% tipxbx8.mf: TIPX Bold Extended Roman 8 point parameter file % Copyright 2002 FUKUI Rei % % This program may be distributed and/or modified under the % conditions of the LaTeX Project Public License, either version 1.2 % of this license or (at your option) any later version. % The latest version of this license is in % http://www.latex-project.org/lppl.txt % and version 1.2 or later is part of all distributions of LaTeX % version 1999/12/01 or later. % % This program consists of all files listed in Manifest.txt. % % Version 1.1 2002/08/08 FUKUI Rei % % This file is based on: % Computer Modern font series by D. E. Knuth and % TSIPA by KOBAYASHI Hajime, FUKUI Rei and SHIRAKAWA Shun. if unknown cmbase: input cmbase fi if unknown tipabase: input tipabase fi font_identifier:="TIPXBX"; font_size 8pt#; Times_Compat:=false; if Times_Compat: input tipatr fi u#:=19.6/36pt#; width_adj#:=9.4/36pt#; serif_fit#:=0pt#; cap_serif_fit#:=5.4/36pt#; letter_fit#:=0pt#; body_height#:=216/36pt#; asc_height#:=200/36pt#; cap_height#:=197.6/36pt#; fig_height#:=185.6/36pt#; x_height#:=128/36pt#; math_axis#:=72/36pt#; bar_height#:=67/36pt#; comma_depth#:=56/36pt#; desc_depth#:=56/36pt#; crisp#:=0pt#; tiny#:=12/36pt#; fine#:=10/36pt#; thin_join#:=10/36pt#; hair#:=16.2/36pt#; stem#:=35/36pt#; curve#:=39/36pt#; ess#:=32/36pt#; flare#:=39/36pt#; dot_size#:=46/36pt#; cap_hair#:=19/36pt#; cap_stem#:=43/36pt#; cap_curve#:=46/36pt#; cap_ess#:=43/36pt#; rule_thickness#:=.54pt#; dish#:=1/36pt#; bracket#:=8/36pt#; jut#:=19/36pt#; cap_jut#:=31/36pt#; beak_jut#:=9.4/36pt#; beak#:=55/36pt#; vair#:=12/36pt#; notch_cut#:=8pt#; bar#:=15/36pt#; slab#:=15/36pt#; cap_bar#:=15/36pt#; cap_band#:=15/36pt#; cap_notch_cut#:=8pt#; serif_drop#:=2.4/36pt#; stem_corr#:=1.8/36pt#; vair_corr#:=1.3/36pt#; apex_corr#:=0pt#; o#:=4/36pt#; apex_o#:=3/36pt#; slant:=0; fudge:=1; math_spread:=.9; superness:=8/11; superpull:=1/8; beak_darkness:=.4; ligs:=2; square_dots:=false; hefty:=false; serifs:=true; monospace:=false; low_asterisk:=false; math_fitting:=false; sc.u#:=15.34/36pt#; sc.letter_fit#:=2.4/36pt#; generate tipx % switch to the driver file