% % lcyrdefs.mf % %% Cyrillic font container with T2 encoding beta-support % % This file is future part of lxfonts package % Version 3.4 // Patchlevel=0 % (c) O.Lapko % % This package belongs to the public domain under conditions similar to % those of D. E. Knuth specified for the Computer Modern family of fonts. % In particular, only the authors are entitled to modify this file % and to save it under the same name. % % Content: % % Cyrillic definitions and % macros borrowed from ec fonts package (J"org Knappen) % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % Content: % % Cyrillic startup definitions: % cyrchar stuff % load components absent in Computer Modern parameters files % redefined font_setup % Advanced cmbase's definitions % macros for cyr letter's drawing % macro for accent cyrbreve - cyrillic breve % Exbase's special routines for accenting % (borrowed part from exbase) % Macros for processing chars twice % (borrowed part from exbase) % Accents which created with beginchar_twice routine % (borrowed from exaccess) % LHver_check(3,4); % like |version_check| in ec let lhchar=\; % `|lhchar|' should precede each character if roman_ec: % for inputed exrullett.mf and exrllett.mf def version_check(expr e,f) = enddef; let ecchar=\; fi; % % defining cyrchar stuff - chars with floating codes % if unknown autocount: % set auto code count for miscelaneous fonts def cyrchar(suffix $)(expr w_sharp,h_sharp,d_sharp) = iff known CYR_.$: beginchar(CYR_.$,w_sharp,h_sharp,d_sharp); enddef; def cyrarithchar(suffix $) = iff known CYR_.$: beginarithchar(CYR_.$); enddef; def cyrchar_twice(suffix $)(expr w_sharp,h_sharp,d_sharp) = iff known CYR_.$: beginchar_twice(CYR_.$,w_sharp,h_sharp,d_sharp); enddef; def getcharcode(suffix $) = if known CYR_.$: charcode:=CYR_.$; fi enddef; fi % next macro necessary for absent Old Slav letters in Italic fonts def cyrcharmoving (suffix $) = if known CYR_.$: CYR_.$ := -2; fi enddef; % % load components absent in parameter files % if unknown acc_height#: % emulation ecfonts parameter file if monospace: % borrowed from ectt basedef ( 8, 9, 10, 12); gendef[1/36pt#](acc_height#)(60, 67.5, 75, 90); gendef[1/36pt#](dot_height#)(60, 67.5, 75, 90); else: % borrowed from ecrm basedef ( 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 12, 17.28); gendef[1/36pt#](acc_height#)(42.5, 49, 55.5, 62, 68.5, 75, 90, 127.5); gendef[1/36pt#](dot_height#)( 42, 46.6, 51.2, 56, 60.4, 66, 77.2, 100); fi fi sbeak# := (if serifs: max(beak#,3/4desc_depth#) else: desc_depth# fi) /1.2; cap_sbeak# := if serifs: max(beak#,3/4desc_depth#) else: desc_depth# fi; % % add absent exbase parameters in cmbase's font_setup % original font_setup macro redefined to ADD necessary settings in it's context % let font_setup_ = font_setup; def font_setup = font_setup_; define_whole_blacker_pixels(acc_height); define_pixels(cap_sbeak,sbeak); pickup pencircle scaled min(hair,vair); extra_rule.nib:=savepen; enddef; % % booleans for lowercase/uppercase identifying % boolean cyrcaph, cyrcaph.cyrcaph; cyrcaph = false; cyrcaph.cyrcaph = true; % % advanced cmbase's definitions: macros for cyr letter's drawing % set_bar_axis, bar_stroke % cyr_serif, l_serif, r_serif % cyrbulb % cbreve % sets for bar axis in lowercase letters % vardef set_bar_axis = pickup tiny.nib; y1.bh:=vround(.55x_height-.6[thin_join,vair]/2); y2.bh:=y1.bh+.6[thin_join,vair]; y0.bh:=.5[y2.bh,y1.bh]; enddef; vardef bar_stroke(expr left_jut,right_jut) = % |x$r| and |x$$r| (only) are known if left_jut>right_jut: errmessage ("change `bar' points"); fi fix_virgin z; set_bar_axis; if serifs: pickup crisp.nib; else: pickup fine.nib; fi if (y2.bh-y1.bh)>(currentbreadth+eps): pos[ii](.6[thin_join,vair],90); pos[jj](.6[thin_join,vair],90); lft x[ii]r=left_jut; rt x[jj]r=right_jut; top y[ii]r=top y[jj]r=y2.bh; filldraw stroke z[ii]e--z[jj]e; % bar else: y[ii]l=y[jj]l=y1.bh; y[ii]r=y[jj]r=y2.bh; x[ii]l=x[ii]r=left_jut; x[jj]l=x[jj]r=right_jut; fill z[jj]l{right}...{left}z[jj]r--z[ii]r{left}...{right}z[ii]l--cycle; % bar fi penlabels([ii],[jj]); enddef; % % Cyrillic descender serif % vardef cyr_serif(suffix $,$$,@) % serif at |z$| for stroke from |z$$| (expr darkness,beak_darkness,jut,beak_jut) = if serifs: pickup crisp.nib; else: pickup pencircle scaled (3/5[fine,crisp]+eps); fi numeric bracket_height,light_stem; pair downward; bracket_height=bracket; light_stem=hround (max(tiny.breadth,fudged.hair if hefty:-4stem_corr fi)); % for cyr_serif always |y$|<|y$$| if (y$>y$$): errmessage ("`cyr_serif' placed only on the bottom"); fi downward=z$-z$$; y@0=min(y$+bracket_height,y$$)+eps; top y@1-slab-eps=bot y@4+eps=tiny.bot y$; if y@1>y@0: y@0:=y@1+eps; fi bot y@2=bot y@3=vround(-d); y@5=y@1; y@6=y@0; z@5=whatever[z$,z$$]; z@6=whatever[z$,z$$]; if jut<0: z@0+penoffset downward of currentpen = z$l+penoffset downward of pen_[tiny.nib]+whatever*downward; lft x@1=hround (tiny.lft x$l+jut)-eps; if x@6x@0-eps: x@6:=x@0-eps; fi rt x@2=lft x@3+light_stem+eps=hround (rt x@1+beak_jut)+eps; x@4=x$-.5(fudged.stem-3stem_corr-tiny)-eps; fi pair corner,beak_corner; ypart corner=y@1; corner=z@0+whatever*downward; ypart beak_corner=y@4; beak_corner=z@3+whatever*(z@1-z@2); if jut<0: filldraw z@0{z$-z$$} ...(darkness+eps)[corner,.5[z@1,z@0]]{z@1-z@0} ...{jut,0}z@1--z@2--z@3{z@1-z@2} ...(beak_darkness+eps)[beak_corner,.5[z@3,z@4]] ...{-jut,0}z@4--(x@4,y@1)--z@5--z@6--cycle; % descender else: filldraw z@6--z@5--(x@4,y@1)--z@4{jut,0} ...(beak_darkness+eps)[beak_corner,.5[z@3,z@4]] ...{z@2-z@1}z@3--z@2--z@1{-jut,0} ...(darkness+eps)[corner,.5[z@1,z@0]]{z@0-z@1} ...{z$$-z$}z@0--cycle; % descender fi labels (@0,@1,@2,@3,@4,@5,@6); enddef; % % roman descenders % def l_serif(suffix $,$$,@) % descender at |z$| for stroke from |z$$| (expr left_darkness,beak_darkness,left_jut,beak_jut) (suffix @@) (expr right_darkness,right_jut) = cyr_serif($,$$,@,left_darkness,beak_darkness,-left_jut,-beak_jut); serif($,$$,@@,right_darkness,right_jut); enddef; % def r_serif(suffix $,$$,@) % descender at |z$| for stroke from |z$$| (expr left_darkness,left_jut) (suffix @@) (expr right_darkness,beak_darkness,right_jut,beak_jut) = serif($,$$,@,left_darkness,-left_jut); cyr_serif($,$$,@@,right_darkness,beak_darkness,right_jut,beak_jut); enddef; % % italic descender % def i_serif(suffix $,@) = % vawed italic descender y@1=.5[y$,y@2r]; x@1r=x$r; numeric theta,slope; theta=angle(-max(3u,u+2curve),d); slope=-angle(-max(2u,u+curve),d); pos@1(.5[vair,hair],180); pos@2(7/8[hair,curve],theta); pos@3(vair,theta); lft x@2r=lft x@1r+max(.5hair,1)+eps; y@2r=-.35d; bot y@3l=-d-oo; z@3l=z@2l+hair*dir (if monospace: .5 fi theta)+whatever*dir slope; filldraw stroke z$e{down}...z@1e...z@2e{down}....{dir (slope)}z@3e; penlabels (@1,@2,@3); enddef; % % redefined bulb: ... with directions instead of -- % def cyrbulb(suffix $,$$,$$$) = z$$$r=z$$r; path_.l:=z$l{x$$r-x$r,0}...{0,y$$r-y$r}z$$l; path p_; p_:=z$r{x$$r-x$r,0}...{0,y$$r-y$r}z$$r; filldraw path_.l--reverse p_--cycle; % link path_.r:=z$$$l{0,y$r-y$$r}..z$$$r{0,y$$r-y$r}; % near-circle y_:=xpart(path_.r intersectiontimes p_); if y_<0: y_:=1; fi filldraw subpath(0,y_) of path_.r {dir (angle direction y_ of p_)}...%-- z$$r{0,y$$r-y$r}..cycle; % bulb enddef; % % cbreve accent for Cyrillic letters % boolean altaccent; altaccent=false; vardef cbreve(expr x_center,y_move, _one,_two,_three,_four,_five,_six,_seven) suffix modifier = numeric mid_thickness,bulb_diam; mid_thickness=max(crisp.breadth,vround if serifs: 1/5 else: 1/3 fi[vair,stem]); bulb_diam=max(crisp.breadth,hround(max(dot_size,cap_curve)-2stem_corr)); pickup crisp.nib; pos[_one](bulb_diam,0); pos[_two](bulb_diam,90); x[_one]=x[_two]=x_center-1.75u if monospace: /expansion_factor fi; if cyrcaph.modifier: bot y[_six]r=vround (y_move+max( min(cap_height+o+max(tiny,0.5mid_thickness), cap_height+0.3acc_height), 1/3[cap_height,min(asc_height,2x_height)]+o-.5mid_thickness )); top y[_two]r=vround (y_move+max( (cap_height+dot_height#*hppp), bot y[_six]r+mid_thickness+bulb_diam+eps )); else: bot y[_six]r=vround (y_move+max( min(x_height+o+max(tiny,0.5mid_thickness), x_height+0.3acc_height), if serifs: 1/3[x_height, min(asc_height,2x_height) -cap_height+x_height] else: 1/3[x_height,h] fi + o - 0.5mid_thickness )); top y[_two]r=vround (y_move+max( (x_height+dot_height#*hppp), bot y[_six]r+mid_thickness+bulb_diam+eps )); fi y[_one]=y_move+.5[y[_two]l,y[_two]r]; pos[_three](bulb_diam,0); penpos[_four](y[_two]r-y[_two]l,90); y[_three]=y[_four]=y[_one]; x[_three]=x[_four]=x[_one]+3.5u if monospace: /expansion_factor fi; if square_dots: % no dots in sans serif cyrbreve x[_six]=hround x_center; lft x[_five]r=hround(x[_six]-2.5u if monospace: /expansion_factor fi-.5vair); rt x[_seven]r=hround(x[_six]+2.5u if monospace: /expansion_factor fi+.5vair); top y[_five]=top y[_seven]=h+y_move; % common for both upper and lower if y[_six]r>(bot y[_seven]-eps): y[_six]r:=bot y[_seven]-eps; fi else: dot([_one],[_two]); % left dot if not altaccent: dot([_three],[_four]); % right dot fi x[_six]=.5[x[_one]l,x[_three]r]; lft x[_five]r=lft x[_one]l; rt x[_seven]r=rt x[_three]r; top y[_five]=top y[_seven]=y[_two]; % common for both upper and lower fi pos[_five](vair,-180); pos[_seven](vair,0); pos[_six](mid_thickness,-90); filldraw stroke z[_five]e{down} ...z[_six]e{right} ...{up}z[_seven]e; % stroke penlabels ([_five],[_six],[_seven]); enddef; %%% fine hi higher % |higher| is a counterpart to |lower| (see the file excsc.mf), % |hi| facilitates using higher values (which are reference points in % the floating world of CM fonts) def hi = if is_small_cap: higher fi\\ enddef; % % special routines for accenting bowwowed from ecfonts but rearranged % %!!!lhfonts: first goes umlaut for yo vardef lowercase_umlaut(expr x_move,y_move,umlaut_one,umlaut_two, umlaut_three,umlaut_four) = pickup tiny.nib; pos[umlaut_one](udot_diam,0); pos[umlaut_two](udot_diam,90); x[umlaut_one]=x[umlaut_two]=x_move+.5w-1.75u if monospace:/expansion_factor fi ; top y[umlaut_two]r=lc_trema_height; y[umlaut_one]=y_move+.5[y[umlaut_two]l,y[umlaut_two]r]; dot([umlaut_one],[umlaut_two]); % left dot pos[umlaut_three](udot_diam,0); penpos[umlaut_four](y[umlaut_two]r-y[umlaut_two]l,90); y[umlaut_three]=y[umlaut_four]=y[umlaut_one]; x[umlaut_three]=x[umlaut_four]=x[umlaut_one] +3.5u if monospace: /expansion_factor fi ; dot([umlaut_three],[umlaut_four]); % right dot enddef; % vardef uppercase_umlaut(expr x_move,y_move,umlaut_one,umlaut_two, umlaut_three,umlaut_four) = pickup tiny.nib; pos[umlaut_one](udot_diam,0); pos[umlaut_two](udot_diam,90); x[umlaut_one]=x[umlaut_two]=x_move+.5w-1.75u if monospace:/expansion_factor fi ; top y[umlaut_two]r=vround(cap_height+dot_height#*hppp); y[umlaut_one]=y_move+.5[y[umlaut_two]l,y[umlaut_two]r]; dot([umlaut_one],[umlaut_two]); % left dot pos[umlaut_three](udot_diam,0); penpos[umlaut_four](y[umlaut_two]r-y[umlaut_two]l,90); y[umlaut_three]=y[umlaut_four]=y[umlaut_one]; x[umlaut_three]=x[umlaut_four]=x[umlaut_one] +3.5u if monospace: /expansion_factor fi ; dot([umlaut_three],[umlaut_four]); % right dot enddef; % % % breve accent used in wncyr font % %!!! lowercase_breve edited vardef lowercase_breve(expr x_center,y_move,breve_one,breve_two,breve_three)= pickup crisp.nib; pos[breve_one](vair,-180); pos[breve_three](vair,0); top y[breve_one]=top y[breve_three]=h; x[breve_two]=x_center; lft x[breve_one]r=hround(x[breve_two]-2.5u if monospace: /expansion_factor fi -0.5vair); rt x[breve_three]r=hround(x[breve_two]+2.5u if monospace: /expansion_factor fi +0.5vair); numeric mid_thickness; mid_thickness=max(crisp.breadth,vround 1/3[vair,stem]);%!!! bot y[breve_two]r= vround max(x_height+o+tiny,1/3[x_height,h]+o-.5mid_thickness); if y[breve_two]r>(y[breve_one]-.5crisp-eps): %!!! y[breve_two]r:=y[breve_one]-.5crisp-eps; fi %!!! pos[breve_two](mid_thickness,-90); %!!! moved here after if filldraw stroke z[breve_one]e{down}... z[breve_two]e{right}...{up}z[breve_three]e; % stroke enddef; % %!!! uppercase_breve edited vardef uppercase_breve (expr x_center,y_move,breve_one, breve_two,breve_three)= pickup crisp.nib; pos[breve_one](vair,-180); pos[breve_three](vair,0); top y[breve_one]=top y[breve_three]=cap_height + acc_height; x[breve_two]=hround x_center; x[breve_two]-rt x[breve_one]l =(lft x[breve_three]l)-x[breve_two] =hround (2.5u if monospace: /expansion_factor fi -.5vair); numeric mid_thickness; mid_thickness=max(crisp.breadth,vround min(1/3[vair,stem],.5acc_height));%!!! pos[breve_two](mid_thickness,-90); % |accent_gap| SHOULD be defined by the acute accent, before this macro runs if unknown accent_gap: % accent_gap emulation if serifs: y[breve_two]'=h-.5mid_stem+eps-max(2/3[h,hi.x_height],hi.x_height+o+hair); accent_gap=a_ht-(y[breve_two]'+.5mid_stem)-hi.x_height; else: top y[breve_two]'=h-vround(2/3[h,hi.x_height]); accent_gap=a_ht-y[breve_two]'-hi.x_height; fi fi bot y[breve_two]r=cap_height + if hefty: .5 fi accent_gap; filldraw stroke z[breve_one]e{down}...z[breve_two]e{right}... {up}z[breve_three]e; % stroke enddef; % % % the rest of accents % %!!! lowercase_cedilla edited vardef lowercase_cedilla (expr x_center,y_move, cedi_one,cedi_two,cedi_three,cedi_four,cedi_five) = x[cedi_one]=x_center; % .5w+.5u; if serifs: pickup crisp.nib; pos[cedi_one](stem,0); pos[cedi_two](stem,0); pos[cedi_three](vair,90); pos[cedi_four](stem,0); pos[cedi_five](vair,-90); x[cedi_one]=x[cedi_two]; z[cedi_three]l=z[cedi_two]l; x[cedi_four]=x[cedi_two]+1.5u; x[cedi_five]=x[cedi_three]-1.5u; bot y[cedi_one]=y_move;%!!! was 0 bot y[cedi_two]=-vround 2/7d-o; y[cedi_four]=.5[y[cedi_three],y[cedi_five]]; bot y[cedi_five]=-d-o; filldraw stroke z[cedi_one]e--z[cedi_two]e; % stem filldraw stroke z[cedi_three]e{right}... z[cedi_four]e{down}...{left}z[cedi_five]e; % hook else: pickup fine.nib; pos[cedi_one](vair,0); top y[cedi_one]=-o-2; pos[cedi_two](.5[vair,stem],0); bot y[cedi_two]=-d-o; x[cedi_two]=x[cedi_one]-1.25u; filldraw stroke z[cedi_one]e--z[cedi_two]e; fi % diagonal enddef; % vardef uppercase_cedilla(expr x_center,y_move, cedi_one,cedi_two,cedi_three,cedi_four,cedi_five) = x[cedi_one]=x_center; if serifs: pickup crisp.nib; pos[cedi_one](stem,0); pos[cedi_two](stem,0); pos[cedi_three](vair,90); pos[cedi_four](stem,0); pos[cedi_five](vair,-90); x[cedi_one]=x[cedi_two]; z[cedi_three]l=z[cedi_two]l; x[cedi_four]=x[cedi_two]+1.5u if monospace: /expansion_factor fi; x[cedi_five]=x[cedi_three]-1.5u if monospace: /expansion_factor fi; top y[cedi_one]=y_move; bot y[cedi_two]=-vround 2/7d-o; y[cedi_four]=.5[y[cedi_three],y[cedi_five]]; bot y[cedi_five]=-d-o; filldraw stroke z[cedi_one]e--z[cedi_two]e; % stem filldraw stroke z[cedi_three]e{right}... z[cedi_four]e{down}...{left}z[cedi_five]e; % hook else: pickup fine.nib; pos[cedi_one](vair,0); top y[cedi_one]=-o-2; pos[cedi_two](.5[vair,stem],0); bot y[cedi_two]=-d-o; x[cedi_two] = x[cedi_one]-1.25u if monospace: /expansion_factor fi; filldraw stroke z[cedi_one]e--z[cedi_two]e; fi % diagonal enddef; % % %!!! uppercase_hat edited vardef uppercase_hat (expr x_center,y_move,hat_zero,hat_one,hat_two,hat_three,hat_four) = if serifs: pickup crisp.nib; pos[hat_two](.5[vair,curve],90); top y[hat_two]r=cap_accent_height+oo; x[hat_two]=good.x x_center; % optically centered x[hat_one]=good.x x[hat_two]-2.25u if monospace: /expansion_factor fi ; x[hat_three]=2x[hat_two]-x[hat_one]; %!!! |accent_gap| SHOULD be defined by the acute accent, before this macro runs if unknown accent_gap: % accent_gap emulation y[hat_one]'=h-.5mid_stem+eps-max(2/3[h,hi.x_height],hi.x_height+o+hair); accent_gap=a_ht-(y[hat_one]'+.5mid_stem)-hi.x_height; fi y[hat_one]=y[hat_three] = accent_gap + cap_height; pos[hat_one](hair,angle(z[hat_two]-z[hat_one])+90); pos[hat_three](hair,angle(z[hat_three]-z[hat_two])+90); filldraw stroke z[hat_one]e--z[hat_two]e--z[hat_three]e; % diagonals else: pickup fine.nib; pos[hat_one](vair,0); pos[hat_three](vair,0); pos[hat_two](stem,0); top y[hat_two]=cap_accent_height+oo; x[hat_two]=good.x x_center; % optically centered x[hat_one]=good.x x[hat_two]-2.25u if monospace: /expansion_factor fi ; x[hat_three]=2x[hat_two]-x[hat_one]; %!!! |accent_gap| SHOULD be defined by the acute accent, before this macro runs if unknown accent_gap: % accent_gap emulation top y[hat_one]'=h-vround(2/3[h,hi.x_height]); accent_gap=a_ht-y[hat_one]'-hi.x_height; fi bot y[hat_one]=bot y[hat_three]=.5accent_gap + cap_height; z[hat_zero]=whatever[z[hat_one]r,z[hat_two]r]= whatever[z[hat_two]l,z[hat_three]l]; y[hat_four]l=y[hat_four]r=y[hat_two]; x[hat_four]l=hround (.2[x[hat_two]l,x[hat_two]]-eps); %!!! x[hat_four]r=w-x[hat_four]l; filldraw z[hat_four]l--z[hat_one]l--z[hat_one]r-- z[hat_zero]--z[hat_three]l-- z[hat_three]r--z[hat_four]r--cycle; fi % diagonals enddef; % %!!! lowercase_hat edited vardef lowercase_hat (expr x_center,y_move,hat_zero,hat_one,hat_two,hat_three,hat_four) = if serifs: pickup crisp.nib; pos[hat_two](.5[vair,curve],90); top y[hat_two]r=h+y_move; x[hat_two]=good.x x_center; % optically centered x[hat_one]=good.x x[hat_two]-2.25u if monospace: /expansion_factor fi ; x[hat_three]=2x[hat_two]-x[hat_one]; y[hat_one]=y[hat_three] = max(y[hat_two]-0.5(min(asc_height,2x_height)-x_height), 1/6[x_height,h]); pos[hat_one](hair,angle(z[hat_two]-z[hat_one])+90); pos[hat_three](hair,angle(z[hat_three]-z[hat_two])+90); filldraw stroke z[hat_one]e--z[hat_two]e--z[hat_three]e; % diagonals else: pickup fine.nib; pos[hat_one](vair,0); pos[hat_three](vair,0); pos[hat_two](stem,0); top y[hat_two]=h+y_move; x[hat_two]=good.x x_center; % optically centered x[hat_one]=good.x x[hat_two]-2.25u if monospace: /expansion_factor fi ; x[hat_three]=2x[hat_two]-x[hat_one]; bot y[hat_one]=bot y[hat_three]=vround (2/3[x_height+acc_height,x_height]-eps); %!!! % same slope as in the acute accent z[hat_zero]=whatever[z[hat_one]r,z[hat_two]r]= whatever[z[hat_two]l,z[hat_three]l]; y[hat_four]l=y[hat_four]r=y[hat_two]; x[hat_four]l=hround (.2[x[hat_two]l,x[hat_two]]-eps); %!!! x[hat_four]r=w-x[hat_four]l; filldraw z[hat_four]l--z[hat_one]l--z[hat_one]r-- z[hat_zero]--z[hat_three]l-- z[hat_three]r--z[hat_four]r--cycle; fi % diagonals enddef; % % vardef lowercase_tilde(expr x_move,y_move,tilde_one,tilde_two,tilde_three, tilde_four,tilde_five)= h':=min(asc_height,10/7x_height+.5dot_size); if serifs: numeric theta; theta=angle(1/6( 6u if monospace: /expansion_factor fi-vair), 1/4(h'-x_height)); pickup crisp.nib; numeric mid_width; mid_width=.4[vair,stem]; pos[tilde_one](vair,theta+90); pos[tilde_two](vair,theta+90); pos[tilde_three](vair,theta+90); pos[tilde_four](vair,theta+90); z[tilde_two]-z[tilde_one]= z[tilde_four]-z[tilde_three]=(mid_width-crisp)*dir theta; lft x[tilde_one]r=hround(x_move+0.5w-3u if monospace: /expansion_factor fi); rt x[tilde_four]l=hround(x_move+0.5w+3u if monospace: /expansion_factor fi); top y[tilde_four]r=h'; pair delta; ypart delta=3(y[tilde_three]l-y[tilde_one]l); delta=whatever*dir theta; bot y[tilde_one]l=vround(bot y[tilde_one]l+ min(2/3[x_height,h'],y[tilde_three]l-.25vair)-top y[tilde_one]r); filldraw z[tilde_one]l.. controls(z[tilde_one]l+ delta)and(z[tilde_three]l-delta)..z[tilde_three]l..z[tilde_four]l --z[tilde_four]r.. controls(z[tilde_four]r-delta)and(z[tilde_two]r+delta).. z[tilde_two]r..z[tilde_one]r--cycle; % stroke else: pickup fine.nib; pos[tilde_one](vair,180); pos[tilde_two](vair,90); pos[tilde_three](.5[vair,slab],90); pos[tilde_four](vair,90); pos[tilde_five](vair,180); lft x[tilde_one]r=hround (x_move + 0.5w-3u); rt x[tilde_five]l=hround (x_move + 0.5w+3u); x[tilde_two]-x[tilde_one]= x[tilde_three]-x[tilde_two]= x[tilde_four]-x[tilde_three]=x[tilde_five]-x[tilde_four]; bot y[tilde_one]=bot y[tilde_four]l=y_move+vround(.75[x_height,h]-vair); top y[tilde_two]r=top y[tilde_five]=h+y_move; y[tilde_three]=.5[y[tilde_two],y[tilde_four]]; filldraw stroke z[tilde_one]e{up}... z[tilde_two]e{right}.. z[tilde_three]e.. {right}z[tilde_four]e...{up}z[tilde_five]e; fi % stroke enddef; % %!!! uppercase_tilde edited vardef uppercase_tilde(expr x_move,y_move,tilde_one,tilde_two,tilde_three, tilde_four,tilde_five)= if serifs: numeric theta; theta=angle(1/8(7u if monospace: /expansion_factor fi-vair),1/4acc_height); pickup crisp.nib; numeric mid_width; mid_width=.4[vair,stem]; pos[tilde_one](vair,theta+90); pos[tilde_two](vair,theta+90); pos[tilde_three](vair,theta+90); pos[tilde_four](vair,theta+90); z[tilde_two]-z[tilde_one]= z[tilde_four]-z[tilde_three]=(mid_width-crisp)*dir theta; lft x[tilde_one]r=hround(x_move+0.5w-3.5u if monospace: /expansion_factor fi); rt x[tilde_four]l=hround(x_move+0.5w+3.5u if monospace: /expansion_factor fi); top y[tilde_four]r=h; % |accent_gap| SHOULD be defined by the acute accent, before this macro runs %if unknown accent_gap: % accent_gap emulation % y[tilde_one]'=h-.5mid_stem+eps-max(2/3[h,hi.x_height],hi.x_height+o+hair); % accent_gap=a_ht-(y[tilde_one]'+.5mid_stem)-hi.x_height; %fi %bot y[tilde_one]l=accent_gap+cap_height; bot y[tilde_one]l=vround(bot y[tilde_one]l +min(2/3[cap_height,cap_accent_height],y[tilde_three]l-.25vair) -top y[tilde_one]r); pair delta; ypart delta=3(y[tilde_three]l-y[tilde_one]l); delta=whatever*dir theta; filldraw z[tilde_one]l.. controls(z[tilde_one]l+ delta)and(z[tilde_three]l-delta)..z[tilde_three]l..z[tilde_four]l --z[tilde_four]r.. controls(z[tilde_four]r-delta)and(z[tilde_two]r+delta).. z[tilde_two]r..z[tilde_one]r--cycle; % stroke else: pickup fine.nib; pos[tilde_one](vair,180); pos[tilde_two](vair,90); pos[tilde_three](.5[vair,slab],90); pos[tilde_four](vair,90); pos[tilde_five](vair,180); lft x[tilde_one]r=w-rt x[tilde_five]l=hround 1.5u+0.5(w-9u); x[tilde_two]-x[tilde_one]= x[tilde_three]-x[tilde_two]= x[tilde_four]-x[tilde_three]=x[tilde_five]-x[tilde_four]; % |accent_gap| SHOULD be defined by the acute accent, before this macro runs if unknown accent_gap: % accent_gap emulation top y[tilde_one]'=h-vround(2/3[h,hi.x_height]); accent_gap=a_ht-y[tilde_one]'-hi.x_height; fi bot y[tilde_one]=bot y[tilde_four]l=cap_height+.5accent_gap; top y[tilde_two]r=top y[tilde_five]=h; y[tilde_three]=.5[y[tilde_two],y[tilde_four]]; filldraw stroke z[tilde_one]e{up}... z[tilde_two]e{right}.. z[tilde_three]e.. {right}z[tilde_four]e...{up}z[tilde_five]e; fi % stroke enddef; % % umlauts moved up % vardef lowercase_circle(expr x_center,y_bottom,circ_one,circ_two,circ_three,circ_four)= numeric circ_hair,circ_vair; circ_hair=hround min(hair,u if monospace: /expansion_factor fi +.5); circ_vair=vround min(vair,(h-x_height)/6+.5); penpos[circ_one](circ_vair,90); penpos[circ_three](circ_vair,-90); penpos[circ_two](circ_hair,180); penpos[circ_four](circ_hair,0); x[circ_one]=x[circ_three]=x_center; % x[circ_two]r=hround(x[circ_one]-1.5u-.5circ_hair); x[circ_four]r=hround(x[circ_one]+1.5u+.5circ_hair); y[circ_one]r=h+apex_o; y[circ_two]=y[circ_four]=.5[y[circ_one],y[circ_three]]; y[circ_three]l=vround y_bottom; % (1/3[x_height,h]+apex_o); penstroke pulled_arc.e([circ_one],[circ_two]) & pulled_arc.e([circ_two],[circ_three]) & pulled_arc.e([circ_three],[circ_four]) & pulled_arc.e([circ_four],[circ_one]) & cycle; % bowl enddef; % vardef uppercase_circle(expr x_center,y_bottom,circ_one,circ_two,circ_three,circ_four)= numeric circ_hair,circ_vair; circ_hair=hround min(hair,u if monospace: /expansion_factor fi +.5); circ_vair=vround vair; % min(vair,(h-x_height)/6+.5); penpos[circ_one](circ_vair,90); penpos[circ_three](circ_vair,-90); penpos[circ_two](circ_hair,180); penpos[circ_four](circ_hair,0); x[circ_one]=x[circ_three]=x_center; % .5w; x[circ_two]r = hround(x[circ_one]-1.5u if monospace: /expansion_factor fi -.5circ_hair); x[circ_four]r = hround(x[circ_one]+1.5u if monospace: /expansion_factor fi +.5circ_hair); y[circ_one]r=cap_height + acc_height+apex_o; y[circ_two]=y[circ_four]=.5[y[circ_one],y[circ_three]]; y[circ_three]l=vround y_bottom; % (1/3[x_height,h]+apex_o); penstroke pulled_arc.e([circ_one],[circ_two]) & pulled_arc.e([circ_two],[circ_three]) & pulled_arc.e([circ_three],[circ_four]) & pulled_arc.e([circ_four],[circ_one]) & cycle; % bowl enddef; % % % cedillas moved up % % breves moved up % % renamed lowercase ogonek vardef the_ogonek(expr x_move,y_move,ogon_one,ogon_two,ogon_three) = x[ogon_one]r=x_move; pickup crisp.nib; pos[ogon_one]( if currentbreadth<0.9vair: 0.9vair else: currentbreadth+eps fi,-60); pos[ogon_two](stem,0); pos[ogon_three](vair,145); x[ogon_two]=x[ogon_one]-2.5u if monospace: / expansion_factor fi ; x[ogon_three]=x[ogon_one]+0.5u if monospace: / expansion_factor fi ; bot y[ogon_one]r = y_move; bot y[ogon_three]=0.5(-d-o)+y_move; %0.4 bot y[ogon_two]=0.5(-d-o)+y_move; filldraw stroke z[ogon_one]e{dir 225}... z[ogon_two]e{dir -110}...{dir 60}z[ogon_three]e; % hook enddef; % % MACROS FOR PROCESSING CHARS TWICE: % PASS 1: COLLECTING TFM (SHARP) INFORMATION % PASS 2: CREATING THE GLYPH % %%% define_pixels prepare_pen %%% beginchar beginchar_twice %%% endfor repeat_once % A special provision is necessary if one uses |modes.mf|: % This file assumes, that one never wants to use more than one mode % in the same font, but we will do so. % % Make sure, that you never input |modes.mf| after this file, otherwise % unpleasant surprises wait for you. def clear_mode_guards = forsuffixes $=proofing,fontmaking,tracingtitles,pixels_per_inch, blacker,fillin,o_correction,blacker_min,aspect_ratio: numeric mode_guard_$; endfor enddef; let ori_draw:=draw; let ori_fill:=fill; let ori_filldraw:=filldraw; let ori_erase:=erase; let ori_penstroke:=penstroke; let ori_special:=special; let ori_numspecial:=numspecial; mode_def canonical_sharp_mode = % nearly |proof| mode proofing:=0; % no, we aren't making full proofs fontmaking:=0; % yes, we are making a font tracingtitles:=0; % don't show titles online pixels_per_inch:=2601.72; % that's 36 pixels per pt blacker:=0; % no additional blackness blacker_min:=0; % no write_white provision fillin:=0; % no compensation for fillin o_correction:=1; % no reduction in overshoot enddef; def beginchar_twice(expr c,w_sharp,h_sharp,d_sharp) = begingroup if string mode: string prev_mode; prev_mode:=mode; else: numeric prev_mode; prev_mode:=mode; fi for sharp_calc_:=1,whatever: % |sharp_calc| is checked in |corrital|, |mark_height|, and |put_accent| sharp_calc:=sharp_calc_; if known sharp_calc: % carry out ``sharp'' calculations begingroup save mode,mag; mode:=canonical_sharp_mode; clear_mode_guards; mode_setup; font_setup; pseudo_setup; if is_small_cap: % excerpt from |font_setup| define_pixels(higher.u,higher.bar_height); define_corrected_pixels(higher.o); define_whole_pixels(higher.letter_fit); define_whole_vertical_pixels(higher.x_height,higher.body_height); define_whole_blacker_pixels(higher.stem); fi endgroup; def draw expr e=enddef; let fill:=draw; let filldraw:=draw; let erase:=killtext; % |killtext| was absent from earlier versions of plain let penstroke:=killtext; def special primary t = enddef; def numspecial primary t = enddef; charwd:=w_sharp; charht:=h_sharp; chardp:=d_sharp; charic:=0; else: % carry out ``discrete'' calculations mode:=prev_mode; clear_mode_guards; mode_setup; font_setup; pseudo_setup; if is_small_cap: % excerpt from |font_setup| define_pixels(higher.u,higher.bar_height); define_corrected_pixels(higher.o); define_whole_pixels(higher.letter_fit); define_whole_vertical_pixels(higher.x_height,higher.body_height); define_whole_blacker_pixels(higher.stem); fi let draw:=ori_draw; let fill:=ori_fill; let filldraw:=ori_filldraw; let erase:=ori_erase; let penstroke:=ori_penstroke; let special:=ori_special; let numspecial:=ori_numspecial; charwd:=w_sharp; fi charcode:=if known c: byte c else: 0 fi; w:=hround(w_sharp*hppp); h:=vround(h_sharp*hppp); d:=vround(d_sharp*hppp); clearxy; clearit; clearpen; scantokens extra_beginchar; enddef; let repeat_once = endfor; % % % accents which created with beginchar_twice routine % (borrowed from exaccess but with % redefining is_cap put_accent put_gravis and put_dot) % % GENERAL PURPOSE ACCESSORIES % vardef is_egyptian = % |false| for most of the CM fonts, except funny fonts; % |true| for the CC fonts serifs and (1.4max(fine#,crisp#, tiny#)stem#) enddef; vardef is_bold = if serifs: (hair#+.5stem#)>1.5u# else: stem#>2u# fi\\ enddef; %!!! set is_cap as boolean boolean is_cap; %%% top is_known %%% top fix_virgin vardef is_known z suffix $ = % an auxiliary macro for |fix_virgin z|, used also while constructing ogoneks (known x$) or (known x$l) or (known x$r)\\ or (known y$) or (known y$l) or (known y$r) enddef; vardef fix_virgin z = % find a pair of virgin pairs numeric ii,jj; jj:=1; forever: if is_known z[jj] or is_known z[jj+1]: % unknown gaps may occur jj:=incr jj else: jj=ii fi; exitif known ii; endfor; jj:=ii+1; % now |ii| and |jj| are such that |z[ii]| and |z[jj]| are ``untouched'' enddef; %%% italcorr corrital % correction of italic correction (cf. D. E. Knuth, The \MF{}book, p. 105): vardef corrital z suffix $ = % |z$| is the rightmost position of a pen (in accent path) if known sharp_calc: if not monospace: save charic_; charic_=(rt(x$)-r)/hppp+slant*y$/vppp+.5u#; if charic_>charic: charic:=charic_; fi fi %| else: %| |charic=mono_charic#|, do nothing fi enddef; %%% top prepare_pen def prepare_pen suffix $ = %%% fine $ %%%% temporary MFT convention if $>fudged.hair: $:=fudged.hair; fi $.breadth:=$; pickup if $=0: nullpen else: pencircle scaled $; $:=$-eps fi; $.nib:=savepen; breadth_[$.nib]:=$; forsuffixes $$=lft,rt,top,bot: shiftdef($.$$,$$ 0); endfor %%% qq $ %%%% ordinary MFT convention enddef; % The proportion of |vair/stem| depends drastically on resolution; % e.g., for 300 dpi cmbx10 |vair=1| and |stem=5|, for 746 dpi cmbx10 % (300 dpi, magstep 5) |vair=4| and |stem=12|, while, sharply speaking, % |stem#/vair#=3.15381|; hence a new variable |xvair| has been introduced % to be used in some crucial places instead of |vair|. vardef xvair = stem*vair#/stem# enddef; % % ACCENT ACCESSORIES % % |the_cap_flat| is a factor controlling the flatness of accents over % majuscules; a default value may be overriden by assigning a value to the % variable |cap_flat| (cf. also |the_|... macros in ogonek accessories). vardef the_cap_flat = if known cap_flat: cap_flat elseif serifs and hefty: 1/5 else: 1/3 fi enddef; % % The |hpos_corr| variable is an optional parameter to |put_ogonek|, meant % to be set locally inside |beginchar| ... |endchar|, if a horizontal % correction of the accent position is needed: numeric hpos_corr; % %%%% temporary MFT convention: %%% top x_height diam a_wd a_ht i_ht u asc_height cap_A_wd % width of the acute accent: vardef a_wd@# = 9hi.u@# enddef; % height of the acute accent: vardef a_ht@# = %!!!in plfonts: skipped ,hi.x_height@#+acc_h min(asc_height@#,2hi.x_height@#,hi.x_height@#+acc_height@#) enddef; % height of the letter `i': vardef i_ht@#(suffix diam) = if is_small_cap: a_ht@# % usually there is no dot over a small cap `i' else: min(asc_height@#, 10/7hi.x_height@#+.5diam@#) fi enddef; % width of the letter `A' (used in |put_ogonek|): vardef cap_A_wd@# = 13u@# enddef; %%%% ordinary MFT convention: %%% qq x_height diam a_wd a_ht i_ht u asc_height cap_A_wd def mark_height(expr sharp_h)= % |sharp_h| is the height of an accented minuscule if known sharp_calc: charht:=if is_cap: h/vppp else: sharp_h fi;% in plfonts line placed after `if' in ec---before if\\ (proofing>0) and is_cap: % BJ likes to have proofs vertically aligned (somehow): proofoffset(0,h-charht*vppp-1mm); fi fi % say earlier, e.g., |is_smoke=1| if you're making `smoked' proofs % and you don't like to have a rule marking the height if unknown is_smoke: if proofing>0: proofrule((l+w/2,charht*hppp)t_,(r+u,charht*hppp)t_); fi if displaying>0: screenrule((l+w/2,charht*hppp)t_,(r+u,charht*hppp)t_); fi fi enddef; def fix_acc_pairs = fix_virgin z; begingroup % excerpt from |beginchar|: save w,h; w=round(a_wd); h=round(a_ht); % excerpt from |mono_adjust|: if monospace: save u_; numeric u_; u_:=hi.u#; save u; u#:=u_; numeric expansion_faktor; mono_charwd#=2 hi.letter_fit#+expansion_faktor*a_wd#; hi.u:=u#*expansion_faktor*hppp; w:=mono_charwd-shrink_fit-2 hi.letter_fit; fi % end of the excerpts numeric accent_gap,mid_stem; mid_stem=2/3[stem,hi.stem]; if serifs: pickup crisp.nib; x[jj]'=hround(w-2hi.u)-.5mid_stem; x[jj]':=x[jj]'-2/3[x[jj]',w-x[jj]']; y[jj]'=h-.5mid_stem+eps-max(2/3[h,hi.x_height],hi.x_height+o+hair); accent_gap=a_ht-(y[jj]'+.5mid_stem)-hi.x_height; bot z[ii]=round(accent_hpos, accent_gap+if is_cap: cap_height else: hi.x_height fi); z[jj]=z[ii]+(z[jj]' if is_cap: rotated (-the_cap_flat*angle(z[jj]')) fi); numeric theta; theta=angle(z[ii]-z[jj])+90; pos[jj](mid_stem,theta); pos[ii](hair,theta); else: pickup fine.nib; rt x[jj]'r=hround(.5w-1.25hi.u); top y[jj]'=h-vround(2/3[h,hi.x_height]); z[ii]'=origin; pos[jj]'(mid_stem,0); pos[ii]'(vair,0); accent_gap=a_ht-y[jj]'-hi.x_height; if is_cap: numeric beta; beta=-the_cap_flat*angle(z[jj]'-z[ii]'); z[ii]=round(accent_hpos,accent_gap+cap_height); z[jj]=z[ii]+(z[jj]' rotated beta); y[jj]r=y[jj]l=y[jj]; y[ii]r=y[ii]l=y[ii]; for xx:=jj,ii: forsuffixes $:=l,r: (z[xx]$-z[ii]) rotated -beta=whatever[z[jj]'$,z[ii]'$]; endfor\\ endfor else: for xx:=jj,ii: forsuffixes $:=r, ,l: z[xx]$=z[xx]'$+round(accent_hpos, accent_gap+if is_small_cap: cap_height else: x_height fi); endfor\\ endfor fi fi endgroup; enddef; % is_cap checked by modifier def put_accent suffix modifier = %!!! if cyrcaph.modifier: is_cap:=true; else: is_cap:=false; fi %!!! numeric accent_hpos; accent_hpos=.5w - if is_cap: .75 else: .5 fi\\ u if known hpos_corr: +hpos_corr fi; fix_acc_pairs; % |fix_acc_pairs| uses private values of |w|, |h| \& |u| numeric hpos_corr; % |hpos_corr| is local: forget its value % draw the diagonal: if serifs: pickup crisp.nib; filldraw circ_stroke (z[jj]e--z[ii]e); z[jj].right=directionpoint up of (z[jj]r{z[jj]r-z[ii]r}..{z[ii]l-z[jj]l}z[jj]l); z[jj].top=directionpoint left of (z[jj]r{z[jj]r-z[ii]r}..{z[ii]l-z[jj]l}z[jj]l); else: pickup fine.nib; filldraw stroke (z[jj]e--z[ii]e); z[jj].right=z[jj].top=z[jj]r; fi corrital z[jj].right; % correct italic correction % adjust and save height (it is used in the program for the dotted `Z'): h:=if is_cap: y[jj].top else: a_ht fi; if known sharp_calc: saved_height:=h; fi mark_height(a_ht#); penlabels([ii],[jj]); enddef; % % GRAVE ACCENT ACCESSORIES % % This section borrows heavily from the (acute) accent accessories def fix_grav_pairs = fix_virgin z; begingroup % excerpt from |beginchar|: save w,h; w=round(a_wd); h=round(a_ht); % excerpt from |mono_adjust|: if monospace: save u_; numeric u_; u_:=hi.u#; save u; u#:=u_; numeric expansion_faktor; mono_charwd#=2 hi.letter_fit#+expansion_faktor*a_wd#; hi.u:=u#*expansion_faktor*hppp; w:=mono_charwd-shrink_fit-2 hi.letter_fit; fi % end of the excerpts numeric accent_gap,mid_stem; mid_stem=2/3[stem,hi.stem]; if serifs: pickup crisp.nib; x[jj]'=hround(w-2hi.u)-.5mid_stem; x[jj]':= -x[jj]'+ 2/3[x[jj]',w-x[jj]']; y[jj]'=h-.5mid_stem+eps-max(2/3[h,hi.x_height],hi.x_height+o+hair); accent_gap=a_ht-(y[jj]'+.5mid_stem)-hi.x_height; bot z[ii]=round(accent_hpos, accent_gap+if is_cap: cap_height else: hi.x_height fi); z[jj]=z[ii]+(z[jj]' if is_cap: rotated (-the_cap_flat*(angle(z[jj]')-180)) fi); numeric theta; theta=angle(z[ii]-z[jj])+90; pos[jj](mid_stem,theta); pos[ii](hair,theta); else: pickup fine.nib; lft x[jj]'l=-hround(.5w-1.25hi.u); top y[jj]'=h-vround(2/3[h,hi.x_height]); z[ii]'=origin; pos[jj]'(mid_stem,0); pos[ii]'(vair,0); accent_gap=a_ht-y[jj]'-hi.x_height; if is_cap: numeric beta; beta=-the_cap_flat*(angle(z[jj]'-z[ii]')-180); z[ii]=round(accent_hpos,accent_gap+cap_height); z[jj]=z[ii]+(z[jj]' rotated beta); y[jj]r=y[jj]l=y[jj]; y[ii]r=y[ii]l=y[ii]; for xx:=jj,ii: forsuffixes $:=l,r: (z[xx]$-z[ii]) rotated -beta=whatever[z[jj]'$,z[ii]'$]; endfor\\ endfor else: for xx:=jj,ii: forsuffixes $:=r, ,l: z[xx]$=z[xx]'$+round(accent_hpos, accent_gap+if is_small_cap: cap_height else: x_height fi); endfor\\ endfor fi fi endgroup; enddef; % is_cap checked by modifier def put_gravis suffix modifier = %!!! if cyrcaph.modifier: is_cap:=true; else: is_cap:=false; fi %!!! numeric accent_hpos; accent_hpos=.5w + if is_cap: .75 else: .5 fi\\ u if known hpos_corr: +hpos_corr fi; fix_grav_pairs; % |fix_grav_pairs| uses private values of |w|, |h| \& |u| numeric hpos_corr; % |hpos_corr| is local: forget its value % draw the diagonal: if serifs: pickup crisp.nib; filldraw circ_stroke (z[jj]e--z[ii]e); z[jj].right=directionpoint down of (z[jj]r{z[jj]r-z[ii]r}..{z[ii]l-z[jj]l}z[jj]l); z[jj].top=directionpoint left of (z[jj]r{z[jj]r-z[ii]r}..{z[ii]l-z[jj]l}z[jj]l); else: pickup fine.nib; filldraw stroke (z[jj]e--z[ii]e); z[jj].right=z[jj].top=z[jj]r; fi % adjust and save height (tho the height is never needed): h:=if is_cap: y[jj].top else: a_ht fi; if known sharp_calc: saved_height:=h; fi mark_height(a_ht#); penlabels([ii],[jj]); enddef; % % DOT ACCENT ACCESSORIES % %%% good penkind % is_cap checked by modifier def put_dot (suffix penkind) (expr dd_) % dot of the lowercase letter `i' suffix modifier = %!!! if cyrcaph.modifier: is_cap:=true; else: is_cap:=false; fi %!!! fix_virgin z; numeric dd#; % sharp dot diameter dd#=dd_; define_whole_blacker_pixels(dd); % adjust height temporarily: h:=vround(if is_cap: (cap_height#+1.5u#+dd#) else: i_ht#(dd) fi\\ *hppp); pickup penkind.nib; pos[jj](dd,90); pos[ii](dd,0); x[jj]=x[ii]=good.x(.5w+.25u if known hpos_corr: +hpos_corr fi); %!!! numeric hpos_corr; %!!! |hpos_corr| is local: forget its value !!! top y[jj]r=h+1; y[ii]=.5[y[jj]l,y[jj]r]; % draw the dot: dot([ii],[jj]); % dotted `Z' inherits the recently saved height (if known; usually the height % of the accented `Z') which allows to decrease by one the number of different % heights in a font; dotted `z' has the height of a lowercase `i' (exception: % caps and small caps) if known saved_height: h:=saved_height; fi\\ mark_height(i_ht#(dd)); penlabels([ii],[jj]); enddef; % % CYRCROSS ACCESSORIES % (redefined L's CROSS ACCESSORIES) % % is_cap checked by modifier def put_cyrcross(expr x_center,y_move,left_jut,right_jut) suffix modifier = %!!! if cyrcaph.modifier: is_cap:=true; else: is_cap:=false; fi %!!! fix_virgin z; numeric dd; dd=if serifs:if is_cap: cap_bar else: bar fi else: if is_cap: .2[vair,cap_band] else: vair fi fi; pickup if serifs: crisp.nib else: fine.nib fi; numeric theta; if left_jut>0: theta=angle(11u#,.3[x_height#,cap_height#]); lft x[ii]r = hround(x_center-left_jut)-eps; rt x[jj]l = hround(x_center+right_jut)+eps; else: theta=angle(11u#,-.3[x_height#,cap_height#]); rt x[ii]r = hround(x_center-left_jut)-eps; lft x[jj]l = hround(x_center+right_jut)+eps; fi pos[ii](dd,theta+90); pos[jj](dd,theta+90); z[ii]-z[jj]=whatever*dir theta; % |.52| is one of CM (Computer Magic) numbers appearing in many CM programs, % among others in the programs for B, F, and H: whatever[z[ii],z[jj]]=if not is_cap and hefty: top fi\\ (x_center,if is_cap:.52cap_height else: bar_height fi\\+y_move); % before drawing the stroke improve discretization: save eps_; eps_:=y[ii]l-good.y(y[ii]l); forsuffixes $:=l, ,r: y[ii]$:=y[ii]$-eps_; endfor eps_:=y[jj]r-good.y(y[jj]r); forsuffixes $:=l, ,r: y[jj]$:=y[jj]$-eps_; endfor filldraw stroke z[ii]e--z[jj]e; % now draw the stroke corrital z[jj]l; % correct italic correction penlabels([ii],[jj]); enddef; % % EASY OGONEK ACCESSORIES % simplified ogonek % there are used some macros from put_ogonek stuff (ec fonts) % % ogonek defaults: vardef the_ogonek_depth# = % sharp value if known depth_corr: depth_corr* fi\\ desc_depth# enddef; vardef the_tip_pos = (if monospace: 1.9 elseif serifs: if hefty: 1.85 elseif is_bold: 1.75 else: 2 fi\\ else: % sansserif if is_bold: 2.1 else: 1.95 fi\\ fi\\ hi.u, if serifs: if monospace: 1.25 elseif hefty: 1 elseif is_bold: .75 else: 1.45 fi else: % sansserif .45 fi\\ hi.u) if known tip_xcorr: xscaled\\ tip_xcorr fi if known tip_ycorr: yscaled\\ tip_ycorr fi enddef; vardef the_pre_angle = % refers to the outer edge if known pre_angle: pre_angle else: if serifs: if hefty: 208 elseif is_bold: 211 else: 214 fi\\ else: 211 fi fi enddef; vardef the_post_angle = % refers to the outer edge if known post_angle: post_angle else: if serifs: if monospace: 60 elseif hefty: 66 elseif is_bold: 55 else: 74 fi else: 25 fi\\ fi enddef; % parameters to |put_ogonek|: numeric join_angle; % starting (inner) ogonek direction, if known % common ogonek breath (because of slab changed in a few letters) numeric ogonek_breadth; % ogonek breadth at the tip ogonek_breadth=if serifs and is_bold: slab else: xvair fi; pair ogonek_pos; % starting (inner for `e' with ogonek, otherwise outer) ogonek position: vardef easy_ogonek (suffix penkind)(expr _one,_two,_three)= pickup penkind.nib; if monospace: % excerpt from |mono_adjust|: save u_; numeric u_; u_:=hi.u#; save u; u#:=u_; numeric expansion_faktor; mono_charwd#=2hi.letter_fit#+expansion_faktor*cap_A_wd#; % cap_A_wd=13u hi.u:=u#*expansion_faktor*hppp; % now |u| is like in the letter `A' fi y_right:=-vround(d+hi.o); % bottom bound if unknown ogonek_breadth: ogonek_breadth=if serifs and is_bold: slab else: xvair fi; fi if known ogonek_pos: z[_one]'l=ogonek_pos+(0,eps); pos[_one]'(max(ogonek_breadth,penkind+eps),0); z[_one]l=whatever[ogonek_pos, ogonek_pos+dir the_pre_angle]; bot y[_one]l=0 if known ogonek_move:+ogonek_move fi+eps; numeric ogonek_move; % it's local else: bot z[_one]l=(.5w,0+eps); fi pos[_one](max(ogonek_breadth,penkind+eps),0); bot z[_three]'=(xpart z[_one]l-.5penkind,y_right-eps)+the_tip_pos; z[_three]l=if is_small_cap: z[_one]+((z[_three]'-z[_one]) scaled sqrt(body_height#/higher.body_height#)) else: z[_three]' fi; pos[_three](max(ogonek_breadth,penkind+eps), the_post_angle+if serifs: 90 else: 80 fi); z[_two]l=if serifs: if monospace: 2/3[z[_one],z[_three]]+ else: .52[z[_one],z[_three]]+ fi else: 3/5[z[_one],z[_three]]+7/8 fi (y[_three]-y[_one],x[_one]-x[_three]-eps) -penoffset (z[_three]-z[_one]) of currentpen; pos[_two](max(penkind+eps, if serifs: 7/8 else: 2/3 fi [bar,fudged.stem-2stem_corr]), %from ukreve angle(z[_one]-z[_three]) - if serifs: 90 else: 80 fi); if known ogonek_pos: if y[_one]'