% \iffalse meta-comment % $Id: brokent1.dtx,v 1.3 2002/05/30 18:16:53 torsten Exp torsten $ % % brokent1.dtx -- Broken Typefaces in T1 Encoding % Copyright 2002 Torsten Bronger % % This program may be distributed and/or modified under the % conditions of the LaTeX Project Public License, either version 1.2 % of this license or (at your option) any later version. % The latest version of this license is in % http://www.latex-project.org/lppl.txt % and version 1.2 or later is part of all distributions of LaTeX % version 1999/12/01 or later. % % \fi % % \CheckSum{5465} % \CharacterTable % {Upper-case \A\B\C\D\E\F\G\H\I\J\K\L\M\N\O\P\Q\R\S\T\U\V\W\X\Y\Z % Lower-case \a\b\c\d\e\f\g\h\i\j\k\l\m\n\o\p\q\r\s\t\u\v\w\x\y\z % Digits \0\1\2\3\4\5\6\7\8\9 % Exclamation \! Double quote \" Hash (number) \# % Dollar \$ Percent \% Ampersand \& % Acute accent \' Left paren \( Right paren \) % Asterisk \* Plus \+ Comma \, % Minus \- Point \. Solidus \/ % Colon \: Semicolon \; Less than \< % Equals \= Greater than \> Question mark \? % Commercial at \@ Left bracket \[ Backslash \\ % Right bracket \] Circumflex \^ Underscore \_ % Grave accent \` Left brace \{ Vertical bar \| % Right brace \} Tilde \~} % % % \def\fileversion{v1.0} % \def\filedate{2002/05/29} % % \title{Broken Typefaces in T1 Encoding\thanks{This file % has version number \fileversion, last % revised \filedate.}} % \author{Torsten Bronger\\ % \url{bronger@physik.rwth-aachen.de}} % % \maketitle % % \begin{abstract} % This package |brokent1| provides virtual fonts for T1-like variants of the % broken typefaces published in 1990 by Yannis Haralambous, namely yfrak, % yswab and ygoth. Their original encoding is unspecified. Additionally, this % package embeds these fonts nicely into \LaTeXe's font selection scheme. The % structure of this package allows for further broken typefaces from other % sources to be made usable for \LaTeX\ in a similar way, too. % \end{abstract} % % \tableofcontents % % \section*{The documentation driver file} % % The next bit of code contains the documentation driver file for % \TeX, i.\,e., the file that will produce the documentation you are % currently reading. It will be extracted from this file by the % \texttt{docstrip} program. Since it is the first code in the file % one can alternatively process this file directly with \LaTeXe{} to % obtain the documentation. % % \begin{macrocode} %<*driver> \documentclass{ltxdoc} % \end{macrocode} % If you comment out the next line, you get a \emph{full} description % of this package. % \begin{macrocode} \OnlyDescription % \end{macrocode} % Not clean at all, but it works. % \begin{macrocode} \newlabel{codingscheme}{{??}{??}} \setcounter{StandardModuleDepth}{1} \usepackage{url} \providecommand*{\url}[1]{\texttt{\mbox{#1}}} \begin{document} \DocInput{brokent1.dtx} \PrintChanges \PrintIndex \end{document} % % \end{macrocode} % % \section{Introduction} % % In 1990, Yannis Haralambous published a set of three broken typefaces. % (Very often, though inaccurately, such typefaces are also called ``Gothic'', % ``black letter'', or ``old German'' typefaces.) % % These three fonts are yfrak (Fraktur), yswab (Schwabacher) and ygoth % (Textur), and Haralambous made them freely available. They were created % using Metafont. Unfortunately, although all three fonts are very nicely % drawn and well endowed with ligatures and special symbols, they are produced % in a very awkward encoding, making it very inconvenient to use them. % Therefore in 1994 Thierry Bouche wrote dcfrak, a Metafont font that by and % large was a T1 (Cork) encoded re-implementation of Haralambous' yfrak. % Bouche added blacker accents. % % His work has three flaws: It only covers yfrak, it is a new font (virtual % fonts are prefered if possible) and it doesn't make use of \TeX's boundary % character feature that was especially designed having broken typefaces and % old Latin scripts in mind. % % % \section{This package} % % \dots~provides virtual fonts and a (nearly) T1 encoded Fraktur family that % can be used very easily with \LaTeX. In fact, if you switch to the font by % saying %\begin{verbatim} %\fontfamily{yfrak}\selectfont %\end{verbatim} % (no special package is needed, but T1 must be the current encoding) all you % still have to do is to break up certain ligatures with \verb|\/| commands. % You could even use the same \LaTeX\ source text for both Fraktur and, say, % Times output. % % This approach has several advantages: % \begin{itemize} % \item Virtual fonts are easy to install and elegantly make use of already % installed fonts, % \item you don't have to get adjusted to the quite strange input format % Haralambous suggested, actually the impact on the source text is (not zero, % but) relatively small, % \item makes it possible to return to Latin typefaces without further changes, % \item makes proper hyphenation in whatever language possible, % \item makes spell checkers that can cope with \LaTeX\ work also for Fraktur % texts, % \item allows for letterspaced version and % \item embeds yfrak, yswab and ygoth nicely in the font selection scheme of % \LaTeX. % \end{itemize} % % Additionally, it solves some design flaws of the original fonts: % \begin{itemize} % \item ygoth is slightly letterspaced. % \item The letters i, l and fi of ygoth are now correctly positioned within % their boxes. % \item Many too big and too small letter boxes are adjusted. % \item Missing dieresis accent added to ygoth and yfrak. % \item Inter-word space is reduced. % \end{itemize} % % I have to admit one disadvantage of this virtual font approach: Some DVI % viewers still can't handle them properly. In this case, please complain to % the DVI driver author. At least dvips has no problem. % % \medskip The package bases on a modified version of the T1 encoding, but % only unusual slots got a new contents. This T1 variant can be used for % other broken typefaces, too. See the full documentation of this package for % further details. % % \section{Installation} % % You can use the already compiled \mbox{|vf|-,} |tfm|- and |fd|-files. Just % copy them in directories where \LaTeX\ and your DVI driver can find them. % (Typically where other files with the same respective extension already % exist.) % % Alternatively you can use the Makefile and give the commands %\begin{verbatim} %make %make install %\end{verbatim} % (At least the latter as root.) This will create fresh versions of the % virtual fonts and install them. Please have a look at the Makefile, whether % all paths are set as you need. If you want to compile the fonts, please % notice that you need special PL files for yfrak, yswab, ygoth and cmu10. % The problem is that they must have set a certain \texttt{CODINGSCHEME}. See % page~\pageref{codingscheme} (this page is unknown if you have set % \mbox{\texttt{\char'134OnlyDescription}}) for further details. % % Maybe it's necessary to run a program like te\TeX's |texhash| -- or % something equivalent of your \TeX\ implementation -- after the installation % process. % % \section{Using the fonts} % % \emph{Warning}: The original fonts (|.mf| or |.pfb|) must be available for % your DVI driver before this package can be used! They are not part of this % package. % % \subsection{Switching to Fraktur} % % This package doesn't contain a |sty| file that you can include with a % |\usepackage| command. If you switch to yfrak in the T1 encoding with % something like %\begin{verbatim} %\fontfamily{yfrak}\selectfont %\end{verbatim} % you get Fraktur. The |\emph| version will be a neatly letterspaced Fraktur, % |\textsl| is Schwabacher. In the preamble you can say %\begin{verbatim} %\renewcommand{\emph}[1]{\textsl{#1}} %\end{verbatim} % and Schwabacher will be the default |\emph| markup, if you prefer that. % Bold face is Textur, so that Textur will be used for the headings (standard % \LaTeX\ behaviour) which is common use. % %You can make the Fraktur font selection global for the whole document by % saying %\begin{verbatim} %\renewcommand{\rmdefault}{yfrak} %\end{verbatim} % in the preamble. % % \subsection{Typographic difficulties} % % A very important point is breaking up ligatures with |\/| or -- in German % texts -- with \verb!"|!. Broken typefaces have many of them, but at subword % boundaries you have to split them up. The German word ``aus\/tragen'' is % written in the source as ``\verb!aus"|tragen!'', because ``aus'' is a % prefix. % % Broken typefaces have two lower case ``s'': A \emph{round} one, the one we % know, and a \emph{long} one, similar of an ``f''. In German, the latter has % survived as the left part in the ligature ``\ss''. One must choose the % correct form for every occurrence. As a rule of thumb, the round form at % the end of the word, the long form everywhere else. \TeX\ will do that % automatically. However, sometimes a round ``s'' is necessary within a word, % at the end of a subword boundary. % % From \TeX's point of view, the letter of ``s'' within or at the beginning of % words is a ligature, too. A typical German case is ``aussetzen'' that must % be input ``\verb!aus"|setzen!''. Sometimes you will have to input a |\/| as % in |kafkaes\/k|. But there are also English examples: |news\/letter| -- % although Knuth insists on the ligature.~\texttt{\mbox{;-)}} % % % % \section{Remarks} % % The author of this package would like to encourage people to use Fraktur, % for small bits of their texts, for special moods or just for aesthetical % considerations. Technically speaking, I try to lower the threshold for % using these typefaces by making the access a lot easier. They are of course % not for everyday texts. % % But it's really a pity that many people think that such broken typefaces are % old use, or connect them with German nationalism, especially the Nazi % era. The first is not strictly true (at least not for German speaking % regions), the latter is very unfair. Only few people know that the Nazis % themselves forbade them in 1941, because they were ``Jewish letters'' -- the % ban being as silly as the given reason. % % One should consider broken typefaces another degree of freedom in the font % space. They are not only to revive old texts; in fact, many font foundries % produce -- albeit only a few -- new Fraktur variants. % % \medskip To non-German authors: Although Fraktur and Schwabacher have been % used almost entirely for German texts, there is really no reason to limit it % to that. Their parents and sisters, Gothic, Textura, Rotunda, Bastarda % etc.\ have been heavily used for Latin, Italian, French and English. % European and American designers have created beautiful Fraktur alphabets. % A.~Kapr wrote, ``Schwabacher and Fraktur are just branches of the Latin % script tree, tended by many nations.'' % % % \section{Related work} % % The |fraktur| package by Matthias Muehlich (FixMe:~Link!)\ is another % approach to bring broken typefaces to \LaTeX. The main differences are: % \begin{itemize} % \item He provides virtual font solutions for many commercial fonts (but % not for Haralambous' typefaces). % \item He uses another encoding (FixMe:~Name?)\ which is quite much different % from T1. It covers some additional letters and ligatures. % \end{itemize} % If you want to have a ready-to-run solution for those typefaces (some of % which are free for private use), this package will be helpful for you. % % \bigskip Walter Schmidt's |yfonts| package provides a more direct access to % Haralambous' fonts, including the initials font |yinitas|. This is especially % useful if you want to typeset old texts, with all ligatures and Gutenberg % feeling. % % \StopEventually{} % % % \section{The \texttt{fontinst} input file} % % This file (|yutoyt1.tex|) is the driver file for the T1 representation % of Yannis Haralambous' broken typefaces. It it called by %\begin{verbatim} %tex yutoyt1 %\end{verbatim} % \begin{macrocode} %<*yutoyt1tex> \input fontinst.sty % \end{macrocode} % The first step is quite unusual: I have to define some new encodings, % because Haralambous invented three different encodings for his three fonts, % and, of cource, also incompatible with all other encodings on this planet. % % \emph{Warning:}\label{codingscheme} That's the reason why you can't use this % package with the \emph{original} TFM files. You must use the PL files % supplied with this package, because the PL files must contain the correct % name for their encoding. Although that's the only line that's been % modified, it's crucial. % \begin{macrocode} \declareencoding{YH GOTISCH}{ygoth} \declareencoding{YH SCHWABACHER}{yswab} \declareencoding{YH FRAKTUR}{yfrak} % \end{macrocode} % The same is true for |cmu10.pl|: It has a slightly different encoding % (it contains a sterling sign instead of a dollar), but it doesn't say so % in the tfm file header. By the way, the |ot1i| encoding is part of the % standard \texttt{fontinst} distribution. % \begin{macrocode} \declareencoding{TEX ITALIC TEXT}{ot1i} \installfonts % \end{macrocode} % I didn't rename the family name because I don't know of another T1 version % of yfrak. I think it's not a lie when I claim that it's still yfrak, but % in another encoding. % % I need another hyphen character because otherwise a long ``s'' may become % round immediately before a hyphen. % \begin{macrocode} \installfamily{T1}{yfrak}{\hyphenchar\font=127} % \end{macrocode} % First, the normal version. The tfm file will be called |tfrak.tfm|. % \begin{macrocode} \installfont{tfrak}{yfrak,kernoff,yswab scaled 700,setglyph,% cmr10,cmmi10,cmsy10,% unsetacc,cmr7 scaled 700,ecrm1000,% unsetcm,ecrm0700 scaled 700,kernon,% unsetdia,yfrak,kernoff,unsetste,cmu10,kernon,% fcleanup,broken}{T1frak} {T1}{yfrak}{m}{n}{} % \end{macrocode} % Secondly, the letterspaced version. By and large, it's a copy from above. % Notice that I annihilate almost all kerning, in fact, only one pair % survives! The latterspaced version is mapped to the italic variant. This % should transform legacy document automatically, and it helps to % ``re-antiqua'' Fraktur texts easily. % \begin{macrocode} \installfont{tfrakls}{kernoff,yfrak,yswab scaled 700,setglyph,% cmr10,cmmi10,cmsy10,% unsetacc,cmr7 scaled 700,ecrm1000,% unsetcm,ecrm0700 scaled 700,% unsetdia,yfrak,unsetste,cmu10,% fcleanup,kernon,lettersp,kernoff,broken}{T1frak} {T1}{yfrak}{m}{it}{} % \end{macrocode} % The |\textsl| version is |tswab|, the T1 variant of |yswab|. It is % much simpler, largely because it doesn't need smaller accents. % \begin{macrocode} \installfont{tswab}{yswab,setglyph,kernoff,cmbx10,cmmib10,cmbsy10,% unsetcm,ecbx1000,kernon,% unsetdia,yswab,scleanup,broken}{T1frak} {T1}{yfrak}{m}{sl}{} % \end{macrocode} % Very closely related to the |tswab| solution is |tgoth|, which is mapped to % the bold version of yfrak in the T1 encoding. The only differences are in % |gcleanup.mtx|. % \begin{macrocode} \installfont{tgoth}{ygoth,setglyph,kernoff,cmbx10,cmmib10,cmbsy10,% unsetcm,ecbx1000,kernon,% unsetdia,ygoth,gcleanup,broken}{T1frak} {T1}{yfrak}{b}{n}{} \endinstallfonts \bye % % \end{macrocode} % % % \section{The \texttt{yfrak} text encoding vector} % % Here I describe the original encoding of the yfrak font by Yannis % Haralambous. This file is read when |yfrak.pl| is converted into % |yfrak.mtx| in order to be digested by \texttt{fontinst}. % % FixMe: Probably this file could easily be simplified very % much, especially the metric setting may be superfluous. But I don't know. % \begin{macrocode} %<*yfraketx> \relax \documentclass[twocolumn]{article} \usepackage{fontdoc} \title{The \texttt{yfrak} text encoding vector} \author{Torsten Bronger} \date{10 April 2002 \\ Version 1.0} \begin{document} \maketitle \section{Introduction} This document describes the encoding of yfrak (fraktur). \encoding \needsfontinstversion{1.800} \comment{\section{Default values}} \setcommand\lc#1#2{#2} \setcommand\uc#1#2{#1} \setcommand\lclig#1#2{#2} \setcommand\uclig#1#2{#1} \setcommand\digit#1{#1} \setcommand\tty{n} \setcommand\currency{dollar} \setstr{codingscheme}{UNSPECIFIED} \setint{italicslant}{0} \ifisglyph{x}\then \setint{xheight}{\height{x}} \else \setint{xheight}{500} \fi \ifisglyph{space}\then \setint{interword}{\width{space}} \else\ifisglyph{i}\then \setint{interword}{\width{i}} \else \setint{interword}{333} \fi\fi \comment{\section{Default font dimensions}} \setint{fontdimen(1)}{\int{italicslant}} % italic slant \setint{fontdimen(2)}{\int{interword}} % interword space \ifisint{monowidth}\then \setint{fontdimen(3)}{0} % interword stretch \setint{fontdimen(4)}{0} % interword shrink \else \setint{fontdimen(3)}{\scale{\int{interword}}{600}}% interword stretch \setint{fontdimen(4)}{\scale{\int{interword}}{240}}% interword shrink \fi \setint{fontdimen(5)}{\int{xheight}} % x-height \setint{fontdimen(6)}{1000} % quad \ifisint{monowidth}\then \setint{fontdimen(7)}{\int{interword}} % extra space after . \else \setint{fontdimen(7)}{\scale{\int{interword}}{240}}% extra space after . \fi \comment{\section{The encoding}} \nextslot{"10} \setslot{dotlessi} \comment{A dotless i like `\i'} \endsetslot \setslot{dotlessj} \comment{A dotless j like `\j'} \endsetslot \setslot{grave} \comment{The grave accent `\`a'.} \endsetslot \setslot{acute} \comment{The acute accent `\'a'.} \endsetslot \setslot{caron} \comment{The caron or h\'a\v cek accent `\v a'.} \endsetslot \setslot{breve} \comment{The breve accent `\u a'.} \endsetslot \setslot{macron} \comment{The macron accent `\=a'.} \endsetslot \setslot{ringfitted} \comment{The ring accent `\aa', fitted to be the same width as an upper case `A'.} \endsetslot \setslot{cedilla} \comment{The cedilla accent `\c a'.} \endsetslot \skipslots{1} \setslot{\lc{SS}{germandbls}} \comment{The letter `\ss'.} \endsetslot \nextslot{"21} \setslot{exclam} \comment{The exclamation mark `!'.} \endsetslot \setslot{quotedblleft} \comment{The English opening quote mark `\,\textquotedblleft\,'.} \endsetslot \setslot{numbersign} \comment{The hash sign `\#'.} \endsetslot \setslot{varJ} \comment{Variant of the letter `{J}'.} \endsetslot \setslot{percent} \comment{The percent sign `\%'.} \endsetslot \setslot{ampersand} \comment{The ampersand sign `\&'.} \endsetslot \setslot{quoteright} \ligature{LIG}{quoteright}{quotedblright} \comment{The English closing quotation mark `\,'\,'.} \endsetslot \setslot{parenleft} \comment{The opening parenthesis `('.} \endsetslot \setslot{parenright} \comment{The closing parenthesis `)'.} \endsetslot \setslot{asterisk} \comment{The raised asterisk `*'.} \endsetslot \setslot{plus} \comment{The addition sign `+'.} \endsetslot \setslot{comma} \comment{The comma `,'.} \endsetslot \setslot{hyphen} \ligature{LIG}{hyphen}{rangedash} \comment{The hyphen `-'.} \endsetslot \setslot{period} \comment{The full point `.'.} \endsetslot \setslot{slash} \comment{The forward oblique `/'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\digit{zero}} \comment{The number zero `0'. This (and all the other numerals) may be old style or ranging digits.} \endsetslot \setslot{\digit{one}} \comment{The number one `1'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\digit{two}} \comment{The number two `2'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\digit{three}} \comment{The number three `3'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\digit{four}} \comment{The number four `4'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\digit{five}} \comment{The number five `5'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\digit{six}} \comment{The number six `6'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\digit{seven}} \comment{The number seven `7'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\digit{eight}} \comment{The number eight `8'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\digit{nine}} \comment{The number nine `9'.} \endsetslot \setslot{colon} \comment{The colon punctuation mark `:'.} \endsetslot \setslot{semicolon} \comment{The semi-colon punctuation mark `;'.} \endsetslot \setslot{section} \comment{The section sign `{\S}'.} \endsetslot \setslot{equal} \comment{The equals sign `='.} \endsetslot \skipslots{1} \setslot{question} \comment{The question mark `?'.} \endsetslot \skipslots{1} \setslot{\uc{A}{a}} \comment{The letter `{A}'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\uc{B}{b}} \comment{The letter `{B}'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\uc{C}{c}} \comment{The letter `{C}'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\uc{D}{d}} \comment{The letter `{D}'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\uc{E}{e}} \comment{The letter `{E}'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\uc{F}{f}} \comment{The letter `{F}'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\uc{G}{g}} \comment{The letter `{G}'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\uc{H}{h}} \comment{The letter `{H}'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\uc{I}{i}} \comment{The letter `{I}'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\uc{J}{j}} \comment{The letter `{J}'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\uc{K}{k}} \comment{The letter `{K}'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\uc{L}{l}} \comment{The letter `{L}'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\uc{M}{m}} \comment{The letter `{M}'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\uc{N}{n}} \comment{The letter `{N}'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\uc{O}{o}} \comment{The letter `{O}'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\uc{P}{p}} \comment{The letter `{P}'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\uc{Q}{q}} \comment{The letter `{Q}'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\uc{R}{r}} \comment{The letter `{R}'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\uc{S}{s}} \comment{The letter `{S}'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\uc{T}{t}} \comment{The letter `{T}'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\uc{U}{u}} \comment{The letter `{U}'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\uc{V}{v}} \comment{The letter `{V}'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\uc{W}{w}} \comment{The letter `{W}'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\uc{X}{x}} \comment{The letter `{X}'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\uc{Y}{y}} \comment{The letter `{Y}'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\uc{Z}{z}} \comment{The letter `{Z}'.} \endsetslot \setslot{bracketleft} \comment{The opening square bracket `['.} \endsetslot \setslot{quotedblbase} \comment{A German double quote mark `,\kern-0.1em,' similar to two commas, but with tighter letterspacing and different sidebearings.} \endsetslot \setslot{bracketright} \comment{The closing square bracket `]'.} \endsetslot \setslot{circumflex} \comment{The circumflex accent `\^ a'.} \endsetslot \setslot{dotaccent} \comment{The dot accent `\.a'.} \endsetslot \setslot{quoteleft} \ligature{LIG}{quoteleft}{quotedblleft} \comment{The English opening single quotation mark `\,`\,'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\lc{A}{a}} \comment{The letter `{a}'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\lc{B}{b}} \comment{The letter `{b}'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\lc{C}{c}} \comment{The letter `{c}'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\lc{D}{d}} \comment{The letter `{d}'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\lc{E}{e}} \comment{The letter `{e}'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\lc{F}{f}} \ligature{LIG}{\lc{I}{i}}{\lclig{FI}{fi}} \ligature{LIG}{\lc{F}{f}}{\lclig{FF}{ff}} \ligature{LIG}{\lc{L}{l}}{\lclig{FL}{fl}} \comment{The letter `{f}'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\lc{G}{g}} \comment{The letter `{g}'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\lc{H}{h}} \comment{The letter `{h}'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\lc{I}{i}} \comment{The letter `{i}'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\lc{J}{j}} \comment{The letter `{j}'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\lc{K}{k}} \comment{The letter `{k}'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\lc{L}{l}} \comment{The letter `{l}'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\lc{M}{m}} \comment{The letter `{m}'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\lc{N}{n}} \comment{The letter `{n}'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\lc{O}{o}} \comment{The letter `{o}'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\lc{P}{p}} \comment{The letter `{p}'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\lc{Q}{q}} \comment{The letter `{q}'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\lc{R}{r}} \comment{The letter `{r}'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\lc{S}{s}} \comment{The letter `{s}'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\lc{T}{t}} \comment{The letter `{t}'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\lc{U}{u}} \comment{The letter `{u}'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\lc{V}{v}} \comment{The letter `{v}'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\lc{W}{w}} \comment{The letter `{w}'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\lc{X}{x}} \comment{The letter `{x}'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\lc{Y}{y}} \comment{The letter `{y}'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\lc{Z}{z}} \comment{The letter `{z}'.} \endsetslot \setslot{rangedash} \ligature{LIG}{hyphen}{punctdash} \comment{The number range dash `1--9'. In a monowidth font, this might be set as `{\tt 1{-}9}'.} \endsetslot \setslot{punctdash} \comment{The punctuation dash `Oh---boy.' In a monowidth font, this might be set as `{\tt Oh{-}{-}boy.}'} \endsetslot \setslot{hungarumlaut} \comment{The long Hungarian umlaut `\H a'.} \endsetslot \setslot{tilde} \comment{The tilde accent `\~a'.} \endsetslot \comment{\section{Non-standard ligatures}} \nextslot{"81} \setslot{ss} \comment{The `ss' ligature.} \endsetslot \setslot{st} \comment{The `st' ligature.} \endsetslot \setslot{sf} \comment{The `sf' ligature.} \endsetslot \setslot{ff} \comment{The `ff' ligature.} \endsetslot \setslot{ch} \comment{The `ch' ligature.} \endsetslot \setslot{ck} \comment{The `ck' ligature.} \endsetslot \skipslots{2} \setslot{asmalle} \comment{The letter `a' with little e at top.} \endsetslot \setslot{adieresis} \comment{the letter `\"a'} \endsetslot \setslot{tz} \comment{The `tz' ligature.} \endsetslot \skipslots{1} \setslot{sround} \comment{The letter round `s'.} \endsetslot \skipslots{2} \setslot{esmalle} \comment{The letter `e' with little e at top.} \endsetslot \setslot{edieresis} \comment{the letter `\"e'} \endsetslot \nextslot{"99} \setslot{osmalle} \comment{The letter `o' with little e at top.} \endsetslot \setslot{odieresis} \comment{the letter `\"o'} \endsetslot \skipslots{3} \setslot{usmalle} \comment{The letter `u' with little e at top.} \endsetslot \setslot{udieresis} \comment{the letter `\"u'} \endsetslot \nextslot{"A4} \setslot{varsection} \comment{Variant of section sign `\S'.} \endsetslot \nextslot{"C9} \setslot{etc} \comment{The abbreviation sign `etc'.} \endsetslot \endencoding \end{document} % % \end{macrocode} % % % \section{The \texttt{yswab} text encoding vector} % % Here I describe the original encoding of the yswab font by Yannis % Haralambous. This file is read when |yswab.pl| is converted into % |yswab.mtx| in order to be digested by \texttt{fontinst}. % % FixMe: Probably this file could easily be simplified very % much, especially the metric setting may be superfluous. But I don't know. % \begin{macrocode} %<*yswabetx> \relax \documentclass[twocolumn]{article} \usepackage{fontdoc} \title{The \texttt{yswab} text encoding vector} \author{Torsten Bronger} \date{10 April 2002 \\ Version 1.0} \begin{document} \maketitle \section{Introduction} This document describes the encoding of yswab (schwabacher). \encoding \needsfontinstversion{1.800} \comment{\section{Default values}} \setcommand\lc#1#2{#2} \setcommand\uc#1#2{#1} \setcommand\lclig#1#2{#2} \setcommand\uclig#1#2{#1} \setcommand\digit#1{#1} \setcommand\tty{n} \setcommand\currency{dollar} \setstr{codingscheme}{UNSPECIFIED} \setint{italicslant}{0} \ifisglyph{x}\then \setint{xheight}{\height{x}} \else \setint{xheight}{500} \fi \ifisglyph{space}\then \setint{interword}{\width{space}} \else\ifisglyph{i}\then \setint{interword}{\width{i}} \else \setint{interword}{333} \fi\fi \comment{\section{Default font dimensions}} \setint{fontdimen(1)}{\int{italicslant}} % italic slant \setint{fontdimen(2)}{\int{interword}} % interword space \ifisint{monowidth}\then \setint{fontdimen(3)}{0} % interword stretch \setint{fontdimen(4)}{0} % interword shrink \else \setint{fontdimen(3)}{\scale{\int{interword}}{600}}% interword stretch \setint{fontdimen(4)}{\scale{\int{interword}}{240}}% interword shrink \fi \setint{fontdimen(5)}{\int{xheight}} % x-height \setint{fontdimen(6)}{1000} % quad \ifisint{monowidth}\then \setint{fontdimen(7)}{\int{interword}} % extra space after . \else \setint{fontdimen(7)}{\scale{\int{interword}}{240}}% extra space after . \fi \comment{\section{The encoding}} \nextslot{"10} \setslot{dotlessi} \comment{A dotless i like `\i'} \endsetslot \setslot{dotlessj} \comment{A dotless j like `\j'} \endsetslot \setslot{grave} \comment{The grave accent `\`a'.} \endsetslot \setslot{acute} \comment{The acute accent `\'a'.} \endsetslot \setslot{caron} \comment{The caron or h\'a\v cek accent `\v a'.} \endsetslot \setslot{breve} \comment{The breve accent `\u a'.} \endsetslot \setslot{macron} \comment{The macron accent `\=a'.} \endsetslot \setslot{ringfitted} \comment{The ring accent `\aa', fitted to be the same width as an upper case `A'.} \endsetslot \setslot{cedilla} \comment{The cedilla accent `\c a'.} \endsetslot \skipslots{1} \setslot{\lc{SS}{germandbls}} \comment{The letter `\ss'.} \endsetslot \nextslot{"21} \setslot{exclam} \comment{The exclamation mark `!'.} \endsetslot \setslot{quotedblleft} \comment{The English opening quote mark `\,\textquotedblleft\,'.} \endsetslot \setslot{numbersign} \comment{The hash sign `\#'.} \endsetslot \skipslots{1} \setslot{percent} \comment{The percent sign `\%'.} \endsetslot \skipslots{1} \setslot{quoteright} \ligature{LIG}{quoteright}{quotedblright} \comment{The English closing quotation mark `\,'\,'.} \endsetslot \setslot{parenleft} \comment{The opening parenthesis `('.} \endsetslot \setslot{parenright} \comment{The closing parenthesis `)'.} \endsetslot \setslot{asterisk} \comment{The raised asterisk `*'.} \endsetslot \setslot{plus} \comment{The addition sign `+'.} \endsetslot \setslot{comma} \comment{The comma `,'.} \endsetslot \setslot{hyphen} \ligature{LIG}{hyphen}{rangedash} \comment{The hyphen `-'.} \endsetslot \setslot{period} \comment{The full point `.'.} \endsetslot \setslot{slash} \comment{The forward oblique `/'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\digit{zero}} \comment{The number zero `0'. This (and all the other numerals) may be old style or ranging digits.} \endsetslot \setslot{\digit{one}} \comment{The number one `1'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\digit{two}} \comment{The number two `2'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\digit{three}} \comment{The number three `3'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\digit{four}} \comment{The number four `4'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\digit{five}} \comment{The number five `5'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\digit{six}} \comment{The number six `6'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\digit{seven}} \comment{The number seven `7'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\digit{eight}} \comment{The number eight `8'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\digit{nine}} \comment{The number nine `9'.} \endsetslot \setslot{colon} \comment{The colon punctuation mark `:'.} \endsetslot \skipslots{1} \setslot{section} \comment{The section sign `{\S}'.} \endsetslot \setslot{equal} \comment{The equals sign `='.} \endsetslot \skipslots{1} \setslot{question} \comment{The question mark `?'.} \endsetslot \skipslots{1} \setslot{\uc{A}{a}} \comment{The letter `{A}'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\uc{B}{b}} \comment{The letter `{B}'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\uc{C}{c}} \comment{The letter `{C}'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\uc{D}{d}} \comment{The letter `{D}'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\uc{E}{e}} \comment{The letter `{E}'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\uc{F}{f}} \comment{The letter `{F}'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\uc{G}{g}} \comment{The letter `{G}'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\uc{H}{h}} \comment{The letter `{H}'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\uc{I}{i}} \comment{The letter `{I}'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\uc{J}{j}} \comment{The letter `{J}'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\uc{K}{k}} \comment{The letter `{K}'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\uc{L}{l}} \comment{The letter `{L}'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\uc{M}{m}} \comment{The letter `{M}'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\uc{N}{n}} \comment{The letter `{N}'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\uc{O}{o}} \comment{The letter `{O}'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\uc{P}{p}} \comment{The letter `{P}'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\uc{Q}{q}} \comment{The letter `{Q}'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\uc{R}{r}} \comment{The letter `{R}'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\uc{S}{s}} \comment{The letter `{S}'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\uc{T}{t}} \comment{The letter `{T}'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\uc{U}{u}} \comment{The letter `{U}'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\uc{V}{v}} \comment{The letter `{V}'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\uc{W}{w}} \comment{The letter `{W}'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\uc{X}{x}} \comment{The letter `{X}'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\uc{Y}{y}} \comment{The letter `{Y}'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\uc{Z}{z}} \comment{The letter `{Z}'.} \endsetslot \setslot{bracketleft} \comment{The opening square bracket `['.} \endsetslot \setslot{quotedblbase} \comment{A German double quote mark `,\kern-0.1em,' similar to two commas, but with tighter letterspacing and different sidebearings.} \endsetslot \setslot{bracketright} \comment{The closing square bracket `]'.} \endsetslot \setslot{circumflex} \comment{The circumflex accent `\^ a'.} \endsetslot \setslot{dotaccent} \comment{The dot accent `\.a'.} \endsetslot \setslot{quoteleft} \ligature{LIG}{quoteleft}{quotedblleft} \comment{The English opening single quotation mark `\,`\,'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\lc{A}{a}} \comment{The letter `{a}'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\lc{B}{b}} \comment{The letter `{b}'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\lc{C}{c}} \comment{The letter `{c}'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\lc{D}{d}} \comment{The letter `{d}'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\lc{E}{e}} \comment{The letter `{e}'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\lc{F}{f}} \ligature{LIG}{\lc{I}{i}}{\lclig{FI}{fi}} \ligature{LIG}{\lc{F}{f}}{\lclig{FF}{ff}} \ligature{LIG}{\lc{L}{l}}{\lclig{FL}{fl}} \comment{The letter `{f}'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\lc{G}{g}} \comment{The letter `{g}'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\lc{H}{h}} \comment{The letter `{h}'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\lc{I}{i}} \comment{The letter `{i}'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\lc{J}{j}} \comment{The letter `{j}'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\lc{K}{k}} \comment{The letter `{k}'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\lc{L}{l}} \comment{The letter `{l}'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\lc{M}{m}} \comment{The letter `{m}'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\lc{N}{n}} \comment{The letter `{n}'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\lc{O}{o}} \comment{The letter `{o}'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\lc{P}{p}} \comment{The letter `{p}'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\lc{Q}{q}} \comment{The letter `{q}'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\lc{R}{r}} \comment{The letter `{r}'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\lc{S}{s}} \comment{The letter `{s}'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\lc{T}{t}} \comment{The letter `{t}'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\lc{U}{u}} \comment{The letter `{u}'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\lc{V}{v}} \comment{The letter `{v}'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\lc{W}{w}} \comment{The letter `{w}'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\lc{X}{x}} \comment{The letter `{x}'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\lc{Y}{y}} \comment{The letter `{y}'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\lc{Z}{z}} \comment{The letter `{z}'.} \endsetslot \setslot{rangedash} \ligature{LIG}{hyphen}{punctdash} \comment{The number range dash `1--9'. In a monowidth font, this might be set as `{\tt 1{-}9}'.} \endsetslot \setslot{punctdash} \comment{The punctuation dash `Oh---boy.' In a monowidth font, this might be set as `{\tt Oh{-}{-}boy.}'} \endsetslot \setslot{dieresis} \comment{The umlaut or dieresis accent `\"{}'.} \endsetslot \setslot{tilde} \comment{The tilde accent `\~a'.} \endsetslot \comment{\section{Non-standard ligatures}} \nextslot{"81} \setslot{ss} \comment{The `ss' ligature.} \endsetslot \setslot{st} \comment{The `st' ligature.} \endsetslot \setslot{sf} \comment{The `sf' ligature.} \endsetslot \setslot{ff} \comment{The `ff' ligature.} \endsetslot \setslot{ch} \comment{The `ch' ligature.} \endsetslot \setslot{ck} \comment{The `ck' ligature.} \endsetslot \skipslots{2} \setslot{asmalle} \comment{The letter `a' with little e at top.} \endsetslot \setslot{adieresis} \comment{the letter `\"a'} \endsetslot \skipslots{2} \setslot{sround} \comment{The letter round `s'.} \endsetslot \skipslots{2} \setslot{esmalle} \comment{The letter `e' with little e at top.} \endsetslot \setslot{edieresis} \comment{the letter `\"e'} \endsetslot \nextslot{"99} \setslot{osmalle} \comment{The letter `o' with little e at top.} \endsetslot \setslot{odieresis} \comment{the letter `\"o'} \endsetslot \skipslots{3} \setslot{usmalle} \comment{The letter `u' with little e at top.} \endsetslot \setslot{udieresis} \comment{the letter `\"u'} \endsetslot \nextslot{"A4} \setslot{varsection} \comment{Variant of section sign `\S'.} \endsetslot \skipslots{2} \setslot{\lc{varSS}{vargermandbls}} \comment{A variant of the letter `\ss'.} \endsetslot \endencoding \end{document} % % \end{macrocode} % % % \section{The \texttt{ygoth} text encoding vector} % % Here I describe the original encoding of the ygoth font by Yannis % Haralambous. This file is read when |ygoth.pl| is converted into % |ygoth.mtx| in order to be digested by \texttt{fontinst}. % % FixMe: Probably this file could easily be simplified very % much, especially the metric setting may be superfluous. But I don't know. % \begin{macrocode} %<*ygothetx> \relax \documentclass[twocolumn]{article} \usepackage{fontdoc} \title{The \texttt{ygoth} text encoding vector} \author{Torsten Bronger} \date{10 April 2002 \\ Version 1.0} \begin{document} \maketitle \section{Introduction} This document describes the encoding of ygoth (textur). \encoding \needsfontinstversion{1.800} \comment{\section{Default values}} \setcommand\lc#1#2{#2} \setcommand\uc#1#2{#1} \setcommand\lclig#1#2{#2} \setcommand\uclig#1#2{#1} \setcommand\digit#1{#1} \setcommand\tty{n} \setcommand\currency{dollar} \setstr{codingscheme}{UNSPECIFIED} \setint{italicslant}{0} \ifisglyph{x}\then \setint{xheight}{\height{x}} \else \setint{xheight}{500} \fi \ifisglyph{space}\then \setint{interword}{\width{space}} \else\ifisglyph{i}\then \setint{interword}{\width{i}} \else \setint{interword}{333} \fi\fi \comment{\section{Default font dimensions}} \setint{fontdimen(1)}{\int{italicslant}} % italic slant \setint{fontdimen(2)}{\int{interword}} % interword space \ifisint{monowidth}\then \setint{fontdimen(3)}{0} % interword stretch \setint{fontdimen(4)}{0} % interword shrink \else \setint{fontdimen(3)}{\scale{\int{interword}}{600}}% interword stretch \setint{fontdimen(4)}{\scale{\int{interword}}{240}}% interword shrink \fi \setint{fontdimen(5)}{\int{xheight}} % x-height \setint{fontdimen(6)}{1000} % quad \ifisint{monowidth}\then \setint{fontdimen(7)}{\int{interword}} % extra space after . \else \setint{fontdimen(7)}{\scale{\int{interword}}{240}}% extra space after . \fi \comment{\section{The encoding}} \nextslot{0} \setslot{ba} \comment{the ligature `ba'} \endsetslot \setslot{be} \comment{the ligature `be'} \endsetslot \setslot{bo} \comment{the ligature `bo'} \endsetslot \setslot{ch} \comment{the ligature `ch'} \endsetslot \setslot{ck} \comment{the ligature `ck'} \endsetslot \setslot{ct} \comment{the ligature `ct'} \endsetslot \setslot{da} \comment{the ligature `da'} \endsetslot \setslot{de} \comment{the ligature `de'} \endsetslot \setslot{do} \comment{the ligature `do'} \endsetslot \setslot{ha} \comment{the ligature `ha'} \endsetslot \setslot{he} \comment{the ligature `he'} \endsetslot \setslot{ff} \comment{the ligature `ff'} \endsetslot \setslot{fi} \comment{the ligature `fi'} \endsetslot \setslot{fl} \comment{the ligature `fl'} \endsetslot \setslot{ffi} \comment{the ligature `ffi'} \endsetslot \setslot{ffl} \comment{the ligature `ffl'} \endsetslot \setslot{dotlessi} \comment{A dotless i like `\i'} \endsetslot \setslot{dotlessj} \comment{A dotless j like `\j'} \endsetslot \setslot{ho} \comment{the ligature `ho'} \endsetslot \setslot{pa} \comment{the ligature `pa'} \endsetslot \setslot{pe} \comment{the ligature `pe'} \endsetslot \setslot{po} \comment{the ligature `po'} \endsetslot \setslot{ij} \comment{the ligature `ij'} \endsetslot \setslot{qz} \comment{the ligature `qz'} \endsetslot \setslot{va} \comment{the ligature `va'} \endsetslot \setslot{\lc{SS}{germandbls}} \comment{The letter `\ss'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\lc{AE}{ae}} \comment{The letter `\ae'. This is a single letter, and should not be faked with `ae'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\lc{OE}{oe}} \comment{The letter `\oe'. This is a single letter, and should not be faked with `oe'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\lc{Oslash}{oslash}} \comment{The letter `\o'.} \endsetslot \setslot{ll} \comment{the ligature `ll'} \endsetslot \setslot{ve} \comment{the ligature `ve'} \endsetslot \setslot{vu} \comment{the ligature `vu'} \endsetslot \nextslot{"21} \setslot{exclam} \comment{The exclamation mark `!'.} \endsetslot \setslot{quotedblright} \comment{An English double closing quote mark `\,''\,'.} \endsetslot \setslot{pp} \comment{the ligature `pp'} \endsetslot \setslot{qq} \comment{the ligature `qq'} \endsetslot \skipslots{1} \setslot{ss} \comment{the ligature `ss'} \endsetslot \setslot{quoteright} \ligature{LIG}{quoteright}{quotedblright} \comment{The English closing quotation mark `\,'\,'.} \endsetslot \setslot{parenleft} \comment{The opening parenthesis `('.} \endsetslot \setslot{parenright} \comment{The closing parenthesis `)'.} \endsetslot \setslot{ssvar} \comment{the ligature `ss' (variant)} \endsetslot \setslot{ssi} \comment{the ligature `ssi'} \endsetslot \setslot{comma} \comment{The comma `,'.} \endsetslot \setslot{hyphen} \ligature{LIG}{hyphen}{rangedash} \comment{The hyphen `-'.} \endsetslot \setslot{period} \comment{The full point `.'.} \endsetslot \setslot{ssivar} \comment{the ligature `ssi' (variant)} \endsetslot \setslot{\digit{zero}} \comment{The number zero `0'. This (and all the other numerals) may be old style or ranging digits.} \endsetslot \setslot{\digit{one}} \comment{The number one `1'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\digit{two}} \comment{The number two `2'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\digit{three}} \comment{The number three `3'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\digit{four}} \comment{The number four `4'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\digit{five}} \comment{The number five `5'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\digit{six}} \comment{The number six `6'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\digit{seven}} \comment{The number seven `7'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\digit{eight}} \comment{The number eight `8'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\digit{nine}} \comment{The number nine `9'.} \endsetslot \setslot{colon} \comment{The colon punctuation mark `:'.} \endsetslot \setslot{semicolon} \comment{The semi-colon punctuation mark `;'.} \endsetslot \setslot{st} \comment{the ligature `st'} \endsetslot \setslot{stvar} \comment{the ligature `st' (variant)} \endsetslot \setslot{tz} \comment{the ligature `tz'} \endsetslot \setslot{question} \comment{The question mark `?'.} \endsetslot \skipslots{1} \setslot{\uc{A}{a}} \comment{The letter `{A}'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\uc{B}{b}} \comment{The letter `{B}'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\uc{C}{c}} \comment{The letter `{C}'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\uc{D}{d}} \comment{The letter `{D}'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\uc{E}{e}} \comment{The letter `{E}'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\uc{F}{f}} \comment{The letter `{F}'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\uc{G}{g}} \comment{The letter `{G}'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\uc{H}{h}} \comment{The letter `{H}'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\uc{I}{i}} \comment{The letter `{I}'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\uc{J}{j}} \comment{The letter `{J}'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\uc{K}{k}} \comment{The letter `{K}'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\uc{L}{l}} \comment{The letter `{L}'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\uc{M}{m}} \comment{The letter `{M}'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\uc{N}{n}} \comment{The letter `{N}'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\uc{O}{o}} \comment{The letter `{O}'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\uc{P}{p}} \comment{The letter `{P}'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\uc{Q}{q}} \comment{The letter `{Q}'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\uc{R}{r}} \comment{The letter `{R}'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\uc{S}{s}} \comment{The letter `{S}'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\uc{T}{t}} \comment{The letter `{T}'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\uc{U}{u}} \comment{The letter `{U}'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\uc{V}{v}} \comment{The letter `{V}'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\uc{W}{w}} \comment{The letter `{W}'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\uc{X}{x}} \comment{The letter `{X}'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\uc{Y}{y}} \comment{The letter `{Y}'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\uc{Z}{z}} \comment{The letter `{Z}'.} \endsetslot \setslot{adieresis} \comment{the letter `\"a'} \endsetslot \setslot{edieresis} \comment{the letter `\"e'} \endsetslot \setslot{odieresis} \comment{the letter `\"o'} \endsetslot \setslot{udieresis} \comment{the letter `\"u'} \endsetslot \setslot{quotedblleft} \comment{The English opening quote mark `\,\textquotedblleft\,'.} \endsetslot \setslot{sround} \comment{The letter round `s'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\lc{A}{a}} \comment{The letter `{a}'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\lc{B}{b}} \comment{The letter `{b}'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\lc{C}{c}} \comment{The letter `{c}'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\lc{D}{d}} \comment{The letter `{d}'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\lc{E}{e}} \comment{The letter `{e}'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\lc{F}{f}} \ligature{LIG}{\lc{I}{i}}{\lclig{FI}{fi}} \ligature{LIG}{\lc{F}{f}}{\lclig{FF}{ff}} \ligature{LIG}{\lc{L}{l}}{\lclig{FL}{fl}} \comment{The letter `{f}'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\lc{G}{g}} \comment{The letter `{g}'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\lc{H}{h}} \comment{The letter `{h}'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\lc{I}{i}} \comment{The letter `{i}'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\lc{J}{j}} \comment{The letter `{j}'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\lc{K}{k}} \comment{The letter `{k}'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\lc{L}{l}} \comment{The letter `{l}'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\lc{M}{m}} \comment{The letter `{m}'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\lc{N}{n}} \comment{The letter `{n}'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\lc{O}{o}} \comment{The letter `{o}'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\lc{P}{p}} \comment{The letter `{p}'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\lc{Q}{q}} \comment{The letter `{q}'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\lc{R}{r}} \comment{The letter `{r}'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\lc{S}{s}} \comment{The letter `{s}'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\lc{T}{t}} \comment{The letter `{t}'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\lc{U}{u}} \comment{The letter `{u}'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\lc{V}{v}} \comment{The letter `{v}'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\lc{W}{w}} \comment{The letter `{w}'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\lc{X}{x}} \comment{The letter `{x}'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\lc{Y}{y}} \comment{The letter `{y}'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\lc{Z}{z}} \comment{The letter `{z}'.} \endsetslot \setslot{rangedash} \ligature{LIG}{hyphen}{punctdash} \comment{The number range dash `1--9'. In a monowidth font, this might be set as `{\tt 1{-}9}'.} \endsetslot \setslot{punctdash} \comment{The punctuation dash `Oh---boy.' In a monowidth font, this might be set as `{\tt Oh{-}{-}boy.}'} \endsetslot \endencoding \end{document} % % \end{macrocode} % % % \section{First cleaning up} % % In this file (|setglyph.mtx|), we do two things: First, we move some % ligatures from the poriginal encoding to the correct position in my % pseudo-T1, ans secondly we unset some glyphs that shouldn't be used from % the Haralambous font. % % \begin{macrocode} %<*setglyphmtx> \relax \metrics % \end{macrocode} % % \subsection{Moving the ligatures} % % E.\,g., the ``ck'' ligature must end up in the T1 slot called % ``ffl ligature''. Here I do so. Of cause, only if the respective ligature % is available at all. % \begin{macrocode} \setcommand\setglyphmaybe#1#2{% \unsetglyph{#1} \ifisglyph{#2}\then \setglyph{#1} \glyph{#2}{1000} \endsetglyph \fi } \setglyphmaybe{dotlessj}{si} \setglyphmaybe{ffi}{ch} \setglyphmaybe{ffl}{ck} \setglyphmaybe{backslash}{ft} \setglyphmaybe{asciicircum}{ss} \setglyphmaybe{underscore}{st} \setglyphmaybe{bar}{tz} % \end{macrocode} % % \subsection{Taking accents from CM} % % All ligatures are taken from CM, only the Hungarian umlaut comes from EC % (see below). The Haralambous fonts don't contain all of them anyway. % \begin{macrocode} \unsetglyph{circumflex} \unsetglyph{breve} \unsetglyph{ring} \unsetglyph{macron} \unsetglyph{caron} \unsetglyph{tilde} \unsetglyph{quotedblleft} \unsetglyph{quotedblright} \unsetglyph{quotedblbase} \unsetglyph{tilde} \unsetglyph{slash} \endmetrics % % \end{macrocode} % % % \section{Making the accents smaller} % % This part will eventually come to the file |unsetacc.mtx|. I want to take % the accents not from the original computer modern or their T1 variant, but % from the seven point version, at least for the Fraktur font. These smaller % accents look nicer in my opinion, because the dainty Fraktur letters can't % cope with usual ten point accents. % \begin{macrocode} %<*unsetaccmtx> \relax \metrics % \end{macrocode} % The following three lines save the old height of the tilde character in a % variable called |oldtildeheight| in order to be able to shift the smaller % accents upwards to the correct height later. Probably this was superfluous, % because I have to tweak the heights anyway. % \begin{macrocode} \setint{oldtildeheight}{\height{tilde}} \def\temp{\int{oldtildeheight}} \xdef\oldtildeheight{\the\temp} \unsetglyph{grave} \unsetglyph{acute} \unsetglyph{circumflex} \unsetglyph{tilde} \unsetglyph{ring} \unsetglyph{caron} \unsetglyph{breve} \unsetglyph{dotaccent} \endmetrics % % \end{macrocode} % % % \section{The Hungarian umlaut} % % This wanders eventually to the file |unsetcm.mtx| and does not more than % just unsetting the Hungarian umlaut accent. The reason for that is that % this symbol looks much nicer in the EC fonts, especially because the normal % dieresis accent looks wuite similar to the CM version of the Hungarian % umlaut, which is potentially dangerous. (Hungarian uses both.) % \begin{macrocode} %<*unsetcmmtx> \relax \metrics \unsetglyph{hungarumlaut} \endmetrics % % \end{macrocode} % % % \section{Unsetting the diacritics} % % In this section (eventually the file |unsetdia.mtx|), I make all % pathologial latter, i.\,e.\ all letters with diacritic signs, undefined. % After that, I can set some critical characters manually in the ``cleanup'' % files (see below), ar I can let them be constrcuted in |broken.mtx|. % \begin{macrocode} %<*unsetdiamtx> \relax \metrics \unsetglyph{hyphenchar} \unsetglyph{Abreve} \unsetglyph{Aogonek} \unsetglyph{Cacute} \unsetglyph{Ccaron} \unsetglyph{Dcaron} \unsetglyph{Ecaron} \unsetglyph{Eogonek} \unsetglyph{Gbreve} \unsetglyph{Lacute} \unsetglyph{Lcaron} \unsetglyph{Lslash} \unsetglyph{Nacute} \unsetglyph{Ncaron} \unsetglyph{Ng} \unsetglyph{Ohungarumlaut} \unsetglyph{Racute} \unsetglyph{Rcaron} \unsetglyph{Sacute} \unsetglyph{Scaron} \unsetglyph{Scedilla} \unsetglyph{Tcaron} \unsetglyph{Tcedilla} \unsetglyph{Uhungarumlaut} \unsetglyph{Uring} \unsetglyph{Ydieresis} \unsetglyph{Zacute} \unsetglyph{Zcaron} \unsetglyph{Zdotaccent} \unsetglyph{IJ} \unsetglyph{Idotaccent} \unsetglyph{dbar} \unsetglyph{abreve} \unsetglyph{aogonek} \unsetglyph{cacute} \unsetglyph{ccaron} \unsetglyph{dcaron} \unsetglyph{ecaron} \unsetglyph{eogonek} \unsetglyph{gbreve} \unsetglyph{lacute} \unsetglyph{lcaron} \unsetglyph{lslash} \unsetglyph{nacute} \unsetglyph{ncaron} \unsetglyph{ng} \unsetglyph{ohungarumlaut} \unsetglyph{racute} \unsetglyph{rcaron} \unsetglyph{sacute} \unsetglyph{scaron} \unsetglyph{scedilla} \unsetglyph{tcaron} \unsetglyph{tcedilla} \unsetglyph{uhungarumlaut} \unsetglyph{uring} \unsetglyph{ydieresis} \unsetglyph{zacute} \unsetglyph{zcaron} \unsetglyph{zdotaccent} \unsetglyph{ij} \unsetglyph{Agrave} \unsetglyph{Aacute} \unsetglyph{Acircumflex} \unsetglyph{Atilde} \unsetglyph{Adieresis} \unsetglyph{Aring} \unsetglyph{AE} \unsetglyph{Ccedilla} \unsetglyph{Egrave} \unsetglyph{Eacute} \unsetglyph{Ecircumflex} \unsetglyph{Edieresis} \unsetglyph{Igrave} \unsetglyph{Iacute} \unsetglyph{Icircumflex} \unsetglyph{Idieresis} \unsetglyph{Eth} \unsetglyph{Ntilde} \unsetglyph{Ograve} \unsetglyph{Oacute} \unsetglyph{Ocircumflex} \unsetglyph{Otilde} \unsetglyph{Odieresis} \unsetglyph{OE} \unsetglyph{Oslash} \unsetglyph{Ugrave} \unsetglyph{Uacute} \unsetglyph{Ucircumflex} \unsetglyph{Udieresis} \unsetglyph{Yacute} \unsetglyph{Thorn} \unsetglyph{SS} \unsetglyph{agrave} \unsetglyph{aacute} \unsetglyph{acircumflex} \unsetglyph{atilde} \unsetglyph{adieresis} \unsetglyph{aring} \unsetglyph{ae} \unsetglyph{ccedilla} \unsetglyph{egrave} \unsetglyph{eacute} \unsetglyph{ecircumflex} \unsetglyph{edieresis} \unsetglyph{igrave} \unsetglyph{iacute} \unsetglyph{icircumflex} \unsetglyph{idieresis} \unsetglyph{eth} \unsetglyph{ntilde} \unsetglyph{ograve} \unsetglyph{oacute} \unsetglyph{ocircumflex} \unsetglyph{otilde} \unsetglyph{odieresis} \unsetglyph{oe} \unsetglyph{oslash} \unsetglyph{ugrave} \unsetglyph{uacute} \unsetglyph{ucircumflex} \unsetglyph{udieresis} \unsetglyph{yacute} \unsetglyph{thorn} \unsetglyph{germandbls} \endmetrics % % \end{macrocode} % % % \section{Getting the sterling symbol} % % This part will eventually come to the file |unsetste.mtx|. It's quite % annoying that this is necessary, but I haven't found a better solution. % Since I don't want to take the sterling symbol from the EC fonts, I have % to unset it here. Not more. % \begin{macrocode} %<*unsetstemtx> \relax \metrics \unsetglyph{sterling} \endmetrics % % \end{macrocode} % % % \section{Final touches to yfrak} % % \begin{macrocode} %<*fcleanupmtx> \relax \metrics % \end{macrocode} % % \subsection{Accent positioning} % % A top accent is set by placing the center of the accent at the given % position along the width of the letter, raised up by the difference % between the height of the letter and the xheight. % \begin{macrocode} \setcommand\topaccent#1#2#3{ \push \moveup{\max{0}{\sub{\height{#1}}{\int{xheight}}}} \movert{\add{\sub{\scale{\width{#1}}{#3}}{\scale{\width{#2}}{500}}} {\scale{\sub{\height{#1}}{\int{xheight}}}{\int{italicslant}}}} \glyph{#2}{1000} \pop \glyph{#1}{1000} } % \end{macrocode} % A bottom accent is set by placing the center of the accent at the given % position along the width of the letter. % \begin{macrocode} \setcommand\botaccent#1#2#3{ \push \movert{\sub{\scale{\width{#1}}{#3}}{\scale{\width{#2}}{500}}} \glyph{#2}{1000} \pop \glyph{#1}{1000} } % \end{macrocode} % The following values are for the |#3| paramter in the above macros. % \begin{macrocode} \setcommand\Askew{550} \setcommand\Uskew{470} % \end{macrocode} % |\adjustheight| is meant for characters with a too small height, which is % true for all German umlauts, for example. % \begin{macrocode} \setcommand\adjustheight#1{% \resetglyph{#1} \glyph{#1}{1000} \resetheight{\height{k}} \endsetglyph } \adjustheight{adieresis} \adjustheight{edieresis} \adjustheight{odieresis} \adjustheight{udieresis} \adjustheight{i} \adjustheight{j} % \end{macrocode} % % \subsection{Setting up the accents} % % Here I copy the save value of the height of the tilde accent to % |pushvalue|. % \begin{macrocode} \setint{pushvalue}{\sub{\oldtildeheight}{\height{tilde}}} % \end{macrocode} % This routine moves the accent up. The accent is smaller than ten points % (seven points), and this routine tries to ensure that it still has the % correct height. It doesn't do this perfectly, therefor I need the special % tweak parameter |#2|, which is usually negative. % \begin{macrocode} \setcommand\pushaccent#1#2{ \resetglyph{#1} \moveup{\add{\int{pushvalue}}{#2}} \glyph{#1}{1000} \endsetglyph } % \end{macrocode} % Here now the concrete accents. % \begin{macrocode} \pushaccent{grave}{-20} \pushaccent{acute}{-20} \pushaccent{circumflex}{-40} \pushaccent{tilde}{-70} \pushaccent{hungarumlaut}{-20} % \end{macrocode} % I handle the dieresis separately because it comes from yswab, and not from % CM. % \begin{macrocode} \resetglyph{dieresis} \moveup{160} \glyph{dieresis}{1000} \endsetglyph \pushaccent{ring}{-50} \pushaccent{caron}{-50} \pushaccent{breve}{-20} \pushaccent{dotaccent}{-30} % \end{macrocode} % I want to have the original ring accent from yfrak. It's quite nice. % \begin{macrocode} \resetglyph{ring} \glyph{ringfitted}{1000} \endsetglyph % \end{macrocode} % % \subsection{Correcting false characters boxes} % % The depth and height of the ``ch'' and ``ck'' ligature are wrong. Here I % correct that. % \begin{macrocode} \resetglyph{ffi} \glyph{ffi}{1000} \resetheight{\height{h}} \resetdepth{\depth{h}} \endsetglyph \resetglyph{ffl} \glyph{ffl}{1000} \resetheight{\height{k}} \endsetglyph \resetint{interword}{250} % \end{macrocode} % Similar correction for comma, period and semicolon. % \begin{macrocode} \resetglyph{comma} \glyph{comma}{1000} \resetheight{\height{quotesinglbase}} \resetdepth{\depth{quotesinglbase}} \endsetglyph \resetglyph{period} \glyph{period}{1000} \resetheight{\height{quotesinglbase}} \endsetglyph \resetglyph{semicolon} \glyph{semicolon}{1000} \resetdepth{\depth{comma}} \endsetglyph % \end{macrocode} % The following ligatures are not available in yfrak and must be faked in % |broken.mtx|. % \begin{macrocode} \unsetglyph{dotlessj} \unsetglyph{fi} \unsetglyph{fl} \unsetglyph{backslash} % \end{macrocode} % % \subsection{Setting up the quotes} % % What follows, are hopeless tricks to get nice double and single quotes. I % move the glyphes arbitrarily around, in order to get nice spacing to % following or preceding letters and to avaiod EC characters here. % \begin{macrocode} \resetglyph{quotedblleft} \movert{-100} \glyph{quotedblleft}{1000} \resetwidth{\add{\width{quotedblbase}}{70}} \endsetglyph \resetglyph{quotedblright} \movert{20} \glyph{quotedblright}{1000} \resetwidth{\add{\width{quotedblbase}}{20}} \endsetglyph \resetglyph{quotesinglbase} \moveup{\sub{\height{quotedblbase}}{\height{quoteright}}} \glyph{quoteright}{1000} \samesize{quotesinglbase} \endsetglyph \resetglyph{quotedblbase} \moveup{\sub{\height{quotedblbase}}{\height{quotedblright}}} \movert{-60} \glyph{quotedblright}{1000} \resetheight{\height{quotedblbase}} \resetdepth{\depth{quotedblbase}} \resetwidth{\add{\width{quotedblbase}}{40}} \endsetglyph % \end{macrocode} % % \subsection{Faking the glyphs} % % Now I try to fake or improve the letters for the latin T1 version of yfrak. % Most of this should be easy to understand. % \begin{macrocode} \resetglyph{A} \glyph{A}{1000} \resetheight{\sub{\height{A}}{50}} \endsetglyph \setglyph{Abreve} \topaccent{A}{breve}{\Askew} \endsetglyph \setglyph{Aogonek} \botaccent{A}{ogonek}{610} \endsetglyph \setglyph{Eogonek} \botaccent{E}{ogonek}{590} \endsetglyph \setglyph{Lcaron} \glyph{L}{1000} \movert{-100} \glyph{quoteright}{1000} \endsetglyph \setglyph{Lslash} \glyph{lslashslash}{1000} \movert{-270} \glyph{L}{1000} \endsetglyph \setglyph{Ng} \glyph{S}{1000} \endsetglyph \setglyph{Uhungarumlaut} \topaccent{U}{hungarumlaut}{\Uskew} \endsetglyph \setglyph{Uring} \topaccent{U}{ring}{\Uskew} \endsetglyph \setglyph{dbar} \push \movert{-160} \moveup{ \sub{\scale{\add{\height{d}}{\int{xheight}}}{470}} {\height{macron}}} \glyph{macron}{1000} \pop \glyph{d}{1000} \samesize{d} \endsetglyph \setglyph{lslash} \glyph{lslashslash}{1000} \movert{-210} \glyph{l}{1000} \endsetglyph \setglyph{ng} \glyph{sround}{1000} \endsetglyph \setglyph{sacute} \topaccent{sround}{acute}{500} \endsetglyph \setglyph{scaron} \topaccent{sround}{caron}{500} \endsetglyph \setglyph{scedilla} \botaccent{sround}{cedilla}{500} \endsetglyph \setglyph{Agrave} \topaccent{A}{grave}{\Askew} \endsetglyph \setglyph{Aacute} \topaccent{A}{acute}{\Askew} \endsetglyph \setglyph{Acircumflex} \topaccent{A}{circumflex}{\Askew} \endsetglyph \setglyph{Atilde} \topaccent{A}{tilde}{\Askew} \endsetglyph \setglyph{Adieresis} \topaccent{A}{dieresis}{\Askew} \endsetglyph \setglyph{Aring} \topaccent{A}{ring}{\Askew} \endsetglyph \resetglyph{AE} \glyph{A}{1000} \movert{-120} \glyph{E}{1000} \endsetglyph \setglyph{Eth} \push \movert{100} \moveup{ \sub{\scale{\add{\height{d}}{\int{xheight}}}{300}} {\height{macron}}} \glyph{macron}{1000} \pop \glyph{D}{1000} \resetdepth{\depth{D}} \endsetglyph \resetglyph{OE} \glyph{O}{1000} \movert{-100} \glyph{E}{1000} \endsetglyph \resetglyph{Oslash} \push \moveup{130} \movert{170} \glyph{slash}{800} \pop \glyph{O}{1000} \endsetglyph \setglyph{Ugrave} \topaccent{U}{grave}{\Uskew} \endsetglyph \setglyph{Uacute} \topaccent{U}{acute}{\Uskew} \endsetglyph \setglyph{Ucircumflex} \topaccent{U}{circumflex}{\Uskew} \endsetglyph \setglyph{Udieresis} \topaccent{U}{dieresis}{\Uskew} \endsetglyph \setglyph{Thorn} \glyph{T}{1000} \movert{-100} \glyph{h}{1000} \endsetglyph \resetglyph{ae} \glyph{a}{1000} \movert{-150} \glyph{e}{1000} \endsetglyph \setglyph{eth} \push \movert{-100} \moveup{ \sub{\scale{\add{\height{d}}{\int{xheight}}}{700}} {\height{macron}}} \glyph{lslashslash}{1000} \pop \glyph{d}{1000} \endsetglyph \resetglyph{oslash} \push \moveup{120} \movert{50} \glyph{slash}{500} \pop \glyph{o}{1000} \endsetglyph \resetglyph{oe} \glyph{o}{1000} \movert{-100} \glyph{e}{1000} \endsetglyph \setglyph{thorn} \glyph{t}{1000} \movert{-80} \glyph{h}{1000} \endsetglyph \endmetrics % % \end{macrocode} % % % \section{Final touches to yswab} % % \begin{macrocode} %<*scleanupmtx> \relax \metrics % \end{macrocode} % % \subsection{Accent positioning} % % A top accent is set by placing the center of the accent at the given % position along the width of the letter, raised up by the difference % between the height of the letter and the xheight. % \begin{macrocode} \setcommand\topaccent#1#2#3{ \push \moveup{\max{0}{\sub{\height{#1}}{\int{xheight}}}} \movert{\add{\sub{\scale{\width{#1}}{#3}}{\scale{\width{#2}}{500}}} {\scale{\sub{\height{#1}}{\int{xheight}}}{\int{italicslant}}}} \glyph{#2}{1000} \pop \glyph{#1}{1000} } % \end{macrocode} % A bottom accent is set by placing the center of the accent at the given % position along the width of the letter. % \begin{macrocode} \setcommand\botaccent#1#2#3{ \push \movert{\sub{\scale{\width{#1}}{#3}}{\scale{\width{#2}}{500}}} \glyph{#2}{1000} \pop \glyph{#1}{1000} } % \end{macrocode} % The following value is for the |#3| paramter in the above macros. % \begin{macrocode} \setcommand\Askew{580} % \end{macrocode} % |\adjustheight| is meant for characters with a too small height, which is % true for all German umlauts, for example. % \begin{macrocode} \setcommand\adjustheight#1{% \resetglyph{#1} \glyph{#1}{1000} \resetheight{\height{k}} \endsetglyph } \adjustheight{adieresis} \adjustheight{edieresis} \adjustheight{odieresis} \adjustheight{udieresis} % \end{macrocode} % % \subsection{Setting up the accents} % % Here I make all accents a little bit smaller to fit with ygoth. % Additionally I push them upwards, which is accent dependent. % \begin{macrocode} \resetglyph{tilde} \moveup{-40} \glyph{tilde}{1000} \endsetglyph \resetglyph{dieresis} \moveup{-40} \glyph{dieresis}{1000} \endsetglyph % \end{macrocode} % I want to have the original ring accent from yfrak. It's quite nice. % \begin{macrocode} \resetglyph{ring} \moveup{-30} \glyph{ringfitted}{1000} \endsetglyph % \end{macrocode} % % \subsection{Setting up the quotes} % % What follows, are hopeless tricks to get nice double and single quotes. I % move the glyphes arbitrarily around, in order to get nice spacing to % following or preceding letters and to avaiod EC characters here. % \begin{macrocode} \resetglyph{quotedblleft} \movert{-90} \glyph{quotedblleft}{1000} \resetwidth{\sub{\width{quotedblleft}}{100}} \endsetglyph \resetglyph{quotedblright} \movert{20} \glyph{quotedblright}{1000} \resetwidth{\sub{\width{quotedblright}}{120}} \endsetglyph \resetglyph{quotesinglbase} \moveup{\sub{\height{quotedblbase}}{\height{quoteright}}} \glyph{quoteright}{1000} \samesize{quotesinglbase} \endsetglyph \resetglyph{quotedblbase} \moveup{\sub{\height{quotedblbase}}{\height{quotedblright}}} \movert{-45} \glyph{quotedblright}{1000} \movert{70} \resetheight{\height{quotedblbase}} \resetdepth{\depth{quotedblbase}} \endsetglyph % \end{macrocode} % % \subsection{Correcting character boxes} % % I don't know why, but the original character boxes of Haralambous for % yswab are sometimes wrong. % \begin{macrocode} \resetglyph{ffi} \glyph{ffi}{1000} \resetheight{\height{h}} \resetdepth{\depth{h}} \endsetglyph \resetglyph{ffl} \glyph{ffl}{1000} \resetheight{\height{k}} \endsetglyph \resetglyph{comma} \glyph{comma}{1000} \resetheight{\height{quotesinglbase}} \resetdepth{\depth{quotesinglbase}} \endsetglyph \resetglyph{period} \glyph{period}{1000} \resetheight{\height{quotesinglbase}} \endsetglyph \resetglyph{m} \glyph{m}{1000} \resetheight{\height{u}} \endsetglyph \resetglyph{n} \glyph{n}{1000} \resetheight{\height{u}} \endsetglyph \resetint{interword}{250} % \end{macrocode} % % \subsection{Faking the glyphs} % % The following glyphs should be constructed in |broken.mtx|. % \begin{macrocode} \unsetglyph{dotlessj} \unsetglyph{fi} \unsetglyph{fl} \unsetglyph{backslash} \unsetglyph{bar} % \end{macrocode} % Now I try to fake or improve the letters for the latin T1 version of ygoth. % Most of this should be easy to understand. % \begin{macrocode} \setglyph{Abreve} \topaccent{A}{breve}{\Askew} \endsetglyph \setglyph{Lcaron} \glyph{L}{1000} \movert{-200} \glyph{quoteright}{1000} \endsetglyph \setglyph{Lslash} \glyph{lslashslash}{1000} \movert{-270} \glyph{L}{1000} \endsetglyph \setglyph{Ng} \glyph{S}{1000} \endsetglyph \setglyph{dbar} \push \movert{-160} \moveup{ \sub{\scale{\add{\height{d}}{\int{xheight}}}{470}} {\height{macron}}} \glyph{macron}{1000} \pop \glyph{d}{1000} \samesize{d} \endsetglyph \setglyph{lslash} \glyph{lslashslash}{1000} \movert{-240} \glyph{l}{1000} \endsetglyph \setglyph{ng} \glyph{sround}{1000} \endsetglyph \setglyph{sacute} \topaccent{sround}{acute}{500} \endsetglyph \setglyph{scaron} \topaccent{sround}{caron}{500} \endsetglyph \setglyph{scedilla} \botaccent{sround}{cedilla}{500} \endsetglyph \setglyph{Agrave} \topaccent{A}{grave}{\Askew} \endsetglyph \setglyph{Aacute} \topaccent{A}{acute}{\Askew} \endsetglyph \setglyph{Acircumflex} \topaccent{A}{circumflex}{\Askew} \endsetglyph \setglyph{Atilde} \topaccent{A}{tilde}{\Askew} \endsetglyph \setglyph{Adieresis} \topaccent{A}{dieresis}{\Askew} \endsetglyph \setglyph{Aring} \topaccent{A}{ring}{\Askew} \endsetglyph \setglyph{AE} \glyph{A}{1000} \movert{-100} \glyph{E}{1000} \endsetglyph \setglyph{Eth} \push \movert{100} \moveup{ \sub{\scale{\add{\height{d}}{\int{xheight}}}{300}} {\height{macron}}} \glyph{macron}{1000} \pop \glyph{D}{1000} \resetdepth{\depth{D}} \endsetglyph \setglyph{OE} \glyph{O}{1000} \movert{-100} \glyph{E}{1000} \endsetglyph \setglyph{Oslash} \push \moveup{130} \movert{170} \glyph{slash}{800} \pop \glyph{O}{1000} \endsetglyph \setglyph{Thorn} \glyph{T}{1000} \movert{-100} \glyph{h}{1000} \endsetglyph \setglyph{ae} \glyph{a}{1000} \movert{-150} \glyph{e}{1000} \endsetglyph \setglyph{eth} \push \movert{-30} \moveup{ \sub{\scale{\add{\height{d}}{\int{xheight}}}{650}} {\height{macron}}} \glyph{lslashslash}{1000} \pop \glyph{d}{1000} \endsetglyph \setglyph{oslash} \push \moveup{120} \movert{70} \glyph{slash}{500} \pop \glyph{o}{1000} \endsetglyph \setglyph{oe} \glyph{o}{1000} \movert{-100} \glyph{e}{1000} \endsetglyph \setglyph{thorn} \glyph{t}{1000} \movert{-80} \glyph{h}{1000} \endsetglyph \endmetrics % % \end{macrocode} % % % \section{Final touches to ygoth} % % \begin{macrocode} %<*gcleanupmtx> \relax \metrics % \end{macrocode} % % \subsection{Accent positioning} % % A top accent is set by placing the center of the accent at the given % position along the width of the letter, raised up by the difference % between the height of the letter and the xheight. % \begin{macrocode} \setcommand\topaccent#1#2#3{ \push \moveup{\max{0}{\sub{\height{#1}}{\int{xheight}}}} \movert{\add{\sub{\scale{\width{#1}}{#3}}{\scale{\width{#2}}{500}}} {\scale{\sub{\height{#1}}{\int{xheight}}}{\int{italicslant}}}} \glyph{#2}{1000} \pop \glyph{#1}{1000} } % \end{macrocode} % A bottom accent is set by placing the center of the accent at the given % position along the width of the letter. % \begin{macrocode} \setcommand\botaccent#1#2#3{ \push \movert{\sub{\scale{\width{#1}}{#3}}{\scale{\width{#2}}{500}}} \glyph{#2}{1000} \pop \glyph{#1}{1000} } % \end{macrocode} % The following values are for the |#3| paramter in the above macros. % \begin{macrocode} \setcommand\Askew{700} \setcommand\Uskew{600} % \end{macrocode} % |\adjustheight| is meant for characters with a too small height, which is % true for all German umlauts, for example. % \begin{macrocode} \setcommand\adjustheight#1{% \resetglyph{#1} \glyph{#1}{1000} \resetheight{\height{k}} \endsetglyph } \adjustheight{adieresis} \adjustheight{edieresis} \adjustheight{odieresis} \adjustheight{udieresis} % \end{macrocode} % % \subsection{Setting up the accents} % % Here I make all accents a little bit smaller to fit with ygoth. % Additionally I push them upwards, which is accent dependent. % \begin{macrocode} \setcommand\SmallerAccent#1#2{ \resetglyph{#1} \moveup{\add{100}{#2}} \movert{\div{\width{#1}}{10}} \glyph{#1}{800} \samesize{#1} \endsetglyph } \SmallerAccent{grave}{20} \SmallerAccent{acute}{20} \SmallerAccent{circumflex}{20} \SmallerAccent{tilde}{0} \SmallerAccent{hungarumlaut}{20} \SmallerAccent{ring}{30} \SmallerAccent{ringfitted}{20} \SmallerAccent{caron}{20} \SmallerAccent{breve}{20} % \end{macrocode} % I construct the dieresis of two mere periods. Don't say anything. % \begin{macrocode} \resetglyph{dieresis} \moveup{560} \movert{80} \glyph{period}{1000} \movert{-140} \glyph{period}{1000} \samesize{dieresis} \endsetglyph % \end{macrocode} % Similar trick for the dot accent. % \begin{macrocode} \resetglyph{dotaccent} \moveup{560} \movert{10} \glyph{period}{1000} \samesize{dotaccent} \endsetglyph \resetglyph{ring} \moveup{-30} \glyph{ringfitted}{1000} \endsetglyph % \end{macrocode} % % \subsection{Setting up the quotes} % % What follows, are hopeless tricks to get nice double and single quotes. I % move the glyphes arbitrarily around, in order to get nice spacing to % following or preceding letters and to avaiod EC characters here. % \begin{macrocode} \resetglyph{quotesinglbase} \moveup{\sub{\height{quotedblbase}}{\height{quoteright}}} \glyph{quoteright}{1000} \samesize{quotesinglbase} \endsetglyph \resetglyph{quotedblleft} \movert{-90} \glyph{quotedblleft}{1000} \resetwidth{\sub{\width{quotedblleft}}{100}} \endsetglyph \resetglyph{quotedblright} \movert{20} \glyph{quotedblright}{1000} \resetwidth{\sub{\width{quotedblright}}{120}} \endsetglyph \resetglyph{quotedblbase} \moveup{\sub{\height{quotedblbase}}{\height{quotedblright}}} \movert{-80} \glyph{quotedblright}{1000} \resetheight{\height{quotedblbase}} \resetdepth{\depth{quotedblbase}} \resetwidth{\add{\width{quotedblbase}}{30}} \endsetglyph % \end{macrocode} % % \subsection{Correcting character boxes} % % I don't know why, but the original character boxes of Haralambous for % ygoth are sometimes wrong. Here I shift the ``i'' a little bit to the % left and the ``l'' a little bit to the right. Similar changes to other % characters. % \begin{macrocode} \resetglyph{dotlessi} \movert{-30} \glyph{dotlessi}{1000} \resetwidth{\width{dotlessi}} \resetheight{\height{u}} \endsetglyph \resetglyph{fi} \glyph{fi}{1000} \movert{40} \endsetglyph \resetglyph{ffi} \glyph{ffi}{1000} \movert{20} \resetdepth{\depth{h}} \endsetglyph \resetglyph{ffl} \glyph{ffl}{1000} \movert{20} \endsetglyph \resetglyph{comma} \glyph{comma}{1000} \resetheight{\height{quotesinglbase}} \endsetglyph \resetglyph{period} \glyph{period}{1000} \resetheight{\height{quotesinglbase}} \endsetglyph \resetglyph{A} \glyph{A}{1000} \resetheight{\sub{\height{A}}{50}} \endsetglyph \resetglyph{i} \movert{-30} \glyph{i}{1000} \samesize{i} \endsetglyph \resetglyph{j} \movert{-30} \glyph{j}{1000} \movert{30} \endsetglyph \resetglyph{l} \movert{30} \glyph{l}{1000} \samesize{l} \endsetglyph \resetint{interword}{250} % \end{macrocode} % % \subsection{Kerning} % % ``F'' and ``V'' need some kerning. % % \begin{macrocode} \setkern{F}{a}{-140} \setkern{F}{e}{-110} \setkern{F}{o}{-140} \setkern{F}{u}{-110} \setkern{V}{a}{-140} \setkern{V}{e}{-110} \setkern{V}{o}{-140} \setkern{V}{u}{-110} % \end{macrocode} % % \subsection{Faking the glyphs} % % The following glyphs should be constructed in |broken.mtx|. % \begin{macrocode} \unsetglyph{dotlessj} \unsetglyph{backslash} % \end{macrocode} % Now I try to fake or improve the letters for the latin T1 version of ygoth. % Most of this should be easy to understand. % \begin{macrocode} \setglyph{Abreve} \topaccent{A}{breve}{\Askew} \endsetglyph \setglyph{Eogonek} \botaccent{E}{ogonek}{600} \endsetglyph \setglyph{Lacute} \topaccent{L}{acute}{700} \endsetglyph \setglyph{Lcaron} \glyph{L}{1000} \movert{-30} \glyph{quoteright}{1000} \endsetglyph \setglyph{Lslash} \moveup{-200} \glyph{lslashslash}{1800} \moveup{200} \movert{-640} \glyph{L}{1000} \samesize{L} \endsetglyph \setglyph{Ng} \glyph{S}{1000} \endsetglyph \setglyph{Uhungarumlaut} \topaccent{U}{hungarumlaut}{\Uskew} \endsetglyph \setglyph{Uring} \topaccent{U}{ring}{\Uskew} \endsetglyph \setglyph{dbar} \push \movert{-100} \moveup{ \sub{\scale{\add{\height{d}}{\int{xheight}}}{390}} {\height{macron}}} \glyph{macron}{1000} \pop \glyph{d}{1000} \samesize{d} \endsetglyph \setglyph{lcaron} \glyph{l}{1000} \movert{-50} \glyph{quoteright}{1000} \endsetglyph \setglyph{lslash} \glyph{lslashslash}{1000} \movert{-220} \glyph{l}{1000} \endsetglyph \setglyph{ng} \glyph{sround}{1000} \endsetglyph \setglyph{sacute} \topaccent{sround}{acute}{500} \endsetglyph \setglyph{scaron} \topaccent{sround}{caron}{500} \endsetglyph \setglyph{scedilla} \botaccent{sround}{cedilla}{500} \endsetglyph \setglyph{Agrave} \topaccent{A}{grave}{\Askew} \endsetglyph \setglyph{Aacute} \topaccent{A}{acute}{\Askew} \endsetglyph \setglyph{Acircumflex} \topaccent{A}{circumflex}{\Askew} \endsetglyph \setglyph{Atilde} \topaccent{A}{tilde}{\Askew} \endsetglyph \setglyph{Adieresis} \topaccent{A}{dieresis}{\Askew} \endsetglyph \setglyph{Aring} \topaccent{A}{ring}{\Askew} \endsetglyph \setglyph{AE} \glyph{A}{1000} \movert{-190} \glyph{E}{1000} \endsetglyph \setglyph{Eth} \push \movert{-80} \moveup{ \sub{\scale{\add{\height{d}}{\int{xheight}}}{380}} {\height{macron}}} \glyph{macron}{1000} \pop \glyph{D}{1000} \resetdepth{\depth{D}} \endsetglyph \setglyph{OE} \glyph{O}{1000} \movert{-100} \glyph{E}{1000} \endsetglyph \setglyph{Oslash} \push \moveup{130} \movert{190} \glyph{slash}{800} \pop \glyph{O}{1000} \endsetglyph \setglyph{Ugrave} \topaccent{U}{grave}{\Uskew} \endsetglyph \setglyph{Uacute} \topaccent{U}{acute}{\Uskew} \endsetglyph \setglyph{Ucircumflex} \topaccent{U}{circumflex}{\Uskew} \endsetglyph \setglyph{Udieresis} \topaccent{U}{dieresis}{\Uskew} \endsetglyph \setglyph{Thorn} \glyph{T}{1000} \movert{-100} \glyph{h}{1000} \endsetglyph \setglyph{ae} \glyph{a}{1000} \movert{-150} \glyph{e}{1000} \endsetglyph \setglyph{eth} \push \movert{-40} \moveup{ \sub{\scale{\add{\height{d}}{\int{xheight}}}{620}} {\height{macron}}} \glyph{lslashslash}{1000} \pop \glyph{d}{1000} \endsetglyph \setglyph{oslash} \push \moveup{120} \movert{70} \glyph{slash}{500} \pop \glyph{o}{1000} \endsetglyph \setglyph{oe} \glyph{o}{1000} \movert{-100} \glyph{e}{1000} \endsetglyph \setglyph{thorn} \glyph{t}{1000} \movert{-80} \glyph{h}{1000} \endsetglyph % \end{macrocode} % % \subsection{Letterspacing} % % ygoth runs too narrow. I improve that here. % \begin{macrocode} \setint{letterspacing}{50} % \end{macrocode} % On the other hand, the German combination ``sch'' looks like ``s\,ch''. % Therefore I set this kerning here. FixMe: This induces wrong implicit % kerning of diacritic letters in |broken.mtx|. % \begin{macrocode} \setkern{s}{c}{-80} \endmetrics % % \end{macrocode} % % % \section{Letterspacing} % % The following definitions form the file |lettersp.mtx| and define some % thing for a letterspeced Fraktur version, used eventually as the italic % counterpart. % \begin{macrocode} %<*letterspmtx> \relax \metrics % \end{macrocode} % % \subsection{The ``sch'' case} % % First, I re-do the spacing for the ``sch'' combination. This is unusual, % but I find it more readable this way. % \begin{macrocode} \setkern{s}{c}{-150} % \end{macrocode} % The following definitions turn off all kerning commands. This prevents % |broken.mtx| from copying the above kerning information to other % \mbox{``s--c''} combinations with diacritic marks. % \begin{macrocode} \gdef\setleftrightkerning#1#2#3{} \gdef\setleftkerning#1#2#3{} \gdef\setrightkerning#1#2#3{} % \end{macrocode} % Now I finally set the letterspacing. % \begin{macrocode} \setint{letterspacing}{150} \resetint{interword}{350} % \end{macrocode} % % \subsection{Breaking up of some ligatures} % % In the rest of the file I re-define some ligatures, namely all ligatures % that have to be broken up in letterspacing. Actually the ``st'' ligature % should be broken up, too, according to Duden and other sources. Curiously % enough, I've found no real life book that did it that way, everybody keeps % it together. So I do that, too. After all, it's a very nice ligature. % \begin{macrocode} \resetglyph{dotlessj} \glyph{s}{1000} \movert{\int{letterspacing}} \glyph{i}{1000} \endsetglyph \resetglyph{ff} \glyph{f}{1000} \movert{\int{letterspacing}} \glyph{f}{1000} \endsetglyph \resetglyph{fi} \glyph{f}{1000} \movert{\int{letterspacing}} \glyph{i}{1000} \endsetglyph \resetglyph{fl} \glyph{f}{1000} \movert{\int{letterspacing}} \glyph{l}{1000} \endsetglyph \resetglyph{backslash} \glyph{f}{1000} \movert{\int{letterspacing}} \glyph{t}{1000} \endsetglyph \resetglyph{asciicircum} \glyph{s}{1000} \movert{\int{letterspacing}} \glyph{s}{1000} \endsetglyph \endmetrics % % \end{macrocode} % The following file |broken.mtx| is a slimmed and modified version of % \texttt{fontinst}'s |latin.mtx|. It makes last settings and tries to fake % glyphs that are still missing. % \begin{macrocode} %<*brokenmtx> \relax \documentclass[twocolumn]{article} \usepackage{fontdoc} \title{The broken typefaces glyphs} \author{Torsten Bronger} \date{7.~May 2002 \\ Version 1.0} \begin{document} \maketitle \section{Introduction} This document describes the glyphs used by the {\tt fontinst} package when generating broken typefaces fonts, especially those by Yannis Haralambous. It's a modified version of {\tt fontinst}'s \verb|latin.mtx|. \metrics \needsfontinstversion{1.800} % \end{macrocode} % % \subsection{Basic helper commands} % % |\unfakable| is a glyph which can't be faked. % \begin{macrocode} \setcommand\unfakable#1{ \setglyph{#1} \ifisglyph{#1-not}\then \moveup{\neg{\depth{#1-not}}} \glyphrule{ \width{#1-not} }{ \add{\depth{#1-not}}{\height{#1-not}} } \resetitalic{\italic{#1-not}} \moveup{\depth{#1-not}} \else \glyphrule{500}{500} \fi \glyphwarning{missing glyph `#1'} \endsetglyph } % \end{macrocode} % A top accent is set by placing the center of the accent at the given % position along the width of the letter, raised up by the difference % between the height of the letter and the xheight. % \begin{macrocode} \setcommand\topaccent#1#2#3{ \push \moveup{\max{0}{\sub{\height{#1}}{\int{xheight}}}} \movert{\add{\sub{\scale{\width{#1}}{#3}}{\scale{\width{#2}}{500}}} {\scale{\sub{\height{#1}}{\int{xheight}}}{\int{italicslant}}}} \glyph{#2}{1000} \pop \glyph{#1}{1000} } % \end{macrocode} % A bottom accent is set by placing the center of the accent at the given % position along the width of the letter. % \begin{macrocode} \setcommand\botaccent#1#2#3{ \push \movert{\sub{\scale{\width{#1}}{#3}}{\scale{\width{#2}}{500}}} \glyph{#2}{1000} \pop \glyph{#1}{1000} } % \end{macrocode} % % \subsection{Default font values} % % \begin{macrocode} \comment{\section{Default values}} \setint{italicslant}{0} \setint{xheight}{\height{x}} \setint{capheight}{\height{A}} \setint{ascender}{\height{k}} \setint{descender}{\depth{g}} \setint{underlinethickness}{40} \setint{visiblespacedepth}{200} \setint{visiblespacewidth}{400} \setint{visiblespacesurround}{50} \setint{smallcapsscale}{800} \setint{smallcapskerning}{900} \setint{capspacing}{50} \setint{smallcapsextraspace}{0} \setint{boundarychar}{32} % \end{macrocode} % % \subsection{Kerning adjustments} % % \begin{macrocode} \comment{\section{Kerning}} % \end{macrocode} % The command |\typicalkerns| adds extra space before some punctuation. This % is common in typesetting with broken typefaces. % \begin{macrocode} \setcommand\typicalkerns#1{ \setkern{#1}{exclam}{100} \setkern{#1}{question}{100} \setkern{#1}{colon}{50} \setkern{#1}{semicolon}{50} } % \end{macrocode} % Now we call |\typicalkerns| for all letter-like characters. % \begin{macrocode} \typicalkerns{dotlessj} \typicalkerns{ff} \typicalkerns{fi} \typicalkerns{fl} \typicalkerns{ffi} \typicalkerns{ffl} \typicalkerns{zero} \typicalkerns{one} \typicalkerns{two} \typicalkerns{three} \typicalkerns{four} \typicalkerns{five} \typicalkerns{six} \typicalkerns{seven} \typicalkerns{eight} \typicalkerns{nine} \typicalkerns{A} \typicalkerns{B} \typicalkerns{C} \typicalkerns{D} \typicalkerns{E} \typicalkerns{F} \typicalkerns{G} \typicalkerns{H} \typicalkerns{I} \typicalkerns{J} \typicalkerns{K} \typicalkerns{L} \typicalkerns{M} \typicalkerns{N} \typicalkerns{O} \typicalkerns{P} \typicalkerns{Q} \typicalkerns{R} \typicalkerns{S} \typicalkerns{T} \typicalkerns{U} \typicalkerns{V} \typicalkerns{W} \typicalkerns{X} \typicalkerns{Y} \typicalkerns{Z} \typicalkerns{a} \typicalkerns{b} \typicalkerns{c} \typicalkerns{d} \typicalkerns{e} \typicalkerns{f} \typicalkerns{g} \typicalkerns{h} \typicalkerns{i} \typicalkerns{j} \typicalkerns{k} \typicalkerns{l} \typicalkerns{m} \typicalkerns{n} \typicalkerns{o} \typicalkerns{p} \typicalkerns{q} \typicalkerns{r} \typicalkerns{s} \typicalkerns{t} \typicalkerns{u} \typicalkerns{v} \typicalkerns{w} \typicalkerns{x} \typicalkerns{y} \typicalkerns{z} \typicalkerns{backslash} \typicalkerns{asciicircum} \typicalkerns{underscore} \typicalkerns{bar} \typicalkerns{quoteleft} \typicalkerns{quoteright} \typicalkerns{quotedblleft} \typicalkerns{quotedblright} \typicalkerns{Abreve} \typicalkerns{Aogonek} \typicalkerns{Cacute} \typicalkerns{Ccaron} \typicalkerns{Dcaron} \typicalkerns{Ecaron} \typicalkerns{Eogonek} \typicalkerns{Gbreve} \typicalkerns{Lacute} \typicalkerns{Lcaron} \typicalkerns{Lslash} \typicalkerns{Nacute} \typicalkerns{Ncaron} \typicalkerns{Ng} \typicalkerns{Ohungarumlaut} \typicalkerns{Racute} \typicalkerns{Rcaron} \typicalkerns{Sacute} \typicalkerns{Scaron} \typicalkerns{Scedilla} \typicalkerns{Tcaron} \typicalkerns{Tcedilla} \typicalkerns{Uhungarumlaut} \typicalkerns{Uring} \typicalkerns{Ydieresis} \typicalkerns{Zacute} \typicalkerns{Zcaron} \typicalkerns{Zdotaccent} \typicalkerns{IJ} \typicalkerns{Idotaccent} \typicalkerns{dbar} \typicalkerns{section} \typicalkerns{abreve} \typicalkerns{aogonek} \typicalkerns{cacute} \typicalkerns{ccaron} \typicalkerns{dcaron} \typicalkerns{ecaron} \typicalkerns{eogonek} \typicalkerns{gbreve} \typicalkerns{lacute} \typicalkerns{lcaron} \typicalkerns{lslash} \typicalkerns{nacute} \typicalkerns{ncaron} \typicalkerns{ng} \typicalkerns{ohungarumlaut} \typicalkerns{racute} \typicalkerns{rcaron} \typicalkerns{sacute} \typicalkerns{scaron} \typicalkerns{scedilla} \typicalkerns{tcaron} \typicalkerns{tcedilla} \typicalkerns{uhungarumlaut} \typicalkerns{uring} \typicalkerns{ydieresis} \typicalkerns{zacute} \typicalkerns{zcaron} \typicalkerns{zdotaccent} \typicalkerns{ij} %\typicalkerns{exclamdown} %\typicalkerns{questiondown} \typicalkerns{sterling} \typicalkerns{Agrave} \typicalkerns{Aacute} \typicalkerns{Acircumflex} \typicalkerns{Atilde} \typicalkerns{Adieresis} \typicalkerns{Aring} \typicalkerns{AE} \typicalkerns{Ccedilla} \typicalkerns{Egrave} \typicalkerns{Eacute} \typicalkerns{Ecircumflex} \typicalkerns{Edieresis} \typicalkerns{Igrave} \typicalkerns{Iacute} \typicalkerns{Icircumflex} \typicalkerns{Idieresis} \typicalkerns{Eth} \typicalkerns{Ntilde} \typicalkerns{Ograve} \typicalkerns{Oacute} \typicalkerns{Ocircumflex} \typicalkerns{Otilde} \typicalkerns{Odieresis} \typicalkerns{OE} \typicalkerns{Oslash} \typicalkerns{Ugrave} \typicalkerns{Uacute} \typicalkerns{Ucircumflex} \typicalkerns{Udieresis} \typicalkerns{Yacute} \typicalkerns{Thorn} \typicalkerns{SS} \typicalkerns{agrave} \typicalkerns{aacute} \typicalkerns{acircumflex} \typicalkerns{atilde} \typicalkerns{adieresis} \typicalkerns{aring} \typicalkerns{ae} \typicalkerns{ccedilla} \typicalkerns{egrave} \typicalkerns{eacute} \typicalkerns{ecircumflex} \typicalkerns{edieresis} \typicalkerns{igrave} \typicalkerns{iacute} \typicalkerns{icircumflex} \typicalkerns{idieresis} \typicalkerns{eth} \typicalkerns{ntilde} \typicalkerns{ograve} \typicalkerns{oacute} \typicalkerns{ocircumflex} \typicalkerns{otilde} \typicalkerns{odieresis} \typicalkerns{oe} \typicalkerns{oslash} \typicalkerns{ugrave} \typicalkerns{uacute} \typicalkerns{ucircumflex} \typicalkerns{udieresis} \typicalkerns{yacute} \typicalkerns{thorn} \typicalkerns{germandbls} % \end{macrocode} % Here we set the kernings of the new ligature characters. % \begin{macrocode} \setleftkerning{dotlessj}{s}{1000} \setrightkerning{dotlessj}{i}{1000} \setleftkerning{backslash}{f}{1000} \setrightkerning{backslash}{t}{1000} \setleftkerning{asciicircum}{s}{1000} \setrightkerning{asciicircum}{s}{1000} \setleftkerning{underscore}{s}{1000} \setrightkerning{unserscore}{t}{1000} \setleftkerning{bar}{t}{1000} \setrightkerning{bar}{z}{1000} % \end{macrocode} % The following adjustments are again taken from |latin.mtx|. % \begin{macrocode} \setleftrightkerning{visiblespace}{space}{1000} \setleftkerning{hyphenchar}{hyphen}{1000} \setleftrightkerning{Aacute}{A}{1000} \setleftrightkerning{Abreve}{A}{1000} \setleftrightkerning{Acircumflex}{A}{1000} \setleftrightkerning{Adieresis}{A}{1000} \setleftrightkerning{Agrave}{A}{1000} \setleftrightkerning{Aogonek}{A}{1000} \setleftrightkerning{Aring}{A}{1000} \setleftrightkerning{Atilde}{A}{1000} \setleftrightkerning{Cacute}{C}{1000} \setleftrightkerning{Ccaron}{C}{1000} \setleftrightkerning{Ccedilla}{C}{1000} \setleftrightkerning{Dcaron}{D}{1000} \setleftrightkerning{Eacute}{E}{1000} \setleftrightkerning{Ecaron}{E}{1000} \setleftrightkerning{Ecircumflex}{E}{1000} \setleftrightkerning{Edieresis}{E}{1000} \setleftrightkerning{Egrave}{E}{1000} \setleftrightkerning{Eogonek}{E}{1000} \setleftrightkerning{Gbreve}{G}{1000} \setleftkerning{IJ}{I}{1000} \setleftrightkerning{Iacute}{I}{1000} \setleftrightkerning{Icircumflex}{I}{1000} \setleftrightkerning{Idieresis}{I}{1000} \setleftrightkerning{Idotaccent}{I}{1000} \setleftrightkerning{Igrave}{I}{1000} \setrightkerning{IJ}{J}{1000} \setleftrightkerning{Lacute}{L}{1000} \setleftrightkerning{Lslash}{L}{1000} \setleftkerning{Lcaron}{L}{1000} \setleftrightkerning{Nacute}{N}{1000} \setleftrightkerning{Ncaron}{N}{1000} \setleftrightkerning{Ntilde}{N}{1000} \setleftrightkerning{Oacute}{O}{1000} \setleftrightkerning{Ocircumflex}{O}{1000} \setleftrightkerning{Odieresis}{O}{1000} \setleftrightkerning{Ograve}{O}{1000} \setleftrightkerning{Ohungarumlaut}{O}{1000} \setleftrightkerning{Oslash}{O}{1000} \setleftrightkerning{Otilde}{O}{1000} \setleftrightkerning{Rcaron}{R}{1000} \setleftrightkerning{Racute}{R}{1000} \setleftrightkerning{SS}{S}{1000} \setleftrightkerning{Sacute}{S}{1000} \setleftrightkerning{Scaron}{S}{1000} \setleftrightkerning{Scedilla}{S}{1000} \setleftrightkerning{Tcaron}{T}{1000} \setleftrightkerning{Tcedilla}{T}{1000} \setleftrightkerning{Uacute}{U}{1000} \setleftrightkerning{Ucircumflex}{U}{1000} \setleftrightkerning{Udieresis}{U}{1000} \setleftrightkerning{Ugrave}{U}{1000} \setleftrightkerning{Uhungarumlaut}{U}{1000} \setleftrightkerning{Uring}{U}{1000} \setleftrightkerning{Yacute}{Y}{1000} \setleftrightkerning{Ydieresis}{Y}{1000} \setleftrightkerning{Zacute}{Z}{1000} \setleftrightkerning{Zcaron}{Z}{1000} \setleftrightkerning{Zdotaccent}{Z}{1000} \setleftrightkerning{aogonek}{a}{1000} \setleftrightkerning{ccedilla}{c}{1000} \setleftrightkerning{eogonek}{e}{1000} % \end{macrocode} % The following four lines are of course different from |latin.mtx|, because % these positions contain different ligatures here. ``ffi'' is ``ch'', and % ``ffl'' is ``ck''. % \begin{macrocode} \setleftkerning{ffi}{c}{1000} \setleftkerning{ffl}{c}{1000} \setrightkerning{ffi}{h}{1000} \setrightkerning{ffl}{k}{1000} \setleftrightkerning{ff}{f}{1000} \setleftkerning{fi}{f}{1000} \setleftkerning{fl}{f}{1000} \setleftkerning{ij}{i}{1000} \setrightkerning{fi}{i}{1000} \setrightkerning{ij}{j}{1000} \setrightkerning{fl}{l}{1000} \setleftkerning{oe}{o}{1000} \setrightkerning{oe}{e}{1000} \setleftrightkerning{oslash}{o}{1000} \setleftrightkerning{scedilla}{s}{1000} \setleftrightkerning{tcedilla}{t}{1000} % \end{macrocode} % % \subsection{Faking of glyphs} % % \subsubsection{List of unfakable glyphs} % % At first, a list of all glyphs that can't be faked. This list is shorter % than in |latin.mtx|, because I'm naughty enough to fake more. % \begin{macrocode} \comment{\section{Unfakable glyphs}} \unfakable{Gamma} \unfakable{Delta} \unfakable{Theta} \unfakable{Lambda} \unfakable{Xi} \unfakable{Pi} \unfakable{Sigma} \unfakable{Upsilon} \unfakable{Upsilon1} \unfakable{Phi} \unfakable{Psi} \unfakable{Omega} \unfakable{grave} \unfakable{acute} \unfakable{circumflex} \unfakable{tilde} \unfakable{dieresis} \unfakable{hungarumlaut} \unfakable{ring} \unfakable{caron} \unfakable{breve} \unfakable{macron} \unfakable{dotaccent} \unfakable{cedilla} \unfakable{ogonek} \unfakable{guilsinglleft} \unfakable{guilsinglright} \unfakable{quotedblleft} \unfakable{quotedblright} \unfakable{quotedblbase} \unfakable{guillemotleft} \unfakable{guillemotright} \unfakable{endash} \unfakable{emdash} \unfakable{dotlessi} \unfakable{perthousandzero} \unfakable{exclam} \unfakable{quotedbl} \unfakable{numbersign} \unfakable{dollar} \unfakable{percent} \unfakable{ampersand} \unfakable{quoteright} \unfakable{parenleft} \unfakable{parenright} \unfakable{asterisk} \unfakable{plus} \unfakable{comma} \unfakable{hyphen} \unfakable{period} \unfakable{slash} \unfakable{zero} \unfakable{one} \unfakable{two} \unfakable{three} \unfakable{four} \unfakable{five} \unfakable{six} \unfakable{seven} \unfakable{eight} \unfakable{nine} \unfakable{zerooldstyle} \unfakable{oneoldstyle} \unfakable{twooldstyle} \unfakable{threeoldstyle} \unfakable{fouroldstyle} \unfakable{fiveoldstyle} \unfakable{sixoldstyle} \unfakable{sevenoldstyle} \unfakable{eightoldstyle} \unfakable{nineoldstyle} \unfakable{colon} \unfakable{semicolon} \unfakable{less} \unfakable{equal} \unfakable{greater} \unfakable{question} \unfakable{at} \unfakable{A} \unfakable{B} \unfakable{C} \unfakable{D} \unfakable{E} \unfakable{F} \unfakable{G} \unfakable{H} \unfakable{I} \unfakable{J} \unfakable{K} \unfakable{L} \unfakable{M} \unfakable{N} \unfakable{O} \unfakable{P} \unfakable{Q} \unfakable{R} \unfakable{S} \unfakable{T} \unfakable{U} \unfakable{V} \unfakable{W} \unfakable{X} \unfakable{Y} \unfakable{Z} \unfakable{bracketleft} \unfakable{bracketright} \unfakable{quoteleft} \unfakable{a} \unfakable{b} \unfakable{c} \unfakable{d} \unfakable{e} \unfakable{f} \unfakable{g} \unfakable{h} \unfakable{i} \unfakable{j} \unfakable{k} \unfakable{l} \unfakable{m} \unfakable{n} \unfakable{o} \unfakable{p} \unfakable{q} \unfakable{r} \unfakable{s} \unfakable{t} \unfakable{u} \unfakable{v} \unfakable{w} \unfakable{x} \unfakable{y} \unfakable{z} \unfakable{braceleft} \unfakable{braceright} \unfakable{asciitilde} \unfakable{Eng} \unfakable{section} \unfakable{eng} \unfakable{exclamdown} \unfakable{questiondown} \unfakable{sterling} \unfakable{AE} \unfakable{Eth} \unfakable{OE} \unfakable{Oslash} \unfakable{Thorn} \unfakable{ae} \unfakable{eth} \unfakable{oe} \unfakable{oslash} \unfakable{thorn} \unfakable{germandbls} \unfakable{lslashslash} % \end{macrocode} % % \subsubsection{Glyph construction} % % Most of this here is taken from |latin.mtx|. % \begin{macrocode} \comment{\section{Glyphs}} \setglyph{space} \ifisglyph{space-not}\then \movert{\width{space-not}} \else \movert{\width{i}} \fi \endsetglyph \setglyph{compwordmark} \glyphrule{0}{\int{xheight}} \endsetglyph \setint{compwordmark-spacing}{0} \setglyph{quotesinglbase} \glyph{comma}{1000} \endsetglyph % \end{macrocode} % In the slot of the dotless ``j'', we actually have the ``si'' ligature. % \begin{macrocode} \setglyph{dotlessj} \glyph{s}{1000} \glyph{i}{1000} \endsetglyph \setglyph{fi} \glyph{f}{1000} \movert{\kerning{f}{i}} \glyph{i}{1000} \endsetglyph \setglyph{ff} \glyph{f}{1000} \movert{\kerning{f}{f}} \glyph{f}{1000} \endsetglyph \setglyph{fl} \glyph{f}{1000} \movert{\kerning{f}{l}} \glyph{l}{1000} \endsetglyph % \end{macrocode} % In the slot of the ``ffi'' ligature, we actually have the ``ch'' ligature. % \begin{macrocode} \setglyph{ffi} \glyph{c}{1000} \movert{\kerning{c}{h}} \glyph{h}{1000} \endsetglyph % \end{macrocode} % In the slot of the ``ffl'' ligature, we actually have the ``ck'' ligature. % \begin{macrocode} \setglyph{ffl} \glyph{c}{1000} \movert{\kerning{c}{k}} \glyph{k}{1000} \endsetglyph \setglyph{visiblespace} \moveup{\neg{\int{visiblespacedepth}}} \movert{\int{visiblespacesurround}} \glyphrule {\int{underlinethickness}} {\int{visiblespacedepth}} \glyphrule {\int{visiblespacewidth}} {\int{underlinethickness}} \glyphrule {\int{underlinethickness}} {\int{visiblespacedepth}} \movert{\int{visiblespacesurround}} \moveup{\int{visiblespacedepth}} \endsetglyph \setglyph{rangedash} \ifisint{monowidth}\then \glyph{hyphen}{1000} \else \glyph{endash}{1000} \fi \endsetglyph \setglyph{punctdash} \ifisint{monowidth}\then \glyph{hyphen}{1000} \glyph{hyphen}{1000} \else \glyph{emdash}{1000} \fi \endsetglyph % \end{macrocode} % In the slot of the backslash, we actually have the ``ft'' ligature. This % ligature is not available in Haralambous' fonts, but it's a common Fraktur % ligature and other font that you may get will probably have it. % \begin{macrocode} \setglyph{backslash} \glyph{f}{1000} \glyph{t}{1000} \endsetglyph % \end{macrocode} % In the slot of the ascii circumflex, we actually have the ``ss'' ligature. % \begin{macrocode} \setglyph{asciicircum} \glyph{s}{1000} \glyph{s}{1000} \endsetglyph % \end{macrocode} % In the slot of the underscore, we actually have the ``st'' ligature. % \begin{macrocode} \setglyph{underscore} \glyph{s}{1000} \glyph{t}{1000} \endsetglyph % \end{macrocode} % In the slot of the vertical bar, we actually have the ``tz'' ligature. % \begin{macrocode} \setglyph{bar} \glyph{t}{1000} \glyph{z}{1000} \endsetglyph % \end{macrocode} % The hyphen character has width zero, which is different from |latin.mtx|. % \begin{macrocode} \setglyph{hyphenchar} \glyph{hyphen}{1000} % \resetwidth{0} \endsetglyph \setglyph{ringfitted} \movert{\div{\sub{\width{A}}{\width{ring}}}{2}} \glyph{ring}{1000} \movert{\div{\sub{\width{A}}{\width{ring}}}{2}} \endsetglyph \setglyph{lslash} \glyph{lslashslash}{1000} \movert{\kerning{lslashslash}{l}} \glyph{l}{1000} \endsetglyph \setglyph{Lslash} \glyph{lslashslash}{1000} \movert{\kerning{lslashslash}{L}} \glyph{L}{1000} \endsetglyph \setglyph{Abreve} \topaccent{A}{breve}{500} \endsetglyph \setglyph{Aogonek} \botaccent{A}{ogonek}{900} \endsetglyph \setglyph{Cacute} \topaccent{C}{acute}{500} \endsetglyph \setglyph{Ccaron} \topaccent{C}{caron}{500} \endsetglyph \setglyph{Dcaron} \topaccent{D}{caron}{450} \endsetglyph \setglyph{Ecaron} \topaccent{E}{caron}{500} \endsetglyph \setglyph{Eogonek} \botaccent{E}{ogonek}{850} \endsetglyph \setglyph{Gbreve} \topaccent{G}{breve}{500} \endsetglyph \setglyph{Lacute} \topaccent{L}{acute}{250} \endsetglyph \setglyph{Lcaron} \glyph{L}{1000} \ifisint{monowidth}\then\else \movert{-200} \fi \glyph{quoteright}{1000} \endsetglyph \setglyph{Nacute} \topaccent{N}{acute}{500} \endsetglyph \setglyph{Ncaron} \topaccent{N}{caron}{500} \endsetglyph \setglyph{Ohungarumlaut} \topaccent{O}{hungarumlaut}{500} \endsetglyph \setglyph{Racute} \topaccent{R}{acute}{500} \endsetglyph \setglyph{Rcaron} \topaccent{R}{caron}{500} \endsetglyph \setglyph{Sacute} \topaccent{S}{acute}{500} \endsetglyph \setglyph{Scaron} \topaccent{S}{caron}{500} \endsetglyph \setglyph{Scedilla} \botaccent{S}{cedilla}{500} \endsetglyph \setglyph{Tcaron} \topaccent{T}{caron}{500} \endsetglyph \setglyph{Tcedilla} \botaccent{T}{cedilla}{500} \endsetglyph \setglyph{Uhungarumlaut} \topaccent{U}{hungarumlaut}{500} \endsetglyph \setglyph{Uring} \topaccent{U}{ring}{500} \endsetglyph \setglyph{Ydieresis} \topaccent{Y}{dieresis}{500} \endsetglyph \setglyph{Zacute} \topaccent{Z}{acute}{500} \endsetglyph \setglyph{Zcaron} \topaccent{Z}{caron}{500} \endsetglyph \setglyph{Zdotaccent} \topaccent{Z}{dotaccent}{500} \endsetglyph \setglyph{IJ} \glyph{I}{1000} \movert{\kerning{I}{J}} \glyph{J}{1000} \endsetglyph \setglyph{Idotaccent} \topaccent{I}{dotaccent}{500} \endsetglyph \setglyph{dbar} \push \movert{\sub{\width{d}}{\width{macron}}} \moveup{ \sub{\scale{\add{\height{d}}{\int{xheight}}}{500}} {\height{macron}}} \glyph{macron}{1000} \pop \glyph{d}{1000} \endsetglyph \setglyph{abreve} \topaccent{a}{breve}{500} \endsetglyph \setglyph{aogonek} \botaccent{a}{ogonek}{850} \endsetglyph \setglyph{cacute} \topaccent{c}{acute}{500} \endsetglyph \setglyph{ccaron} \topaccent{c}{caron}{500} \endsetglyph \setglyph{dcaron} \glyph{d}{1000} \ifisint{monowidth}\then\else \movert{-75} \fi \glyph{quoteright}{1000} \endsetglyph \setglyph{ecaron} \topaccent{e}{caron}{500} \endsetglyph \setglyph{eogonek} \botaccent{e}{ogonek}{500} \endsetglyph \setglyph{gbreve} \topaccent{g}{breve}{500} \endsetglyph \setglyph{lacute} \topaccent{l}{acute}{500} \endsetglyph \setglyph{lcaron} \glyph{l}{1000} \ifisint{monowidth}\then\else \movert{-100} \fi \glyph{quoteright}{1000} \endsetglyph \setglyph{nacute} \topaccent{n}{acute}{500} \endsetglyph \setglyph{ncaron} \topaccent{n}{caron}{500} \endsetglyph \setglyph{ohungarumlaut} \topaccent{o}{hungarumlaut}{500} \endsetglyph \setglyph{racute} \topaccent{r}{acute}{500} \endsetglyph \setglyph{rcaron} \topaccent{r}{caron}{500} \endsetglyph \setglyph{sacute} \topaccent{s}{acute}{500} \endsetglyph \setglyph{scaron} \topaccent{s}{caron}{500} \endsetglyph \setglyph{scedilla} \botaccent{s}{cedilla}{500} \endsetglyph \setglyph{tcaron} \glyph{t}{1000} \ifisint{monowidth}\then\else \movert{-75} \fi \glyph{quoteright}{1000} \endsetglyph \setglyph{tcedilla} \botaccent{t}{cedilla}{500} \endsetglyph \setglyph{uhungarumlaut} \topaccent{u}{hungarumlaut}{500} \endsetglyph \setglyph{uring} \topaccent{u}{ring}{500} \endsetglyph \setglyph{ydieresis} \topaccent{y}{dieresis}{500} \endsetglyph \setglyph{zacute} \topaccent{z}{acute}{500} \endsetglyph \setglyph{zcaron} \topaccent{z}{caron}{500} \endsetglyph \setglyph{zdotaccent} \topaccent{z}{dotaccent}{500} \endsetglyph \setglyph{ij} \glyph{i}{1000} \movert{\kerning{i}{j}} \glyph{j}{1000} \endsetglyph \setglyph{Agrave} \topaccent{A}{grave}{500} \endsetglyph \setglyph{Aacute} \topaccent{A}{acute}{500} \endsetglyph \setglyph{Acircumflex} \topaccent{A}{circumflex}{500} \endsetglyph \setglyph{Atilde} \topaccent{A}{tilde}{500} \endsetglyph \setglyph{Adieresis} \topaccent{A}{dieresis}{500} \endsetglyph \setglyph{Aring} \topaccent{A}{ring}{500} \endsetglyph \setglyph{Ccedilla} \botaccent{C}{cedilla}{500} \endsetglyph \setglyph{Egrave} \topaccent{E}{grave}{500} \endsetglyph \setglyph{Eacute} \topaccent{E}{acute}{500} \endsetglyph \setglyph{Ecircumflex} \topaccent{E}{circumflex}{500} \endsetglyph \setglyph{Edieresis} \topaccent{E}{dieresis}{500} \endsetglyph \setglyph{Iacute} \topaccent{I}{acute}{500} \endsetglyph \setglyph{Igrave} \topaccent{I}{grave}{500} \endsetglyph \setglyph{Icircumflex} \topaccent{I}{circumflex}{500} \endsetglyph \setglyph{Idieresis} \topaccent{I}{dieresis}{500} \endsetglyph \setglyph{Ntilde} \topaccent{N}{tilde}{500} \endsetglyph \setglyph{Ograve} \topaccent{O}{grave}{500} \endsetglyph \setglyph{Oacute} \topaccent{O}{acute}{500} \endsetglyph \setglyph{Ocircumflex} \topaccent{O}{circumflex}{500} \endsetglyph \setglyph{Otilde} \topaccent{O}{tilde}{500} \endsetglyph \setglyph{Odieresis} \topaccent{O}{dieresis}{500} \endsetglyph \setglyph{Ugrave} \topaccent{U}{grave}{500} \endsetglyph \setglyph{Uacute} \topaccent{U}{acute}{500} \endsetglyph \setglyph{Ucircumflex} \topaccent{U}{circumflex}{500} \endsetglyph \setglyph{Udieresis} \topaccent{U}{dieresis}{500} \endsetglyph \setglyph{Yacute} \topaccent{Y}{acute}{500} \endsetglyph \setglyph{SS} \glyph{S}{1000} \movert{\kerning{S}{S}} \glyph{S}{1000} \endsetglyph \setglyph{agrave} \topaccent{a}{grave}{500} \endsetglyph \setglyph{aacute} \topaccent{a}{acute}{500} \endsetglyph \setglyph{acircumflex} \topaccent{a}{circumflex}{500} \endsetglyph \setglyph{atilde} \topaccent{a}{tilde}{500} \endsetglyph \setglyph{adieresis} \topaccent{a}{dieresis}{500} \endsetglyph \setglyph{aring} \topaccent{a}{ring}{500} \endsetglyph \setglyph{ccedilla} \botaccent{c}{cedilla}{500} \endsetglyph \setglyph{egrave} \topaccent{e}{grave}{500} \endsetglyph \setglyph{eacute} \topaccent{e}{acute}{500} \endsetglyph \setglyph{ecircumflex} \topaccent{e}{circumflex}{500} \endsetglyph \setglyph{edieresis} \topaccent{e}{dieresis}{500} \endsetglyph \setglyph{igrave} \topaccent{dotlessi}{grave}{500} \endsetglyph \setglyph{iacute} \topaccent{dotlessi}{acute}{500} \endsetglyph \setglyph{icircumflex} \topaccent{dotlessi}{circumflex}{500} \endsetglyph \setglyph{idieresis} \topaccent{dotlessi}{dieresis}{500} \endsetglyph \setglyph{ntilde} \topaccent{n}{tilde}{500} \endsetglyph \setglyph{ograve} \topaccent{o}{grave}{500} \endsetglyph \setglyph{oacute} \topaccent{o}{acute}{500} \endsetglyph \setglyph{ocircumflex} \topaccent{o}{circumflex}{500} \endsetglyph \setglyph{otilde} \topaccent{o}{tilde}{500} \endsetglyph \setglyph{odieresis} \topaccent{o}{dieresis}{500} \endsetglyph \setglyph{ugrave} \topaccent{u}{grave}{500} \endsetglyph \setglyph{uacute} \topaccent{u}{acute}{500} \endsetglyph \setglyph{ucircumflex} \topaccent{u}{circumflex}{500} \endsetglyph \setglyph{udieresis} \topaccent{u}{dieresis}{500} \endsetglyph \setglyph{yacute} \topaccent{y}{acute}{500} \endsetglyph % \end{macrocode} % % \subsection{Deleting depths from accents} % % \begin{macrocode} \comment{\section{Accents} \TeX's math accent-positioning requires accents to have zero depth.} \setcommand\zerodepth#1{ \ifisglyph{#1}\then \resetglyph{#1} \glyph{#1}{1000} \resetdepth{0} \endresetglyph \fi } \zerodepth{grave} \zerodepth{acute} \zerodepth{circumflex} \zerodepth{tilde} \zerodepth{dieresis} \zerodepth{hungarumlaut} \zerodepth{ring} \zerodepth{caron} \zerodepth{breve} \zerodepth{macron} \zerodepth{dotaccent} \endmetrics \end{document} % % \end{macrocode} % % % \section{The broken typefaces encoding vector, a T1 variant} % % This file |t1frak.etx| is a simplification and modification of |t1.etx| of % the \texttt{fontinst} package. It describes the output encoding vector of % the broken typefaces. % % By and large, this is T1. Only some not so frequently used characters have % been replaced with additional ligatures and the so called ``round~s''. % % However, the \emph{names} of the glyphs here are the same as in real T1. % I wasn't brave enough to change them, but if it turns out that it's % completely undangerous to use other name, I may change them. Both variants % may cause confusion. % % The following substitutions are made from real T1: % \begin{itemize} % \item ``\j''~$\to$ ``si'' ligature % \item ``ffi'' ligature~$\to$ ``ch'' ligature % \item ``ffl''~$\to$ ``ck'' ligature % \item ``$\backslash$''~$\to$ ``ft'' ligature % \item ``$\hat{\ }$''~$\to$ ``ss'' ligature % \item ``\underline{ }''~$\to$ ``st'' ligature % \item ``$\vert$''~$\to$ ``tz'' ligature % \item ``Eng''~$\to$ ``S'' % \item ``eng''~$\to$ ``round~s'' % \end{itemize} % \begin{macrocode} %<*t1fraketx> \relax \documentclass[twocolumn]{article} \usepackage[TS1,T1]{fontenc} \usepackage{textcomp} \usepackage{fontdoc} \title{The Fraktur encoding vector, a T1 variant} \author{Torsten Bronger} \date{29 May 2002 \\ Version 1.0} \begin{document} \maketitle \section{Introduction} This document describes a modified Cork (T1) text encoding, modified for the so called old German fonts. \newcommand*{\actually}[1]{ \emph{\bfseries Actually, here in the Fraktur encoding, the #1}.} \encoding \needsfontinstversion{1.800} % \end{macrocode} % % \subsection{Default settings} % % \begin{macrocode} \comment{\section{Default values}} \setstr{codingscheme}{EXTENDED TEX FONT ENCODING - LATIN} \setcommand\lc#1#2{#2} \setcommand\uc#1#2{#1} \setcommand\lctop#1#2{#2} \setcommand\uctop#1#2{#1} \setcommand\lclig#1#2{#2} \setcommand\uclig#1#2{#1} \setcommand\digit#1{#1} \setint{italicslant}{0} \ifisglyph{x}\then \setint{xheight}{\height{x}} \else \setint{xheight}{500} \fi \ifisglyph{space}\then \setint{interword}{\width{space}} \else\ifisglyph{i}\then \setint{interword}{\width{i}} \else \setint{interword}{333} \fi\fi % added by Thierry Bouche % 1997/02/07 to calculate values for extra EC fontdimens % Amended by SPQR 1997/02/09 \ifisglyph{X}\then \setint{capheight}{\height{X}} \else \setint{capheight}{750} \fi \ifisglyph{k}\then \setint{ascender}{\height{k}} \else \ifisint{capheight}\then \setint{ascender}{\int{capheight}} \else \setint{ascender}{750} \fi\fi \ifisglyph{Aring}\then \setint{acccapheight}{\height{Aring}} \else \setint{acccapheight}{999} \fi \ifisint{descender_neg}\then \setint{descender}{\neg{\int{descender_neg}}} \else \ifisglyph{p}\then \setint{descender}{\depth{p}} \else \setint{descender}{250} \fi \fi \ifisglyph{Aring}\then \setint{maxheight}{\height{Aring}} \else \setint{maxheight}{1000} \fi \ifisint{maxdepth_neg}\then \setint{maxdepth}{\neg{\int{maxdepth_neg}}} \else \ifisglyph{j}\then \setint{maxdepth}{\depth{j}} \else \setint{maxdepth}{250} \fi \fi \ifisglyph{six}\then \setint{digitwidth}{\width{six}} \else \setint{digitwidth}{500} \fi \setint{capstem}{0} % not in AFM files \setint{baselineskip}{1200} % end changes by Thierry \comment{\section{Default font dimensions}} \setint{fontdimen(1)}{\int{italicslant}} % italic slant \setint{fontdimen(2)}{\int{interword}} % interword space \ifisint{monowidth}\then \setint{fontdimen(3)}{0} % interword stretch \setint{fontdimen(4)}{0} % interword shrink \else \setint{fontdimen(3)}{\scale{\int{interword}}{600}}% interword stretch % \end{macrocode} % The following was changed from 240 to 150. % \begin{macrocode} \setint{fontdimen(4)}{\scale{\int{interword}}{150}}% interword shrink \fi \setint{fontdimen(5)}{\int{xheight}} % x-height \setint{fontdimen(6)}{1000} % quad \ifisint{monowidth}\then \setint{fontdimen(7)}{\int{interword}} % extra space after . \else % \end{macrocode} % The following was changed from 240 to 150. % \begin{macrocode} \setint{fontdimen(7)}{\scale{\int{interword}}{150}}% extra space after . \fi % added by Thierry Bouche 1997/02/07 \setint{fontdimen(8)}{\int{capheight}} % cap height \setint{fontdimen(9)}{\int{ascender}} % ascender \setint{fontdimen(10)}{\int{acccapheight}} % accented cap height \setint{fontdimen(11)}{\int{descender}} % descender's depth \setint{fontdimen(12)}{\int{maxheight}} % max height \setint{fontdimen(13)}{\int{maxdepth}} % max depth \setint{fontdimen(14)}{\int{digitwidth}} % digit width \setint{fontdimen(15)}{\int{capstem}} % cap_stem \setint{fontdimen(16)}{\int{baselineskip}} % baselineskip % \end{macrocode} % % \subsection{The encoding vector} % % \begin{macrocode} \comment{\section{The encoding} There are 256 glyphs in this encoding.} \setslot{\lc{Grave}{grave}} \comment{The grave accent `\`{}'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\lc{Acute}{acute}} \comment{The acute accent `\'{}'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\lc{Circumflex}{circumflex}} \comment{The circumflex accent `\^{}'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\lc{Tilde}{tilde}} \comment{The tilde accent `\~{}'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\lc{Dieresis}{dieresis}} \comment{The umlaut or dieresis accent `\"{}'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\lc{Hungarumlaut}{hungarumlaut}} \comment{The long Hungarian umlaut `\H{}'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\lc{Ring}{ring}} \comment{The ring accent `\r{}'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\lc{Caron}{caron}} \comment{The caron or h\'a\v cek accent `\v{}'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\lc{Breve}{breve}} \comment{The breve accent `\u{}'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\lc{Macron}{macron}} \comment{The macron accent `\={}'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\lc{Dotaccent}{dotaccent}} \comment{The dot accent `\.{}'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\lc{Cedilla}{cedilla}} \comment{The cedilla accent `\c {}'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\lc{Ogonek}{ogonek}} \comment{The ogonek accent `\k {}'.} \endsetslot \setslot{quotesinglbase} \comment{A German single quote mark `\quotesinglbase' similar to a comma, but with different sidebearings.} \endsetslot \setslot{guilsinglleft} \comment{A French single opening quote mark `\guilsinglleft', unavailable in \plain\ \TeX.} \endsetslot \setslot{guilsinglright} \comment{A French single closing quote mark `\guilsinglright', unavailable in \plain\ \TeX.} \endsetslot \setslot{quotedblleft} \comment{The English opening quote mark `\,\textquotedblleft\,'.} \endsetslot \setslot{quotedblright} \comment{The English closing quote mark `\,\textquotedblright\,'.} \endsetslot \setslot{quotedblbase} \comment{A German double quote mark `\quotedblbase' similar to two commas, but with tighter letterspacing and different sidebearings.} \endsetslot \setslot{guillemotleft} \comment{A French double opening quote mark `\guillemotleft', unavailable in \plain\ \TeX.} \endsetslot \setslot{guillemotright} \comment{A French closing opening quote mark `\guillemotright', unavailable in \plain\ \TeX.} \endsetslot \setslot{rangedash} \ligature{LIG}{hyphen}{punctdash} \comment{The number range dash `1--9'. In a monowidth font, this might be set as `{\tt 1{-}9}'.} \endsetslot \setslot{punctdash} \comment{The punctuation dash `Oh---boy.' In a monowidth font, this might be set as `{\tt Oh{-}{-}boy.}'} \endsetslot \setslot{compwordmark} \comment{An invisible glyph, with zero width and depth, but the height of lowercase letters without ascenders. It is used to stop ligaturing in words like `shelf{}ful'.} \endsetslot \setslot{perthousandzero} \comment{A glyph which is placed after `\%' to produce a `per-thousand', or twice to produce `per-ten-thousand'. Your guess is as good as mine as to what this glyph should look like in a monowidth font.} \endsetslot \setslot{\lc{dotlessI}{dotlessi}} \comment{A dotless i `\i', used to produce accented letters such as `\=\i'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\lc{dotlessJ}{dotlessj}} \comment{A dotless j `\j', used to produce accented letters such as `\=\j'. Most non-\TeX\ fonts do not have this glyph. \actually{`ssi' ligature}} \endsetslot \setslot{\lclig{FF}{ff}} \comment{The `ff' ligature. It should be two characters wide in a monowidth font.} \endsetslot \setslot{\lclig{FI}{fi}} \comment{The `fi' ligature. It should be two characters wide in a monowidth font.} \endsetslot \setslot{\lclig{FL}{fl}} \comment{The `fl' ligature. It should be two characters wide in a monowidth font.} \endsetslot \setslot{\lclig{FFI}{ffi}} \comment{The `ffi' ligature. It should be three characters wide in a monowidth font. \actually{`ch' ligature}} \endsetslot \setslot{\lclig{FFL}{ffl}} \comment{The `ffl' ligature. It should be three characters wide in a monowidth font. \actually{`ck' ligature}} \endsetslot \setslot{visiblespace} \comment{A visible space glyph `\textvisiblespace'.} \endsetslot \setslot{exclam} \ligature{LIG}{quoteleft}{exclamdown} \comment{The exclamation mark `!'.} \endsetslot \setslot{quotedbl} \comment{The `neutral' double quotation mark `\,\textquotedbl\,', included for use in monowidth fonts, or for setting computer programs. Note that the inclusion of this glyph in this slot means that \TeX\ documents which used `{\tt\char`\"}' as an input character will no longer work.} \endsetslot \setslot{numbersign} \comment{The hash sign `\#'.} \endsetslot \setslot{dollar} \comment{The dollar sign `\$'.} \endsetslot \setslot{percent} \comment{The percent sign `\%'.} \endsetslot \setslot{ampersand} \comment{The ampersand sign `\&'.} \endsetslot \setslot{quoteright} \ligature{LIG}{quoteright}{quotedblright} \comment{The English closing single quote mark `\,\textquoteright\,'.} \endsetslot \setslot{parenleft} \comment{The opening parenthesis `('.} \endsetslot \setslot{parenright} \comment{The closing parenthesis `)'.} \endsetslot \setslot{asterisk} \comment{The raised asterisk `*'.} \endsetslot \setslot{plus} \comment{The addition sign `+'.} \endsetslot \setslot{comma} \ligature{LIG}{comma}{quotedblbase} \comment{The comma `,'.} \endsetslot \setslot{hyphen} \ligature{LIG}{hyphen}{rangedash} \ligature{LIG}{hyphenchar}{hyphenchar} \comment{The hyphen `-'.} \endsetslot \setslot{period} \comment{The period `.'.} \endsetslot \setslot{slash} \comment{The forward oblique `/'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\digit{zero}} \comment{The number `0'. This (and all the other numerals) may be old style or ranging digits.} \endsetslot \setslot{\digit{one}} \comment{The number `1'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\digit{two}} \comment{The number `2'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\digit{three}} \comment{The number `3'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\digit{four}} \comment{The number `4'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\digit{five}} \comment{The number `5'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\digit{six}} \comment{The number `6'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\digit{seven}} \comment{The number `7'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\digit{eight}} \comment{The number `8'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\digit{nine}} \comment{The number `9'.} \endsetslot \setslot{colon} \comment{The colon punctuation mark `:'.} \endsetslot \setslot{semicolon} \comment{The semi-colon punctuation mark `;'.} \endsetslot \setslot{less} \ligature{LIG}{less}{guillemotleft} \comment{The less-than sign `\textless'.} \endsetslot \setslot{equal} \comment{The equals sign `='.} \endsetslot \setslot{greater} \ligature{LIG}{greater}{guillemotright} \comment{The greater-than sign `\textgreater'.} \endsetslot \setslot{question} \ligature{LIG}{quoteleft}{questiondown} \comment{The question mark `?'.} \endsetslot \setslot{at} \comment{The at sign `@'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\uc{A}{a}} \comment{The letter `{A}'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\uc{B}{b}} \comment{The letter `{B}'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\uc{C}{c}} \comment{The letter `{C}'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\uc{D}{d}} \comment{The letter `{D}'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\uc{E}{e}} \comment{The letter `{E}'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\uc{F}{f}} \comment{The letter `{F}'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\uc{G}{g}} \comment{The letter `{G}'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\uc{H}{h}} \comment{The letter `{H}'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\uc{I}{i}} \comment{The letter `{I}'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\uc{J}{j}} \comment{The letter `{J}'. But actually just an `I'\@.} \endsetslot \setslot{\uc{K}{k}} \comment{The letter `{K}'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\uc{L}{l}} \comment{The letter `{L}'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\uc{M}{m}} \comment{The letter `{M}'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\uc{N}{n}} \comment{The letter `{N}'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\uc{O}{o}} \comment{The letter `{O}'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\uc{P}{p}} \comment{The letter `{P}'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\uc{Q}{q}} \comment{The letter `{Q}'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\uc{R}{r}} \comment{The letter `{R}'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\uc{S}{s}} \comment{The letter `{S}'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\uc{T}{t}} \comment{The letter `{T}'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\uc{U}{u}} \comment{The letter `{U}'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\uc{V}{v}} \comment{The letter `{V}'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\uc{W}{w}} \comment{The letter `{W}'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\uc{X}{x}} \comment{The letter `{X}'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\uc{Y}{y}} \comment{The letter `{Y}'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\uc{Z}{z}} \comment{The letter `{Z}'.} \endsetslot \setslot{bracketleft} \comment{The opening square bracket `['.} \endsetslot \setslot{backslash} \comment{The backwards oblique `\textbackslash'. \actually{`sf' ligature}} \endsetslot \setslot{bracketright} \comment{The closing square bracket `]'.} \endsetslot \setslot{asciicircum} \comment{The ASCII upward-pointing arrow head `\textasciicircum'. This is included for compatibility with typewriter fonts used for computer listings. \actually{`ss' ligature}} \endsetslot \setslot{underscore} \comment{The ASCII underline character `\textunderscore', usually set on the baseline. This is included for compatibility with typewriter fonts used for computer listings. \actually{`st' ligature}} \endsetslot \setslot{quoteleft} \ligature{LIG}{quoteleft}{quotedblleft} \comment{The English opening single quote mark `\,\textquoteleft\,'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\lc{A}{a}} \comment{The letter `{a}'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\lc{B}{b}} \comment{The letter `{b}'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\lc{C}{c}} \ligature{LIG}{h}{ffi} \ligature{LIG}{k}{ffl} \comment{The letter `{c}'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\lc{D}{d}} \comment{The letter `{d}'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\lc{E}{e}} \comment{The letter `{e}'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\lc{F}{f}} \ligature{LIG}{\lc{I}{i}}{\lclig{FI}{fi}} \ligature{LIG}{\lc{F}{f}}{\lclig{FF}{ff}} \ligature{LIG}{\lc{L}{l}}{\lclig{FL}{fl}} \ligature{LIG}{\lc{T}{t}}{\lclig{backslash}{backslash}} \comment{The letter `{f}'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\lc{G}{g}} \comment{The letter `{g}'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\lc{H}{h}} \comment{The letter `{h}'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\lc{I}{i}} \comment{The letter `{i}'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\lc{J}{j}} \comment{The letter `{j}'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\lc{K}{k}} \comment{The letter `{k}'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\lc{L}{l}} \comment{The letter `{l}'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\lc{M}{m}} \comment{The letter `{m}'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\lc{N}{n}} \comment{The letter `{n}'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\lc{O}{o}} \comment{The letter `{o}'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\lc{P}{p}} \comment{The letter `{p}'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\lc{Q}{q}} \comment{The letter `{q}'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\lc{R}{r}} \comment{The letter `{r}'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\lc{S}{s}} % \end{macrocode} % The following ligature is with the boundary character and performs the % transformation of the long~s to the round~s. % \begin{macrocode} \ligature{LIG}{visiblespace}{ng} \ligature{LIG}{t}{underscore} \ligature{LIG}{s}{asciicircum} \ligature{LIG}{f}{backslash} \ligature{LIG}{i}{dotlessj} % \end{macrocode} % The following ligatures make the long~s to become a round~s if one of these % characters immediately follows. This prvents the user to insert |\/| and % similar things at ubiquitous places. % \begin{macrocode} \ligature{LIG/}{guilsinglleft}{ng} \ligature{LIG/}{guilsinglright}{ng} \ligature{LIG/}{quotedblleft}{ng} \ligature{LIG/}{quotedblright}{ng} \ligature{LIG/}{guillemotleft}{ng} \ligature{LIG/}{guillemotright}{ng} \ligature{LIG/}{period}{ng} \ligature{LIG/}{comma}{ng} \ligature{LIG/}{colon}{ng} \ligature{LIG/}{semicolon}{ng} \ligature{LIG/}{exclam}{ng} \ligature{LIG/}{question}{ng} \ligature{LIG/}{slash}{ng} \ligature{LIG/}{hyphen}{ng} \ligature{LIG/}{parenleft}{ng} \ligature{LIG/}{parenright}{ng} \comment{The letter `{s}'. \actually{letter long `s'}} \endsetslot \setslot{\lc{T}{t}} \ligature{LIG}{z}{bar} \comment{The letter `{t}'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\lc{U}{u}} \comment{The letter `{u}'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\lc{V}{v}} \comment{The letter `{v}'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\lc{W}{w}} \comment{The letter `{w}'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\lc{X}{x}} \comment{The letter `{x}'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\lc{Y}{y}} \comment{The letter `{y}'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\lc{Z}{z}} \comment{The letter `{z}'.} \endsetslot \setslot{braceleft} \comment{The opening curly brace `\textbraceleft'.} \endsetslot \setslot{bar} \comment{The ASCII vertical bar `\textbar'. This is included for compatibility with typewriter fonts used for computer listings. \actually{`tz' ligature}} \endsetslot \setslot{braceright} \comment{The closing curly brace `\textbraceright'.} \endsetslot \setslot{asciitilde} \comment{The ASCII tilde `\textasciitilde'. This is included for compatibility with typewriter fonts used for computer listings.} \endsetslot \setslot{hyphenchar} \comment{The glyph used for hyphenation in this font, which will almost always be the same as `hyphen'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\uctop{Abreve}{abreve}} \comment{The letter `\u A'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\uc{Aogonek}{aogonek}} \comment{The letter `\k A'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\uctop{Cacute}{cacute}} \comment{The letter `\' C'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\uctop{Ccaron}{ccaron}} \comment{The letter `\v C'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\uctop{Dcaron}{dcaron}} \comment{The letter `\v D'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\uctop{Ecaron}{ecaron}} \comment{The letter `\v E'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\uc{Eogonek}{eogonek}} \comment{The letter `\k E'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\uctop{Gbreve}{gbreve}} \comment{The letter `\u G'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\uctop{Lacute}{lacute}} \comment{The letter `\' L'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\uc{Lcaron}{lcaron}} \comment{The letter `\v L'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\uc{Lslash}{lslash}} \comment{The letter `\L'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\uctop{Nacute}{nacute}} \comment{The letter `\' N'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\uctop{Ncaron}{ncaron}} \comment{The letter `\v N'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\uc{Ng}{ng}} \comment{The Sami letter `\NG'. It is unavailable in \plain\ \TeX. \actually{letter `S'}} \endsetslot \setslot{\uctop{Ohungarumlaut}{ohungarumlaut}} \comment{The letter `\H O'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\uctop{Racute}{racute}} \comment{The letter `\' R'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\uctop{Rcaron}{rcaron}} \comment{The letter `\v R'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\uctop{Sacute}{sacute}} \comment{The letter `\' S'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\uctop{Scaron}{scaron}} \comment{The letter `\v S'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\uc{Scedilla}{scedilla}} \comment{The letter `\c S'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\uctop{Tcaron}{tcaron}} \comment{The letter `\v T'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\uc{Tcedilla}{tcedilla}} \comment{The letter `\c T'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\uctop{Uhungarumlaut}{uhungarumlaut}} \comment{The letter `\H U'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\uctop{Uring}{uring}} \comment{The letter `\r U'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\uctop{Ydieresis}{ydieresis}} \comment{The letter `\" Y'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\uctop{Zacute}{zacute}} \comment{The letter `\' Z'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\uctop{Zcaron}{zcaron}} \comment{The letter `\v Z'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\uctop{Zdotaccent}{zdotaccent}} \comment{The letter `\. Z'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\uclig{IJ}{ij}} \comment{The letter `IJ'. This is a single letter, and in a monowidth font should ideally be one letter wide.} \endsetslot \setslot{\uctop{Idotaccent}{idotaccent}} \comment{The letter `\. I'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\lc{Dbar}{dbar}} \comment{The letter `\dj'.} \endsetslot \setslot{section} \comment{The section mark `\textsection'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\lctop{Abreve}{abreve}} \comment{The letter `\u a'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\lc{Aogonek}{aogonek}} \comment{The letter `\k a'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\lctop{Cacute}{cacute}} \comment{The letter `\' c'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\lctop{Ccaron}{ccaron}} \comment{The letter `\v c'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\lctop{Dcaron}{dcaron}} \comment{The letter `\v d'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\lctop{Ecaron}{ecaron}} \comment{The letter `\v e'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\lc{Eogonek}{eogonek}} \comment{The letter `\k e'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\lctop{Gbreve}{gbreve}} \comment{The letter `\u g'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\lctop{Lacute}{lacute}} \comment{The letter `\' l'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\lc{Lcaron}{lcaron}} \comment{The letter `\v l'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\lc{Lslash}{lslash}} \comment{The letter `\l'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\lctop{Nacute}{nacute}} \comment{The letter `\' n'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\lctop{Ncaron}{ncaron}} \comment{The letter `\v n'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\lc{Ng}{ng}} % \ligature{LIG/>}{hyphen}{s} % \ligature{LIG/>}{hyphenchar}{s} \comment{The Sami letter `\ng'. It is unavailable in \plain\ \TeX. \actually{letter round `s'}} \endsetslot \setslot{\lctop{Ohungarumlaut}{ohungarumlaut}} \comment{The letter `\H o'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\lctop{Racute}{racute}} \comment{The letter `\' r'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\lctop{Rcaron}{rcaron}} \comment{The letter `\v r'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\lctop{Sacute}{sacute}} \comment{The letter `\' s'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\lctop{Scaron}{scaron}} \comment{The letter `\v s'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\lc{Scedilla}{scedilla}} \comment{The letter `\c s'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\lctop{Tcaron}{tcaron}} \comment{The letter `\v t'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\lc{Tcedilla}{tcedilla}} \comment{The letter `\c t'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\lctop{Uhungarumlaut}{uhungarumlaut}} \comment{The letter `\H u'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\lctop{Uring}{uring}} \comment{The letter `\r u'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\lctop{Ydieresis}{ydieresis}} \comment{The letter `\" y'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\lctop{Zacute}{zacute}} \comment{The letter `\' z'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\lctop{Zcaron}{zcaron}} \comment{The letter `\v z'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\lctop{Zdotaccent}{zdotaccent}} \comment{The letter `\. z'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\lclig{IJ}{ij}} \comment{The letter `ij'. This is a single letter, and in a monowidth font should ideally be one letter wide.} \endsetslot \setslot{exclamdown} \comment{The Spanish punctuation mark `!`'.} \endsetslot \setslot{questiondown} \comment{The Spanish punctuation mark `?`'.} \endsetslot \setslot{sterling} \comment{The British currency mark `\textsterling'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\uctop{Agrave}{agrave}} \comment{The letter `\` A'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\uctop{Aacute}{aacute}} \comment{The letter `\' A'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\uctop{Acircumflex}{acircumflex}} \comment{The letter `\^ A'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\uctop{Atilde}{atilde}} \comment{The letter `\~ A'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\uctop{Adieresis}{adieresis}} \comment{The letter `\" A'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\uctop{Aring}{aring}} \comment{The letter `\r A'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\uc{AE}{ae}} \comment{The letter `\AE'. This is a single letter, and should not be faked with `AE'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\uc{Ccedilla}{ccedilla}} \comment{The letter `\c C'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\uctop{Egrave}{egrave}} \comment{The letter `\` E'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\uctop{Eacute}{eacute}} \comment{The letter `\' E'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\uctop{Ecircumflex}{ecircumflex}} \comment{The letter `\^ E'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\uctop{Edieresis}{edieresis}} \comment{The letter `\" E'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\uctop{Igrave}{igrave}} \comment{The letter `\` I'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\uctop{Iacute}{iacute}} \comment{The letter `\' I'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\uctop{Icircumflex}{icircumflex}} \comment{The letter `\^ I'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\uctop{Idieresis}{idieresis}} \comment{The letter `\" I'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\uc{Eth}{eth}} \comment{The uppercase Icelandic letter `Eth' similar to a `D' with a horizontal bar through the stem. It is unavailable in \plain\ \TeX.} \endsetslot \setslot{\uctop{Ntilde}{ntilde}} \comment{The letter `\~ N'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\uctop{Ograve}{ograve}} \comment{The letter `\` O'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\uctop{Oacute}{oacute}} \comment{The letter `\' O'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\uctop{Ocircumflex}{ocircumflex}} \comment{The letter `\^ O'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\uctop{Otilde}{otilde}} \comment{The letter `\~ O'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\uctop{Odieresis}{odieresis}} \comment{The letter `\" O'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\uc{OE}{oe}} \comment{The letter `\OE'. This is a single letter, and should not be faked with `OE'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\uc{Oslash}{oslash}} \comment{The letter `\O'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\uctop{Ugrave}{ugrave}} \comment{The letter `\` U'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\uctop{Uacute}{uacute}} \comment{The letter `\' U'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\uctop{Ucircumflex}{ucircumflex}} \comment{The letter `\^ U'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\uctop{Udieresis}{udieresis}} \comment{The letter `\" U'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\uctop{Yacute}{yacute}} \comment{The letter `\' Y'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\uc{Thorn}{thorn}} \comment{The Icelandic capital letter Thorn, similar to a `P' with the bowl moved down. It is unavailable in \plain\ \TeX.} \endsetslot \setslot{\uclig{SS}{germandbls}} \comment{The ligature `SS', used to give an upper case `\ss'. In a monowidth font it should be two letters wide.} \endsetslot \setslot{\lctop{Agrave}{agrave}} \comment{The letter `\` a'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\lctop{Aacute}{aacute}} \comment{The letter `\' a'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\lctop{Acircumflex}{acircumflex}} \comment{The letter `\^ a'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\lctop{Atilde}{atilde}} \comment{The letter `\~ a'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\lctop{Adieresis}{adieresis}} \comment{The letter `\" a'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\lctop{Aring}{aring}} \comment{The letter `\r a'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\lc{AE}{ae}} \comment{The letter `\ae'. This is a single letter, and should not be faked with `ae'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\lc{Ccedilla}{ccedilla}} \comment{The letter `\c c'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\lctop{Egrave}{egrave}} \comment{The letter `\` e'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\lctop{Eacute}{eacute}} \comment{The letter `\' e'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\lctop{Ecircumflex}{ecircumflex}} \comment{The letter `\^ e'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\lctop{Edieresis}{edieresis}} \comment{The letter `\" e'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\lctop{Igrave}{igrave}} \comment{The letter `\`\i'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\lctop{Iacute}{iacute}} \comment{The letter `\'\i'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\lctop{Icircumflex}{icircumflex}} \comment{The letter `\^\i'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\lctop{Idieresis}{idieresis}} \comment{The letter `\"\i'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\lc{Eth}{eth}} \comment{The Icelandic lowercase letter `eth' similar to a `$\partial$' with an oblique bar through the stem. It is unavailable in \plain\ \TeX.} \endsetslot \setslot{\lctop{Ntilde}{ntilde}} \comment{The letter `\~ n'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\lctop{Ograve}{ograve}} \comment{The letter `\` o'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\lctop{Oacute}{oacute}} \comment{The letter `\' o'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\lctop{Ocircumflex}{ocircumflex}} \comment{The letter `\^ o'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\lctop{Otilde}{otilde}} \comment{The letter `\~ o'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\lctop{Odieresis}{odieresis}} \comment{The letter `\" o'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\lc{OE}{oe}} \comment{The letter `\oe'. This is a single letter, and should not be faked with `oe'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\lc{Oslash}{oslash}} \comment{The letter `\o'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\lctop{Ugrave}{ugrave}} \comment{The letter `\` u'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\lctop{Uacute}{uacute}} \comment{The letter `\' u'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\lctop{Ucircumflex}{ucircumflex}} \comment{The letter `\^ u'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\lctop{Udieresis}{udieresis}} \comment{The letter `\" u'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\lctop{Yacute}{yacute}} \comment{The letter `\' y'.} \endsetslot \setslot{\lc{Thorn}{thorn}} \comment{The Icelandic lowercase letter `thorn', similar to a `p' with an ascender rising from the stem. It is unavailable in \plain\ \TeX.} \endsetslot \setslot{\lc{SS}{germandbls}} \comment{The letter `\ss'.} \endsetslot \endencoding \end{document} % % \end{macrocode} % \Finale \endinput %%% Local Variables: %%% mode: latex %%% TeX-master: t %%% End: