TIPA version 1.1 Fukui Rei (fkr@tooyoo.l.u-tokyo.ac.jp) 7 January, 2002 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Version 1.1 (as of 2002/01/07): - MF sources modified. - Makefile updated. Version 1.1 (as of 2001/12/31): - MF sources modified. - 1.1 manual completed. - added some codes for handling \sffamily for tipx and xipx series. - Grave Macron Accent (\textgravemacron) added (thanks to Joachim Becker). Version 1.1 (as of 2001/12/06): - new series of fonts (tipx and xipx) added. - T3 encoding slightly modified. Version 1.0 (2001/10/28): - file names `T3*.*' changed to `t3*.*'. (This should have been done long before!) - t3enc.def, tipa.sty modified to be reloadable (thanks to Dominique Unruh). - bugs fixed in t3enc.def (thanks to Peter Zimmermann). - typos corrected in the documentation (thanks to Peter Zimmermann, Rafael Laboissiere, Yoshinari Fujino). - a new t3phv.fd file (provided by Walter Schmidt). - manual for the vowel package `vowel.tex' completed. (TODO: Dirk Janssen provided me with an excellent package with detailed installation documentation; many others gave me useful suggestions but I still don't have time to incorporate all these things into a new package. Installation section of the manual is now obsolete and should be rewritten thoroughly in the future.) Version beta0624 (1996/06/24): - more symbols defined by \* macro. - \:, \;, \! commands. - `safe' option. - documentation much improved. New features (1996/06/11): - T3enc.def and tipa.sty heavily modified. - 17 point fonts (tipa17.mf and tipass17) and a bold font (tipab10) added. - a series of new fonts (xipa*) and new font description files (T3ptm.fd and T3phv.fd), which can be used with `times.sty', created. - a few bugs in mf source codes corrected (character height of `primary stress' and `secondary stress') New features (1996/05/12): - T3enc.def created and all the package files are modified accordingly. - diacritics for `extIPA', `VoQS' added. New features (1996/04/21): - a few diacritics added (\celtpal, \opencorner) - an optional package for drawing vowel diagrams (vowel.sty) - many bugs corrected, documentation improved New features (1996/03/12): - a tentative ligtable is added. - tone.sty for `tone letters' added. - a few symbols added by way of TeX macros. - macros completely rewritten. - more accents, and easy input method for most of the accents and diacritics. - an introductory manual, `tipaman.tex' included. (`symblist' and `codelist' are now merged into this file.) FUKUI Rei