The "Simplified Introduction to Latex" was written by Harvey J. Greenberg The latest version posted at CTAN was April 18, 2000. The file is the postscript file, designed for 2-sided printing. This is a quick entry to Latex designed for students in an undergraduate seminar. Basic objectives and scope are given in its Preface. I request that you reference my book when appropriate; its Bibtex entry is: @book{Greenberg99, author = "H.J. Greenberg", title = "A Simplified Introduction to {\LaTeX}", publisher = "World Wide Web", address = "\url{}", year = "1999", note = "Also available at {CTAN}" } (You need to have \usepackage{url} in your preamble, described in the book.) I welcome comments for future updates. The zip file includes a bibliography style file, plain-annote.bst, which adds the annote field to the standard plain.bst (described in book). This is to enable an annotated bibliography.