This file belongs to the TOIL package | Ten plik nale/zy do pakietu TOIL This package is public domain | Pakiet stanowi dobro powszechne ======================================================================== This is a configurable Type One Install utiLity (TOIL) TOIL package consists of: 0TOILENG.INF -- English info file 0TOILENG.LIC -- English license (This file) 0TOILPOL.LIC -- Polish license A2T.BAT -- Main system script file A2TQX.BAT -- Additional script file (predefines QX encoding and ligatures) TOIL.CFG -- Config file TOILA.AWK -- Governing AWK program TOILB.AWK -- AFM-to-MF AWK program TOILC.AWK -- Post-MF AWK program TOIL.MF1 -- Component 1 of METAFONT program TOIL.MF2 -- Component 2 of METAFONT program TOIL.MF3 -- Component 3 of METAFONT program E.PL -- PL encoding file (included for compatibility) E.QX -- QX encoding file L.QX -- QX ligature scheme (QX scheme is Polish-oriented) ======================================================================= AUTHORS: Bogu\l{}aw Jackowski, Piotr Pianowski, Piotr Strzelczyk Mail: BOP s.c., ul. Piastowska 70, 80-363 Gda\'nsk, Poland Email: ======================================================================= All copyrights, copylefts, copyups, copydowns, or whatever you wish to call them, concerning all the files in the TOIL package are essentially of the public domain character. This package is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but without any warranty. Although the authors have attempted to find and correct any bugs in the package, they are not responsible for any damage or losses of any kind caused by the use or misuse of the package. The authors are under no obligation to provide service, corrections, or upgrades to this package. If you alter a file or if you distribute incomplete package, please remove the lines containing the comment: `This file belongs to the TOIL package | Ten plik nale/zy do pakietu TOIL' in order to avoid mess. ======================================================================= END OF `0TOILENG.LIC'