UKTeX Digest Friday, 21 Jun 1991 Volume 91 : Issue 25 Today's Topics: {Q&A}: (UK English) hyphenation in TeX and LaTeX RE: (UK English) hyphenation in TeX and LaTeX Victor Eijkhout's `TeX ruler': cmrule.dvi RE: Victor Eijkhout's `TeX ruler': cmrule.dvi RE: Victor Eijkhout's `TeX ruler': cmrule.dvi Re: `Helvetica.afm' anyone? Re: `Helvetica.afm' anyone? LaTeX description lists with labelwidth depending on context "ignore everything" environment in LaTeX? Re: "ignore everything" environment in LaTeX? Re: "ignore everything" environment in LaTeX? Re: "ignore everything" environment in LaTeX? Graphics and LaTeX Re: Graphics and LaTeX Re: DVI-to-HPGL and TEXINFO Re: Upright CM Greek glyphs: any offers? Re: Cannot make tfm and pk files. Devanagri fonts TeXINFO detex on VAXes Running out of pool space when doing lots of \input's Verbatim with Carriage Control Dot-matrix fonts TeX for RS/6000 AIX? Re: TeX for RS/6000 AIX? {Announcements}: SFPtoPK, PKtoSFP, and MergeSFP available on FILESERV {Archive News}: additions to Aston archive new items in Aston archive changebar.sty 2.2d in Aston archive texinfo at Aston Play Fair! - Come on, chaps and chappesses! Administrivia: Moderators: Peter Abbott (Aston University) and David Osborne (University of Nottingham) Contributions: Administration, subscription and unsubscription requests: ------------------------------------------------------------ Date: Fri, 14 Jun 91 15:49:16 +0000 From: Subject: (UK English) hyphenation in TeX and LaTeX Could someone please summarise what's available by way of hyphenation? More specifically, is there an alternative version of `hyphen.tex', as used by both plain.tex and lplain.tex, for use with UK English rather than US English? At risk of offending any listening aesthetes (sorry, Phil!), is hyphenation of UK English with the `default' patterns so bad? Dave Eckersley ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 14 Jun 91 19:40:53 +0000 From: Philip Taylor (RHBNC) Subject: RE: (UK English) hyphenation in TeX and LaTeX Dave --- >>> Could someone please summarise what's available by way of hyphenation? >>> More specifically, is there an alternative version of `hyphen.tex', as used >>> by both plain.tex and lplain.tex, for use with UK English rather than >>> US English? Somebody (who would prefer to remain nameless at the moment) is working on genuine hyphenation using a very large m/c-readable dictionary with correct break-points shewn; he would prefer not to be troubled by further enquiries until the work is complete ... >>> At risk of offending any listening aesthetes (sorry, Phil!), is >>> hyphenation of UK English with the `default' patterns so bad? I'm not offended at all; I use hyphenation all the time, and find-tune during the final proof-reading phase. So unless you're an even worse pedant than I, it's probably fine for a first approximation. ** Phil. ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 14 Jun 91 15:52:40 +0000 From: Subject: Victor Eijkhout's `TeX ruler': cmrule.dvi Has anyone else had trouble with CMRULE.DVI? I extracted it from the archive file [TEX-ARCHIVE.UTILS.RULERS]CMRULE.BOO but I get the following when I apply DVISCR (from EMTEX) to it: ' TeX output 1991.03.02:2119' *** Fatal error 2105: DVI file corrupted (bad postamble) Dave Eckersley ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 14 Jun 91 20:14:16 +0000 From: Philip Taylor (RHBNC) Subject: RE: Victor Eijkhout's `TeX ruler': cmrule.dvi Dave --- >>> Has anyone else had trouble with CMRULE.DVI? I extracted it from the >>> archive file >>> [TEX-ARCHIVE.UTILS.RULERS]CMRULE.BOO >>> but I get the following when I apply DVISCR (from EMTEX) to it: >>> ' TeX output 1991.03.02:2119' >>> *** Fatal error 2105: DVI file corrupted (bad postamble) I agree; it's corrupt. Strangely, BHK's latest DVItoLN03/4/5/6/infty claims to deal with it OK, but as I haven't an LN03 on-line at this time of night, I can't confirm that the .LN3 file contains anything meaningful. In the meantime, have the source of a different one ... [Start of included file: Anonymous:Ruler.TeX;1] \hsize = 297 true mm \vsize = 210 true mm \hoffset = 0.8 in \advance \hsize by -2 \hoffset \parindent = 0 pt \parskip = 0 pt \footline = {} \input ps-fonts \debuggingtrue \Times \xpt \medium \roman \static {\parskip = 20 pt} \def \Vrule {\vrule height \Vheight depth \Vdepth width \Vwidth} \def \Hrule {\vrule height \Hheight depth \Hdepth width \Hwidth} \newcount \temp \newcount \tickcount \newdimen \Vheight \newdimen \Vdepth \newdimen \Vwidth \newdimen \Hheight \newdimen \Hdepth \newdimen \Hwidth \newdimen \vheight \newdimen \vdepth \newdimen \vwidth \newdimen \hheight \newdimen \hdepth \newdimen \hwidth \vheight = 1 pt \vdepth = 1 pt \vwidth = 0.2 pt \hheight = 0.2 pt \hdepth = 0.2 pt \hwidth = 1 pt \Hheight = \hheight \Hdepth = \hdepth \Hwidth = \hwidth \Vwidth = \vwidth \vbox to 1 in {} \centerline {\xivpt Points: $\rm 72.27\,pt = 1''$} \leavevmode \loop \temp = \tickcount \divide \temp by 5 \multiply \temp by 5 \ifnum \temp = \tickcount \divide \temp by 10 \multiply \temp by 10 \ifnum \temp = \tickcount \divide \temp by 100 \multiply \temp by 100 \ifnum \temp = \tickcount \Vheight = 8 \vheight \Vdepth = 8 \vdepth \else \Vheight = 6 \vheight \Vdepth = 6 \vdepth \fi \setbox 0 = \hbox to 0 pt {\hss \the \tickcount \hss}% \ht 0 = 0 pt \dp 0 = 0 pt \wd 0 = 0 pt \temp = \tickcount \divide \temp by 20 \multiply \temp by 20 \ifnum \temp = \tickcount \raise 10 \vheight \box 0 \else \lower 16 \vheight \box 0 \fi \else \Vheight = 4 \vheight \Vdepth = 4 \vdepth \fi \else \Vheight = 2 \vheight \Vdepth = 2 \vdepth \fi \rlap {\Vrule}\Hrule \ifnum \tickcount < 723 \advance \tickcount by 1 \repeat \tickcount = 0 \vheight = 1 pt \vdepth = 1 pt \vwidth = 0.2 pt \hheight = 0.2 pt \hdepth = 0.2 pt \hwidth = 1 pt \Hheight = \hheight \Hdepth = \hdepth \Hwidth = \hwidth \Vwidth = \vwidth \vbox to 1 in {} \centerline {\xivpt Picas: $\rm 1\,pc = 12\,pt$} \leavevmode \loop \temp = \tickcount \divide \temp by 6 \multiply \temp by 6 \ifnum \temp = \tickcount \divide \temp by 12 \multiply \temp by 12 \ifnum \temp = \tickcount \divide \temp by 120 \multiply \temp by 120 \ifnum \temp = \tickcount \Vheight = 8 \vheight \Vdepth = 8 \vdepth \else \Vheight = 6 \vheight \Vdepth = 6 \vdepth \fi \temp = \tickcount \divide \temp by 12 \setbox 0 = \hbox to 0 pt {\hss \the \temp \hss}% \ht 0 = 0 pt \dp 0 = 0 pt \wd 0 = 0 pt \temp = \tickcount \divide \temp by 24 \multiply \temp by 24 \ifnum \temp = \tickcount \raise 10 \vheight \box 0 \else \lower 16 \vheight \box 0 \fi \else \Vheight = 4 \vheight \Vdepth = 4 \vdepth \fi \else \Vheight = 2 \vheight \Vdepth = 2 \vdepth \fi \rlap {\Vrule}\Hrule \ifnum \tickcount < 723 \advance \tickcount by 1 \repeat \tickcount = 0 \vheight = 1 pt \vdepth = 1 pt \vwidth = 0.2 pt \hheight = 0.2 pt \hdepth = 0.2 pt \hwidth = 1 bp \Hheight = \hheight \Hdepth = \hdepth \Hwidth = \hwidth \Vwidth = \vwidth \vbox to 1 in {} \centerline {\xivpt PostScript points: $\rm72\,bp = 72.27\,pt$} \leavevmode \loop \temp = \tickcount \divide \temp by 5 \multiply \temp by 5 \ifnum \temp = \tickcount \divide \temp by 10 \multiply \temp by 10 \ifnum \temp = \tickcount \divide \temp by 100 \multiply \temp by 100 \ifnum \temp = \tickcount \Vheight = 8 \vheight \Vdepth = 8 \vdepth \else \Vheight = 6 \vheight \Vdepth = 6 \vdepth \fi \setbox 0 = \hbox to 0 pt {\hss \the \tickcount \hss}% \ht 0 = 0 pt \dp 0 = 0 pt \wd 0 = 0 pt \temp = \tickcount \divide \temp by 20 \multiply \temp by 20 \ifnum \temp = \tickcount \raise 10 \vheight \box 0 \else \lower 16 \vheight \box 0 \fi \else \Vheight = 4 \vheight \Vdepth = 4 \vdepth \fi \else \Vheight = 2 \vheight \Vdepth = 2 \vdepth \fi \rlap {\Vrule}\Hrule \ifnum \tickcount < 720 \advance \tickcount by 1 \repeat \vbox to 1 in {} \centerline {Copyright \copyright~Philip Taylor, MCMLXXXX} \end ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 17 Jun 91 10:43:57 +0000 From: Brian {Hamilton Kelly} Subject: RE: Victor Eijkhout's `TeX ruler': cmrule.dvi In a message of Fri, 14 JUN 91 20:14:16 BST, Philip Taylor (RHBNC) wrote: > I agree; it's corrupt. Strangely, BHK's latest DVItoLN03/4/5/6/infty > claims to deal with it OK, but as I haven't an LN03 on-line at this > time of night, I can't confirm that the .LN3 file contains anything > meaningful. My DVItoLN03 program processes the .dvi file without complaint because the latter _is_ compliant with the standard for DVI. I seem to remember this has appeared before: DEK writes that it will end with AT LEAST 4--7 post_post bytes, but certain implementors, on operating systems with stream file formats, have interpreted this as meaning that there will _never_ be more than 7 post-post bytes. Knuth has written that this interpretation is wrong, and even says that under operating systems that require block-mode file access, the .dvi file may be padded out with _more_ than 7 post_post bytes. So that's probably the problem... Brian HK ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 14 Jun 91 17:12:14 +0000 From: Subject: Re: `Helvetica.afm' anyone? In UKTeX digest 91.24, Sam Nelson writes: > `Helvetica.afm' is conspicuous by its absence. `Bold', `Oblique' > and `Bold-Oblique' are there, but `Vanilla' is missing, as far as > `grep' can tell me. I tried getting the I haven't looked on the TeX server, but FYI, Adobe has a mailserver at with AFM files and other stuff. Here is the help file: {stored in the archive as [tex-archive.doc]ps-file-server.doc --Ed.} ------------------------------ Date: Sun, 16 Jun 91 15:39:37 -0500 From: Erich Neuwirth Subject: Re: `Helvetica.afm' anyone? somebody asked about the availability of afm files. all adobe supported files are available from adobes mailserver just send a one line mail containing help and you will get instructions. (its an internet site, of course) ERICH NEUWIRTH BITNET (EARN): A4422DAB@AWIUNI11 INTERNET: a4422dab@Helios.EDVZ.UniVie.AC.AT Institute for Statistics and Computer Science UNIVERSITY OF VIENNA, UNIVERSITAETSSTR. 5/9, A-1010 VIENNA, AUSTRIA ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 14 Jun 91 19:11:57 +0000 From: Sebastian Rahtz Subject: LaTeX description lists with labelwidth depending on context I feel like a real wally asking this, because I am so sure I have read n million solutions before. I want a version of LaTeX's description environment in which the \leftmargin and \labelwidth take on the width of the longest label in the current list. Yes, I know it means you have to read the whole list into memory. Can anyone either recall a solution or point me at some code to copy with reads something like a list into memory, partially looks at it, and then tries again? After all, we cant let troff -ms get away with this nice feature, can we? Sebastian ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 14 Jun 91 19:18:23 +0000 From: Ian Young Subject: "ignore everything" environment in LaTeX? Is there any way (course there is!) ok, how can I build a LaTeX environment that doesn't output any of its content? Strange request? Maybe, but I can't comment it all out since the file is used in two contexts; both as LaTeX input and as a Miranda script...and the Miranda has to see a bit of code that the LaTeX doesn't output. Something like: \begin{ignore} > example = "of some Miranda code that doesn't appear in the LaTeX output." > this = "is some more, just to make the point." \end{ignore} I think everything inside the environment would be valid LaTeX, if that's important. Any help appreciated, thanks, Ian. - ------------------------------------------------------------------- Ian Young voice: +44 21-414-3736 Computer Science, University of Birmingham, Birmingham B15 2TT, U.K. ------------------------------ Date: Sat, 15 Jun 91 12:15:17 +0000 From: Sebastian Rahtz Subject: Re: "ignore everything" environment in LaTeX? Ian Young writes: > Is there any way (course there is!) ok, how can I build a LaTeX environment > that doesn't output any of its content? Strange request? Maybe, but > I can't There are lots of solutions; I currently use `version.sty' which I append. Sebastian %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % Version control macros. These let you define environments whose contents % will be optionally added to or deleted from the text when you run LaTeX. % Usage: place either of the following near the start of your file: % \includeversion{NAME} % \excludeversion{NAME} % Here, "NAME" is any name you choose. The first one indicates that text % between \begin{NAME} and \end{NAME} will be processed in the normal way. % The second indicates that text between \begin{NAME} and \end{NAME} will % be totally deleted. % You can define environments for as many versions as you want. % A ``comment'' environment has already been pre-defined for you with % \excludeversion{comment}; you can override this using \includeversion. % % Example: % \includeversion{abridged}\excludeversion{unabridged} % Text for the % \begin{abridged} % short % \end{abridged} % \begin{unabridged} % long and really longwinded, opaque and boring % \end{unabridged} % version of the paper. Punctuation works correctly\begin{unabridged} % because sphack is used\end{unabridged}. % \begin{comment} This is deleted by default. \end{comment} % % Stephen Bellantoni 1990, loosely based on "annotation.sty" by Tom Hofmann. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \begingroup \catcode`@=11\relax% \catcode`{=12\relax\catcode`}=12\relax% \catcode`(=1\relax \catcode`)=2\relax% \gdef\includeversion#1(% \expandafter\gdef\csname #1\endcsname% ()% \expandafter\gdef\csname end#1\endcsname% ()% )% \gdef\excludeversion#1(% \expandafter\gdef\csname #1\endcsname% (\@bsphack\catcode`{=12\relax\catcode`}=12\relax\csname #1@NOTE\endcsname)% \long\expandafter\gdef\csname #1@NOTE\endcsname ##1\end{#1}% (\csname #1END@NOTE\endcsname)% \expandafter\gdef\csname #1END@NOTE\endcsname% (\@esphack\end(#1))% )% \endgroup \excludeversion{comment} ------------------------------ Date: Sun, 16 Jun 91 22:27:34 +0000 From: Subject: Re: "ignore everything" environment in LaTeX? In message 455 of Sat, 15 Jun 91 12:15:17 bst, Sebastian Rahtz wrote: > Ian Young writes: > > Is there any way (course there is!) ok, how can I build a LaTeX environmen t > > that doesn't output any of its content? Strange request? Maybe, but > > I can't > > There are lots of solutions; I currently use `version.sty' which I > append. > At a quick glance, version.sty looks to absorb the "unwanted text as a parameter. Thus it is Ok for "relatively small" comments only. A more robust version is in Rainer Sch"opf's verbatim.sty. chris ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 17 Jun 91 12:06:47 +0000 From: Adrian F Clark Subject: Re: "ignore everything" environment in LaTeX? > Is there any way (course there is!) ok, how can I build a LaTeX environment > that doesn't output any of its content? Strange request? Maybe, but I can't > comment it all out since the file is used in two contexts; both as LaTeX > input and as a Miranda script...and the Miranda has to see a bit of code > that the LaTeX doesn't output. Something like: Try using version.sty as a basis for what you're trying to do. It has the advantage that (with suitable calisthenics) you could set the miranda code {verbatim} in with the LaTeX text. (I pulled the macros off comp.text.tex a few weeks ago.) {see above for version.sty --Ed.} Dr Adrian F. Clark JANET: INTERNET: FAX: (+44) 206-872900 BITNET: PHONE: (+44) 206-872432 (direct) Dept ESE, University of Essex, Wivenhoe Park, Colchester, Essex, C04 3SQ, UK. ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 14 Jun 91 20:23:01 +0000 From: Don Ward Subject: Graphics and LaTeX Mark Hewitt writes > Well, I know this has been addressed before, but I'd be interested in > knowing what LaTeX users now use for the incorporation of diagrams into > documents. The international standard for Modula-2 (coming out `real soon now') is produced using LaTeX. We have some diagrams in it produced by the `fig' PD package (from memory by Micah Beck). We also used a `fig2latex' program, which knows about the restricted slopes available to LaTeX, to convert the sketches into a LaTeX picture. fig runs on X and Sunview (and probably a whole raft of other GUIs). Having tried making pictures by hand as well as this way, the results are superior and take between one and two orders of magnitude less time to produce. Whether this is `modern advice' or not, I dunno. Some of the diagrams were produced about two years ago. But the programs are free and they work. Don Ward ------------------------------ Date: Sat, 15 Jun 91 09:45:00 +0100 From: Max Calvani - Italy Subject: Re: Graphics and LaTeX My personal opinion is that to generate graphics to be included in TeX, the best thing is to use one of those graphic packages, like Mongo or Supermongo, that are superb and are able to produce a .ps file to be included with the \special supported by the driver. (I work on vax/vms, the above programs work also under Unix. They are copyright, Mongo costs \approx 500 USD, SuperMongo only 250 USD). Max ------------------------------ Date: Sat, 15 Jun 91 09:59:00 +0100 From: Max Calvani - Italy Subject: Re: DVI-to-HPGL and TEXINFO Texinfo files are processed ONLY including texinfo.tex first in Tex. I do not remember if texinfo is in Aston Archive, in case I can mail latest version to anybody interested. {see announcement from Sebastian Rahtz below --Ed.} Max ------------------------------ Date: Sun, 16 Jun 91 17:53:00 +0000 From: Subject: Re: Upright CM Greek glyphs: any offers? Both Silvio Levi and Yannis haralambous's greek fonts have good upright lowercase letters. To include them into math should be no problem with the new font selection scheme. Yours sincerly, J\"org Knappen % Now the only email address. Forget any ~~~ % older ones! ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 17 Jun 91 12:48:28 +0700 From: mahilata Subject: Re: Cannot make tfm and pk files. This has been on uktex before so i wonder a little bit... The banner line gives it away that you called inimf instead of virmf Somehow you got inimf ln'd to mf which does not do any good for production. Inimf is used only to make plain.base. For production use virmf. ln this to mf, or set up MakeTeXPK to say "virmf". I confess, MakeTeXPK is a little bit tricky to use, but it does work if set up properly. Happy printing mahilata ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 17 Jun 91 11:17:00 +0000 From: Peter Flynn UCC Subject: Devanagri fonts A user has enquired about devanagri fonts...i recall seeing them mentioned, but have failed to locate the mention. is MF source available? ///Peter ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 17 Jun 91 14:49:00 +0000 From: Chris Stretch Subject: TeXINFO Can anyone tell me where to find:- 1) Documentation on how to write TeXINFO files. 2) Source code for a TeXINFO to info translator. Chris Stretch ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 18 Jun 91 10:42:00 +0000 From: CPCMH::S121<"CPCMH::S121"@UK.AC.EAST-ANGLIA.CPC865> Subject: detex on VAXes I pulled the file [...utils.trickey]detex.c off the archive, and tried to compile it under VAX C. Since I dont speak C has anybody tried to compile this program on anything apart from UNIX? The first problem is that 2 includes cannot be found: #include #include Apart from the directory spec being wrong for the VAX, neither of these files exist in the VAX C library. Any suggestions? Or any VAX programs which would do this job? Thanks, Ian Ellery Computing Center University of East Anglia ( ------------------------------ Date: 18 Jun 91 14:34:19 +0000 From: Andrew Haylett (GEC-Marconi Research Centre) Subject: Running out of pool space when doing lots of \input's Perhaps someone could shed some light on a problem I am having. I am running large documents through TeX (LaTeX, actually) which have in them many (several hundred) "\input filename" lines, where filename is typically about 40 characters long. After obeying most of these lines, TeX bombs out saying "memory capacity exceeded [pool size=65000]" (numbers are approximate). The log file has a line that says "65000 string characters out of 65000". The TeXbook says that "pool size" defines the number of characters in control sequence and file names. So my question is: is it the case that TeX does not reclaim the string space used by all these \input'ted file names, even though they are all (presumably) closed immediately after their contents have been read? (I've verified that it is all these \input's that is causing the problem.) I've got round the problem by building a TeX with more pool size, but would like to think that this shouldn't be necessary. Configuration: C TeX 3.1 (big version), LaTeX 2.09, sparcstation 1. - ------------------ Andrew Haylett | Tel: +44 245 73331 x.3215 GEC-Marconi Research Centre | Fax: +44 245 75244 Great Baddow, Chelmsford, | UUCP: ...!ukc!gec-mrc!ajh Essex, UK CM2 8HN | JANET: ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 18 Jun 91 15:07:12 +0000 From: Subject: Verbatim with Carriage Control I have a set of macros to insert the contents of a file into a TeX document and list them as seen. Sometimes I have a file with carriage control characters in the first column; the sort of thing that Fortran programs write out, like a 1 to throw a page. I would like TeX to print the file in the way it would appear on a line printer including character overstrikes. I can more or less see how to do this with TeX macros but it occurs to me that someone else must have done this before; maybe it is already at Aston if I knew where to look. Do you have macros to do this job, or do you know of any in the archive? ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 19 Jun 91 11:13:36 +0000 From: Julian Smart Subject: Dot-matrix fonts Dear UKTeX, I'm using EmTeX very successfully with the laserjet fonts, but two colleagues need to print on 24-pin printers (in particular a LQ-compatible printer). What would I need to get for this? I assume the lj_X fonts can't be used, having seen separate dot-matrix fonts on a German EmTeX archive, but I can't find them on the Aston archive. Thank your very much for any help. Regards, Julian ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 19 Jun 91 15:29:39 +0000 From: Chris Porter Subject: TeX for RS/6000 AIX? Has anyone ported TeX to an RS6000 running IBM AIX? ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 20 Jun 91 10:46:22 +0000 From: Sebastian Rahtz Subject: Re: TeX for RS/6000 AIX? Chris Porter writes: > Has anyone ported TeX to an RS6000 running IBM AIX? yes, the standard Unix distribution supports RS6000 and AIX sebastian ------------------------------ Date: Sat, 15 Jun 91 18:03:07 -0600 From: "George D. Greenwade" Subject: SFPtoPK, PKtoSFP, and MergeSFP available on FILESERV I am pleased to announce that Norm Walsh has made his SFPtoPK, PKtoSFP, and MergeSFP programs for Hewlett-Packard softfonts available to the public on FILESERV. Below is the resulting description file from a DIRECTORY SPFONTWARE message mailed to FILESERV@SHSU.BITNET (or These files are also available for anonymous ftp from [] in the directory [.SPFONTWARE]. I extend my personal thanks to Norm for selecting us as the first site to host these files and hope to see them on other archive sites as they are retrieved and used. Regards, George %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% George D. Greenwade, Ph.D. Bitnet: BED_GDG@SHSU Department of Economics and Business Analysis THEnet: SHSU::BED_GDG College of Business Administration Voice: (409) 294-1266 P. O. Box 2118 FAX: (409) 294-3612 Sam Houston State University Internet: Huntsville, TX 77341 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% SPFONTWARE ---------- The SPFONTWARE package includes three UUENCODEd ZIP files for Norm Walsh's utilities to convert Hewlett-Packard softfonts to *and* from TeX PK/TFM format (as of June 12, 1991). All of these files are for MS-DOS platforms. The file SPFONTWARE.SPFtoPK_ZIP converts HP LaserJet softfont files into TeX fonts. Features of SPFtoPK in brief: - Converts softfonts directly into PK files (allowing up to 256 chars/font) - Option to move characters from anywhere in the softfont to standard TeX positions (this is especially useful for ligatures and accents). - Option to automatically build ligatures into the TeX font - Supports a flexible kerning algorithm - Options for ``stealing'' accents off of accented characters -- even baseline accents like the cydil. - Similar option for stripping accents *off* of characters -- useful to produce the undotted i's and j's if nothing else. - Can dynamically adjust the size of an interword space - Can dynamically adjust the x-height - Can calculate the appropriate slant value for most fonts - Handles compressed (PCL4/5) softfont files - Complete documentation provided in a DVI file The file SPFONTWARE.PKtoSFP_ZIP converts TeX fonts into LaserJet softfont files. Features of PKtoSFP in brief: - Converts directly from PK files (allowing up to 256 characters/font) - Automatically handles the \L slash character at position '040 in the TeX font (so your softfont doesn't have a non-blank space) - Complete documentation provided in a DVI file The file SPFONTWARE.MergeSFP_ZIP combines multiple HP softfont files into a single softfont. Features of MergeSFP in brief: - Many options for defining the output softfont - Handles compressed (PCL4/5) softfonts - Complete documentation provided in a DVI file To retrieve the entire set of three files, please include the command SENDME SPFONTWARE in the body of a mail message to FILESERV@SHSU.BITNET. To retrieve a specific file from this distribution, such as SPFONTWARE.MergeSFP, include the command: SENDME SPFONTWARE.MergeSFP in the body of the mail message to FILESERV. Files in this package: (1 Block = 512 bytes) File Blocks Save file as: - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- SPFONTWARE.MergeSFP_ZIP 104 MergeSFP.ZIP SPFONTWARE.PKtoSFP_ZIP 117 PKtoSFP.ZIP SPFONTWARE.SFPtoPK_ZIP 210 SFPtoPK.ZIP Approximate total blocks in full SPFONTWARE package = 431 Archive maintainers have Norm's permission (and encouragement) to make these programs available on ftp file servers and other file distribution networks (mail-server archives, BBS systems, etc). The only limitations that he wishes to impose are that you may not profit from their distribution and you may not re-organize the archives that he has constructed (don't add or remove any files from the archives)--let your conscience be your guide. ------------------------------ Date: Sun, 16 Jun 91 19:28:28 +0000 From: Sebastian Rahtz Subject: additions to Aston archive a) the `newapa' style recently uploaded has been upgraded to version 2, and the associated BibTeX style file newapa.bst has been added (from author to comp.text.tex June 16th 1991) b) I noticed ZapfChancery-MediumItalic.afm was missing from [.fonts.adobe.afm]. I have put a copy there. Strange no-one has noticed! Sebastian Rahtz ------------------------------ Date: Sat, 15 Jun 91 15:16:11 +0000 From: Sebastian Rahtz Subject: new items in Aston archive Hello Aston archive-users, I have spent a little time today collecting recent contributions of TeX-related goodies, and have sent them to Aston in one fell swoop. This message lists all of them in one (long) catalogue. For each entry I give the name of the Aston directory where it lives (or the complete filename) and the author's summary. Most of these notes are copied from Don Hosek's upload notices to ymir. Thanks, Don. Sebastian Rahtz - - ------------------------------------------------------------------ new Slide style for LaTeX [.latex.contrib]eslides-example.tex [.latex.contrib]eslides.sty [.latex.contrib]eslides.tex [.latex.contrib]logo-denk.tex % An Easy Way Making Slides With LaTeX % % (TUGboat, vol. 11, No. 2 (1990), pp. 280-283) % % by Georg Denk, Mathematisches Institut, TU Muenchen % % % % This small style file makes it easy to produce slides for % % the presentation of an {article} document: % % % % * adjust the \logo definition for your purpose (see below) % % * add the style option eslides % % * initialize \magnification (e.g. \magnification{1440}) % % and \conference (e.g. \renewcommand{\conference}{\LaTeX course}) % * put some \begin{slide} and \end{slide} around the parts you % % want to present as seperate slides % % * comment out the rest % % * run LaTeX % % * print the DVI file with the option "magnify the output" % % (with the same magnification as above) % - - ------------------------------------------------------------------ Troff to LaTeX [.utils.tr2latex]*.* [.src.unix-archives]tr2latex.tarz_uue C program to translate troff code to LaTeX Troff-to-TeX translator version 1.02, June 11, 1991. Copyright (C) by 1987 Kamal Al-Yahya, 1991 Christian Engel. - - ------------------------------------------------------------------ emTeX 386 betatest versions (DO NOT USE UNLESS YOU WISH TO TEST!!!!) []README.TST []btexb1.zip_boo []mfjob.zip_boo []mfpm.zip_boo []tex386b3.zip_boo []texb1.zip_boo - - ------------------------------------------------------------------ Badges: [.tex-style.badge]* For the next symposium about supercomputing on our computing center I was asked to make badges with TeX for the participants. Although TeX is perhaps not the most suitable tool for such a `visual design' problem my visitcards (with our in house logos in METAFONT) made with TeX looked very similar to this problem. It would be nice if the badges can be made by secretaries having no experience with TeX at all. So I have made a `badges.tex' file which reads all participants names and their institution name from the file `addresses.tex'. Both are put on two consecutive lines. (The only thing I have to learn them is how to make diacritical symbols.) I have written a TeX macro \put(x,y,box) which places the badge `box' on position x,y of the paper (x number of centimeters from the left margin and y the number of centimeters above (negative!) the upper margin) by using some dirty tricks from the TeXbook. ..... For those of you who also want to make there badges with TeX I have included a shar file containing: badges.tex, a sample addresses.tex file and the PostScript result (with our logos). (You should change the lines in which I use our logos with suitable substitutes for your company!) --Piet internet: | Piet Tutelaers Room RC 1.90 - - ------------------------------------------------------------------ lacheck (version 1.10) [.utils.lacheck]*.* lacheck is a general purpose consistency checker for LaTeX documents. It reads a LaTeX document and displays warning messages, if it finds bad sequences. It should be noted, that the badness is very subjective. The things checked are: Mismatched groups (braces), environments and math mode del- imiters. When a mismatch is found, line numbers for both start and end of the mismatch is given. The error messages comes in pairs, one for the end match and one for the begin- ning, marked with `<-' and `->' respectively. Bad spacing. This is: missing a `\ ' after an abbreviation, missing an `\@' before a punctuation mark in a paragraph that is ended by an capital letter, double spaces like ` ~', bad usage of ellipsis (like using ... instead of \ldots, or using \ldots where \cdots should be used) lacheck will read files that are input using \input or \include. Files with suffix `.sty' are omitted, as they probably will cause errors. /Kresten Krab krab@dk.auc.iesd - - ------------------------------------------------------------------ bibtex-mode.el [.utils.texemacs]bibtex-mode.el BibTeX mode An emacs mode for BibTeX file entry/editing This mode was created by Mike Newton and was obtained by anonymous FTP from on 27-May-1991 - - ------------------------------------------------------------------ cvtbib.el [.utils.texemacs]cvtbib.el This EMACS Lisp file allows one to convert Bibliographies between Scribe and BibTeX formats. - - ------------------------------------------------------------------ headerfooter.sty [.latex.contrib]headerfooter.sty A new version of headerfooter.sty dated 13 April 1989 has been submitted to the archive by its author Stephen Gildea. The following is from the internal documentation: % \pageheader{LEFT}{CENTER}{RIGHT} % \pagefooter{LEFT}{CENTER}{RIGHT} % There is no reason why these commands should not be available % to the user. Of course, I did fancy up the interface a bit. % By mit-erl!gildea 11 October 1986 % minor changes 14 Oct 87 gildea % added \pageheaderlinetrue feature 9 Dec 88 gildea % added \pagefooterlinetrue feature 13 Apr 89 gildea % All of these commands take three arguments, which are printed at % the left, center, and right of each page. All three args must be % provided even if some of them are empty. The odd and even % variations are only useful if you are using the twoside option. % Example: \pagefooter{}{\thepage}{} % Say \pageheaderlinetrue if you want the header underlined. % Say \pagefooterlinetrue if you want a rule above the footer. - - ------------------------------------------------------------------ Sober style [.latex.contrib]sober.sty This style option reduces the spacing around section headings in the default document styles. - - ------------------------------------------------------------------ supertabular [.latex.contrib]supertab.doc [.latex.contrib]supertab.sty The latest version of supertab.sty It was FTP'd from on 30-May-1991. supertab.sty defines a supertabular environment which works like tabular but can be split across pages with recurring table heads and feet. This version includes bug fixes and enhancements added by Johannes Braams. - - ------------------------------------------------------------------ BABEL system [.langs.babel.dutch]dutch.doc/sty [.langs.babel.english]english.doc/sty [.langs.babel.french]francais.doc/sty [.langs.babel.german]germanb.doc/sty [.langs.babel.italian]italian.doc/sty [.langs.babel.spanish]spanish.doc/sty The babel system of style options: The system came with support for several languages whose files have been moved to the appropriate subdirectories: This system consists of any number of language-specific files and an underlying common file, babel.sty. The common file redefines various parts of the standard document styles, replacing english texts with macros. These macros are defined in the language-specific files that will be published in TUGboat. Currently I have language-specific files for dutch (ofcourse), german, english french, italian and spanish. (For the german and french parts I used Hubert Partl's german.sty) An extra feature of this system is that it offers a possibility to switch between languages. Please not that this is quite a different approach as the one discussed by Joachim Schrod in TUGboat Volume 11 No1. He describes a system where the actual LaTeX sources files are modified and a new .fmt file has to be built. All of that is not necessary to use my approach. [.langs.babel.dutch]nehyph*.tex These are three sets of Dutch hyphenation patterns, as listed below: * neHyph1 TeX : shortened Celex-list, all lines with a 5 in them removed, * in order to be able to load it when you can't stretch * the 'triesize' * neHyph2 TeX : long and powerful (author: Celex, Nijmegen) * Note that this requires stretching the 'triesize' * of both TeX and IniTeX! * neHyph3 TeX : The (very short) patterns for Dutch created by Peter Vanroose - - ------------------------------------------------------------------ US English hyphenation [.langs.babel.english]ushyph2.tex This file contains extended hyphenation patterns which can correctly hyphenate all words in the TUGboat hyphenation exception log. An extended trie size is necessary to use these patterns. - - ------------------------------------------------------------------ a4.sty [.latex.contrib]a4.doc [.latex.contrib]a4.sty [.latex.contrib]a4.tex A new version of a4.sty with a revison date of 30 November 1990 a4.sty is the production file, a4.tex and a4.doc provide the documentation (using the doc style option) This style option is the preferred method for setting page dimensions for use with A4 paper. - - ------------------------------------------------------------------ Dutch letter styles [.latex.contrib]brief.sty [.latex.contrib]brief.tex [.latex.contrib]briefdoc.tex These styles are a revised letter style according to Dutch NEN norms. - - ------------------------------------------------------------------ Typesetting programs [.latex.contrib]program.sty [.latex.contrib]program-example.sty % This is the "program" style option which sets up the % program and programbox environments, % keywords for programs and a few goodies. % NOTE: Within the program environment: % (1) Newlines are significant. % (2) Each line is in math mode, so for example spaces in the input % file are not significant. % (3) \\ within a line causes a linebreak in the output. % % We also define a "programbox" environment which typesets a % program in a box. Useful for keeping a piece of code on one % page or for typesetting small programs in running text. We % also redefine \( and \) as \begin{programbox} and % \end{programbox}. The \tab and \untab commands are defined to % have no effect while outside a program environment, hence a % single-line program can be typeset in maths mode without the % overhead associated with programbox. - - ------------------------------------------------------------------ Like Unix manual pages [.latex-contrib]unixman.sty [.latex-contrib]unixman.tex The files were posted to comp.text.tex by the author on 12-April-1991. It provides output somewhat like that given by [a-z]roff manual pages. - - ------------------------------------------------------------------ Latest release of auc-tex (3.0) [.utils.texemacs.auc]*.* [.src.unix-archives]auc-tex.tarz_uue AUC TeX is a LaTeX mode for Emacs, which may be used in place of tex-mode.el from the official GNU Emacs distribution. Some general (old-release) features ----------------------------------- o Compiling with error trace (like compile) from within Emacs. There are help texts for all error messages. o Running general TeX and LaTeX tools like previewer, printer- driver, makeindex, BibTeX etc. from within emacs. o minor-outline-mode and minor-map.el is part of the distribution. o Indentation by environments. o Smart environment and sectioning management. o Intelligent macros for often used commands. o Lots of parameters making it possible to customize it for your needs. News ---- o The package is split into several individual modules, which are autoloaded on demand. o Completion for LaTeX control sequences. o Special `math' minor mode, with easy access to often used math symbols and greek letters. o Comment macros. o Better regexps for a number of standard Emacs regexps like paragraph-start and paragraph-separate. /Kresten Krab Thorup - - ------------------------------------------------------------------ PostScript maths with NFSS [.latex.contrib]psmath.sty [.latex.contrib]psfonts.tex If you're using The New Font Selection Sheme, you can use a style I've made, called psmath.sty. You'll also have to pick up the file psfonts.tex. This style uses the PostScrip Symbol font for the characters in family 2, but the Large Operator's font is still the same. /Kresten Krab - - ------------------------------------------------------------------ New APA style for bibliographies [.latex.contrib]newapa.sty Here is a newer version of `newapa.sty' for APA (American Psychology Association) style. Newer things are 1. The extra space bug has been fixed. (Thanks to Raymond Chen) 2. More citation formats. 3. You may change citation punctuations 4. You may enforce APA style section headings Report any bug to: youngr@utxvm.bitnet Read comments of the style file Enjoy... Young U. Ryu - - ------------------------------------------------------------------ boxedEPSF system [.boxedepsf]README [.boxedepsf]artdealer.hqx [.boxedepsf]boxedart.doc [.boxedepsf]boxedart.tex [.boxedepsf]boxepsf.doc [.boxedepsf]boxepsf.tex [.boxedepsf]plainerinserts.tex BoxedEPSF.tex, described in a February 1991 posting to TeXhaX, aims to provide a driver-independant means of integrating PostScript graphics in TeX documents. That is of course IMPOSSIBLE in the strictest sense because there is no standard for the \special commands for integrating PostScript. However, I get very close to the ideal by defining a simple internal standard in BoxedEPSF and implementing it for each existing driver. The user has to specify the driver he will use by a command --- for example \SetOzTeXEPSFSpecial for OzTeX. If and when one changes driver, a new command \Set...EPSFSpecial has to be used instead, and the typesetting has to be redone. A mooted international standard usage for \special integration of PostScript (more precisely EPSF= Encapsulated PostScript Files) will correspond to \SetStandardEPSFSpecial when it come into being. There is currently a list of about 11 drivers supported: %%\SetTexturesEPSFSpecial for Textures on Macintosh %%\SetArborEPSFSpecial for ArborText's DVILASER/PS %%\SetOzTeXEPSFSpecial for OzTeX on Macintosh %%\SetPSprintEPSFSpecial for PSprint under VaXVMS %%\SetUnixCoopEPSFSpecial for early unix "dvi2ps" driver. %%\SetBetcholsheimEPSFSpecial for dvi2ps by S.P.Betcholsheim %%\SetLisEPSFSpecial for dvi2ps by Tony Lis %%\SetRokickiEPSFSpecial for Rokicki's "dvips" driver %%\SetClarkEPSFSpecial for James Clark's "dvitops" driver %%\SetDVIPSoneEPSFSpecial for Y&Y driver for PC's %%\SetBeebeEPSFSpecial for N. Beebe's DVIALW driver ( >=1989) and it seems there are not many more out there! There are still a few bugs for which I need outside help; for example a slight shift to the right with James Clark's "dvitops" driver. Support for a new driver can usually be provided in a couple of days if the correspondent provides testing. Complete coverage of existing drivers is by no means an unreasonable ambition. Laurent Siebenmann Mathematique, Bat. 425, Univ de Paris-Sud, 91405-Orsay, France (for big files) LS@FrMaP711.bitnet (weekends) (reliable!) - ------- End of forwarded message ------- ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 17 Jun 91 10:51:20 +0000 From: Sebastian Rahtz Subject: changebar.sty 2.2d in Aston archive [tex-archive.latex.contrib]changebar.sty This file has been upgraded: \def\fileversion{v2.2d} \def\filedate{20 Apr 91} This style option produces nice changebars for users of PostScript output devices; dvitops, dvi2ps and dvips are supported. The last is best tested. Original by Michael Fine, amended by Johannes Braams, Sebastian Rahtz and Erich Neuwirth Sebastian Rahtz ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 17 Jun 91 20:19:10 +0000 From: Sebastian Rahtz Subject: texinfo at Aston Version 2.05 of the texinfo package (used by the Free Software Foundation and others) is in [tex-archive.utils.texinfo] at Aston, with subdirectories of [tex-archive.utils.texinfo.c] [tex-archive.utils.texinfo.elisp] which include standalone info-reading programs (in C) and gnuemacs Lisp support for creating texinfo files Sebastian Rahtz ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 20 Jun 91 14:45:11 +0000 From: SYSTEM@UK.AC.TEX Subject: Play Fair! - Come on, chaps and chappesses! As the person who maintains the systems' software on, could I enter a plea for certain individuals to have more thought for others' when accessing the UK TeX Archive? Uk.Ac.TeX runs on a poor antiquated DEC VAX-11/750, which ain't the most powerful of beasts. To exacerbate the problems, its only link to Janet is via a single X25-interface which runs at only 9600Bd. This has to handle _all_ traffic; interactive browsing, incoming and outgoing mail, and incoming and outgoing NIFTP requests. Using DEC's Colour Book Software, I am able to restrict things such that no more than one outgoing (``P-End'') transfer can take place to any one site: but I have no facilities to impose any similar restrictions on incoming (``Q-End'') transfers, initiated from remote sites. Probably through ignorance rather than maliciousness, a small number of individuals are queuing a multiplicity of transfers in one batch at their sites; since they have no such restriction on the numbers of P-end processes to any single site (in this case, this results in a number of them being fielded and serviced by, occupying all our available Q-end slots. This prevents _any_ other NIFTP requests from being honoured; in particular, no-one is able to send MAIL to until one of the transfers has finished. (Apart from making interactive use by browsers very long-winded, because of the continuous X25 traffic, it shuts out those less-fortunate individuals whose only access to the archive is via the TeXserver mail server process.) Since the files being transferred are often the whole collection of emTeX or the like, totalling many megabytes, these few antisocial individuals are monopolizing the entire incoming bandwidth for many hours at a time. Therefore this is a plea for them to be somewhat more thoughtful in their use of NIFTP. Please _don't_ queue multiple requests at one time without some effort to ensure that the transfers take place consecutively rather than concurrently; either get your system manager to limit the number of P-end transfers to any single site to be one, or queue the transfers with some mechanism that waits for one to complete before launching another: I don't know how one does this with the Unix hhcp command (perhaps Adrian, Dave or Sebastian could enlighten the list?), but under VMS, the TRANSFER command accepts the qualifiers /NAME=userassignedname to attach an identification to a transfer request, and then /AFTER=userassignedname can be attached to the following transfer, causing it to be held until that identified with `userassignedname' has completed. If these individuals persist in this antisocial behaviour, I shall have to apply the sanction of using a program that I have which refuses FTP requests from a list of individual DTEs. Brian {Hamilton Kelly} System Manager for UK TeX Archive ------------------------------ End of UKTeX Digest [Volume 91 Issue 25] ****************************************