This directory has texts and font materials which may be of interest to those working with India. This README file is a combined successor to previously separate README and UPDATES files. Many of these texts are also available in the format in which they were originally posted (and reflecting a state of the texts prior to our possible introduction of errors) on the host in the directory pub/users/ucgadkw/indology The names have been changed to make things hopelessly confusing (but also to permit keeping both versions in the same place at the same time). May 15 1992: the file has been added; panini has the file sutrapat.csx, with the asthadhyayi in the Classical Sanskrit extended character set. This is a modified form of the text as made available on the Indology listserver at May 15 1992: for those with PCs, the files wnrir.ega, wnrir.vga,, and may be of interest. [These must be transferred in binary mode]. The files wnrir.ega and wnrir.vga are screen fonts for EGA and VGA respectively (the VGA font is also the right size for a Hercules plus). Those with screen font downloading utilities may use these fonts to view Sanskrit material encoded with CS/CSX encoding --such as sutrapat.csx above. The files and are small program files which load the video controller with the screen fonts; these programs *do not* stay memory resident. Anything which resets the video controller (e.g. the `mode' command, or most graphics programs) will evict the wnrir font. Some cards have been marketed as having `VGA graphics' but do not support VGA fonts; if you have such a card you can likely use the program. None of these are useful for plain Hercules or clone `mono- graphics' cards, or for CGA cards (or for that matter causing rain to fall or cooking the perfect ras malai). 15 May 1992: the file has been added; this contains the TEI encoded text of the buddhacarita prepared by Peter Schreiner retranscribed in the CS/CSX encoding. 23 June, 1992: The file has been added; this contains the transcription of Varhahamira's Brhatsamhita made available by Michio Yano and Mizue Sugita (based on the A.V. Tripathi Sarasvati Bhavan Granthamala edition) converted to Classical Sanskrit Extended 8-bit encoding (CS/CSX). 19 August, 1992: The file has been added; this contains the Peter Schreiner transcription of Norman Brown's edition of Shankara's Saundarylahari [converted to CSX encoding]. 30 March, 1993: The file has been added. The metafont-specific portions have been relocated into their own subdirectory 'metafont'. Concerning rasratna: This is the IASS/CSX encoded version of: The Rasaratnasamuccaya of Vagbhata: machine readable transcription, based on the Anandasrama Sanskrit Series edition, vol. 19, edited by Krishnaravasharman Vinayaka Bapata, Poona 1890. Covers up to chapter 5, verse 23. Transcription by Wieslaw Mical, Som Dev Vasudeva and Anne Glazier, of SOAS, London. In the directory metafont is a CSX version of Computer Modern. This is a pre-release version of the Washington Romanized Indic family of fonts, based on the proposed CS/CSX encoding of transliterated Sanskrit (and other Indic languages). The fonts contain a copy of the standard CMR fonts in positions 0 to 127 and the CS/CSX characters in their locations in `upper ASCII' according to the proposed standard. The fonts also contain other characters which are not recognized in the CS/CSX standard; some of these are drawn from the IBM-PC character set, and some are from other transliteration systems which may be convenient for people dealing with India. This software is being released during the testing phase on a ``need-to-know'' basis; please do not re-post this message in the view of the general public as that would likely tend to provoke a lot of mail, which would at this point only detract from my ability to properly finish things up. You are welcome to circulate the fonts/news of the fonts to other individuals you feel might be able to benefit from or contribute to the enterprise with their suggestions. Be advised that the font families are still under development and changes, including changes in the arrangement of the HACC extension characters may be made. The CS/CSX characters do not at this point have kerning values applied to them. You won't be able to do much with any of these unless you know how to run Metafont. Don't ask me; look it up. The CS/CSX characters, --by default--, do not place the correct information in the tfm file about their actual heights and depths; this is arguably the `correct' behavior for characters which are `accented' (it is also arguably incorrect). It will, however, prevent you from being able to apply TeX's own accent operations to the characters in the CS/CSX set since TeX won't know how tall they really are. (The rationale for the untruth BTW is to prevent awkward glops of whitespace intruding between lines when an *occasional* very tall accented character shows up.) June 18, 1993: the metafonts are updated and moved to a new directory. Test versions of outline fonts are available in the outlines directory. Outline fonts follow a slightly different coding scheme; examine them with whatever keymap/charmap utility you may have. Revise them with fontographer or fontmonger if you like. Suggestions for additions and changes will be considered with the same level of charm and graciousness with which they are offered. cheers, Tom