\newcommand{\noopsort}[1]{} \newcommand{\printfirst}[2]{#1} \newcommand{\singleletter}[1]{#1} \newcommand{\switchargs}[2]{#2#1} \begin{thebibliography}{10} \bibitem{article-minimal} {{\latintext L[eslie] A.{ }Aamport}}. \newblock {{\latintext The gnats and gnus document preparation system}}. \newblock {{\latintext {\em \mbox{G-Animal's} Journal}}}, 1986. \bibitem{article-full} {{\latintext L[eslie] A.{ }Aamport}}. \newblock {{\latintext The gnats and gnus document preparation system}}. \newblock {{\latintext {\em \mbox{G-Animal's} Journal}}}, 41(7):73+, Io'ulioc 1986. \newblock Par'adeigma fak'elou t'upou \textlatin{ARTICLE}. \bibitem{article-crossref} {{\latintext L[eslie] A.{ }Aamport}}. \newblock {{\latintext The gnats and gnus document preparation system}}. \newblock {{\latintext Sto {\em \mbox{G-Animal's} Journal\/} \cite{whole-journal}}}, \textgreek{sel'ides} 73+. \newblock Par'adeigma \textlatin{cross-referencing ARTICLE}. \bibitem{whole-journal} {{\latintext {\em \mbox{G-Animal's} Journal}}}, 41(7), Io'ulioc 1986. \newblock Olo to te'uqos e'inai afherwm'eno sta \textlatin{gnat} kai ta \textlatin{gnu}. \bibitem{lala} {{\latintext Don{ }Knuth}}. \newblock To mple belo'udo. \newblock Met'afrash: Ap'ostolos{ }Sur'opoulos. \newblock {\em Periodik'o Fober'o}, 1991. \bibitem{whole-set} {{\latintext Donald E.{ }Knuth}}. \newblock {{\latintext {\em The Art of Computer Programming}}}. \newblock {{\latintext Four volumes}}. {{\latintext Addison-Wesley}}, {\noopsort{1973a}}{\switchargs{--90}{1968}}. \newblock \textlatin{Seven volumes planned (this is a cross-referenced set of BOOKs)}. \bibitem{inbook-minimal} {{\latintext Donald E.{ }Knuth}}. \newblock {{\latintext {\em Fundamental Algorithms}}}, \textgreek{kef'alaio} 1.2. \newblock {{\latintext Addison-Wesley}}, {\noopsort{1973b}}1973. \bibitem{inbook-full} {{\latintext Donald E.{ }Knuth}}. \newblock {{\latintext {\em Fundamental Algorithms}}}, \textgreek{t'omos}\nobreakspace{}1 \textgreek{sto} {\em {{\latintext The Art of Computer Programming}}}, section 1.2, \textgreek{sel'ides} 10--119. \newblock {{\latintext Addison-Wesley}}, {{\latintext Reading, Massachusetts}}, second\textgreek{h} \textgreek{'ekdosh}, 10~Ianou'arioc {\noopsort{1973b}}1973. \newblock Pl'hres par'adeigma fak'elou \textlatin{INBOOK}. \bibitem{inbook-crossref} {{\latintext Donald E.{ }Knuth}}. \newblock {{\latintext {\em Fundamental Algorithms}}}, {{\latintext section 1.2}}. \newblock {{\latintext \textgreek{T'omos}\nobreakspace{}1 \textgreek{ths} {\em The Art of Computer Programming\/} \cite{whole-set}}}, second\textgreek{h} \textgreek{'ekdosh}, {\noopsort{1973b}}1973. \newblock Par'adeigma \textlatin{cross-referencing INBOOK}. \bibitem{book-minimal} {{\latintext Donald E.{ }Knuth}}. \newblock {{\latintext {\em Seminumerical Algorithms}}}. \newblock {{\latintext Addison-Wesley}}, {\noopsort{1973c}}1981. \bibitem{book-full} {{\latintext Donald E.{ }Knuth}}. \newblock {{\latintext {\em Seminumerical Algorithms}}}, \textgreek{t'omos}\nobreakspace{}2 \textgreek{sto} {\em {{\latintext The Art of Computer Programming}}}. \newblock {{\latintext Addison-Wesley}}, {{\latintext Reading, Massachusetts}}, second\textgreek{h} \textgreek{'ekdosh}, 10~Ianou'arioc {\noopsort{1973c}}1981. \newblock Pl'hres par'adeigma fak'elou t'upou \textlatin{BOOK}. \bibitem{book-crossref} {{\latintext Donald E.{ }Knuth}}. \newblock {{\latintext {\em Seminumerical Algorithms}}}. \newblock {{\latintext \textgreek{T'omos}\nobreakspace{}2 \textgreek{ths} {\em The Art of Computer Programming\/} \cite{whole-set}}}, second\textgreek{h} \textgreek{'ekdosh}, {\noopsort{1973c}}1981. \newblock Par'adeigma \textlatin{cross-referencing BOOK}. \bibitem{booklet-minimal} {{\latintext The programming of computer art}}, q.q. \bibitem{booklet-full} {{\latintext Jill C.{ }Knvth}}. \newblock {{\latintext The programming of computer art}}. \newblock Vernier Art Center, {{\latintext Stanford, California}}, Febrou'arioc 1988. \newblock \textlatin{This is a full BOOKLET entry}. \bibitem{incollection-minimal} {{\latintext Daniel D.{ }Lincoll}}. \newblock {{\latintext Semigroups of recurrences}}. \newblock {{\latintext \textgreek{Sto} {\em High Speed Computer and Algorithm Organization}}}. {{\latintext Academic Press}}, 1977. \bibitem{incollection-full} {{\latintext Daniel D.{ }Lincoll}}. \newblock {{\latintext Semigroups of recurrences}}. \newblock {{\latintext \textgreek{Sto} {\em High Speed Computer and Algorithm Organization}, \textgreek{epimelht'es:} David J.{ }Lipcoll, D. H.{ }Lawrie \textgreek{kai} A. H.{ }Sameh}}, {{\latintext \textgreek{arijm'os}\nobreakspace{}23 \textgreek{sto} {{\latintext Fast Computers}}}}, part\nobreakspace{}3, \textgreek{sel'ides} 179--183. {{\latintext Academic Press}}, {{\latintext New York}}, {{\latintext third\textgreek{h} \textgreek{'ekdosh}}}, Sept'embrioc 1977. \newblock \textlatin{This is a full INCOLLECTION entry}. \bibitem{incollection-crossref} {{\latintext Daniel D.{ }Lincoll}}. \newblock {{\latintext Semigroups of recurrences}}. \newblock {{\latintext Sto Lipcoll k.'a.\ \cite{whole-collection}}}, {{\latintext \textgreek{sel'ides} 179--183}}. \newblock This is a cross-referencing INCOLLECTION entry. \bibitem{whole-collection} , \textgreek{epimelht'es:} {{\latintext David J.{ }Lipcoll, D. H.{ }Lawrie \textgreek{kai} A. H.{ }Sameh}}. \newblock {{\latintext {\em High Speed Computer and Algorithm Organization}}}. \newblock {{\latintext \textgreek{Arijm'os}\nobreakspace{}23 \textgreek{sto} {{\latintext Fast Computers}}}}. {{\latintext Academic Press}}, {{\latintext New York}}, third\textgreek{h} \textgreek{'ekdosh}, Sept'embrioc 1977. \newblock \textlatin{This is a cross-referenced BOOK (collection) entry}. \bibitem{manual-minimal} {{\latintext {\em The Definitive Computer Manual}}}, q.q. \bibitem{manual-full} {{\latintext Larry{ }Manmaker}}. \newblock {{\latintext {\em The Definitive Computer Manual}}}. \newblock {{\latintext Chips-R-Us}}, {{\latintext Silicon Valley}}, {{\latintext silver\textgreek{h} \textgreek{'ekdosh}}}, Apr'ilioc-M'aioc 1986. \newblock \textlatin{This is a full MANUAL entry}. \bibitem{mastersthesis-minimal} {{\latintext {\'{E}}douard{ }Masterly}}. \newblock {{\latintext Mastering thesis writing}}. \newblock {{\latintext \textgreek{Diplwmatik'h ergas'ia} Master}}, {{\latintext Stanford University}}, 1988. \bibitem{mastersthesis-full} {{\latintext {\'{E}}douard{ }Masterly}}. \newblock {{\latintext Mastering thesis writing}}. \newblock {{\latintext Master's project}}, {{\latintext Stanford University}}, {{\latintext English Department}}, Io'unioc-A'ugoustoc 1988. \newblock \textlatin{This is a full MASTERSTHESIS entry}. \bibitem{misc-minimal} q.q. \newblock \textlatin{This is a minimal MISC entry}. \bibitem{misc-full} {{\latintext Joe Bob{ }Missilany}}. \newblock {{\latintext Handing out random pamphlets in airports}}. \newblock {{\latintext Handed out at O'Hare}}, Okt'wbrioc 1984. \newblock \textlatin{This is a full MISC entry}. \bibitem{inproceedings-minimal} {{\latintext Alfred V.{ }Oaho, Jeffrey D.{ }Ullman \textgreek{kai} Mihalis{ }Yannakakis}}. \newblock {{\latintext On notions of information transfer in {VLSI} circuits}}. \newblock {{\latintext \textgreek{Sto} {\em Proc. Fifteenth Annual ACM Symposium on the Theory of Computing}}}, 1983. \bibitem{inproceedings-full} {{\latintext Alfred V.{ }Oaho, Jeffrey D.{ }Ullman \textgreek{kai} Mihalis{ }Yannakakis}}. \newblock {{\latintext On notions of information transfer in {VLSI} circuits}}. \newblock {{\latintext \textgreek{Sto} {\em Proc. Fifteenth Annual ACM Symposium on the Theory of Computing}, \textgreek{epimelht'es:} Wizard V.{ }Oz \textgreek{kai} Mihalis{ }Yannakakis}}, {{\latintext \textgreek{arijm'os}\nobreakspace{}17 \textgreek{sto} {{\latintext All ACM Conferences}}}}, \textgreek{sel'ides} 133--139, {{\latintext Boston}}, M'artioc 1983. {{\latintext The OX Association for Computing Machinery}}, {{\latintext Academic Press}}. \newblock \textlatin{This is a full INPROCEDINGS entry}. \bibitem{inproceedings-crossref} {{\latintext Alfred V.{ }Oaho, Jeffrey D.{ }Ullman \textgreek{kai} Mihalis{ }Yannakakis}}. \newblock {{\latintext On notions of information transfer in {VLSI} circuits}}. \newblock {{\latintext Sto OX{\singleletter{stoc}} \cite{whole-proceedings}}}, \textgreek{sel'ides} 133--139. \newblock \textlatin{This is a cross-referencing INPROCEEDINGS entry}. \bibitem{whole-proceedings} {{\latintext The OX Association for Computing Machinery}}. \newblock {{\latintext {\em Proc. Fifteenth Annual Symposium on the Theory of Computing}}}, Boston, {{\latintext 1983}}. \newblock \textlatin{This is a cross-referenced PROCEEDINGS}. \bibitem{proceedings-minimal} {{\latintext {\em Proc. Fifteenth Annual Symposium on the Theory of Computing}}}, 1983. \bibitem{proceedings-full} , \textgreek{epimelht'es:} {{\latintext Wizard V.{ }Oz \textgreek{kai} Mihalis{ }Yannakakis}}. \newblock {{\latintext {\em Proc. Fifteenth Annual Symposium on the Theory of Computing}}}, {{\latintext \textgreek{arijm'os}\nobreakspace{}17 \textgreek{sto} {{\latintext All ACM Conferences}}}}, Boston, {{\latintext M'artioc 1983}}. {{\latintext The OX Association for Computing Machinery}}, {{\latintext Academic Press}}. \newblock \textlatin{This is a full PROCEEDINGS entry}. \bibitem{phdthesis-minimal} {{\latintext F. Phidias{ }Phony-Baloney}}. \newblock {{\latintext {\em Fighting Fire with Fire: Festooning {F}rench Phrases}}}. \newblock {{\latintext \textgreek{Didaktorik'h Diatrib'h} }}, {{\latintext Fanstord University}}, 1988. \bibitem{phdthesis-full} {{\latintext F. Phidias{ }Phony-Baloney}}. \newblock {{\latintext {\em Fighting Fire with Fire: Festooning {F}rench Phrases}}}. \newblock {{\latintext {PhD} dissertation}}, {{\latintext Fanstord University}}, {{\latintext Department of French}}, Io'unioc-A'ugoustoc 1988. \newblock \textlatin{This is a full PHDTHESIS entry}. \bibitem{syropoulos} Ap'ostolos{ }Sur'opoulos. \newblock {\em \LaTeX: odhg'os ekm'ajhshs}. \newblock Ekd'oseis Parathrht'hs, 1998. \bibitem{techreport-minimal} {{\latintext Tom{ }Terrific}}. \newblock {{\latintext An {$O(n \log n / \! \log\log n)$} sorting algorithm}}. \newblock \textgreek{Teqnik'h Anafor'a up.\ ar'ijm.}, {{\latintext Fanstord University}}, 1988. \bibitem{techreport-full} {{\latintext Tom{ }T{\'{e}}rrific}}. \newblock {{\latintext An {$O(n \log n / \! \log\log n)$} sorting algorithm}}. \newblock \textlatin{Wishful Research Result}\nobreakspace{}7, {{\latintext Fanstord University}}, Tm'hma Epist'hmhs H/U, \textlatin{Fanstord, California}, Okt'wbrioc 1988. \newblock \textlatin{This is a full TECHREPORT entry}. \bibitem{unpublished-minimal} {{\latintext Ulrich{ }{\"{U}}nderwood, Ned{ }{\~N}et \textgreek{kai} Paul{ }{\={P}}ot}}. \newblock {{\latintext Lower Bounds for Wishful Research Results}}. \newblock \textlatin{Talk at Fanstord University (this is a minimal UNPUBLISHED entry)}, q.q. \bibitem{unpublished-full} {{\latintext Ulrich{ }{\"{U}}nderwood, Ned{ }{\~N}et \textgreek{kai} Paul{ }{\={P}}ot}}. \newblock {{\latintext Lower Bounds for Wishful Research Results}}. \newblock \textlatin{Talk at Fanstord University (this is a full UNPUBLISHED entry)}, No'embrioc, Dek'embrioc 1988. \bibitem{random-note-crossref} q.q. \newblock \textlatin{Volume 2 is listed under Knuth \cite{book-full}}. \bibitem{wirth} {{\latintext Niklas{ }Wirth}}. \newblock {\em H gl'wssa programmatismo'u \textlatin{Modula-2}}. \newblock Met'afrash: Ap'ostolos{ }Sur'opoulos. \newblock Ekd'oseis ((Ta To'ubla)), 2\textgreek{h} \textgreek{'ekdosh}, 1998. \end{thebibliography}