% Macros to draw macron and flattened acute accents using accent-pointed chardefs % map files and hacccm numeric barwidth; barwidth=vround .2[vair,stem]; numeric semiwidth; semiwidth=7.5u; cmchar "Acute accent"; beginchar(oct"023",9u#,min(asc_height#,2x_height#),0); italcorr h#*slant-if serifs: 1.5 fi u#; adjust_fit(0,0); if serifs: pickup crisp.nib; x1+.5stem=hround(w-2u); x2=2/3[x1,w-x1]; y1+.5stem=h+eps; y2=max(2/3[h,x_height],x_height+o+hair); y1:=.825[y2,y1]; % flatten it a bit numeric theta; theta=angle(z2-z1)+90; pos1(stem,theta); pos2(hair,theta); filldraw circ_stroke z1e--z2e; % diagonal else: pickup fine.nib; pos1(stem,0); pos2(vair,0); rt x1r=hround(w-1.5u); lft x2l=hround(.5w-.25u-.5vair); top y1=.825[x_height,h]; % flattened a bit bot y2=vround 2/3[h,x_height]; filldraw stroke z1e--z2e; fi % diagonal transform Tf; Tf = identity shifted (-.5w+slant*(-y2),-y2*aspect_ratio); savePicture(MacronPic); endgroup; cmchar "Macron (bar) accent"; numeric macron_breadth#; macron_breadth#=.2[vair#,stem#]; beginchar(oct"026",9u#,.4[x_height#,asc_height#]+macron_breadth#,0); italcorr h#*slant-.75u#; adjust_fit(0,0); numeric macron_breadth; macron_breadth:=Vround .2[vair,stem]; pickup if serifs: crisp.nib else: fine.nib fi; pos1(macron_breadth,90); pos2(macron_breadth,90); top y1r=top y2r=h+o; lft x1=w-rt x2=hround 1.25u; filldraw stroke z1e--z2e; % bar transform At; At=identity shifted(.5w+slant*(h+acctdiff),aspect_ratio*(h+acctdiff)); ap(MacronPic); if monospace: currentpicture:=currentpicture shifted(0,1/2aspect_ratio*dot_size); fi makeACCENT(MacronPic); endgroup; extra_endchar:= " czu ap(MacronPic); ah; oechar; "; boolean dotson; dotson=false; % omit dots on i, j, and possibly etc. def cp =baract enddef;