UKTeX Digest Friday, 28 Jun 1991 Volume 91 : Issue 26 Today's Topics: {Q&A}: TeX on RS6000 web2c releases Pound signs, dollar signs, dvips 5.41 guru words on maths extension fonts wanted RE: guru words on maths extension fonts wanted EMTeX, DVISCR and corrupted preambles Hyphenation, American, English and AMSian TEXCAD' ability not to draw vectors of arbitrary slope GhostScript. Dial-up lines to UK TeX Archive? PostScript fonts and LaTeX Problems with eufm fonts on 24-dot printers {Announcements}: Bug in *Plain.TeX (* in ) Elvish fonts available Macros for Flow-diagrams and Nassi-Schneidermann available now from LISTSERV@HE Lucida math metrics {Archive News}: archive contribution: longtable.sty Administrivia: Moderators: Peter Abbott (Aston University) and David Osborne (University of Nottingham) Contributions: Administration, subscription and unsubscription requests: ------------------------------------------------------------ Date: Thu, 20 Jun 91 10:14:37 +0100 From: Rainer Schoepf Subject: TeX on RS6000 Available from the DANTE server, in directory soft/tex/machines/unix/aix3.1. Send a message containing the line HELP to Rainer Sch"opf ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 21 Jun 91 10:57:36 +0000 From: Sebastian Rahtz Subject: web2c releases (copied from comp.text.tex) from > Could you say a few words to this list (+ UKTeX & TeXhax) about > installation of updates to web2c? I'm not sure what you mean by ``updates''. All the web2c releases I have made consist of two files: 1) web2c-.tar.Z 2) web-.tar.Z The web-*.tar.Z archive is just the master web files. These can be retrieved from anywhere; is The Ultimate Source. They are put into a slightly different directory structure than on labrea. The web2c-*.tar.Z file is all the remaining files needed to compile TeX. It untars into the same directory structure as the web-* archive, of course. Neither archive has TeX macros, fonts, or other things needed for a complete distribution. You can order a Unix TeX distribution which includes all these things from the University of Washington (email; or you can ftp from (The Unix TeX distribution on labrea is old.) note that uuencoded versions of the *.tar.Z files are stored in the UK at Aston in [tex-archive.src.unix-archives] sebastian ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 21 Jun 91 18:42:53 +0000 From: Tim Bradshaw Subject: Pound signs, dollar signs, dvips 5.41 [This is an article I posted to comp.text.tex, but I haven't received a useful reply yet, so perhaps someone here can help.] We have this version of dvips and its associated afm2tfm and PS afms. It seems that afm2tfm doesn't know about italic fonts, and maps `dollar' into where `pound' should be in italic. This is unfortunate for us brits. I can probably fix it by understanding the Adobe encoding and editing the vpl file, but I'd rather have an afm2tfm which did the right thing. If I get a newer dvips (what's the current one anyway?), will it have fixed this? Has anyone else fixed it some other way? Am I completely misdiagnosing the problem (it *could* be with the NFSS but I don't think so (the dvi file looks like it's got the right thing in it). - --tim ------------------------------ Date: Sun, 23 Jun 91 22:28:15 +0000 From: Sebastian Rahtz Subject: guru words on maths extension fonts wanted Is there a person of great wizardry out there who has read and understood all of Appendix G in the TeX book? I am trying to install the Lucida maths fonts in place of cmmi, cmex and cmsy. cmmi and cmex are easy (haha) - I have virtual fonts which put the characters in the right places, and my guesses at the missing fontdimens are OK for a trial. But the maths extension fonts in anothe matter. I offer you three curious facts 1) all the characters in the font seem to hang below the baseline. why? 2) did you know that when you look at the fontdimen parameters for cmex10, they are different from those listed in the .TFM file? dont ask me how this comes about! a number 14 is listed in my run of TeX, but the TFM file only has 13... 3) when I do maths typesetting with Lucida, the delimiters are wrong, and always appear in the small sizes. is this a question of successors and extensions?if so, I have to add these into my vpl file with VARCHAR and NEXTLARGER? or is it much nastier? any words of wisdom on these thorny problems would be much appreciated. of course, what I would realy like to hear is if anyone else has a set of TFM files for Lucida Math already! at the end of the week, I will `publish' my Lucida Math material for anyone who wants it. sebastian PS bloody Adobe and /or Knuth. Adobe give metrics in units where 1000 is the design size of the character. some of the metrics in the extension font are larger than 2048, so VPtoVF refuses to accept them. sigh. ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 24 Jun 91 11:21:23 +0000 From: Brian {Hamilton Kelly} Subject: RE: guru words on maths extension fonts wanted In message 1101 of Sun, 23 Jun 91 22:28:15 BST, Sebastian Rahtz wrote: > Is there a person of great wizardry out there who has read and > understood all of Appendix G in the TeX book? I am trying to install > the Lucida maths fonts in place of cmmi, cmex and cmsy. cmmi and cmex > are easy (haha) - I have virtual fonts which put the characters in the > right places, and my guesses at the missing fontdimens are OK for a > trial. But the maths extension fonts in anothe matter. I offer you > three curious facts > 1) all the characters in the font seem to hang below the baseline. > why? > 2) did you know that when you look at the fontdimen parameters for > cmex10, they are different from those listed in the .TFM file? > dont ask me how this comes about! a number 14 is listed in my run > of TeX, but the TFM file only has 13... > 3) when I do maths typesetting with Lucida, the delimiters are > wrong, and always appear in the small sizes. > is this a question of successors and extensions?if so, I have to add > these into my vpl file with VARCHAR and NEXTLARGER? or is it much > nastier? I can't by any stretch of the imagination put myself into the category required by your first sentence, but have you also tried reference to Vol.E of C \& T? There (p.32) DEK writes that `the cmsy parameter files also supply 15 fontdimen parameters...', which he goes on to number as $\sigma_8$ to $\sigma_{22}$ (NB this last one is the math_axis --- might a wrong value here not influence the positioning of the mathex characters?). He also says (p.34) `It [] has exactly the parameters of' but also has extra fontdimen parameters $\xi_8$ to $\xi_{13}$. This ties in with your tfm file: I don't understand where your version of TeX has found its fourteenth parameter. Brian ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 24 Jun 91 14:12:39 From: Mike Piff Subject: EMTeX, DVISCR and corrupted preambles I have a feeling that something is not quite right with DVISCR in the emTeX distribution. I have several times received a message about a corrupted preamble to a DVI file. Once, DVISCR didn't object to a COPY of that file; another time, it accepted the file after I had RENamed it!! Computer buffs please explain that!!!!! ( I have had my PC checked for viruses and bad sectors. ) Mike Piff From Dr M. J. Piff, Department of Pure Mathematics, PO Box 597, Hicks Building, Hounsfield Road, SHEFFIELD S10 2UN, England. Tel. SHEFFIELD (0742) 768555 Extension 4431. JANET MPiff@UK.AC.SHEF.PA or MPiff@UK.AC.SHEF.IBM ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 24 Jun 91 14:46:51 From: Mike Piff Subject: Hyphenation, American, English and AMSian The American Mathematical Society issues hyphenation exceptions as part of AMSTeX v2 which include qua-drat-ics quad-ra-ture to name but two. Does anyone glimpse any logic in this? Beyond me... On a more general note, I have great difficulty finding any information about hyphenation in general in any of my dictionaries up to and including SOED. If the information is not readily available---it is, almost, with spelling--- then who is to decide what is right and wrong? My gut reaction to the above is that the first example is wrong and the second right, purely on etymological grounds. I object to mo-not-o-nous also, preferring mon-o-ton-ous for allowing mono to remain intact, and also for not allowing the ugly two-letter-hyphen split. I can find no indication either way from the way I pronounce the word. AMS have excluded the o-t hyphenation for no good reason I can see. Can an-ybody offer any ins-ight???? Mike Piff ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 24 Jun 91 15:00:45 From: Mike Piff Subject: TEXCAD' ability not to draw vectors of arbitrary slope I obtained TEXCAD recently from Aston, and was trying it out. I liked the feature allowing lines of any slope, via emTeX' \special commands, but the implementation for vectors was disappointing. Did Georg Horn realise that it would be trivial to implement vectors of arbitrary slope, thus vastly improving the usefulness of his program? All he needs to do is (a) draw a line between the two endpoints, without an arrowhead; (b) put a \vector at the second endpoint, of length 0 and in the direction in which his program currently draws the whole vector. This would be tedious to achieve with the current program. Mike Piff ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 24 Jun 91 16:18:40 +0000 From: R.A.REESE@UK.AC.HULL Subject: GhostScript. Like Andrew Haylett I've downloaded GhostScript and am using the supplied .EXE. It ran without a hitch on a VGA and I tried it on a Hercules using HERC.BGI. This gives a good representation of the PostScript output but the text prompts from GS itself appear only as dots. This is not a major problem but maybe someone with experience of Turbo C will know if it can be easily fixed. USE.DOC mentions string BGIUSER with a hex number for the "display mode"; is this relevant? There's no info on the range of numbers nor their action. Re B H-K's complaint. I don't think I'm a culprit but it certainly didn't occur to me that multiple hhcp's would cause a blockage. Since is over 3Mb, would it be sensible to repackage GhostScript with the executable and fonts in one .BOO and the source in another? ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 25 Jun 91 14:02:00 +0000 From: Subject: Dial-up lines to UK TeX Archive? Can you please send me details of the dial-up lines available to access the tex-archive. There are mentions of them but no real information in particular phone number and speed. Andrew Grant ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 27 Jun 91 11:25:57 +0000 From: Martin Tomes Subject: PostScript fonts and LaTeX I have just got TeX 3 working and am interrested in using PostScript fonts in LaTeX. Are there any style files available which will configure LaTeX to use PostScript fonts? Thanks Martin Tomes Janet: | Eurotherm Limited, Faraday Close, Internet: | Durrington, Worthing, W.Sussex, England. UUCP: {ukc,uunet}!etherm!mtomes | Phone: +44 903 68500 Fax: +44 903 65982 ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 27 Jun 91 14:01:00 +0000 From: Dragan Cvetkovic +38-11-778-451 Subject: Problems with eufm fonts on 24-dot printers Hi. I recently generated eufm fonts which I downloaded (i.e. FTP-ed) from ams site. I generated 360*180 dpi fonts for Epson LQ printer using EMMf 2.0 using mfjob But, when I print those fonts 10 points fonts looks like 7pt fonts and so on. The same thing happens both on printer and on screen. Does anybody knows what is going on? D. Cvetkovic .. ---------------------------m--m---------------------------------------- | Dragan Cvetkovic | ecvetkov@yubgef51.bitnet | | Faculty of Mathematics | xpmfm30@yubgss21.bitnet | | Belgrade |----------------------------------------- | Yugoslavia | You can do more with a kind word and a | | phone +38-11-778 451 | gun than with just a kind word. | ---------------------------w--w---------------------------------------- '' ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 28 Jun 91 14:18:36 +0000 From: Philip Taylor (RHBNC) Subject: Bug in *Plain.TeX (* in ) Professor Knuth has acknowledged the existence of a bug in Plain.TeX, which has been carried forward to almost all derivatives thereof. The bug is in the definition of \multispan, which is defined as: \def\multispan#1{\omit \mscount#1 \loop\ifnum\mscount>\@ne \sp@n\repeat} \def\sp@n{\span\omit\advance\mscount\m@ne} The definition should be modified to read: \def\multispan#1{\omit \mscount#1\relax %%% note \relax \loop\ifnum\mscount>\@ne \sp@n\repeat} \def\sp@n{\span\omit\advance\mscount\m@ne} Philip Taylor Royal Holloway and Bedford New College, ``The University of London at Windsor'' ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 21 Jun 91 17:37:15 +0000 From: Julian Bradfield Subject: Elvish fonts available My METAFONT implementations of Tolkien's tengwar and cirth scripts are available by NIFTP and Internet FTP. They should be considered as an alpha release---even though I haven't done anything to them for five years, there are still things I want to do before relinquishing control! (In particular, please don't copy these to other archive sites, Aston and ymir excepted.) Filenames: export/jcb/Elvish/README export/jcb/Elvish/ export/jcb/Elvish/teng.tex export/jcb/Elvish/ export/jcb/Elvish/ export/jcb/Elvish/ export/jcb/Elvish/tengmacs.phx export/jcb/Elvish/ export/jcb/Elvish/ export/jcb/Elvish/ or for Unix types, just get export/jcb/Elvish.tar.Z NIFTP from Janet: site: user: ftp pass: user80 Anonymous FTP from Internet: ( Julian Bradfield ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 21 Jun 91 16:09:00 +0700 From: Johannes L. Braams"Johannes L. Braams" Subject: Macros for Flow-diagrams and Nassi-Schneidermann available now from LI STSERV@HE Hi, Available now from LISTSERV@HEARN is a set of LaTeX-style files that enable the user to create flow-diagrams or Nassi-Schneidermann diagrams as a part of his document. Below I include the README file. The files are available from LISTSERV@HEARN in the TeX-NL FILELIST. They are called: NASSFLOW README the readme file, telling what's available (see below) NASSFLOW UUE A UUencoded ZOO archive containing the style files and manual pages. How to get the files from LISTSERV@HEARN To get an overview of what's available send the command GET TEX-NL FILELIST to the address LISTSERV@HEARN, either as an interactive command or in a mail-message. To get the package send the command GET NASSFLOW UUE to the same address. Regards, Johannes Braams (NTG WG14, communications) PTT Research Neher Laboratorium, P.O. box 421, 2260 AK Leidschendam, The Netherlands. Phone : +31 70 3325051 E-mail : Fax : +31 70 3326477 - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- This set contains the document style options with macros to create either flow charts or nassi-schneidermann diagrams in a LaTeX document. The Nassi/Flow style options-set contains the following files: AAREAD.ME This file FLOW.STY Style option file with flow chart macros FLOW_MAN.TEX Manaul page describing how to use the flow macros NASSI.STY Style option file with NS-Diagram macros NASS_MAN.TEX Manual page describing how to use the nassi macro s MANUAL.STY Style file to create both manual pages STRUCT.LSE LSEDIT support for both flow and nassi ADD.LSE LSEDIT support for both flow and nassi Unfortunately there are hardly any comments in the .STY files. The manual pages however fully descibe the use of the macros. The .LSE files are included in the set for those of you already using the LSEDIT environment and section files made for LaTeX, which are part of the Decus TeX collection. When included you'll have full support on the macros of both nassi and flow. STRUCT.LSE is a complete file which can be added to the current set of files, ADD.LSE contains a few definitions to be included in the current file LATEX_ENVIRONMENTS.LSE Marion van Geest-Slort, Center for the Automation of Weapon and Command Systems (CAWCS) Royal Netherlands Navy P.O. Box 10000 1780 CA Den Helder The Netherlands ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 26 Jun 91 12:05:02 +0000 From: Sebastian Rahtz Subject: Lucida math metrics I have completed a preliminary version of TeX metrics for the Lucida math fonts, for use in place of cmmi, cmsy and cmex in (La)TeX. If you have purchased these fonts, I'd be grateful if you picked up the files and tried out my ideas on a range of maths setting. Use of virtual fonts is vital, and I have only set it up with the NFSS and LaTeX. In the short-term please deal with [tex-archive.fonts.adobe]lucida.distrib on, which is a uuencoded compressed tar archive. I will put a more normal distribution in place later. There is a README file. Sebastian Rahtz ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 21 Jun 91 20:10:10 +0000 From: Sebastian Rahtz Subject: archive contribution: longtable.sty - --------------------------------------------- Originally From David Carlisle Two Files: longtable.sty longtable.tex in [tex-archive.latex.contrib]: I have just submitted version 2 of my LaTeX style, longtable.sty, a multipage table style. As has been mentioned in comp.text.tex Version 1 does not work with the New Font Selection Scheme. Please replace this with version 2. which works with either the new or the old scheme. The example file, longtable.tex has also been updated >From the comments in longtable.sty: % Improvements in Version 2 17/6/91 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % * Works with the New Font Selection Scheme. % * Works with Mittelbach's array.sty. % * Improved the \caption command. % Now accepts multi-line captions, like article.sty's table enviromnent. % Also has a \caption* form which does not print the table counter. % * Added the \endfoot command, so that row(s), (or just an \hline) may be % added to the bottom of each page of the table. % * Lots more comments in the code! Version 1 was submitted on Tue, 26 Mar. David Carlisle - ------- End of forwarded message ------- ------------------------------ UK TeX ARCHIVE at ASTON UNIVERSITY *** JANET Interactive and NIFTP access *** Host: (JANET DTE 000020120091) Username: public Password: public [Sorry, no Internet ftp access is available yet] *** Mail server *** Send mail to (JANET) or (rest of the world) with message body containing the word HELP *** FILES OF INTEREST *** [tex-archive]00readme.txt [tex-archive]00directory.list [tex-archive]00directory.size [tex-archive]00directory_dates.list [tex-archive]00last30days.files This year's UKTeX back issues are stored in the archive in directory [tex-archive.digests.uktex.91] This year's TeXhax back issues are stored in the archive in directory [tex-archive.digests.texhax.91] Latest TeXhax: #27 TeXMaG back issues are stored in the archive in directory [tex-archive.digests.tex-mag] Latest TeXMaG: V5N3 *** MEDIA DISTRIBUTIONS *** Washington Unix TeX distribution tape (latest copy dated 28 March 1990) Contains: TeX 2.993(==3.0), LaTeX 2.09, Metafont 1.9 (2.0), plus many utilities suitable for Unix 4.2/4.3BSD & System V tar format, 1600bpi, blockfactor 20, 1 file (36Mb) Copies available on: One 2400ft tape sent with return labels AND return postage to Aston OR One Quarter-Inch Cartridge (DC600A or DC6150) sent with envelope AND return postage to Nottingham (addresses below). A VMS backup of the archive requires two 2400ft tapes at 6250bpi. A VMS backup of TeX 2.991 plus PSprint requires one 2400fttape. Exabyte 8mm tapes: same contents available as 1/2in tapes. Following tape types available: SONY Video 8 cassette P5 90MP, MAXELL Video 8 cassette P5-90, TDK Video 8 cassette P5-90MPB OzTeX (for Macintosh): Send 10 UNFORMATTED 800K disks with return postage. emTeX (for MS-DOS): Send 11 UNFORMATTED 1.44Mb or 18 (EIGHTEEN!) 720K 3.5" disks; or 12 UNFORMATTED 5.25" disks; with return postage. emTeX is now distributed with a copy of `Baskerville' and documentation. Please therefore send the disks in packing of A4 size or enclose an A4 envelope. *** POSTAGE RATES *** (all prices in Pounds Sterling) (For Aston orders, make cheques payable to Aston University) 0.5" tapes: UK: 2.50 (one tape), 5.00 (two tapes). Europe: 5.00 (one tape), 9.00 (two tapes). Outside Europe please enquire. 8mm tapes: UK: 1.00, Europe: 2.00. Quarter-inch cartridges: UK: 1.00, Europe: 2.00. Diskettes: Quantity/Size Europe World UK 1st UK 2nd 18/3.5" 3.10 5.10 1.40 1.10 11/3.5" 1.80 2.90 0.80 0.65 18/5.25" 1.20 2.00 0.60 0.50 11/5.25" 0.80 1.30 0.50 0.35 *** POSTAL ADDRESSES *** (Please include SELF-ADDRESSED ADHESIVE LABELS for return postage). Peter Abbott Computing Service, Aston University, Aston Triangle, Birmingham B4 7ET David Osborne Cripps Computing Centre, University of Nottingham, Nottingham NG7 2RD, UK (for Quarter-inch cartridges ONLY) (Please include stamps for return postage) *** UK TeX USERS GROUP *** For details, contact Malcolm Clark or Geeti Granger IRS John Wiley & Sons Polytechnic of Central London Baffins Lane 115 New Cavendish Street Chichester London W1M 8JS W Sussex PO19 1UD email: End of UKTeX Digest [Volume 91 Issue 26] ****************************************