Changes from version 1.1 to 1.2

1) Improved interface to plain TeX

   It is now possible to `\input chess.sty' in plain TeX without having
   to specify the category code for the `@'.

2) Language support using the babel package from Johannes Braams
   Babel offers facilities to dynamically change from language within one
   document. The default language is english unless you specify
   explicitly another language in your documentstyle, ex.:
     (plain TeX equivalent:)
   	\input english.sty
   	\input dutch.sty
   	\input chess.sty
   The default language is dutch because it is the last defined document-
   style. When chess.sty is processed dutch is defined as the current 
   language. So the chess macros use the dutch letters for chess pieces 
   (K=Koning, D=Dame, T=toren, L=loper, P=paard and I=pIon). Currently 
   four languages are built into chess.sty: english (default), german, 
   french and dutch but you can easily add another language by searching 
   the string FOREIGN in chess.sty and following the instructions in the 
   comments near that string. To work nicely with the babel system one
   also should have a FOREIGN.sty language style (see babel documentation).
   Here follow the letters for the chess pieces for the above mentioned
	english  german    french    dutch
	Pawn     Bauer     Pion      pIon
	kNight   Springer  Cavalier  Paard
	Bishop   L\"aufer  Fou       Loper
	Rook     T\"urm    Tour      Toren
	Queen    Dame      Dame      Dame
	King     K\"onig   Roi       Koning 
   It is not possible to change dynamically to another chess language. I 
   leave this as an exercise to the reader :-). For a complete example of
   the usage of a language you can look at SchaakMaatje.ltx (dutch).

3) \begin{nochess} ... \end{nochess}

   In my previous versions I have introduced a chess-environment that 
   activated the `|' character. I needed this environment because LaTeX 
   uses the `|' character in the tabular environment in SchaakMaatje.ltx.
   In stead of annoying everybody with this environment (you only need
   it for very rare occasions) I provide now an nochess-environment
   which does the opposite: protects the `|' character from being
   activated by the chess macros. Within the nochess-environment you
   can reactivate the `|' again with the chess-environment.  
   The chess-environment can also be used as an alternative for the
   |....| pair.
     - remove \begin{chess} ... \end{chess} from your LaTeX-documents
       using chess.sty version 1.0 or 1.1 (in plain TeX \chess ... 
     - add \begin{nochess} ... \end{nochess} if you need to make the 
       `|' characters inactive (in plain TeX: \nochess ... \endnochess)

4) Some files renamed to serve MSDOS users.

   We all suffer from the limitations created by MSDOS. The chess macros 
   used chessfig10 as the fontname for the figurine font. This name is
   changed to chessf10. There are a lot more filenames that don't fit in
   the 8+3 name space. Most of them does not give serious problems so I
   have not made them MSDOS friendly (would be UNIX, VAX-VMS and AmigaDOS
   unfriendly!). The chess macros can be used with emTeX.

5) Handling of promotion improved
      * Black promotion problem solved (plain TeX)
      * comment allowed also with promotion
      * if no promotion piece is provided a default Q(ueen) is supposed
   The syntax of the argument for \ply and \move has been changed with 
   respect to promotion:
      \ply [a-h][1-8][a-h][1-8]{{Q|R|B|N}comment}
     (letters: Q (queen), R (rook), B (bishop) and N (knight) depend on 
      the chess language)
   A promotion piece may be ommited (in that case a queen is supposed) 
   and comment is now also handled correctly.
6) Small changes
   - change {--} into \hbox{--} to prevent hyphenation within move
   - \move's lined up on last row (or digit in case of castling)
   - `en passant capture' bug solved

7) Added a scanned EPSF picture (doc/board.epsf) of original font.

8) Fixed Fisher's typo in example game Fisher-Tal (see comments in
   doc/tal.tex and doc/tal.ltx).

9) Added Informator symbols (see doc/Symbos.tex and doc/Symbols.ltx)
   and a LaTeX example how to use them (see doc/Kasparov.ltx).

10) Added updated version of TUGboat article.
I would like to thank Jan Jaap Spreij ( for reporting
points 1, 3, 5 and 6 and for his contributions to chess.sty; John Saba
( and Henry Thomas ( for their
help in improving the Informator symbols and Alex Lopez-Ortiz
( for his help in finding the `Fisher

Geldrop, Feb. 1992
Piet Tutelaers