This package consists of BCFAQ.TEX (* Some more documentation) BARCODES.STY (* some often used macros for barcoding) CODE39.TEX (* macros in TeX for producing code 39 barcode, documented in itself) CODEAN.PL ( Preprocessor for EAN and code 128 (written in Perl)) EANDOC.TEX (* Documentation for WLEAN.MF and CODEAN.PL) EXAMPLES.TEX (* demo sheet showing the use of all barcode fonts) INSTALL.BAT ( installation routine for dos/windows TDS systems WLC128.MF (* Raw Code 128 in Metafont format) WLC39.MF (* Metafont source for Code 39) WLC93.MF (* Metafont source for Code 93) WLC11.MF (* Metafont source for Code 11) WLEAN.MF (* Metafont source for EAN) WLCR39.MF (* Metafont source for Code 39 rotated running down) WLCDB.VPL ( virtual font for codabar barcode) WLITF.VPL ( virtual font for ITF barcode---interleaved 2 of 5) WLCF39.VPL ( virtual full ascii code 39) CHANGES ( text file listing the changes made) README ( this file) BARCODES.INS ( run this through TeX to make the files ( marked above with a star*) BARCODES.DTX ( required by barcodes.ins) Dos/windows users may run install.bat and skip the next two statements. At first you should run barcodes.ins through TeX to obtain the files marked above with an asterisk. To use wlitf and/or wlcdb, run it through vptovf, move the tfm and vf files, then in TeX say, e.g. \font\bcfont=wlitf scaled 2000 {\bcfont+1234-} for ITF. The second line will print 1234 as ITF barcode. + and - make the itf start and stop sign, respectively. Please note that ITF requires an even number of digits. For Code 39, you may use something like \font\bcfont=wlc39 scaled 2000 {\bcfont @Hello\char32{}12345@} This will yield the word Hello, a space and the digits from one to five. Please note that the @ is used as start/stop sign in this font. Code 128 requires to be copied to a place where metafont can find it. Also you should use to preprocess your input. Read the docs, code 128 is somewhat complicated. One last example: \font\bcfont=wlcdb scaled 2000 {\bcfont a5678t \qquad b2345n \qquad c6789* \qquad d1234e} The last two code lines show the use of codabar. Please note that the start/stop signs for codabar get decoded, too. Usage ist freely permitted, comments are welcome, any warranty is void. If you may find any inconveniences, bugs, or improvements, do not hesitate to tell me. Please note, the package is still far from complete. Especially, barcodes.sty needs lots of refinement and some documentation. Also, code 93 is not thoroughly tested. May, 1999 Peter Willadt (email: Legal Notice This package may be distributed accoring to the terms in the LaTeX Project Public License, with the following two additions: 1. If you distribute this package, you must make the LaTeX Project Public License available, too. 2. If you find the barcode package useful, please support TUG or your local TeX user group.