.TH pkfonts 1 "Nov 95" TeXware .SH NAME pkfonts \- generate missing PK fonts from dvifiles .SH SYNOPSIS .B pkfonts [ \fIoptions\fP ] dvifile[.dvi] ... options: [-adhmv] [-x\fImag\fP] [-B\fIbdpi\fP] [-M\fImode\fP] .br .de Ex .sp .RS .nf .ft C .. .de Xe .ft P .RE .sp .fi .. .SH DESCRIPTION The program \fIpkfonts\fP reads the specified DVI files and generates the PK fonts that are missing by calling mtpk(1). If the DVI file references a virtual font, one for which a VF file exists, all fonts referenced in that virtual font are also generated even if the DVI file does not acces a single character from it. With pkfonts you can easily preinstall a complete set of PK fonts for your favourite previewer and TeX macro package. For example to create all 11pt LaTeX fonts for the PostScript times font style you could use: .RS .nf \edocumentclass[11pt]{article} \eusepackage{times} \einput textfonts .fi .RE In textfonts you add commands like {\\VARIANT\\SIZE bla} for all possible VARIANTS (\\rm, \\bf, etc.) and SIZES (\\small, \\large, etc.) there are. The letters `bla' need to be choosen so that all virtual fonts for VARIANT and SIZE are represented. When the \fB-a\fP option is specified all fonts used in the dvifiles are reported but not generated. With \fB-m\fP all missing fonts are shown, not generated. With the \fB-i\fP option all existing PK fonts referenced from the DVI file are matched against the TFM and VF fonts. Fonts with incompatible checksums are reported so that they can be regenerated separatley. With the \fB-d\fP option you get a lot of extra debugging information. .SH OPTIONS .IP -a show all fonts from DVI files without making .IP -h give a short help and exit .IP -i show incompatible fonts (checksum mismatches) .IP -v provide verbose output and call mtpk with -v flag .IP -d provide debug information and call mtpk with -d flag .IP -m show all missing fonts from DVI files without making .IP -x\fBmag\fP overrule default magnification of 1000 with \fBmag\fP .IP -B\fBbdpi\fP overrule default base resolution with \fBbdpi\fP .IP -M\fBmode\fP use METAFONT mode definition \fBmode\fP. .SH ENVIRONMENTS The following environment variables can be used to overrule the default values used by pkfonts. None of them are hardwired into the program but should be connected to the internal names used by mtpk(5) in the way as demonstrated for MFINPUTS. A typical definition for `mfipath' might be: .RS .Ex TEXMF = /usr/local/tex MFINPUTS = .:$TEXMF/fonts/typefaces// mfipath = $MFINPUTS .Xe .RE .IP TEXCONFIG Overrules built-in TEXCONFIG path. .IP PRINTER When specified will cause config.\fBPRINTER\fP to be used after the master configuration file (config.ps) and the user's defaults are read. .IP TEXFONTS Overrules TFM path. .IP VFFONTS Overrules VF path. .IP TEXPKS Overrules PK path. .IP FLIPATH Overrules FLI (font library path for emTeX). .SH SEE ALSO mtpk(1), mtpk(5), dvips(1) .SH AUTHOR .nf Piet Tutelaers rcpt@urc.tue.nl