-*- Text -*- This file describes how to build and install CatDVI version 0.13. REQUIREMENTS: * a hosted ISO C (1990) environment * the kpathsea library (installed) and accompanying header files * only when building from CVS (if you don't know what that means then you aren't): GNU autoconf Attention: * For GNU/Linux users: with most distributions, it is not enough to have TeX installed; the kpathsea headers are usually contained in an extra package called "libkpathsea-dev" or "tetex-devel" or similar. * For teTeX users: there were (are?) some teTeX pre-built binary tarballs with statically linked libkpathsea in existence that did (do?) not include the necessary development files. These will not work. * Cross compiling catdvi does not work at the moment. IF YOU HAVE GNU MAKE AND A POSIX SHELL ENVIRONMENT: This is the easiest way. Note you need _GNU_ make. Really. * Only when building from CVS: autoconf * On systems where "make" is GNU make (e.g. Linux): ./configure [options] make make install * On systems where "make" is not GNU make, but GNU make is available under a different name (e.g. *BSD). The customary name is then "gmake". Assuming this name: MAKE=gmake ./configure [options] gmake gmake install The options to configure are standard. Type ./configure --help for a list. OTHERWISE: A simple bourne shell script "build.sh" is included in the distribution tarball. Edit to your needs and run. Then install the resulting catdvi executable and (perhaps) the catdvi.1 man page to appropriate places. Even if you don't have a bourne shell compatible /bin/sh, it is fairly easy to understand what the script does and to adapt it to your environment or execute the necessary steps manually.