=========================================================== "LuxiMono" font pack for LaTeX ============================================================ 2002-04-29 WalterSchmidt was@VR-Web.de This bundle includes the LuxiMono Type1 fonts and all required files to use them with LaTeX on the Un*x or PC platform. LuxiMono is a family of general-purpose monospaced (typewriter) fonts. They are original designs by Kris Holmes and Charles Bigelow from Bigelow and Holmes Inc., who developed the Luxi typeface designs in Ikarus digital format. URW++ Design and Development GmbH converted the Ikarus format fonts to TrueType and Type 1 font programs and implemented the grid-fitting "hints" and kerning tables in the Luxi fonts. The Luxi fonts include the Euro symbol. Accessing it through the textcompanion encoding and the command \texteuro needs at least version 9 of the PSNFSS system. The below installation instructions assume a TDS-compliant TeX system, such as teTeX, MikTeX or VTeX/Free. Yet they may not exactly fit your particular TeX system; please, consult its documentation, too! The directory name "texmf" refers to the root directory of a TDS directory tree. In case your TeX systems has more than one directory tree, its documentation should tell you where to install new files. Installing the Type1 font files ------------------------------- The Type1 font files ul9b8a.pfb ul9bo8a.pfb ul9r8a.pfb ul9ro8a.pfb are to be copied to the directory texmf/fonts/type1/public/luxi of your TeX system, and the related .afm files should go into texmf/fonts/afm/public/luxi Most likely, you will have to create these directories first. Installing the TeX support files from the archive ul9.zip --------------------------------------------------------- Unpack the ZIP archive ul9.zip in the directory "texmf" of your TeX system; thus, all files will be copied to the appropriate directories. Configuring your TeX system --------------------------- The following steps vary, according to your TeX system. There are different sets of instructions provided for * teTeX * VTeX/Free, * other TDS-compliant TeX systems, such as fpTeX, MikTeX or emTeX/TDS. Configuring teTeX ----------------- Use the shell script "updmap" to add the font map file named "ul9.map" to the configuration. See the documentation of your particular teTeX version how to use the script. Configuring VTeX/Free (v7.00 and later) --------------------------------------- Make VTeX read the additional font map ("aliasing") file ul9.ali. This is usually accomplished by putting a record for ul9.ali into each of the configuration files texmf/vtex/config/pdf.fm and texmf/vtex/config/ps.fm The name "ul9.ali" is to be added to the TYPE1 section of the above-mentioned files: TYPE1 { ... ul9.ali } Configuring other TDS-compliant TeX systems ------------------------------------------- After unpacking of the archive file ul9.zip, a font map file ul9.map for the LuxiMono fonts resides in the directory texmf/dvips/config. It works for both dvips and pdfTeX. dvips: Make dvips read the additional font map file ul9.map. This is usually accomplished by adding the line p +ul9.map to the dvips configuration file. With teTeX, fpTeX or MikTeX this is texmf/dvips/config/config.ps; with emTeX/TDS additions should go into the "local" configuration file texmf\dvips\config\dvips.ini (or ..\local\dvips.ini). pdfTeX: Make pdfTeX read the additional font map file ul9.map. This is usually accomplished by adding the line map +ul9.map to the pdfTeX configuration file. With teTeX, fpTeX or MikTeX this is texmf/pdftex/config/pdftex.cfg. Notice that the above steps cover only dvips and pdfTeX. As to other applications such as dvipdfm or the DVI viewer, consult the documentation of your LaTeX system! Updating the filename database ------------------------------ Many TeX systems require manual updating of a "filename database" after adding of new files. Please, consult the documentation of your TeX system! Using the LuxiMono fonts with LaTeX ----------------------------------- See the file luximono.txt, which resides in the directory texmf/doc/fonts/luxi. Legal notice ------------ The license terms for the Luxi fonts are included in the file LICENSE. For further information, please contact or , or consult the URW++ web site . Files luximono,txt, luximono,sty, t1ul9.fd and ts1l9.fd : Copyright (c) 2002 Walter Schmidt The files may be distributed and/or modified under the conditions of the LaTeX Project Public License, either version 1.2 of this license or (at your option) any later version. The latest version of this license is in http://www.latex-project.org/lppl.txt and version 1.2 or later is part of all distributions of LaTeX version 1999/12/01 or later. == finis