#This file belongs to the TOIL package : Ten plik nale/zy do pakietu TOIL #This package is public domain : Pakiet stanowi dobro powszechne #For more info see `0TOILENG.LIC' : Wi/ecej informacji w ,,0TOILPOL.LIC'' #============================================================================ # AUXILIARY TASK FILE: extracts relevant information from the MF LOG-file # ========================================================================== BEGIN { fix_const(); get_tmp_config(TMP_CFG) # GET AND CHECK THE FIRST LINE OF THE METAFONT LOG FILE getline if (!/^This is METAFONT/) mess("Are you sure that", FILENAME, "is a METAFONT log file?") } /^:ENC:/ {was_ENC=1; print substr($0,6) > TMP_ENC} /^:MAP:/ {was_MAP=1; map_line=map_line (map_line!="" ? " " : "") substr($0,6)} END { if (was_MAP) { print map_line >> TMP_MAP if (CV["MAP"]=="") xmess=" newly created" mess("Font info appended to" xmess, sys_conc(CV["RES_MAP_DIR"], CV["USER_MAP"])) } if (was_ENC) mess("Encoding extracted to", sys_conc(CV["RES_ENC_DIR"], CV["ENC_NAME"] CV["RES_ENC_EXT"])) mess("Font metrics moved to", sys_conc(CV["RES_TFM_DIR"], CV["MF"] ".tfm")) if ((!CV["QUIET"]) && (LOG!="")) print "Transcript written on " LOG > "CON" } # ========================================================================== function mess(s1,s2,s3,s4, s) {# at most four parts may occur s=s1; if (s2!="") s=s " " s2; if (s3!="") s=s " " s3; if (s4!="") s=s " " s4 if (length(s)<=max_line) { if (!CV["QUIET"]) print s > "CON"; if (LOG!="") print s > LOG } else { if ((!CV["QUIET"]) && (s1!="")) print s1 > "CON" if ((LOG!="") && (s1!="")) print s1 > LOG if ((!CV["QUIET"]) && (s2!="")) print s2 > "CON" if ((LOG!="") && (s2!="")) print s2 > LOG if ((!CV["QUIET"]) && (s3!="")) print s3 > "CON" if ((LOG!="") && (s3!="")) print s3 > LOG if ((!CV["QUIET"]) && (s4!="")) print s4 > "CON" if ((LOG!="") && (s4!="")) print s4 > LOG } } function sys_conc(a, b) {# a -- directory, b -- file name if ((a=="") || (b ~ /:/)) return b else if (b=="") return a else return sys_name(a (a ~ /:$/ ? "" : "/" ) b) } function sys_name(n) {gsub(/\\+/,"/",n); gsub(/\/+/,"\\",n); return n} function get_tmp_cfg_item(item_name, item) { CV[$1]=$0; gsub("^" $1 " +", "", CV[$1]); } function get_tmp_config (TMP_CFG, v) { while (getline < TMP_CFG > 0) get_tmp_cfg_item() # for (v in CV) printf("%20s %s\n", v, CV[v]) TMP_TMP=CV["TMP_TMP"] TMP_ENC=CV["TMP_ENC"] TMP_MAP=CV["TMP_MAP"] } function fix_const() { # GENERAL CONSTANTS (used also in toila.awk and toilb.awk) QQ="\"" max_line=79 # screen limit max_sys_line=127 # MSDOS limit TMP_CFG="~t~m~p~.cfg" }