% This is ANGSAXRM.MF % Special version of Computer Modern for \TeX's Robert Stevick's % A Firstbook of Old English. Kenkyusha: Tokyo, 1992. font_coding_scheme:="TeX extended ASCII"; mode_setup; font_setup; mono_charic#:=0; numeric cdilorigin; cdilorigin=if monospace: -o else: 0 fi; input nuhacccm; %altered base input gram_max; %special macros input newgb.map input greeks; input ligature; input phones; input smallcap; input grampunc; input oldeng; input addpunc; input product; if production: input romanu; % upper case (majuscules) input romanl; % lower case (minuscules) input romand; % numerals input romanp; % ampersand, question marks, currency sign input punct; % punctuation symbols common to roman and italic text input romlig; fi % now --- numerous characters with built-in diacritics input acctmax; % overdot characters input odotacct; input oldeng; input romanua; input romanla; % hatted characters input hattacct; input romanla; % scandinavian ring accent characters input orngacct; input romanua; input romanla; % umlauted characters input umlaacct; input romanla; input romanua; input smallcap; % acute accents input acutacct; input romanla; input romanua; input ligature; % inverted breves input ibrvacct; input romanua; input romanla; % macron characters input macracct; input romanua; input romanla; input ligature; % hachek characters input hachacct; input romanla; % macron and acute input baraacct; input romanla; input romanua; input ligature; % grave accented input gravacct; input romanla; % scandinavian ring under input urngacct; input romanla; % cedillas input cdilacct; input romanla; input romanua; % ogonek/polish hooks input ogonacct; input romanla; input romanua; % tilde characters input tildacct; input romanla; % now the end_game font_x_height x_height#; if monospace: font_normal_space 9u#; % no stretching or shrinking font_quad 18u#; font_extra_space 9u#; else: font_normal_space 6u#+2letter_fit#; font_normal_stretch 3u#; font_normal_shrink 2u#; font_quad 18u#+4letter_fit#; font_extra_space 2u#; fi if production: if monospace: k#:=-.5u#; kk#:=-1.5u#; kkk#:=-2u#; % three degrees of kerning % next group of ligs is from comlig ligtable "`": "`"=:oct"134"; % ligtable "'": "'"=:oct"010", "?" kern 2u#, "!" kern 2u#; % ehh? why did we ever want to say oct"010" ?? ligtable "'": "'"=:oct"042", "?" kern 2u#, "!" kern 2u#; ligtable "-": "-"=:oct"173"; ligtable oct"173": "-"=:oct"174"; % end of comlig ligatures ligtable "k": if serifs: "v": "a" kern -u#, fi\\"w": "e" kern k#, "a" kern k#, "o" kern k#, "c" kern k#; ligtable "P": "A" kern kk#, "y": "o" kern k#, "e" kern k#, "a" kern k#, "." kern kk#, "," kern kk#; ligtable "F": "V": "W": if serifs: "o" kern kk#, "e" kern kk#, "u" kern kk#, "r" kern kk#, "a" kern kk#, "A" kern kkk#, else: "o" kern k#, "e" kern k#, "u" kern k#, "r" kern k#, "a" kern k#, "A" kern kk#, fi "K": "X": "O" kern k#, "C" kern k#, "G" kern k#, "Q" kern k#; ligtable "T": "y" kern if serifs: k# else: kk# fi, "Y": "e" kern kk#, "o" kern kk#, "r" kern kk#, "a" kern kk#, "A" kern kk#, "u" kern kk#; ligtable "O": "D": "X" kern k#, "W" kern k#, "A" kern k#, "V" kern k#, "Y" kern k#; if serifs: ligtable "h": "m": "n": "t" kern k#, "u" kern k#, "b" kern k#, "y" kern k#, "v" kern k#, "w" kern k#; ligtable "c": "h" kern k#, "k" kern k#; fi ligtable "o": "b": "p": "e" kern -k#, "o" kern -k#, "x" kern k#, "d" kern -k#, "c" kern -k#, "q" kern -k#, "a": if serifs: "v" kern k#, "j" kern u#, else: "r" kern k#, fi "t": "y" kern k#, "u": "w" kern k#; ligtable "A": if serifs: "R": fi\\ "t" kern k#, "C" kern k#, "O" kern k#, "G" kern k#, "U" kern k#, "Q" kern k#, "L": "T" kern kk#, "Y" kern kk#, "V" kern kkk#, "W" kern kkk#; ligtable "g": "j" kern -k#; % logjam ligtable "I": "I" kern -k#; % Richard III fi fi bye.