%%\font\tenlogosl=logosl10 %%\def\logofont{\ifdim\fontdimen1\font>0pt \tenlogosl\else\tenlogo\fi} %%\def\MF{{\logofont META}\-{\logofont FONT}} %%\def\9{${\rm\%}}% print initial comments ragged right %%%% %%% input generate %%% def mode_def %%% end bye primitive_end_ %%% addto define_whole_vertical_blacker_pixels %%%% missing in plain.mft %%% addto coding_scheme font_face_byte font_family %%%% like font_size %%% addto BCPL_string mode_param mode_special_ mode_output_specials_ %%% true mode_common_setup_ mode_write_white_setup_ %%%% like mode_setup %%% true landscape landscape_ %%% good mode_guard_ %%%% variable that take suffixes %%%% % Compiled 1991, 92, 93, 94, 95, 96, 97, 98, 2002 by K. Berry. This file is % not copyrighted and may be used freely. You can retrieve the latest % version from {\tt ftp://ftp.tug.org/tex/modes.mf}. % % Feel free to change the definitions of |localfont|, |screen_cols|, % and |screen_rows| at the end of file (see explanations below). % % If you make a new |mode_def|, please send it to % {\tt tex-fonts@tug.org}. See further discussion below. % % The mode definitions start at `Here are the modes', several hundred % lines down. % % This file can be run through {\tt MFT} and \TeX\ to produce a nice % pretty-printed listing, which currently runs to some 41 pages. % %%\begingroup \tt \catcode`\{=12 \catcode`\}=12 \obeyspaces % @mffile{ % author = "The Metafont community", % version = "3.5", % date = "Tue Feb 26 08:01:56 PST 2002" % filename = "modes.mf", % contact = "K. Berry", % email = "kb@tug.org" % checksum = "2493 12334 90692", % codetable = "ISO/ASCII", % supported = "yes", % docstring = " %%\endgroup % % This file is a collection of putatively all extant \MF\ modes. % % If you have a device which is not mentioned in this file, the best % thing to do is try to find a device with similar resolution (search % for the appropriate lines), and see if that suits (a list of fonts to % try is given above). Otherwise, methods for fiddling with the % parameters are described in detail below. % % Unfortunately, the number of modes eats up a lot of memory; if your % \MF\ has not increased the table sizes, you may need to remove % some of the modes from this file (please name it something else then, % e.g., {\tt local.mf}). If you can suggest a way to redefine |mode_def| % and/or |mode_setup|, even better; right now, the amount of memory % used is approximately four times the length of the |mode_def| names. % % The primary names are intentionally all eight characters or less, and % strictly lowercase. This makes it feasible to use them for portable % directory names, and the \TeX\ Directory Structure standard recommends % doing so. The synonyms are historical equivalents. % % It also makes definitions to put specials identifying the mode in % the \MF\ GF output, and to put the coding scheme and % other so-called Xerox-world information in the TFM output. % % It also defines a macro |landscape| that inverts |aspect_ratio| and % changes |pixels_per_inch|, so you can say {\tt mode := whatever; % landscape; ...} to get landscape fonts. But I can't think of any % reasonable way to reflect the |landscape| in the directory name, so % there are also |mode_def|'s for the devices with non-square aspect % ratios in landscape mode. % % Finally, it has some code to handle write-white devices better; this % code comes into play if a |mode_def| includes the statement % |mode_write_white_setup_;|. Such |mode_def|s should also define % |blacker_min|. For further discussion of write/white and white/black % devices, see the file {\tt ftp://ftp.tug.org/tex/write-white}, % and also Pierre MacKay's article in the proceedings of the % 1991 Raster Imaging and Digital Typography conference: % %%\begingroup \tt \catcode`\{=12 \catcode`\}=12 \obeyspaces % @String{proc-RIDT91 = "Raster Imaging and Digital Typography II"} % @String{pub-CUP = "Cambridge University Press"} % % @Inproceedings{Mackay:RIDT91-205, % author = "Pierre A. MacKay", % title = "Looking at the Pixels: Quality Control for 300 dpi % Laser Printer Fonts, especially {\MF}s ", % pages = "205--215", % crossref = "Morris:RIDT91", % } % % @Proceedings{Morris:RIDT91, % title = proc-RIDT91, % booktitle = proc-RIDT91, % year = "1991", % editor = "Robert A. Morris and Jacques Andr{\'e}", % publisher = pub-CUP, % address = pub-CUP:adr, % acknowledgement = ack-kb, % } %%\endgroup % % This file is typically loaded when making a \MF\ base; for example, % the command line %%\begingroup \tt \obeyspaces % inimf plain input modes dump %%\endgroup % makes a file {\tt plain.base} (or {\tt plain.bas}, or something like that) % with all the modes herein defined (plain itself defines modes called % |proof|, |smoke|, and |lowres|.) % % You can make the Computer Modern base with the command line: %%\begingroup \tt \obeyspaces % inimf plain input modes input cmbase dump %%\endgroup % It's generally best to avoid doing this, since it's % easy to forget to update them. Just using {\tt plain.base} is simplest. % % On Unix systems, you then install the base file in the system directory % ({\tt /usr/local/share/texmf/web2c} as distributed) as {\tt mf.base}. % \MF\ uses the name it was invoked as to determine the format % or base file to read; thus running {\tt mf} reads {\tt mf.base}, running % {\tt cmmf} reads {\tt cmmf.base}, and so on. {\tt plain.base} and % {\tt mf.base} should be the same file (either a hard or soft link % is ok), so the examples in {\sl The \MF book\/} work. % % A user selects a particular mode when running \MF % by assigning to the variable |mode|. For example: %%\begingroup \tt \obeyspaces % mf \char`\\mode:=cx; input cmr10 %%\endgroup % sets up values appropriate for the CanonCX engine. % % If no mode is assigned, the default is |proof| mode, as stated in {\sl % The \MF book}. This is the cause of the ``{\tt .2602gf}'' files which % are the subject of periodic questions. The remedy is simply to assign % a different mode---|localfont|, for example. % % Every site should define the mode |localfont| to be a synonym for the % mode most commonly used. This file defines |localfont| to be |ljfour|. % The values for |screen_rows| and |screen_cols|, which determine how big % \MF's window for online output is, should perhaps also be % changed; certainly individual users should change them to their % own tastes. % % This file defines {\tt ?} to type out a list of all the known % |mode_def|s (once only). % % Technically, a |mode_def| is a \MF\ definition that typically % consists of a series of assignments to various device-specific variables, % either primitive or defined in plain. These variables include the % following (page numbers refer to {\sl The \MF book\/}: % % |aspect_ratio|: the ratio of the vertical resolution to the horizontal % resolution (page 94). % % |blacker|: a correction added to the width of stems and similar % features, to account for devices which would otherwise make them % too light (page 93). (Write-white devices are best handled by a more % sophisticated method than merely adding to |blacker|, as explained % above.) Compare your results with a good high-resolution example, % such as one of the volumes of {\sl Computers \& Typesetting}. % If you compare against the output of a typical write-black 300$\,$dpi % engine, you will almost certainly wind up with something too dark. % |blacker| should never be negative, the EC fonts do not compile with % such a value. % % |fillin|: a correction factor for diagonals and other features which % would otherwise be ``filled in'' (page 94). An ideal device would % have |fillin=0| (page 94). Negative values for |fillin| typically % have either gross effects or none at all, and should be avoided. % Positive values lighten a diagonal line, negative values darken it. % Changes in the |fillin| value tend to have abruptly non-linear effects % on the various design-sizes and magnifications of a typeface. % % |fontmaking|: if nonzero at the end of the job, \MF\ writes % a TFM file (page 315). % % |o_correction|: a correction factor for the ``overshoot'' of curves % beyond the baseline or x-height. High resolution curves look better % with overshoot, so such devices should have |o_correction=1|; but % at low resolutions, the overshoot appears to simply be a distortion % (page 93). Here some additional comments about |o_correction|, % courtesy of Pierre MacKay (edited by Karl): % % At present, I find that |o_correction| works nicely at 80 pixels per % em, and gets increasingly disturbing as you move down towards 50 % pixels per em. Below that I do not think it ought to happen at all. % % The problem, of course, is that full |o_correction| is supposed to % occur only at the zenith and nadir of the curve of `o', which is % a small region at high resolution, but may be a long line of % horizontal pixels at medium resolution. The full |o_correction| % does not change a 300$\,$dpi {\tt cmr10}, but it changes a 21-pixel % high {\tt cmr12} to be 23 pixels high. The extra height and depth % is seen along a line of seven pixels at the bottom and five at % the top. This is a pronounced overshoot indeed. % % For high-resolution devices, such as phototypesetters, the values % for |blacker|, |fillin|, and |o_correction| don't matter all that much, % so long as the values are within their normal ranges: between % 0 and 1, with the values approaching 0, 0, and 1 respectively. % % |pixels_per_inch|: the horizontal resolution; the \MF\ primitive % |hppp| (which is what determines the extension on the GF filename, % as among other things) is computed from this (page 94). (An ``inch'' % is 72.27$\,$pt in the \TeX\ world.) % % To be more precise, you can determine the resolution of a font given % a |mode_def| and a magnification |m| by simply multiplying % |pixels_per_inch| for that |mode_def| by |m|. (Your results may differ % from \MF's if you don't use equivalent fixed-point arithmetic.) % Then you can determine the number used in the name of the GF font % output by rounding. For example, a font generated at |magstep(.5)| % (which is $\sqrt{1.2}$, which \MF\ computes as 1.09544) for a printer % with |pixels_per_inch=300| will have a resolution of 328.63312 dots % per inch, and the GF filename will include the number {\tt 329}. % % |proofing|: says whether to put additional specials in the GF file for % use in making proofsheets via, e.g., the utility program {\tt GFtoDVI} % (page 323--4). % % |tracingtitles|: if nonzero, strings that appear as \MF\ statements % are typed on the terminal (page 187). % % Pierre MacKay {\tt mackay@cs.washington.edu} has a collection of Unix % tools to make up a minifont of indicator characters to help in testing. % % Neenie Billawala's article in the April 1987 issue of {\sl TUGboat} % describes how to test your printer for the best set of values for the % magic numbers above. Here are some brief comments on the subject, % courtesy of Rocky Bernstein and Paul Abrahams: % % For medium-to-low resolution devices, you can first set the |blacker| % and |o_correction| to~0 and decide on a |fillin| value by looking at % the diagonal of a lowercase `z' in {\tt cmtt10}, or various lines in % LaTeX's {\tt line10} font. The diagonal should be the same thickness % as the horizontal bars of the `z'. Then I decide on the |blacker| % value, generally by checking the smaller fonts for too much filling % in. Finally, you can set the |o_correction| using the guidelines % suggested above. % % The easiest way to make a new |mode_def| is not by modifying this file % and rebuilding your base file every time. Instead, use a separate file % that contains the appropriate values for the mode parameters and read % it in when running \MF. If you're using Dvips or another utility % that calls {\tt MakeTeXPK} to make PK files, remember you'll have to call % \MF\ explicitly to make fonts until you've rebuilt the base files. % % To use a separate mode file with \MF, use the following % command line: %%\begingroup \tt \obeyspaces % mf \char`\\smode:="newmode.mf"; mag:=magstep (2.0); input cmr10 %%\endgroup % substituting whatever font and magnification you wish, or omitting % the magnification altogether. % % The file {\tt newmode.mf} should contain lines like this (with no % |mode_def| or |enddef|): %%\begingroup \tt \catcode`\_=12 \obeyspaces % mode_param (pixels_per_inch, 100); % mode_param (blacker, 0); % mode_param (fillin, 0); % mode_param (o_correction, 1); % mode_common_setup_; %%\endgroup % changing the values as appropriate, of course. Once you're satisfied % with the parameters, use inimf as described below to rebuild and % install the plain (and any other) base files. % % For more information on the use of |smode|, see page 269 of % {\sl The \MF book}. % % Matt Swift has contributed a short \TeX\ file to help in testing new % modes. Remember to remove a leading |"%% "| from each line after % extracting it. (Only a single \% is shown in the printed version.) % If you don't use this file for testing, please mention what fonts % at what sizes you tested your new mode on. This will help other % people wondering where particular values came from. Ideally, % you would try normal, bold, and italic variants, at sizes around % 5$\,$pt, 10$\,$pt and 15$\,$pt. % %%%% It seems too difficult to get the verbatim stuff right with MFT alone, %%%% so why not quote the lines with `%%' and leave the processing to TeX? %%%% The only drawback is that comment lines have to start with a blank, %%%% since we have two stop MFT from interpreting them as `%%%' comments. %%%% Therefore it seems best to quote every line with `%% ' consistently %%%% to make it easier to extract them. %%%% %%%% This verbatim mode is from webman.tex, it assumes that no `?' appears %%%% in the text being copied. I've hacked it to insert a single `%' at %%%% the start of each line, so that it looks like normal MFT comments. %%%% %%\def\verbatim{\begingroup \def\9{{\rm\%}} %% \def\do##1{\catcode`##1=12 } \dospecials %% \parskip 0pt \parindent 0pt %% \catcode`\ =13 \catcode`\^^M=13 %% \tt \catcode`\?=0 \verbatimdefs \verbatimgobble} %%{\catcode`\^^M=13{\catcode`\ =13\gdef\verbatimdefs{\def^^M{\ \par\9}\let =\ }} % %% \gdef\verbatimgobble#1^^M{\9}} %%%% %%\verbatim %% % modetest.tex -- a file to test a METAFONT mode %% % %% % by Matt Swift %% % %% % This file is in the public domain. %% % %% % \def\fileversion{v1.2} %% % \def\filedate{1995/12/31} %% % %% % This LaTeX 2e file generates a test page useful for finding a good %% % METAFONT mode for your printer. It includes the most sensitive %% % letters in three sizes and all standard CMR font shapes. %% % %% % I've made the macros abstract, and I think this file could easily %% % be adapted to test modes for other METAFONT fonts, or simply font %% % appearance in general. %% % %% % If you want to adapt this to a non-LaTeX format, the LaTeX-specific %% % commands below that must be altered are \documentclass, %% % \begin{document}, \end{document}, \makeatletter, \makeatother, %% % \@for, \@setfontsize, \encodingdefault, \pagestyle, \normalfont, %% % \rmfamily, \sffamily, \ttfamily, \mdseries, \bfseries, \upshape, %% % \itshape, \scshape, and \slshape. %% %% \def\encodingdefault{T1} % New "Cork" font encoding (dc fonts). %% \def\encodingdefault{OT1} % Old font encoding (cm fonts). %% %% \documentclass{article} %% \begin{document} %% %% % This line can be replaced (by, e.g., sed) to contain a mode name. %% %% ::Mode:: %% %% \def\makesize#1#2#3{ %% \expandafter\def\csname ptsize#1\endcsname{#2} %% \expandafter\def\csname blsize#1\endcsname{#3} %% } %% %% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %% % DEFINE HERE THE POINT SIZES with baselineskips you would like to test. % %% % With the defaults of 5, 10, and 14 point sizes, everything will fit on % %% % one page very easily. Twocolumn would allow several more sizes. % %% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %% %% \makesize {A}{5}{6} %% \makesize {B}{10}{12} %% \makesize {C}{14}{18} %% %% \def\sizelist{A,B,C} %% %% \def\letters{% %% MoOzZffii-a\"egsS [/$\backslash$\par %% } %% %% \makeatletter %% \let\setfontsize\@setfontsize %% \let\for\@for %% \parindent\z@ %% \makeatother %% %% \pagestyle{empty} %% %% \def\showfonts{% %% % %% % The groups prevent warnings when intermediate fonts are not available. %% % %% {\rmfamily \mdseries \upshape \letters} % allow no space before this %% {\rmfamily \mdseries \slshape \letters} %% {\rmfamily \mdseries \itshape \letters} %% {\rmfamily \mdseries \scshape \letters} %% %% {\rmfamily \bfseries \upshape \letters} %% {\rmfamily \bfseries \slshape \letters} %% {\rmfamily \bfseries \itshape \letters} %% %% {\sffamily \mdseries \upshape \letters} %% {\sffamily \mdseries \slshape \letters} %% %% {\sffamily \bfseries \upshape \letters} %% %% {\ttfamily \mdseries \upshape \letters} %% {\ttfamily \mdseries \slshape \letters} %% {\ttfamily \mdseries \itshape \letters} %% {\ttfamily \mdseries \scshape \letters} %% } %% %% % The \expandafters expand \sizelist. %% % %% \expandafter \for %% \expandafter \sizename %% \expandafter :% %% \expandafter =% %% \sizelist %% \do {\setfontsize {\sizename} %% {\csname ptsize\sizename\endcsname} %% {\csname blsize\sizename\endcsname}% %% \vskip 1ex\noindent %% \llap{\normalfont\csname ptsize\sizename \endcsname\,pt\quad}% %% \showfonts} %% %% \end{document} %% % end of modetest.tex %%?endgroup\par %%%% %%%% Not that anyone would recognize this as the end of the docstring... %%\begingroup \tt \catcode`\{=12 \catcode`\}=12 \obeyspaces %" % } %%\endgroup % Don't let ourselves be processed twice. if known modes_mf: endinput; fi; modes_mf := 3.5; % Identify ourselves in the format file. base_version := base_version & "/modes 3.5"; %%\vfill\eject % Here are useful macros (also called definitions) we use throughout. % First, some comments about how the |mode_defs| are constructed (from % {\tt rocky@panix.com}). In the past, |mode_defs| unconditionally % assigned a value to the various mode-dependent parameters. % For example, they contained an assignment |fontmaking:=1|, which % tells \MF\ to write a TFM file. % % But suppose you want to generate a font using all of the setup for % some mode |m|, but do not want to generate a TFM? One could create % another mode that doesn't have the assignment, but this seems a bit % wasteful since the rest of the code in the mode would be duplicated. % Furthermore, given the way the mode definitions were written, it was % not possible to change the mode parameters. To see why, I review how % a \MF\ run typically works. % % First, \MF\ is invoked with some base file to load. Then you might % want give additional instructions, such as |scrollmode|, or |mode:=cx|. % Next, you input a parameter file, say {\tt cmr10}. The parameter file % calls a driver file such as {\tt roman.mf} with the command % |generate roman |. Finally, the driver finishes with |bye| or |end|. % Thus, any additional commands you give after the input of the % parameter file are ignored. % % Usually, one of the first things a driver file does is to call % |mode_setup|. It is here that the mode parameters are set. (In our % hypothetical mode, it would be here that |fontmaking| is assigned.) % % To allow a flexible setting of |fontmaking|, we can make a simple % change: in the |mode_def|, first test to see if a value has been % defined prior and only make the assignment if not. That is: % |if unknown fontmaking: fontmaking := 1; fi|. % % Alas, this doesn't work. Primitives, like |fontmaking|, are always % |known|. So instead we create ``guard'' variables, specifically, % |mode_guard_.fontmaking|; we set the guard when we assign the % parameter. Then we test whether the guard is |known| before we % actually do an assignment. This allows more flexible definitions: you % can specify some of the parameters, and keep the defaults for others. % % It is also possible to write a program that creates a |mode_def| % on the fly. Although useful, this has a slightly different focus % than starting with an existing |mode_def| and changing a couple % of parameters. In particular, one still has to peek inside the % file to see what the old values were and set them again (in the % new context). Also, such on-the-fly |mode_def| generation programs % are inherently less machine-independent than a scheme that does % everything in \MF\ itself. % % The upshot of all this is the following: we say, e.g., % |mode_param (fontmaking, 1)| below, instead of using the assignment % primitive directly. The name (``|mode_param|'') is kept somewhat % short because you can also use this to override a mode assignment % on the command line or in response to the {\tt **} prompt. def mode_param (suffix v) (expr e) = if unknown mode_guard_.v: v := e; mode_guard_.v := 1; fi enddef; % This macro is invoked by all the modes, after |pixels_per_inch| % has been defined, thus saving some space and time. def mode_common_setup_ = mode_param (proofing, 0); mode_param (fontmaking, 1); mode_param (tracingtitles, if pixels_per_inch > 1200: 1 else: 0 fi); enddef; % In a similar spirit, here are definitions to change to ``landscape'' % mode. You just say {\tt mode := whatever; landscape; ...}, % and when |mode_setup| is executed, the |aspect_ratio| will be % inverted, and |pixels_per_inch| changed. def landscape = extra_setup := extra_setup & "landscape_;" enddef; def landscape_ = begingroup interim warningcheck := 0; pixels_per_inch := aspect_ratio * pixels_per_inch; aspect_ratio := 1 / aspect_ratio; fix_units; % Too bad we can't do this after any |extra_setup|. endgroup enddef; % Here are macros to add specials with mode information to the GF file. % % Specifically, we add the |pixels_per_inch|, |o_correction|, % |aspect_ratio| (if not 1), |mag|, |fillin|, and |mode_def| name. This % information can be used to automatically verify that a font file name % matches the specification within the file. For example, you could % check that the number in the filename matches |mag*pixels_per_inch|. % Or, if the |mode_def| name is part of the font directory path % (e.g., you put fonts in {\tt .../texmf/fonts/pk/cx}), that all of the % bitmap files in the directory have the expected |mode_def| name. def mode_special_ (suffix $) = string s, d; s := str $; d := decimal scantokens s; special s & "=" & d; enddef; def mode_output_specials_ = begingroup save d, s, p, p_p_i; string p; interim warningcheck := 0; % In case |pixels_per_inch>4096|. % We need the old |pixels_per_inch| to compute % the true device resolution. p_p_i = pixels_per_inch / mag; % But now we want to change |pixels_per_inch|, % so |save| the old value. save pixels_per_inch; pixels_per_inch := p_p_i; special "jobname=" & jobname; mode_special_ (mag); p := if string mode: mode else: substring (0, length (mode_name[mode]) - 1) of mode_name[mode] fi; special "mode=" & p; mode_special_ (pixels_per_inch); if aspect_ratio <> 1: mode_special_ (aspect_ratio); fi; mode_special_ (blacker); mode_special_ (fillin); mode_special_ (o_correction); endgroup enddef; % Here are macros for Xerox-world font info, which can be useful even % if you never use a Xerox printer. For instance, {\tt crudetype} uses % the |coding_scheme| and it is nice to have the font family on record. % This goes into both the TFM file (as |headerbyte| information), and % into the GF file (as a |special|). % Make the string |s| be |n| bytes long. def BCPL_string (expr s, n) = for l := if length (s) >= n: n-1 else: length (s) fi: l for k := 1 upto l: , substring (k - 1, k) of s endfor for k := l + 2 upto n: , 0 endfor endfor enddef; % The string |s| names the encoding scheme, e.g., {\tt TeX text}. def coding_scheme expr s = headerbyte 9: BCPL_string (s, 40); special "codingscheme=" & s enddef; % The string |s| names the font family, e.g., {\tt CMR}. def font_family expr s = headerbyte 49: BCPL_string (s, 20); special "fontid=" & s enddef; % The integer |x| gives the family member number, which should be % between 0 and 255. def font_face_byte expr x = headerbyte 72: x; special "fontfacebyte"; numspecial x enddef; % So users can say |if known Xerox_world: ... fi|, per {\sl The \MF book}. Xerox_world := 1; % Redefine |end| to put the extra information above in the GF and TFM % files. This code is based on that on page 321. inner end; let primitive_end_ = end; def end = if fontmaking > 0: font_family font_identifier_; coding_scheme font_coding_scheme_; font_face_byte max (0, 254 - round 2designsize); mode_output_specials_; fi; primitive_end_ enddef; % {\sl The \MF book} gives |bye| two different definitions (on pages % 278 and 321). The first is used in {\tt plain.mf} and is merely % a synoynym for the primitive |end|. The second, which is not part % of {\tt plain.mf}, is similar to the code given above. We want the % extra information to get into the output files regardless of whether % the \MF\ source used |end| or |bye|. The above changed |end|; % now we have to redefine |bye| again (as on page 278). outer end, primitive_end_; let bye = end; % Here are macros to handle write-white devices. % % The basic correction for write-white fonts occurs in the definition % of |font_setup|. This can be used to extend or change the write-black % definition in Computer Modern's {\tt cmbase.mf} or other base files % based on CM, such as {\tt dxbase.mf}. This has no effect at 1200$\,$dpi. def mode_write_white_setup_ = newinternal blacker_min; def define_whole_blacker_pixels(text t) = forsuffixes $=t: $:=hround($.#*hppp+blacker); if $ <=blacker_min-1: $:=blacker_min; fi endfor enddef; def define_whole_vertical_blacker_pixels(text t) = forsuffixes $=t: $:=vround($.#*hppp+blacker); if $ <=blacker_min-1: $:=blacker_min _o_; fi endfor enddef; % Only do the above once, in case a font file (unnecessarily) % calls |mode_setup| more than once. let mode_write_white_setup_ = relax enddef; %%%% Continue to print block comments ragged right, but also check %%%% if comments start with \[ indicating lines to be set flush right. %% %%\def\9{$\futurelet\next\doit} %%\let\[=\relax %%\def\doit{\ifx\next\[% %% \def\next{\hfill{\rm\%}}\else\def\next{{\rm\%}}\fi\next} %%%% %%\vfill\eject % Here are the modes, given mostly in alphabetical order. % From {\tt J.Hicks@warwick.ac.uk}. mode_def agfafzz = %\[ AGFA 400PS (406dpi) mode_param (pixels_per_inch, 406); mode_param (blacker, .2); mode_param (fillin, 0); mode_param (o_correction, .6); mode_common_setup_; enddef; AgfaFourZeroZero := agfafzz; % From {\tt picheral@univ-rennes1.fr}. mode_def agfatfzz = %\[ AGFA P3400PS (400dpi) mode_param (pixels_per_inch, 400); cx_; enddef; AgfaThreeFourZeroZero := agfatfzz; % From {\tt rokicki@neon.stanford.edu}. mode_def amiga = %\[ Commodore Amiga (100dpi) mode_param (pixels_per_inch, 100); mode_param (blacker, 0); mode_param (fillin, 0); mode_param (o_correction, .2); mode_common_setup_; enddef; onezz := amiga; OneZeroZero := amiga; mode_def aps = %\[ Autologic APS-Micro5 (723dpi) mode_param (pixels_per_inch, 722.909); mode_param (blacker, .2); mode_param (fillin, .2); mode_param (o_correction, 1); mode_common_setup_; enddef; % From {\tt rocky@panix.com}. Tested on the single APS-6 at IBM Research. mode_def apssixhi = %\[ Autologic APS-Micro6 (1016dpi) mode_param (pixels_per_inch, 1016); mode_param (blacker, 0); mode_param (fillin, 0); mode_param (o_correction, 1); mode_common_setup_; enddef; % From {\tt ee@dacth51.bitnet}. mode_def atariezf = %\[ Atari ST SLM 804 printer (300dpi) mode_param (pixels_per_inch, 300); mode_param (blacker, 0); mode_param (fillin, .5); mode_param (o_correction, 0); mode_param (blacker_min, 2); mode_common_setup_; mode_write_white_setup_; enddef; AtariSLMEightZeroFour := atariezf; % From {\tt W.Spit@fys.ruu.nl}. {\tt N.Poppelier@elsevier.nl} says that % different previewers use different resolutions (95$\,$dpi, 96$\,$dpi, % or 101$\,$dpi), but no one seems to know what the real resolution is. mode_def atarinf = %\[ Atari previewer (95dpi) mode_param (pixels_per_inch, 95); mode_param (blacker, 0); mode_param (fillin, 0); mode_param (o_correction, 0.1); mode_common_setup_; enddef; AtariNineFive := atarinf; mode_def atarins = %\[ Atari previewer (96dpi) mode_param (pixels_per_inch, 96); mode_param (blacker, 0); mode_param (fillin, 0); mode_param (o_correction, 0.1); mode_common_setup_; enddef; AtariNineSix := atarins; % From {\tt ee@dacth51.bitnet}. mode_def atariotf = %\[ Atari ST SM 124 screen (101dpi) mode_param (pixels_per_inch, 101); mode_param (blacker, 0); mode_param (fillin, 0); mode_param (o_correction, .4); mode_common_setup_; enddef; AtariSMOneTwoFour := atariotf; mode_def bitgraph = %\[ BBN Bitgraph (118dpi) mode_param (pixels_per_inch, 118); mode_param (blacker, .55); mode_param (fillin, .1); mode_param (o_correction, .3); mode_common_setup_; enddef; % From {\tt sjwright@cix.compulink.co.uk}, 9 February 1994. mode_def bjtenex = %\[ Canon BubbleJet 10ex (360dpi) mode_param (pixels_per_inch, 360); mode_param (blacker, .6); mode_param (fillin, 0); mode_param (o_correction, .6); mode_common_setup_; enddef; % {\tt cgweav@eskimo.com} (Clayton Weaver), 4 February 1997. % Might want to recheck |o_correction|, which could vary per unit. mode_def bjtzzex = %\[ Canon BubbleJet 200ex (360 dpi) mode_param (pixels_per_inch, 360); mode_param (blacker, 1.2); mode_param (fillin, .2); mode_param (o_correction, 0); mode_common_setup_; enddef; % {\tt Alastair.Jenkins@nrsc.no}, 30 January 1997. mode_def bjtzzs = %\[ Canon BubbleJet 200 (720x360dpi) mode_param (pixels_per_inch, 720); mode_param (aspect_ratio , 0.5); mode_param (blacker, 0.0); mode_param (fillin, 0); mode_param (o_correction, 1.0); mode_common_setup_; enddef; % {\tt Alastair.Jenkins@nrsc.no}, 30 January 1997. mode_def bjtzzl = %\[ BubbleJet 200 landscape (360x720 dpi) bjtzzex_; landscape; enddef; mode_def boise = %\[ HP 2680A (180dpi) mode_param (pixels_per_inch, 180); mode_param (blacker, .55); mode_param (fillin, .1); mode_param (o_correction, .3); mode_common_setup_; enddef; % From {\tt Yves.Arrouye@imag.fr}. mode_def canonbjc = %\[ Canon BJC-600 (360dpi) mode_param (pixels_per_inch, 360); mode_param (blacker, 0); mode_param (fillin, 0); mode_param (o_correction, .8); mode_common_setup_; enddef; CanonBJCSixZeroZero := canonbjc; % From {\tt swartz@cs.wisc.edu}, 8 April 1993. The straightforward % mode with |blacker=0|, |fillin=0|, |o_correction=1| seems to % work fine for the Canon EX engine inside Apple's LaserWriter Pro 630. % It produces light, clear lines and type. But {\tt ajcarr@ccvax.ucd.ie} % sent in the revised values below on 12 December 1993, tested on % the major CM fonts at 5, 7, and 10$\,$pt and producing slightly % better results. mode_def canonex = %\[ LaserWriter Pro 630 (600dpi) mode_param (pixels_per_inch, 600); mode_param (blacker, .2); mode_param (fillin, .1); mode_param (o_correction, .85); mode_common_setup_; enddef; CanonEX := canonex; mode_def canonlbp = %\[ Symbolics LGP-10 (240dpi) mode_param (pixels_per_inch, 240); mode_param (blacker, .2); mode_param (fillin, .2); mode_param (o_correction, .4); mode_common_setup_; enddef; CanonLBPTen := canonlbp; % This is really 1301.5; MF produces 1301, so use that. mode_def cg = %\[ Compugraphic 8600 (1301x1569dpi) mode_param (pixels_per_inch, 1301); mode_param (aspect_ratio, 1569 / pixels_per_inch); mode_param (blacker, .2); mode_param (fillin, .2); mode_param (o_correction, 1); mode_common_setup_; enddef; CompugraphicEightSixZeroZero := cg; mode_def cgl = %\[ Compugraphic 8600 landscape (1569x1302dpi) cg_; landscape; enddef; % These values from Linotype Linotronic [13]00 modified to 1200$\,$dpi. % From {\tt wagman\%muse.hepnet@Csa2.LBL.Gov}. mode_def cgnszz = %\[ Compugraphic 9600 (1200dpi) mode_param (pixels_per_inch, 1200); mode_param (blacker, .65); mode_param (fillin, -.1); mode_param (o_correction, .5); mode_common_setup_; enddef; CompugraphicNineSixZeroZero := cgnszz; % This has a resolution of |5333 + 1/3| pixels per inch. mode_def crs = %\[ Alphatype CRS (5333dpi) mode_param (pixels_per_inch, 4000 + 4000/3); mode_param (blacker, 4); mode_param (fillin, 0); mode_param (o_correction, 1); mode_common_setup_; enddef; % This applies to the LaserWriter Plus, HP Laserjet, HP Laserjet Plus, % and also the Canon LBP-LX engine, in the Laserjet IIP, QMS 410, % and Apple Personal LaserWriter, and also to the CanonSX engine, % in the LaserWriter II family. And {\tt hammond@jila02.Colorado.EDU} % says it works well for the ``enhanced-resolution'' LaserJet III. % {\tt swartz@cs.wisc.edu} is developing a mode for the Canon EX engine % inside an Apple Pro 630 printer. mode_def cx = %\[ Canon CX, SX, LBP-LX (300dpi) mode_param (pixels_per_inch, 300); mode_param (blacker, 0); mode_param (fillin, .2); mode_param (o_correction, .6); mode_common_setup_; enddef; CanonCX := cx; corona := cx; dp := cx; % some kind of DataProducts hplaser := cx; imagen := cx; kyocera := cx; laserwriter := cx; % I have seen a claim the LaserJet II was the Canon SX % write-white engine, but I don't think that's right. laserjethi := cx; laserjet := cx; % {\tt ogawa@orion.arc.nasa.gov} says that this is definitely not a % write-white engine, despite earlier versions of this file claiming % the contrary. Thus, probably the same parameters as |cx| will do. CanonSX := cx; CanonLBPLX := cx; % At least magstep 2 is recommended at this low resolution. mode_def datadisc = %\[ DataDisc (70dpi) mode_param (pixels_per_inch, 70); mode_param (blacker, 0); mode_param (fillin, 0); mode_param (o_correction, .2); mode_common_setup_; enddef; DD := datadisc; mode_def newdd = %\[ DataDisc (70x93dpi) mode_param (aspect_ratio, 4/3); datadisc_; enddef; DataDiscNew := newdd; % From {\tt mcgrant@rascals.stanford.edu}. True resolution is 98.2236 % by 102.4. See comments for |DECsmall| just above. mode_def declarge = %\[ DEC 19-inch, 1280 x 1024 (100dpi) mode_param (pixels_per_inch, 100); mode_param (blacker, 0); mode_param (fillin, 0); mode_param (o_correction, 0); mode_common_setup_; enddef; DEClarge := declarge; elvira := declarge; % From {\tt mcgrant@rascals.stanford.edu}. True resolution is 78.1069 % by 86.0612, but a square aspect ratio works better; furthermore, % Computer Modern isn't prepared to deal with fractional pixel values. mode_def decsmall = %\[ DEC 17-inch, 1024 x 768 (82dpi) mode_param (pixels_per_inch, 82); mode_param (blacker, 0); mode_param (fillin, 0); mode_param (o_correction, 0); mode_common_setup_; enddef; DECsmall := decsmall; % From {\tt fieberjr@whitman.bitnet}. mode_def deskjet = %\[ HP DeskJet 500 (300dpi) mode_param (pixels_per_inch, 300); mode_param (blacker, 0); mode_param (fillin, 0); mode_param (o_correction, .6); mode_common_setup_; enddef; HPDeskJet := deskjet; % From {\tt stsmith@ll.mit.edu}, 10 May 93. % With |fillin=0|, the diagonal of {\tt cmtt10}'s `z' is too thin. % |blacker=.8| too thin, 2 too thick. mode_def docutech = %\[ Xerox 8790 or 4045 (600dpi) mode_param (pixels_per_inch, 600); mode_param (blacker, 1); mode_param (fillin, .1); mode_param (o_correction, 0.9); mode_common_setup_; enddef; XeroxDocutech := docutech; % From {\tt waits.mf}. mode_def dover = %\[ Xerox Dover (384dpi) mode_param (pixels_per_inch, 384); mode_param (blacker, 1.2); mode_param (fillin, 0); mode_param (o_correction, .6); mode_common_setup_; enddef; % {\tt ghibo@galileo.polito.it}, for the Amiga ShowDVI previewer. mode_def eighthre = %\[ EightThree (83dpi) mode_param (pixels_per_inch, 83); mode_param (blacker, 0); mode_param (fillin, 0); mode_param (o_correction, .2); mode_common_setup_; enddef; EightThree := eighthre; % {\tt arno.wagner@acm.org}, 25 November 1997. To print in 360dpi (much % faster, but lower quality) use the |epstylus| mode instead. This % printer seems to make smaller dots when printing at 720$\,$dpi and % larger ones when printing at 360$\,$dpi. I tried 720x1440 resolution % as well, but found it not worth the additional time. If you use % Ghostscript, you need at least version 5.03 to support 720$\,$dpi on % this printer. This mode may work with the Epson Stylus color 800 as % well. I tested this mode with Matt Swift's test, found above. % With |fillin| set to zero, the test had no `\' at 5$\,$pt. % mode_def epscszz = %\[ Epson Stylus Color 600 (720 dpi) mode_param (pixels_per_inch, 720); mode_param (blacker, .25); mode_param (fillin, 0.5); mode_param (o_correction, .8); mode_common_setup_; enddef; % From {\tt metcalf@catfish.LCS.MIT.EDU}, 5 Dec 1992. mode_def epsdrft = %\[ Epson (120x72dpi) mode_param (pixels_per_inch, 120); mode_param (aspect_ratio, 72 / pixels_per_inch); epson_; enddef; epsdraft := epsdrft; mode_def epsdrftl = %\[ Epson (72x120dpi) epsdrft_; landscape; enddef; % From {\tt metcalf@catfish.LCS.MIT.EDU}, 5 Dec 1992. mode_def epsfast = %\[ Epson fast (60x72dpi) mode_param (pixels_per_inch, 60); mode_param (aspect_ratio, 72 / pixels_per_inch); epson_; enddef; mode_def epsfastl = %\[ Epson fast landscape (72x60dpi) epsfast_; landscape; enddef; % From Hippocrates Sendoukas {\tt }, 17 April 1999. mode_def epsmed = %\[ Epson med MX/FX 9-pin (240x144dpi) mode_param (pixels_per_inch, 240); mode_param (aspect_ratio, 144 / pixels_per_inch); epson_; enddef; mode_def epsmedl = %\[ Epson med MX/FX 9-pin landscape (144x240dpi) epsmed_; landscape; enddef; % These values from Charles Karney, {\sl TUGboat} 8(2), page 133. This % is for the Epson MX/FX family (-85, -286), which are 9-pin printers. % The 24-pin LQ family have higher resolutions; no one has sent me % definitions for them yet. Ditto for Epson's laser printer. % (Thanks to {\tt cargo@escargot.cray.com} for all this information.) mode_def epson = %\[ Epson MX/FX 9-pin (240x216dpi) mode_param (pixels_per_inch, 240); mode_param (aspect_ratio, 216 / pixels_per_inch); mode_param (blacker, 0); mode_param (fillin, 0); mode_param (o_correction, .2); mode_common_setup_; enddef; EpsonMXFX := epson; epshi := epson; epsonfx := epson; mode_def epsonl = %\[ Epson MX/FX 9-pin landscape (216x240dpi) epson_; landscape; enddef; % From {\tt sdh@po.cwru.edu}, 6 September 93. % The modes |cx| and |HPLaserJetIIISi| are too spindly. % This works (not awesome, o's and e's are slightly taller than % they should be in large pt. fonts) on my Epson Action Laser 1500 % with LaserJetIIIsi emulation and RITech (Epson's Resolution % Enhancement). It might work for the model 1000 or some HP's. mode_def epsonact = %\[ Epson Action Laser 1500 (300dpi) mode_param (pixels_per_inch, 300); mode_param (blacker, .8); mode_param (fillin, 0); mode_param (o_correction, 0.95); mode_common_setup_; enddef; EpsonAction := epsonact; % Corrected to 216$\,$dpi vertically, 5 Dec 1992. % From {\tt metcalf@catfish.LCS.MIT.EDU}. mode_def epsonlo = %\[ Epson (120x216dpi) mode_param (pixels_per_inch, 120); mode_param (aspect_ratio, 216 / pixels_per_inch); epson_; enddef; epslo := epsonlo; mode_def epsonlol = %\[ Epson landscape (216x120dpi) epsonlo_; landscape; enddef; % From {\tt Sebastian\_Kirsch@kl.maus.de}, 19 April 1996. In comparison % to some postscript fonts, the characters seemed to light with blacker % 0, but much too heavy with a blacker greater than 1. I tried blacker % .6 and finally settled for .7. All the other values are rather % fictional, I didn't really test them out. mode_def epsonsq = %\[ Epson SQ 870 (360dpi) mode_param (proofing, 0) mode_param (pixels_per_inch, 360); mode_param (blacker, .7); mode_param (fillin, .2); mode_param (o_correction, .9); mode_common_setup_; enddef; EpsonSQEightSevenZero := epsonsq; % Following three modes from {\tt marc@mpi.nl} (Marc Fleischeuers). % I could not quite get the `z' diagonal to get as thin as the % horizontal lines, even pushing |fillin| up to 0.8. This printer tends % to make things lighter on lower resolutions so I compensate a little % with increasing |blacker|. But not all the way, as this would fill in % the little holes in the `e' and `s' at 5$\,$pt. Otherwise it's pretty % cool, not as crisp as an |ljfour| but better than most inkjets I've seen. mode_def epstypro = %\[ Epson Stylus Pro (360dpi) mode_param (pixels_per_inch, 360); mode_param (blacker, 0.2); mode_param (fillin, 0.8); mode_param (o_correction, 0); mode_common_setup_; enddef; EpsonStylusPro := epstypro; mode_def epstyplo = %\[ Epson Stylus Pro (180dpi) mode_param (pixels_per_inch, 180); mode_param (blacker, .35); mode_param (fillin, 0.8); mode_param (o_correction, 0); mode_common_setup_; enddef; EpsonStylusProLow := epstyplo; % Good time saver, almost as good as 720x720 but a lot faster. mode_def epstypmd = %\[ Epson Stylus Pro (720x360dpi) mode_param (pixels_per_inch, 720); mode_param (aspect_ratio, 360 / pixels_per_inch); mode_param (blacker, 0); mode_param (fillin, 0.8); mode_param (o_correction, 0); mode_common_setup_; enddef; EpsonStylusProMed := epstypmd; mode_def epswlo = %\[ Epson low MX/FX 9-pin (120x144dpi) mode_param (pixels_per_inch, 120); mode_param (aspect_ratio, 144 / pixels_per_inch); epson_; enddef; mode_def epswlol = %\[ Epson low MX/FX 9-pin landscape (144x120dpi) epswlo_; landscape; enddef; mode_def esphi = %\[ Epson Stylus Pro (720dpi) mode_param (pixels_per_inch, 720); mode_param (blacker, 0); mode_param (fillin, 0.8); mode_param (o_correction, 1); mode_common_setup_; enddef; EpsonStylusProHigh := esphi; % From {\tt Tobias.Guenzler@uni-konstanz.de}, 8 December 1994. % % The |blacker| parameter is the most critical; changing |o_correction| % has lesser effect, and may also be increased or decreased somewhat. % I tested this by comparing output with printouts of a HP LaserJet % printer using the LJ fonts. This printer had the fancy resolution % enhancement feature (RET) which makes the pixel steps almost % invisible. I did most of the comparision with {\tt cmr12}, {\tt cmbx12}, % {\tt cmr12} magstep2 and {\tt cmss9}. % % The Stylus printer is a ink printer, but it works with a piezo drive % instead of a bubble jet. This may be the reason why it draws its lines % very tiny and thin. At least the pixel diameters are very sharp and % they are far away from that bulky dots produced by the needles of % a NEC P6. mode_def epstylus = %\[ Epson Stylus (360dpi) mode_param (pixels_per_inch, 360); mode_param (blacker, .35); mode_param (fillin, 0); mode_param (o_correction, .8); mode_common_setup_; enddef; % {\tt ghibo@galileo.polito.it}, for the Amiga ShowDVI previewer. mode_def fourfour = %\[ FourFour (44dpi) mode_param (pixels_per_inch, 44); mode_param (blacker, 0.05); mode_param (fillin, .1); mode_param (o_correction, .2); mode_common_setup_; enddef; FourFour := fourfour; % From {\tt drstrip@intvax.uucp}. % Revised by {\tt dak@pool.informatik.rwth-aachen.de}, 24 May 1994. mode_def gtfax = %\[ G3fax (204x196dpi) mode_param (pixels_per_inch, 204); mode_param (aspect_ratio, 196 / pixels_per_inch); mode_param (blacker, 0); mode_param (fillin, .2); mode_param (o_correction, .2); mode_common_setup_; enddef; GThreefax := gtfax; gtfaxhi := GThreefax; mode_def gtfaxl = %\[ G3fax landscape (196x204dpi) gtfax_; landscape; enddef; % From {\tt dak@pool.informatik.rwth-aachen.de}, 24 May 1994. mode_def gtfaxlo = %\[ G3fax (204x98dpi) mode_param (pixels_per_inch, 204); mode_param (aspect_ratio, 98 / pixels_per_inch); gtfax_; enddef; mode_def gtfaxlol = %\[ G3fax landscape (98x204dpi) gtfaxlo_; landscape; enddef; % {\tt ron@mlfarm.com}, 30 October 1995. mode_def highfax = %\[ G3fax (200dpi) mode_param (pixels_per_inch, 200); mode_param (blacker, 0); mode_param (fillin, .2); mode_param (o_correction, .2); mode_common_setup_; enddef; hifax := highfax; % {\tt brumski+@osu.edu}, 27 August 1993. mode_def hprugged = %\[ HP RuggedWriter 480 (180dpi) mode_param (pixels_per_inch, 180); mode_param (blacker, .55); mode_param (fillin, .1); mode_param (o_correction, .3); mode_common_setup_; enddef; % Some general comments on the IBM printers, courtesy of {\tt rocky@panix.com}. % % IBM 3820's, 3825's, 3827's and 3835's have some sort of corner imaging % or shading that the IBM 3812's and 3816's don't. The latter two models % may get this feature in the future. % % The IBM 3827 is made by Kodak, the rest are IBM engines. % % Some of the other printers have a knob that allows a service engineer % to set one of up to ten levels of darkness. At IBM Research, we run % very black. The service engineer sets the level by running a completely % black page and then two completely blank ones. The black page % must be black and the following two must be completely white. % % Thanks to Jim Hafner ({\tt hafner@ibm.com}) for experimenting with % |blacker|, and Paul Dantzig for information about these printers. % % From {\tt ARNALDO@RIOSC.bitnet}. This is for the 3820, but can be used % for 3812, 3816, 3825, 3837 3800 and 3827 printers (these are all % 240$\,$pels IBM printers that use the same font format when driven % by PSF/VM). mode_def ibm_a = %\[ IBM 38xx (240dpi) mode_param (pixels_per_inch, 240); mode_param (blacker, .35); mode_param (fillin, -.2); mode_param (o_correction, .2); mode_common_setup_; enddef; % From {\tt rocky@panix.com}. For the typewriter, slanted, and italic % fonts, |blacker=0| makes the `M's and `W's more legible. But then % the weight of the font does not match the others. mode_def ibmd = %\[ IBM 38xx (240dpi) mode_param (pixels_per_inch, 240); mode_param (blacker, .3); mode_param (fillin, .4); mode_param (o_correction, .75); mode_common_setup_; enddef; % These values from {\tt melvin@math.psu.edu}. mode_def ibmega = %\[ IBM EGA monitor (96x81dpi) mode_param (pixels_per_inch, 96); mode_param (aspect_ratio, .841); mode_param (blacker, .3); mode_param (fillin, 0); mode_param (o_correction, 0); mode_common_setup_; enddef; mode_def ibmegal = %\[ IBM EGA monitor landscape (81x96dpi) ibmega_; landscape; enddef; % From {\tt sperber@provence.informatik.uni-tuebingen.de}, 30 October 1993. % The difference of 0.1 in |blacker| really does make a difference. mode_def ibmfzon = %\[ IBM 4019 (300dpi) mode_param (pixels_per_inch, 300); mode_param (blacker, .1); mode_param (fillin, 0); mode_param (o_correction, .75); mode_param (blacker_min, 2); mode_common_setup_; mode_write_white_setup_; enddef; IBMFourZeroOneNine := ibmfzon; % From {\tt rocky@panix.com}. The print engine is made by Lexmark. The % printing person I asked, Paul Dantzig, says that the print quality of % the 4019 is fairly regular. Unlike the IBM 4216's, to his knowledge % only there is only one print engine by Lexmar has been ever used in % the 4019. And unlike the IBM 4029, there are not knobs on the inside % that would permit one to adjust the blacker to ones taste. % % While both RicohA and cx modes settings are acceptable, it looks % to me that the RicohA fonts are superior. I base this judgement on % tops and bottoms of curves on {\tt cmr10} such as `S', `U' `e' `o' and % the apostrophes. This effect is especially noticeable in a small font % like {\tt cmr6}. % % If you want to experiment with another setting, I'd start with |RicohA| % and set |blacker| to .1 or 0 instead of .2 but definitely keep % |mode_write_white_setup_|; I'd leave |fillin| and |o_correction| unchanged. % % From {\tt vumalki\%weizmann.weizmann.ac.il@taunivm.tau.ac.il} % and {\tt plotkin@theory.stanford.edu}. % % {\tt hafner@almaden.ibm.com} (Jim Hafner) reports that this works fine % for the Lexmark 4039, a.k.a.\ IBM 4039, as along as the ``Printer % Darkness'' control is set to ``darker''. % mode_def ibmfztn = %\[ IBM 4029-30-39, 4250 (600dpi) mode_param (pixels_per_inch, 600); mode_param (blacker, .05); mode_param (fillin, 0); mode_param (o_correction, .75); mode_common_setup_; enddef; IBMFourZeroTwoNine := ibmfztn; IBMFourTwoThreeZero := ibmfztn; IBMFourTwoFiveZero := ibmfztn; IBMFourZeroThreeNine := ibmfztn; LexmarkFourZeroThreeNine := ibmfztn; % From Rick Simpson via {\tt erikjan@icce.rug.nl}. mode_def ibmpp = %\[ IBM ProPrinter (240x216dpi) mode_param (pixels_per_inch, 240); mode_param (aspect_ratio, 216 / pixels_per_inch); mode_param (blacker, 0); mode_param (fillin, .2); mode_param (o_correction, 1); mode_common_setup_; enddef; IBMProPrinter := ibmpp; proprinter := IBMProPrinter; mode_def ibmppl = %\[ IBM ProPrinter (216x240dpi) ibmpp_; landscape; enddef; % From Rick Simpson via {\tt erikjan@icce.rug.nl}. Also gave values % of zero for |blacker|, |fillin|, and |o_correction|. mode_def ibmsoff = %\[ IBM 6154 display (118dpi) mode_param (pixels_per_inch, 118); mode_param (blacker, .8); mode_param (fillin, .2); mode_param (o_correction, 1); mode_common_setup_; enddef; IBMSixOneFiveFour := ibmsoff; % From {\tt rocky@panix.com}. This is an old, untested definition. mode_def sherpa = %\[ IBM 6670 (Sherpa) (240dpi) mode_param (pixels_per_inch, 240); mode_param (blacker, 1); mode_param (blacker_min, 2); mode_param (fillin, 1); mode_param (o_correction, .5); mode_common_setup_; mode_write_white_setup_; enddef; IBMSixSixSevenZero := sherpa; % From {\tt vumalki\%weizmann.weizmann.ac.il@taunivm.tau.ac.il}. mode_def ibmteot = %\[ IBM 3812 (240dpi) mode_param (pixels_per_inch, 240); mode_param (blacker, .6); mode_param (blacker_min, 2); mode_param (fillin, .4); mode_param (o_correction, 0); mode_common_setup_; mode_write_white_setup_; enddef; IBMThreeEightOneTwo := ibmteot; IBMUlfHolleberg := IBMThreeEightOneTwo; % These values from {\tt d\_webb@chcc.harwell.aea-technology.uk}. mode_def ibmtetz = %\[ IBM 3820 (240dpi) mode_param (pixels_per_inch, 240); mode_param (blacker, .78); mode_param (fillin, .25); mode_param (o_correction, .5); mode_common_setup_; enddef; IBMThreeEightTwoZero := ibmtetz; % From {\tt x92@vm.urz-uni-heidelberg.de} via {\tt schoepf@sc.zib-berlin.de}. mode_def ibmtont = %\[ IBM 3193 screen (100dpi) mode_param (pixels_per_inch, 100); mode_param (blacker, 0); mode_param (fillin, 0); mode_param (o_correction, 0); mode_common_setup_; enddef; IBMThreeOneNineThree := ibmtont; % From {\tt x92@vm.urz-uni-heidelberg.de} via {\tt schoepf@sc.zib-berlin.de}. mode_def ibmtosn = %\[ IBM 3179 screen (87x65dpi) mode_param (pixels_per_inch, 87); mode_param (aspect_ratio, 0.75); mode_param (blacker, 0); mode_param (fillin, 0); mode_param (o_correction, 0); mode_common_setup_; enddef; IBMThreeOneSevenNine := ibmtosn; mode_def ibmtosnl = %\[ IBM 3179 screen landscape (65x87dpi) ibmtosn_; landscape; enddef; % These values from {\tt d\_webb@chcc.harwell.aea-technology.uk}. % {\tt melvin@math.psu.edu} thinks |pixels_per_inch=96| might be better. mode_def ibmvga = %\[ IBM VGA monitor (110dpi) mode_param (pixels_per_inch, 110); mode_param (blacker, .3); mode_param (fillin, 0); mode_param (o_correction, 0); mode_common_setup_; enddef; % The Chelgraph IBX is the machine introduced to North American \TeX\ % users by Type~2000 in Mill Valley, California; telephone (415)~388-8873. % Since the machine's stated output resolution is only 2000$\,$dpi % this truly spectacular 9600$\,$dpi must be used for translation to % an outline font description. This has been tested and used in a % publication of the University of Washington Press. These values % from Pierre MacKay, based on Lance Carnes' crs values, at magstep~1.8. mode_def ibx = %\[ Chelgraph IBX (9600dpi) mode_param (pixels_per_inch, 4000 + 4000 + 1600); mode_param (blacker, 4); mode_param (fillin, 0); mode_param (o_correction, 1); mode_common_setup_; enddef; ChelgraphIBX := ibx; % From {\tt local.mf} via {\tt cudat@cu.warwick.ac.uk}. mode_def itoh = %\[ CItoh 8510A (160x144dpi) mode_param (pixels_per_inch, 160); mode_param (aspect_ratio, 144 / pixels_per_inch); mode_param (blacker, 0); mode_param (fillin, 0); mode_param (o_correction, .1); mode_common_setup_; enddef; CItohEightFiveOneZero := itoh; mode_def itohl = %\[ CItoh 8510A landscape (144x160dpi) itoh_; landscape; enddef; % From {\tt rokicki@cs.umb.edu}. mode_def itohtoz = %\[ CItoh 310 (240x144dpi) mode_param (pixels_per_inch, 240); mode_param (aspect_ratio, 144 / pixels_per_inch); mode_param (blacker, 0); mode_param (fillin, 0); mode_param (o_correction, .2); mode_common_setup_; enddef; citohtoz := itohtoz; CItohThreeOneZero := itohtoz; cthreeten := itohtoz; mode_def itohtozl = %\[ CItoh 310 landscape (144x240dpi) itohtoz_; landscape; enddef; % Perhaps the value for |fillin| should be 0. mode_def iw = %\[ Apple ImageWriter (144dpi) mode_param (pixels_per_inch, 144); mode_param (blacker, 0); mode_param (fillin, 0.3); mode_param (o_correction, .2); mode_common_setup_; enddef; imagewriter := iw; % From {\tt stsmith@ll.mit.edu}, 20 August 93. % The mode |cx| is too spindly. mode_def jetiiisi = %\[ HP Laser Jet IIISi (300dpi) mode_param (pixels_per_inch, 300); mode_param (blacker, .2); mode_param (fillin, 0); mode_param (o_correction, .7); mode_common_setup_; enddef; HPLaserJetIIISi := jetiiisi; % From John Sauter. mode_def lasf = %\[ DEC LA75 (144dpi) mode_param (pixels_per_inch, 144); mode_param (blacker, .3); mode_param (fillin, -.1); mode_param (o_correction, 0); mode_common_setup_; enddef; LASevenFive := lasf; % Michael Covington's ({\tt mcovingt@ai.uga.edu}) definition for the % Lexmark Optra R (4049), reflecting a taste for a heavier than % normal rendition of the Computer Modern fonts. % % You may prefer a lesser value of blacker (down to maybe 1.0). % Initially tested on 10, 12, 17-point CMR and 10-point math italic. % % While we're talking about the Optra R, here's another useful fact: % it takes 32-bit-wide 72-pin SIMMs, 70 or 80 ns. Contrary to the % documentation, you do not have to use IBM's special SIMMs. % % The resolution of 1200 and the |blacker| value of 3 causes {\tt cmbsy7} % to be generated with incorrect arrows and radical sign. The % |vtftzzlo| mode also fails. Decreasing |blacker| to 2 works around. % From {\tt infovore@xs4all.nl} (Olaf Weber) and Henrik Schmiediche. % mode_def lexmarkr = %\[ Lexmark Optra R 4049 (1200dpi) mode_param (pixels_per_inch, 1200); mode_param (blacker, 2); % used to be 3; works around {\tt cmbsy7} bug mode_param (fillin, 0); mode_param (o_correction, 1); mode_common_setup_; enddef; LexmarkOptraR := lexmarkr; % Klaus Guntermann {\tt }. % 19 January 1998. Mode for a Lexmark Optra S laser printer in true % 1200dpi mode. This printer model seems to be the successor of the % Optra R series above. % mode_def lexmarks = %\[ Lexmark Optra S 1250/1650/2450 (1200dpi) mode_param (pixels_per_inch, 1200); mode_param (blacker, 1); mode_param (fillin, 0); mode_param (o_correction, 1); mode_common_setup_; enddef; LexmarkOptraS := lexmarks; % {\tt uri@watson.ibm.com} (Uri Blumenthal), 9 March 1997. % This is really a 1200$\,$dpi printer, but it can be operated in 600dpi mode. mode_def lexmarku = %\[ Lexmark Optra R+ 4049 (600dpi) mode_param (pixels_per_inch, 600); mode_param (blacker, .5); mode_param (fillin, 0); mode_param (o_correction, .75); mode_param (tracingtitles, 0); mode_common_setup_; enddef; mode_def linolo = %\[ Linotype Linotronic [13]00 (635dpi) mode_param (pixels_per_inch, 635); linoone_; enddef; LinotypeOneZeroZeroLo := linolo; linohalf := LinotypeOneZeroZeroLo; % Mode for Linotype Linotronic L-330 with a RIP-50 raster. % From: Steven T. Smith {\tt stsmith@ll.mit.edu}, 26 October 95. mode_def linolttz = %\[ Linotronic L-300 with RIP-50 (3386dpi) mode_param (pixels_per_inch, 3386); mode_param (blacker, 0); mode_param (o_correction, 1); mode_param (fillin, 0); mode_common_setup_; enddef; LinotypeLThreeThreeZero := linolttz; % These values from {\tt d\_webb@chcc.harwell.aea-technology.uk}. % The `a' in {\tt cmr5} looks better with |blacker=.3|. Values of .2 % for both |blacker| and |fillin| have also been used. mode_def linoone = %\[ Linotronic [13]00 (1270dpi) mode_param (pixels_per_inch, 1270); mode_param (blacker, .65); mode_param (o_correction, 1); mode_param (fillin, -.1); mode_common_setup_; enddef; LinotypeOneZeroZero := linoone; linohi := LinotypeOneZeroZero; linothreelo := LinotypeOneZeroZero; % These values from {\tt d\_webb@chcc.harwell.aea-technology.uk}. mode_def linotzzh = %\[ Linotype Linotronic 300 (2540dpi) mode_param (pixels_per_inch, 2540); mode_param (blacker, .2); % Copied from |aps|---conjectural. mode_param (fillin, .2); % (ditto) mode_param (o_correction, 1); % (ditto) mode_common_setup_; enddef; linothree := linotzzh; LinotypeThreeZeroZeroHi := linotzzh; linosuper := linotzzh; % (From Matt Swift {\tt swift@alum.mit.edu}, 1 Jan 1996.) This is a mode for % the HP LaserJet 5P, using dvipsk-5.58f and gs-2.6.2. I tuned it using % the file modetest.tex. The first sweep was (b,f,o) = (0, {0, .3, .6}, % 0). The diagonal of 10$\,$pt lowercase z was too thin at .6, too thick % at 0. The second sweep was ({.4, .5, .6, .7}, .3, 0). At .6, the 5$\,$pt % small-cap lower-case A was on the verge of being filled in, but .6 is % a reasonable value. Blacker .4 looked a little spindly for many of % the 5$\,$pt fonts, especially italic and small-cap. The next sweep was % (.5, .3, {0, .4, .7, 1}). The sides of the 14$\,$pt upper-case O % (especially roman and small-cap) are relatively fatter with % o-correction 0 as opposed to 1. Almost every other mode for 600$\,$dpi % printers has 1, so I'm going with that. % mode_def ljfive = %\[ HP LaserJet 5 (600dpi) mode_param (pixels_per_inch, 600); mode_param (blacker, .75); mode_param (fillin, .3); mode_param (o_correction, 1); mode_common_setup_; enddef; laserjetfive := ljfive; % From Michael Neuhauser {\tt neuhauser@eiunix.tuwien.ac.at}. This is a % mode for HP LaserJet 5MP. I started with ljfive and found the Computer % Modern fonts much too black. Therefore I experimented with different % values of |blacker| to find .4 to be best. mode_def ljfivemp = %\[ HP LaserJet 5MP (600 dpi) mode_param (pixels_per_inch, 600); mode_param (blacker, .4); mode_param (fillin, .3); mode_param (o_correction, 1); mode_common_setup_; enddef; laserjetfivemp := ljfivemp; % There have been many modes for the LaserJet 4. The current values were % found by {\tt kb@tug.org} to be reasonable on a LaserJet 4MP % (at the default density setting, with resolution enhacement enabled). % I don't intend to change them again (unless someone convinces me % that they are truly mistaken in some way), although I would consider adding % different modes for other LaserJet 4 printers, if people contribute them. % % ({\tt cthiele@ccs.carleton.ca} gets better results with the density % setting on the printer at 4, instead of 3.) % % The first LaserJet 4 mode came from {\tt tonnie@ctrl.phys.tue.nl}, % 13 January 1993, with |blacker=0|, |fillin=0|, and |o_correction=.6|. % (This definition was forwarded to me by Barbara Beeton, and was % intended to be preliminary.) % % {\tt fj@iesd.auc.dk} says that |IBMFourZeroTwoNine| works fine. % % {\tt mbr@research.nj.nec.com} supplied another set of values: % |blacker=.6|, |fillin=0|, and |o_correction=1|. He writes: % I've tested it extensively at 10$\,$pt and 12$\,$pt in both roman, italic, % and bold, and I've checked all the standard smaller sizes (5, 6, 7, 8, % and 9$\,$pt). Works reasonably well on both the LaserJet 4 and the 4si, % although characters come out somewhat lighter on the 4si. Assumes % that the density controls are set to their default values and that the % resolution enhancement feature is enabled. The |blacker| value was % chosen to make 12$\,$pt text look good; for 10$\,$pt text, set |blacker=.66|. % % I felt the output with |blacker=.6| was too dark; Computer Modern % was never intended to be as dark as it appears on 300$\,$dpi printers. % So I've decreased |blacker| to the value below. The other parameters % don't seem to matter much. (Even |blacker| doesn't matter all % {\it that} much.) % % Works for a 600$\,$dpi Accel-a-Writer {\tt mackay@cs.washington.edu}, % 16 August 95. % % Possibly also usable for the LaserJet 6 family. % From {\tt chj@lin.foa.se} (Christian Jvnsson), 29 January 1997. % mode_def ljfour = %\[ HP LaserJet 4 (600dpi) mode_param (pixels_per_inch, 600); mode_param (blacker, .25); mode_param (fillin, 0); mode_param (o_correction, 1); mode_common_setup_; enddef; laserjetfour := ljfour; % {\tt fn@junior.mathtok.polymtl.ca} uses this for the QMS-860. qmsesz := ljfour; % {\tt pete@lovelace.thi.informatik.uni-frankfurt.de} uses this for the % Apple Laserwriter Select 360, with a Fuji Xerox Xerographic engine. aselect := ljfour; % {\tt jrenkema@worldonline.nl}, 2 January 1998. The LaserJet 5M % |mode_def|, |blacker=.35|, had very light output on the 4000. The % |blacker=2| setting results in output comparable to the LaserJet 5M % with |blacker=.35|. It is also noteworthy that in the ProRes 1200 mode % HP's resolution enhancement technology (RET) is not used, thus output % is exactly according to \MF. But perhaps |blacker=2| is too much, as % Computer Modern is supposed to be pretty light. mode_def ljfzzz = %\[ LaserJet 4000N, ProRes mode (1200dpi) mode_param (pixels_per_inch, 1200); mode_param (blacker, 1); mode_param (fillin, .1); mode_param (o_correction, 1); mode_common_setup_; enddef; laserjetfourzerozerozero := ljfzzz; laserjetfourthousand := ljfzzz; % {\tt Nicolai Langfeldt }, 16 May 1998. % This is for the default 16ppm 600dpi mode. % mode_def ljfzzzfr = %\[ HP LaserJet 4000 FastRes (600dpi) mode_param (pixels_per_inch, 600); mode_param (blacker, 0); mode_param (fillin, .2); mode_param (o_correction, 1); mode_common_setup_; enddef; % From {\tt ST-TeX.MF} via {\tt braams@pttrnl.nl}. (The 300dpi LaserJet % is another |cx|.) mode_def ljlo = %\[ HP LaserJet (150dpi) mode_param (pixels_per_inch, 150); mode_param (blacker, 0); mode_param (fillin, .1); mode_param (o_correction, 1); mode_common_setup_; enddef; laserjetlo := ljlo; % From {\tt mackay@cs.washington.edu}, 13 January 1993. The actual % machine resolution of this machine is $1000 \times 400$, but it is % adjusted with the aid of software so that a $1000 \times 1000$ PK file % is used. The |o_correction|, however, seems grossly overdone if % the expected value of at or near unity is applied (on the grounds % that a 1000$\,$dpi font should be able to do full o-correction). % Apparently the 400$\,$dpi physical resolution has some effect here. % In any case, |o_correction=0.4| looks better, and lines up with % about the right optical adjustment on curves. Tested at American % School of Classical Studies Publications on 18 July, 1992. mode_def lmaster = %\[ LaserMaster (1000dpi) mode_param (pixels_per_inch, 1000); mode_param (blacker, 0.2); mode_param (fillin, 0.0); mode_param (o_correction, 0.4); mode_common_setup_; enddef; lasermaster := lmaster; % From {\tt fran@hexamon.demon.co.uk}, 10 March 1996. I tried the entry % in modes.mf for a DEC LN03. This turned out much too dark---everything % looks bold. I did try sending write-black fonts to this printer, the % hairlines disappear. I don't know if these printers have a % blackness knob $\ldots$ mode_def lnotr = %\[ DEC LN03R Scriptprinter (300dpi) mode_param (pixels_per_inch, 300); mode_param (blacker, 0); mode_param (blacker_min, 2); mode_param (fillin, -.6); mode_param (o_correction, .5); mode_common_setup_; mode_write_white_setup_; enddef; LNOthreR := lnotr; % From Richard Watson at the Queensland Institute of Technology. This % printer is said to have some kind of Xerox engine, but I don't know which. mode_def lnzo = %\[ DEC LN01 (300dpi) mode_param (pixels_per_inch, 300); mode_param (blacker, .9); mode_param (blacker_min, 2); mode_param (fillin, 0); mode_param (o_correction, .5); mode_common_setup_; mode_write_white_setup_; enddef; LNZeroOne := lnzo; lps := lnzo; LPSFourZero := lnzo; % From {\tt hammond@jila.Colorado.EDU}, 21 January 1993. Modified from % |qms|. Prints exactly like the QMS fonts from Northlake Software. mode_def lpstz = %\[ DEC lps20 (300dpi) mode_param (pixels_per_inch, 300); mode_param (blacker, .6); mode_param (fillin, -.3); mode_param (o_correction, .6); mode_common_setup_; enddef; LPSTwoZero := lpstz; mode_def lqlores = %\[ Epson LQ-500 (180dpi) mode_param (pixels_per_inch, 180); mode_param (blacker, 0); mode_param (fillin, 0); mode_param (o_correction, .1); mode_common_setup_; enddef; EpsonLQFiveZeroZeroLo := lqlores; % This and |EpsonLQFiveZeroZeroLo| also work for a Mannesmann 300 % (from {\tt cudat@csv.warwick.ac.uk}, 4 September 1991). The $360\times360$ % modes for these printers fails for {\tt cudat}, however. mode_def lqmed = %\[ Epson LQ-500 (360x180dpi) mode_param (pixels_per_inch, 360); mode_param (aspect_ratio, 180 / pixels_per_inch); mode_param (blacker, 0); % 0.3 avoids `holes'. mode_param (fillin, 0); mode_param (o_correction, .1); mode_common_setup_; enddef; lqmedres := lqmed; EpsonLQFiveZeroZeroMed := lqmed; mode_def lqmedl = %\[ Epson LQ-500 landscape (180x360dpi) lqmed_; landscape; enddef; % These values from {\tt karl@cs.umb.edu}. |blacker = .8| or more % thickens dots, to their detriment. |blacker = .6| produces two-pixel % stems, which looks pretty good for {\tt cmr}, but it's a little dark % for {\tt cmti}, and {\tt cmbx} and {\tt cmr} then turn out the same. % |o_correction = 1| made no difference. |fillin = 1| made no % difference. mode_def lview = %\[ Sigma L-View monitor (118x109dpi) mode_param (pixels_per_inch, 118.06); mode_param (aspect_ratio, 109.25 / pixels_per_inch); mode_param (blacker, 0); mode_param (fillin, 0); mode_param (o_correction, 0); mode_common_setup_; enddef; % From {\tt Pierre.Soille@ipk.fhg.de}, 13 February 1995. % This printer also runs at 300$\,$dpi (try |cx|), 400$\,$dpi (|next|), % and 600$\,$dpi (|ljfour|). mode_def lwpro = %\[ Apple LaserWriterPro 810 (800dpi) mode_param (pixels_per_inch, 800); mode_param (blacker, 0); mode_param (fillin, 0); mode_param (o_correction, 1); mode_common_setup_; enddef; % This is untested. mode_def macmag = %\[ Mac screens at magstep 1 (86dpi) mode_param (pixels_per_inch, 86.4); mode_param (blacker, .35); mode_param (fillin, .1); mode_param (o_correction, .3); mode_common_setup_; enddef; % From the VMS distribution tape (except {\tt karl@cs.umb.edu} changed % the |o_correction| to zero). mode_def mactrue = %\[ Mac screen (72dpi) mode_param (pixels_per_inch, 72); mode_param (blacker, 0); mode_param (fillin, 0); mode_param (o_correction, 0); mode_common_setup_; enddef; MacTrueSize := mactrue; % From {\tt mcgrant@rascals.stanford.edu}, 17 December 1992. % Various other values made little difference. mode_def ncd = %\[ NCD 19-inch (95dpi) mode_param (pixels_per_inch, 95); mode_param (blacker, 0); mode_param (fillin, 0); mode_param (o_correction, 0); mode_common_setup_; enddef; % From {\tt rokicki@neon.stanford.edu}. mode_def nec = %\[ NEC (180dpi) mode_param (pixels_per_inch, 180); mode_param (blacker, 0); mode_param (fillin, 0); mode_param (o_correction, .2); mode_common_setup_; enddef; % This is the same as |cx|, except for the resolution. mode_def nechi = %\[ NEC-P6 (360dpi) mode_param (pixels_per_inch, 360); cx_; enddef; lqhires := nechi; % {\tt fkr@tooyoo1.l.u-tokyo.ac.jp}, 7 June 1995. mode_def neclm = %\[ NEC PC-PR406LM (320dpi) mode_param (pixels_per_inch, 320); mode_param (blacker, .1); mode_param (fillin, 0); mode_param (o_correction, .6); mode_common_setup_; enddef; % {\tt fkr@tooyoo1.l.u-tokyo.ac.jp}, 7 June 1995. mode_def nectzo = %\[ NEC PC-PR201 series (160dpi) mode_param (pixels_per_inch, 160); mode_param (blacker, 0); mode_param (fillin, 0); mode_param (o_correction, .2); mode_common_setup_; enddef; NecTwoZeroOne := nectzo; % From {\tt rokicki@neon.stanford.edu}. mode_def nexthi = %\[ NeXT Newgen (400dpi) mode_param (pixels_per_inch, 400); cx_; enddef; NeXTprinter := nexthi; Newgen := nexthi; % From {\tt lambert@silver.cs.umanitoba.ca}. % From {\tt rokicki@neon.stanford.edu}. mode_def nextscrn = %\[ NeXT monitor (100dpi) mode_param (pixels_per_inch, 100); mode_param (blacker, 0); mode_param (fillin, 0); mode_param (o_correction, 0); mode_common_setup_; enddef; NeXTscreen := nextscrn; nextscreen := nextscrn; % {\tt ghibo@galileo.polito.it}, for the Amiga ShowDVI previewer. mode_def nineone = %\[ NineOne (91x91) (91dpi) mode_param (pixels_per_inch, 91); mode_param (blacker, 0); mode_param (fillin, 0); mode_param (o_correction, .2); mode_common_setup_; enddef; NineOne := nineone; % From {\tt jbotz@mtholyoke.edu}, 21 April 1993. % Make TFM files only. mode_def nullmode = %\[ TFM files only (101dpi) % The resolution is irrelevant, but \MF\ always ships out % characters, so don't use the default huge |proof| resolution. mode_param (pixels_per_inch, 101); mode_param (proofing, -1); mode_param (fontmaking, 1); enddef; % {\tt ghibo@galileo.polito.it}, for the Amiga ShowDVI previewer. mode_def onetz = %\[ OneTwoZero (120/120) (120dpi) mode_param (pixels_per_inch, 120); mode_param (blacker, 0); mode_param (fillin, 0); mode_param (o_correction, .2); mode_common_setup_; enddef; OneTwoZero := onetz; % From {\tt deby@cs.utwente.nl} and {\tt issue@vax.oxford.ac.uk}. mode_def ocessfz = %\[ OCE 6750-PS (508dpi) mode_param (pixels_per_inch, 508); mode_param (blacker, 0); mode_param (fillin, 0); mode_param (o_correction, .7); mode_common_setup_; enddef; OCESixSevenFiveZeroPS := ocessfz; % From {\tt rokicki@neon.stanford.edu}. mode_def okidata = %\[ Okidata (240x288dpi) mode_param (pixels_per_inch, 240); mode_param (aspect_ratio, 288 / pixels_per_inch); mode_param (blacker, 0); mode_param (fillin, 0); mode_param (o_correction, .2); mode_common_setup_; enddef; okihi := okidata; mode_def okidatal = %\[ Okidata landscape (288x240dpi) okidata_; landscape; enddef; % {\tt roussel@henri.chem.uleth.ca}. For the dark smoothing mode. mode_def okifte = %\[ Okidata 410e in 600DPI mode (600dpi) mode_param (pixels_per_inch, 600); mode_param (blacker, .6); mode_param (fillin, .1); mode_param (o_correction, .85); mode_common_setup_; enddef; okifourten := okifte; % From {\tt AMSmodes.def}. mode_def pcscreen = %\[ also, e.g., high-resolution Suns (118dpi) mode_param (pixels_per_inch, 118); mode_param (blacker, .5); mode_param (fillin, .1); mode_param (o_correction, .3); mode_common_setup_; enddef; % {\tt fkr@tooyoo1.l.u-tokyo.ac.jp}, 7 June 1995. With the existing % |bitgraph| and |pcscreen| modes, `m' looks bad: a long vertical % line extends higher than the letter itself. mode_def pcprevw = %\[ PC screen preview (118dpi) mode_param (pixels_per_inch, 118); mode_param (blacker, .2); mode_param (fillin, 0); mode_param (o_correction, .2); mode_common_setup_; enddef; % Tektronix Color PostScript printer, from {\tt craig@sunspot@noao.edu} % on 14 January 1993. He writes: This is a thermal wax paper printer. % The values were determined using the {\tt cmr10} and {\tt cmti10} fonts. % The generated fonts look reasonable, although vertical lines and % things like the {\tt [}, {\tt ]}, and {\tt /} characters are pretty thin. mode_def phaser = %\[ Tektronix Phaser PXi (300dpi) mode_param (pixels_per_inch, 300); mode_param (blacker, 1.1); mode_param (fillin, 0); mode_param (o_correction, 1); mode_common_setup_; enddef; % From {\tt metod.kozelj@rzs-hm.si} (Metod Kozelj), 30 July 1998. % Parameters other than |blacker| have little effect. mode_def phaserfs = %\[ Tektronix Phaser 560 (1200dpi) mode_param (pixels_per_inch, 1200); mode_param (blacker, 0); mode_param (fillin, 0); mode_param (o_correction, 1); mode_common_setup_; enddef; phaserfivesixzero := phaserfs; % Tektronix Phaser 350 is a 600-by-300 colour wax printer. % From {\tt dag@ifi.uio.no} (Dag Langmyhr), 10 January 1997. % Perhaps too fat at small sizes (5$\,$pt) but looks OK for 8$\,$pt and more. mode_def phasertf = %\[ Tektronix Phaser 350 (600x300dpi) mode_param (pixels_per_inch, 600); mode_param (aspect_ratio, 300/pixels_per_inch); mode_param (blacker, 0); mode_param (fillin, 0); mode_param (o_correction, .6); mode_common_setup_; enddef; % From Aries Arditi {\tt }, 3 February 1998. % This definition makes one pixel one point, which is convenient when % you want to image-process the letter images after rendering, and don't % want to add any device corrections. If you want to grab the images off % the screen, it's useful to add lines to the definition, as well: % %%\begingroup \tt \catcode`\_=12 \obeyspaces % |mode_param (proofing, 1); % extra_endchar:=extra_endchar\&"showit"; % extra_setup := extra_setup\&"def openit = openwindow currentwindow from % origin to (screen_rows,screen_cols) at (0,50) enddef"; %%\endgroup mode_def pixpt = %\[ one pixel per point (72.27dpi) mode_param (pixels_per_inch, 72.27); mode_param (blacker, 0); mode_param (fillin, 0); mode_param (o_correction, 1); mode_common_setup_; enddef; % This is a write-white PostScript laser-setter, made by a Xerox % subsidiary. Its true aspect ratio is 1200$\,$dpi horizontally and % 600$\,$dpi vertically, but {\tt mis@apsedoff.bitnet} says that the % printer hides this, and PostScript programs should treat it as having % a square aspect ratio. But {\tt george@trevnx.bio.dfo.ca} says that % using the nonsquare aspect ratio produces identical output and uses % only half the disk space. He also says the fonts are much too dark % in general, and produce invisible diagonals in the CM typewriter % fonts---but other changes either produce errors or dark output. % % Printware's headquarters is in Minnesota; telephone (612) 456-1400. mode_def prntware = %\[ Printware 720IQ (1200dpi) mode_param (pixels_per_inch, 1200); mode_param (blacker, 0); mode_param (fillin, 0); mode_param (o_correction, 1); mode_common_setup_; enddef; PrintwareSevenTwoZeroIQ := prntware; printware := prntware; % From John Gourlay. See {\sl TUGboat} 8(2), page 133. mode_def qms = %\[ QMS (Xerox engine) (300dpi) mode_param (pixels_per_inch, 300); mode_param (blacker, .6); mode_param (blacker_min, 2); mode_param (fillin, -.3); mode_param (o_correction, .6); mode_common_setup_; mode_write_white_setup_; enddef; % From {\tt Boris.Hemkemeier@HRZ.Uni-Bielefeld.De}, 24 June 1993. % With the QMSOneSevenZeroZero mode, the left stem of `M' % in {\tt cmr10} vanishes completely. mode_def qmsostf = %\[ QMS 1725 (600dpi) mode_param (pixels_per_inch, 600); mode_param (blacker, 1); mode_param (blacker_min, 2); mode_param (fillin, 0); mode_param (o_correction, 1); mode_common_setup_; mode_write_white_setup_; enddef; QMSOneSevenTwoFive := qmsostf; % From {\tt queinnec@geant.cenatls.cena.dgac.fr}, 24 March 1993. % {\tt k316670@aearn.bitnet} says this print has a CanonNX engine % switchable between 300 and 600$\,$dpi. % % From {\tt mimi@scri.fsu.edu} (Mimi Burbank), 12 September 1996: % $\ldots$ When I found the note about the left stem of the `M' % disappearing I was concerned. % % The error, I believe, is due to the fact that the font is generated at % 600$\,$dpi, and was most likely printed on a QMS printer with 300$\,$dpi % resolution. I just had the same thing happen to me, but with our QMS % 860 set at 600dpi (the default for only one of our printers) the % output was beautiful! (I printed the same ps file on a QMS 2000 with % 300$\,$dpi resolution, and on a QMS 860 with 600$\,$dpi resolution.) mode_def qmsoszz = %\[ QMS 1700 (600dpi) mode_param (pixels_per_inch, 600); mode_param (blacker, .2); mode_param (blacker_min, 2); mode_param (fillin, 0); mode_param (o_correction, 1); mode_common_setup_; mode_write_white_setup_; enddef; QMSOneSevenZeroZero := qmsoszz; % From {\tt teddy@fukt.hk-r.se}, 28 September 1996. mode_def qmstftf = %\[ QMS 2425 (1200dpi) mode_param (pixels_per_inch, 1200); mode_param (blacker, .3); mode_param (fillin, .5); mode_param (o_correction, 1); mode_common_setup_; enddef; QMSTwoFourTwoFive := qmstftf; % These values from Stan Osborne, {\sl TUGboat} 8(2), page 134. mode_def ricoh = %\[ e.g., TI Omnilaser (300dpi) mode_param (pixels_per_inch, 300); mode_param (blacker, .2); mode_param (blacker_min, 2); mode_param (fillin, -.2); mode_param (o_correction, .5); mode_common_setup_; mode_write_white_setup_; enddef; RicohFourZeroEightZero := ricoh; RicohFortyEighty := ricoh; % From {\tt Martin.Ward@durham.ac.uk}. Apparently the engine is % different from the Ricoh 4080. With a larger value of |blacker|, % characters like the `e' in {\tt cmtt8} look bad. mode_def ricoha = %\[ e.g., IBM 4216 (300dpi) mode_param (pixels_per_inch, 300); mode_param (blacker, .2); mode_param (blacker_min, 2); mode_param (fillin, 0); mode_param (o_correction, .75); mode_common_setup_; mode_write_white_setup_; enddef; RicohA := ricoha; IBMFourTwoOneSix := ricoha; % From John Sauter. mode_def ricohlp = %\[ e.g., DEC LN03 (300dpi) mode_param (pixels_per_inch, 300); mode_param (blacker, .65); mode_param (blacker_min, 2); mode_param (fillin, -.2); mode_param (o_correction, .5); mode_common_setup_; mode_write_white_setup_; enddef; RicohLP := ricohlp; LNOthree := ricohlp; LNZeroThree := ricohlp; % From {\tt nishida@src.ricoh.co.jp} (Akihiro Nishida), 30 August 1996. % These printers are available only in Japan. mode_def ricohsp = %\[ Ricoh sp10ps/lp7200-ux (600dpi) mode_param (pixels_per_inch, 600); mode_param (blacker, 0); mode_param (fillin, 0.2); mode_param (o_correction, .6); mode_common_setup_; enddef; % From {\tt dickson@eeserv.ee.umanitoba.ca}. {\tt gil.cc.gatech.edu} % has different values; {\tt img@ai.edinburgh.ac.uk} sets |blacker=.1|. % Corrected by {\tt andy@vlsi.cs.caltech.edu}, 28 August 1991. % The darkness knob on the printer has a much larger effect than % any of these parameters. {\tt carlos@snfep1.if.usp.br} points out % that the printer can operate at either 300$\,$dpi or 400$\,$dpi, and % if your fonts don't match the setting, naturally they won't look % very good. He says the following works in Dvips' {\tt config.ps} file % to set 400$\,$dpi: %%\begingroup \tt \catcode`\%=12 \catcode`\{=12 \catcode`\}=12 \obeyspaces % /SetResolution { % /setres where { % /setres get exec % }{ % pop % } ifelse % } def % %%BeginFeature *SetResolution 400 % 400 SetResolution % %%EndFeature % %%EndSetup %%\endgroup % % (This is the file {\tt resolution400.ps} supplied with NeWSprint.) % {\tt simpson@math.psu.edu} only got this work by downloading the code % via an extra header file, i.e., having this in the Dvips config file: %%\begingroup \tt \obeyspaces % M sparcptr % D 400 % h resolution400.ps %%\endgroup % mode_def sparcptr = %\[ Sun SPARCprinter (400dpi) mode_param (pixels_per_inch, 400); mode_param (blacker, .25); mode_param (fillin, .2); mode_param (o_correction, .6); mode_common_setup_; enddef; SparcPrinter := sparcptr; % From {\tt ee@dacth51.bitnet}. mode_def starnlt = %\[ Star NL-10 (240x216dpi) mode_param (pixels_per_inch, 240); mode_param (aspect_ratio, 216 / pixels_per_inch); mode_param (blacker, 0); mode_param (fillin, .2); mode_param (o_correction, .4); mode_common_setup_; enddef; StarNLOneZero := starnlt; mode_def starnltl = %\[ Star NL-10 landscape (216x240dpi) starnlt_; landscape; enddef; % |stylewriter| mode added by Andrew Trevorrow % {\tt } for Oz\TeX users. All % parameters (except |pixels_per_inch|) are the same as the |cx| mode so % that PK files can be shared by both types of printers. % % With |blacker=0|, hbar is indistinguishable for h, i.e., the bar % disappears. Thus 0.1. From Wulf Hofbauer {\tt }, % 5 June 1998. mode_def stylewri = %\[ Apple StyleWriter (360dpi) mode_param (pixels_per_inch, 360); mode_param (blacker, 0.1); mode_param (fillin, .2); mode_param (o_correction, .6); mode_common_setup_; enddef; stylewriter := stylewri; stylewr := stylewri; % From {\tt px@fct.unl.pt (Joaquim Baptista [pxQuim])}. I find % |epstylus| far too dark. It seems to me that plain values of 0 to % |blacker| and |fillin| work perfectly with values of |o_correction| in % the range of .6 to .8. I ended up using [this mode:] epstylwr := stylewri; % Andrew defines |sw| as well, but I am reluctant to use such a % potentially common identifier --{\tt kb@cs.umb.edu}, 8 October 1996. % From {\tt grunwald@foobar.colorado.edu}. Sun monitors have several % different resolutions, but this seems the most common of the lot. % Use |pcscreen| for high-resolution monitors. mode_def sun = %\[ Sun and BBN Bitgraph (85dpi) mode_param (pixels_per_inch, 85); mode_param (blacker, .35); mode_param (fillin, .1); mode_param (o_correction, .3); mode_common_setup_; enddef; mode_def supre = %\[ Ultre*setter (2400dpi) mode_param (pixels_per_inch, 2400); mode_param (blacker, 0); mode_param (fillin, 0); mode_param (o_correction, 1); mode_common_setup_; enddef; mode_def toshiba = %\[ Toshiba 13XX, EpsonLQ (180dpi) mode_param (pixels_per_inch, 180); mode_param (blacker, 0); mode_param (fillin, 0); mode_param (o_correction, .2); mode_common_setup_; enddef; epsonlq := toshiba; mode_def ultre = %\[ Ultre*setter (1200dpi) mode_param (pixels_per_inch, 1200); mode_param (blacker, 0); mode_param (fillin, 0); mode_param (o_correction, 1); mode_common_setup_; enddef; Prism := ultre; % From {\tt Martin.Ward@durham.ac.uk}. mode_def vs = %\[ VAXstation monitor (78dpi) mode_param (pixels_per_inch, 78); mode_param (blacker, 0); mode_param (fillin, 0); mode_param (o_correction, 0); mode_common_setup_; enddef; VAXstation := vs; gpx := vs; % From {\tt erikjan@icce.rug.nl}, 23 August 1991. mode_def vtftzz = %\[ Varityper 4200 B-P (1800dpi) mode_param (pixels_per_inch, 1800); mode_param (blacker, 0); mode_param (fillin, 0); mode_param (o_correction, 1); mode_common_setup_; enddef; VarityperFourTwoZeroZero := vtftzz; % From {\tt mjm@as.arizona.edu}, 26 February 1992. mode_def vtftzzhi = %\[ Varityper 4300P (2400dpi) mode_param (pixels_per_inch, 2400); mode_param (blacker, 0); mode_param (fillin, 0); mode_param (o_correction, 1); mode_common_setup_; enddef; VarityperFourThreeZeroZeroHi := vtftzzhi; % From {\tt mjm@as.arizona.edu}, 26 February 1992. mode_def vtftzzlo = %\[ Varityper 4300P (1200dpi) mode_param (pixels_per_inch, 1200); mode_param (blacker, 2); % used to be 3.5, see |lexmarkr| comments. mode_param (fillin, 0); mode_param (o_correction, 1); mode_common_setup_; enddef; VarityperFourThreeZeroZeroLo := vtftzzlo; % From {\tt rocky@panix.com}. This can also be used for the Autologic's % APS6 cut sheet dry process printer. For that printer, perhaps % |blacker=0.8| is better. For the Varityper, though, at |blacker=0.8| % the dots of the umlaut start to fill in. For |blacker<0.6|, the tops % and bottoms of lowercase g's and s's in {\tt cmr5} drop out. mode_def vtfzszw = %\[ Varitype 5060W, APS 6 (600dpi) mode_param (pixels_per_inch, 600); mode_param (blacker, .7); mode_param (fillin, 0); mode_param (o_correction, 1); mode_common_setup_; enddef; VarityperFiveZeroSixZeroW := vtfzszw; APSSixMed := vtfzszw; % The worst problem is toner irregularity. This may be the same printer % as the IBM 4250. mode_def vtszz = %\[ Varityper Laser 600 (600dpi) mode_param (pixels_per_inch, 600); mode_param (blacker, 0); mode_param (fillin, 0); mode_param (o_correction, 1); mode_common_setup_; enddef; VarityperSixZeroZero := vtszz; VTSix := vtszz; varityper := vtszz; % Some information about Xerox printers, from {\tt siemsen@barnard.usc.edu}: % The Docutech system and the 4135 have the same engine. % The 4050, 4075 and 4090 have the same engine. % The 4650 has a unique engine. % The 4850 has a unique engine. % From {\tt u12570@uicvm.uic.edu}. These values are mostly guesses. mode_def xrxesnz = %\[ Xerox 8790 or 4045 (300dpi) mode_param (pixels_per_inch, 300); mode_param (blacker, 0.4); mode_param (blacker_min, 2); mode_param (fillin, 0); mode_param (o_correction, 0.2); mode_common_setup_; mode_write_white_setup_; enddef; XeroxEightSevenNineZero := xrxesnz; % From {\tt u12570@uicvm.uic.edu}. Many variations for different fonts. % {\tt bart@cs.tamu.edu} says this works for the Xerox 4700, also. mode_def xrxfzfz = %\[ Xerox 4050/4075/4090/4700 (300dpi) mode_param (pixels_per_inch, 300); mode_param (blacker, .7); mode_param (fillin, 0); mode_param (o_correction, .5); mode_common_setup_; enddef; XeroxFourZeroFiveZero := xrxfzfz; % From {\tt u12570@uicvm.uic.edu}. He sent many variations of this, % for different fonts. I don't know a reasonable way to put them in % yet, so this is just the basic entry. mode_def xrxnszz = %\[ Xerox 9700 (300dpi) mode_param (pixels_per_inch, 300); mode_param (blacker, .7); mode_param (fillin, 0); mode_param (o_correction, .5); mode_common_setup_; enddef; XeroxNineSevenZeroZero := xrxnszz; % From {\tt lee@sq.com}. These values may be improvable. mode_def xrxtszz = %\[ Xerox 3700 (300dpi) mode_param (pixels_per_inch, 300); mode_param (blacker, .85); mode_param (blacker_min, 2); mode_param (fillin, -.1); mode_param (o_correction, .5); mode_common_setup_; mode_write_white_setup_; enddef; XeroxThreeSevenZeroZero := xrxtszz; mode_def help = %\[ What modes are available? for i = 1 upto number_of_modes: message mode_name[i]; endfor; % Doesn't make sense to be able to do this twice, so forget this % definition after it's been used. save ?; enddef; let ? = help_; % These variables determine the size of \MF's (window system) % window for online output. These numbers should match whatever % the window system is told, or bizarre positioning of the output % in the window results. Properly implemented online device drivers % will use these values as the default size. The defaults here are % from {\tt plain.mf}. screen_rows := 400; screen_cols := 500; % The mode most commonly used to make fonts here. localfont := ljfour; %%\bye %%%% Local variables: %%%% page-delimiter: "^% here are" %%%% End: