites unable to perform FTP from Aston can utilize the Aston TeX Server to have the files mailed to you --- this is unable to handle non-ASCII files, so don't try to transfer the .EXE file! The DVILN03.LN3 has LONG records, and may suffer at the hands of certain gateways; if this causes problems, let me know and I'll try to make a VMS_SHARE archive available. Similarly, some of the other files are longer than some mailers are prepared to handle. To use the server, send a request as follows: To: TeXserver@UK.AC.ASTON.TEX Subject: anything you like, it's ignored The body of the message should appear somewhat like this: ============================================================================== --- any text here is ignored yourname@yoursite - or yourname%yoursite@gateway FILES [TEX-ARCHIVE.DRIVERS.LN03.RMCS]AAAREADME.TXT [TEX-ARCHIVE.DRIVERS.LN03.RMCS]CHANGEBAR.STY [TEX-ARCHIVE.DRIVERS.LN03.RMCS]DVILN03.HLP [TEX-ARCHIVE.DRIVERS.LN03.RMCS]DVILN03.LN3 [TEX-ARCHIVE.DRIVERS.LN03.RMCS]DVILN03.TEX [TEX-ARCHIVE.DRIVERS.LN03.RMCS]DVITOLN03.CH [TEX-ARCHIVE.DRIVERS.LN03.RMCS]DVITOLN03.CLD [TEX-ARCHIVE.DRIVERS.LN03.RMCS]DVITOLN03.WEB [TEX-ARCHIVE.DRIVERS.LN03.RMCS]LOCAL.MF [TEX-ARCHIVE.DRIVERS.LN03.RMCS]LOCAL_GUIDES.BIB [TEX-ARCHIVE.DRIVERS.LN03.RMCS]GRAPHICS.STY [TEX-ARCHIVE.DRIVERS.LN03.RMCS]OPENCLOSE.SIX [TEX-ARCHIVE.DRIVERS.LN03.RMCS]OPENCLOSE.SMALL ============================================================================== Contact ======= If anyone is experiencing difficulty in installing DVItoLN03, they are welcome to contact the author B Hamilton Kelly Royal Military College of Science Shrivenham SWINDON UK SN6 8LA Swindon (+44 793) 785252 [Direct line] or via JANET: INTERNET: Bitnet: Good Luck! Brian HAMILTON KELLY --------------------------------- Via: UK.AC.UCL.EUCLID; Tue, 22 Aug 89 16:06 BST From: Wujastyk (on GEC 4190 Rim-D at UCL) Date: Tue, 22 Aug 89 16:08 Subject: Steve Ward and DVIEW Message-Id: <22 AUG 1989 16:08:52 UCGADKW@UK.AC.UCL.EUCLID> Steve Ward, who wrote the excellent TeX previewer DVIEW for the PC, is a professor at MIT. He can be reached as ward@VX.LCS.MIT.EDU on the InterNet. Dominik --------------------------------- Via: UK.AC.UCL.EUCLID; Tue, 22 Aug 89 16:46 BST From: Wujastyk (on GEC 4190 Rim-D at UCL) Date: Tue, 22 Aug 89 16:48 Subject: LaTeX Message-Id: <22 AUG 1989 16:48:59 UCGADKW@UK.AC.UCL.EUCLID> I noticed today that the main LaTeX files in the ARCHIVE are somewhat out of date: I mean LATEX.TEX, LPLAIN.TEX, LFONTS.TEX, ADDENDUM.TEX LATEX.BUG, BOOK.DOC/STY, REPORT.DOC/STY, FLEQN.DOC/STY, SHOWIDX.DOC/STY. Since there are only a few days left before Score shuts down, could you FTP these files while you still can? Dominik *************************************************************************** Editor - Sorry but I did not read this until it was too late. However plans are afoot to provide a `quick' method of determining if the files need updating and these will be announced shortly. I managed to move some of the files to London before the link failed and will arrange for them to be installed as soon as possible. *************************************************************************** --------------------------------- Via: UK.AC.ULCC.NOC; Mon, 28 Aug 89 14:44 BST Received: from Ean.Ean-Relay.AC.UK by Ean-Relay.AC.UK via EAN id aa04197; 28 Aug 89 15:20 BST Date: 28 Aug 89 13:39 +0200 From: anne.brueggemann-klein@de.dbp.uni-freiburg.ruf.sun1 Message-ID: <> Subject: Workshops, European TeX Conference There are still some places available in the workshops "Introduction to METAFONT" and "Advanced macro writing and developing LaTeX styles" before and after the European TeX Conference 1989 in Karlsruhe, West Germany. The fee for the workshops is DM 200,-- (no meals, accomotation etc. included). If you want to register, please contact Rainer Rupprecht Rechenzentrum Universitaet Karlsruhe Postfach 6800 7500 Karlsruhe 1, FRG Telephone: (0721) 608-4031 e-mail: RZ32 at DKAUNI2 (bitnet) or send a note to me at (Anne Brueggemann-Klein) immediately. Please find enclosed the description of the workshops copied from the previous announcement. --> Advanced macro writing and developing LaTeX styles --> Joachim Schrod, Detig Schrod TeXsys and TH Darmstadt --> September 14th/15th, 10--15 participants Joachim Schrod is both an experienced programmer and TeX macro specialist, working on TeX portations, new members of the WEB language family and macro development since 1981. He is contributing frequently to TeXhax and tugboat. He is the author of a highly portable driver family, YADD (Yet Another DVI Driver family) and participant of the DVI driver standards committee. His course addresses people having some experience with TeX and in writing simple macros, probably often struggling with the unexpected side effects caused by the non-modular structure of LaTeX. As LaTeX style development is always (Plain) TeX macro development, the course will first introduce you to the principles of the programming language Plain TeX, namely dynamic/static binding, expansion, and interrupt handling (output routines). Then the LaTeX programming interface is presented, not formally specified, but as an informal description of the most important macros for style development. The workshop is a mixture of lectures and hands-on practical sessions. Prerequisites: A good working knowledge of TeX and LaTeX is assumed. Bring your own \TeX{}book. --> Introduction to METAFONT --> Don Hosek, Pitzer College --> September 9th/10th, 10--15 participants Don Hosek of TeXmag fame is an active member of the TeX Users Group, TUG, participating in the TUGboat editorial committee and the DVI driver standards committee. In addition, he has been teaching courses for TUG for some time now. The workshop will cover the basic concepts of METAFONT, beginning with what it does and what good it is. Participants will become familiar with using METAFONT to generate characters from existing METAFONT programs and to develop characters and logos on their own. Topics will include an explanation of METAFONT's mode_def's, drawing shapes using METAFONT's capabilities, an introduction to METAFONT's mathematical abilities, and macros and variables in METAFONT. Prerequisites: No METAFONT knowledge is assumed. Experience with TeX is recommended. Bring your own METAFONTbook. --------------------------------- Via: UK.AC.RUTHERFORD.MAIL; Mon, 28 Aug 89 19:20 BST Received: from UKACRL by UK.AC.RL.IB (Mailer X1.25) with BSMTP id 4459; Mon, 28 Aug 89 19:20:00 BS Received: from CARLETON.CA by UKACRL.BITNET (Mailer X1.25) with BSMTP id 9805; Mon, 28 Aug 89 19:19:59 Received: by CARLETON (Mailer); Mon, 28 Aug 89 13:49:28 EST Date: Mon, 28 Aug 89 13:47:41 EST From: Christina_Thiele@CA.CARLETON Message-Id: <890828.13484307.019390@ADMIN.CP6> Subject: TUG '89 Meeting at Stanford -- questionnaires, please. This is a short reminder to all those who attended the recent TUG meeting at Stanford, and who picked up a Questionnaire on Wednesday. Out of 170 questionnaires picked up, already 54 have been returned to me. I would really love to have a lot more! I'm going to be program co-ordinator for next year's meeting at Texas A&M (in June), so I can use all the suggestions you can give. Uh... not that every single one can be implemnted, but it would be very helpful to hear what attendees think about the various aspects of the conference. And of course, you don't have to hold back, just 'cause you don't have a form! Send your comments and suggestions -- and complaints -- about this year's meeting, and we'll see what can be done to address them. And to all those who did fill out the form, many thanks for your comments and suggestions. Oh, if sending e-mail comments, it would help me if the subject line was: TUG 89 -- Questionnaire. See you in Texas... how many of you write TeXas?! Christina Thiele --------------------------------- Via: [000015001006.FTP.MAIL]; Thu, 17 Aug 89 11:01 BST Date: 17 Aug 89 11:04:14 bst From: G.Toal @ Subject: Adobe file-server found. Message-ID: <17 Aug 89 11:04:14 bst 050209@EMAS-A> A few weeks ago, I asked if anyone had had any luck getting through to the adobe file server in the US. I received a lot of help from Mike Glendinning, and thought I should pass on the runes, as a few other people sent me 'me too!' messages in the mean time. Send a mail to 'ps-file-server@com.adobe' containing the lines: path help and it should work. The problems I had had before were in not knowing the proper return path routing. Graham. --------------------------------- Via: UK.AC.RUTHERFORD.MAIL; Thu, 17 Aug 89 14:34 BST Received: from UKACRL by UK.AC.RL.IB (Mailer X1.25) with BSMTP id 0977; Thu, 17 Aug 89 14:34:21 BS Received: from DMZRZU5P by UKACRL.BITNET (Mailer X1.25) with BSMTP id 6499; Thu, 17 Aug 89 14:34:20 B Date: Thu, 17 Aug 89 15:34 N From: "Rainer M. Schoepf" Subject: Re: Mittelbach's Multicol.sty X-VMS-To: IN"" In UKTeX #30 Dominik Wujastyk reported a save stack overflow while processing multicol.sty. I know of the problem (Chris Rowley pointed this out only a few days ago). It's not a bug in the code: it comes from nested `macro' environments where each takes up a considerable amount of the save stack. I'm currently thinking about a workaround, but due to lack of time (I will be leaving for the TUG meeting tomorrow morning) I have not been able yet to implement it. Processing multicol.sty with a MicroVAX II (stack size 2000) shows that it needs 821 stack entries. Well, stack size 600 is too small for medium to large scale LaTeX applications, as well as the string and character memory, and the maximum of 3000 multiletter control sequences. I know that this doesn't help very much if you are bound to PCTeX's limitations. It it important that this be changed. Please help by complaining to PCTeX. Frank Mittelbach --------------------------------- Via: UK.AC.RUTHERFORD.MAIL; Thu, 17 Aug 89 16:28 BST Received: from UKACRL by UK.AC.RL.IB (Mailer X1.25) with BSMTP id 4009; Thu, 17 Aug 89 16:28:14 BS Received: from UNCAMULT.BITNET (GROISMAN) by UKACRL.BITNET (Mailer X1.25) with BSMTP id 8493; Thu, 17 Aug 89 16:28:13 Date: Thu, 17 Aug 89 09:16 MDT From: Groisman@EARN.UNCAMULT Subject: DCITTY for a PC Message-ID: <890817151627.303642@UNCAMULT.BITNET> Where can I find a version of Crudetype or DVITTY for a PC runing MS DOS? I should be able to compile C code if it is available. Thank you. Gaston Groisman University of Calgary, Canada uncamult.bitnet --------------------------------- Via: [000049620000.FTP.MAIL]; Mon, 21 Aug 89 9:50 BST Date: 21 Aug 1989 08:49:38-WET Subject: Info on writing style Sender: JANET"" (Adrian Clark) From: "Adrian F Clark" Could someone tell me a good book on (British) English writing style? I currently use Gowers' "The Complete Plain Words" but wonder if there is anything more appropriate. Something which reminds me about the basic rules (e.g., when writing a list of things, do I put a comma before the `and' which preceeds the last item?) would be also useful: I read so many American books, where the grammar is a little different, that my poor failing memory needs prompting! (Indeed, something which mentioned both flavours of grammar would be very handy.) Adrian F. Clark JANET: ARPA: BITNET: PHONE: (+44) 206-872432 (direct) Dept ESE, University of Essex, Wivenhoe Park, Colchester, Essex, C04 3SQ, UK. --------------------------------- Via: UK.AC.SOTON.ECS; Tue, 29 Aug 89 23:33 BST From: Sebastian Rahtz Date: Tue, 29 Aug 89 23:39:13 BST Message-Id: <> Subject: making TeX produce nice pages So there I am, doing a reasonable size book (200+ pages) for a commercial publisher, and their typographer rings me and says a) I have widows slightly too often b) I have hyphenations at the end of pages occasionally c) I must *never* have interparagraph spacing d) cut down on the hyphenation a bit (and those were the easy ones). Well, its obvious that this is what TeX is designed for, its an algorithmic task solvable by judicious settings of \widowpenalty, \orphanpenalty, \tolerance etc etc, isn't it? So someone point me a rational explanation of how to balance all these things *and how to test it*. I can't keep printing the thing out, scanning pages for overzealous hyphenation, and previewing is so slow and tedious with 250 pages on the go that its more than my patience is worth (not to mention that the fact that this is in Times Roman, so I have to substitute fonts). Can anyone who has been through this exercise (in the past, no-one has ever been picky enough to complain about the defaults) tell me the ten stages you go through to fulfil the typographers needs *reliably*? Or is it simply always a slow task? Sebastian Rahtz PS while I'm moaning about TeX vs the real world, here's a challenge for people who think LaTeX is the cats whiskers - change all the table of contents pages (ie including list of figures etc), so that there are no dot leaders between entry and page number, just space. you have 60 minutes and access to latex.tex, bk10.sty and book.sty... --------------------------------- Via: UK.AC.ULCC.NOC; Thu, 31 Aug 89 9:37 BST Received: from Ean.Ean-Relay.AC.UK by Ean-Relay.AC.UK via EAN id aa07318; 30 Aug 89 18:05 BST Date: 30 Aug 89 16:25 +0200 From: anne.brueggemann-klein@de.dbp.uni-freiburg.ruf.sun1 Message-ID: <> Subject: Monday, September 11, 1989 Time Speaker Title 9:00 - 10:45 Registration, Coffee 10:45 - 11:00 Welcome 11:00 - 12:30 B. Childs The state of TUG and TeX M. Clark ?? The state of TUG in Europe ?? B. Childs A report on teaching TeX Discussion 12:30 - 14:00 Lunch 14:00 - 16:00 Discussion on `Foreign TeX' within this discussion the following papers: M. Rycko, Polish TeX is ready for use B. Jackolowski M. Bryan JLaTeX 16:00 - 16:30 Coffee break 16:30 - 19:00 Discussion on `Fonts and graphics' within this discussion the following papers: R. Olejniczak TeXpic - design and implemen- tation of a picture graphics language in TeX P.D. Bacsich MoreMath - a new PostScript font of mathematical symbols D. Hosek Design of Oriental Characters with METAFONT Thuesday, September 12, 1989 Time Speaker Title 9:00 - 9:30 K. Neuwirth TeX on the Amiga - hands-on experiences 9:30 - 10:00 N. Eiglsperger A public domain driver for Digiset 10:00 - 10:30 Coffee break 10:30 - 12:30 Discussion on `TUG and national user groups' within this discussion the following papers: J. Lammarsch La divina comedia C.G. von der Laan Getting organized in the Nether- lands 12:30 - 14:00 Lunch 14:00 - 16:30 Discussion on `Document Structure' within this discussion the following papers: M. Clark TeX and/or SGML A. Brueggemann-Klein TeX and document design D. Rodgers Electronic publishing in the nineties 17:00 - open end Social event Wednesday, September 13, 1989 Time Speaker Title 9:00 - 9:30 E. Neuwirth Combining database and TeX for producing a textbook on homoeopathic medicine 9:30 - 10:00 R. Wonneberger TeX in an IDP enviroment 10:00 - 10:30 Coffee break 10:30 - 12:30 Discussion on `The future of TeX and LaTeX' within this discussion the following papers: B. Childs and other TeX environments F. Mittelbach and With LaTeX into the nineties R. Schoepf 12:30 - 14:00 Lunch 14:00 - 14:30 J. Schrod Changebars without \specials F. Mittelbach and LaTeX limitations and how to R. Schoepf get around them 15:00 - 16:00 Discussion on `Getting information' within this discussion the following papers: J. Lammarsch Using LISTSERV at DHDURZ1 16:00 - 16:30 Closing session --------------------------------- !! !! Files of interest !! [tex-archive]000aston.readme [tex-archive]000directory.list !! [tex-archive]000directory_dates.list [tex-archive]000directory.size !! [tex-archive]000last30days.files !! !! Editor - I have a tape labelled TeX 2.99 LaTeX 2.09 Metafont 1.7 !! Unix 4.2/3BSD & System V. Tar 1600 bpi blocked 20 1 file dated !! 25 July 1989 (from !! !! FTP access site !! username public !! password public !! !! I have the facility to copy this tape for anyone who sends the following !! 1 2400 tape with return labels AND RETURN postage. (2.50 pounds sterling !! for UK users, payable to `Aston University') Outside UK please ask me. !! UK users send 4.25 for two tapes or 6.60 for three tapes. !! Send to !! !! P Abbott !! Computing Service !! Aston University !! Aston Triangle !! Birmingham B4 7ET !! !! A VMS backup of the archive requires 2 (two ) 2400' tapes at 6250bpi. !! Remaining details as above. !! !! Exabyte tape drive with Video 8 cassettes. !! !! Same formats available as 1/2in tapes. We use the following tapes !! SONY Video 8 cassette P5 90MP, MAXCELL Video 8 cassette P5-90 !! TDK Video 8 cassette P5-90MPB !! Postage 35p UK (stamp please), 1 pound sterling Europe, other areas 2 pounds !! !! OzTeX - Send 10 UNFORMATTED (800k) disks with return postage. !! !! Replies/submissions to please !! distribution changes to please !! !! end of issue