The resource databases described in `Programming the Display PostScript System with X (Appendix A: Locating PostScript Resources)' from Adobe Systems provides a convenient way to organize PostScript type1 fonts, their AFM files and encoding vectors on a central place of a UNIX workstation. The databases can be created with the program makepsres(1) from the directories containing them. The PS resource library (PSres.c+PSres.h) provides the necessary functions to get the absolute filename of a resource in the database. Because Adobe's software can be freely redistributed as long as the copyrights (see PSres.c) are obeyed, I have used a slightly modified version for ps2pk. These modifications were needed: - to use it on MSDOS - to add the ability to use binary resources (PFB and PFM fonts) - to recognize encoding vectors if the filename ends with ".enc" To prevent any confusion with the original makepsres(1) and to fit better in the MSDOS name space I have renamed the utility for creating databases into mkpsres(1). The sources and documentation of the original DPS software is available through Adobe's ftp server (see the file ADOBE). --Piet November 1995