UKTeX Digest Friday, 12 Apr 1991 Volume 91 : Issue 15 Today's Topics: {Q&A}: FTNRIGHT.STY RE: Primary device-independent representation for graphs RE: Primary device-independent representation for graphs RE: Primary device-independent representation for graphs dvips a probe (source of Haralambous' Old German fonts) Driver for HGPL (HP7596A plotter) Converting PK files to PS Outlines RE: Converting PK files to PS Outlines RE: Converting PK files to PS Outlines Flowers TeX/LaTeX help files {Archive News}: Joachim Schrod's changebar macros for plain TeX Additions to latex.contrib Administrivia: Moderators: Peter Abbott (Aston University) and David Osborne (University of Nottingham) Contributions: Administration, subscription and unsubscription requests: ------------------------------------------------------------ Date: Fri, 05 Apr 91 10:53:00 +0000 From: XRASIMMIE%IE.UCG.CS8700@UK.AC.EARN-RELAY Subject: FTNRIGHT.STY Is Frank Mittelbach's ftnright.sty {Tugboat 11:657--662 (1990)} somewhere on the list or otherwise available? It isn't in [.latex.styles.multicol] John Simmie\\Chemistry Dept.\\University College\\Galway\\Ireland ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 05 Apr 91 17:04:27 +0000 From: CA_ROWLEY@UK.AC.OPEN.ACS.VAX Subject: RE: Primary device-independent representation for graphs In message 255 of Fri, 5 Apr 91 12:08 GMT, MALCOLMC@UK.AC.PCL.MOLE wrote: > > EPS has a definition, and an emasculated > version, without the fonts and the programming > (what's left?) will become the SPDL standard > sometime soonish, so it will become a > standard. > quite a lot BUT without the fonts it is presumably u/s. You KNOW about SPDL: tell, tell tell! > my own worry about both EPS and CGM is the > difficulty of having the lettering look > right -- matching the body text. > no probo in EPS, cobber: provided the urge to scale the artwork is strongly resisted (apologies to David Rhead). chris ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 09 Apr 91 17:17:50 +0000 From: P.ABBOTT@UK.AC.ASTON Subject: RE: Primary device-independent representation for graphs In message 254 of Fri, 5 APR 91 10:44:51 GMT, P.TAYLOR@UK.AC.RHBNC.VAX wrote: > I think you should not ignore the existence of GhostScript, a remarkably > accurate public-domain implementation of P*stScr*pt available in source > form and compilable under and for many common operating systems, including > MS/DOS and VAX/VMS. I can preview PostScript files on my PS/2 ten times > faster than a dedicated PostScript printer (with Adobe interpreter) can > reproduce them. Anyone know if this has been made available on Mac systems yet ( I want to preview \special Peter ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 10 Apr 91 15:55:00 +0000 From: MALCOLMC@UK.AC.PCL.MOLE Subject: RE: Primary device-independent representation for graphs peter, as a wealthy organisation you could perhaps afford the hyphen software rip (available for your mac). i have not heard of ghostscript being ported to the mac. another alternative, since you have a laser printer, is to use one of the pieces of software which accepts the output from the postscript rip, back on the Mac. i saw this a few years ago, priced about 200 or less, i think. cheaper than employing andy to port ghostscript! (especially if he converts to modula2!) malcolm ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 08 Apr 91 16:16:14 +0000 From: David Murphy Subject: dvips Some general questions about dvips 5.4.7 and PS: (i) I've hacked fontdef.sty (under TeX 3.1, AMS LaTeX) so that \default@family is ptmr and so on. This gives me TimesRoman as the default font, and everything else slots into place. However, I'm not convinced dvips is putting the characters in the right place; the lower bowls of the `a's, `t's, `s's and so on are noticeably lower than the line defined by the bottom of the `l's, `n's etc. Is this intentional, or a problem ? I think it looks odd, but I'm not a typographer. (ii)Including postscript under dvips. I've finally plucked up the courage to try to switch from using the dvitps PS inclusion mechanism to that of dvips, as the latter looks like the driver of the future. Has anyone had any success with including Mac output using dvips ? There really should be a comprehensive answer to the recurrent question `how do I include PS figures in TeX' on the aston server. Or have I missed something ? Many thanks. D. David Murphy, | JANET: Dept. of Computing Science, | UUCP: ..!mcsun!ukc!!dvjm University of Glasgow, | ARPA: Glasgow G12 8QQ, SCOTLAND | Little men with bits of lead are better ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 08 Apr 91 07:35:41 -0500 From: drw@earn.UMASSMED Subject: a probe (source of Haralambous' Old German fonts) This is a tentative probe. The context is an article by Yannis Haralambous in the latest Tugboat (Volume 12, Number 1, pages 129-133) announcing the availability of some Old German fonts. The author is French and has placed the fonts in the public domain -- "They should be available at the Aston and Heidelberg archives." (Page 133 of that Tugboat) The problem is how to get them across the atlantic. If they are available over here and you know where (I assume archive managers may know things the rest of us don't), would you kindly tell me where to hunt? If indeed you people are the prime source, then would you please send me some indication of how one might go about getting the Metafont sources (there seem to be about four fonts - ygoth, yswab, yfrak and yinit) by mail? I have Bitnet access, but not direct Internet. I can send mail to Internet addresses (as this note indicates). I can use also use a ritual, Bitftp, over here which allows me to use mail to emulate an FTP. But I gather from Tugboat, volume 10, number 1, page 98, that your FTP routine involves something called "Color book software" which I don't have (and, indeed, had never heard of before I read that paragraph). That same page suggests that Internet users should bother so here I am on your doorstep! I'd appreciate any hints you might be able to give me as to how to get copies of those Metafont sources. I apologize for being a nuisance, but I can't see a practical alterative. Thanks ****************************************************************************** Douglas R. Waud (Bitnet: drw@umassmed) Department of Pharmacology (`Internet': U. Massachusetts Med. Sch. 55 Lake Avenue North (FAX: 508-856 5080) Worcester, MA, 01655 (Phone: 508 856 3339) ****************************************************************************** ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 10 Apr 91 16:52:21 +0000 From: P.ABBOTT@UK.AC.ASTON Subject: Driver for HGPL (HP7596A plotter) We have an HP7596A plotter which accepts HPGL. Is there a driver available? The operating system is VMS but no doubt as long as source is provided an executable could be built. Peter ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 11 Apr 91 12:25:00 +0000 From: CBTS8001%IE.UCC.IRUCCVAX@UK.AC.EARN-RELAY Subject: Converting PK files to PS Outlines Is there any s/w anywhere which will convert a PK file to something which users of other DTP systems can use, eg a PS outline, a BitStream outline etc? I have a (PD?) prog to convert to a HP PCL downloadable file, maybe something which takes those can go further? ///Peter ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 11 Apr 91 14:49:33 +0000 From: P.TAYLOR@UK.AC.RHBNC.VAX Subject: RE: Converting PK files to PS Outlines >>> Is there any s/w anywhere which will convert a PK file to something >>> which users of other DTP systems can use, eg a PS outline, a BitStream >>> outline etc? I have a (PD?) prog to convert to a HP PCL downloadable >>> file, maybe something which takes those can go further? The PostScript outlines for the 76 canonical CM fonts are available, by courtesy of Graham Toal and a friend, but the source for the code which performed the conversion is not. But see various articles in TUGboat on the problems/solutions of getting PostScript from MetaFont source. ** Phil. ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 11 Apr 91 15:14:00 +0000 From: MALCOLMC@UK.AC.PCL.MOLE Subject: RE: Converting PK files to PS Outlines i understand that when Blue Sky had their PS outlines created they had it done by a program, which they licensed. then they fixed them afterwards. (as in hinting and stuff). the details of the conversion excape me though. but if you had a pk raster, tracing for (say) a bitstream format does not appear technically daunting. i assume that quality is not an issue? malcolm ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 11 Apr 91 15:31:03 +0000 From: P.TAYLOR@UK.AC.RHBNC.VAX Subject: Flowers Does anyone have a better collection of flowers than Zapf Dingbats, please ? ** Phil. ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 11 Apr 91 15:38:00 +0000 From: CBTS8001%IE.UCC.IRUCCVAX@UK.AC.EARN-RELAY Subject: TeX/LaTeX help files I have nearly finished my review of help files. The only substantial one in existence seems to be the VMS LATEX.HLP If anyone has locally-developed help systems whose content they can mail me, I'd be glad to include them. ///Peter ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 11 Apr 91 18:23:54 +0000 From: Subject: Joachim Schrod's changebar macros for plain TeX Joachim Schrod's changebar macros for use with plain TeX are now in the Aston TeX archive, in the directory [tex-archive.tex-style.chbar] containing the files COPYING a4-9.doc a4-marg.chf chbars.tex test1.tex README a4-9.sty chbars.doc progltx.sty test2.tex Here is his announcement of the macros: From: XITIJSCH@DDATHD21.BITNET This archive contains macros for the insertion of changebars WITHOUT ANY \special's. Up to now it may only be used with Plain TeX. The macros were presented by me at the EuroTeX89 conference in Karlsruhe. They were now brought back to my attention because some people have asked me for them. Please note, that the archive name chbar.tar.Z instead of changebars.tar.Z is intentional as the second name is not POSIX compliant and makes difficulties on System V's. (I installed them on the Bitnet Listserver listserv@ddathd21.bitnet [filelist ttools] already.) - --dave David Osborne (pp Aston TeX Archive) ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 12 Apr 91 09:03:34 +0000 From: P.ABBOTT@UK.AC.ASTON Subject: Additions to latex.contrib The following have been added to the archive [TEX-ARCHIVE.LATEX.CONTRIB] ELM.TEX;1 ENUMERATE.STY;1 INDENTFIRST.STY;1 LONGTABLE.STY;1 LONGTABLE.TEX;1 NUMDEF.STY;1 PRELOAD.TEX;1 SYMBOLS.TEX;1 longtables.sty longtables.tex longtables.sty produces multi-page tables. There are one or two styles around which also do this. longtables.sty combines the two features of the styles that I have seen. 1) Column widths are preserved across pages, and the page breaking algorithm is TeX's (as opposed to being written *in* TeX). These features are normally only available in styles which use one \halign (eg my longtab.sty and Denys Duchier's Tabular.sty which were both mentioned in comp.text.tex in 1990). 2) It uses many \halign's so that TeX's memory is not over-stretched. (The one-\halign-per-page styles are in most archives under the name supertab.sty) The core of this style is OK I think, but I am not sure how robust some of the code concerning the page-sizes and the positioning of headers and footers is. Comments from users welcome! longtable.tex contains some examples and instructions on the use of the style. enumerate.sty This adds an optional argument to the enumerate environment which makes it easy to change the way the counter is printed. numdef.sty I am not sure that this is a good idea, but it lets you have "arrays" of TeX commands (or command names ending in numbers, depending on your point-of-view). indentfirst.sty This makes the first paragraph of sections, chapters etc, be indented as usual. (I know that this subject is liable to start off a couple of weeks debate in comp.text.tex about whether this is a Good Thing, but some people want it, and here it is.) elm.tex A suppliment to Jon Warbrick's Essential LaTeX describing mathematics in LaTeX. Very Very briefly! This uses amssymbols.sty (and the msxm and msym fonts). symbols.tex The last three pages of the above guide. (The only part of any interest if you have used LaTeX for more than a week or two.) This uses amssymbols.sty (and the msxm and msym fonts). preload.tex preload.tex can be used (with initex) to produce formats with your favourite style and style options preloaded. This is not worth the bother on a SPARC-station unless your option list is as long as your arm, but it speeds things up considerably if you are on a slow PC. ------------------------------ UK TeX ARCHIVE at ASTON UNIVERSITY *** JANET Interactive and NIFTP access *** Host: (JANET DTE 000020120091) Username: public Password: public *** FILES OF INTEREST *** [tex-archive]00readme.txt [tex-archive]00directory.list [tex-archive]00directory.size [tex-archive]00directory_dates.list [tex-archive]00last30days.files This year's UKTeX back issues are stored in the archive, in directory [tex-archive.digests.uktex.91] This year's TeXhax back issues are stored in the archive, in directory [tex-archive.digests.texhax.91] Latest TeXhax: #16 TeXMaG back issues are stored in the archive, in directory [tex-archive.digests.tex-mag] Latest TeXMaG: V5 N2 *** MEDIA DISTRIBUTIONS *** Washington Unix tape (28 March 1990) TeX 2.993(==3.0), LaTeX 2.09, Metafont 1.9 (2.0) Unix 4.2/3BSD & System V. 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Outside Europe please enquire. 8mm tapes: UK: 1.00, Europe: 2.00. DC600A cartridges: UK: 1.00, Europe: 2.00. Diskettes: Quantity/Size Europe World UK 1st UK 2nd 18/3.5" 3.10 5.10 1.40 1.10 11/3.5" 1.80 2.90 0.80 0.65 18/5.25" 1.20 2.00 0.60 0.50 11/5.25" 0.80 1.30 0.50 0.35 *** POSTAL ADDRESS *** (Please include SELF-ADDRESSED ADHESIVE LABELS for return postage). Peter Abbott Computing Service, Aston University, Aston Triangle, Birmingham B4 7ET *** UK TeX USERS GROUP *** For details, contact Malcolm Clark or Geeti Granger IRS John Wiley & Sons Polytechnic of Central London Baffins Lane 115 New Cavendish Street Chichester London W1M 8JS W Sussex PO19 1UD email: End of UKTeX Digest [Volume 91 Issue 15] ****************************************