The cmtiup package contains the following modification of cmti* fonts, named cmtiup*: (1) all punctuation chars turns uprighted (no slant), (2) corresponded italic corrections added as kerning; Replacement of cmti* fonts fy cmtiup* simplifies typesetting of articles where otherwise author or editor have to use additional tex commands in italic text with formulas. License: LPPL (LaTeX Project Public License) Contents: - virtual font set to use type1 cm fonts (vf and tfm files), - METAFONT sources, - latex2e style file to switch from cmti* to cmtiup*. Distribition: archive (26.51k) contains just the cmtiup.dtx file with all sources; archive (56.11k) contains all files packed for tds-compliant distribution; archive (24.98k) packed for use with emTeX without sources and virtual fonts. cmtiup.txt (1.16k) contains brief plain text annotation; cmtiup.pdf (154.81k) contains short version of user documentation in PDF format; cmtiup.tpm (1.95k) serves the fpTeX installation routine. (c) Sergei V. Znamenskii