% Copyright 1992 Jo Grant jaymin@maths.tcd.ie % c/o 44 Bancroft Avenue, Tallaght, Dublin 24, Ireland. % Everyone is granted permission to copy, and redistribute % this file, provided that a currently-dated copy of this % copyright notice is included in the copy. % License is granted to produce fonts based on the information % in this file, provided that such fonts are redistributed % without charge to any third party and not used for % monetary gain. To use them in a commercially related environment % you must first acquire a liscence from Jo Grant at the % above address. def runepen = pickup pencircle xscaled pen_xthick yscaled pen_ythick rotated 40; enddef; def dotpen = pickup pencircle xscaled dotpen_xthick yscaled dotpen_ythick rotated 40; enddef; def runedot (expr p) = dotpen; draw (p + (dotwid, 0)){up}..{left}(p + (0, dotwid)).. {down}(p + (-dotwid, 0))..{right}(p + (0, -dotwid))..cycle; enddef; def serif (expr p) = if serifs: runepen; draw (p - (serwid, 0))--(p + (serwid, 0)); fi; enddef; def leftserif (expr p) = if serifs: runepen; draw (p - (serwid, 0))--p; fi; enddef; def rightserif (expr p) = if serifs: runepen; draw p--(p + (serwid, 0)); fi; enddef; def adjust_fit(expr left_adj, right_adj) = l := -hround(left_adj*hppp)-letter_fit; interim xoffset := -l; charwd := charwd+2letter_fit# + left_adj + right_adj; r := l+hround(charwd*hppp); w := r-hround(right_adj*hppp) - letter_fit; enddef; extra_beginchar := extra_beginchar & "runepen;adjust_fit(0,0);"; def makebox(text r) = r((-letter_fit,0), (w+letter_fit,0)); r((-letter_fit,h), (w+letter_fit,h)); r((-letter_fit,0), (-letter_fit,h)); r((w+letter_fit,0), (w+letter_fit,h)); r((0,0), (0,h)); r((w,0), (w,h)); if charic<>0: r((w+charic*hppp,h.o_),(w+charic*hppp,.5h.o_)); fi enddef;